DIANE D Evil Entity Strikes Again! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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DIANE D Evil Entity Strikes Again! is the fifth book of the DIANE D series. It involves Diane D being locked away in an Upstate, New York mental institution for the horrible vicious slaughters one of her other personalities has committed the year prior.

Diane D’s doctor, Dr. Stone talks with two of the widows Mrs. Jenkins and Mrs.

Peterson whose husbands were killed by one of Diane D’s other personalities. He tells Mrs. Jenkins and Mrs. Peterson that he thinks Diane D’s other personality kicked in after the fight with her and Jeremy and was involved in attacking Jeremy’s body locking him in a choke hold while he was knocked out unconscious.

Days later, Mrs. Jenkins, Mrs. Peterson, their family members, the families of the other victims Diane D’s other personality killed the year prior and members of different communities protest out on the street calling for Diane D’s and her cousin Dangerous Dana’s deportation calling for Diane D to be deported back to her native country The Dominican Republic! Family members of the female police officers Dana has injured three years prior are also protesting calling for Dana to be deported back to her native country Jamaica!

Kurt has another dream and nightmare about the Diane D entity! He finds the Diane D

entity inside the same creepy woods at night, sitting down in front of a tree facing the tree while she is handcuffed, shackled and chained to the tree! When Kurt questions the Diane D entity about why she is sitting down in front of the tree handcuffed, shackled and chained to it, she tells him that this evil Being is about to have her stoned to death and needs his help to free her from the handcuffs, shackles and chains! Kurt is 3

not sure whether or not to trust the Diane D entity due to the fact that the Diane D

entity deceived him before in the first dream and nightmare he had about her. When Kurt realizes that the Diane D entity is actually getting stoned, he intervenes and tries to stop the stoning to save the Diane D entity from being stoned to death! When Kurt intervenes and tries to save the Diane D entity, he soon finds himself caught right in the crossfire of the stoning and cannot get out!

Mr. Yim, the owner of a wax museum is speaking with Kurt, Kurt’s family and Kurt’s doctor, Dr. Ramsey inside Dr. Ramsey’s office. Mr. Yim tells Kurt, Kurt’s family and Dr.

Ramsey that he was inspired when he heard about Kurt’s nightmares of the Diane D

entities or Diane D demons. He tells them that he was inspired when he heard about the sketches Kurt drew of his nightmares of the Diane D entities or Diane D demons that he came to meet Kurt and see the sketches of the Diane D entities or Diane D

demons in person. When Mr. Yim actually sees the sketches Kurt drew of the Diane D

entities or Diane D demons, he gets so inspired that he wants to create wax figures of Kurt’s nightmares of the Diane D entities or Diane D demons and put the wax figures of the Diane D entities or Diane D demons in the horror section of the wax museum. Kurt tells Mr. Yim that he does not want his nightmares of the Diane D entities or Diane D

demons to be on public display. He refuses to give Mr. Yim permission to create wax figures out of his dreams and nightmares of the Diane D entities or Diane D demons!

Later, Mr. Yim sits inside his office disappointed. He then decides to secretly create wax figures out of Kurt’s nightmares of the Diane D entities or Diane D demons anyway, hoping that Kurt will change his mind and allow wax figures of his nightmares of the Diane D entities or Diane D demons to be publicly displayed inside the wax museum once Kurt, Diane D or Diane D’s family see the wax figures.

Days later, Dr. Stone tells six young female nurse interns to prepare Diane D for her mental evaluation by going inside the examining room, lifting Diane D from the hospital bed transferring her onto the examining table while she is unconscious! The nurse interns do not want to do the job. They tell Dr. Stone that they do not want to deal with Diane D that they are afraid to be involved with her. They tell Dr. Stone that they fear handling Diane D due to her violent history and violent behavior, knowing that her other personality has slaughtered police officers and swat team members who had guns and shotguns the year prior, but Dr. Stone does not want to hear it! He tells the six young nurse interns that it is their job to transfer Diane D from the hospital bed onto the examining table and they must do it! To ease the young nurse interns minds, Dr. Stone has security wrap handcuffs and chains around Diane D’s wrists, having Diane D handcuffed and chained to the head of the hospital bed while she is lying face down unconscious!

Later, as the nurse interns are about to transfer Diane D from the hospital bed onto the examining table, two of the nurse interns get back-kicked and injured by Diane D while she is unconscious! Diane D’s aunt Celeste then lead the two injured nurses out of the examining room to seek medical attention! The four remaining nurse interns are scared being left alone inside the examining room with an unconscious dangerous Diane D.


Later, one of the four remaining nurse interns feels sorry for Diane D being handcuffed and chained to the head of the hospital bed while she’s unconscious and decides to go help Diane D! The head nurse intern frighteningly shouts to the other nurse intern and is about to go stop her! Diane D suddenly gets awakened by the shouting! She lifts her head, turns her head and sees the four nurse interns inside the examining room! She angrily stares at the four nurse interns with sleepy eyes! The head nurse intern nervously talks to Diane D, but Diane D does not say a word back to her and just angrily stares at her! The head nurse intern and the other nurse interns decide to get away from an angry fierce looking sleepy-eyed Diane D trying to ease their way towards the door.

