DIANE D (the Musical Drama) by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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“Yeah,” Lonna says.   “Investigate this non-existing kid who suppose to be dying of cancer.”

“Non-existing?  Listen girls, suppose this kid does exist?  If this kid passes away without us making his wish come true, I don’t think I will ever get well.  The only way I will get well if we go and see this kid.  Now hand me my clothes.  They’re in the suitcase.”

“What!” the Dianettes.

“Diane, you’re not going out there,” Lonna says.  “We won’t let you.”

“But…,” Diane D says.

“No Diane!” Lonna shouts.  “So forget about it.”

Diane D sadly looks at Lonna.  She then looks at the rest of the Dianettes.  She then looks back at the letter and sighs, “Okay, I guess I’ll never get better, knowing that this kid will pass away without us making his wish come true. Now I’m gonna feel sick forever, knowing that we let down a dying child.”  Diane D sadly stares at the letter. 

The Dianettes worriedly look at Diane D.  They then look at each other.  They look back at Diane D.  “Okay!” Nancy says.  Diane D and The Dianettes look at Nancy stunned as Nancy says, “If it really means that much to you Diane, then we’ll go to that other hospital to see this kid and see if he really exists.”

“That kid doesn’t exist Nancy!” Lonna says.  “It’s a trap, I’m telling you!  Anybody could have written that letter pretending to be a little boy just to lure us!”

“Well it’s only one way to find out girls,” Diane D says.  Diane D looks at all the Dianettes with a sly begging look.

“Okay Diane,” Nancy says.  “We’ll go to that other hospital to see this kid.”

“We will?”


“Thank you,” Diane D smiles and says. 

“Nancy, Aunt Mary will kill us if we let Diane go out there,” Lonna says.

“We can go out to that other hospital real quick and be back here before Mom wakes up,” Diane D says.  “I don’t think she’s gonna wake up for a while.  Like I said before, she’s been up all day.  I think she’s real tired right now.  She probably won’t wake up until the break of dawn, so come on.  We gotta get to the other hospital before it’s too late. The quicker we leave here the quicker we can get back here, so let’s go.  Hand me my clothes.”  Nancy, Miranda and Kelly get up off the bed.  They walk to a suitcase in the corner and open it up.  They lift up a few clothes.  They pull out a long red bustier, a black blouse, a pair of black pants and a pair of black socks.  They close the suitcase back up.  Kelly picks up a pair of black shoes off the floor as she, Nancy and Miranda leave away from the suitcase.


Five minutes later, Mary is still asleep with the curtain drawn all the way in front of her.

On the other side of the curtain the light is on as Diane D’s hospital gowns lay on the side of the bed near her head.   Bernice sits at the other side of Diane D’s head as the rest of the Dianettes have Diane D almost fully dressed with Diane D’s black blouse wide open bearing her muscular chest, muscular cleavage, her red bustier and her six-pack abs as Diane D lies face up on the bed with her sleeves rolled up all the way to her elbows with her hands behind her back.  Diane D has her black socks on, her black shoes on and her black pants only half-way up her waist.  She spreads her legs apart then lifts her rear high up off the bed, the as she starts to pull the back of her pants up as Lonna and Charlotte are down on their knees on the left side of Diane D helping Diane D pull the left side and left front of her pants up and Kelly and Miranda down on their knees on the right side of Diane D helping Diane D pull the right side and right front of her pants up.  Before they finish, Diane D suddenly drops her bottom to the bed.  “We’re not finish pulling your pants up Diane,” Lonna says.

“Lift up again,” Miranda says.  Diane D lifts her bottom back up off the bed again as her hands remain behind her back.  The Dianettes try to pull her pants up more.  Before they finish, Diane D suddenly drops her bottom to the bed again. 

“We’re still not finish pulling your pants up yet Diane,” Charlotte says. 

“Yeah lift up again,” Kelly says.  Diane D lifts her bottom back up off the bed again. Her hands remain behind her back as the Dianettes try to pull her pants up more.  Before they finish, Diane D suddenly drops her bottom to the bed again. 

“We’re still not done Diane,” Miranda says. 

“Just lift up one more time,” Nancy says.  Diane D becomes annoyed and frustrated.  She lets out an angry sigh and angrily lifts her bottom back up off the bed as the Dianettes pull her pants up more. 

