DIANE D The Musical Drama by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 25


Kurt Tells About Seeing The Diane D Entities Inside His Hospital Room!



The next day, tired sleepy-eyed Kurt is sitting up in the hospital bed surrounded by his mother Mrs. Reid, his brother Kyle, Dr. Ramsey who’s sitting on a chair with a sketch pad, pencil and pastel crayons in his hand and Officer Kilpatrick as Mrs. Reid shouts, “Kurt, you stayed up all night again?!”

“Yes Mom, I did!” Kurt shouts, “but I did dose off and slightly fell asleep!”

“You slightly fell asleep?”


“Did you have another nightmare about Diane D?”

“Yep, I sure did!”

“Oh no!” 

“When I dosed off the first time, I heard the sounds of chains rattling again!”

“You heard the sounds of chains rattling again?” Dr. Ramsey asks.

“Yes as if someone was slowly walking around in chains again, but I stopped the nightmare by waking back up real quick and sat up on the bed, then I looked around the hospital room!  I didn’t hear the sounds of chains rattling anymore.  I didn’t see or hear anything happening inside the hospital room, but I was still sleepy!  I tried to stay awake, but I couldn’t, so I dosed off again.  When I dosed off again, all of a sudden, I saw those Diane D entities or clones right inside this hospital room just standing there staring right at my face watching me sleep while they were partially surrounding the chained up Diane D entity, the ring-leader who was still in handcuffs, shackles and chains!”    

“What!” everyone shouts.

“You saw those Diane D entities inside this hospital room?!” Dr. Ramsey shouts.

“Yeah!” Kurt shouts, “it seemed like they were right inside this room!”

“What!” everyone else shouts.

“It seemed like they were in the room?!” Kyle shouts.

“Yes!” Kurt shouts.

“You mean right inside this room?!”

“That’s the way it seemed!  It seemed like they were right around this hospital bed!”

“Right around the hospital bed?!”

“Yes!  It seemed like they were surrounding this hospital bed while I was in it! 

“What!” everyone else shouts. 

“While you were in it?!” Kyle shouts.

“Yes!” Kurt shouts, “because I didn’t see the woods this time!”

“You didn’t see the woods?”

“No!  It seemed like I saw those entities or demons right inside this room!”

“Oh my God!”

“They didn’t pull my soul or spirit out of my physical body and pull my soul or spirit into their spiritual underworld this time!  They didn’t have to, because they came here into THIS world instead!”

“Came here into this world?!” Mrs. Reid asks.

“Yes inside this hospital room!”

“Oh no!”

“And they were standing there staring at your face watching you sleep while they were surrounding the chained up Diane D entity which was the ring-leader?!” Dr. Ramsey shouts.

“Yes!” Kurt shouts.

“You mean to tell us that the ring-leader was still in handcuffs, shackles and chains?”

“Yes she was still in handcuffs, shackles and chains trapped in a contortionist position!”

“She was still trapped in a contortionist position?!” Mrs. Reid asks.

“Yes, at least I can identify her from the other Diane D entities or clones while she and the other Diane D entities or clones were just standing there staring right at my face watching me sleep!  I screamed when I saw those Diane D entities or clones close to my face just standing there angrily watching me!  I turned away from those entities and clones and was about to run, but when I turned around, I saw more Diane D entities or clones standing right behind me angrily staring at my face too!”

“More Diane D entities or clones?!  Oh no!”

“I screamed when I saw more of those Diane D entities or clones just standing behind me angrily staring at me!  I turned away from them also, but there was nowhere for me to run because I was completely surrounded by those Diane D entities or clones!”

“Oh no!”

“I couldn’t escape from them, so I had no choice but to scream at the top of my lungs, that’s when I woke back up and sat up in the bed screaming looking around the hospital room again!  I didn’t see those Diane D entities or clones anymore!  I didn’t see or hear anything happening inside the hospital room!”  Kurt looks at Dr. Ramsey and shouts to him, “Dr. Ramsey, I don’t think those Diane D entities or clones are finished with me yet!”

“You don’t think so?” Dr. Ramsey says.

“No, why do you think they were all standing here in this room surrounding me, anxiously watching me sleep?!  It’s like they were all waiting for me to come back into THEIR world!”

“Waiting for you to come back?”

“Yes!  It’s like they were desperate for me to fall asleep in THIS world, so that I can wake back up in THEIR world?!”

