DIANE D The Musical Drama by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 26


A Stalking In The Woods!



That same night, Kurt is laying in the hospital bed.  He starts tossing and turning as he starts to dream again.




Kurt’s soul or spirit is soaring through the other dimension in the astral plane again over a thick forest or wilderness where it is very windy and little clouds in the sky where the large hazy moon is peeking behind the little clouds.  His soul or spirit is soaring over thick trees.  His soul or spirit then soars through the trees then towards the ground. 

Kurt soon lands lying face down on the ground.  He holds his head up and looks around.  He then sits up and looks around.  He finds himself surrounded by the dark spooky eerie forest again.  The forest is dimly lit with small fires everywhere and dimly lit from the hazy moon above.  The wind blows with an eerie sound to it.  To his shock and horror, Kurt realizes that he’s back in the same dark spiritual underworld again!  He frighteningly whispers to himself, “Oh no, not again!  Don’t tell me that those Diane D entities or demons pulled my soul or spirit out of my physical body again and brought me right back to this place!”  Kurt frighteningly looks around the dark spooky forest.  He sees a few dark dirt paths in the distance again going into different directions.  He nervously whispers to himself, “My God, I gotto get out of here, but how?!  I guess I have to try to wake myself up!  Whenever I wake up, I have to force myself to stay awake!”  Kurt shuts his eyes very tight.  He crosses his fingers and whispers, “Please let me wake up from this nightmare, please let me wake back up!”  Kurt’s eyes remain tightly shut as he jerks his body trying to wake up.  He then opens his eyes.  He frighteningly looks around the dark spooky forest and woods again and says, “Oh no, I didn’t wake up!  Damn, I’m still here!  I have to try again!”  Kurt shuts his eyes very tight again.  He crosses his fingers again.  His eyes remain tightly shut as he jerks his body again trying to wake up.  He suddenly hears the slight sound of chains rattling way in the distance as if someone is slowly walking around in chains.  He quickly opens his eyes and whispers, “Oh oh!  I just heard the sounds of chains rattling!  Please don’t let it be that evil Diane D entity again, please don’t!”  Kurt continues to hear the sound of chains rattling getting closer.  He becomes more frightened and starts to tremble.  He turns his head to his right and nervously looks down the dark dirt path where he hears the sound of the chains rattling coming from.  He sees a shadowy figure way, way in the distance walking on all fours slowly coming down the dark dirt path heading towards his direction.  “Oh no!” he frighteningly whispers.  He becomes shocked and horrified to realize that the thing is the chained up spider walking Diane D entity again walking on her hands and feet with her head and face upside down whose wrists and ankles are still handcuffed, shackled and chained to each other!  “My God!” Kurt whispers, “it is that Diane D entity!”  Kurt shockingly stares at the chained up spider walking Diane D entity’s shadowy figure as he hears the chains attached to her handcuffs and shackles rattling louder as she gets closer!  Kurt quickly turns and crawls beneath some bushes trying to hide from the chained up spider walking Diane D entity.

The chained up spider walking Diane D entity continues to head towards Kurt’s direction. 

Kurt shockingly stares at the chained up Diane D entity through the bushes as he hears the chains attached to her handcuffs and shackles rattling louder as she gets closer!  “My God,” Kurt whispers, “I hope she doesn’t find me.”

The chained up spider walking Diane D entity is getting closer to Kurt! 

The chained up spider walking Diane D entity finally reaches near Kurt.  She stops just two yards away from him.  She stands on her hands and feet with her back bent more backwards than the last time Kurt saw her with her head down near the ground facing Kurt!  She is locked in a more tight contortionist position with more chains and thicker chains with her head and face upside down.  She stares at Kurt while her head and face are upside down.  Kurt is frightened by the sight of the chained up spider walking Diane D entity locked in a more tight contortionist position with more chains and thicker chains.  He turns his head to his left and looks away from the sight of the chained up spider walking Diane D entity trying to avoid seeing her in that tight locked contortionist position as his body trembles!  The chained up spider walking Diane D entity continues to stare at Kurt with her head and face upside down.  Then she lowers her torso down to the grass.  She lays on her back and lower legs with her face up towards the sky, then rolls her body over on the grass laying on her belly with her feet high above her back, her elbows above her head, her hands high above her shoulders with her head and face right side up.  She then looks back at Kurt and stares at him as her long black hair blows in the wind with some hair blowing in front of her face.

