DIANE D The Musical Drama by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 29


Dr. Stone Speaks To The Victims’ Families At A Local Hotel



Two weeks later, around a hundred family members of the victims Diane D’s other personality has hurt and killed including Mrs. Jenkins, Mrs. Peterson, Mrs. Stevens, Mrs. Muer, Mrs. Reid, Kyle and other family members of the victims are at the entrance of a local hotel.  They are being scanned.  A stocky black male security guard shouts to the family members, “All cell phones must be confiscated, no cell phones allowed during the apologetic speech!  Remove your cell phones please!”  The family members put their belongings and cell phones inside plastic bins.  The bins then go through metal detectors.  The family members then go through the metal detectors themselves to get inside the hotel.



Fifty minutes later, the family members of the victims including Mrs. Jenkins, Mrs. Peterson, Mrs. Stevens, Mrs. Muer, Mrs. Reid and Kyle are sitting and waiting inside a large conference room.  They have their chairs close to the back of the room.  They are sitting in front of the rest of the family members.  Some of the victims family members are crying.  There are barriers going across the front of the room.  Behind the barriers, there is a podium with a microphone attached to it.  Mrs. Muer turns to Mrs. Reid and whispers, “Where’s Kurt?”

“Oh Kurt is still in the hospital,” Mrs. Reid whispers. 

“He is?”

“Yes.  He said it’s a good thing he’s still in the hospital because he said he wouldn’t want to risk being inside the same room with Diane D.”

“I don’t blame him.”

“He didn’t even want me and Kyle to come here.  He says he does not want me and his brother to be Diane D’s next casualty.”

“I don’t blame him.  I think we are all crazy to even be inside this room, knowing that Diane D’s going to come inside this room soon, knowing her capability.”

“I know, but some of us wanted to see her in person to see how sincere her apology is.”

“I know, but is seeing how sincere her apology is worth risking our lives?”

“I know.”

Suddenly the front door opens.  The hotel manager, a white male around his late-50’s with salt and pepper hair wearing a suit, comes into the room as the door closes behind him.  He turns to his left and looks at the victims’ family members then walks to the podium.

The hotel manager approaches the podium.  He stands at the podium and looks at the crowd again.  He then speaks into the microphone and says,, “Hello ladies and gentlemen, thanks for coming.  I know we’re all here because of a very sad situation that happened to your family members and loved ones.  I’m very sorry for the loss of your loved ones that happened from Diane D last year, and I’m sorry for the injuries of your other loved ones that happened from Diane D.  I know you’re all upset and angry about what happened to your loved ones.  We know there were a few attempts to harm Diane D by some of you, the victims’ family members, that’s why we have these barriers going across the room to keep Diane D protected from you all just in case some of you get angry and hostile, and we know a lot of you feel that Diane D is a very dangerous individual, that’s another reason why we have these barriers going across the room, to keep you all protected from her.  We want to separate you all from Diane D and keep you guys separated, so therefore, Diane D is not allowed to go anywhere pass these barriers, and none of you are allowed to go anywhere pass these barriers either.  But before Diane D comes in here to apologize to you all for your loss and the injuries of your other family members who are still laying in the hospital, her doctor Dr. Stone wants to come in here and explain things to you all.  And here is Diane D’s doctor, Dr. Stone.” 

The front door opens again.  Dr Stone comes into the room as the door closes behind him.  He turns to his left and looks at the crowd, then walks over to the podium. 