“Oh no!” Mrs. Reid shouts.

“I freaked out when I saw all those Diane D entities or clones so close to me just standing there surrounding me angrily staring right at my face!”

“Oh God!”

“My advice to anybody, is not to mess with Diane D, because she is being protected by these entities or demons that look like her and will come here into THIS world to take care of you if you mess with her whether she knows it or not!”

“Kurt,” Dr. Ramsey says, “I don’t think those Diane D entities or demons were ever inside this room!”

“You don’t think so?”


“Well why not?”

“You said you did doze off which means you were only half asleep.  Half asleep means you were caught between both worlds, the sleep world and the awake world!  People can still dream or have a nightmare while they’re only half asleep, that’s why you saw those Diane D entities or demons inside this room because you were half awake and half asleep which means that you were halfway in this world and halfway in the dream world.  As soon as you woke up completely, those Diane D entities or demons were suddenly gone, right?”

“Yes they were gone.”

“That’s because you completely woke up!  That happened to me one time while I was at home.”

“Oh yeah?” Kyle asks.  “What happened Dr. Ramsey?”

“Well around ten years ago, I was home watching television in the middle of the night.  I was very sleepy, but I kept forcing myself to stay awake because I wanted to watch television, then I started to doze off.  When I dozed off, I could have sworn I saw a group of people standing inside my house.”

“You saw people standing inside your house?”

“That’s the way it appeared to me.”

“How did the people look like Dr. Ramsey?” Kurt asks.  “Did they look like demons?”

“No, of course not.”

“They didn’t?  So how did they look like?”

“They looked like regular people, sort of like people from the Middle East.”

“People from the Middle East?”

“Yeah, they wore Middle Eastern robes or Middle Eastern garments and head coverings.”

“Oh they dressed like that?”

“Yes.  I never really saw any of their faces?”

“You didn’t?”

“No, but from the clothes they were wearing, the people appeared Middle Eastern.  When I saw the people in my house, I got startled then I completely woke up!  When I completely woke up, the people were suddenly gone just like that, that’s because I completely woke up, and I think that’s the same thing that happened in your case with the Diane D entities.  They disappeared from your vision as soon as you completely woke up!  Plus your lack of sleep is causing you to hallucinate, which means you were seeing things that were not there, it happens sometimes.  Don’t worry Kurt, those Diane D entities were never inside this hospital room, they were never in this world.  You were just caught between this world and the dream world, that’s all.”

“Well it doesn’t matter which world I’m caught in Dr. Ramsey!  I don’t ever want to see those Diane D entities or demons again no matter which world I’m in!  The sight of all of them just scares me!  If those entities or demons keep being after me because my family and I stormed into Dan Carter’s office and demanded for that online sword fighting commercial of Diane D and her cousin Dana to be removed from online, tell Diane D that I’m sorry!”

“What!” everyone else shouts.

“Tell Diane D you’re sorry?” Mrs. Reid asks.  “You decided to take Dr. Ramsey’s advice and apologize to Diane D?!”

“Yes Mom!” Kurt shouts, “because I’ve had it with those Diane D entities or demons!  If I don’t apologize to Diane D soon, I’m going to wind up losing my mind then wind up being suicidal just like that kid Marcus and I don’t want that!  These demons or these entities that look like Diane D won’t leave me alone!  They keep appearing in my dreams and nightmares tormenting me!  Even when I dose off and only fall half asleep, they still manage to come into my dreams when I hear sounds of chains rattling, then I see the ring-leader and all the other Diane D entities or clones standing inches away from my face angrily staring right at my face surrounding me watching me sleep, waiting for me to fall asleep in this world so that I can wake back up in their world so that they can finish me off!  Imagine having ten to fifteen identical Diane D faces just standing there angrily staring at your face!”

“Wow,” Dr. Ramsey says, “that is creepy!”

“It is!  Second, Diane D’s other personality is a killer!  Her other personality already killed my father, I don’t want to be next!  I figure if I apologize to her, it will help keep her other personality or her look-alike entities or demons away from me!  I’ll do anything to keep that killer personality of hers or her look-alike entities or demons away from me!  I’ll do anything to keep her other personality from stalking me and I’ll do anything to keep from having nightmares about those entities or clones of her coming after me terrorizing me, surrounding me staring right at my face because I’m losing a heck of a lot of sleep from this!”