“My God!” Kurt frighteningly shouts to the chained up Diane D entity as he keeps his head facing to his left away from her, “it’s you again!  Please leave me alone!  Please, leave me alooone!”  Kurt frighteningly gets up off the grass!  He turns and runs towards one of the dark dirt paths!  He runs down the dark dirt path screaming, “Heeelp!  Somebody help meee!” 

The chained up Diane D entity anxiously watches Kurt run down the dark dirt path running off into the distance! 

Kurt then disappears into the forest. 

The chained up Diane D entity stares towards the part of the forest where Kurt disappeared into, then she violently pulls her entire legs and feet down again backflipping her entire body over like a wheel as the chains rattle!  She lays right on her back and lower legs with her face up towards the sky again.  Then she straightens her legs and straightens her arms raising her torso high up off the ground with her hands and feet remaining on the grass while her wrists and ankles are still handcuffed, shackled and chained to each other!  Then she stands on her hands and feet with her back bent way more backwards with her head down near the ground!  She is in the more tight contortionist position again with her head and face upside down!  She looks towards the part of the forest where Kurt ran off and disappeared into with her head and face upside down!  She starts to walk on her hands and feet doing the tight eerie spider walk again with her head and face still upside down while her wrists and ankles are still handcuffed, shackled and chained to each other.  She then turns and goes right towards the same dark dirt path Kurt ran off into following his route!  


Kurt is running through the forest!  He turns his head and looks back as he continues to run!  He does not see the chained up Diane D entity anywhere.  He turns his head back forwards and continues to run!


Kurt then runs right towards a tree!  He reaches the tree and stops right there near the tree.  He stands there out of breath.  He turns around and frighteningly looks back down the dark dirt path he just ran from.  He still does not see the chained up Diane D entity anywhere.  He then bends down and goes beneath some bushes.  He hides beneath the bushes.  He then peeks from beneath the bushes and frighteningly looks around the dark spooky forest again.  He does not see the chained up Diane D entity anywhere.  He nervously whispers to himself, “I have to get out of here!  I have to try again to wake myself up!”  Kurt shuts his eyes very tight again.  He crosses his fingers and whispers, “Let me wake up from this nightmare, please let me wake up from this nightmare!  I want to wake back up!”  Kurt’s eyes remain shut very tight as he jerks his body again trying to wake up.  He opens his eyes and frighteningly looks around the spooky forest and woods again.  He then whispers, “Damn, I’m still here!  Why am I still here?!  Why didn’t I wake up?!  I’m gonna try again to wake myself up!”  Kurt shuts his eyes very tight again.  He crosses his fingers again.  His eyes remain tightly shut as he jerks his body again trying to wake up.  He suddenly hears the slight sound of chains rattling way in the distance again as if someone is slowly walking around in chains again!  He quickly opens his eyes and whispers, “Oh shit, I hear that Diane D entity again!”  Kurt continues to hear the sound of chains rattling getting closer and closer.  He becomes frightened again as he trembles.  He turns his head to his left and looks down the dark dirt path where he hears the sounds of the chains rattling coming from.  He sees a shadowy figure way, way in the distance walking on all fours again slowly coming down the dark dirt path heading towards his direction again.  “Oh no!” he whispers, “shit!”  He realizes it’s the chained up Diane D entity again walking on her hands and feet with her head and face still upside down whose wrists and ankles are still handcuffed, shackled and chained to each other as she slowly comes down the dark dirt path heading towards his direction again!  Kurt frighteningly stares at the chained up Diane D entity through the bushes as he hears the chains attached to her handcuffs and shackles rattling louder as she gets closer!  “Damn!” Kurt whispers.  “How the hell did she find me?!”

The chained up Diane D entity continues to head towards Kurt’s direction.