“Now there we go,” Miranda says as Diane D drops her bottom back on the bed.  Charlotte and Kelly start to fix Diane D’s zipper and button as Diane D brings her hands from behind her back, holding on to a belt.  Diane D’s muscular fore arms are bare as she puts the belt through her pants loops with Charlotte and Kelly still fixing and fastening her pants button.  The rest of the Dianettes hold Diane D’s arms pulling down and fixing the side and front of Diane D’s bustier and blouse. The Dianettes then finish fixing Diane D’s clothes.  Diane D finishes placing her belt through her pants loop.  She fastens her belt buckle as Bernice wipes Diane D’s forehead with her fingers.  Diane D then sits up on the bed.  She fastens up her blouse more.  Bernice hands the letter to Diane D.  Diane D and the Dianettes quietly get up off the bed and stand next to each other.  Diane D quietly places the two hospital gowns and some rolled up clothes on the bed.  She pulls the blanket up over the clothes.  She mats the blanket down on top of the clothes, trying to make it appear as if she’s still in the bed.  She quietly tells Bernice, “Turn off the light.”  Bernice turns off the bed light. Diane D goes to the foot of the bed as The Dianettes follow her.  She gestures and whispers to them all, “Let’s go.”  Three of the Dianettes ease out together side by side holding each other’s hand with Diane D right behind them.  The other three Dianettes come behind Diane D.  They go past the curtain and go by Mary.  Mary suddenly turns in her sleep and faces towards Diane D and The Dianettes.  Diane D and The Dianettes panick a little and stop in their tracks, watching Mary.  Mary remains asleep.  Diane D and The Dianettes look at Mary.  Then they quickly and quietly whisk past Mary and head towards the doorway.  They then hurry out the room.


Diane D and The Dianettes are walking down the street as Diane D leads the way smiling, “Oh what a glorious night this is! The weather is beautiful!”

“You know Diane,” Nancy says.  “I don’t feel right doing this.”

“Me neither,” says Charlotte.

“We’re only going to spend ten minutes with this kid,” Diane D says. “After ten minutes, we’re out of there.  Now where’s the car parked?”

“Around the corner,” Nancy says.  “Three blocks away.”

“Three blocks away?”


“Are you sure you’re in a mood to go to that other hospital Diane?” Miranda asks.

“I’m in a very good mood to go over there,” Diane D says.  “Besides, I need this fresh air.  Being cooped up in that hospital room was starting to get to me.  I needed to get out of there.”

“Okay Diane,” Kelly says. “But like you said, ten minutes with this kid.”

“Ten minutes, that’s it.  Boy I feel so great to be out here, I’m in a mood to dance.”

“You’re in a mood to dance?” Lonna asks.

“Yeah, how ‘bout it girls.  Let’s dance to the car.”

“You want to dance all the way to the car?” Bernice says.  “You want to dance for three blocks?”

“I sure do!”

“Okay then, let’s do it then!”

“Let’s do this!”

“Let’s do this!” the Dianettes shout.

“Let’s go!” Diane D shouts as she and the Dianettes start to dance down the street.  They sway in front of each other as they go down the street.  They then go forward and jump with their arms up in the air.  They skip down the street.


Back in the hospital room, Mary is waking up.  She sits up on the chair bed stretching her arms out.  She looks around the room.  She gets off the chair and stands up.  She slips on her slippers then looks towards the window.  She turns from the window and goes around the curtain.  She looks at Diane D’s hospital bed.  She sees a human form underneath the blanket.  She says, “Diane, I’m gonna go downstairs to get some tea.  I’ll be back.”  Mary is about to walk away.  She looks back at the bed.  She puzzled looks at the human form underneath the blanket.  She then says, “You know Diane, you don’t need to be sleeping with the covers all over your head.”  Mary walks to the head of the hospital bed.  She pulls the covers off the head of the bed.  She becomes puzzled.  She does not see Diane D’s head.  “Diane where is your head?” Mary puzzled says.  She pulls the covers all the way off the bed.  She becomes shocked!  She does not see Diane D’s body either!  She sees a pile of clothes shaped like a human form instead.  Mary looks around.  She does not see Diane D anywhere.  She becomes hysterical!  “Diane!” she calls out.  Mary looks around the room.  “Diane!” she calls out again.  She hysterically leaves from the bed and goes from around the curtain.  She looks around the room!  “Diane!” Mary continues to shout.  She then runs to the bathroom!

Mary opens the bathroom light!  There is no sign of Diane D!  “My God!” Mary shouts.  She turns and leaves the bathroom!  She rushes towards the doorway.


Mary is running through the hospital hallway.  She takes a quick look into each room calling out, “Diane!  Diane!   Diane!” 

A couple of female receptionists and a male security guard hurry to Mary as the security guard asks, “Is everything okay Miss!”

“No, everything is not okay!” Mary shouts.

“What’s the matter?” one of the receptionist asks.

“My child is missing!”

“Your child is missing?" the security guard asks.  “What child?  You mean your daughter, Diane D?  She’s missing, again?”

“Yes!  I’m looking for her!”

“Well what happened?”

“I just woke up and she’s gone out of her bed!  She’s no where in the room!  I looked in some of the other rooms!  She’s not in those rooms either!”