The four remaining nurse interns made it outside the examining room. They stand out in the hospital hallway while Diane D is left alone inside the examining room. They suddenly hear sounds coming from inside the examining room and become nervous.

They decide to slightly open the door to secretly take a peek inside the examining room at Diane D. While the nurse interns peek inside the examining room, they see Diane D

sort of back to sleep. While they sneak inside the door, they secretly witness Diane D

performing a behavior in her sleep that was so eerie and so frightening that they become terrified, scream, then turn and flee right out of the examining room not looking back! Diane D later awakens and has no memory of what happened in her life after her fight with Jeremy! When Dr. Stone tells Diane D what happened inside the examining room between herself and the young nurse interns, she has no memory of what happened inside the examining room between herself and the young nurse interns! Even though Diane D has no memory of what happened inside the examining room between herself and the young nurse interns, she apologizes to the nurse interns through a live video being that the nurse interns are afraid to be inside the same room with her!

Weeks later, Dr. Stone has Diane D inside a large bolted room under hypnosis as she lays face up on a psychiatrist couch with her eyes shut and one hand and wrist handcuffed to the side bars of the psychiatrist couch. Diane D’s family stand behind a glass window watching and listening. Dr. Stone then speaks to Diane D’s subconscious.

After a while, one of Diane D’s dangerous other personalities comes out to the surface again! Dr. Stone speaks to that dangerous personality as the dangerous personality speaks back to him. He then tells the dangerous personality to leave Diane D alone and not to ever bother Diane D’s soul, spirit or physical body anymore and to stay away from Diane D’s soul, spirit and physical body. The dangerous other personality tells Dr.

Stone that it refuse to leave Diane D’s soul, spirit and physical body alone. Dr. Stone then gives the dangerous personality an ultimatum. The dangerous personality becomes angry. It then threatens Dr. Stone! It starts to become violent and tries to break loose from the handcuff wrapped around Diane D’s hand and wrist! Dr. Stone yells at the other personality or evil, vicious entity and tells the other personality or evil, vicious entity that even if it succeeds in breaking loose from the handcuff, it won’t be able to break loose out of the room because the room and door are bolted shut and it can’t escape! The other personality or evil, vicious entity becomes calm. It then threatens to go after Dana’s physical body and enter into Dana’s physical body to do 5

harm and cause chaos!

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Dr. Stone And Two Widows Speak About Chaos Between Diane D And Jeremy Chapter 2. Protests Call For Diane D’s Deportation!

Chapter 3. Protests Call For Dana’s Deportation!

Chapter 4. Diane D And Dana’s Supporters Come To Their Defense!

Chapter 5. A Stoning In The Woods!

Chapter 6. Kurt Tells About Nightmare Of Horrific Stoning Of Himself And Evil Entity!

Chapter 7. Mr. Yim Wants To Recreate Kurt’s Sketches Of The Diane D Demons In Wax!

Chapter 8. Young Nurse Interns Fear Handling Diane D Inside Examining Room!

Chapter 9. Two Of The Nurses Get Kicked And Injured By Diane D, While She’s Asleep!

Chapter 10. The Four Remaining Nurses Are Scared Being Left Alone With Diane D!

Chapter 11. The Beast Within Rears Its Head As It Angrily Stares At The Nurse Interns!

Chapter 12. Diane D Does Strange Behavior While Alone Inside Examining Room Chapter 13. The Terrified Nurse Interns Scream And Flee Out Of Examining Room!

Chapter 14. All The Nurse Interns Are Passed Out And Traumatized Inside Trauma Unit!

Chapter 15. Nurse Finally Tells What Really Happened Inside Exam Room With Diane D!

Chapter 16. Diane D Finally Awakens And Experience Missing Time!

Chapter 17. Dr. Stone Cannot Find Staff Willing To Bring Diane D To Examining Room Chapter 18. Dr. Stone Tests Diane D’s Memory About Inside Of The Examining Room Chapter 19. Diane D Makes An Apologetic Speech To The Nurse Interns Via Live Video Chapter 20. Dr. Stone Speaks To Evil Entity Possessing Diane D’s Physical Body!

Chapter 21. Evil Entity Threatens To Go After Dana’s Physical Body To Cause Chaos!

Chapter 22. Dr. Stone Learns Diane D And Dana Are Both Possessed By Same Entity!

Chapter 23. Diane D And Dana Both Lay Unconscious Inside Mental Hospital!

