DIANE D The Musical Drama by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 13


Another Revenge Plot Foils At The Theater



It is showtime at the theater.  Diane D is dressed in the all-black, high-collard, V-neck, one-piece bodysuit with sleeves to her elbows with her hair in bangs and a long thick braid down her back and thick black shoes.  She is wearing ankle monitors as she performs martial arts with Lynn Cho, Sue and the other martial arts performers. 


Showtime at the theater has ended.  Diane D and the martial arts performers finish their performance.  They stand on stage side by side holding hands as the audience clap and cheer. 


Behind the balcony, a young white male is secretly pointing a gun at Diane D while she’s on stage.  He is about to pull the trigger.  Suddenly, there’s the sound of gunfire behind the balcony!  The young white male gets shot and screams, “Aaaaahh!”  He falls down!  He lays on the floor injured.  He looks up and sees a mysterious person dressed all in black wearing a black mask, a black hat, dark shades, a black coat, black pants and thick black shoes pointing a gun at him as the person quickly backs away!  The mysterious person then turns away and runs off!


Back on stage, Diane D, the martial arts performers and the people in the audience are not aware of what’s going on behind the balcony as the people in the audience continues to clap and cheer.  They did not hear the gunshot.  Diane D turns to the other martial arts performers and says, “Come on guys, let’s take a bow!”  Diane D and the other martial arts performers take a bow to the audience as the audience continues to cheer.  Diane D and the other martial arts performers then turn and disappear off the stage.



A few minutes later, there are police sirens being heard out in the street.  People are about to leave the theater.  A white male police officer tells the people, “You can’t leave out that exit because a man was just found shot!”

“What!” the crowd shouts.

“Someone was found shot?!” a man shouts.

“Oh no!” a woman shouts.



A couple hours later, the police are at the hospital where the victim’s family is.  The victim’s family are all hysterical!  One of the police officers, a stocky white male with a mustache name Officer Kilpatrick speaks to the victim’s mother Mrs. Jenkins and says, “I’m sorry Mrs. Jenkins, your son got injured very bad.”

“What!” Mrs. Jenkins and the rest of her family shout.  “Oh no!”

“My God, who did this?!” Mrs. Jenkins cries as she sniffles her nose with a tissue  “Who did this to my son?!”

“No one knows Mrs. Jenkins.”

“No one knows?!  My God!  He just lost his father last year!”

“What!  He lost his father too?!  Oh no not again!  Don’t tell me that his father is one of the victim’s that Diane D killed last year!”

“Yes his father was one of the victims, Diane D killed him!  How do you know that his father was one of Diane D’s victims anyway?!”

“Because I remember you last year when you were inside the courthouse complaining about Diane D!  You were one of the widows who lost her husband to Diane D’s other personality’s wrath!  You were fussing with Diane D’s grandfather Mike!  I am so sorry for what you and your family are going through Mrs. Jenkins!”

“Now I might lose my son!  My son hasn’t been the same since his father’s death and kept saying that he wanted revenge against Diane D!”

“He wanted revenge against Diane D too?!”

“Well who wouldn’t?!  My son ran out the house this morning and was shouting that he’s going to get that Diane D for what she did to his dad!”

“That’s what he said?!”

“Yep, he sure did!”

“You know he’s the fourth person that the police department hear was after Diane D for taking their dad away!”

“He’s the fourth?”


“I heard what happened to the first three guys!  I heard they never got to harm Diane D!  I heard every time someone in any of the victims’ families tried to go after Diane D, something got in each of their way and they wind up getting injured or killed themselves and somehow they were prevented from harming her!”

“It seems that way.”

“I don’t understand how they were prevented from harming her!  Does Diane D have some type of body guards surrounding her at all times to keep other people from harming her?!  Did her family hire body guards to protect her?!”

“No her family didn’t hire any bodyguards for her.”

“They didn’t?”

“No.  They became bodyguards for her themselves by being around her constantly keeping a close eye on her.”

“They did?”


“So that’s it!  Her family members are probably the ones who are causing all of that!  They’re probably the ones who caused one of the guys to get into a car accident and get killed!  They’re probably the ones who stabbed the other guy in the stairwell!  They’re probably the ones who shot that guy Kurt in the stairwell and are probably the ones who just shot my son behind the balcony!”

“We can’t jump into conclusions Mrs. Jenkins.  We can’t make false accusations against people!”

“Well who else could be preventing Diane D from being harmed?!  It has to be her family members doing that!”

“Diane D and her family members claim they weren’t even aware of anyone being after her!”

“They weren’t aware of it?”

“No, they weren’t aware of anybody being after Diane D at all!  The only time they became aware of anybody being after Diane D was when the police told them about it, but before that, none of them were aware of it!  If the police never told Diane D’s family that someone was after her, they would have never known even to this day!”