The chained up Diane D entity finally reaches near Kurt again.  She stops two yards away from him again!  She stands on her hands and feet with her back still bent backwards with her head down near the ground!  She is still locked in the more tight contortionist position with her head and face upside down.  She stares at Kurt again with her head and face upside down.  Kurt is still frightened by the sight of the chained up Diane D entity’s tight locked contortionist position.  He turns his head to his right frighteningly looking away from the chained up Diane D entity again to avoid seeing her in that tighter contortionist position as he whispers to himself, “Oh God.”  The chained up Diane D entity continues to stare at Kurt.  Then she lowers her torso down to the grass again.  She lays on her back and lower legs again with her face up towards the sky again, then rolls her body over on the grass again laying on her belly again with her feet high above her back, her elbows above her head, her hands high above her shoulders with her head and face right side up again.  She then looks back at Kurt staring at him again as her long black hair blows in the wind again.

“What do you want from me?!” Kurt frighteningly shouts to the chained up Diane D entity as he keeps his head to his right facing away from her.  “Please leave me alone!”  Kurt frighteningly gets up off the grass again!  He grabs some dirt off the ground and throws the dirt right at the chained up Diane D entity!  The dirt hits the chained up Diane D entity right in the face and upper body as Kurt turns and runs towards another dark dirt path!  Kurt runs down the dark dirt path screaming, “Heeelp!  Somebody help me please!”    

The chained up Diane D entity has slight dirt on her face, hair and upper bodysuit as she violently shakes her head and jerks her body with her eyes shut tight trying to shake the dirt off her face, hair and upper bodysuit.  She then spits out air, trying to get the dirt out of her nose and mouth!  She continues to shake her head and jerks her body trying to shake more dirt off her face, hair and upper bodysuit.  She then opens her eyes, turns her head to the side and sees Kurt running down the dark dirt path running off into the distance again!  She is out of breath as she angrily watches Kurt run off into the distance! 

Kurt then disappears into the forest again. 

The chained up Diane D entity continues to angrily stare towards the part of the forest where Kurt disappeared into out of breath!  Then she violently pulls her entire legs and feet down again backflipping her entire body over like a wheel again as the chains rattle!  She lays right on her back and lower legs with her face up towards the sky again.  Then she straightens her legs and straightens her arms raising her torso high up off the ground with her hands and feet remaining on the grass while her wrists and ankles are still handcuffed, shackled and chained to each other!  Then she stands on her hands and feet with her back bent backwards with her head down near the ground!  She is in the more tight contortionist position again with her head and face upside down!  She angrily looks towards the direction Kurt ran off to with her head and face upside down again!  She starts to walk on her hands and feet doing the tight eerie spider walk again with her head and face still upside down while her wrists and ankles are still handcuffed, shackled and chained to each other.  She then turns and goes right towards the same dark dirt path Kurt ran off into following his route again!  


Kurt is running through the forest again!  He turns his head and looks back as he continues to run!  He does not see the chained up Diane D entity anywhere.  He turns his head back forward and continues to run!


Kurt then runs right towards another group of bushes!  He reaches the bushes and stops right there near the bushes.  He stands there out of breath.  He turns around and frighteningly looks back down the dark dirt path he just ran from.  He still does not see the chained up Diane D entity anywhere.  He then bends down and goes deep inside the bushes.  He hides beneath the bushes again.  He then peeks from beneath the bushes and frighteningly looks around the dark spooky forest again.  He does not see the chained up Diane D entity anywhere.  He shuts his eyes very tight, crosses his fingers and whispers, “Come on please God, let me wake up from this nightmare!  Why aren’t you helping me get out of here?!  Help me get out of here, please, let me wake back up!”  Kurt’s eyes remain shut very tight as he jerks his body again trying to wake up.  He opens his eyes and frighteningly looks around the spooky forest and woods again.  He then whispers, “Damn I’m still here!  I didn’t wake up!  I have to try again!”  Kurt shuts his eyes very tight again.  He crosses his fingers again.  His eyes remain tightly shut as he jerks his body again trying to wake up.  He suddenly hears the slight sound of chains rattling way in the distance again!  He quickly opens his eyes and whispers, “Oh no, it’s that entity again!”  Kurt continues to hear the sound of chains rattling getting closer and closer.  He turns his head to his right and peeks through the bushes.  He looks down the dark dirt path where he hears the sound of the chains rattling coming from.  He sees the chained up Diane D entity’s shadowy figure way, way in the distance again walking on her hands and feet again with her head and face still upside down slowly coming down the dark dirt path heading towards his direction again!  Kurt shockingly stares at the chained up Diane D entity through the bushes walking on all fours as he hears the chains attached to her handcuffs and shackles rattling louder as she gets closer!  He then whispers to himself, “Damn, why does she keep following me?!  What does she want?!”  Kurt continues to peek through the bushes watching the chained up Diane D entity at a distance.  He suddenly sees her going towards another group of bushes.  He sees her approach the other group of bushes.  He then sees her looking underneath the other bushes with her head and face still upside down.

