DIANE D The Musical Drama by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 34


The Beast Within Causes Countless Victims To Be Sent To The Hospital!



That same evening, Diane D is lying face up unconscious in the hospital room on the hospital bed with her eyes still puffy and swollen shut surrounded by Dr. Stone, Margarita, Barry, Tomas, Mary, Gracy, Grandpa Mike, Tonio, Marilyn, Aunt Laura, Aunt Jean, Aunt Celeste, Nicolas, Mickey, Michael, some of Tomas’ relatives and Dr. Turk, a male white doctor around his early 60’s with salt-and-pepper hair.  Dr. Turk opens Diane D’s left eye.  He shines the flashlight into her left eye.  “How is her pupil doctor?” Margarita asks.

“Her pupil is dilated,” Dr. Turk says.  He then close Diane D’s left eye and moves to Diane D’s right eye.  He opens her right eye and shine the flashlight into her right eye. 

“Her pupil is dilated in this eye too,” Dr. Turk says.  He then closes Diane D’s right eye. 

“Is she okay Dr. Stone?” Barry asks.

“I don’t know,” Dr. Stone says.  “She’s out of it right now.”  Barry and the rest of the family grab Diane D and hold her as Dr. Stone and Dr. Turk step aside a little.  Diane D’s family sadly look down at her. 

“Damn!” Mary shouts.  “We brought her all the way to the hotel so she can apologize to the victims’ family members!  She apologizes to them and this is the result?!  One of them goes on the attack, now she’s laying in the hospital?!”

“That’s right Dr. Stone!” Grandpa Mike shouts.  “My granddaughter did not ask for this!  She did not ask for any of this at all, those victims’ family members are the ones who asked for this!  They’re the ones who wanted to hear an apology from Diane in person and when she apologizes to them in person, THIS is what happens?!”

“That’s right Dr. Stone!” Nicolas shouts.  “Those victims’ family members were very unappreciative of my sister coming all the way to that hotel to apologize to their asses!  They were very unappreciative!”

“I knew we shouldn’t have had Diane come to the victims’ families to apologize to them in person!” Michael shouts.  “I knew it!”

“I’m sorry this all happened,” Dr. Stone says.  Diane D’s family continue to hold her sadly looking down at her.



Thirty minutes later, Dr. Stone, Margarita, Tomas, Gracy and Barry are at the bedside of Jeremy who is still unconscious with a bandage wrapped around his head and other parts of his body.  They sadly look down at him.  Margarita then says, “He’s the son of one of the swat team victims?”

“Yes he is,” Dr. Stone says.

“My God.”

“What injuries did he sustain besides being shot?” Barry asks.

“A whole lot of injuries,” Dr. Stone says.  “He has a fractured skull.”

“A fractured skull?!” everyone else shouts.

“Yes and a brain hemorrhage.”

“What!  A brain hemorrhage?!”

“Yes and a dislocated shoulder.”

“A dislocated shoulder too!” Gracy shouts.  “My God!”

“Should I go on?  I mean if he survives this, he won’t be the same again.”

“Oh no!  Where’s his family?!”

“Some of his family are laying in the other hospital rooms.  His step mom Mrs. Stevens is laying in the other room.”

“His stepmom?”


“Good Lord.”  Gracy, Dr. Stone, Margarita, Tomas and Barry continue to look down at Jeremy.

“Okay,” Dr. Stone says.  “Let’s go check on his stepmom.”  Dr. Stone, Gracy, Tomas, Barry and Margarita sadly turn away from Jeremy.  They then head towards the doorway.



Mrs. Stevens is lying unconscious in another hospital room with a bandage wrapped around her head also and other parts of her body.  Dr. Stone, Margarita, Tomas, Gracy and Barry enter Mrs. Stevens’ hospital room.  They approach her hospital bed and surround her hospital bed.  They sadly look down at her.  Margarita then says, “This is the young man’s stepmom?”