“You sure are.  Kurt, are you able to draw a sketch of what you saw in your dreams and nightmares about the entities or demons that look like Diane D?”

“What?  You want me to draw a sketch of what I saw in my dreams and nightmares?”

“Yes, especially the dream or nightmare you had when the entities or demons that look like Diane D were about to set you on fire when they all stood in a part-circle partially surrounding the chained up Diane D entity putting her in front and center while they were angrily staring at you ready to watch you burn.”

“Ready to watch me burn?  You want me to draw that?”

“Yes, if you can.  I’m curious to see how that part looks like.”

“Oh yeah?  It’s easy to see how that part looks like.  Just multiple Diane D by fourteen or fifteen of her standing in a partial circle surrounding the chained up Diane D entity trapped in a contortionist position, and there you go!”

“I still would like to see it from your point of view.”

“From my point of view?  Okay.  I’m not that much of a great artist, but I’ll try.”

“Okay, here is a pencil, pastel crayons and sketch pad.”  Dr. Ramsey hands Kurt a pencil, crayons and sketch pad.  “I want you to draw exactly what you saw in that dream or nightmare, including the surroundings the entities or demons that look like Diane D were in.”

“The surroundings they were in?  You mean like the forest or woods?”

“Yes if you can.”

“Okay.”  Kurt takes the pencil and crayons and starts to draw on the sketch pad.



After around thirty minutes, Kurt finishes drawing on the sketch pad.  He holds up the sketch pad to Dr. Ramsey, Mrs. Reid, Kyle and Officer Kilpatrick and says, “Here, the Diane D entities and the environment they were in look just like this!”  He shows them colored sketch figures he drew of around fourteen or fifteen identical Diane D images or Diane D entities from his dreams and nightmares all dressed in identical all-black, high-collard, V-neck, one-piece bodysuit with sleeves to their elbows, all wearing thick black shoes!  They have long black waist length hair with bangs with all their hair blowing in the wind.  They are all standing in a part-circle partially surrounding the handcuffed, shackled and chained up Diane D entity who’s in the front and center who’s standing upright on her knees trapped in a contortionist position with one of the Diane D entities standing directly behind her holding one of her feet down on the shackles helping to hold the chained up Diane D entity upright as another Diane D entity stands directly behind that one.  Six Diane D entities stand on the right side of them in a partial circle while the other six Diane D entities including the one who kung fu kicked Kurt in the chest and threw a karate chop at his throat stands on the left side of the chained up Diane D entity in a partial circle also.  The Diane D entity who kung fu kicked Kurt and threw a karate chop at his throat is still holding the large tree branch as they all angrily stare above the camera with puffy eyes.  They are surrounded by the eerie forest or woods with the large hazy moon behind and above them. 

Dr. Ramsey, Mrs. Reid, Kyle and Officer Kilpatrick stare at the drawing.   

“Wow Kurt!” Kyle shouts, “this is what you dreamt about?!  This is what you saw in your dreams and nightmares?!”

“Yes,” Kurt says, “that’s what I saw in my dreams and nightmares.”

“Wow,” everyone else says.

“So THESE are the entities or demons who kept terrorizing you in your dreams and nightmares surrounding you then were about to set you on fire!” Dr. Ramsey says.

“Yep, they’re the ones!” Kurt shouts, “and that’s the ring-leader right there, the one who’s handcuffed, shackled and chained trapped in a contortionist position!” Kurt shouts as he points to the Diane D entity who’s in handcuffs, shackles and chains standing upright on her knees trapped in a contortionist position.  Everyone stares at the sketch.  

“Wow, they all look exactly like Diane D!”

“They sure do!” Kyle shouts, “every single one of them look like her!”

“And they’re all looking above the camera with the same creepy facial expression!”

“They sure are!  Look at the way they’re staring above the camera!”

“I know!  My God, this looks like something right out of ‘Village Of The Damned’!”

“It sure does!” Mrs. Reid shouts.  “Why are they staring above the camera like that Kurt?!”

“Because that’s the way they were staring at me when they were about to watch me be burned alive!” Kurt shouts.

“That’s the way they were staring at you?”

“Yes, they’re actually looking at me in the sketch, I just didn’t draw myself in the sketch!”

“Oh I see.”