“No?  How can she be missing from the hospital?!  What room were you and your daughter in?”

Mary turns around and points her finger, “Over there!  Room 607!”

“607!  Okay come on!  Let’s go take a look!”  Mary, the security guard and the receptionists hurry towards room 607.


Mary, the security guard and the receptionists anxiously look around the hospital room.  They go to the bed.  “Is she supposed to be here, in this bed?” the security guard asks.

“Yes!” Mary says.  “I found this blanket over these clothes here!  The bed was made up in a way so I can think she was still in it!”

“Are you saying that your daughter Diane D might have snuck out of here?” the first receptionist asks.

“I’m afraid that’s the way it looks!”

“Why would she want to sneak out of the hospital?” the second receptionist asks.

“I don’t know, I don’t have the slightest idea!  All I know is that she snuck out of here right under my nose!”

“Did you look out the window to see if she was out there?” the security guard asks. 

“No!” Mary says.  “I’ll take a look now!”  Mary, the security guard and the receptionists anxiously hurry to the window!  They look out and see a group of young women dancing, twirling and skipping in the darkness way down the street.  They become stunned.  “Wait a minute!” Mary shockingly says.  “That looks like….”  Mary, the security guard and the receptionists see the young women disappear around a corner. 

The security guard and the receptionists look at Mary.  “You know those women?” the security guard asks.

“Yes!” Mary says.  “I think it’s who I think it is?”

“Was that The Dianettes dancing and twirling down the street like that?” the second receptionist asks.

“I think so!”

“Well if that was The Dianettes down there, then most likely, your daughter Diane D is with them! Right?”

“Most likely!” Mary angrily says.

“Okay Miss,” the security guard says. “We’ll go after them.  Let’s go.”  Mary, the security guard and the receptionists turn from the window and hurry away!


Mary, the security guard and another male security guard are riding in the hospital patrol car as the first security guard sits behind the wheel driving and Mary sits beside him on the passenger side and the other guard sits in the back seat.  “Now do you know which way they are supposed to be heading?” the first security guard asks Mary.

They’re probably going towards that direction,” Mary says.  “My family usually parks the car three blocks that way when we come here!”

“Okay, we’ll head down there.”

“Could you do me a favor?  Go to that area from the other way?  I want to catch them before they reach the car!”

“Okay Miss.” The security guard puts the car into high gear!  He speeds the patrol car down the street!


Two minutes later, Diane D and the Dianettes are still dancing and twirling in the street.  They start to run and twirl down the street.  They dance and turn around a few times.  They dance and twirl for a while.  They turn around again. They suddenly spot an angry Mary standing right there staring at them with her arms folded with the two security guards standing beside her as they scream!   Diane D and the Dianettes quickly stop in their tracks!  They become nervous.  Diane D, who is out of breath, laughs and says, “Mom!  Oh my goodness Mom, you really startled us!  We didn’t expect you to be standing out here.”  The Dianettes nervously laugh and nod their heads as Diane D continues, “I mean you practically scared us half to death.  What are you doing out here?”

“I should be asking you that question young lady!” Mary angrily shouts.  “I see you have enough energy to sneak out of the hospital right under my nose and dance in the streets when you’re supposed to be sick!”  Mary puzzled looks at the Dianettes and says, “And girls, what are you all doing here?”  The Dianettes are speechless as they nervously look at Mary, then at each other.  Mary looks back at Diane D and says, “What’s going on Diane?  I wake up in the middle of the night to find you not in the bed and no where around!  You practically scared me half to death!   What’s going on?!”

“Mom, I received a letter from a little boy,” Diane D says as she pulls the letter out of her pocket.  “In his letter, the little boy claims he’s dying of cancer and has only a couple of days to live.  He says his biggest wish is to see us in person before he passes away.  From the postmark of this letter, this kid might pass away tomorrow.  I didn’t want to let him down so I talked the girls into going to see him at the hospital.  He’s at Memorial Hospital.  We were on our way over there to visit him real quick and come right back.  Here’s the letter from him.”  Diane D hands the letter to Mary. 

Mary takes the letter and asks, “How did you get this letter?”  The Dianettes nervously look at Diane D. 

Diane D nervously says, “Oh somebody in the family gave it to me earlier during visiting hours.  I don’t remember who it was.”

Mary looks at the letter and unfolds it.  She reads the letter.  She looks up at Diane D and says, “Diane, you don’t even know if this letter is for real!  How do you know someone else didn’t right this letter!  You know something like this happened before!”

“I know that Mom, but not all the time! Mostly all the letters our organization receives from people are truthful.  We don’t know about this one until we try it.”

