DIANE D The Musical Drama by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 30


Diane D Makes An Apologetic Speech To The Victims’ Families



Back inside the conference room, Dr. Stone continues to talk to the victims’ family members as he says to them, “So if you want to get mad at anyone, please don’t let it be Diane or her family that you’re mad at, let it be me, okay?  I think Diane is ready to come in here now so I’m about to call her in.” 

“Oh oh,” the audience whispers.

“Will it even be safe for us to be alone inside the room with her Dr. Stone?” Mrs. Muer asks.

“It should be,” Dr. Stone says, “as long as everyone stays in their places.  I’m gonna call Diane in here now.”

“Oh oh,” the audience whispers again as they frighteningly move their chairs back further.

Dr. Stone looks at the audience and shouts to them, “Now listen up everybody!  When Diane comes inside this room, do not boo her or give her any kind of negative reactions because she says if you do that, she will just turn around and walk right back out of this room and none of you will ever get to hear her apologies!  So if you want her to apologize to you, then let her apologize to you all, she wants to do that!  She feels bad about all that happened last year, so let’s give her the chance to apologize!  We’re going to bring her in here now.  Coming to you so you can hear the apologies from her herself, here is Diane Denise Brown known as Diane D.” 

The front door opens.  Diane D comes into the room as the door closes behind her.  She turns to her left and stops as she nervously looks towards the back of the room at the victims’ family members. 


The entire crowd nervously looks at Diane D as they hide their faces behind one another.


Diane D continues to look at the crowd as Dr. Stone says to her, “It’s okay Diane.”    Diane D turns her head forward towards Dr. Stone as he says to her, “Just come on up.”  Diane D walks over to the podium.

Diane D approaches the podium.  She stands at the podium near Dr. Stone and looks towards the back of the room at the crowd again.  Dr. Stone turns to her and whispers, “Are you okay Diane?”

Diane D turns to Dr. Stone and whispers, “I’m okay so far Dr. Stone.  Nervous, but okay.”

“Are you sure you’re okay?  Because if you need me to stay in here with you, I will stay in here.  You need me to stay in here with you?”

“No that’s okay Dr. Stone.  I think I got this.”

“Are you sure?” 

“Yeah.  I just have to pull myself together first, after that, I should be okay.”

“Are you sure you’ll be okay?”

“Yes I’m sure.”

“Okay.  I’ll be right inside the monitor room watching with your family if you need me, okay?”


“And remember Diane, do not go pass the barriers.”

“I won’t.”

“Okay.”  Dr. Stone pats Diane D on the shoulder then turns and walks away from the podium.  He heads to the front door, opens the door then leaves the room.  Diane D looks towards the back of the room and nervously looks at the crowd again. 

The crowd continues to nervously look at Diane D as they continue to hide their faces behind one another.

Diane D continues to nervously look at the crowd.  She then speaks into the microphone and says, “Hello ladies and gentleman, family members of the victims.” 

The crowd continues to nervously look at Diane D.   

Diane D continues to look at the crowd.  She then closes her eyes and takes a deep breath.  She then opens her eyes, speaks into the microphone again and says, “Okay ladies and gentleman, I’m just gonna get right to the point.  First of all, I want to apologize to each and every single one of you, for what happened last year.  I want to apologize for the loss of your loved ones who I heard got killed when they entered the hypnosis room, even though I don’t remember at all what happened in there.  I want to apologize for the injuries of your loved ones who I heard got injured when they entered the hypnosis room, even though I don’t remember that part either.  I also want to apologize for the deaths of your loved ones who I heard got killed when they entered the hypnosis room.  I don’t remember that part either.  Honestly, I don’t remember killing anyone while I was inside that hypnosis room under hypnosis.  I do not remember injuring anyone while I was inside that hypnosis room and I do not remember stalking any of you, the victims’ family members.  I’m going to tell everyone once again, that I had no idea what was happening inside that hypnosis room last year.  I had no idea what was going on inside that room once Dr. Stone and Dr. Kahn put me to sleep, I can only go by what Dr. Stone and my family told me and by what I saw in the video when my family showed it to me.”

“Ooohh,” the audience whispers.

“The only thing I actually DO remember what was happening inside that hypnosis room, is that I was about to be hypnotized.  I don’t even remember falling asleep.  The next minute I know, is that I’m waking up in excruciating pain!  The next minute, I’m waking up again STILL in excruciating pain!  The next minute, I’m waking up again!  It seems like I’m constantly waking up back and forth and I don’t remember falling asleep.  I think they kept sedating me.  I didn’t even know how many days have passed by.  When I woke up again for the umteenth time, I found myself in a hospital room surrounded by my family.  Later, I see Dr. Stone walking into my hospital room with a bandage wrapped around his head.  I had no idea what happened to him or why the bandage was on his head.  I asked him what happened to him.  He looked at my family and didn’t tell me what happened.  I asked him was it something that I did.  He didn’t really want to tell me, but I had my suspicions.  Then I find bruises all over myself and I had no idea where the bruises came from.  Then my family told me what happened inside the hypnosis room.  They told me that I was wrapped in chains and chained to the psychiatrist couch!  Then they told me I went berserk in there!  They told me that I broke loose from the chains then lifted that psychiatrist couch right up off the floor, held it high in the air and started spinning it around and around in the air, then tossed the psychiatrist couch twenty or thirty feet across the room at the doorway slamming the psychiatrist couch right into security guards, a priest, police officers and swat team members who charged right into the hypnosis room with guns and shotguns.  I swear I don’t remember any of that stuff!  Then one day, my family showed me the video.”


“In the video, I saw myself laying on the psychiatrist couch with my eyes closed talking back with the doctors in the first part of the video.  I don’t remember saying any of that stuff to them!  In the second part of the video, I saw myself still laying on the psychiatrist couch with my eyes closed, this time in handcuffs and chains wrapped around my entire body while I was still talking back with the doctors saying crazy stuff like ‘I have been around for several centuries, that I kill a person once every fifty years’.  I swear, I don’t remember saying any of that crazy stuff I heard myself saying to the doctors in the video!”


“Then later, I saw myself going haywire towards the doctors.  I saw myself breaking loose from the handcuffs and chains that were wrapped around me getting ready to attack the doctors!  I swear, I do not remember doing that stuff either!  That’s when the camera got knocked down.  It wasn’t facing what was happening inside the room, so I wasn’t able to see anything else that was happening in the rest of the video, but the sound was still going on in the video and I was able to hear everything that was happening inside that hypnosis room, I heard everything!”


“I swear, I do not remember doing any of that stuff I heard was happening inside the hypnosis room in that video, I don’t remember any of that stuff at all!  You think my family members, Dr. Stone and the surviving authority figures were the only ones traumatized by seeing what was happening inside that hypnosis room?  No!  I was traumatized also by just hearing what was happening inside that hypnosis room in the video!  After I watched and listened to the video, I told my family that I’m so sorry about what happened to all those authority figures and the priest I heard were being hurt or killed inside the hypnosis room!  I told my family that I’m sorry if I did all that horrible stuff, now I’m going to tell you all, the victims’ family members.  I am truly sorry, for what happened to your loved ones inside that hypnosis room.  I really feel for what you all are going through, and I am so sorry if I hurt and killed your loved ones.”