Chapter 24. Dr. Stone Tests The Nurses’ Memory About Diane D In Examining Room Chapter 1

Dr. Stone And Two Widows Speak About Chaos Between Diane D

And Jeremy

Dr. Stone is sitting inside a hospital room with a pen and note pad in his hand taking notes while he is talking with the two widows Mrs. Jenkins and Mrs. Peterson who are patients inside the hospital now from Diane D’s injuries to them. Dr. Stone is facing Mrs. Jenkins and Mrs. Peterson as they sit on some chairs wearing hospital gowns. He then says to them, “Wow, I’m glad to see that you’re both better now! How do you two feel?”


“We’re still in pain Dr. Stone!” Mrs. Jenkins painfully shouts.

“We sure are!” Mrs. Peterson painfully shouts. “Those water bottles and chairs landing hard on our backs ain’t no joke!”

“I bet it wasn’t!” Dr. Stone says. “I’m sorry about what you all are going through.

So when do you two think you’ll be leaving the hospital?”

“We should be discharged by tomorrow.”

“By tomorrow?”

“Yeah. The doctors want to keep us here one more night for observation.”

“One more night? That’s good! I’m glad that you both are able to leave and go home tomorrow! That’s great! So are you two able to talk about what happened that day with Diane inside the hotel conference room?”

“Sure we can talk about it Dr. Stone.”

“Okay. Are you sure you’re up to it?”

“Yes we’re up to it.”

“Okay good. So tell me, what happened inside the conference room with Diane that day? I need you two to tell me what happened once I walked out the room.”

“Once you walked out the room?” Mrs. Jenkins asks.


“Weren’t you and Diane D’s family members watching what was happening inside the conference room from a TV monitor in another room?”

“Yes we were.”

“Don’t you have what happened inside the conference room on video?”

“Yes we do have it on video, but we saw it all from the camera’s point of view. The point is, I still need to hear from YOUR point of view and YOUR opinion of what happened inside that conference room once I walked out. I need to know what did YOU

TWO see or remember happened inside the conference room once I walked out.”

“Well, everything seemed okay at first.”

“Everything seemed okay at first?”


“What did you think of Diane’s behavior at first? How did her behavior seem to YOU when she was first in the room?”

“Her behavior appeared calm, but nervous when she was about to make that apologetic speech.”

“Her behavior appeared calm but nervous?”

“Yeah. After a while, things got out of hand! Us widows verbally attacked her for killing our husbands ruining all of our lives, then she attacked us back by shouting at us saying that she does not remember killing our husbands and kept using the phrase ‘if’, saying that ‘she’s sorry ‘if’ she killed our husbands’ when she actually DID kill them!”

“Did you believe her when she said she didn’t remember killing your husbands?”

“Yes we believed her by what YOU told us that day inside the hotel conference room, and by what she explained and admitted to us later on inside the conference room during her apologetic speech, but it’s still too much for our families to bear knowing that it was still HER BODY that killed our husbands and loved ones! It was still HER PHYSICAL BODY that did the killings whether she remembers it or not!”

“I understand. What led to the physical fight between her and Jeremy?”

“Well Jeremy got very upset about the killing of his father,” Mrs. Peterson says. “He held Diane D fully responsible for the killing of his father because even though she 7

might not remember what happened inside that hypnosis room last year, it was still her physical body that killed his father as far as Jeremy and the rest of us are concerned, it was still HER PHYSICAL BODY that did it! Being that it was still Diane D’s physical body that killed Jeremy’s dad, Jeremy went to attack HER PHYSICAL BODY, that’s when things got out of hand! We knew that things would get out of hand whenever Diane D

is involved in something, that’s why we tried with all our might to stop Jeremy from going to attack her because we knew that chaos would explode once Jeremy tried to go after Diane D to attack her!”

“You knew chaos would explode.”

“That’s right and we didn’t want or need any more chaos coming our way after what we’ve been through last year with losing our husbands, because Diane D is a beast! She is a monster! She caused Jeremy to get shot multiple times by putting his unconscious body right in the line of fire! She needs to be arrested for that! She needs to be deported for that too!”

“Deported? You think Diane needs to be deported?”

“Of course I do! Once us widows are able to leave this hospital, we are planning to have a protest against Diane D to get her deported right out of here!”

“A protest?! You’re planning to have a protest to get Diane deported?!”

“Of course we are!” Mrs. Jenkins shouts, “that woman is a danger to society! She is a danger to authority figures, look how many authority figures’ lives she took last year!

Look how many injured authority figures were laying in the hospital last year because of her and are STILL laying in the hospital! She even caused you and Dr. Kahn to be put in the hospital after she kung fu kicked you both right in the heads knocking you two out cold, causing one of you doctors to wind up leaving your practice, now look how many people are laying in the hospital THIS YEAR because of her! She is like a one-woman army!”

“But it was her ‘other’ personality that did all that chaos!”

“You mean the chaos her ‘other’ personality did last year when she killed our husbands, right?!”

“Yes, and the chaos her ‘other’ personality did THIS YEAR inside the hotel conference room that day!”

“What!” Mrs. Jenkins and Mrs. Peterson shout.

“The chaos her ‘other’ personality did THIS YEAR?!” Mrs. Jenkins shouts.