The chained up Diane D entity lowers her torso down to the grass again.  She then lays on her back and lower legs again with her face up towards the sky, then rolls her body over on the grass again laying on her belly again with her feet high above her back, her elbows above her head, her hands high above her shoulders again with her head and face right side up again.  She then looks back underneath the bushes with her head and face right side up!  She turns her head sideways looking around underneath the bushes.  She then looks forward.  She slightly pulls her legs down slightly pulling her upper body up, then she quickly pulls her entire arms and hands down forwardflipping her entire body over like a wheel again as the chains rattle with her feet landing on the grass. 

“Oh shit!” Kurt whispers as he secretly watches the chained up Diane D entity’s flipping ability while she’s still in handcuffs, shackles and chains trapped in a contortionist position! 

The chained up Diane D entity then lays right on her back and lower legs with her face up towards the sky again.  Then she straightens her legs and straightens her arms raising her torso high up off the ground with her hands and feet remaining on the grass while her wrists and ankles are still handcuffed, shackled and chained to each other!  Then she stands on her hands and feet with her back bent backwards again with her head down near the ground!  She is in the tight contortionist position again with her head and face upside down!  She circles her body around angrily looking around for Kurt.  She then stops right in her tracks and looks right towards the group of bushes where Kurt is hiding beneath!  She stares at those group of bushes with her head and face upside down! 

“Oh oh!” Kurt whispers to himself as he shockingly stares at the chained up Diane D entity through the bushes! 

Suddenly, the chained up Diane D entity starts to walk on her hands and feet doing the tight eerie spider walk again as she comes right towards the same group of bushes Kurt is hiding beneath

“Oh no!” Kurt whispers to himself.  

The chained up Diane D entity continues to head towards Kurt’s direction.

“Damn!” Kurt whispers.  “She found me again!”   

The chained up Diane D entity finally reaches near Kurt again.  She stops five feet away from him!  She stands on her hands and feet with her back bent way more backwards with her head down near the ground.  She stares at Kurt again with her head and face upside down. 

Kurt is still frightened by the sight of the chained up Diane D entity’s tight locked contortionist position.  He turns his head to his left to look away from the chained up Diane D entity again trying to avoid seeing her in that tight locked contortionist condition as he trembles!  He then turns his body to his left facing away from the chained up Diane D entity as he sits beneath the bushes.  He then shuts his eyes very tight again and holds his ears shut as he faces his left trying to avoid seeing or hearing the chained up Diane D entity.  

The chained up Diane D entity continues to stare at Kurt with her head and face upside down.  Suddenly, she goes around Kurt heading towards his left side where his head and body are facing!  She approaches the left side of Kurt’s body standing two yards away!  She stands on her hands and feet with her back bent with her head down near the ground staring at Kurt’s face.  She sees that he has his eyes closed and his ears shut tight.

Kurt continues to have his eyes and ears tightly shut!  He suddenly starts to gasp for air!  He becomes puzzled then lets go of his ears as his eyes remain tightly shut.  He then grabs his neck saying to himself, “Damn!  Why do I feel like I’m being choked?!”  Kurt starts to gasp for air again!  He holds his neck tight shouting to himself, “I can’t breathe!”  He gasps for air again as his eyes remain shut!  He then opens his eyes.  To his shock and horror, he sees the chained up Diane D entity standing upright on her knees with her face one foot away from his face angrily looking at his neck then quickly looks at his face with her hair blowing in the wind!  “Aaaaaahhh!” Kurt screams!  He quickly gets up off the grass and shouts, “Get away from me!”  He suddenly sees a large thick tree branch laying on the grass next to him.  He quickly bends down, grabs the large tree branch and picks it up!  Then he stands and raises the large tree branch high in the air and shouts, “I don’t believe in hitting women, but you’re no woman, you’re a monster!” as he swings the large tree branch down towards the chained up Diane D entity, but the chained up Diane D entity quickly pulls her entire legs and feet down backflipping her entire body over a few times like a wheel as the chains rattle causing Kurt to miss her!  Kurt winds up bashing the large tree branch right down on the grass instead!  He becomes furious! 