“Diane, you just came out of being unconscious!  You shouldn’t even be out here!”  Mary looks at the Dianettes and says, “Girls why did you all even allow her to come out here?”

“It’s not their fault Mom.  They didn’t want me to be out here, but I kept insisting, because the little boy claims he wishes to see us before he passes away.  I only wanted to make his wish come true.”

“Diane, you’re not going anywhere but back in that hospital right there!”

“Please Mom?  It would really mean a lot to me if we visit this kid.  It will make me feel better once we visit him.”

“It really means a lot to you?”

“Yes it does Mom.”

“Okay then, I’ll let you go visit this kid, but in only one condition!  I’m gonna go with you!”

“Okay Mom, that’ll be nice.”

“Go with her?” the security guard says.  “I’m sorry Ma’am, but she can’t go off anywhere, she’s still a patient!  She’s not signed out!  As long as she’s not signed out, we can’t let her go off anywhere!”

“I’m gonna go with them real quick,” Mary says.  “I’m gonna bring her right back.”

“Ma’am, if we allow her to go off anywhere, we could be in big trouble!  She’s still officially a patient! As long as she’s a patient, she’s our responsibility!”

“I understand that guard.  I’ll tell you what.  Why don’t you come with us real quick.  That way you can keep an eye on her.”

The security guard looks at his partner.  His partner looks back at him and tells him, “Go ahead, I got your back.  But come back real quick.”

The security guard looks back at Mary and says, “Okay Ma‘am, I’m gonna drive the patrol car to that other hospital, but she’s gonna have to ride in the patrol car too.”

“Okay, no problem,” Mary says,

“Let’s go.”  The security turns and heads off as Mary, Diane D and The Dianettes follow after him.


Twenty minutes later, Mary, the security guard, a Memorial Hospital security guard, Diane D and the Dianettes enter a hospital room at Memorial Hospital.  They look around the room.  They see that the room is empty of patients.  They see a black male custodian around his early 40’s sweeping the floor.  The custodian looks up at them.  He sees Diane D and the Dianettes.  He becomes excited and says, “Oh my god, Diane D!  It’s you!  Your mom, and the Dianettes!  How wonderful to see you all!”

“Oh we’re sorry to walk in on you and bother you sir, but we’re looking for a young patient,” Mary says.  “A little boy by the name of Kenny Stevens who’s supposed to be in this room.  But this room doesn’t appear to have any patients in it. It’s empty!  Where’s the patient who’s supposed to be in this room?”

“There is no patient in this room,” the custodian says.

“What!” everybody says.

“Listen,” Mary says.  “My daughter received a letter from a little boy who’s written that he has cancer and only has a couple of days to live.  He wrote that he wishes to see her and the girls before he passes away.  He wrote that he’s staying at this hospital in this room. Where is this patient?”

“Your looking at him,” the custodian says.

“What!” everybody says.

“Your looking at him.  I’m the one who wrote the letter.”


“You’re the one who wrote the letter?” Diane D angrily says.  “You don’t look anything like a little boy and you certainly don’t look like you’re going to die in a couple of days.”

“I told you it was a trap!” Lonna says.

“I’m sorry,” the custodian says, “but I had to find a way to get to meet you all.”

“Under false pretense?!” Mary angrily shouts.  “Using a story like that to get my daughter’s attention is not good at all!  This is not the first time my daughter or our organization received a phony letter from somebody, just to get to meet any of us!  Now we might never believe any letters that come our way again!  You made it bad for everybody else!”

“I’m truly sorry Ma’am, but I just wanted to know if your organization can perform in our town.  A lot of people know about your organization and want to see your organization’s performances.  I told the Committee I was gonna see if I can get your organization to perform a charity event at the arena.”

“What!  You expect us to do a charity event on a false pretense like this letter?!  I’m sorry but our organization don’t work like that!  So you can take this phony letter and do something with it!” Mary says as she tosses the letter towards the custodian.

“I’m sorry to upset you Ma’am.  I know I shouldn’t have sent a phony letter, but I figure it would be the only way to meet any of you so I can ask you in person!”

“Why couldn’t you just ask right up front in the phony letter you sent?!” Diane D says.

“Because I figure you might sent a letter back to me telling me to wait my turn because you have other charities to do!  I thought if I state the sickness of a child, you might respond right away!  And you did!  It worked!”

“It might have worked,” Mary says, “but you made it bad for the next person who’ll send a letter to our organization!  We don’t know who to believe from now on!”

“I’m truly sorry Ma’am!”

“I’m sorry too that we came here for nothing!”

“So you won’t do the charity event for the town?”

“No we won’t!  Not on a false pretense!”

The custodian looks at Diane D and says, “Diane D please!  Could you perform for charity in our town?”

“How the hell are you going to ask her when I just told you no?!” Mary shouts