“Inside the hotel conference room?!” Mrs. Peterson shouts. “What are you talking about Dr. Stone?! What do you mean ‘the chaos her ‘other’ personality did THIS YEAR

inside the hotel conference room’?! You’re not telling us that was the other personality, are you? You’re not telling us that we were in the same room with that killer personality, are you?!”

“I’m afraid you were,” Dr. Stone says.

“What!” Mrs. Jenkins and Mrs. Peterson shout. “Oh nooo!”

“You mean to tell us, that we were actually in the same room with that killer personality, the same killer personality that killed our husbands last year?!” Mrs.

Jenkins shouts.

“I think so,” Dr. Stone says.

“Oh nooo!” Mrs. Jenkins and Mrs. Peterson shout.

“No wonder why we were all in danger inside that hotel conference room!” Mrs.

Peterson shouts. “You mean to tell us, that was Diane D’s ‘OTHER’ personality standing 8

at the front of the conference room while she was making that apologetic speech?!”

“No!” Dr. Stone shouts, “of course that wasn’t her ‘other’ personality standing at the front of the room while she was making that apologetic speech!”

“It wasn’t?!”

“No it wasn’t.”

“But you just said it was the ‘OTHER’ personality who did all that chaos THIS YEAR

inside the hotel conference room!”

“It WAS the ‘OTHER’ personality who did all that chaos THIS YEAR inside the hotel conference room, but it wasn’t the ‘other’ personality standing at the front of the room while Diane was making that apologetic speech.”

“It wasn’t?”


“How do you know that wasn’t the ‘other’ personality standing at the front of the conference room while Diane D was making that apologetic speech Dr. Stone?!”

“Because that ‘other’ personality WOULD NEVER make an apologetic speech!”

“What!” Mrs. Jenkins and Mrs. Peterson shout.

“That ‘other’ personality would never make an apologetic speech?!” Mrs. Jenkins shouts. “What do you mean?!”

“That ‘other’ personality would never make an apologetic speech because that

‘other’ personality would never apologize for anything it does!” Dr. Stone shouts.

“What! That ‘other’ personality would never apologize for anything it does?!”

“Never! It doesn’t have any regrets about any of the horrific stuff that it did including killing your husbands and would never apologize for it!”

“What! It doesn’t have any regrets about killing our husbands?!”


“Not at all?!”

“Not at all.”

“Not even apologize for it?!” Mrs. Peterson cries.

“No, not even apologize for it.”

“Well why not?!”

“Because it is coldblooded! It is heartless! So if you’re waiting for an apology from the same personality who took your husbands’ lives last year, you’ll be waiting forever because it does not apologize! But Diane’s ‘original’ personality DOES apologize. Her original personality already apologized for what happened to your husbands last year, so therefore, that was her ‘original’ personality standing at the front of the hotel conference room apologizing for what the ‘other’ personality did!”

“Oh no!” Mrs. Jenkins and Mrs. Peterson shout.

“Her original personality is the one carrying the weight for what the ‘other’

personality did! Her original personality is the one who’s catching hell for what the

‘other’ personality did! So in order for Diane’s original personality to keep from catching hell, her original personality has to be the one to step up to the plate and apologize for what the ‘other’ personality did!”

“Oh my God!” Mrs. Peterson shouts.

“So being that Diane was ACTUALLY apologizing to you all, that definitely was her

‘ORIGINAL’ personality standing there at the front of the conference room making that apologetic speech, not the ‘OTHER’ personality.”

“So if that WAS Diane D’s ‘ORIGINAL’ personality standing at the front of the 9

conference room making that apologetic speech to us, when did that ‘OTHER’

personality kick in and caused the chaos, while Diane D was having that physical fight with Jeremy?!”

“No, I think after the physical fight, after she gave Jeremy that kung fu kick to the head!”

“What!” Mrs. Jenkins and Mrs. Peterson shout.

“After she gave Jeremy that kung fu kick to the head?!” Mrs. Jenkins shouts.

“Yes,” Dr. Stone says. “I think while Jeremy was about to fall out on the floor then Diane ran right behind him and wrapped her arm around his neck putting him in a choke hold and held his arms behind his back, I think that’s when the other personality had kicked in and took over.”

“What!” Mrs. Jenkins and Mrs. Peterson shout.

“You think the other personality kicked in and took over when Diane D ran behind Jeremy and put him in a choke hold?!” Mrs. Peterson shouts. “So you’re saying THAT

was the ‘other’ personality?!”

“I think it was,” Dr. Stone says.

“Oh no!” Mrs. Jenkins and Mrs. Peterson shout.

“How do you know that was the ‘other’ personality when Diane D ran behind Jeremy and put him in a choke hold?!” Mrs. Peterson shouts.

“Because I saw it in her face, especially in her eyes while I was looking back at the video with her family!” Dr. Stone shouts.

“What!” Mrs. Jenkins and Mrs. Peterson shout.