He quickly approaches the chained up Diane D entity with the large tree branch!  Then he raises the large tree branch high in the air again and shouts, “Stay away from me!” as he swings the large tree branch down towards the Diane D entity again, but the Diane D entity quickly pulls her entire arms and hands down forwardflipping her entire body over a few times like a wheel as the chains rattle again causing Kurt to miss her again!  Kurt winds up bashing the large tree branch right down on the grass again!  He becomes more furious! 

He quickly approaches the chained up Diane D entity with the large tree branch again!  Then he raises the large tree branch high in the air again and shouts, “Why can’t you leave me alooone!” as he swings the large tree branch down towards the chained up Diane D entity again, but the chained up Diane D entity quickly pulls her entire arms and hands down again forwardflipping her entire body over a few times like a wheel again as the chains rattle again causing Kurt to miss her again!  Kurt winds up bashing the large tree branch right down on the grass again! 

He quickly approaches the chained up Diane D entity with the large tree branch again!  Then he raises the large tree branch high in the air again and shouts, “Leave me alooone?!” as he swings the large tree branch down towards the chained up Diane D entity again, but the chained up Diane D entity quickly pulls her entire legs and feet down again backflipping her entire body over a few times like a wheel again as the chains rattle causing Kurt to miss her again!  Kurt winds up bashing the large tree branch right down on the grass again! 

He becomes tired and frustrated!  He then throws the large tree branch aside then turns and runs towards another dark dirt path!  He runs down the dark dirt path screaming, “Heeelp!  Please somebody help meee!”  

The chained up Diane D entity is laying back on her belly out of breath as she angrily watches Kurt run off into the distance!

Kurt then disappears into the forest again! 

The chained up Diane D entity angrily looks at the part of the forest where Kurt disappeared out of breath!  Then she violently pulls her entire legs and feet down again backflipping her entire body over like a wheel again as the chains rattle!  She lays right on her back and lower legs with her face up towards the sky again.  Then she straightens her legs and straightens her arms raising her torso high up off the ground with her hands and feet remaining on the grass while her wrists and ankles are still handcuffed, shackled and chained to each other!  Then she stands on her hands and feet with her back bent way more backwards with her head down near the ground!  She is still in the tight contortionist position with her head and face upside down!  She angrily looks towards where Kurt ran off to with her head and face upside down again!  She starts to walk on her hands and feet doing the tight eerie spider walk again!  She then turns and goes right towards the same dark dirt path Kurt ran off into following his route again


Kurt is running through the forest again!  He turns his head and looks back as he continues to run!  He does not see the chained up Diane D entity anywhere.  He turns his head back forward and continues to run!

Kurt runs right towards another group of bushes!  He reaches the bushes and stops right there near the bushes.  He is out of breath.  He turns around and frighteningly looks back down the dark dirt path he just ran from.  He still does not see the chained up Diane D entity anywhere.  He then bends down and goes beneath another group of bushes.  He shuts his eyes very tight, crosses his fingers and whispers, “Please God, let me wake up from this nightmare!  This Diane D entity won’t leave me alone!  She keeps following me!  Please, let me wake up!”  Kurt’s eyes remain tightly shut.  He crosses his fingers again as he jerks his body again trying to wake up.  He suddenly hears the slight sounds of chains rattling way in the distance again.  He quickly opens his eyes and whispers, “Oh no, not that entity again!”  Kurt continues to hear the sound of chains rattling getting closer and closer.  He turns his head to his right and peeks through the bushes.  He looks down the dark dirt path where he hears the sounds of the chains rattling coming from.  He sees the chained up Diane D entity’s shadowy figure way in the distance walking on all fours again as she slowly comes down the dark dirt path heading towards his direction!  Kurt frighteningly stares at the chained up Diane D entity through the bushes as he hears the chains attached to her handcuffs and shackles rattling louder as she gets closer!

