DIANE D The Musical Drama by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 14


Producer Puts Diane D and Dana In Online Sword Fighting Commercial



The following day, Margarita is at the organization sitting inside her office doing paperwork.  The desk phone rings.  Margarita picks up the phone.  She speaks into the receiver and says, “Hello Diaz-Davidson organization.”

“Hello Miss Margarita?” a middle aged white male says on the other end of the phone.


“Hi Miss Margarita, this is Dan Carter, the producer of the internet game commercial?  You and I met before.”

“Oh yes, hi Dan, how are you?”

“I’m good, and yourself?”

“I’m okay.  How’s everything going?”

“Everything is going great!”

“It is?  That’s good.”

“Yeah.  How’s Diane D doing?”

“Oh Diane’s okay so far.”

“She is?”


“That’s good.  I heard about what happened at the theater!  I heard that someone who was found shot behind the balcony after Diane D’s martial arts performance was out to get her!  Is that true?”

“That’s what my family and I were told from the police officer who came to see us.”

“Oh yeah?!  Wow, I’m so sorry that happened Miss Margarita!  My God!  How does Diane D feel about that?!”

“Of course she’s upset about it!  We’re all upset about it!”

“I can imagine!  Sorry to hear about that Miss Margarita.”


“Well the reason I called you, is because I want to produce a commercial that I’m planning to put online.  The commercial is for a sword battle game app that I’m creating and I need someone athletic like Diane D to do some sword fighting scenes in the commercial.”

“What?  You need someone athletic like Diane to do sword fighting scenes in the online commercial?”

“Yes, in other words, I would like Diane D to be in the commercial to do some sword fighting scenes, if it’s okay.”

“What?  You want Diane to be in the commercial?”


“You’re kidding me right?”

“Kidding you?  No I’m not kidding you Miss Margarita!  Why would I be kidding you?”

“Because everyone else is afraid of Diane Mr. Carter!  At first, people were afraid to come see our family’s shows if Diane was going to perform in them!  We couldn’t get tickets for the seats near the stage sold at first!  Other companies wouldn’t book her for any of their projects!  In other words, she’s been blackballed!”

“Blackballed?!  Wow!  I’m so sorry to hear about that Miss Margarita!”

“You’re not afraid of Diane like everybody else is Mr. Carter?”

“I can’t say I’m not afraid of her Miss Margarita, but of course what she did to all those authority figures is always going to be in the back of everyone’s mind!  She still has no memory of what happened with those authority figures at all?”

“No she still has absolutely no memory of it!  I’m sorry that my family and I agreed to have her hypnotized!”

“I can imagine Miss Margarita.”

“Unfortunately, everyone being afraid of her is going to be the new normal for her and the rest of my family.”

“Wow, I’m so sorry about that Miss Margarita!  Well I’m willing to put Diane D in my project.  I’ve seen her martial arts performances before and I think she is fantastic!  I figure since Diane D is very athletic and has great martial arts skills, I could give her a chance and offer her a spot in the commercial.  I don’t think I’ll be in danger of her or her other personality, as long as her family members are around if she does the commercial.”

“Well of course!  My family members have to be around Diane at all times, commercial or no commercial!  Now if my family and I agree to have Diane do this commercial, are you sure this is not a set up for someone else in any of those victims’ families to come try and harm her?”

“What?  A set up for someone else in those victims’ families?  No!  Of course not Miss Margarita!  I’m not setting Diane D up for any harm!  Not at all!  I’m not setting up anything bad to happen to her!  It’s unfortunate that the family members of the victims were out to get her!  I’m glad nothing happened to her!  I just want her to be in the commercial because I think she’s a great athlete and a great performer, that’s all!  God forbid if someone else DOES try to harm her again in the future, I have nothing to do with it!  I hope nothing bad ever happens to Diane D Miss Margarita, I know it wasn’t her original personality who harmed all those authority figures!”

“You do?”