“You saw that ‘other’ personality in Diane D’s face, especially in her eyes while you were looking back at the video with her family?!” Mrs. Jenkins shouts.

“I sure did!” Dr. Stone shouts.

“Oh my God! How were you able to tell that was the ‘other’ personality in Diane D’s face, especially in her eyes?!”

“Because I saw it in her eyes before inside the hypnosis room last year while Dr.

Kahn and I spoke to the ‘other’ personality while Diane was under hypnosis AND when your husbands got killed!”

“What!” Mrs. Jenkins and Mrs. Peterson shout.

“You saw that ‘other’ personality in Diane D’s eyes last year while you and Dr. Kahn spoke to her ‘other’ personality and when she killed our husbands?!” Mrs. Jenkins shouts.

“Yes!” Dr. Stone shouts, “and those are the same exact eyes I saw again on the video when Diane ran right behind Jeremy and wrapped her arm around his neck putting him in a choke hold!”

“Oh no!” Mrs. Jenkins and Mrs. Peterson shout.

“Didn’t you two notice that Diane’s eyes looked different when she ran behind Jeremy and wrapped her arm around his neck putting him in a choke hold?!”

“No!” Mrs. Jenkins shouts, “we didn’t notice her eyes looking different!”

“No?! You didn’t notice that Diane’s eyes looked different when she body slammed Jeremy and herself down to the floor?!”

“No we didn’t notice her eyes looking different at that point either!”

“So you don’t recognize that ‘other’ personality when you see it?! You didn’t recognize that other personality while it was attacking Jeremy putting him in a choke hold?!”


“No! How are we supposed to recognize that other personality Dr. Stone?! How would Diane D’s eyes even look like when that ‘other’ personality is around?!”

“Well her eyes would appear half-closed, puffy or swollen like she just got beat up or just came out of a boxing match.”

“What!” Mrs. Jenkins and Mrs. Peterson shout.

“Her eyes would appear half-closed, puffy or swollen like she just got beat up or just came out of a boxing match?!” Mrs. Peterson shouts.

“Yes,” Dr. Stone says.

“Well wouldn’t her eyes appear half-closed, puffy or swollen like she just got beat up or just came out of a boxing match anyway after she just had a fight with Jeremy?!”

“Yeah, but Diane never once got hit in the face while she was fighting Jeremy, because she was able to duck from Jeremy’s blows and never once got hit in the face from what her family and I saw in the video!”

“She never once got hit in the face?”

“No! So half-closed, puffy or swollen eyes like she just got beat up or just came out of a boxing match is what her face looked like last year when she was under hypnosis while Dr. Kahn and I were speaking to her other personality! Half-closed, puffy or swollen eyes is what her face looked like later on when she killed your husbands with that psychiatrist couch and half-closed, puffy or swollen eyes is what her face looked like THIS TIME when she ran behind Jeremy and put him in a choke hold!”

“My God! So if Diane D’s eyes look half-closed, puffy or swollen, it’s a clue THAT’S

the other personality?!”

“Yes it’s the clue.”

“Oh my God! I thought her half-closed, puffy looking eyes was just her natural look!”

“It is her natural look, but if her eyes look more puffier than normal, that’s the

‘other’ personality.”

“My God! I guess we were so caught up in the chaos that we didn’t notice or realize her eyes looking more puffier than normal! So when Diane D ran behind Jeremy, put him in a choke hold, lifted his feet off the floor then jumped and body slammed him to the floor, THAT was all the ‘other’ personality?!”

“Yes it was.”

“Oh no! We didn’t know or realize that we were in the same room with that ‘other’

personality who killed our husbands!”

“How long were we in the same room with that killer personality Dr. Stone?!” Mrs.

Jenkins shouts.

“It was the ‘other’ personality all the way up to the end when I ran up to Diane’s physical body and shouted for that ‘other’ personality to go back to sleep and go back to where it came from, then Diane’s head fell backward and the rest of her body fell out on the floor while her physical body was still carrying Jeremy,” Dr. Stone says.

“What!” Mrs. Jenkins and Mrs. Peterson shout.

“It was the ‘other’ personality all the way to then?!” Mrs. Jenkins shouts.

“Yes,” Dr. Stone says.

“So THAT was the ‘other’ personality that fell to the floor?!” Mrs. Peterson shouts.

“Well, the ‘other personality’ never really fell to the floor, because it hurried and left Diane’s physical body which caused Diane’s physical body to just fall and drop to the floor!”


“What!” Mrs. Jenkins and Mrs. Peterson shout.

“So Diane D’s physical body dropped just like that, because that ‘other personality’

left her body?!” Mrs. Jenkins shouts.

“Yes,” Dr. Stone says.

“Oh my God! So from the time Diane D ran behind Jeremy and put him in a choke hold all the way to the time her body fell out on the floor, THAT was the other personality that whole time?!”

“Yes it was.”

“Oh my God! So if THAT was the ‘other’ personality that whole time, that means it was actually the ‘other’ personality who was laying on the floor trying to choke the life out of Jeremy!”

