DIANE D Evil Entity Strikes Again! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 2

Protests Call For Diane D’s Deportation!

The following week, people all around different communities including Mrs.

Jenkins, Mrs. Peterson, Mrs. Reid, Candis Diane D’s former lover’s girlfriend, Marcus’

mother Jessica, Mrs. Green, a white female around her mid-50’s, Mr. Cooper, a black man around his mid-40’s, whose police officer wife was seriously injured by Dana a few years prior, Mr. Martinez, a Hispanic man around his mid-40’s, whose police officer wife was also seriously injured by Dana, Mr. Hale, a white male around his mid-40’s, whose police officer wife was also seriously injured by Dana a few years prior and Mr.

Gus who with his wife were threatened by both Diane D and Dana during a road rage incident on Long Island, NY three years prior are outside a court building walking around in a large circle protesting, calling for Diane D’s and Dana’s deportation! They are holding up signs demanding for Diane D to be sent back to her native country The Dominican Republic shouting, “Deport Diane D! Deport Diane D!” The signs read: DEPORT DIANE D BACK TO HER NATIVE COUNTRY! Other signs read: DEPORT DIANE

D BACK TO THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC WHERE SHE CAME FROM! There are large posters of Diane D’s half-closed puffy swollen eyes on some of the signs. Other people are holding up signs demanding for Dana to be sent back to her native country Jamaica shouting, “And deport her cousin Dana as well!” The signs read: DEPORT DIANE D’S


DANA BACK TO JAMAICA WHERE SHE CAME FROM! There are large posters of Dana’s green eyes on some of the signs. Other signs read: DEPORT THESE KILLER COUSINS


A white male reporter around his late-40’s with sandy colored hair approaches Mrs.

Jenkins, Mrs. Peterson and Mrs. Reid and says to them, “Hello Mrs. Jenkins, Mrs.

Peterson and Mrs. Reid! It’s nice to see you all! I’m glad to see that you all are up and about! I see that you all are out of the hospital by what you all went through with Diane D inside that hotel conference room. Are you all still traumatized by the ordeal you all went through with her?”

“Of course we’re still traumatized by what we went through with Diane D!” Mrs.

Jenkins shouts, “that’s why we’re out here protesting, to get rid of her!”

“I see! Wow! How do you feel physically?”

“We’re all still in pain!” Mrs. Peterson shouts.

“You’re still in pain?!”

“Of course we are! Diane D kung fu kicked those water bottles and chairs right back at us while we were throwing them at her, causing those water bottles and chairs to fly back to us real fast like missiles, we had to duck for cover! And while we were ducked for cover, those water bottles and chairs dropped and landed right on our backs very hard, that’s why we’re still in pain from it!” Mrs. Peterson gets on the microphone and shouts to the crowd, “Ladies and gentlemen, we must have Diane D deported right away! She killed our husbands last year and she just seriously injured more people from our families! She is a danger to society! She is a ticking time bomb who must be stopped!”


“That’s right everybody!” Mrs. Jenkins shouts to the crowd through the microphone.

“Jeremy whose father was killed by Diane D last year is now laying in the hospital himself, unconscious with a fractured skull and broken bones inside his face when Diane D body slammed his face to the floor then constantly banged his face, head and body against the walls while he was unconscious after she kung fu kicked him in the head knocking him out cold!”

“Oh no!” the crowd shouts.

“Jeremy also has a brain hemorrhage!”

“Oh no!”

“He has two dislocated shoulders and has several bullet wounds in his body from when Diane D was carrying his body putting his unconscious body right in the line of fire while the police were trying to shoot at her to stop her from banging Jeremy’s head and body against the wall, but instead of Diane D herself getting shot up, she caused Jeremy’s unconscious body to get shot up when she used his body as a human shield, putting injuries on top of injuries!”

“That’s right everyone!” Mrs. Reid shouts to the crowd through the microphone.

“Diane D injures and kills people! She stalks people, and when she goes to court, she is found ‘not guilty by reason of insanity’ and all she gets is being locked up right in the mental institution then comes out on house arrest and gets to be with her family! What kind of justice is that?! She gets to see her family again and her family gets to see her!

Us family members of the victims will never have that opportunity! Us widows will never get to see or talk to our husbands ever again, thanks to her!”

“That’s right!” Mrs. Jenkins shouts through the microphone again. “Diane D must be deported right away before more members of our families and maybe YOUR families get hurt and fall prey to her ‘other’ personality’s wrath! We all know what her ‘other’

personality is capable of! We all know what her other personality did to my husband and his fellow colleagues! They were falling heroes to her ‘other’ personality’s wrath!

Several of us women are now widows thanks to her ‘other’ personality’s wrath, and now her ‘other’ personality has done it to our families again!”

“That’s right people!” Mrs. Peterson shouts through the microphone again. “We need the authorities to deport Diane D as soon as possible, because guns and shotguns do not seem to stop her ‘other’ personality’s wrath! I think her ‘other’ personality might be bullet proof, because if guns, shotguns, being tased by the police, having water bottles thrown at her, having chairs thrown at her, having heavy objects thrown at her or having her body wrapped in chains and chained to a psychiatrist couch don’t seem to put a stop to her ‘other’ personality’s wrath, then what will?! Because if she can get superhuman strength and lift a heavy psychiatrist couch high up off the floor, spin it around and around then toss it twenty or thirty feet across the room at security guards and police officers killing some of them and putting the others in the hospital with permanent injuries, if she can kung fu kick security guards and police officers putting them in the hospital with permanent injuries, if she can literally drag several people all at once, if she can beat the crap out of a little kid inside an isolated school hallway by kung fu kicking him a couple of feet in the air, and if she can come right off the stage during the middle of her own performance, walk right through the crowd and sock it to a reporter knocking him out in front of thousands of witnesses, then she can do that to anybody! So in order for any of us to be safe from the wrath of Diane D’s ‘other’

personality, SHE must be deported back to her native country right away! Let her 19

native country deal with and handle her AND her ‘other’ personality’s wrath!”

“That’s right!” Mrs. Reid shouts through the microphone again. “We must say goodbye, good riddance, adios and sayonara to Diane D AND her ‘other’ personality!”

Everyone claps and cheer as Mrs. Reid hands the microphone over to William Burke, a black male security guard around his late-40’s who had issues with Diane D several years prior.

“Hello everyone!” William Burke shouts through the microphone. “I’m William Burke! Yes, Diane D should definitely be deported! She brutally attacked me, four other security guards and the city police several years ago when two of the Dianettes Bernice and Miranda had gotten into a physical altercation! I and the other security guards tried to break up the fight between the two Dianettes Miranda and Bernice, then we tried to slap handcuffs on them for disorderly conduct! We pulled Miranda’s and Bernice’s arms and hands behind their backs! Diane D and her family came shouting at us, telling us that we were too rough with Miranda and Bernice! When Miranda and Bernice started to scream and cry, the next thing we know, is that Diane D ran straight to me and the other security guard while we were trying to put the handcuffs on Miranda! Then she jumped and body slammed us right to the ground!”

“Oh nooo!” the crowd shouts.

“When we all got up off the ground, the next thing we know, is that Diane D starts attacking us!”

“Oh nooo!”

“She starts punching and kicking us, then we fell to the ground again! When one of the other guards ran to Diane D to stop her, she turned around and kung fu kicked him right in the groin!”

“Oh nooo!”

“He fell to the ground hard! When a second security guard ran to Diane D to stop her, she started to fight and attack him as well!”

“Oh no!”

“Her family ran to her to stop her, but she turned around and fought them off too, then she turned and ran straight to the security guards who were holding the other Dianette Bernice! She jumped and body slammed them to the ground too!”

“Oh nooo!”

“They all got up off the ground and the next thing we know, is that she brutally started attacking those security guards also, kicking them right in the groins too!”

“Oh nooo!”

“Her family ran to her again to try and stop her, but she turned around and fought them off again, then she turned and continued to fight and kick the other security guards, then the police came! When they tried to grab Diane D, she attacked them as well, trying to kick them in the groin also!”

“Oh nooo!”

“Other police officers tried to subdue her! When they finally got Diane D on the ground, they pulled her hands behind her back, slapped the handcuffs on her and arrested her right there on the spot! So instead of Miranda and Bernice getting handcuffed and arrested, Diane D wounds up being the one getting handcuffed and arrested! Then the police pulled her off the ground, put her in the patrol car and took her away! So instead of Miranda and Bernice going to jail, Diane D wounds up being the one going to jail! I wish she would have stayed in jail because Diane D has no 20

respect for authority! No matter who you are whether you’re a security guard, a police officer or someone on the street, she will kick you right in the groin if you have one, that’s why she needs to be deported and she should have been deported right after that incident happened!” Everyone claps and cheer as William Burke hands the microphone over to James Duncan, a black male correction officer around his early 50’s who also had an issue with Diane D several years prior.

“Hello everyone!” James Duncan shouts through the microphone. “I’m James Duncan! I also had my own issue with Diane D after she attacked those security guards and police officers, because after she got arrested, she was brought right to the county jail where I worked as a correction officer! I was one of the correction officers who had to deal with Diane D when she was brought to the county jail!”

“Oooohh,” the crowd says.

“Once the police brought Diane D to jail, us correction officers and the police had a hard time trying to bring her inside the jail because while we were trying to bring her to the cell, she kept trying to attack us!”

“Oh no!”

“She was so out-of-control we had to roll her face down on a stretcher down the hallway trying to hold each of her limbs and head away from ourselves with long poles because she kept trying to attack and kick us in the groin while we were trying to bring her to the cell!”

“Oh nooo!”

“When we got Diane D and the stretcher to the cell door, we opened the cell door and rolled Diane D and the stretcher right into the cell! Once we got her inside the cell, she kept trying to viciously attack us!”

“Oh no!”

“We tried to keep her inside the cell, but she kept trying to attack us! We had to hurry and push the stretcher with Diane D on it all the way to the back of the cell knocking Diane D and the stretcher right against the cell wall, then she and the stretcher fell to the floor!”

“Oh no!”

“The next thing we know, is that she leaped right up off the floor and viciously threw herself at us trying to kick us right in the groin again!”

“Oh no!”

“We had to quickly move ourselves out of her grip, but one of the other officers took the ten feet long stick and poked Diane D right in the waist with it pushing and knocking her right down to the floor!”

“Oh no!”

“Diane D was about to get up off the floor, but the other officer poked and pushed her waist with the stick again knocking her right back down to the floor, then he pinned her body against the floor!”

“What! Oh no!”

“She tried to knock the stick off herself again and get up off the floor, but the other officer kept poking and pushing her waist with the pole knocking her back down pinning her body against the bottom of the cell wall with the stick, then all of a sudden, she knocked the stick right off herself, but the other officer quickly poked her in the waist again!”

“Oh no!”


“The other officers grabbed the stretcher and quickly pulled it right out the cell while the other officer tried to hold and keep Diane D back with the long stick, then all of a sudden, she swung her fist and punched the pole, causing it to bend and drop right out of the other officer’s hands and fall on the floor!”

“Oh no!”

“She literally bent that metal pole with her fist and knuckles, then she leaped right up off the floor right towards us and literally tried to attack us again!”

“Oh no!”

“We had to hurry and get out of that cell! We ran right out of that cell and quickly slammed the cell door shut and locked it quick! The next thing we know, is that Diane D banged and slammed her body right against the cell door from inside the cell!”

“Oh no!”

“It really startled us! We could hear her body land hard on the floor!”

“Oh no!”

“Then we heard her banged and slammed her body right against the cell door again!”

“Oh no!”

“We kept hearing her banging and slamming her body hard against the cell door, we could feel the vibration when she kept banging and slamming her body against the cell door then land hard on the floor, it literally scared us!”

“Oh wow!”

“Then we heard a loud pound on the cell door and became startled again! Then we heard her trying to pull the cell door open from the inside trying to break out of the cell!”

“Oh no!”

“We could see the cell door vibrating while we kept hearing Diane D trying to pull the door open from the inside!”


“Then we heard another pound on the cell door and became startled again! We kept hearing her body land hard on the cell floor! It was like she was possessed!”

“What! Oh nooo!”

