DIANE D The Return Of The Other Personality by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 4

Diane D Is Back In The Mental Institution

The following week, Alex is walking down the organization hallway. He goes to the right and heads towards Margarita’s office door. He approaches the door and knocks on it.

“Come in!” Margarita’s voice says.

Alex opens the office door. He heads into the office and sees Margarita right at her desk. “Hey Miss Margarita!” he says.

“Hey Alex,” Margarita says.

Alex shuts the door behind himself. He heads right towards Margarita’s desk and says, “Hi Miss Margarita! How’ve you been?”

Alex approaches Margarita’s desk and says, “I haven’t seen you all week. Is everything alright?”

“Yeah everything is okay so far Alex,” Margarita says. “I was staying at the mental institution with Diane all week.”

“You were?”

“Yes I was.”

“That’s good! How’s she doing?”

“She’s doing okay so far.”

“She is?”


“Wow, I’m so glad to hear that Miss Margarita. I’m glad to hear that Diane’s okay.

So if you’re here at the organization, who’s at the mental institution with Diane now?”

“Her grandma Gracy and her grandpa Mike are there with her.”

“They are?”

“Yeah, so are her aunt Jean, her aunt Laura and her aunt Celeste.”

“Oh her aunt Jean, her aunt Laura and her aunt Celeste are there too?”


“Wow, that’s good Miss Margarita! That is so good! I’m so happy that Diane has a lot of family by her side, and again Miss Margarita, the staff and I are very sorry if we have hurt Diane’s feelings. We didn’t mean to hurt her feelings.”

“I understand Alex.”

“Thanks. So anyway, I hear that you and your family are planning to do a Fundraiser for the victims’ families.”

“We are. I mean we can’t bring those authority figures back, but it’s the least we can do for their families.”

“Wow I think that’s wonderful Miss Margarita! What kind of fundraising are you all planning to do?”

“Well we’re going to put on a concert and sell tickets to raise money for the victims and their families.”

“Oh yeah? You’re going to put on a concert?”

“Yes. We’re going to have all the talent from the organization do performances.”

“Really? When?”

“I guess whenever Diane comes back out the mental institution.”

“What! Whenever Diane comes back out the mental institution?! Wait a minute Miss Margarita! Don’t tell me that Diane is going to be in the show, is she?”

“Yes she’s going to be in the show Alex.”

“She is?!”


“How come?!”

“She wants to perform.”

“She wants to perform?!”

“Yeah. Plus she feels real bad about what happened to the authority figures.”

“She feels real bad about what happened to them?!”

“Yeah and wants to help out.”

“She wants to help out?!”

“Yes she does. She wants to show support for what happened to the victims.”

“She wants to show support for what happened to the victims? You mean she wants to help out and show support for what SHE did to them?”

“Well she doesn’t think she did anything to them Alex! She still doesn’t remember anything about it! Try to look at it from HER point of view. She doesn’t remember doing anything to them! She heard about what happened to them, but she doesn’t remember being involved in it because her ORIGINAL soul, spirit or personality was not there! So therefore, she doesn’t believe she was ever involved because it was actually her OTHER personality involved, not her ORIGINAL personality.”

“Wow, that is so sad! I really feel for Diane Miss Margarita! I really do!”


“So what kind of performance is she going to do?”

“She’s going to sing and dance like she always do.”

“She’s going to sing and dance? Where? Where is she going to perform? Is the show or concert going to be at the mental institution?”

“No, we’re going to have it at a theater.”

“At a theater?! You’re going to have the show or concert at a theater?!”

“Yes we are.”

“Wouldn’t Diane still be on house arrest?!”

“Yes she’ll still be on house arrest.”

“So how is she going to perform at a theater while she’s on house arrest?!”

“She’s going to have ankle monitors strapped back on her ankles while she’s performing at the theater.”

“What! She’s going to have ankle monitors strapped around her ankles while she’s performing?!”


“I don’t get it! How can she perform in front of ALL those people in the audience with ankle monitors strapped around her ankles? Won’t she be afraid that the people in the audience will see those ankle monitors and judge her for what she did?!”

“No she won’t be afraid Alex, because she still doesn’t believe she did anything wrong!”

“Whether she believes she did anything wrong or not, those ankle monitors will still be there! They will be exposed! The audience members are going to see them and judge her for it! They might be distracted by it and not enjoy the show! Would Diane really want to put herself out there while her ankle monitors are exposed? How does she feel about that? Does she have any thoughts about that at all?”

“Yeah she thought about that Alex, but she says she’s not going to worry about it. She says all she knows, is that she wants to perform so she can show support for the victims and their families. She says it’s the least she can do.”

“I see. Well I’m glad she wants to do something for the victims and their families, even though she doesn’t believe she’s the cause of their suffering. So what are you all planning to do about the ankle monitors? Are you planning to have them covered up while Diane performs?”

“Yes we’re planning to cover up her ankle monitors.”

“You are?”

“Yes, because we certainly don’t need those monitors being a distraction from the performance.”