“Yes I do!”


“You’re welcome.  Look Miss Margarita, if Diane D does this commercial, she can earn a lot of money every time the commercial is aired online or every time the game is purchased by someone.  So I’m asking you Miss Margarita, is it okay for Diane D to do this commercial?  Is it okay for her to perform a sword fighting scene in this online commercial if she’s interested in it?”

“Well first of all, where would this commercial be shot at?”

“Well the rehearsal will take place at the gym, then the commercial will be shot in a wooded area.  Diane D is still out on house arrest, is she?”

“Yes she is.”

“Okay.  So if she does this commercial, that means she’ll still have ankle monitors strapped around her ankles if she does the commercial, right?”

“Of course she will.”

“Okay.  So if she’s interested in doing this commercial, I would like her and another athletic person like another female to perform a two-person sword team and they battle against an army of male sword fighters.”

“An army of male sword fighters?  You want Diane and another female to battle against an army of male sword fighters?”

“Yes.  So do you think Diane D would be interested in doing this commercial?”

“I don’t think she’ll be interested in doing the commercial, I KNOW she’ll be interested in doing the commercial.”

“You KNOW she’ll be interested in doing the commercial? 


“How do you know she’ll be interested in doing the commercial Miss Margarita?”

“Because Diane will be so happy to know that someone is finally not afraid of her and is willing to put her in their project!”

“She’ll be happy to know someone is finally not afraid of her?”

“Yes, because Diane has been hurt and devastated for a while because she knows everyone is afraid of her and don’t want to deal with her or put her in any of their projects when she says she’s not even thinking about harming anybody!  That’s why I know she’ll be happy to know that someone wants to have her in their project!”

“Well I’m willing to have her in my project.  So will you and your family allow Diane D to be in the commercial Miss Margarita?”

“Sure, if she wants to.  I’ll speak to her about it.”

“You will?!”


“Oh thank you Miss Margarita, thank you!  I will still need another athletic female to partner with Diane D in the commercial.”

“Another athletic female?  Like who?”

“Well what about that young Asian woman who usually performs martial arts on stage with Diane D?”

“Oh you mean Lynn Cho, right?”

“Yeah, I think that’s her name, Lynn Cho.  What about her?”

“I’m sorry Dan, but Lynn Cho is not in this country right now.  She went back to Asia.”

“She did?”


“Oh I see.  Hey, what about Diane D’s cousin Dana?”


“Yes her!  She seems athletic!  Is Dana athletic Miss Margarita?”

“Yes Dana is very athletic as well as Diane!  She’s into a lot of sports too.”

“She is?”

“Oh yeah.  She and Diane both ran track in school.”

“They did?”

“Yes, and they also participated in the girls’ basketball team.”

“The girls’ basketball team?”

“Yes.  Both Dana and Diane used to play baseball too, and they played soccer and volley ball with their brothers and other boys.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah.  They even sky dived before.”

“I heard!”

“They also scuba dived in the Caribbean and they go deep into the water!”

“I heard that too!  Wow that’s great!  That is so wonderful!  Okay!  Then maybe Dana can be the other female sword fighter who partners with Diane D in the sword battle scene!”

“Oh yeah?  So you want Dana to be in the commercial too?”

“Yes!  Is she locked up in the mental institution too or on house arrest?”

“Well she was locked up in the mental institution temporarily, but is released now.  She still gets admitted into the mental hospital back and forth for mental therapy.”

“She does?”


“At the same mental hospital where Diane D is admitted to?”


“So they be together inside the mental institution?”

“Yes, but we still separate them sometimes.”

“You do?”


“I see.  So do you think that Dana would be interested in doing this commercial Miss Margarita?  If she’s interested in doing the commercial, she can earn a lot of money too every time the commercial is aired online or every time the game is purchased by someone.  So do you think Dana would be interested in doing the commercial?”

“I’ll speak to her about it.”

“You will?”


