DIANE D The Musical Drama by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 35


Could The Beast Within Still Be Around?



The following day, Diane D is still lying face up unconscious in the hospital room on the hospital bed with her eyes still puffy and swollen shut.  She is hooked to IV tubes and monitors.  She is surrounded by Dr. Stone, Margarita, Barry, Tomas, Mary, Gracy, Grandpa Mike, Tonio, Marilyn, Aunt Laura, Aunt Jean, Aunt Celeste, Nicolas, Mickey, Michael and Dr. Turk again as Dr. Turk shines the flashlight into Diane D’s left eye.  He then moves to Diane D’s right eye and shines the flashlight into her right eye.  “Why hasn’t she woken back up yet Dr. Turk?” Mary asks. 

“Yeah,” Margarita says.  “She hasn’t really woken back up from the incident ever since Dr, Stone shouted to her ‘other’ personality to go back to sleep and go back to where it came from and she just literally dropped to the floor!  I mean what’s going on?”

“I don’t know,” Dr. Turk says, “so far she’s still in a deep sleep.”

“Still in a deep sleep?” Barry asks, “why?”

“I don’t know.”  Dr. Turk tries to wake Diane D up and says, “Diane?  Are you there?  Wake up.”  Diane D does not respond.  She remains in a deep sleep. 

“Diane wake up!” Dr. Stone shouts.  “Your family is here, wake up!”  Diane D still does not respond.  She remains asleep. 

“When is she going to wake back up Dr. Stone?” Gracy asks.

“I don’t know, hopefully soon.”  Dr. Stone, Dr. Turk and Diane D’s family sadly look down at her as she remains in a deep sleep.



Several hours later, Diane D is still lying face up unconscious in the hospital room on the hospital bed with her eyes still puffy and swollen shut surrounded by Dr. Stone, Margarita, Barry, Tomas, Mary, Gracy, Grandpa Mike, Tonio, Marilyn, Aunt Laura, Aunt Jean, Aunt Celeste, Nicolas, Mickey, Michael and Dr. Turk.  Mary and Barry nudge Diane D trying to wake her up as Mary says, “Diane?  It’s me, wake up.  Come on baby, wake up.”

“Diane!” Barry shouts.  “Wake up honey!  Your family is here!  We love you and we want you to come back to us!”

“Yeah Diane wake up please!” Aunt Laura shouts.  Diane D still does not wake up.  She remains asleep.  Suddenly, she wakes a little!  “My God she’s coming out of it!” Aunt Laura shouts. 

“Diane!” her family shouts as they anxiously look at her.  Diane D opens her eyes a little.  “Diane!” her family excitingly shouts.  Diane D looks at her family through half closed puffy, swollen and sleepy eyes.  “Diane!” her family shouts, “it’s us!”  Diane D sees her family.  She quickly falls right back into a deep sleep. 

“What!” her family shouts.

“Oh no Diane!” Nicolas shouts.  “Don’t leave us!”

“Yeah Diane wake up!” Michael shouts.  “Come on, wake up!”  Diane D’s family start to nudge her again.

“Diane!” Gracy shouts.  “Wake up!”

“Yeah Diane wake up please!” Aunt Celeste shouts.  Diane D still does not wake up or respond.  She remains in a deep sleep. 

“Maybe she needs more rest again,” Dr. Stone says.

“More rest?” Tomas asks.  “How much more rest do you think she needs Dr. Stone?”

“That’s right,” Marilyn says, “she’s been resting since she was brought into this hospital and that’s long enough!”  Marilyn and the rest of the family start to nudge Diane D again as Marilyn shouts, “Come on Diane, wake up!  Wake up Diane, wake up!”  Diane D does not wake, she remains asleep. 



Several hours later, Dr. Stone is alone inside Diane D’s hospital room worriedly looking at Diane D as she lies face up sleeping on the hospital bed with her eyes still puffy and swollen shut.  He then leaves from her hospital bed and starts to head towards the doorway.  He turns and looks back at Diane D.  He suddenly sees Diane D’s eyes halfway open looking up towards the ceiling.  He becomes shocked.  He then shouts to her, “Diane!”