“That’s true.”

“That means it was the ‘other’ personality we were running to and about to pull off Jeremy then it back kicked at all of us knocking two of us out!” Mrs. Peterson shouts.

“It also means it was the ‘other’ personality who backed kicked Mrs. Stevens causing Mrs. Stevens to fly up in the air then flip and land right on her head!” Mrs.

Jenkins shouts.

“Oh no! It also means it was the ‘other’ personality we were throwing those water bottles at, then that other personality put Jeremy’s body right in harm’s way using his body as a human shield causing his body to be hit with the water bottles instead!”

“Oh no! It also means it was the ‘other’ personality who kung fu kicked those water bottles and chairs right back at us! And it also means it was the ‘other’ personality who was spinning Jeremy’s body around, banging and slamming his face, head and body hard against the wall, and it was the ‘other’ personality who put Jeremy’s body right in the line of fire using his body as a human shield again causing his body to be shot multiple times by the police!”

“Oh my God, I’m scared! I’m scared to know that we actually had an encounter with that ‘other’ personality, the same killer personality who killed our husbands!”

“I’m scared too! I’m scared to know that we were actually in the same room with that killer personality! First our husbands had an encounter with that killer personality last year, now this year, WE us widows and our families had an encounter with it!”

“I know! The only difference is, we survived the encounter with that killer personality, but our husbands didn’t!”

“Oh no!”

“So from now on,” Dr. Stone says, “if any of you ever happen to come across Diane again in the future and see or notice her eyes looking more puffy or swollen than normal, THAT’S the ‘other’ personality you’re looking at!”

“Oh nooo!” Mrs. Peterson and Mrs. Jenkins shout.

“And if her eyes look more puffy or swollen than normal, do me a favor, run the other way!”

“Run the other way?!” Mrs. Peterson shouts. “Oh no! So from now on, if Diane D’s eyes look more puffy or swollen than normal like she just got beat up or just came out of a boxing match, that’s the sign we would have to look out for and be aware of to tell if it’s the other personality or not?”

“Exactly, especially if she doesn’t take her eyes off you.”

“Especially if she doesn’t take her eyes off us? What do you mean ‘especially if she doesn’t take her eyes off us’ Dr. Stone?”


“Well, some of the witnesses who had an encounter with Diane’s other personality in the past claimed that Diane never once took her eyes off them, like with that nurse who went inside Diane’s jail cell several years ago to check on Diane when Diane was locked up. The nurse claimed that when she went into Diane’s jail cell, Diane was laying on the cot sleeping face up. The nurse said that when she sat down on the cot beside Diane to check on her blood pressure, she said that Diane had opened her eyes only halfway and was looking at her.”

“What?” Mrs. Jenkins asks. “The nurse said Diane D opened her eyes halfway and was looking at her?”

“Yeah. The nurse said once Diane opened her eyes and saw her, she said Diane was staring at her that whole time while she was checking her blood pressure.”

“Diane D kept staring at the nurse the whole time while the nurse was checking her blood pressure?”

“That’s what the nurse claim. She claim that Diane never once took her eyes off her until she got up off the cot.”

“What! Diane D never once took her eyes off the nurse until the nurse got up off the cot?”

“Yes, according to the nurse.”

“My goodness! Why did Diane D or her ‘other’ personality keep staring at the nurse?”

“The nurse said she didn’t know. She said all she knows, is that Diane made her feel very uncomfortable inside that cell being that Diane never said a word and never took her eyes off her.”

“Wow,” Mrs. Peterson says. “I would be uncomfortable too if someone kept staring at me and not saying a word!”

“Well just like with that little boy Marcus when he claimed that Diane beat him up on that third floor school hallway that Friday night a few years ago when Diane appeared at his school! Marcus claimed that when Diane had attacked him on that third floor school hallway that night, he was laying on the floor injured and bleeding.

He said that while he was laying on the floor injured and bleeding screaming for help, Diane just stood there in the hallway and kept staring at him. He said that Diane never once helped him and never once took her eyes off him and kept her eyes on him that whole entire time also, until he got up off the floor, ran to the end of the hall and escaped down the back stairwell.”

“My God!” Mrs. Jenkins shouts. “Why did Diane D or her other personality keep staring at that kid Marcus?!”

“Her other personality told me and Dr. Kahn during her hypnosis to keep Marcus from escaping!”

“To keep Marcus from escaping?! That’s what her other personality told you and Dr. Kahn?!”

“Yes, just like with those two hospital employees who witnessed Diane kung fu kicked that stuck storage room door wide open inside that hospital clinic area when Diane was working the night shift a few years ago! The two hospital employees claimed that when Diane went down to the lower level of the clinic area, they were hiding from her, so she never saw them, that’s when they witnessed her run straight to the storage room door and kung fu kicked that storage room door wide open causing the door to break and lean right off its hinges!”


“My God!”