Dr. Stone approaches the podium as the hotel manager turns and walks away from the podium.  He stands at the podium and looks at the crowd again as the hotel manager heads to the front door, opens the door then leaves the room.  Dr. Stone then speaks into the microphone and says, “Hello ladies and gentlemen.  I’m sorry we’re all here on a very sad occasion.  I’m so sorry for what happened to your loved ones with Diane last year.  I’m sorry that the hypnosis Dr. Kahn and I had put on her didn’t go so well.  I would just like to say, please don’t blame Diane for any of this, it wasn’t her fault!  If you all want to get mad at someone and blame someone for what happened to your loved ones last year, get mad at me, blame me for what happened to them, don’t be mad at Diane or blame her!  Don’t be mad at anyone in her family!  If Diane knew that she would be going through any of this stuff, she would have never agreed to be hypnotized, her family wouldn’t have agreed to it either!  Now their entire lives has been changed forever!  Dr. Kahn and I wouldn’t have agreed to it either if we knew what was going to happen!  The only reason why Diane and her family agreed to have herself be hypnotized, is to help her with her memory loss, because she didn’t remember saying those strange things to her cousin Nancy inside their family’s home that night when her cousin Nancy told her and their family what Diane said to her!  Diane did not remember saying those strange things to her cousin Nancy at all that she wind up thinking her cousin Nancy was talking crazy!”

“Wow,” the audience says.

“When Diane’s family brought her to me for help, Dr. Kahn and I suggested for her to be hypnotized so we can get into her subconscious.  Her family didn’t really want her to be hypnotized, they really didn’t, but Dr. Kahn and I wanted to help Diane with her memory loss, so we convinced her family to let us hypnotize her.  Her family gave in.  So ten members of Diane’s family sat inside the hypnosis room when Dr. Kahn and I were about to hypnotize her.  We didn’t know what to expect once we hypnotized Diane.  We didn’t know what was going to happen once we brought her inner subconscious or her ‘other personality’ out to the surface.”


“When Dr. Kahn and I first hypnotized Diane, we brought her original personality out to the surface first.  We talked to her original personality, her original personality spoke back to us.  We asked Diane’s original personality does she remember beating up that little boy Marcus inside the school hallway that night.  She said ‘no she does not remember beating up the little boy Marcus’.  She claim that ‘she never beat him up and would never beat up or harm a child’.  After that, we sent her original personality back to sleep.  Before Dr. Kahn and I brought Diane’s other personality out to the surface, we wanted to protect ourselves from her other personality because we know that her other personality is very powerful!”


“It will get superhuman strength and become very, very dangerous as we all know!”


“That’s when we decided that Diane’s physical body should be wrapped in chains and chained to the psychiatrist couch!”

“Oh no.”

“Of course her family was dead set against it!  They didn’t want to see their loved one wrapped in chains and chained to a psychiatrist couch, but Dr. Kahn and I convinced her family it was for everyone’s safety!  Her family eventually gave in.  After Diane’s physical body was wrapped in chains and chained to the psychiatrist couch, Dr. Kahn and I were ready to bring her other personality out to the surface.”


“When Dr. Kahn and I were about to bring Diane’s other personality out to the surface, her two cousins Nancy and Charlotte became frightened.  They didn’t want to stay inside the hypnosis room anymore because they were afraid to encounter Diane’s other personality again!”


“They were afraid to even be inside the same room with her other personality, so they decided to get up out of their seats, run to the back door and leave the room.”


“So now eight members of Diane’s family were left sitting inside the hypnosis room when Dr. Kahn and I were about to bring her other personality out to the surface.”

“Oh no.”

“Dr. Kahn and I then brought Diane’s other personality out to the surface.”


“When Dr. Kahn and I started to speak to Diane’s other personality asking her other personality questions, her other personality spoke back to us.”


“Her other personality was saying these strange crazy things to me and Dr. Kahn!”


“Now I as Diane’s doctor would keep what her other personality said to me and Dr. Kahn private and confidential between us, Diane and her family, but since you all ARE the family members of the victims Diane’s other personality has hurt and killed, Diane’s family gave me the permission to tell you all what her other personality said to me and Dr. Kahn inside the hypnosis room that day.  They feel that you all have a right to know what her other personality said to me and Dr. Kahn.  When Dr. Kahn and I spoke to Diane’s other personality, her other personality told me and Dr. Kahn that it’s soul and spirit has been around for several centuries!”

“What!” the audience shouts. 