Diane D hears Dr. Stone’s voice.  She slightly turns her head to her right and looks at Dr. Stone through half closed puffy, swollen and sleepy eyes.

Dr. Stone quickly approaches Diane D and shouts to her, “Diane!  Are you okay?!”  Diane D does not say a word.  She puzzled stares at Dr. Stone.  “Are you okay Diane?” Dr. Stone says.  “How do you feel?”  Diane D still does not say a word.  She continues to puzzled stare at Dr. Stone.  “Can you talk Diane?” Dr. Stone says.  “Huh?  Can you talk?  Speak to me!  Can you talk?!”  Diane D still does not say anything.  She continues to puzzled stare at Dr. Stone.  Dr. Stone then turns towards the doorway and shouts, “Miss Margarita!  Come in here quick!”

Margarita and the rest of the family suddenly rush into the room as Margarita says, “What’s going on Dr. Stone?”

“Diane’s awake!”

“Really?!” the family shouts as they anxiously rush to Diane D. 

Diane D sees her family rushing towards her.  She quickly closes her eyes again and falls right back into a deep sleep.”  Margarita and the rest of the family excitingly approach Diane D’s hospital bed.  They look down at her and see her eyes closed.  They see that she’s in a deep sleep.  They become disappointed as Margarita says, “Hey, what’s going on Dr. Stone?”  Margarita turns to Dr. Stone and says, “I thought you said Diane’s awake!”

“Yeah Dr. Stone,” Tomas says.  “She doesn’t look awake to us!”

“She sure doesn’t!” Barry says.

“Well she was awake,” Dr. Stone says.

“She was?”


“So how come she’s not awake now?” Mary asks.

“I don’t know.  That’s strange.  When I was about to head towards the doorway, I turned and looked back at her.  When I looked back at her, I saw her eyes halfway open looking up towards the ceiling.”

“What?” the family says.

“You saw her eyes halfway open looking up towards the ceiling?” Barry asks.

“I sure did,” Dr. Stone says, “then I called out to her.  She heard my voice then sort of turned her head and looked at me.”

“She turned her head and looked at you?” Michael asks.

“Yeah so I quickly approached her and asked her ‘is she okay’.”

“What?” the family says.

“You asked if she’s okay?” Aunt Celeste asks.  “You talked to her?!”

“Yeah,” Dr. Stone says.

“Then what happened?”

“Nothing.  She didn’t say anything.”

“She didn’t say anything?” Barry asks.

“No, she just stared at me.”

“She just stared at you?” Nicolas asks.

“Yeah, then I asked her again ‘is she okay’ and ‘how does she feel’.  She still didn’t say anything.  She just kept staring at me.  Then I ask her ‘can she talk’.  She still didn’t say anything.  She just kept staring at me, then I turned to the doorway and called you guys to come in here.  As soon as you guys walked into the room and she saw you all coming, all of a sudden, she closed her eyes again and fell right back into a deep sleep.”

“She closed her eyes again and fell back into a deep sleep as soon as she saw us coming?” Grandpa Mike asks.


“How come?”

“I don’t know.  I wish I knew.”

Diane D’s family and Dr. Stone puzzled look back down at Diane D.  They then try to wake her, but she does not wake up. 



The next day, Dr. Stone and Diane D’s family try to wake Diane D up again.  Diane D wakes up a little and opens her eyes halfway again.  “Oh my God her eyes are opening!” Mickey shouts. 

“Diane!” her family shouts.  Diane D looks at her family through half closed puffy, swollen and sleepy eyes again.  “Diane!” her family shouts again.  Diane D sees her family.  She quickly falls back into a deep sleep again.  “Oh no not again?!” her family shouts.  They nudge Diane D again and try to wake her, but she does not wake up.



The next day, Dr. Stone and Diane D’s family try to wake Diane D up again.  Diane D wakes up a little.  “Diane!” her family shouts.  Diane D opens her eyes halfway again and sees Dr. Stone.  She looks at Dr. Stone through half closed puffy, swollen and sleepy eyes again, then she turns her head and sees her family.  She quickly falls right back into a deep sleep again.  “Diane!” Barry shouts, “oh come on now!”

“Diane!” Mary shouts, “wake up!  Can you hear me Diane?!  Wake up!”  Diane D does not wake up.  She remains in a deep sleep. 