“Yes,” Dr. Stone says.

“Is she the one who got landed on her head?” Barry asks.

“Yes this is the one.”

“My God.  What injuries did she get?”

“The same injuries her stepson has, a dislocated shoulder, a fractured skull, brain hemorrhage, you name it.”

“Oh no,” Margarita says.  Margarita, Gracy, Dr. Stone, Tomas and Barry continue to look down at Mrs. Stevens.

“Come on,” Dr. Stone says.  “Let’s go check on the other victims.”  Dr. Stone, Tomas, Gracy, Barry and Margarita turn away from Mrs. Stevens as they sadly look down at her.  They then head towards the doorway.



Mrs. Jenkins, Mrs. Peterson, Mrs. Muer, Mrs. Reid, Kyle, Mrs. Crouche and a lot of other members of the victims’ families are all laying on cots in a hospital emergency room with their eyes closed. 

Dr. Stone, Margarita, Tomas, Barry and Gracy enter the emergency room.  They approach Mrs. Jenkins laying on a cot with her eyes closed and face sort of sweaty.  Dr. Stone says to her, “Mrs. Jenkins?  Are you okay?"  Mrs. Jenkins tries to respond, but is not able to as her eyes remain closed. 

“What’s wrong with her Dr. Stone?” Margarita asks.  “Don’t tell us that she’s traumatized too.”

“I’m afraid she is traumatized Miss Margarita.”

“Oh God.”

“Let’s check on the other victims.”  Dr. Stone, Margarita, Tomas, Barry and Gracy sadly look down at Mrs. Jenkins.  They then turn from Mrs. Jenkins and start to head towards Mrs. Peterson.


Dr. Stone, Margarita, Tomas, Barry and Gracy approach Mrs. Peterson laying on another cot with her eyes closed and face sort of sweaty also.  Dr. Stone says to her, “Mrs. Peterson?  Mrs. Peterson?"  Mrs. Peterson tries to respond, but is not able to as her eyes remain closed.  

“Is she traumatized too Dr. Stone?” Barry asks.

“I’m afraid so.”

“Wow,” Tomas says.  “Another one?”

“Yes.  Let’s check on the other victims.”  Dr. Stone, Tomas, Barry, Margarita and Gracy sadly look down at Mrs. Peterson.  They then turn from Mrs. Peterson and start to head towards Mrs. Reid.


Dr. Stone, Margarita, Tomas, Barry and Gracy approach Mrs. Reid laying on another cot with her eyes closed and face also sort of sweaty too. 

“She’s another widow?” Gracy asks.

“Yes she is,” Dr. Stone says.  He then tries to wake Mrs. Reid and says to her, “Mrs. Reid, are you able to talk?  Mrs. Reid?"  Mrs. Reid does not respond as her eyes remain closed.  “She’s traumatized too.  I’m afraid they’re all traumatized by what they have witnessed and went through with Diane earlier.”

“Wow,” Barry says, “just like we were all traumatized by what she did last year.”

“I know.  Let’s check on some more victims.”  Dr. Stone, Tomas, Barry, Margarita and Gracy sadly look down at Mrs. Reid.  They then turn from Mrs. Reid and start to head towards Mrs. Crouche.


Dr. Stone, Margarita, Tomas, Barry and Gracy approach Mrs. Crouche laying on another cot with her eyes closed and face also sort of sweaty also.  “My God,” Barry says.  “They’re all out of it, just like what happened to us last year!”

“Wow,” Gracy says.  “It’s like history repeated itself.”

“It certainly looks that way,” Dr. Stone says.  Dr. Stone, Margarita, Tomas, Barry and Gracy sadly look down at Mrs. Crouche.  “Let’s check on the next victim.”  Dr. Stone, Margarita, Tomas, Barry and Gracy turn from Mrs. Crouche and start to head towards Mrs. Muer.