“It’s soul and spirit has been around for several centuries?!” Mrs. Jenkins asks.

“That’s what it said,” Dr. Stone says.  “That other soul, spirit or entity told me and Dr. Kahn that it has possessed different people’s physical bodies over the centuries and used those individuals’ physical bodies to kill without the person even knowing it!”

“What!” the audience shouts. 

“Yes!  That other soul, spirit or entity told me and Dr. Kahn that it possesses a different individual’s body once every fifty years and uses that individual’s physical body to kill!”

“Oh no!”

“That other soul, spirit or entity’s most recent victim, is Diane!”

“Oh no!”

“It admitted to a lot of things that happened in Diane’s pass that Diane herself does not remember!”


“Yes.  It told me and Dr. Kahn that it possesses and uses Diane’s physical body because she meditates and her meditations opens the door for it to invite itself into her physical body by pulling her original soul or spirit right out of her physical body, then enter her physical body and use her physical body to do harm or cause chaos to other people without Diane’s original personality being around or even being aware of it!”

“Oh no!”

“That other soul, spirit or entity even admitted to me and Dr. Kahn that it was actually the one who beat up the little boy Marcus inside the school hallway that night using Diane’s physical body!”


“That other soul, spirit or entity admitted beating up that little boy Marcus using Diane D’s physical body?!” one of the women shouts.

“Yes!” Dr. Stone says, “that’s why Diane said she never beat up the little boy Marcus, because it was actually her ‘other personality’ who beat him up, not her original personality!”

“Woooow,” the crowd says.

“Even though Diane’s original soul, spirit or personality wasn’t there inside the school anymore and had left the building, her physical body was still there inside the school building and her physical body beat up Marcus!”


“Diane’s original soul, spirit or personality had no idea what was going on with her physical body that night inside the school hallway until her original soul, spirit or personality returned later on, and her original soul, spirit or personality was told about what happened between her physical body and Marcus inside the school hallway, then her original soul, spirit or personality was shocked when her original soul, spirit or personality heard about what happened because her original soul, spirit or personality was not there!  Yes her physical body was there, but her original soul, spirit or personality wasn’t.  That’s why a lot of times her original soul, spirit or personality doesn’t remember what happens when her physical body is accused of doing this or accused of doing that, because her original soul, spirit or personality does not be anywhere around!”


“This other soul, spirit or entity also told me and Dr. Kahn, that whenever Diane is locked up in jail or the mental institution, it will pull Diane’s original soul, spirit or personality out of her physical body and take her original soul, spirit or personality’s place so her original soul, spirit or personality won’t have to be the one sitting inside the jail or mental institution, it can be free to roam somewhere else!  Where, I don’t know.”


“We asked this other soul, spirit or entity that while it be inside Diane’s physical body and sits inside the jail or mental institution for her, does the staff inside the jails or the mental institutions even know that’s another soul, spirit or entity inside Diane’s physical body.  The other soul, spirit or entity admitted to me and Dr. Kahn that the staff inside the jails or the mental institutions would not know that’s another soul, spirit or entity inside Diane’s physical body, they will just think that it’s Diane’s original soul, spirit or personality looking at them.”


“Since this other soul, spirit or entity admitted that it uses different people’s physical bodies to kill once every fifty years, Dr. Kahn and I asked it was the next fifty years up yet.  It said yes that fifty years is up now.”

“What!  Oh no!”

“We asked this other soul, spirit or entity will it use someone’s physical body to kill again.  It said yes.”

“Oh no!”

“We asked this other soul, spirit or entity will that physical body be Diane’s physical body that it’s gonna use to kill!  It said we shall see.”

“What!  We shall see?!”

“Yes that’s exactly what it said to me and Dr. Kahn.”

“Well I think this evil entity already used Diane D’s physical body to kill because her physical body already killed our loved ones!” Mrs. Jenkins shouts.  “Her physical body killed my husband, so that evil entity’s fifty year mission was already accomplished!”