“Diane!” her family shouts to her as they nudge her trying to wake her up.  She does not wake up.  Her family worriedly looks at her. 



Thirty minutes later, Dr. Stone is out in the hallway talking with Diane D’s family as Margarita says, “Why is this keep happening Dr. Stone?  Diane would wake up.  As soon as she sees us, she falls right back to sleep and stay asleep!”

“Yeah,” Gracy says, “it’s like she’s trying to avoid us for some reason!”

“It seems that way,” Dr. Stone says.

“I don’t get it Dr. Stone,” Michael says, “why?  Why would Diane try to avoid us?”

“Yeah Dr. Stone,” Barry says.  “What’s going on?”

“Oh oh,” Margarita says.

“Oh oh?” Dr. Stone says.  “What’s the matter Miss Margarita?”

“Dr. Stone?  You don’t think it could be the ‘other’ personality still there inside Diane D’s physical body, do you?!”

“What!” the family shouts.

“You don’t think it could be the ‘other’ personality who’s waking up looking at us, then quickly goes right back under to avoid contact with us, do you?!”

“I was wondering that,” Dr. Stone says.

“What!” the family shouts.  “You were?!”

“Yes I was.”

“Oh no!”

“And you didn’t say anything?!” Barry shouts.

“No because I didn’t want to jump into conclusions!” Dr. Stone shouts.  “I can’t really prove whether that was the ‘other’ personality or not!”

“You can’t prove it?!”

“No, not unless we put it to a test.”

“Put it to a test?”


“And how are you going to do that Dr. Stone?!” Tomas shouts.

“I’m going to go back alone inside the room and try to wake Diane up while you guys be secretly watching through your cell phones using live video.”

“Secretly watching through our cell phones using?” Grandpa Mike asks. 

“Yeah.  If Diane wakes up and just sees me and doesn’t fall back to sleep, but quickly falls back to sleep as soon as she sees you guys, then most likely it’s the ‘other’ personality still there.”

“Oh nooo!” the family shouts.

“I’m going to go back into the room now to test it.”

“Okay Dr. Stone,” Barry says, “let’s do this!”

“Okay.  Get your live video ready.”


Dr. Stone turns away and starts to walk back towards Diane D’s hospital room. 



A few minutes later, Dr. Stone is alone inside Diane D’s hospital room trying to wake her up as she still lies face up sleeping on the hospital bed with her eyes still puffy and swollen shut.  Suddenly Diane D opens her eyes halfway again looking up towards the ceiling.  Dr. Stone becomes shocked then shouts to her, “Diane!”  Diane D slightly turns her head to her right and sees Dr. Stone.  She looks at Dr. Stone through half closed puffy, swollen and sleepy eyes again.  “Hi Diane!” Dr. Stone says.  “Happy to see that you’re awake again!”  Diane D does not say a word.  She just stares at Dr. Stone.  “How are you?” Dr. Stone says to her.  “How are you feeling?  Are you okay?  Do you feel okay?  Do you feel alright?”  Diane D still does not say a word.  She just stares at Dr. Stone.  “Can you talk Diane?” Dr. Stone says to her.  “Come on talk to me.  Say something.”  Diane D still does not say a word, she just stares at Dr. Stone.  “Say anything,” Dr. Stone smiles at her and says.  Diane D still does not say a word.  She just stares at Dr. Stone.  Suddenly Margarita and the rest of the family walk into the room.  Diane D sees her family again.  She quickly falls right back into a deep sleep again.

“Diane!” the family shouts as they rush to her bedside.  “Not again!”

The family approaches Diane D’s bedside and see that she is sound asleep again.  “Diane!” her family shouts to her as they nudge her, “wake up!  Come on Diane, wake up!”

“Man!” Nicolas shouts.  “I don’t think she’s ever going to stay awake while we’re in here!”

“You saw she didn’t fall back to sleep when she only saw me in the room, right?” Dr. Stone says.

“Yeah we saw that Dr. Stone,” Michael says.  “Why didn’t she fall back to sleep when she only saw you?!”

“Can I speak to you all out in the hallway?”