Dr. Stone, Barry, Margarita, Tomas and Gracy approach Mrs. Muer laying on another cot with her eyes closed and face also sort of sweaty.  “She’s out of it as well,” Dr. Stone says. 

“She too?” Barry asks.

“Yes she too.”

“My God.”

“Let’s check on the other victims.  Dr. Stone, Margarita, Tomas, Barry and Gracy sadly look down at Mrs. Muer.  They then turn from Mrs. Muer and start to head towards Kyle.


Dr. Stone, Barry, Margarita, Tomas and Gracy approach Kyle laying on another cot with his eyes closed and face also sort of sweaty.  Dr. Stone, Margarita, Tomas, Barry and Gracy sadly look down at Kyle as Dr. Stone says, “This is Kurt’s brother.”

“What?” the family says.

“This is that guy Kurt’s brother?” Barry asks.

“Yes,” Dr. Stone says, “his brother Kyle.”

“His brother Kyle?” Gracy asks. 


“Oh nooo.”

“Come on.  Let’s check on the other victims.”  Dr. Stone, Barry, Gracy, Margarita and Tomas turn from Kyle and start to head towards the doorway.



Dr. Stone, Margarita, Tomas, Barry and Gracy enter another room.  They see more of the victims’ family members laying on hospital cots with their eyes closed.  They approach the victims’ family members.  They look around and see that all the victims’ family members’ faces are sweaty.  “My God,” Barry says.  “They’re all traumatized?”

“It appears that way,” Dr. Stone says. 

“My Goodness!” Margarita says.  “It’s the same thing all over again!” 

“It sure is.  That other personality of Diane’s is very good at having people traumatized and sent to hospitals!”

“It sure is!  I’m traumatized again seeing all of this!”

“Me too!” Gracy says.  Gracy, Margarita, Dr. Stone, Barry and Tomas continue to look around the room at the victims’ family members. 


The following day, Diane D’s family is inside Dr. Stone’s office with him watching the end of the video about the chaos on a TV screen.  The video then goes off.  Diane D’s family turn to Dr. Stone and says, “Wow.”

“So THAT was the other personality who attacked that guy Jeremy after Diane kicked him in the head?!” Mary shouts.

“I’m afraid it was,” Dr. Stone says.

“Oh no!” Diane D’s family shouts.

“So that means the other personality came back?” Tomas asks.

“I’m afraid it did.” Dr. Stone says.

“Oh no!” Diane D’s family shouts.

“And they sure didn’t waste any time printing about this chaos on social media,” Dr. Stone says as he shows Diane D’s family an article on social media with a headline that reads:  DIANE D GOES ON THE ATTACK AGAIN DURING A RECENT APOLOGETIC SPEECH AT A HOTEL!  SHE INJURES TONS OF PEOPLE FROM THE SAME FAMILIES SHE HURT AND KILLED A YEAR AGO!

“Wow!” Diane D’s family shouts.

“I’m sure Diane will have no memory of what happened to herself or that guy Jeremy after she kung fu kicked him in the head knocking him out.”


“She won’t have any memory of what happened after she kung fu kicked him in the head?!” Barry shouts.

“I’m afraid she won’t because it wasn’t her original personality anymore,” Dr. Stone says, “it was the ‘other’ personality that kicked in and took over.”

“Oh no!” the family shouts as they frighteningly look at Dr. Stone.



The same day, a Hispanic couple around their late-50’s are inside their kitchen getting lunch ready.  Their grown son who is around his late-30’s rushes into the kitchen with his smartphone in his hand and shouts, “Mom, Dad, look!  Can you believe this?!” 

“Believe what?” the father asks.  “What happened?”

“This article says that Diane D had went on the attack again!”

“What!” the father and mother shout.

“Diane D went on the attack again?!” the father shouts.  “What does it mean she went on the attack again?!  What did she do THIS time?!”


“What!” the mother shouts.  “Diane D injured family members of the victims she killed last year?!”