“Well there you go.  Before Dr. Kahn and I sent the other soul, spirit or entity back to where ever it came from, it admitted to us that there was another soul, spirit or entity that takes over Diane’s physical body!”

“What!” the audience shouts. 

“Another soul, spirit or entity that takes over Diane D’s physical body?!” Mrs. Peterson shouts.

“Yes,” Dr. Stone says.  “We call it the ‘third personality’.”

“What!” the audience shouts.  “The ‘third personality’?!”

“Yes, then Dr. Kahn and I brought that ‘third personality’ out to the surface also.”

“Oh no!”

“That third personality also admitted to things that happened in Diane’s life.  It admitted that it was responsible for Diane’s physical body levitating over the stage when she did that ‘Illusions Of Zero Gravity’ performance in Germany a few years ago!”

“What!  Oh nooo!”

“Diane doesn’t remember her physical body levitating over the stage at all, because her original soul, spirit or personality was not there!  This third personality or this entity also admitted to being very protective of Diane!”


“Being very protective of Diane D?” Mrs. Muer asks.

“Yes,” Dr. Stone says.  “It admitted that there are other souls, spirits or entities who are Diane’s soldiers.”

“What!” the audience shouts.  “Soldiers?!”

“That entity admitted there are other souls, spirits or entities who are Diane D’s soldiers?!” Mrs. Peterson shouts.

“Yes,” Dr. Stone says.  “It told us they will team up and go after anyone who tries to harm Diane!”

“What!” the audience shouts. 

“They will team up and go after anyone who tries to harm Diane D?!” one of the men in the audience shouts.

“That’s what it said,” Dr. Stone says.

“Is that why every time someone in any of our families tried to go after and harm Diane D, something bad usually happens to them, because it could be these so called soldiers protecting her?!”

“I think so.  Why do you think that ‘other’ personality inside the school hallway beat the crap out of Marcus?  Because Marcus caused Diane’s original personality to be hurt and upset when he told her the truth about the little boy who has leukemia telling her that the little boy who has leukemia didn’t exist that it was all a hoax!  When I told that entity or third personality to leave Diane alone and not to ever bother her soul, spirit or personality anymore and not to ever bother her physical body anymore and not to ever enter her physical body anymore, that’s when that entity or that third personality lost it!  I mean it literally lost it and started to come after me!”

“Oh no!” the crowd says.

“Yes!  It accused me of trying to take Diane away from them!”


“It accused you of trying to take Diane D away from them?!” Mrs. Stevens shouts.

“Yes!” Dr. Stone shouts, “then it went berserk and tried to break loose from those handcuffs and chains that were strapped around Diane’s body to the psychiatrist couch!”

“What!” the audience shouts.  “Oh nooo!”

“I shouted to that entity to go back to sleep, to go back to where it came from, but that didn’t work!  That entity still tried to break loose from those chains and psychiatrist couch to come after me!”

“Oh no!”

“It then broke those handcuffs and chains apart!  It literally broke loose from those handcuffs and chains!”

“Oh nooo!”

“That entity or that third personality was very powerful!  You could hear the loud crash sounds when that entity or that third personality broke those chains loose from the psychiatrist couch!  The crash sounds of those chains breaking were so loud that it still haunts me and Diane’s family members to this day!”

“Oh no!”

“Once that entity or third personality broke Diane’s legs and feet loose from the chains and freed Diane’s physical body from the psychiatrist couch, that’s when it came for me and Dr. Kahn like a bull, we had to run for our lives!”

“Oh no!”

“Then it caught up with us and literally double kung fu kicked each of us right in our heads knocking both of us out cold!”

“Double kung fu kicked each of you in the head and knocked you out?!” Mrs. Stevens shouts.


“Oh no!”

“That’s when I heard about the security guards and the Priest, that they had burst into the hypnosis room!”

“Oh nooo!” the audience shouts.