“It felt like some demon or evil entity had taken over her physical body right inside that jail cell, it was frightening!”

“Oh nooo!”

“We couldn‘t bear to hear those loud banging, slamming and pounding sounds anymore! We couldn’t bear to feel the vibrations any longer, so we all decided to leave the area and get out of that hallway because as long as we were standing there, we were gonna keep hearing those loud banging, slamming and pounding sounds and keep feeling the vibrations, so we turned and walked away from the cell door! All of a sudden, we heard another loud hard slam against the cell door and became startled again! We stopped and quickly looked back at the cell door, then we turned back forward and quickly left out of the area!”


“A few hours later, we decided to go back and check on Diane D. We walked down the hallway and went to her cell door. I took a peek inside the glass window into the cell. I didn’t see Diane D at first. I looked my eyes around the cell. I didn’t see her anywhere! I quietly backed up to the other officers and told them that I didn’t see her 22

inside the cell! We didn’t understand what was going on because nobody let her out the cell, then we took a peek inside the glass window and looked down! That time we saw her!”

“Oh no!”

“We saw the top of her head right against the bottom of the door, way beneath the glass! It looked like she was hiding!”

“Oh no!”

“It looked like she was looking right up at the glass window listening for our footsteps, that’s when we realized that she was hiding and waiting for us to open that cell door so she can put a sneak attack on us and kick us right in the groin like she tried to do before and like she did to those security guards!”

“Oh nooo!”

“We didn’t dare open that door! I told the other officers that I don’t think any of us better ever open that door until Diane D falls asleep, because we don’t need to be her next victims and wind up in the hospital ourselves like those security guards, so we decided to leave and walk away from the cell door and quietly left out of that hallway!

We took one look back at the cell door then looked forward and left the area. We waited until the morning to check back on Diane D again! The following morning, we walked back down the hallway to check on Diane D. We went to her cell door and looked through the door window and saw that she was asleep on the cot with a blanket over herself, that’s when we felt it was safe to send a nurse inside the cell to check on her, so we walked away from the cell door and left the area to get the nurse because we certainly couldn’t send a nurse in there while Diane D was awake, so ten minutes later, we walked back down the hallway with the nurse. She was pulling the blood pressure machine while we were carrying trays of food and drinks. We went to the cell door and took a peek through the tiny glass window. We saw that Diane D was still asleep on the cot, this time facing up towards the ceiling with both hands resting behind her neck with the blanket over herself. I turned to the nurse and told her that Diane D is still asleep, that it should be okay for her to go into the cell now, so I turned back to the door and quietly started to unlock it. I opened the cell door and peeked inside the cell.

I stepped back and opened the door wider, then I told the nurse to go in there now, but please be careful in there, then the nurse went into Diane D’s cell with the blood pressure machine. I closed the cell door behind the nurse right away, then I looked through the tiny glass window on the door and took another peek inside the glass window, then I backed away from the glass window and turned away as I and the other officers waited outside the cell door! We were hoping as long as Diane D remains asleep, the nurse should be safe in there with her. Ten minutes later, the nurse taps from inside the cell door. I looked in the glass window, then I opened the door. The nurse came out the cell pulling the blood pressure machine then I quickly shut the cell door back right away and locked it! I took another quick peek inside the glass window, then I turned to the nurse and asked her ‘how is Diane D’, that’s when she told us that

‘so far Diane D seemed to be in good health’ and told us that we can send the food in there to her! We told the nurse ‘no that’s okay, we’ll let her do it, so we held the tray of food out to the nurse, then she put the blood pressure machine aside! She took the tray of food from us and went to the cell door. I took another peek inside the glass window, then I quietly unlocked the cell door again and opened the door wide! The nurse went back into the cell with the tray of food then I quickly shut the door behind her again!”


“You and the other correction officers had the nurse bring the tray of food into Diane D’s cell?” the reporter asks.

“Yes because we were afraid to go into her cell ourselves! We were afraid to come into contact with her again after the hard time we all had putting her inside the cell in the first place and after what she did to those security guards and police officers causing two security guards to suffer permanent injuries to their groin areas, causing one of them to suffer a concussion, giving another one a broken nose, a busted eye and a fractured skull!”

“Oh wow!” the crowd shouts.

“They were injured very bad! We didn’t want to suffer from the same injuries! We figured that since the nurse came back out the cell in one piece after she took Diane D’s blood pressure, she might make it back out the cell in one piece again if she brings the trays of food and drinks inside the cell, that’s why we decided to have HER bring the food and drinks inside Diane D’s cell. After that, I looked through the door window again. I saw the nurse coming back, so I opened the cell door again and let her back out the cell, then we held the tray of drinks out to her. She took the tray of drinks from us then turned and went back into the cell with the tray of drinks. She came back out the cell door, then I quickly shut the cell door again and locked it! I took another peek inside the window, then I backed up and turned to the nurse and told her ‘thank you so much, I don‘t know how we would have done this without her’. Then I asked the nurse

‘how did it go in there while she was taking Diane D’s blood pressure’. She told us that while she was taking Diane D’s blood pressure, Diane D opened her eyes a little and looked right at her!”

“Oh no!”

“She said that Diane D was staring at her for a while!”

“Oh no!”

“We asked the nurse did Diane D try to attack her, she told us ‘no’! After that, the nurse left. Years later, we found out through Diane D’s brothers that Diane D claim not to remember trying to attack us correction officers inside the jail cell!”

“Diane D’s brothers claim she doesn’t remember trying to attack any of you correction officers inside the jail cell?” the reporter shouts.

“That’s what her brothers said! Her brothers said that she accused us correction officers of lying about her trying to attack us so we can get publicity!”

“What! Diane D’s brothers said that she accused you correction officers of lying about her trying to attack you so you can get publicity?”

“That’s what her brothers said! Her brothers told us she claim that we were making this entire story up as a publicity stunt! I told her brothers that we were not lying about their sister trying to attack us! I told them we were not gaining any publicity or anything by making this story up! I told them that their sister really did try to attack us correction officers inside that jail cell when we were trying to put her in there and keep her in there! I told them that we had to poke their sister right in the ribs with a ten foot pole to keep her back! I told them that their sister punched that ten foot pole knocking it down bending it and I told them that their sister really did throw, bang and slammed her own body against the cell door after us correction officers escaped out of that cell! Diane D’s brothers claim she told their family that she doesn‘t remember any of that! Her brothers claim she told their family that she doesn‘t remember getting poked in the ribs with a ten foot pole at all and don’t remember 24

punching a ten foot pole knocking it down! Her brothers claim she told their family that she doesn‘t remember throwing, banging and slamming her own body against the cell door either and would never do that! Diane D’s brothers said that the only thing Diane D claims to remember was waking up the next day on the cot feeling pain all over her body!”

“Diane D only remembers waking up the next day on the cot feeling pain all over her body? That’s the only part she remembers?”

“That’s what her brothers said! We asked Diane D’s brothers did Diane D tell the nurse that she was in pain when the nurse came in the cell to take her blood pressure!

Her brothers claim the family asked Diane D ‘why didn’t she tell the nurse that she was in pain when the nurse came in the cell to take her blood pressure! Diane D’s brothers claim that Diane D told their family that she never saw a nurse inside her cell that day!”

“What?” the crowd says.

“Diane D told her family that she never saw a nurse inside her cell?” the reporter asks.

“That’s what her brothers said!” James Duncan shouts. “I told Diane D’s brothers that a nurse DID go into Diane D’s cell to take her blood pressure! I told her brothers that we were the ones who sent the nurse inside Diane D’s cell! I told her brothers that the nurse who went into the cell to take their sister’s blood pressure said that their sister had opened her eyes a little and was looking right at the nurse! I told Diane D’s brothers that the nurse claim their sister stared at her for a while! Diane D’s brothers claim that Diane D told their family that she doesn’t remember seeing anyone inside the cell taking her blood pressure!”

“Wooow!” the crowd says.

“Diane D’s brothers claim that the only thing Diane D said she remembers is seeing a bent ten foot pole on the cell floor when she woke up the next day, but didn’t know or understand why it was there or how it got there! Diane D’s brothers claim if Diane D

hadn’t heard about what happened between herself, us correctional officers, the ten foot pole and the nurse, she wouldn’t have known about those incidents, that the only reason why she knows about those incidents, is because she heard about them, not because she remembers them!”


“And here’s the nurse right here!” James Duncan shouts as he points to the nurse, a stocky chubby black woman around her late-40’s who has her hair cut in a short curly afro and is wearing glasses. “She’s the one who went into Diane D’s jail cell to check on her! She can tell you herself about the experience she had with Diane D when she went into Diane D’s cell to check on her!” James Duncan hands the microphone over to the nurse who went into Diane D’s jail cell.

“Hello everyone!” the nurse nervously shouts through the microphone. “I’m Betty, the nurse who went into Diane D’s jail cell to check on her after the day she got arrested for attacking those security guards and police officers and was brought into the county jail!”

“Ooooh,” the crowd says.

“I was walking down the hallway behind Officer James Duncan pulling a blood pressure machine. Officer Kent and Officer Green were walking behind me carrying trays of food and drinks. Then Officer James Duncan turned around to me and said that Diane D’s cell is right this way, so we went to Diane D’s cell door and stopped. Officer 25

James Duncan took a peek through the tiny glass window, then he backed up and told me that Diane D was still asleep, that it should be okay for me to go into her cell, then he quietly unlocked the cell door, then he opened the cell door a little and took a peek inside of it. He stepped back and opened the door wider, then he told me to go in the cell and said for me to please be careful in there. I said ‘Be careful’? Be careful for what? You said Diane D’s asleep, right?’. He said ‘yes’. Then I said ‘okay’ so I pulled the blood pressure machine and went into Diane D’s cell with the machine. When I went into the cell, the next thing I know, is that Officer James Duncan closed the cell door behind me and locked it!”

“What!” everyone else shouts. “Oh no!”

“He locked the cell door?!” the reporter shouts. “You mean to tell us that you were locked inside the jail cell with Diane D after what she did to the correction officers, those security guards and police officers?!”

“That’s right!” the nurse shouts. “When I looked towards Diane D, I saw her sleeping face up on the cot with both her hands resting behind her neck with the blanket over herself!”

“My God, did you feel safe inside that jail cell with her?! Did you feel that you were in danger being locked inside that jail cell with Diane D?”

“Not at that point yet, because she was asleep, plus I felt maybe she didn’t have a problem with me.”

“You felt Diane D didn’t have a problem with you so there’s no way you would be in danger from her?”

“That’s right, so while I was inside Diane D’s cell, Officer James Duncan, Officer Kent and Officer Green waited outside the cell door, then I walked over to Diane D with the blood pressure machine. When I got to her, I sat down on the cot right beside her.”

“What!” the crowd shouts.

“You sat down on the cot besides Diane D?!” the reporter shouts.

“Well I had to!” the nurse shouts, “because I was about to take her blood pressure!”

“So what happened when you sat down on the cot beside her?”

“I guess she felt someone’s presence there, because while I was about to take her blood pressure, she opened her eyes a little to see who it was. She saw that I was a nurse and looked right at me.”

“She looked at you?”

“Yes! She was staring at me for a while!”

“She stared at you for a while?”


“Did she try to attack you or anything?”

“No, she just kept staring at me while I was taking her blood pressure! She was staring me right in the eyes.”

“What?” the crowd says.

“Diane D was staring you in the eyes while you were taking her blood pressure?”

the reporter asks.

“Yes!” the nurse shouts. “She kept staring me in the eyes the whole time I was taking her blood pressure and never once took her eyes off me.”

“She never took her eyes off you while you were taking her blood pressure?”

“No never.”

“How do you know she never took her eyes off you, were you looking back at her?”


“Of course I took a few glances at her face because her face was right there in front of my face, I couldn’t miss it! When I looked away from her face to continue taking her blood pressure, I could see from my peripheral vision that she was still staring me right in the eyes!”

“Oh no!” the crowd says.

“Did she do anything to you or say anything to you?” the reporter asks.

“No,” the nurse says, “I said something to her.”

“You did?! You mean you talked to Diane D?!”

“Yes I did.”

“What did you say to her?”

“I told her not to worry, that I’m just there to take her blood pressure.”