“The two hospital employees claim after they saw Diane go inside the storage room and heard her ransacking it turning everything inside there upside down, they secretly ran pass the storage room doorway then escaped out of the clinic area to another building of the hospital and went all the way up to the fifth floor where the receptionist desk area is. They claimed that when they later spotted Diane inside the other building on the fifth floor where the receptionist desk area is where THEY were, she sat down on a chair behind the receptionist desk and started speaking on her phone. The two hospital employees claim that while Diane was speaking on her phone, she was looking at them from across the receptionist area!”

“She was looking at them from across the receptionist area?” Mrs. Peterson asks.

“Yes. The two hospital employees said that Diane kept staring right at them that whole entire time while she was talking on her phone.”

“She kept staring at the two hospital employees while she was on the phone?”

“That’s what they said.”

“Oh no!”

“They said that Diane never once took her eyes off them and kept her eyes on them until they walked away and left the receptionist area.”

“Until they walked away and left the receptionist area?”


“Man that is crazy!”

“It sure is!” Mrs. Jenkins shouts, “and creepy too! Do those two hospital employees know who Diane D was talking to on the phone that made her keep staring at them?”

“No,” Dr. Stone says, “they said they didn’t know who she was talking to on the phone.”

“They didn’t know?”

“That’s what they claim.”

“Why did she or her other personality keep staring at those two hospital employees until they left the receptionist area?! Why does she or her other personality be giving these death stares to people?!”

“I don’t know, I have no idea.”

“Wow,” Mrs. Peterson says. “Thanks Dr. Stone! Thanks for telling us this information! Thanks for letting us know how to spot Diane D’s other personality if we ever happen to come across her again in the future! And thanks for warning us to run the other way if we happen to spot Diane D’s eyes looking more puffy or swollen than normal like she just got beat up or if she gives that death stare!”

“Yeah you don’t have to worry Dr. Stone,” Mrs. Jenkins says, “we’re definitely going to run the other way if we see Diane D looking like that, because we are not safe with that killer personality around!”

“That’s right, not even doctors, police officers, swat team members, security guards or priests are safe with that killer personality around, not even guns, shotguns and bullets can stop that killer personality, that killer personality is just too dangerous and too powerful!”

“That’s right! The nurse that went into Diane D’s jail cell was lucky that Diane D or her other personality didn’t do anything to her while she was sitting on that cot right beside Diane D because Diane D is a ticking time bomb! She or her other personality could have exploded at the nurse at any giving moment!”


“She sure could have! That nurse was lucky to have made it out of Diane D’s jail cell alive and unscathed!”

“That’s certainly true! All I know, is that I don’t ever want to come across that killer personality again Dr. Stone!”

“Neither do I! Where is Diane D anyway?!”

“She’s still laying in the hospital,” Dr. Stone says.

“She’s in the hospital?”

“Yes, she hasn’t really woke back up much from the incident ever since I shouted to her ‘other’ personality to go back to sleep and to go back to where it came from and her physical body dropped to the floor.”

“She hasn’t really woke back up since?”

“Not much, she’s been in a deep sleep most of the time.”

“A deep sleep?” Mrs. Jenkins asks.

“Yes. Her family and I tried to wake her back up, but she only wakes up a little!”

“She would only wake up a little?”

“Yes, then she would open her eyes halfway and look right at us.”

“She would open her eyes halfway and look at you?”

“Yes, as soon as she sees us, she would quickly fall right back into a deep sleep and won’t wake back up for a while.”

“She would fall back into a deep sleep and won’t wake back up as soon as she sees you and her family?”

“Yes, especially when she sees her family.”

“Especially when she sees her family?”


“What do you mean ‘especially when she sees her family’? Why would she fall back into a deep sleep and won’t wake back up if she sees her family?”

“We don’t know. All we notice, is that whenever Diane wakes up a little, she would open her eyes halfway! If she sees me, she would look at me, but not say anything.”

“She would look at you and not say anything?”

“Yes, but as soon as she spots her family, she would quickly fall right back into a deep sleep and stay in a deep sleep all day.”

“She would stay in a deep sleep all day as soon as she spots her family?” Mrs.

Peterson asks.

“Yes, and this has been going on ever since she was brought into the hospital!”

“Ever since she was brought into the hospital?”


“How many times has that happened?”

“Several times.”

“Several times?!”


“My God. What do you plan on doing about that?”

“I would have to get her brain evaluated.”

“Her brain evaluated?”



“Dr. Stone?” Mrs. Jenkins says, “I don’t understand something.”

“You don’t understand something?” Dr. Stone asks. “You don’t understand what?”


“When that ‘other’ personality was kung fu kicking those water bottles and chairs back at us, Diane D had her eyes and face buried down on top of Jeremy’s back the whole entire time! Yet that ‘other’ personality kung fu kicked each of those water bottles and chairs right back at us hitting us with each of those water bottles and chairs right on target without even looking at the water bottles and chairs or seeing them coming! She didn’t miss any of those water bottles! How did that ‘other’ personality kick each of those water bottles and chairs on target without looking at them?!”