“Is that what they were wearing?” Dr. Ramsey asks, “identical all-black one-piece bodysuits with high collars and V-necks like that?”

“Yes!” Kurt shouts, “that’s exactly what they were all wearing!”

“Wow.  Kurt have you ever seen Diane D wear this outfit before in real life?”

“Yeah I think I saw her wearing this exact same outfit in one of her martial arts performances.”

“In one of her martial arts performances?”


“So Diane D actually wore this outfit before.”

“Yeah I think so.” 

“Wow this is a lot of Diane D images!  How many of these Diane D entities or clones were in the dream or nightmare altogether?”

“Well, the one who was handcuffed, shackled and chained up in the grass was the first one I encountered.”

“That was the first one.”

“Correct.  Then when I ran away from the first one, that’s when the second Diane D entity came out of nowhere and bumped right into me!  When I ran away from the second one, that’s when the third Diane D entity came out of nowhere and kung fu kicked me right in the chest causing me to fall!  When I got up, I saw around ten or eleven more Diane D entities or clones way in the distance come from behind the trees carrying sticks of fires and ropes!  With them plus the first three Diane D entities or clones that I encountered, that would make around thirteen or fourteen of them!”

“Thirteen or fourteen of them?”

‘Yes.  Then when they started to walk away from the trees with the sticks of fires and the ropes, that’s when I saw ANOTHER Diane D entity or clone come from behind another tree!  That would be the fourteenth or fifteenth one!  So altogether, there were around fourteen or fifteen of those Diane D entities or clones!”

“Fourteen or fifteen of them?”


“Wow.  Why do all of their eyes look kind of puffy?”

“Because that’s exactly how their eyes looked like in my dreams and nightmares, puffy, just like that!”


“What type of moon is that Kurt?” Kyle asks.  “That don’t look like the same moon we see in the sky.”

“That’s because it’s not the same moon we see in the sky Kyle,” Kurt says.  “That moon is not the same moon from THIS world.”

“It’s not?”


“Then what world is it from?”

“It’s from the same world those Diane D entities or demons are from!  Those Diane D entities or demons are from a different world or a different universe, they’re not from the same world we are in!  They’re from that spiritual underworld where ever that is!  I guess the moon in that world or universe look like that.”

“Wow,” everyone else says as they stare at the sketch.

“What type of trees are those Kurt?” Mrs. Reid asks.  “I’ve never seen trees that look like THAT!”

“That’s because these trees are from a different world or different universe too Mom,” Kurt says.


Kurt turns to Officer Kilpatrick and says, “Officer Kilpatrick, can you give Diane D the apology message for me?”

“Give Diane D the apology message for you?” Officer Kilpatrick asks.  “Sure Kurt, what apology message would you like me to give her?”

“Tell Diane D I’m sorry that my family and I caused that online commercial of her and her cousin Dana not to be aired!  Tell her I’m sorry that she and her cousin Dana are not making any money from the online commercial they worked hard for and if they want to continue to have the commercial be aired, it’s okay with me and my family! 

“You want me to tell Diane D all of that?”

“Yes, I do.  Can you give her that message for me?”

“Sure Kurt, I’ll give her the message because I want you to get some sleep myself.  I don’t like seeing you sleep deprived like this.”


“Kurt what about the apology that Diane D owes us?” Kyle asks.

“That’s right Kurt!” Mrs. Reid shouts, “Diane D should be apologizing to us!  Wasn’t she supposed to make that apologetic speech to us before?!

“Yeah she sure was!  She never gave that apologetic speech to us!  We and the rest of the victims’ families want an apologetic speech from her as well!”

“That’s right!  We deserve an apologetic speech from her!”

“Mom,” Kurt says. “are you saying that you want to be inside the same room with Diane D?  Remember she killed Dad with that psychiatrist couch!  That’s the price he paid for being inside the same room with her, you want to be next?!”

“No, of course not!  Maybe she can apologize to us virtually!”


“Maybe, I don’t know!”

“Okay, okay everyone!” Officer Kilpatrick shouts, “calm down!  I’ll give Diane D the apology message.”

“You will?” Kurt asks.

“Yes I will.”

“Thanks Officer.”

“You’re welcome.”  Officer Kilpatrick, Kurt, Mrs. Reid, Kyle and Dr. Ramsey continue to look at the sketch of the Diane D entities or demons.