“You said that to her?!”

“Yes I did.”

“Did she respond back to you?”

“No, she didn’t say a word to me. She just continued to stare me right in the eyes. I don’t think she ever once blinked while she was staring me in the eyes.”

“You don’t think Diane D once blinked while she was staring you in the eyes?!”

“I don’t think so.”

“What makes you think she never blinked?”

“Because her face was right there, I could see from the corner of my vision that she never once blinked while she was staring me in the eyes!”


The nurse is inside Diane D’s jail cell sitting down on the cot right beside Diane D’s left about to take Diane D’s blood pressure. Diane D suddenly opens her eyes a little.

She sees the nurse. She looks right at the nurse through sleepy half-closed puffy eyes.

She stares at the nurse while the nurse is taking her blood pressure. The nurse takes a quick glance at Diane D’s face. She sees Diane D staring at her through sleepy half-closed puffy eyes. She then says to Diane D, “Don’t worry, I’m just here to take your blood pressure.” Diane D does not say a word. She continues to stare at the nurse through sleepy half-closed puffy eyes. The nurse nervously smiles at Diane D, then she nervously looks her eyes away from Diane D’s face and continues taking her blood pressure. She can see from the corner of her eyes that Diane D is still staring at her.

She takes another quick glance at Diane D’s face. She sees Diane D still staring at her through sleepy half-closed puffy eyes not blinking. She nervously looks her eyes away from Diane D’s face again and continues taking her blood pressure.


“My God!” the reporter shouts, “that sounds creepy! What was going through your mind while Diane D was staring at you like that not blinking, not taking her eyes off you?”

“I wanted to hurry up and finish taking her blood pressure so I can hurry and leave out of that cell!” the nurse says. “Later she closed her eyes completely and went back to sleep.”

“She did?”



“Maybe that’s what happened, she was falling back to sleep while she was staring at you.”

“As soon as she went back to sleep, I got up off the cot, walked away to the cell door with the blood pressure machine and tapped on the cell door. Officer James Duncan opened the door. I went through the doorway and came out the cell with the blood pressure machine. Officer James Duncan quickly shut the cell door back and locked it.

Then he turned to me and asked me ‘how is Diane D’. I told him ‘so far, she seems to be in good health’ then I told them ‘I guess they can send the food in there to her, then they told me ‘no that’s okay, they’ll let me do it.”

“They’ll let you do it?! They decided to have YOU bring the trays of food and drinks into Diane D’s cell, because they were afraid to go into her cell themselves?”

“Yes they were afraid because they didn’t want to come into contact with her again!

They claim they didn’t want to suffer the same injuries those security guards and police officers suffered, they didn’t want to take a chance of going into her cell after the ordeal they went through with trying to keep her inside the cell, so they held the tray of food out to me, then I went right back into the cell with the tray of food. After that, I went back into the cell with the tray of drinks. After that, I came back out the cell, then Officer James Duncan asked me ‘how did it go in there’. I told him while I was taking Diane D’s blood pressure, she opened her eyes a little and looked right at me.”

“You told him that?”

“Yeah. I told him that Diane D was staring at me for a while. Then they asked me did she try to attack me. I told them no. I told them that I told Diane D ‘not to worry, that I’m just there to take her blood pressure’. They asked me did she respond back to me. I told them ‘no, she just continued to stare at me, later she closed her eyes again.

They told me if it was any of them in there with Diane D, she wouldn’t have gone back to sleep. She would have tried to attack them. I told them they don’t have to worry, she fell back to sleep. Then I told them I have to go, that’s when I pulled the blood pressure machine and walked away with it.”

“You didn’t tell them that Diane D kept staring you in the eyes while you were taking her blood pressure and never took her eyes off you and never once blinked while she was staring you in the eyes?”

“No I didn’t tell them about it at first, I told them about it later on.”

“I see. So after all that, Diane D never once tried to attack you while you were inside the cell with her.”

“No she didn’t. All she did was stare me in the eyes which made me feel nervous and uncomfortable.”

“You felt nervous and uncomfortable?”

“I sure did.”

“But if Diane D was staring at you the whole time you were sitting down on the cot beside her taking her blood pressure, why did she tell everyone that she never saw a nurse inside her jail cell that day! How did you feel telling everyone that Diane D kept staring at you while you were inside her jail cell taking her blood pressure, but yet she’s telling everyone that she never saw a nurse inside her cell that day and never saw anyone taking her blood pressure as if you were never there?”

“At first I felt maybe she just doesn’t remember seeing me inside her jail cell even though she was staring at me, because I know I was in there! I was sent in there to 28

check on her! Officer James Duncan and the other correction officers were the ones who lead me to Diane D’s jail cell, they’re the ones who let me in there! They saw me go inside her cell, they’re my witnesses! A year later when I learned that Diane D didn’t remember ever seeing me inside her jail cell, I was thinking to myself ‘how can she stare me right in my face one day, then the next day, she doesn’t remember ever seeing me at all?!’. But at that time, I didn’t know that it was another personality inside of her physical body!”

“Oooohh!” the crowd says.

“You didn’t know?!” the reporter asks.

“No!” the nurse shouts. “I thought it was Diane D’s original personality staring at me like that!”

“You thought it was her original personality staring at you?”


“You couldn’t tell it was another personality inside her physical body?!”

“No! How was I supposed to know that there was another personality inside of her physical body or anybody’s physical body?! How was I supposed to know to look for another personality inside of her?! If I was told to look for another personality that might be inside of Diane D while I’m about to check on her or if I was told to look at her face to see if there was another personality there inside her physical body, I would have never went inside her jail cell!”

“You wouldn’t have?”

“Never! I didn’t find out that it was another soul, spirit or personality inside her physical body until maybe a year later when I was told that’s why Diane D doesn’t remember ever seeing me inside her cell that day and that’s why she doesn’t remember anyone taking her blood pressure because it wasn’t her original soul, spirit or personality there inside her physical body, it was another soul, spirit or entity inside her physical body looking at me staring at me inside that jail cell while I was taking her blood pressure and I didn’t even know it!”

“Oooohh,” the crowd says..”

“That’s when I freaked out and got scared! I started to wonder, ‘well if that wasn’t Diane D’s original soul, spirit or personality looking at me staring at me inside that jail cell while I was taking her blood pressure, then who’s soul, spirit or personality was it?’!”


“Then after I heard what happened to all those authority figures last year, I started to wonder ‘was that vicious murderous personality who killed all those authority figures the same personality who was staring at me inside the jail cell several years prior?’”


“If it was that vicious murderous personality who was staring at me inside the jail cell, I’m frightened, because why was it staring at me?! Was it studying me trying to figure or find out who I was?! Why was it staring me in the eyes?! Why did it never once took its eyes off me?! Why did it never once blink?! Was it trying to see my inner soul or spirit to see who my inner soul or spirit was?! Being that the other personality kept staring at me and never once took its eyes off me, that means it now knows me!”


“Diane D’s original personality doesn’t know me being that she doesn’t remember 29

ever seeing me inside her jail cell nor remembers me taking her blood pressure, but her other personality knows me because her other personality was actually the one I had an encounter with!”


“I’m frightened to know that I actually had an encounter with that killer personality right inside that jail cell! No wonder why Diane D never spoke back to me when I told her ‘not to worry, that I’m just there to take her blood pressure’, because I was actually speaking to that ‘other’ personality!”

“Oh no!”

“I was speaking to the enemy and didn’t even know it!”


“But even though you didn’t know or realize at that time that it was another soul, spirit or entity inside of Diane D’s physical body, how did Diane D look to you while you were sitting down on the cot beside her?” the reporter asks. “Did she look different?

Did she have an unusual appearance? In other words, did her appearance look odd to you?”

“Yes,” the nurse says, “as a matter of fact, she did had sort of an odd appearance.”

“She did?”


“In what way?”

“Well, while I was sitting down beside her, she didn’t look real.”

“What?” the crowd says.

“She didn’t look real?” the reporter asks. “What do you mean by that? What do you mean she didn’t look real?”

“She didn’t look like a real person,” the nurse says.

“She didn’t look like a real person?”

“No she didn’t! In other words, she didn’t look like a real human being.”

“She didn’t look like a real human being?”


“Explain to us! How did Diane D not look like a real human being?”

“Well, she sort of looked like a wax figure while she was laying there on that cot staring at me!”

“What!” the crowd shouts. “A wax figure?!”

“Diane D looked like a wax figure while she was laying on that cot staring at you?!”

the reporter asks.

“Yeah,” the nurse says. “She sort of looked like a mannequin or corpse.”

“A mannequin or corpse?!” the crowd shouts.

“Diane D looked like a mannequin or corpse while she was laying there staring at you?!” the reporter asks.

“Yes!” the nurse says.

“So you’re saying that she looked like all the above, a wax figure, a mannequin or a corpse?!”

“Yes, she looked like a non-living object to me!”

“A non-living object? She looked like a non-living object to you?”

“Yes, it didn’t look like there was a soul there.”

“It didn’t seem like there was a soul there?”

“No, just an empty shell laying there staring at me.”


“An empty shell laying there staring at you?!”


“My God, how did her face look like?! Did her facial appearance look odd or weird to you too?”

“Yes, her facial appearance looked odd or weird too.”

“It did? In what way?”

“Her face didn’t look real either.”

“It didn’t?”


“How did her face not look real?”

“Her skin tone was slightly pale.”

“Her skin tone was pale?”

“Sort of, it had sort of an eerie bright glow to it.”

“Her skin on her face had an eerie bright glow to it?”

“Yeah, it was like her face had an odd beauty to it.”

“An odd beauty?”

“Yeah, it looked like it was the face of a bright glowing beautiful wax figure, mannequin or corpse.”

“What?” the crowd says.

“Her face looked like it was the face of a bright glowing beautiful wax figure, mannequin or corpse too?!” the reporter asks. “So her face looked like a non-living object too!”

“Yes,” the nurse says, “her face looked like a glowing non-living empty shell staring at me.”

“Wow,” the crowd says.

“How did her eyes look like?” the reporter asks. “Did her eyes look odd or weird to you too?”

“Yes,” the nurse says, “her eyes did look odd or weird too.”

“In what way?”

“Her eyes didn’t look real either.”

“They didn’t?!”


“How did her eyes not look real?”

“Her eyes had an odd beauty to it also because her eyeballs looked pitched black!”

“What? Her eyeballs looked pitched black?”

“Yes, they looked like eyeballs of a doll?”

“Eyeballs of a doll? Diane D’s eyeballs looked like eyeballs of a doll?”

“Yes! Her eyeballs looked like non-living eyeballs staring at me.”

“Wow,” the crowd says.

“Did Diane D’s eyes appear puffy or swollen like she just got beat up?” the reporter shouts.

“Well yeah,” the nurse says, “but doesn’t Diane D’s eyes always seem kind of puffy?”

“Well yeah.”

“So I didn’t really notice anything different about her eyes appearing puffy. The only odd thing I notice about Diane D’s eyes were that her eyes and eyeballs had an odd appearance to them and her face had an odd bright appearance to it that she didn’t look 31

like a real living being laying on that cot, she looked like a wax figure, mannequin, corpse or giant doll staring at me. If I never knew of Diane D and never knew about her, I would have actually thought I was sitting down next to a wax figure, mannequin, corpse or giant doll while the wax figure, mannequin, corpse or giant doll was staring at me.”

“My God! This whole thing sounds very creepy! Weren’t you scared to be right beside Diane D seeing that she appeared like a non-living object staring at you like that?!”

“Yes, that’s why I started to feel uncomfortable in there!”

“I thought you would have felt uncomfortable about her as soon as you heard about what she did to those security guards and police officers! Did you ever tell anyone at that time about Diane D’s odd appearance inside the cell?”

“No I didn’t tell anybody about it because I think I sort of blocked it out after that. I didn’t think of her odd appearance again until you just asked me about it.”

“Wooow,” the crowd says.

“Well how did Diane D’s body feel to you while you were taking her blood pressure?” the reporter asks. “I know you had to hold her arm in order to take her blood pressure. How did her body feel while you were taking her blood pressure? Did her body feel real?”

“Yes her body felt real,” the nurse says.

“It did?!”