“I think Diane’s presence alone will be a distraction from the performance. So who is she going to perform with? Is she going to perform by herself?”

“No, with the girls again.”

“With the girls?! You mean Nancy, Charlotte, Miranda, Bernice, Lonna and Kelly?

Diane is going to perform with them?!”

“Yeah, as a matter of fact, Diane and the girls are all planning to rehearse their performance at the mental institution.”

“They’re planning to rehearse there?”


“Wow, do they have space at the mental institution to rehearse at?”

“Yes, they have an exercise and dance studio there. Diane and the girls will rehearse in that room.”

“They will? That’s nice. Wow, Diane is lucky to still have the girls and her family by her side, but aren’t the girls afraid to perform with her?! Aren’t they afraid to even be around her?!”

“They’re afraid of her OTHER personality, not her original personality. They say as long as her OTHER personality stays away, they will still be with Diane and be there for her because they still love her original personality. They know that her original personality wouldn’t have done what her OTHER personality did.”

“Even though it’s the same body, they’re still not afraid to be around her?”

“Of course they’re afraid, but what can they do? What can any of us do? We still want to be there for Diane. The girls all come to the mental institution to visit her and stay with her sometimes.”

“They do?”

“Yes they do.”

“Have any of the other girls ever met Diane’s other personality or encounter her other personality besides Nancy?”

“No, just Nancy so far.”

“Still just Nancy?”


“Wow, but how would the girls know whether they’ve ever encountered Diane’s other personality or not?”

“Well Nancy says from the experience she had encountering Diane’s other personality inside my family’s home that night and the experience I had encountering Diane’s other personality inside her hospital room bathroom is, if Diane’s eyes appear puffy or swollen, or if her face looks like she just got beat up like she was in a fight or something and her skin tone appears sort of ghostly pale, that’s her other personality.”

“Wooow. That must have been real scary for you and Nancy, wasn’t it?” “It sure was! It’s still scary for us!”

“Wooow. So far Charlotte still hasn’t encountered Diane’s other personality face to face, has she?”

“No, she just heard Diane’s other personality and Nancy talking in the hallway outside the bedrooms that night.”

“Wooow, that is something! Well, anyway, I’m willing to help out with the fundraising anyway I can.”

“Oh thanks Alex.”

“No problem Miss Margarita. It’s the least I can do.”

“Thanks. Let’s go into the meeting room and talk about it more.”


Margarita turns her chair to the side and gets up from her desk as Alex turns and heads back towards the door. Alex approaches the door and opens it. He turns his head towards Margarita and holds the door open for her as she heads towards the doorway.

A week later, staff members Harvey, Stephanie, Evette and Maurice are at the organization chit-chatting in the hallway. They turn to the side and see Diane D’s mom Mary coming down the hallway. They then shout, “Mary!”

“Wow Mary!” Harvey shouts. “What a surprise to see you!”

Mary approaches Harvey, Stephanie, Evette and Maurice as Harvey says, “We haven’t seen you in a while! How’ve you been?!”

“Not so good,” Mary says.

“We know,” Stephanie says. “You’ve been going through a lot from what happened with Diane last year, haven’t you?”

“I sure have.”

“We’re so sorry for you Mary. So you’ve been going to the therapist office back and forth, that’s why we haven’t seen you much, huh?”

“Yep, that’s why. Not every mother goes through this, their own child killing six people, especially taking down six authority figures and injuring plenty others and gets to witness it. I mean who can live with seeing their own child doing that?”

“Wow Mary!” Harvey says. “We’re so sorry you’re going through this! How long will you have to keep going through therapy?”

“Probably for the rest of my life.”

“Oh God.”

“We hear you and the rest of your family who were inside that hypnosis room are still traumatized by what happened in there,” Maurice says. “We hear you all still get nightmares from what you all witnessed.”

“We do,” Mary says. “That’s why we’re all still going through therapy. That therapist office became our second home.”

“Wow, I’m so sorry Mary.”

“So are you planning to participate in the fundraising concert for the victims Mary?” Evette asks.

“Sure,” Mary says, “if I’m up to it. It’s the least I can do for what my child did to all those people.”

“Wow Mary,” Stephanie says. “I know you and your family are sorry that you all ever agreed to have Diane hypnotized!”

“Well what else were we supposed to do after Nancy told us about Diane’s strange behavior inside my family’s upstairs hallway that night?”

“You mean when Diane said to Nancy that ‘Diane isn’t here right now’ and that ‘she’s not Diane’ then telling Nancy that Diane is somewhere wandering the universe, speaking of herself in the third person as if she was someone else?”

“Yes, exactly.”


“Nancy thought that Diane was joking at first when Diane was saying all that strange stuff to her.”

“She thought Diane was joking?”

“Yes, then Nancy said she could see right in Diane’s eyes that Diane was not joking.”

“She could see it in her eyes?”

“That’s what she said.”