The chained up Diane D entity continues to head towards Kurt’s direction.

“God, please let me wake up from this nightmare!” Kurt frighteningly whispers.  “This Diane D entity won’t stop stalking me!  She won’t leave me alone!  I can’t run anymore!  It’s nowhere to run!  Please let me wake back up, please let me wake back up!” 

The chained up Diane D entity finally reaches Kurt again.  She stops two yards away from him again.  She stands on her hands and feet with her back still bent with her head down near the ground.  She stares at Kurt again with her head and face upside down.  Kurt is still frightened by the sight of the chained up spider walking Diane D entity’s tight locked contortionist position.  He turns his head to his left again looking away from the chained up Diane D entity to avoid seeing her in that tight contortionist position!  The chained up Diane D entity continues to stare at Kurt.  Then she lowers her torso down to the grass again.  She lays on her back and lower legs again with her face up towards the sky again, then rolls her body over on the grass again laying on her belly again with her feet high above her back, her elbows above her head, her hands high above her shoulders again with her head and face right side up again.  She then looks back at Kurt staring at him again!

“Why don’t you leave me alone?!” Kurt frighteningly shouts to the chained up Diane D entity as he continues to nervously look away from her. 

“Why don’t I leave you alone?” the chained up Diane D entity says.

“Yes, that’s right!  Why don’t you leave me alone?!”

“Why don’t you leave ME alone.”

“What?  Leave YOU alone?!” Kurt says as he slowly turns his head slightly looking at the chained up Diane D entity.  “What do you mean leave YOU alone, I’m not bothering you!  You’re the one who’s bothering me!  You’re the one who’s following me, coming after me, constantly stalking me!  I never bothered you!”

“You did bother me.”

“I bothered you?!  How?!  How did I bother YOU?!”

“Didn’t you try to come up after me in the stairwell with a loaded gun in your pocket?”

“What!  Did I try to come up after you in the stairwell with a loaded gun in my pocket?  What are you talking about?”

“Don’t try to act like you don’t know what I’m talking about.”

“I DON’T know what you’re talking about!  I didn’t try to come after you in the stairwell with a loaded gun in my pocket!”

The chained up Diane D entity angrily stares at Kurt.  She then says, “I think I can use a pedicure.”

“A pedicure?”

“Yes, once I cut my shoe off.”

“Once you cut your shoe off?  What are you talking about?!”

The chained up Diane D entity continues to angrily stare at Kurt.  Suddenly, she bends her back more and puts herself in a tighter contortionist position making her feet practically go over her head as the chains rattle.  Kurt becomes frightened by the chained up Diane D entity while she’s locked in a more tight contortionist position as she takes a piece of the shackle attached to her left ankle and tries to cut the heel of her left shoe. 

“Okay, okay!” Kurt shouts, “I admit it!”  The chained up Diane D entity stops right in her tracks and looks back at Kurt as he cries to her, “I did try to come after you in the stairwell with a loaded gun in my pocket!  I did do it!  But that’s only because YOU killed my father and I wanted revenge!  But how did you know that I had a loaded gun in my pocket anyway?!  No one else knew that I had a loaded gun in my pocket but me!  No one else was supposed to know that I had a loaded gun in my pocket!  How did you know?!”

“I just knew.”

“What!  You just knew?!  How?!”

“I just did.”

“Oh my God, that means you were probably watching me!  Were you watching me?”

“Yes I was.”

“You were?!  Oh no!  How?!  How were you watching me?!  From where?!”

“It’s not for you to know.”

“It’s not for me to know?!  Oh my God!  Why are you still in handcuffs, shackles and chains trapped in that contortionist position anyway?!  I threw the key towards you!  It landed right on the dirt path!  You and the other entities or clones didn’t see it?!”

“Yeah we saw it.”

“You did?!  Well if you all saw the key, why didn’t the other entities or clones pick up the key and try to unlock those handcuffs, shackles and