“Yes her body felt very real. Even though she didn’t look real, her body felt real.”

“Wooow,” the crowd says.

“Even though you started to feel uncomfortable inside the cell with Diane D, you still made it out of that cell unscathed!” the reporter shouts. “You’re lucky that Diane D

or her ‘other’ personality never tried to harm you or attack you while you were inside that cell with her, because she tried to attack the crowd when they were trying to stop her from attacking the security guards, then she attacked the police officers! They had a very hard time trying to subdue her! The correction officers at the jail had a hard time trying to keep her inside the cell! She tried to attack them right inside the cell!

Later on, they saw her hiding down beneath the cell door like if she was waiting for them to open the door so she can put a sneak attack on them if they would have opened the cell door and walked into the cell, but you made it into that jail cell then made it out of that jail cell unscathed and in one piece! Do you know why Diane D or her ‘other’

personality never tried to attack you? Do you know why she or her ‘other’ personality spared you from their wrath?”

“No, I have no idea,” the nurse says.

“You have no idea at all?”

“No I don’t.”

“Well thank God you made it out of her jail cell alive and well, and thank you for sharing your encounter with Diane D or her ‘other’ personality inside that jail cell!”

“You’re welcome.”

Everyone claps and cheer as the nurse hands the microphone back over to James Duncan as James Duncan shouts into the microphone, “Yeah thank God this nurse made it out of Diane D’s jail cell alive and well, because even though Diane D wasn’t a danger to the nurse inside the cell, she was definitely a danger to us correction officers inside that entire jail! That’s exactly why I believe Diane D should be deported as soon as 32

possible!” Everyone claps and cheer as James Duncan hands the microphone over to Candis a beautiful black woman with shoulder length hair who is Diane D’s former Jamaican lover Jonathan’s girlfriend who was threatened by Diane D over the phone four years prior.

“Hello everyone!” Candis shouts through the microphone, “I’m Candis! Yes Diane D

is a danger to society! I always felt she gave me the creeps!”

“Oooohh,” the crowd says,

“Now that I just heard the story about this nurse being inside the jail cell, or should I say being inside the cage with Diane D and Diane D staring the nurse in the eyes while the nurse was taking her blood pressure, and after I learned what Diane D did to all those authority figures last year, she gives me the creeps even more!”


“I had my own issues with Diane D four years ago when I accused her of having an affair with my then fiancé Jonathan who’s from Jamaica! I accused Diane D of trying to meet up with Jonathan at Newark Airport when he was about to fly back home to Jamaica! After I found out about the affair Jonathan had with Diane D, I called her family’s organization a few times to complain about her! When I called Diane D’s family’s organization the second or third time to complain about her, that time SHE

herself came on the phone and threatened me!”

“Oh no!”

“She told me to stop calling her family’s organization and not to ever call there again! She accused me of getting her into trouble with her family! She told me that she had to deal with her mom and her grandma fussing with her all night because of me and said that I caused her mom to hit her!”

“Oh no!”

“She blamed me for her mom hitting her! I told Diane D that it was good for her that her mom had hit her, that she deserved to be hit by her mom and I hope that her mom hits her again!”

“Oh no!”

“And do you know what she said to me when I told her that?! She told me that since I feel that way about her mom hitting her, that she was going to give me a taste of my own medicine!”

“Oh no!”

“Give me a taste of my own medicine?! What? I asked her what did she mean by

‘give me a taste of my own medicine’, and do you know what she told me?! She told me that she was going to hit ME!”

“Hit you?! Oh no!”

“She told me that she was going to come after me and beat me up for getting her into trouble with her family!”

“Oh no!”

“You see how violent she is?! She told me that she was going to bust my behind for getting her into trouble with her family and making her mom hit her! I asked her how was she going to do that! I didn’t think Diane D knew where I lived because she didn’t even know me! We’ve never met each other before, so I didn’t think she knew where I lived, so I told her to bring it! To my surprise, she knew exactly where I lived!”

“Oh nooo!”

“She told me that she was going to come to the parking lot behind my apartment 33

building and bust my behind, then she hung up the phone! First of all, how did she even know that my apartment building had a parking lot behind it, I never told her!”


“If she already knew that my apartment building had a parking lot behind it without me ever telling her, that means she already knew about me and I didn’t even know it!”


“I got so scared when I realized that Diane D already knew about me! I got so scared when I realized that she knew exactly where I lived!”

“Oh no!”

“I got so scared when I realized that she was gonna act on her threat and seriously come after me, so I snatched a vase from out of my apartment for protection, then I hurried downstairs to the lobby to meet up with her so she can find me there, because I surely didn’t want her coming up to MY apartment looking for me!”

“Oh no!”

“I didn’t want her anywhere near my apartment door! When I got downstairs, my neighbors saw how frightened and hysterical I was and asked me what happened! I told them that I just got off the phone with Diane D that she had threatened to come right over to the area to beat me up! My neighbors were shocked! They knew of Diane D and her history, but they had no idea that she knew me! They told me that I should call the police on her and let the police know that she had threatened me over the phone, so I did! While my neighbors and I waited inside the building for the police to come, the next thing we know, is that the police came right near the parking lot entrance waiting for Diane D to show up! And while they were waiting for her to show up, you know what happened?! Twenty minutes later, we heard Diane D’s car speeding right towards the parking lot entrance right behind my apartment building! Then we heard the police cars speeding to the parking lot entrance to block Diane D’s car! Then we heard Diane D’s car tires screeching so loud when she slammed on the brakes! She literally kept her promise of coming to the parking lot behind my apartment building to come after me! Thank God the police got to her in time! Then they got her out of her vehicle, handcuffed her and arrested her right there on the spot! Later on, I found out that Diane D had literally sped all the way across town to get to the parking lot just to come after me!”

“Oh nooo!”

“And while she was speeding across town, her family was speeding right behind her following her trail and she didn’t even know or realize that her family was following her until her family pulled up right behind her at the parking lot entrance! When we all got to the police precinct later, Diane D told her family and the police that she didn’t even know about me!”


“And this is right after she threatened me over the phone!”

“Oh no!”

“She told her family and the police that the reason why she sped all the way to the parking lot behind my apartment building was to meet up with an old friend! The police asked her how did I knew that she was coming to that parking lot if she didn’t know about me and I didn’t know about her! She told the police that maybe word of her arrival might have spread across my neighborhood, that’s how I probably knew that she was coming!”



“I knew that she was coming because she had just threatened me over the phone and told me that she was coming! That’s right, she lied to the police! She knew that she had threatened me over the phone and she knew she was at that parking lot entrance to come after me! Her family and the police didn’t really know, but I knew and she knew! She was lying to the police and to her family that whole entire time while sitting there on the chair with a straight look on her face! She made me look like a fool in front of her family and the police, but I think her mom had her suspicions, because later on, her mom asked the police can she bring Diane D inside the back room!

The police said okay, then Diane D’s mom brought her into the back room! While Diane D and her mom were in the back room, the next thing we all heard was Diane D’s mom whacking her!”

“What! Oh nooo!”

“Yeah! The police and Diane D’s family had to burst into the back room to stop Diane D’s mom from whacking her! I found out that Diane D’s mom had whacked her right upside her head with a rolled up newspaper!”

“Oh nooo!”

“Now if Diane D was already angry about me, blaming me for causing her mom to hit her the night before, then she’s really gonna want to kill me after her mom whacked her upside her head with that rolled up newspaper! I’m sure she blamed me for that too, just like I’m blaming HER for Jonathan and I not getting married! Jonathan and I were supposed to get married, but thanks to Diane D, the marriage was called off!”


“Diane D is trouble, so she should be deported out of here and out of our lives for good!” Everyone claps and cheer.

“Uh excuse me Miss Candis?!” the reporter shouts. “Miss Candis?!”

“Yes Sir!”

“I just want to know, have you ever had any more issues, incidents or problems with Diane D since that day?!”

“No I haven’t!”

“You haven’t?! Have you ever had any nightmares about her?!”

“No I haven’t, thank God! But the fact that she killed and injured all those authority figures three years after she threatened me over the phone then sped all the way to my place of residence to fulfill that mission of beating me up is very scary! I could have been one of those victims! She or her ‘other’ personality could have killed me as well!”

“Oooohh,” the crowd says.

“That’s why I think she should be deported and let her country of birth deal with her!” Everyone claps and cheer again as Candis hands the microphone over to Nadine a young medium built black woman who was attacked and assaulted by Diane D four years prior.

“Hello everybody!” Nadine shouts through the microphone, “I’m Nadine! I had an issue with Diane D myself several years ago when I found out that my husband Deacon tried to go out on a school dance date with her!”

“Oooohh!” the crowd says.

“I was so mad at my husband Deacon and I was mad at Diane D as well! After I straightened my husband out, I was planning to straighten Diane D out!”

“Oh no!”


“I found out that she had went inside a church! I decided to go right inside that church to confront her and have it out with her! The next thing I know, is that she starts attacking me out on the church lawn!”

“Oh no!”

“She threw her fist right at my face and I quickly ducked! She missed hitting my face which caused her body to spin and she lost her balance and fell! She quickly got up off the ground and started to chase after me!”

“Oh nooo!”

“I had to run from her! Diane D’s family rushed out of the church! The men in her family and several other men from the church rushed to Diane D! Her mom and her grandmother started shouting at her while all the men grabbed her and held onto her!

She tried to break away from them! I turned around to Diane D and shouted at her to stay the hell away from my husband! The next thing I know, is that she broke loose from the men and ran straight towards me!”

“Oh nooo!”

“I had to turn and run away from her again! Then she caught up to me and lunged at me again, throwing her arm and fist right at my face again! I ducked again causing her to miss again! The next thing I know, is that she jumped and spin her body around and kung fu kicked me right in the head and face!”

“Oh nooo!”

“I started bleeding all over the place! Then she jumped and spin her body around again and kung fu kicked me high into the air!”

“What! Oh nooo!”

“My entire body flew right off the ground!”

“Oh no!”

“People there could not believe what Diane D just did! They were so shocked and horrified at what she just did to me!”

“Oh no!”

“Then my body dropped a few yards away!”

“Oh nooo!”

“My body started to roll all on the ground! Then my body stopped rolling and I was lying injured on the ground! I thought I got hit by a car or something! But it wasn’t a car I got hit by, it was Diane D I got kung fu kicked by! Being kung fu kicked by her feels worse than being hit by a car! I was so hurt I couldn’t move! The next thing I know, is that Diane D starts to charge right towards me again while I was laying injured on the ground!”

“Oh nooo!”

“All the men had to rush and grab her again, then my husband Deacon ran to me and got on the ground and started holding me! The men were holding onto Diane D

again, then she tried to break away from them again! All of a sudden, she gets this superhuman strength and started dragging herself and all the men right towards me!”

“Oh nooo!”

“We were all shocked and horrified watching Diane D dragging all these men towards me! My husband had to hover over me to protect me while we were watching that mad angry woman trying to come our way while she was dragging all those men with her!”

“Oh nooo!”


“Those men had to bend down and lift Diane D’s feet right up off the ground!”

“My God!”

“They stooped right back up and lifted Diane D right up off the ground, carrying and holding her! If you could have seen her face, her face was red with anger and she started huffing and puffing with fists balled looking right at me like she wanted to kill me!”

“Oh nooo!”

“The men turned her away from me to keep her from looking at me, but she kept huffing and puffing turning her head back trying to look at me while the men were carrying her away! They carried Diane D up the church steps to the doorway of the church! Even though they got Diane D to the top of the church steps, she still kept huffing and puffing turning her head back trying to look at me!”

“My God!”

“Even though the men got Diane D in the doorway, she still kept huffing and puffing turning her head back trying to look at me!”

“Oh no!”

“She did not stop trying to look at me until those men finally got her inside that church!”

“Oh wow.”

“After that, her grandmother Miss Margarita and one of her staff members from their organization rushed to me! They bent down to the ground to check on me! Then I told Diane D’s grandma that Diane D has a lot of nerve asking my husband to be her date for that school dance, knowing that he was already married!”


“Then when I confront her about it, she attacks me like I’m the bad guy, when she’s the one who asked MY husband to be her date! I told Diane D’s grandma that I didn’t know that Diane D would go off like that when I confronted her! Her grandma told me that Diane D usually goes off like that if you confront her or try to challenge her!”