“Well somebody needs to get Diane D sooner or later because she’s a beast!  She’s a monster!  She killed all those authority figures last year, including my husband and a priest!  The doctors and the courts claim mental illness and all she gets is being locked away in a mental institution?!  She should be in prison for life!  She destroyed other families’ lives and still gets to come out on house arrest and be with her family!  She took all these young men’s dads away, but she still has HER dad!  She took lives so her life or freedom should be taken away as well!”  Mrs. Jenkins starts to cry uncontrollably.



A few hours later, Officer Kilpatrick and another white male police officer are at the Diaz-Davidson Organization again speaking to Margarita, Tomas, Mary, Barry, Tonio, Marilyn, Gracy and Grandpa Mike as Officer Kilpatrick says to them, “The young man’s family said that he was angry about Diane D killing his father last year.  We’re just trying to find out, does Diane D know about the tragedy that happened behind the balcony at the theater during the ending of her and the martial arts performers’ performance?”

“Yeah she heard about it!” Barry shouts.  “We all heard about it!”

“Well we just want to find out if Diane D had anything to do with this recent tragedy.”

“What!” Diane D’s family shouts.  

“If she had anything to do with it?!” Mary shouts.  “No!  Of course not!  Every time there’s a freaken tragedy that happens to someone in those victims’ families, why do you police always have to wonder if my daughter was involved in it?!”

“Well the victims and their families did mention Diane D’s name,” Officer Kilpatrick says.

“I don’t care what they mentioned!  Diane didn’t do it!”

“That’s right Officer!” Tomas shouts.  “Diane was on stage during that whole entire time of the shooting!”

“She sure was!” Gracy shouts.  “So how the hell can she have anything to do with the shooting while she’s on stage?!”

“I’m not saying that she’s the one who pulled the trigger!” Officer Kilpatrick shouts.  “I’m just curious if there was a connection between her and the shooter!”

“Officer!” Margarita shouts, “this is the fourth time you guys are coming here wanting to know if my grandchild was involved in someone’s harm or death!  Diane had absolutely nothing to do with any of those tragedies alright?!  Those tragedies are totally beyond her control!  We don’t need you guys keep coming here suspecting her of harming anyone every time someone in any of those victims’ family gets hurt!”

“We just need to find out Miss Margarita.  We’re just doing our job.”

“Your job is not to keep constantly coming here harassing my granddaughter every time you hear about a tragedy that occurred to one of those victims’ family members!”

“We’re not harassing Diane D Miss Margarita!  The victims and their families mentioned her name!”

“Officer!” Barry shouts, “we feel bad about what happened to those young guys and their families, but Diane didn’t harm them, you got that?!  She didn’t do it, it wasn’t her!”

“Okay!  I’m just trying to look out for Diane D myself!”

“What do you mean look out for her yourself?!” Grandpa Mike shouts

“With all these recent deaths and injury incidents happening with all these victims, Diane D needs to be very careful!  All those authority figures that she, or should I say ‘her OTHER personality’ have hurt and killed, I’m afraid that their other family members might try to get revenge on her too and want to come after her for what she or her other personality did!”

“We know officer!  My family and I are going to continue to watch over Diane like a hawk!”

“That’s right Officer!” Margarita shouts.  “We’ll let you question Diane and see for yourself that she has nothing to do with these tragedies!”

“Okay,” Officer Kilpatrick says.

“Come this way.”  Margarita heads towards the doorway as Officer Kilpatrick and the rest of her family follow her. 



Several minutes later, Diane D’s family members and Officer Kilpatrick are standing in front of Diane D as Diane D shouts to them all, “Four times I’m hearing that someone was out to get me, four times!”  Nancy and Charlotte stand on the side nervously looking on as Diane D continues to shout to her family and Officer Kilpatrick, “First I hear that someone who died in a car crash was out to get me, then I hear that someone who was found stabbed in the stairwell while I was sitting outside Dr. Stone’s office was out to get me, then I hear that motherfucking guy Kurt who was found shot in the stairwell and claiming to everyone that he saw me in the stairwell when he got shot was out to get me, then I hear this motherfucka who was found shot behind the balcony after my performing at the theater was out to get me, then the police want to know if I had anything to do with all their tragedies?!  How the FUCK was I able to have anything to do with any of their tragedies if I’m locked up or on house arrest with these freakin ass ankle monitors strapped around my ankles?!  You know I did not sign up to be hypnotized to go through any of this!  If I knew I would be going through any of this, I would have never agreed to have myself be hypnotized!  I only agreed to have myself be hypnotized so I can get help for my memory loss because I didn’t remember myself saying those strange things Nancy claim I said to her that night!  I did not agree to have myself be hypnotized to wake up days later and find out that I killed not one person, not two people, but several people all at once, especially authority figures, then to wind up being locked right back up in the mental institution, then come back out on house arrest with fucking ankle monitors strapped around my ankles and have people afraid of me avoiding me like the plague, treating me like I’m a vicious monster, avoiding purchasing tickets for seats near the stage because they’re scared to be close to me thinking I might attack them when I’m not even thinking about attacking them and now having those victims’ family members coming after me for something I don’t even remember doing!  I’m trying to make up to the family members of the victims by trying to help raise money for THEIR asses!  What more can I do?!”  Diane D then points her finger to everyone and shouts, “Listen everybody!  I’m gonna tell you all one thing and you all better get this shit straight!  If anybody and I mean ANYBODY from those victims’ families try to come after me again, then I will have no choice but to get prepared!”