“My God Mary!” Harvey shouts, “that would freak anybody out! I know I would be freaked out if any of my family members said that to me ‘that they’re not here right now’ that ‘they’re not their self’! I would be freaked out! How is Nancy still handling that experience she went through with Diane that night?”

“She’s still creeped out by it.”

“I bet she is, realizing now it was not Diane’s original personality she was encountering with, but her ‘OTHER’ personality! Wow that is scaaary! Diane still doesn’t remember any of that? She still doesn’t remember running into Nancy in the upstairs hallway that night saying all that stuff to her?”

“No, to this day, she still does not remember it.”

“My God!”

“What about what she said to your mom inside her hospital bathroom that night?” Evette asks. “She still doesn’t remember that either, huh?”

“No she still doesn’t remember that either,” Mary says, “just like she doesn’t remember the bloodshed she did inside that hypnosis room.”

“My God! But you remember it, huh Mary.”

“That’s why I’m going to therapy because I wish I not remember it! I wish I can forget it!”

“Wooow. So sorry Mary. How is Michael by the way? We don’t see him much either. Where’s he been?”

“He’s been going back and forth to therapy like the rest of my family. Everyone who was inside that hypnosis room who witnessed the whole entire thing is going back and forth to therapy.”

“My God.”

“Plus Michael has been going back and forth between staying with Diane at the mental institution and going to stay at his parents’ house in Virginia.”

“Oh Michael stays in Virginia now?” Stephanie asks.

“Sometimes. Sometimes he stays over at the mental institution with Diane, other times he’s in therapy.”

“My God Mary, how does he handle being married to Diane after what she did?!”

“That’s why he’s going through therapy, to help him handle and cope with what she did. It hasn’t been easy for him. He’s been stressed out by this whole thing. It hasn’t been easy for any of us!”

“Well of course not! I can imagine!”

“Wow Mary,” Harvey says. “I feel so sorry for your whole family.”

“Thanks,” Mary says. “Well, I’m gonna help my family plan for the fundraising concert.”

“Okay. Is there anything we can do to help?”

“Yes. You all can help plan with the concert after the meeting I have with my family.”

“Okay no problem Mary.”

I’ll see you all later.”

“Okay Mary,” Harvey, Stephanie, Evette and Maurice say. Mary then goes pass the staff members and walk down towards the other end of the hallway as Harvey, Stephanie, Evette and Maurice turn and sadly look at her.

“Just hang in there Mary!” Stephanie says.

Mary turns her head towards Stephanie and says, “I’ll try.” She turns her head back forward as she continues to walk down the hallway.

Harvey, Stephanie, Evette and Maurice sadly look at Mary.

The following day, Margarita is sitting inside her office behind her desk doing paper work. The phone rings. Margarita picks up the phone receiver. She speaks into the phone receiver and says, “Hello, Diaz Davidson Organization.”

“Hello Miss Margarita?” a white nun around her mid-60’s wearing glasses says.


“Hi Miss Margarita. This is Sister Rose from the convent. We met a few times before.”

“Oh yes, hi Sister Rose! How you doing?!”

“I’m doing okay, and yourself?”

“I’m doing okay too! Nice to hear from you.”

“Nice to hear you too Miss Margarita! How is everything?”

“Everything is good, and yourself?”

“I’m doing okay.”

“That’s good.”

‘How’s your granddaughter Diane D? How’s she doing?”

Oh Diane? She’s doing okay so far.”

“She is?”

“Yes she is.”

“That’s good. Is she back in the mental institution?”

“Yes she’s back in the mental institution.”

“She is?”


“Oh okay. I just wanted to let you know, that us nuns at the convent know your granddaughter Diane D and the rest of your family have been going through a lot from what happened last year with the authority figures that your granddaughter Diane D killed. A few of us nuns would like to come to the mental institution to meet your granddaughter Diane D and have a sit down talk with her, if it’s okay.”


“A few of us nuns would like to come to the mental institution to meet your granddaughter Diane D and have a sit down talk with her.”

“Meet Diane and have a sit down talk with her? Are you serious?”

“Of course I’m serious Miss Margarita! We would like to talk to your granddaughter and try to see if we can help her with her problem.”

“But mostly everyone is afraid to come near Diane or even be in the same room with her after what happened last year!”

“I know. We just want to let your granddaughter know that some of us do want to help her and let her know that God still loves her. We’re nuns and that’s what we do. So if it’s okay, can a few of us nuns come to the mental institution and have a sit down talk with your granddaughter Diane D and try to help her?”

“Well sure I don’t mind. If it’s okay with Diane, then it’s okay with me, as long as you’re not coming to the mental institution to exploit her.”

“Coming to the mental institution to exploit her? What do you mean by that Miss Margarita?”

“I just want to make sure that you’re not bringing any hidden recording devices to exploit my granddaughter while you’re talking with her!”

“Bring any hidden recording devices?”

“Yes! So if you you’re saying that you want to come help Diane, I want you to mean it, not say it just so you can come to the mental institution to be nosy and see how she’s living!”

“To be nosy and see how’s she living? You don’t have to worry about that