“When they burst into the hypnosis room, that’s when that entity or third personality went even more crazy, lifted up that psychiatrist couch, held it high in the air, spin it around and around in the air and just threw that psychiatrist couch thirty feet across the room like it was nothing and hit those security guards and the Priest with it slamming the psychiatrist couch right into their heads!”

“Oh no!”

“Then I heard that entity or third personality ran to the psychiatrist couch while long pieces of the broken chains were still attached to Diane’s arms, wrists, legs and ankles!”

“What!  Oh no!”

“That entity or third personality then threw itself right on top of the psychiatrist couch doing a hand stand!  It then swirled those long pieces of those broken chains that were attached to Diane’s ankles like whips and hit some of those security guards with the chains!”

“Oh no!”

“That’s when that entity or third personality got back down and lifted up that psychiatrist couch again, held it high in the air, spin it around and around in the air again and threw that psychiatrist couch thirty feet across the room again and hit more security guards who entered the hypnosis room slamming the psychiatrist couch right into their heads as well!”

“Oh no!”

“That’s when that entity or third personality got back down and lifted up that psychiatrist couch again, held it high in the air, spin it around and around in the air again and threw that psychiatrist couch thirty feet across the room again and hit the police officers who entered the hypnosis room slamming the psychiatrist couch right into their heads also!”

“Oh no!”

“That entity or third personality was not playing!”

“Oh no!”

“It was on a rampage!  It was on a vengeance!  It was on a mission, a mission to cause chaos!”

“Oh no!”

“It was out for blood!”

“Oh no!”

“Then that entity or third personality ran to the psychiatrist couch again!  It then threw itself right on top of the psychiatrist couch doing a hand stand again!  It then swirled those long pieces of the broken chains that were attached to Diane’s ankles like whips again and hit those security guards with the chains!”

“My goodness!”

“Then that entity or third personality ran to the psychiatrist couch again!  It threw itself right on top of the psychiatrist couch doing a hand stand again!  It then swirled those long pieces of the broken chains that were attached to Diane’s ankles like whips again and hit those police officers with the chains causing a gun to go off and the bullet winds up hitting a police officer!”

“Oh no!”

“That’s when that entity or third personality got back down and lifted up that psychiatrist couch again, held it high in the air, spin it around and around in the air again then threw that psychiatrist couch thirty feet across the room again and hit more police officers and swat team members who entered the hypnosis room slamming the psychiatrist couch right into their heads as well!”


“After Diane’s family anxiously got me up off the floor and got me back on my feet, they demanded me to get rid of that other personality, so I shouted to that entity or third personality multiple times to go back to where it came from, but it didn’t work!”

“Oh nooo!”

“That entity or third personality was still causing chaos!  It was still spinning that psychiatrist couch around and around in the air!”

“Oh nooo!”

“It then stopped spinning the psychiatrist couch and was about to toss and slam the psychiatrist couch right at the injured authority figures who were still laying on the floor!”

“What!” one of the other women shouts.  “It was about to slam the psychiatrist couch right into the injured authority figures while they were laying helpless on the floor?!”


“Oh nooo!”

“That entity or third personality had no mercy at all!  That’s when I practically ran close to Diane’s physical body and shouted to that entity or third personality to go back to where it came from!  That’s when that entity or third personality left Diane’s physical body just like that, which caused her physical body to just literally drop to the floor while it was still holding that psychiatrist couch in the air!”

“What!” the audience shouts.

“You mean her physical body dropped to the floor just like that?!” a white male around his mid-40’s with dark curly hair shouts.

“Yes just like that,” Dr. Stone says.  “That’s when I was finally able to get rid of that entity or third personality.”

“And you were finally able to get rid of it after it had lifted up that psychiatrist couch and threw it into our loved ones several times?!”


“What took you so long to stop that mad entity’s or third personality’s rage?!”

“I was knocked out!  I was laying on the floor!  It took a while for Diane’s family members to even get me up off the floor, get me back on my feet to stop her other personality’s wrath!”