“Oh no!”

“It sounds to me like Diane D does not back down from a challenge! It sounds to me like she accepts any challenge that is thrown her way!”


“I told her grandma that Diane D is the one who was trying to date my husband for that High School dance, then expects me not to confront her or complain about her!

The next thing I know, is that I was put in the ambulance, then I heard that Diane D got arrested! I was in the hospital for six days after that incident happened!”

“Oh no!”

“Because of what Diane D did to me, her family had banned her from performing at that school dance! When I was released from the hospital, I came out of the hospital with a bandage wrapped around my head!”

“Oh nooo!”

“I had to wear a neck brace!”

“Oh nooo!”

“Not only was I in bad shape when I left the hospital, I was harassed by Diane D’s fans or supporters who were angry at me because they thought that I caused her family to ban her from doing anymore performances for a while and wanted me to drop the charges against her!”



“Her fans wanted you to drop the charges against her?!” the reporter asks.

“Yes!” Nadine shouts. “They approached me while my husband and I were leaving the hospital! They approached me when we were at the pharmacy, then when we got home, we had these strange phone calls for me to drop the charges against her! How the hell did these people get my phone number?! Diane D’s fans weren’t worried about my health, my wellbeing or the injuries that SHE conflicted on me! They weren’t concerned about how I was or what I was going through at all! I had two swollen black eyes and a swollen face! My vision got affected!”

“Oh nooo!”

“I had pain in my neck! The pain hurt like hell, the pain in my chest hurt like hell and the pain in my ribs hurt too! I had pain all over my body! You think Diane D’s fans cared?! You think they were concerned about my pain and suffering?! They sure weren’t, they were only concerned about HER and for me to drop the charges against her!”

“Oh nooo!”

“When I heard that Diane D got bailed out of jail, I was so scared she was gonna speed in her car and come over to where I live to come after me like she did to Candis!

Do any of you know how it feels to be kung fu kicked by something speeding at fifty or sixty miles an hour kicking you into the air then you land hard on the ground?! It feels like being kicked by a horse! Diane D kicked me in the chest so hard, it felt like the wind was knocked out of me! When she kicked me in the head, my neck snapped!”

“Oh nooo!”

“I could have been paralyzed! Her kung fu kick could have killed me!”

“Oh no!”

“We had to go to court! While I was sitting inside the front of the courtroom, Diane D’s family was sitting on the other side of the courtroom! Diane D wasn’t inside the courtroom at first! Her family had her wait out in the hallway because her family knew that I didn’t want to be in the same room with her!”

“Oh no!”

“They knew that I didn’t want to face her, then I told my lawyer that I wanted to drop the charges against Diane D, because being constantly harassed by her fans pressuring me to drop the charges against her was getting too much for me and my husband to bare! We couldn’t deal with the pressure anymore, we wanted to live in peace! After Diane D’s family saw how bad my injuries were, they wanted to bring her inside the courtroom so she can see what she did to me and apologize to me!”

“What! Oh no!”

“I shouted to them ‘no’ that it was okay, that Diane D didn’t have to come inside the courtroom, but her family demanded for her to come inside the courtroom anyway!”

“Oh nooo!”

“I told Diane D’s family that I didn’t want to see her, that I didn’t want to face her, that I didn’t want to be in the same room with her! I didn’t even want to be in the same building with her! I told her family that she’s capable of going off and going ballistic that she might attack me again! I was about to get up and leave the courtroom because seeing her and having to face her again was going to bring back terrible memories of when she attacked me and kung fu kicked me into the air, but her family still demanded for her to come inside the courtroom!”


“Oh no!”

“Suddenly Diane D comes through the back door into the courtroom!”

“Oh oh!”

“She came right to where her family and I were!”

“Oh oh!”

“I just couldn’t face her, I had to turn my face away from her, but her family made me turn my face right towards her so she can see the damage she’s done to my face!

Her family made her look at my face! I had to look down on the floor to avoid eye contact with her! When her family demanded for her to apologize to me, do you know what she said to her family?! She said ‘apologize to me, for what, what did she do to me?!’”


“What did she do to you?!” the reporter asks. “That’s what she said to her family?!”

“Yes!” Nadine shouts, “can you believe it?! Her family told her that she damaged my face and do you know what she said to them?! She said ‘how did she damage my face?!’ Her family told her that she kicked me in the face, then she told her family that she didn’t kick me in the face!”

“What!” the crowd shouts.

“She told her family that she didn’t kick you?!” the reporter shouts.

“Yes!” Nadine shouts. “She told her family that she only punched me in the face!”

“What!” the crowd shouts.

“She told her family that she only punched you in the face?” the reporter asks.

“Yes!” Nadine shouts, “but told them she never kicked me, even though her family witnessed the entire thing! She admitted to punching me in the face but didn’t admit to kicking me! Her family saw how messed up my face was inside the courtroom, that’s why they demanded for her to apologize to me, and when she apologized to me, she told me that she’s sorry if she kicked me!”

“What!” everyone shouts. “IF?!”

“She said she’s sorry if she kicked you?!” Mrs. Peterson shouts.

“She sure did!” Nadine shouts.

“That’s the same phrase she used when she was apologizing to us widows at the hotel, that she’s sorry ‘if’ she killed our husbands!”

“Her family even asked her why she kept using the word ‘if’ when she DID kick me and do you know what she told them?! She told her family that she didn’t remember kicking me!”

“What!” everyone shouts.

“She told her family that she didn’t remember kicking you?!” Mrs. Jenkins shouts.

“That’s right!” Nadine shouts. “She didn’t remember kung fu kicking me! She only remembered punching me in the face, but didn’t remember kicking me!”

“She didn’t remember kicking you because that’s probably when that other personality kicked in and took over like it did to Jeremy, that’s probably why she doesn’t remember that part about kicking you!”

“So what are you saying?! Are you saying that it’s a possibility that I got kung fu kicked by the ‘other’ personality?!”

“I think you did!”

“Oh no! Are you saying that I had an encounter with that other personality too?!”

“I think you did just like the rest of us!”


“Oh my God, I’m scared! I’m scared to know that I actually had an encounter with that killer personality!”

“Well join the club Miss!” Mrs. Peterson shouts. “We all need to be careful when it comes to Diane D, because that ‘other’ personality of hers does not play! While you’re busy fighting with Diane D, that other personality will kick in right in the middle of the fight and takeover!”

“Oh no!” the crowd shouts.

“Whichever part of the fight Diane D doesn’t remember, the other personality will remember because most likely that’s when the other personality came in and took over!”

“Oh no!”

“But if Diane D doesn’t remember kicking me, then why did she eventually apologize to me in the courtroom?” Nadine asks.

“That’s because her family made her do it!” Mrs. Peterson shouts. “What, you think that Diane D is gonna apologize to you on her own?!”

“Well she apologized to my husband on her own.”

“She did?”

“Yeah. After she apologized, I found out that her family was going to ban her from performing and make her run one of their Dominican hair salons! They were going to have her manage it! She didn’t want to do it, but they were gonna make her run and manage the hair salon anyway and told her that her pay from managing the hair salon was going to be used to pay for my medical expenses and my lawyer fees! I saw her putting her hands on her hips and gave me a real dirty look!”

“Oh oh! I bet she wanted to kill you right there, huh!”

“It sure looked that way! Then she turned and started swearing to herself and walked away! Because of Diane D’s short fuse and her vicious tempered history, I also feel she needs to be deported as soon as possible!” Everyone claps and cheer as Nadine hands the microphone over to Jessica whose son Marcus was beat up and terrorized by Diane D inside a school hallway four years prior.

“Hello everyone!” Jessica shouts through the microphone. “I’m Jessica! I’m the mother of the little boy Marcus, the one who took his own life last year and the one who got beat up and terrorized by Diane D inside that isolated school hallway several years ago when she appeared at his school that Friday night!”

“Oooohh!” the crowd whispers.

“I agree so heartfully that Diane D should be deported! My life and my family’s life has been turned upside down and has never been the same ever since my son Marcus met up with Diane D on that third floor school hallway that night!”


“Marcus and my other son Richard sent Diane D’s family’s organization a phony letter about a three-year old boy who’s dying of leukemia just to get Diane D to appear at Marcus’ school! I had no idea my sons were doing that! When they sent that letter about a three-year old boy dying of leukemia to Diane D’s family’s organization, it worked because Diane D and her family eventually appeared at Marcus’ school! After Diane D appeared at Marcus’ school that night and performed for all the children in the auditorium, Marcus felt very guilty about him and his brother sending Diane D’s family a phony letter about the three-year old boy dying of leukemia! Being that Marcus had a heart and a guilty conscience, he decided to tell Diane D the truth about the little boy 40

who has leukemia! He wanted to tell her that the little boy who has leukemia does not exist and has never existed!”

“Oh wow.”

“He wanted to tell Diane D in a private area of the school where no one else was around to see or hear what he had to say to her, so he waited for her on the third floor school hallway outside the principal’s office! When Diane D showed up on the third floor school hallway with her family, Marcus told her that he wanted to talk to her in private, so her family went inside the principal’s office while she stayed out in the hallway with Marcus! Marcus then brought Diane D around the corner of the hallway to the other side of the building where no one else was around!”


“Big mistake! When Marcus told Diane D the truth about the little boy who has leukemia telling her that the little boy doesn’t exist and never existed, she refused to believe him at first!”

“Oh no!”

“When Marcus convinced Diane D that it was true, that the little boy who has leukemia does not exist and never existed, that it was all a hoax planned by him and his brother just to get her to come to his school, she literally lost it! She felt that Marcus had tricked her into coming to the school! She felt that Marcus had played on her and her family’s emotions and made them come all the way to the school for nothing! She didn’t take lightly to that!”


“She got upset about that then she backed away from Marcus! She backed up all the way down to the corner of the school hallway and just stood there way down the edge of the school hallway staring down the hallway at him! Marcus saw how hurt Diane D

was! He realized that she became attached to the little boy who has leukemia, so he told her that he was sorry for the whole thing, but Diane D didn’t answer! Marcus said she just stood there way down the edge of the school hallway staring down the hallway at him not saying anything! Marcus said he walked back towards the corner of the school hallway where Diane D was standing so he can get back around the corner to where the principal’s office is! He said when he was about to go pass Diane D to get back around the corner, that’s when she snapped!”

“Oh no!”

“He said Diane D went right in front of him and blocked his path and refused to let him go by her to get back to where the principal’s office is!”

“Oh no!”

“He said he was shocked by what Diane D did! He said he was shocked by her strange behavior, so he tried to go pass her again to get back around the corner to where the principal’s office is! He said when he did that, she went right in front of him and blocked his path again and refused to let him go by her! He said she kept blocking his path!”

“Oh nooo!”

“He said on his fourth and last attempt to get past Diane D, that’s when she flipped literally!”

“Oh nooo!”

“He said she spun her entire body around and gave him a kung fu kick right to the arm breaking his wrist!”


“Oh nooo!”

“His wrist was bent backward, that’s when he realized that Diane D was not playing!”

“Oh no!”

“He realized that she was going mad, so he ran the other way towards the other end of the hallway where the back staircase was, that’s when she chased after him!”

“Oh no!”

“When she caught up to him, she jumped and dropped kick him!”

“Oh nooo!”

“Yes! She’s an adult who dropped kicked a little nine-year old child!”

“Oh no!”

“She beat the crap out of my son breaking almost every bone in his body!”

“Oh no!”

“Marcus said he was screaming in pain! He said he was on the floor in agony and started to cry, then said Diane D got up off the floor and kept staring at him!”

“Oh no!”

“He said she kept watching him, staring at him all night like a zombie and never once took her eyes off him!”

“Oh no!”

“You think Diane D cared that my son was injured? You think she cared that my son was in pain? You think she cared that he was in agony?! No, because she did not only drop-kicked my son once, she dropped kicked him twice!”

“Oh no!”

“Marcus said when Diane D had dropped kicked him the second time, he said his head and body were knocked hard into the wall causing his cell phone to drop and slide across the floor as his body bounced off the wall then fell hard to the floor!”