“You will have no choice but to get prepared?” Barry asks.  “Get prepared in what way?”

“To defend myself!”

“To defend yourself?!”

“That’s right!  I’m not going to be a sitting duck for any of those victims’ family members and just let somebody from their families come after me!  If any more of those victims’ family members try to come after me, I will defend myself by any means necessary!”

“You will defend yourself by any means necessary?” Margarita asks.  “What do you mean by that Diane?”

“BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY!” Diane D firmly says as she points her hand giving Margarita a cold stare.  Everyone frighteningly stares at her.  Diane D then turns away from everyone and walks away.  She walks into a hallway, turn the corner then disappear around the corner.

Everyone continues to stare towards the corner where Diane D disappeared to.  They suddenly jump as they hear a BOOM sound of a door banging and slamming so hard that they feel the vibration!  They are all startled!  “Wow,” Barry says, “here we go again.”

Officer Kilpatrick turns to Diane D’s family and says, “Wow.  You know I change my mind about Diane D needing to be careful about those victims’ family members trying to come after her, because after what she just said to us about defending herself by any means necessary, then walking away slamming a door so hard that we felt the vibration and after what she did last year, I don’t think she needs to be careful of those victims’ family members, I think those victims’ family members need to be careful of HER!”

“I think so too,” Barry says.  “I’m afraid of what she might do again!”

“I’m afraid of what she might do again too!” Margarita shouts.  “Now we’re never gonna let her out of our sight!”

“I know!” Tonio shouts.  He turns to Nancy and Charlotte and shouts, “Nancy, tú y Charlotte van al cuarto de atrás y revisan a Diane!”

“I’m not going back there Dad,” Nancy nervously says.

“Me neither,” Charlotte nervously says. 

“That’s okay everyone!” Margarita shouts.  “I’ll go in the back room and check on her!”  Margarita starts to head towards the hallway Diane D went off to.  She hurries into the hallway, turns the corner then disappear around the corner.  Mary, Marilyn, Gracy and Aunt Celeste start to hurry away after Margarita.  They hurry into a hallway, turn the corner then disappear around the corner. 

Officer Kilpatrick turns to the rest of Diane D’s family and says, “Mr. Barry, does Diane D have some type of Guardian angel looking out for her?”

“Does she have some type of guardian Angel?” Barry asks.  “What do you mean?”

“It seems like every time there’s an attempt on her, something comes up to block it just in time!  Does Diane D have a guardian angel looking out for her, protecting her?”

“Well I hope she does, because who knows, there could be more attempts on her from other family members of the victims!”

“I’m sorry that you all are going through this, but you all have to understand how the family members of those victims feel about their loved ones being killed!”

“We DO understand how those family members feel about what happened to their loved ones Officer, but what else can we do?!  Diane DID say that she’s sorry for what happened to all those victims!  She DID say that she feels sorry for what their family members are going through, but said she’s not going to be a sitting duck for anybody in those victims’ family to just come after her!”

“That’s right officer!” Tomas shouts.  “When Diane said that she will defend herself by any means necessary, I’m sure she meant it!”  Tomas and Barry turn and hurry towards where Margarita, Mary, Marilyn, Aunt Celeste and Diane D went off to.  They hurry into a hallway, turn the corner then disappear around the corner.  Grandpa Mike then turns and follows.  Everyone else then turn and follow after Grandpa Mike while Nancy, Charlotte and Officer Kilpatrick stay behind nervously looking on at where everyone else disappeared to. 



The following day, Nancy and Evan are outside the organization talking as Evan says to her, “My God Nancy!  How does Diane feel knowing that someone else who got shot in the stairwell was out to get her?!”

“Pissed off!” Nancy shouts.  “She’s real pissed off about this whole entire thing, so am I!  Damn, I regret telling my family about the encounter I had with her other personality that night inside my family’s home!”

“You regret telling your family about it?  Why?”

“Because look where it has gotten all of us!  Diane gets hypnotized by her doctors, her doctors wind up bringing her other personality out to the surface!  They didn’t just bring one other personality out to the surface, they brought two different personalities out!  Then one of her other personalities goes berserk, gets superhuman strength and winds up breaking loose from those chains she was strapped in, then lifts that psychiatrist couch right up off the floor, tosses it in the air and goes on a killing rampage with it and winds up killing six authority figures and injuring many others!  Now four of those authority figures’ loved ones were out to get my cousin for revenge and winds up getting their own self hurt or killed!   Now that we all know people were out to get my cousin, I’m scared!  Even though a couple of the people who were out to get her passed away, I’m scared that the ones who survived could still be after my cousin and try to get her!”  Nancy starts to cry uncontrollably.  Evan quickly grabs Nancy and holds her tight as she cries on his shoulder.