“Sure Dr. Stone,” Margarita says.  They all look at Diane D and hold on the her.  Then they turn and leave her bedside. 



A few minutes later, Dr. Stone is out in the hallway talking with Diane D’s family as he whispers to them, “The reason why Diane didn’t fall back to sleep when she only saw me in the room because I think that was the ‘other’ personality.”

“What!” the family shouts.  “The other personality?!”

“You think that was the ‘other’ personality?!” Margarita whispers.

“Yes,” Dr. Stone says.  “I think the other personality is still there inside her physical body!”

“What!  Oh nooo!”

“I think the ‘other’ personality is the one waking up looking at me, then quickly goes back under as soon as it sees you guys.”

“Oh nooo!”

“That’s why Diane quickly went back to sleep as soon as she saw you guys coming into the room because it’s not her original personality trying to avoid you all, it’s the OTHER personality trying to avoid you.”

“Oh no!”

“So my suspicions and your suspicions were right Dr. Stone!” Margarita shouts, “that IS the other personality there in that hospital bed!”

“I’m afraid it is Miss Margarita,” Dr. Stone says.  “I don’t think it ever really left Diane’s physical body ever since I shouted for it to go back to sleep and to go back to where it came from.”

“Oh no!” the rest of the family shout.

“So you mean to tell us, that when Diane walked away from us inside the hotel hallway then went inside that conference room to make that apologetic speech, that was the last time we saw her original personality that day?” Margarita asks.

“Yes I’m afraid it was the last time we saw her original personality,” Dr. Stone says.

“Oh no!” the family shouts.

“Why the hell is that other personality still around Dr. Stone?!” Mary shouts. 

“Yeah!” Barry shouts.  “It already attacked that guy who tried to harm Diane!  It already accomplished its mission!  Why is it still around?!”

“I don’t know,” Dr. Stone says.

“Dr. Stone!” Margarita shouts, “this evil, vicious other personality of Diane’s is ruining her life!  It’s causing chaos, it’s hurting and killing people, it’s causing everyone to be afraid of Diane, causing her to be in the hospital and causing her to be locked away in the mental institution!  We want you to get rid of this evil, vicious other personality of Diane’s once and for all!”

“That’s right Dr. Stone!” Barry shouts, “get rid of that other personality and bring us back Diane’s original personality, please!”

“I’ll try my best,” Dr. Stone says, “but the only way for me to try to get rid of Diane’s other personality or other personalities is for me to talk to her other personalities again!”

“What!” the family shouts.

“Talk to her other personalities again?!” Tomas shouts.

“Yes!” Dr. Stone says, “and the only way for me to talk to her other personalities again is for Diane to be hypnotized again!”

“What!” the family shouts.  “Hypnotized again?!  Oh no!”

“No Dr. Stone!” Tomas shouts.  “We saw what happened the last time Diane was hypnotized and it wasn’t a pretty sight!  It was a horrible sight and we’re still traumatized by what we saw!”

“I know,” Dr. Stone says, “but if Diane gets hypnotized again, instead of having her whole body wrapped in chains and chained to the psychiatrist couch again, this time, she’ll be locked inside a bolted room by herself with no one else inside the room with her!”

“What!” the family shouts. 

“Be locked inside a bolted room by herself?!” Mary shouts.

“Yes just in case one of her other personalities comes out to the surface and becomes dangerous and vicious again!” Dr. Stone says.  “If one of her other personalities comes out to the surface and becomes dangerous and vicious again, at least it won’t be able to break out of the bolted room to escape and wind up hurting or killing people again!”

“Oh I don’t know Dr. Stone!  I don’t know if I want my child going through being hypnotized again!  I don’t know if I want US to go through that again!”

“I understand, but it might be the only way, if it doesn’t work, we might have to just wait until her original personality returns!”

“Wait until her original personality returns?” Tomas asks.


“And when will that be?”

“I don’t know.  We’ll just have to wait and see.” 

“Where’s Diane’s original personality at anyway?!” Tonio asks.

“I don’t know.  All I know is that I hope her original personality returns soon and I hope real soon.”  Diane D’s family worriedly look at Dr. Stone. 






Stay tuned for Volume 5:



Evil Entity Strikes Again!

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