“Oh no!”

“Marcus said when Diane D got up off the floor, she kept staring at him like a zombie again! My child was laying on the hallway floor bleeding!”

“Oh no!”

“My child was in so much pain that he started to scream for help, but no one heard him! No one heard my baby screaming for help while he was trapped alone on that third floor school hallway with Diane D!”

“Oh no.”

“Marcus said all of a sudden, he heard his cell phone ring from across the hallway which was laying on the floor near the other wall. He said when he tried to go for his cell phone to answer it, he said Diane D would charge right at him, so he had no choice but to quickly back away from getting his cell phone because he didn’t want her to attack him again!”

“Oh no!”

“My mom and I were wondering where Marcus was, what the heck happened to him, what’s taking him so long to come back home! We wondered why didn’t he come back home with the same friends he had walked to the school with that night! When we called Marcus’ cell phone, he never answered his cell phone! We were wondering why he never answered his cell phone, now we know why he never answered his cell phone, because Diane D refused to let him get his cell phone to answer it while my mom and I were desperately trying to call him to find out where he was and wanted to know 42

what’s taking him so long to come back home!”

“Oh no!”

“Marcus said his cell phone was still ringing! He said every time he would try to get his cell phone to answer it, Diane D would charge right at him!”

“Oh nooo!”

“Marcus said he told Diane D that his family was calling him, that his family was looking for him wondering where he was and wondering why hasn’t he come home yet and asked Diane D to please let him go! He said he told Diane D that he was sorry for lying to her and her family. He said he told her that it was getting late that he has to get home, that if he doesn’t get home soon, his family is going to call the police! You think that phased Diane D? It certainly didn’t! She still refused to let my child get to his cell phone to answer it while it kept ringing!”

“Oh no!”

“When my family finally caught up with Marcus, he was laying in the hospital unconscious, we realized that he got hurt! After he got a little better, he told everyone that he had fell down the stairs, that’s how he got hurt! Three weeks later, Marcus made a shocking confession to me, my mom and my other son Richard! He told us that he never fell down the stairs! He told us that it was actually Diane D who beat him up on that third floor school hallway that night!”

“Oh nooo!”

“We were shocked when we heard about what happened we couldn’t believe it!

That’s when we found out why Marcus never answered his cell phone when my mom and I kept calling his cell phone, it was because Diane D refused to let him retrieve his cell phone after she kung fu kicked it out of his hand!”

“Oh wooow!”

“We reported the incident to the authorities and they contacted Diane D’s family!

When my family met up with Diane D’s family at the police precinct, they were shocked when they heard about the story! They told us that they will speak to Diane D about what happened to Marcus! When my family met up with Diane D’s family again the next day at the police precinct, they claim they spoke to Diane D about the incident!

They said that Diane D was shocked when she heard about what Marcus told her family! They claimed that she said she doesn’t remember beating up Marcus and said she would never beat up or harm a child and thinks that Marcus was lying about the whole entire thing, just like she thought the correction officers inside the jail were lying about her trying to attack them! Marcus claim he has no reason to lie about Diane D

attacking him, just like the correction officers claim they have no reason to lie about Diane D trying to attack them! For three straight years, Marcus kept having nightmares about that incident with Diane D on that third floor school hallway that night! He kept having nightmares about her coming after him attacking him on that same third floor school hallway and chasing him down the back stairwell! Marcus couldn’t take that dream and nightmare of Diane D coming after him anymore! He felt the only way to end that dream and nightmare of her coming after him was to take his own life and that is what he did!”

“Oh no!”

“Now my baby is no longer here with me, his grandmother and his brother! I wish he would have never met up with Diane D on that third floor school hallway that night!

I wish he and his brother had never sent Diane D’s family’s organization that phony 43

letter about the three year old boy who’s dying of leukemia because look where it’s gotten him! Look where it has gotten our family! If Marcus’ conscience was bothering him, and he felt guilty that he had to let Diane D know the truth about the little boy who has leukemia, my mom and I would have told him to just send Diane D’s family’s organization an anonymous letter about the truth, don’t take it upon himself to tell Diane D the truth in person because look where it got him, she beat the crap out of him, practically broke every bone in his body and held him hostage on that third floor school hallway for hours and would have kept him hostage forever if he hadn’t escape and ran down the back stairwell!”

“Oh nooo!”

“After that, he had dreams and nightmares about her for three straight years, now he’s dead!”


“To this day, Diane D still claims not to remember beating up my son on that third floor school hallway that night! She doesn’t seem to remember a lot of her violent actions, that’s why I feel that she should be deported before the next mother’s child gets beat up by her or her ‘other’ personality!” Everyone claps and cheer as Jessica cries and hands the microphone over to Matthew, a white male reporter around his late-40’s, who was punched in the face by Diane D at one of her concerts a few years prior.

“Hello everyone!” Matthew shouts through the microphone. He then turns to Jessica and says, “I’m so sorry for the loss of your son Marcus Miss Jessica.”

“Thank you,” Jessica cries.

Matthew turns back to the crowd and shouts through the microphone, “We all seem to have our own issues with Diane D, huh! I’m Matthew! I and three other reporters were in the audience at one of Diane D’s concerts a few years ago watching her while she was performing on stage with some male dancers! I was the reporter in the crowd who Diane D approached and punched in the nose!”

“Hhhhh!” the crowd gasps.

“That’s right Diane D punched and socked me right in the nose!”

“Oh no!”

“I and the other reporters were watching Diane D’s performance! I shouted to her

‘did she drug those male dancers that were performing on stage with her’! She heard what I said because the next thing I know, is that she stopped performing and looked right at me!”

“Oh no!”

“Then the male dancers on the stage stopped performing! They looked at Diane D

and didn’t know what was going on! The next thing I know, is that Diane D turned her body to the side, pointed her finger at me and headed right towards the side of the stage, then she went down the side of the stage! The male dancers on the stage went and followed her! That’s when the other reporters and I realized that Diane D was coming right off the stage walking right off her performance!”

“Oh no!”

“The next thing we know, is that Diane D was going through the crowd and coming over right towards our way!”

“Oh no!”

“Then my colleague Scott shouted to us that Diane D is about to come chew us out right there in front of everybody!”


“Oh no!”

“We decided to hurry up and hide from her so we backed up, turned around and moved towards the back of the crowd to hide from her! The next thing we know, is that she caught right up to us!”

“Oh no!”

“She angrily approached me, points her finger right in my face and shouted at me calling me an asshole, saying that she’s sick and tired of us reporters making those statements about her! I told her that I didn't say anything, but she didn’t buy it! She kept fussing with me accusing me of interrupting her performance saying that I humiliated her while she was on stage saying that I made her look like a fool!”

“Oh nooo!”

“Then she threatened me and my colleagues and told us that if we keep messing with her, there's going to be trouble right there and told us not to ever humiliate or disgrace her again, especially while she’s on stage! I told her that I didn’t have to listen to that and that I’m outta there! When I turned around and was about to walk away from her, the next thing I know, is that she grabbed me by the collar and shouted to me that she’s not finished with me yet!”

“What! Oh no!”

“I turned back to her, pushed her hand away and told her don't be grabbing me, then she jerked me by the collar again, swung her arm and fist in the air and bashed her fist right underneath my throat almost lifting me into the air!”

“What! Oh noooo!”

“That’s right, she gave me an uppercut!”

“Oh no!”

“Then she punched me right in the nose causing me to fall backwards!”

“Oh nooo!”

“I must have been unconscious for a minute or so because the next thing I know, is that I was laying on the floor gasping for air!”

“Oh nooo!”

“There were security and a crowd of people standing around me and there were other injured people on the floor!”

“Oh no!”

“I started to hold my nose! Other security guards came! Then the other security guards and the male dancers who were on stage with Diane D took her away! The next thing I know, is that Diane D and the male dancers who were performing on stage with her started to perform way in the distance in the middle of the crowd right after she punched me and knocked me out!”


“When she and those male dancers finished their performance, she pointed right at me while I was still laying on the floor and shouted to me ‘do not fuck with her!’”

“Oh nooo!”

“The next thing I know, is that she and her male dancers turn and ran off, left the building and left me laying injured on the floor!”

“Oh no!”

“They weren’t even concerned about my wellbeing after she socked it to me and knocked me out!”

“Oh nooo!”


“I had a broken nose, a broken jaw, maybe a broken neck and a concussion!”

“Oh no!”

“I had to be turned sideways so that I wouldn’t choke on my own blood!”

“Oh nooo!”

“Days later, my colleagues told me that Diane D’s fans were speaking to the police against me, saying that I started the entire thing by heckling her while she was performing on stage, and that her family was threatening a counter lawsuit to bring harassment charges against my company! I was also getting pressure from the community to drop the charges against Diane D! My colleagues were also pressuring me to drop the charges against Diane D, so I wind up dropping the charges against her!”

“What! Oh no!”

“Yeah! The next thing I know is that they released her from jail!”

“Oh no!”

“She was placed into her family’s custody and put on probation! So after what I went through with Diane D, I agree that she should be deported back to her native country! The sooner the better!” Everyone claps and cheer as Matthew hands the microphone over to Cody, a white male hospital employee around his early-40’s with a slight beard who had an eerie experience with Diane D inside a hospital clinic area one night a few years prior.

“Hi everyone!” Cody nervously shouts through the microphone. “I’m Cody! I was one of the hospital employees who was working the night shift inside the clinic area of the hospital, when my co-worker Shane and I witnessed Diane D kung fu kick that storage room door wide open a few years ago!”

“Oooohh,” the crowd whispers.

“Now I’m not trying to tell Diane D’s business about Shane and I witnessing her kung fu kicking that storage room door wide open, but it’s already out there, everyone already knows about it!”


“Ever since that incident happened, people have been coming up to me and Shane asking us questions about it! Shane and I don’t really like to talk about that incident, so we never really talked about that incident with each other again after it happened! It was a frightening experience for us! It’s still a frightening experience for us to this day!”

“Oh wooow.”

“People are still asking us questions about that incident! We still didn’t want to talk about that incident, until now!”


“This time, you’ll hear it from the horse’s mouth, one of the actual witnesses, me!”


“Shane and I were working the night shift on the second floor level of the clinic in the back area where the hallway is! We were pushing carts around the corner! All of a sudden, we heard the stairwell door open from around the corner! We tiptoed to the corner of the hallway and poked our heads out looking around the corner down the other hallway! When we looked down the other hallway, we saw Diane D walking down the other end of the hallway with her back towards us, so she never saw us!”



“After she went inside one of the clinic rooms and closed the door, Shane and I turned back around and left the corner! Later on, we heard the clinic room door open from around the corner! We started to tiptoe back to the corner of the hallway! While we were tiptoeing back to the corner, all of a sudden, Shane accidentally bumped right into one of the carts and made the metal tray on top of the cart fall and crash to the floor making a loud noise!”

“Oh God!”

“We nervously looked down at the tray, then we looked at each other! Then we looked towards the corner of the hallway! We didn’t hear anything at first, we just stood there and listened! All of a sudden, we heard slow footsteps coming down the hallway from around the corner coming our direction!”

“Oh no!”

“We assumed it was Diane D’s footsteps coming! We kept hearing the slow footsteps coming down the back hallway getting closer and closer!”

“Oh no!”

“So Shane and I quietly headed to the stairwell door and hurried into the stairwell, then we quietly closed the stairwell door behind ourselves then ran down the stairs!

We got to the first floor level of the back hallway of the clinic area! We wanted to hurry and hide from Diane D just in case she came down to the lower level of the clinic area, so we ran around the corner to another hallway! We hurried to one of the clinic room doors on the lower level and tried to open the clinic room door to go inside there to hide, but the door was locked, we couldn’t open it! We tried to open the door again! It still would not open, so we turned around and went to another clinic room door on the other side of the hallway! We tried to open that clinic room door too, but it was locked also, we couldn’t open the door! We tried to open that door again, we still couldn’t get it opened, so we turned around again and went to a third clinic room door back on the other side of the hallway and tried to open that door, but it was locked too, we couldn’t open that door either, so we turned around and saw the storage room door on the other side of the hallway! It was slightly open, so we rushed to that storage room door! We pushed on that storage room door and tried to open it wider, but that storage room door didn’t open any wider! We tried to push the storage room door harder! It did not budge, it just remained slightly open, we thought something was stuck behind it! We looked through the open slit of the door and saw part of a tall file cabinet inside the storage room leaning against the door! We thought the file cabinet fell against the door, that’s why the door didn’t open all the way, so Shane decided to back up all the way to the other wall and give the door a push! He ran straight to the storage room door and tried to kick it open, but the storage room door only opened an inch more, then I backed up all the way to the other wall and ran straight to the storage room door and tried to kick it open too, but the storage room door only opened two more inches, the file cabinet was too heavy! Then Shane backed up all the way to the other wall again! He was about to charge towards the storage room door again, all of a sudden, we heard the slow footsteps again!”