“Oh thank you Miss Margarita, thank you!  What about all the other martial arts performers who performed on stage with Diane D?”

“What about them?”

“I was thinking that maybe they can play the army of male sword fighters who go against the two female sword fighters.”

“You were thinking they can play the army of male sword fighters?”

“Yes.  Are they still in town?”

“I think some of them are.”

“Okay great!  Are you able to speak to them and see if they’ll be interested in doing this commercial?  They will make money too.”

“I’ll speak to them about it too.”

“You will?”


“Oh thank you so much Miss Margarita!  I appreciate it!   Okay Miss Margarita, I’ll get back to you in a couple of days to find out the answer if Diane D, Dana and the male martial arts performers who performed on stage with Diane D are interested in doing this commercial.”


“Thanks Miss Margarita.  Talk to you later.  Bye.”

“Okay, bye Dan.”  Margarita hangs up the phone.



Two days later, Margarita is inside her office doing paper work.  The telephone rings.  Margarita picks up the phone.  She speaks into the receiver and says, “Hello Diaz-Davidson organization.”

“Hello Miss Margarita,” Dan says on the other end of the phone, “It’s me Dan.”

“Hi Dan, how are you?”

“I’m good, and yourself?”

“I’m okay.”

“Good!  How’s everything going?”

“Everything is okay so far.”

“Oh yeah?  That’s good.  How’s Diane D doing?”

“She’s okay.”

“She is?  That’s good!  Did you speak to her about doing the online commercial?”

“Yes I did.”

“You did?!  Oh great!  What did she say to that?”

“She jumped at it!”

“She jumped at it?!  Oh my God, you’re kidding!  She agreed to do the online commercial?!”

“Yes she agreed to do it!”

“Wow, oh my God!  I can’t believe it!  Wow, I’m glad she agreed to do the online commercial!  What made her agree to do the online commercial Miss Margarita?”

“Well she got very happy and excited when she realized that someone is finally not afraid of her by choosing and picking her to do their project!”

“She got happy and excited?!”

“She sure did, just like I predicted.”

“Wow, your prediction was right Miss Margarita!”

“It was.  Plus Diane loves performing.”

“I know she does, that’s another reason why I chose and picked her to do this project.”

“Oh thank you Dan!  Plus she says she wants to donate some of the money she’ll earn to the victims’ families.”

“She still wants to show support for the victims’ families?”

“Yes she still does.  She says it’s the least she can do for them.”

“Wow that’s good!  I’m glad she’s still trying to support them!  What about Dana?  Did you speak to her about doing the commercial?”

“Yes I spoke to Dana too.”

“You did?  What did she say about doing the commercial?”

“She agreed to do the commercial too!”

“She did?!”


“Wow that’s wonderful!  That is great!  I’m glad she agreed to do the commercial too!  What made her agree to do the online commercial?”

“The money!”

“The money?!  That’s it?!”

“That’s it!”

“Wow, I see!  Does she plan to donate some of the money she’ll earn to the victims’ families too like Diane D?”

“Uh, no.”

“No?!” Dan Carter laughs.  “She doesn’t plan to donate some of the money she’ll earn to the victims’ families?”

“No.  If anything, she’d rather donate some of the money she’ll earn to her own family!”

“What!” Dan Carter laughs again.  “To her own family?!”

“Yes, not the victims’ families.”

“I see!  I wasn’t expecting Dana to donate any of her money to the victims’ families anyway.  I was just curious to see where her mindset is, to see if she had the same mindset as Diane D.”

“No she doesn’t.”

“Wow, I see.  Okay!  So what about those male performers from Asia who performed on stage with Diane D?  Did you speak to them about doing the commercial too?”

“Yes I spoke to them too.  They agreed to do the commercial too.”

“They did?!”