“So while you were knocked out on the floor, you never really witnessed what was actually happening inside that hypnosis room.”

“No I didn’t.  I was only going by what Diane’s family members told me, what the surviving authority figures told me and what I heard on the video.”

“Where was Diane D’s original soul, spirit or personality while all this chaos was going on?!” an older white male with salt and pepper hair shouts.

“Her original soul, spirit or personality wasn’t there, that’s why her original soul, spirit or personality has no memory of it.”

“Wow,” the crowd says.

“After Diane’s original soul, spirit or personality came back and she woke up in the hospital around a week later, her family and I told her about what happened inside the hypnosis room.  When we told her about what happened, she was shocked by the whole entire story, she couldn’t believe it!  She said that she’s no killer that she does not go around killing people!  She says she does not go around lifting up psychiatrist couches off the floor, spinning them around and around in the air then tossing them in the air and throwing them across the room at people!  She says she doesn’t even have the power or strength to lift up a psychiatrist couch and do something like that!”

“She says doesn’t have the power or strength to lift up a psychiatrist couch?” another man asks.

“That’s what she said.”

“But you were there Dr. Stone!  You just told us that Diane D lifted up that psychiatrist couch, held it high in the air, spin it around and around then tossed it across the room at our loved ones!”

“Her other personality did that, not her original personality.”

“Was it her physical body that did it?!”

“I was knocked out while that part was happening.  When Diane’s family got me off the floor, I caught the tail end of her physical body holding that psychiatrist couch high up in the air, spinning it around and around and was about to toss it across the room at the injured authority figures who were already laying helpless on the floor.”

“You caught the tail end of her physical body holding that psychiatrist couch up in the air and was about to toss it across the room?”

“Yes I did.”

“That’s all that counts then, it was her physical body that was involved in all that chaos!”

“You have to realize, Diane’s ‘other’ personality is very, very powerful!  It can literally do things that Diane’s original personality can’t do like lift up that psychiatrist couch, hold it high in the air, spin it around and around in the air then toss it twenty or thirty feet across the room at a real high speed!  Diane’s original personality can’t do that!  Her original personality has no memory of that!” 

“Just like when she beat up that little boy Marcus inside the school hallway that night and don’t remember it?” Mrs. Crouche asks.

“Exactly!  Her ‘other personality’ beat up the little boy Marcus and her original personality wasn’t there at that moment, that’s why her original personality has no memory of it, yes her physical body was there and involved in the vicious beating of that little boy Marcus, but her original soul, spirit or personality was absent.”

“Wow!” the audience says.

“When we told Diane that she had to be locked back up in the mental institution after your loved ones got hurt and killed by her ‘other’ personality, she thought it was unfair.”

“She thought it was unfair?” Mrs. Crouche asks.  “How come?”

“Because she felt that she was being locked up for something she doesn’t remember doing!  She felt history was repeating itself because she got locked up before for something she doesn’t remember doing when she beat up that little boy Marcus!  Then she gets locked up again for something she doesn’t remember doing like when she threw and slammed that psychiatrist couch into your loved ones!”


“Dr. Stone?” another man in the room around his mid-30’s says, “when you and Dr. Kahn were about to hypnotize Diane D at first, why did you need a Priest around in the first place?”

“Why did we need a Priest around?” Dr. Stone says.


“Because we didn’t know what to expect once we were about to bring out Diane’s other personality, just in case it might be something supernatural taking over which is what happened when her other personality had superhuman strength and used that superhuman strength to lift up that psychiatrist couch to kill and hurt all the authority figures!  And something supernatural like that is something doctors can’t really handle, but maybe a Priest can?”

“Wooow,” the audience says.

“Dr. Stone?” another man in the room says, “where is Dr. Kahn by the way?  Whatever happened to him after he got injured by Diane D’s other personality?  We see that you’re still around, but what happened to him?”

“He stayed in the hospital for a while,” Dr. Stone says.  “After that, he couldn’t practice medicine anymore because he got injured so bad.”