“Oh no!”

“The slow footsteps were coming down the stairwell from around the corner, the same stairwell Shane and I had just ran down from!”

“Oh nooo!”

“Shane stopped right in his tracks! He didn’t run to the door, so we stood there and 47

looked towards the corner of the hallway listening to the footsteps! We assumed it was Diane D’s footsteps coming down the stairwell, so we turned and hurried down the other end of the first floor hallway! We reached the other end of the first floor hallway and hurried to some shelf racks that had boxes stacked in them! We quietly hurried behind the shelf racks and boxes and bent down to the floor to hide behind them, then we peeked through the shelf racks and boxes and looked down the other end of the hallway where the corner is listening for the footsteps! We heard the slow footsteps still coming down the stairwell from around the corner! Then we heard the footsteps coming to the stairwell door!”

“Oh nooo!”

“Then we heard the stairwell door open!”

“Oh nooo!”

“Then we heard it close! Then we heard the slow footsteps coming from the stairwell towards the corner of the other end of the hallway!”

“Oh nooo!”

“While Shane and I were peeking through the shelf racks and boxes, all of a sudden, we saw Diane D coming from around the corner down the other end of the hallway!”

“Oh nooo!”

“We saw her stop then turn her head looking around the hallway!”

“Oh nooo!”

“Shane and I did not want Diane D to know that we were down there, so we remained quiet and continued to watch her! She was still looking around the hallway!

Then we saw her look at the first clinic room door that Shane and I had went to! We saw her go to that first clinic room door! We saw her turn the door knob and tried to open that clinic room door, but the door was still locked, she couldn’t open it! Then Shane and I saw her looking around the hallway again! Then we saw her look at the second clinic room door that we had went to! We saw her go to the second clinic room door and turned the door knob trying to open that door too, but it was still locked! She couldn’t open it! Then Shane and I saw Diane D looking around the hallway again!

Then we saw her look at the third clinic room door that we had went to! She went right to that third clinic room door and turned the door knob trying to open that door, but it was still locked too, she couldn’t open it! All of a sudden, the storage room door started to close a little and made a squealing sound! Diane D heard the sound and quickly turned around to look! She looked right at the storage room door! She saw the storage room door closing more! She got suspicious! She thought whoever made the sound of the tray dropping on the upper level of the clinic hallway was trying to hide inside the storage room, so she rushed right to the storage room door!”

“Oh oh!”

“She peeked inside the storage room through the open slit trying to see if she can see if anybody was hiding in there, so she tried to push the storage room door open more further, but the storage room door did not open any further! She peeked inside the storage room through the open slit again! All of a sudden, the storage room door made another sound and closed more! It made Diane D more suspicious!”

“Oh no!”

“She tried to peek inside the storage room through the open slit again then tried to push the storage room door open more further again, but the storage room door still did not budge! All of a sudden the storage room door closed even more! Shane and I 48

could see that Diane D was getting angry and frustrated thinking someone was hiding inside the storage room!”

“Oh no!”

“All of a sudden, she stepped all the way back to the other wall then stoops down!

Then she huffed and she puffed! The next thing Shane and I saw, was that she ran straight towards the storage room door! Then she jumped and spin her entire body upside-down and kung fu kicked that storage room door with such great force kicking it wide open causing a loud ‘BOOM’ and ‘CRASH’ it sounded like a truck rammed through the storage room door knocking it right off its top hinges, causing the door to lean and knock all that furniture down that was leaning behind it that Shane and I felt the walls shaking and felt the entire hallway vibrate!”

“Oh nooo!”

“We heard loud crash sounds coming from inside the storage room! It sounded like heavy furniture was falling and crashing hard to the floor!”

“Oh nooo!”

“Diane D literally kung fu kicked that storage room door wide open!”

“Oh wooow!”

“She was able to get that door wide open with just one kung fu kick and knocked the door right off its top hinges, the same door Shane and I tried to open, but couldn’t!

We were shocked witnessing that superhuman strength coming from Diane D! We were frozen in fear, we couldn’t move!”

“Oh no!”

“Then we saw Diane D spin her entire body around again and gave another kung fu kick to the storage room door kicking it wide open again with another loud ‘BOOM’

causing the storage room door to break further off its hinges causing it to lean even more!”

“Oh no!”

“Then she kicked the storage room door again and went straight inside the storage room!”

“Oh no!”

“We saw the light inside the storage room come on! The next thing Shane and I heard, was loud pounding and banging coming from inside that storage room, then we heard a crash!”

“Oh noooo!”

“It sounded like heavy office furniture were being lifted then tossed high into the air then falling down inside there making loud crash sounds!”

“Oh no!”

“It sounded like Diane D was determined to look for and find whoever might have been hiding inside that storage room!”

“Oh no!”

“Shane and I wondered ‘what if we were hiding inside that storage room when she busted in there, what if she would have found us hiding inside there and what would she have done if she had saw us in there’! We said ‘it‘s a good thing we didn‘t make it inside that storage room, because if we had made it inside there and were actually hiding inside there when Diane D kung fu kicked that door wide open, all that heavy furniture would have fell and crashed down on us and we could have been seriously hurt or killed or she could have found us inside there and kung fu kicked us’!”


“Oh no!”

“So Shane and I stayed behind the shelf racks and boxes while we were still hearing loud pounding, banging and crash sounds coming from inside that storage room! We wanted to leave out of that area and run back towards the other end of the hallway before Diane D finds us because we were afraid that the next thing she kung fu kicks and knock down won’t be a door, or the next heavy thing she lifts up and toss in the air won’t be office furniture!”

“Oh no!”

“But in order for us to get back down to the other end of the hallway and back to the staircase that’s around the corner, we had to run pass the open storage room doorway to get there and risk Diane D seeing us!”

“Oh noooh!”

“Shane and I were so frightened wondering how the hell were we going to get pass the open storage room doorway without Diane D seeing us! If we run past the open storage room doorway, we risk Diane D seeing us!”


“If we stay in the hallway hiding down behind the shelf racks and boxes, we risk Diane D coming back out into the hallway finding us because she’s not going to stay inside that storage room forever, she’s bound to come back out into the hallway eventually and Shane and I did not want to be inside the hallway whenever Diane D

came back out of that storage room! So Shane and I had to choose which risk we’d rather take, either run past the open storage room doorway and risk Diane D seeing us, or stay hidden down behind the shelf racks and boxes and risk Diane D coming back out into the hallway finding us, we decided to take the risk to run past the open storage room doorway and said to ourselves ‘at least if we run past the open storage room doorway and Diane D happens to spot us, we still have a chance to make a quick getaway and run around the corner back to the stairway and run up the stairs! If we stay hidden behind the shelf racks and boxes and Diane D comes back out into the hallway and finds us, we’ll be kicked right in the groin or might be dead meat from that superhuman strength she seems to possess whenever she gets angry and out of control, so Shane and I decided to take the risk of running past the open storage room doorway!”

“Oh God!”

“We stood up and eased from behind the shelf racks and boxes! We were getting ready to run right pass the open storage room doorway! When we got near the open storage room doorway, all of a sudden, we heard louder pounding, louder banging and a louder crash coming from inside the storage room!”

“Oh no!”

“It sounded like a bull dozer or some supernatural force was lifting up the heavy furniture, then tossing and throwing the heavy furniture around inside that storage room smashing the heavy furniture against the wall and down on the floor!”

“Oh nooo!”

“Shane and I stopped right in our tracks, we couldn’t move! We were frozen with fear again, we could feel the walls shaking and the entire hallway vibrating again as we hear that loud banging, loud pounding and loud smashing coming from inside the storage room!”

“Oh God!”


“I suddenly got a grip of myself then ran right pass the storage room! I quickly ran back down to the other end of the hallway and made it back to the corner! When I stopped and looked around, I didn’t see Shane anywhere near me!”

“Oh oh!” a voice in the crowd shouts, “Diane D caught him!”

“No! I turned and looked back down the hallway! I was shocked to see that Shane was still standing right near the storage room doorway with his eyes and mouth wide open! He was still frozen in fear, he couldn’t move! It was like he was in a trance!”

“Oh no!”

“I couldn’t leave him there! I started thinking ‘if I go back pass the open storage room doorway to get him, maybe Diane D won’t notice me because she was too busy tossing, turning and smashing the heavy furniture inside the storage room still hunting for whoever was probably hiding in there’ so I quickly ran right back towards Shane which meant that I had to run right back pass the open storage room doorway and take another risk of Diane D spotting me!”

“Oh no!”

“I ran right pass the open storage room doorway again and got to Shane! I grabbed him by the arm and jerked him trying to snap him out of his trance, then I pulled him forward, turned back around and ran right back pass the open storage room doorway again, pulling Shane with me! We were still feeling the walls shaking and the entire hallway vibrating while we still heard that loud banging, pounding and smashing coming from inside the storage room as we were running back down to the other end of the hallway! We made it back to the corner of the other end of the hallway then ran around the corner, then we ran down the other hallway then ran right to the stairwell door and that whole time, I kept pulling Shane with me not letting go of him, then we made it into the stairwell and made it up the stairs and once we got in the stairwell, we did not look back!”

“Oh no!”

“Later on, Shane and I got to a different building of the hospital! We made it to the fifth floor of the other building where there were patient rooms and the receptionists’

desk area! Shane and I were tired! We were leaning against the wall out of breath! We still couldn’t believe what we had just witnessed happened inside the other building inside the clinic area! We stared at each other for a moment! Then we decided that it was best to keep our distance away from working down in that clinic hallway as long as Diane D was there! We did not want to have another encounter with that supernatural force or whatever that thing was we saw inside of her!”


“Whatever that thing was we saw inside of her, we did not want to ever see it or come across it again! Seeing what we saw downstairs inside that clinic hallway was frightening for us! It gave us chills! It gave us the shivers! So Shane and I decided to stay and work in the other building away from where that supernatural force or that thing was!”

“Oh God.”

“We were about to walk away! All of a sudden, Shane became frightened again and told me not to turn around! He said that Diane D was way down the other end of the hallway behind me, the same fifth floor hallway that we were on and she was slowly coming towards our direction!”

“What! Oh nooo!”


“I couldn’t believe it! I asked Shane is he sure that Diane D is down the other end of the hallway and he said ‘yeah’!”

“Oh nooo!”

“I asked him what the hell was she doing in that part of the hospital, especially on the exact same floor we were on of all places, she didn‘t work up there! So what was she doing up there?!”

“She was stalking you!” a voice in the crowd shouts.

“If she was stalking us, I don’t know how she was able to find us because she never even saw us inside the clinic area where the tray dropped, Shane and I snuck away from that area before she even got there and she never saw us on the lower level of the clinic area where she kung fu kicked that storage room door either, because Shane and I snuck away from that area before she even came back out of that storage room, therefore, she never saw me and Shane inside the clinic area at all!”

“But when she heard the sound of the tray dropping from around the corner, she know that tray didn’t just fall and drop by itself!” the reporter shouts. “She knew SOMEBODY was around the corner where that tray dropped!”

“But she didn’t know WHOM was around the corner! She didn’t see WHOM! So how the hell did she wind up right in a different building and on the exact same floor Shane and I were on! She could have easily went to another part of the hospital, but she wound up in the same exact place Shane and I were in when we thought we escaped from her! So I turned my head around and looked down the other end of the hallway and you guessed it! Diane D was right down the other end of the hallway where the patients’ rooms were!”

“Where the patients’ rooms were?!”