“Because the ‘other’ personality is not human, but superhuman!”

“Superhuman?! What do you mean?”

“That ‘other’ personality can do things that Diane’s ‘original’ personality can’t do like lift up a heavy psychiatrist couch then tossing it twenty or thirty feet across the room at a real high speed, kung fu kicking a hospital storage room door right off its hinges and not feeling any pain! That ‘other’ personality don’t have to see things coming in order for it to know things are coming and hit things on target, it just knows they’re coming, just like when it threw that psychiatrist couch right at the doorway of the hypnosis room before your husbands even entered that hypnosis room, then your husbands wind up getting hit by that psychiatrist couch as soon as they entered that room! That ‘other’ personality just knew they were coming before it actually saw them!”

“Oh my God.”

“Diane’s ‘original’ personality can’t do any of that stuff, but her ‘other’ personality can.”

“But it’s the SAME PHYSICAL BODY Dr. Stone!”

“Same physical body, different personality. And whenever Diane’s ‘original’

personality returns, her ‘original’ personality doesn’t remember any of the stuff her other personality did, and most likely she’s not going to remember what happened after she kung fu kicked Jeremy in the head.”

“She’s not going to remember what happened after that at all?” Mrs. Peterson asks.

“I don’t think so. I think she’s only going to remember herself walking into the conference room then giving you all an apologetic speech and getting into a physical fight with Jeremy up to the point she gave Jeremy a kung fu kick to the head, anything after that kung fu kick to Jeremy’s head, I don’t think she’s going to remember.”

“So she’s not going to remember running behind Jeremy putting him in a choke hold or body slamming him and herself down to the floor then trying to choke him?!”

“No I don’t think she’s going to remember that.”

“She’s not going to even remember back kicking us snapping our necks knocking several of us out cold?!”

“I don’t think so.”

“She’s not going to even remember back kicking Mrs. Stevens causing Mrs. Stevens to fly up in the air then land right on her head?!”

“I don’t think so.”

“She’s not going to even remember kung fu kicking the water bottles and chairs right back at us?!”

“I don’t think so.”

“She’s not going to remember banging and slamming Jeremy’s head and body against the wall then putting his body right in a line of fire causing him to get shot multiple times by the police?”


“No I don’t think she’s going to remember any of that at all because her ‘original’

personality got evicted out of her physical body and had left the building when that

‘other’ personality kicked in and took over!”

“Oh my God,” Mrs. Jenkins says. “But where did Diane D’s ‘original’ personality go when her original personality left her physical body?! Where was her ‘original’

personality while all this chaos was going on?!”

“Believe me, I wish I knew where her ‘original’ personality was and I wish I knew how to go and get her ‘original’ personality and bring it back!”

“My God! How do you feel about Diane D as a person Dr. Stone?”

“How do I feel about her as a person?”

“Yeah, being that you just told us how to spot her other personality if any of us ever happen to come across her again, and being that you warned us to run the other way if her eyes appear more puffy or swollen than normal like she just got beat up or just came out of a boxing match and if she doesn’t take her eyes off us, I would like to know how do YOU feel about her.”

“Well it depends on which personality you’re asking me about! Now if you’re asking me ‘how do I feel about Diane’s ORIGINAL personality’, I adore her original personality and want to help her original personality as much as I can, but if you’re asking me ‘how do I feel about her OTHER personality’, oh boy, that’s a whole different story, because that’s the personality I’d rather stay the hell away from! It killed six people including your husbands at the doorway of that hypnosis room last year and it almost killed me AND Dr. Kahn when it gave us that kung fu kick to the head just like it did Jeremy!”

“Damn, that other personality has no problem killing!”

“It sure doesn’t!” Mrs. Peterson shouts.

“Thank God Dr. Kahn and I are still alive,” Dr. Stone says, “too bad I can’t say the same things for your husbands and the other authority figures.”

“See?! See what I mean?! That’s why Diane D must be deported to avoid coming across that killer personality again! She must be deported for all of our sakes!”

“Even though it was her ‘other’ personality that was causing the chaos?!”

“It doesn’t matter whether it was her ‘other’ personality or not Dr. Stone, it was still HER PHYSICAL BODY causing the chaos! That’s why her physical body needs to be deported so we can all be safe from the wrath of her ‘other’ personality! I think the authorities should prepare for Diane D’s deportation as soon as she leaves the hospital!”

“But she was not aware of what was going on after that ‘other’ personality kicked in and took over putting Jeremy in a choke hold!”

“Listen Dr. Stone, when Diane D’s physical body gets locked up in jail or the mental institution, her ‘original’ personality has to go along and be locked up with it! Now if her physical body has to be deported in order to get rid of that killer personality, then I’m sorry, her ‘original’ personality is just gonna have to go along and be deported right along with it too! The whole package has to go which includes her original personality as well!”

Dr. Stone worriedly looks at Mrs. Peterson and Mrs. Jenkins.