“That’s what this article says!”

“Oh nooo!”

“It says she injured them during her apologetic speech to them inside a conference room at a hotel yesterday!”

“During her apologetic speech at a hotel?  Diane D gave the victims’ family members an apologetic speech?”

“That’s what it says!  It says that she apologized to the victims’ family members for what happened to their loved ones last year!”

“What!  Diane D apologized to the victims’ family members for killing their loved ones?!”

“That’s what it says!”

“Oh wow, that’s great!  That’s good she apologized to them!  That was nice of her to apologize, but why did she attack them?!”

“It says that Jeremy, the son of one of the swat team members who was killed by Diane D last year was sitting way in the back of the conference room while she was giving the apologetic speech!  Then it says that Jeremy, got so angry about Diane D killing his dad that he got up out of his seat, yelled at Diane D then went straight to the front of the room where she was to attack her!”

“What!” the mother and father shout. 

“This guy went to the front of the room to attack Diane D?!” the father shouts.

“That’s what it says!” the son shouts.  “It says when he went to attack Diane D, she defended herself so they started fighting right there inside the room in front of the other family members!”

“Diane D and that guy were fighting?!” the mother shouts.


“Oh my God!”

“It says at the end of the fight, Diane D spun her body around and gave that guy Jeremy a kung fu kick right to the head knocking him out cold!”

“What!” the mother and father shout.

“Diane D spun her body around and gave the guy a kung fu kick to the head and knocked him out?!” the father shouts. 

“That’s what it says!” the son shouts.  “It says witnesses from the families said after she knocked him out, she ran behind him and putted him in a choke hold!”

“What!” the mother and father shout.

“Diane D ran behind the guy and putted him in a choke hold after she knocked him out?!”

“That’s what it says!  It says after she putted the guy in a choke hold, she body slammed him to the floor and deliberately started choking him while he was laying on the floor unconscious!”

“What!” the mother and father shout.

“She body slammed the guy to the floor and deliberately started choking him while he was laying on the floor unconscious?!” the father shouts

“That’s what it says!” the son shouts. 

“My goodness!” the mother shouts, “So altogether this article is saying that one of the victim’s that Diane killed last year’s son went to the front of the room to attack Diane D!  Diane D defended herself and fights the guy then kung fu kicks the guy to the head knocking him out cold then runs behind him and puts him in a choke hold then body slams him to the floor then starts to choke him while he’s lying on the floor unconscious!  I don’t know how much more of this news I can take!  What I don’t understand is, why would she choke a guy while he’s lying on the floor unconscious and no longer a threat to her?!”

“Some of the family members believe to finish him off.”

“What!” the mother and father shout.  “To finish him off?!”

“What do they mean to finish him off?!” the father shouts.  “They mean kill him?!”

“That’s what the witnesses believe,” the son says.

“That’s what the witnesses believe?!” the mother shouts, “oh nooo!  Why would Diane D want to kill him?!  Hasn’t she done enough killings already?!  Why would she want to kill him?!”

“The witnesses believe so he won’t have a chance to come back after her again in the future if he remains alive!”

“What!” the mother and father shout.

“So he won’t have a chance to come back after her again in the future if he remains alive?!” the father shouts.  “You mean to tell us that anyone Diane D believes might come after her in the future, she will try to kill them off first before they get a chance to kill her?!”

“Yeah!” the son shouts, “ then will claim self-defense!”

“Will claim self-defense?!” the father and mother shout.

“That’s what this article says.”

“My God!” the father shouts.  “So it seems like this article is saying, ‘don’t come after Diane D and try to attack or kill her, because if you do, she’ll try to attack and kill you first, then claim self-defense!’”

“That’s exactly what it seems like this article is saying!”

“Wow, that’s a cheap cop out for her to use to try and get away with murder!  A very cheap cop out!” 

“I know!” the son shouts as he and his parents shockingly look back at the article.