“Yes! She was looking right towards the inside of the patients’ rooms with her fists balled while she was coming down the hallway!”

“With her fists balled?!”

“Oh nooo!” the crowd says.

“She looked real angry like she was ready to fight or knock out whoever was down the clinic area and caused that tray to drop!” Cody says.

“Oh no!”

“I was so scared that she was gonna go inside one of those patients’ rooms and still try to look for whoever caused that tray to drop!”

“Oh no!”

“I was so glad all those patients’ room doors were already wide open so she wouldn’t have to kung fu kick and bust any of their doors wide open scaring the patients to death!”

“Oh no!”

“She was still coming down the hallway with her fists balled still looking towards the patients‘ rooms! By her kung fu kicking that storage room door wide open, I was so scared she might go off again, this time on a person instead of a door!”

“Oh no!”

“Shane and I wanted to call security or the police on her, but what good would that do?! She’s good at attacking them as well and putting them in the hospital like she did before and we certainly didn’t need any security guards or police officers laying in the hospital again, so we were lost, we didn’t know what to do! When Diane D came to our end of the hallway where the receptionist desk was, she stopped at the receptionist 52

desk and stared right at me and Shane!”

“Oh no!”

“She stared at us for a while! We had no idea why she was even staring at us! It was like she knew that we were the ones who were down there in that clinic area who made that tray drop! It was like she knew it was us!”

“Oh nooo!”

“Shane and I didn’t want to turn and leave the receptionist area right away because we didn’t want to make Diane D more suspicious than she already seemed, so we were forced to stay there in the receptionist area for a while with whatever that thing was!”

“Oh no!”

“Shane and I left the receptionist area later on! By the time eight o’clock in the morning came, Shane and I were back in the other building on the main floor of the hospital ready to go home! We were still in a state of shock, then we saw a heavy crowd of people, hospital employees and the police all in the clinic area! They were there because the storage room was found damaged and vandalized! The police claim the file cabinets and office furniture were knocked down all over the place with some of the tall file cabinets and other furniture in there turned completely upside-down!”

“Completely upside-down?! Oh nooo!”

“Yes! The police claim that the storage room door was knocked right off its hinges just like Shane and I witnessed the night before!”

“What! Oh no!”

“The police didn’t let anybody back there where the clinic rooms and storage room were, so all the patients who had appointments that morning had to have their appointments delayed, postponed or canceled while the police investigated what might have happened to the storage room door and to the storage room!”

“Was Diane D still around?!” the reporter asks.

“No! I heard that she had left the hospital hours ago because she wasn’t feeling well with the pain all in her legs and feet! We all know now what caused those pains in her legs and feet! It was from when she kung fu kicked that storage room door wide open!”

“Wow!” the crowd says.

“Did you and your co-worker Shane ever tell the police or anyone else that Diane D

kung fu kicked that storage room door and that it was her who damaged the storage room?!” the reporter asks.

“Yes we told them eventually!” Cody says, “then the police told Diane D’s family!

Then Shane and I found out later on that Diane D had told her family that she never kung fu kicked the storage room door!”

“What!” the crowd shouts.

“Wait a minute!” the reporter says. “Diane D told her family that she never kung fu kicked the storage room door?!”

“That’s what we heard!” Cody shouts. “We heard that she told her family that when she went into the stairwell after she heard the tray dropped, she never even went down the stairs!”

“What!” the crowd shouts.

“Diane D told her family that she never went down the stairs?!” the reporter asks.

“That’s what we heard!” Cody shouts. “We heard that Diane D told her family that when she was about to go down the stairs, she started feeling like she was about to pass out and never made it down the stairs! She told her family that she never made it down 53

to the lower level of the clinic area that night and didn’t even remember being there!”

“Diane D told her family she didn’t remember being in the lower level of the clinic area?!”

“That’s what I heard! She asked her family how can she damage the storage room door or the storage room if she was never there!”

“But you and Shane saw her down there, didn’t you?!”

“Yes we did!”

“Did Diane D ever find out that it was you and your co-worker Shane who claim to have witnessed her kung fu kick that storage room door wide open and damaged the storage room?! Did she ever find out that it was you two who were inside that clinic hallway who caused that tray to drop?!”

“Yes she found out later on!”

“She found out later on?!”

“Yes she did!”

“How did she find out that it was you and Shane who claim to have witnessed her kung fu kick that storage room door wide open and damaged the storage room if she never saw you there?! How did she find out that it was you two who were inside that clinic hallway that night who caused that tray to drop if she never saw you there either?! Did her family tell her that it was you and Shane who were inside that clinic hallway who caused that tray to drop?!”

“No, her family didn’t tell her!”

“They didn’t?!”

“No! They had strict orders from the police not to tell her!”

“They had strict orders from the police?!”

“Yes they did!”

“Well did her family tell her that it was you and Shane who claim to have witnessed her kung fu kick that storage room door wide open and damaged the storage room?!”

“No they didn’t tell her that part either!”

“They didn’t?!”

“No! Her family didn’t really have to tell her that it was me and Shane who were the ones inside that clinic hallway who caused the tray to drop and they didn’t really have to tell her that it was me and Shane who claim to have witnessed her kung fu kick that storage room door wide open and damaged the storage room, she told THEM that it was me and Shane who were inside that clinic hallway who caused the tray to drop!”

“What! She told THEM?!”

“Yes AND she told them that it was me and Shane who claim to have witnessed her kung fu kick that storage room door wide open and damaged the storage room!”

“She told them that too?!”

“Yes AND she told her family that Shane and I were lying about her kung fu kicking that storage room door!”

“She told her family that you and Shane were lying about it?!”

“That’s what I heard!”

“So how did she even know, that it was you and Shane inside that clinic hallway who caused that tray to drop if she never saw you there and no one ever told her?!

How did she even know, that it was you two who claim to have witnessed her kung fu kick that storage room door wide open and damaged the storage room if she never saw you there and no one told her that part either?!”


“I don’t know! Her family even asked her how did she know that it was me and Shane inside the clinic area where the tray dropped if she never saw us there and no one told her AND they asked her how did she know that it was me and Shane who claimed to have witnessed her kung fu kick the storage room door wide open and damaged the storage room if she never saw us there and no one told her!”

“What did she tell them?!”

“She told her family that she didn’t know how she knew it was us, but said something told her that it was me and Shane inside the clinic hallway where the tray dropped AND told her that it was me and Shane who claimed to have witness her kung fu kick that storage room door wide open and damaged the storage room!”

“Something told her that it was you and Shane inside the clinic hallway where the tray dropped AND told her that it was you and Shane who claimed to have witness her kung fu kick that storage room door wide open and damaged the storage room?!”


“Wooow,” the crowd whispers.

“Did Diane D ever tell her family what that something was that told her that it was you and Shane inside the clinic hallway where the tray dropped and told her that it was you and Shane who claimed to have witness her kung fu kick that storage room door and damaged the storage room?” the reporter asks.

“She told her family that it was a strong intuition and feeling that came over her and told her that it was me and Shane inside the clinic hallway where the tray dropped and told her that it was me and Shane who claimed to have witness her kung fu kick that storage room door and damaged the storage room!” Cody says.

“A strong intuition and feeling came over her and told her?!”

“That’s what I heard! She told her family that same intuition and feeling must have brought her to the fifth floor of the other building of the hospital because she told her family that Shane and I were the first people that came into her vision after she was about to pass out in the stairwell of the other building where the clinic was!”

“She told her family that you and Shane were the first people that came into her vision after she was about to pass out in the stairwell of the other building?!”

“That’s what I heard!”

“Well maybe she caught you and your co-worker Shane on a surveillance camera, because you know there’re surveillance cameras everywhere! You think Diane D could have saw you and your co-worker Shane on a surveillance camera?!”

“If she saw us on a surveillance camera, I think she would have admitted it, but she didn’t tell her family that she saw me and Shane on a surveillance camera, she told them that an intuition and feeling came over her and told her that it was me and Shane inside the clinic hallway! Whatever that intuition or feeling was that came over her and told her that it was me and Shane inside the clinic hallway, it sounds like she believes that intuition and feeling and is sticking by it!”

“Wow! But how did she get from the stairwell of the clinic area in one building to being on the fifth floor of the other hospital building! It sounds like she didn’t even remember going from the stairwell of the clinic area in one building to being on the fifth floor of the other hospital building! It’s like she didn’t remember what happened between those two points in time! And between those two points in time, that’s when you and your co-worker Shane saw her come to the lower level of the clinic area and kung fu kick the storage room door, right?!”



“So if Diane D didn’t remember being on the lower level of the clinic area and claimed she never kung fu kicked that storage room door, most likely, that was the other personality that you and Shane saw enter the lower level of the clinic area then kung fu kicked the storage room door!”

“What!” the crowd shouts.

“I think you and your co-worker Shane encountered Diane D’s other personality inside that lower level of the clinic area that night!”

“Oh no!”

“Shane and I were wondering the same thing!” Cody shouts, “but we didn’t want to believe it!”

“Well believe it!” the reporter shouts, “you and your co-worker Shane encountered Diane D’s other personality, that’s why she was able to kung fu kick that storage room door wide open and not remember it! That’s why you and Shane saw that superhuman strength that Diane D possessed when she kung fu kicked that storage room door wide opened, because that wasn’t her original personality, most likely it was the ‘other personality’!”

“Oh no!” the crowd shouts.

“How did Diane D go from being in the stairwell of one hospital building where she’s about to pass out, to being in the other building on the fifth floor and the first thing she remembers seeing is you and Shane coming into her vision, how did she get there?!”

“When Shane and I first saw her way down the other end of the hallway on the fifth floor of the other building pass the patients’ rooms, she was where the elevator was,”

Cody says, “so we guess she came out the elevator! When she left the first hospital building, we guess she rode up on the elevator in the second building then came out the elevator and walked down the hallway to the receptionist desk area right where Shane and I were! Even though Shane and I hid from her and she never once saw us inside that clinic area and no one ever told her that we were there, she still winds up showing up at the second hospital building on the fifth floor in the exact same area we were in staring at us, like if some invisible force lead her right to us!”

“Oooohh,” the crowd says.

“Even though Shane and I hid from her and she never once saw us inside that clinic area and no one ever told her that we were there, she still winds up finding out later on that it was us inside the clinic area who caused the tray to drop and claimed to have witness her kung fu kick the storage room door wide open and damage the storage room, like if some invisible force whispered in her ear and told her that it was us!”

“Well maybe Diane D already knew that you and Shane worked in the clinic area during the night shift and figured out that it was you two over there!” the reporter shouts.

“We’re not the only hospital employees who work the night shift over there, other hospital employees work the night shift there too!”

“Well maybe they work on different nights!”

“No they work on the same nights as me and Shane!”

“My God! Well whatever that invisible force was that lead Diane D right to you and Shane in the other building on the fifth floor and whispered in her ear that it was you and Shane who caused the tray to drop and claimed to have witness her kung fu kick 56

the storage room door wide open and damage the storage room, it seems like it ratted you and Shane out to her!”

“It sure does! You can’t win with Diane D, that’s why Shane and I didn’t want to work at that hospital anymore! We had to be transferred to work at a different hospital because we couldn’t continue to work at the same hospital after we had witnessed what Diane D did! The thought of what we experienced inside that clinic hallway with her will haunt us forever, and the fact that she figured out it was us without ever seeing us or without anyone telling her it was us is even more haunting! We didn’t want to be in the same building with Diane D anymore! Even though she’s no longer working at that hospital, we still get the shivers from witnessing what we saw her do inside that clinic hallway! We still get the shivers if we have to be inside that clinic hallway again! We still get the shivers just thinking about it! We still get the shivers knowing that we were close to that superhuman strength and we hope we never witness or be close to anything like that ever again! This is why I also believe Diane D should be deported, because if she can get superhuman strength like THAT by kung fu kicking a stuck door that has heavy office furniture leaning behind it wide open, the exact same door that Shane and I tried to open, but couldn’t, then she can do that to a person! That’s why I agree that she should be deported right away for everyone’s sake!” Everyone claps and cheer as Cody hands the microphone over to Mrs. Green, whose son Felix Green was allegedly injured by Dana a few years prior.