“Wow that’s wonderful!  So altogether we’re going to have Diane D, Dana and the male martial arts performers from Asia be in the sword battle commercial!  Wow, that’s great!  That’s wonderful!  So it’s settled then!  Okay Miss Margarita.  I’ll call you later with all the details of when Diane D, Dana and the martial arts performers can come to the gym to rehearse, okay?”

“You got it Dan.”

“Okay, thanks.  Talk to you later.  Bye.”

“Bye now.”  Margarita hangs up the phone.



The following week, Diane D, Dana and the male martial arts performers from Asia are in a large gym rehearsing for the sword battle commercial.  Diane D has ankle monitors strapped around both of her ankles as she and one of the male martial arts performers rehearse fighting with big swords. 

Dan Carter, Barry, Uncle Willie, Dana’s father David, Aunt Celeste, Aunt Laura, Nicolas, Michael and Mickey stand to the side of the gym looking on.  Barry turns to Dan Carter and says, “Are you sure no one will get hurt doing those stunts?”

“Well according to Diane D’s martial arts performance skills,” Dan Carter says, “I think they’ll all be fine.”  Dan Carter and Barry look back towards Diane D, Dana and the male martial arts performers. 

Diane D and one of the male martial arts performers continue to rehearse with swords.  Suddenly Dana and another martial arts performer race pass Diane D towards the opposite side of the gym carrying swords.  They suddenly jump and do a side flip landing on their feet as they continue to hold on to the swords.  Dana and the other martial arts performer race towards Diane D and the other martial arts performer with the swords.  Suddenly Diane D, Dana and all the martial arts performers turn and race towards the opposite side of the gym carrying swords.  They suddenly jump and do a side flip landing on their feet as they continue to hold on to the swords.



Three weeks later, a chubby black boy around 12-years old is inside his bedroom watching the sword fighting online commercial on his laptop.  He sees the sword fighting commercial with Diane D and Dana in it!  He turns to the doorway of his bedroom and shouts, “Hey everybody!  There’s a commercial with Diane D and her cousin Dana on the internet!  They’re fighting against a group of male fighters using swords!”

“What!” the boys family’s voices shouts. 

The boy’s mother, father, sister and grandmother enter into his bedroom as his mother says, “How can Diane D be in a commercial?  I thought she was locked up!”

“I guess not!  She’s right here in this commercial!”  The boy and his family look at the commercial on his laptop. 




It is very windy.  Diane D and Dana are fighting against the male sword fighters in a wooded area using big swords as their loose hair blow in the wind.  The male sword fighters fight them using big swords also!  Diane D and Dana then turn around and run from the male sword fighters as the male sword fighters give chase! 


Diane D and Dana run through the wooded area carrying the big swords trying to get away from the male sword fighters with the male sword fighters in hot pursuit!


Diane D and Dana reach an open area of the woods!  They then race through the open area with the swords!  They turn their heads and look back at the male sword fighters as the male sword fighters stay in hot pursuit!  Diane D and Dana turn their heads back forward and continue to run!  They then race towards a group of rock platforms!

The male sword fighters race towards the group of rock platforms also!


Diane D and Dana reach the group of rock platforms!  They then jump on top of one of the rock platforms with the swords!  The male sword fighters reach the group of rock platforms also as Diane D and Dana hurry to the top of a 1-foot rock platform!

The male sword fighters reach the other high rock platforms!  They jump on top of the rock platforms with the swords!  They start to surround Diane D and Dana as they stand on the rock platforms with some of them standing on other 1-foot high rock platforms, others are standing on 2-feet high rock platforms while others are standing on 3-feet high rock platforms!  They then hold their swords high in the air! 

As Diane D and Dana stand on the rock platform, they turn around from each other and stand back to back looking around holding their swords high up in the air as their hair blow in the wind! 

The male sword fighters are about to aim their swords right at Diane D and Dana!

Diane D and Dana look at the male sword fighters and get ready to throw the swords at the male sword fighters ready for more action as the male sword fighters’ swords are about to come at them!