DIANE D (the Musical Drama) by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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“We got to hurry and get Diane!” Margarita says.

“We are Mom,” Barry says.  Barry speeds the car as they continue to look for Diane D.


Twenty minutes later, Barry’s car pulls up to a curb.  He comes out of the car.  He approach some local people and says, “Hi. I’m sorry to bother you all, but have any of you seen a convertible drive past here?”

“Hey,” one of the men says.  “I know you.  You’re Diane D’s dad, aren’t you?”

“Yes I am.  How are you?”

“Okay.  You’re looking for a convertible?”


“No we haven’t seen any convertible.”

“No?  Okay thanks.”

“Is there a problem?” one of the women asks.

“No, no problem.  Thanks.”  Barry turns back around and heads back to the car.


Barry is driving back in the car with his family as he tells them, “No one’s seen the convertible.  We have to continue to look for it.”

“My God Barry,” Mary says.  “What are we gonna do?  Diane disappeared with this guy!  What are we gonna do with all those people at the theater if Diane don’t show up in time?”

“Mom, if we can’t find Diane in time, then we have no choice but to cancel the whole show,” Nicolas says.  “We have to go back to the theater, make an announcement to the people and tell them that the show is canceled because something came up.  I know the people will be disappointed, but we can’t run the show without knowing where Diane is!  It’s nothing else we can do, but look for Diane and give the people their money back.”

“Oh gosh, if I knew this was gonna happen, I would have kept my eye on Diane!  I should have kept my eye on her until we leave this place!  As long as there are Caribbean guys walking around, she’s not gonna be in her right state of mind!  She’s gonna go crazy every time she sees any of them!  I sure hope we find her soon.  Once we find her, I’m never gonna let her come back here!”

“We’ll find her Mary,” Barry says.  “We’ll find her.”


An hour later, Barry’s relatives are in the hotel room, trying to comfort Mary, Margarita and Marilyn as Mary, Margarita and Marilyn cry their eyes out.  Several white male police officers stand around them as one of them speaks to Michael and says, “And you say that your wife Diane D and a few of you were supposed to do a show at the theater, but instead, she went off and disappeared with a Jamaican guy named Jonathan and you haven’t seen or heard from her since?”

“No we haven’t,” Michael says.  “We’re very worried about her!”

“Please find my daughter,” Barry says.

“We’ll find her sir,” the officer says.  “We’ll put out a search for the entire area.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”  The police officer turns around and quickly head out the room as the other officers follow him.


It is two nights later.  Diane D’s family is in the hotel room very hysterical.  My God, where is she?” Mary says.  “It’s been two days already!”

“We’ll find her Mary,” Barry says.  The telephone rings.  Grandpa Mike Diane D’s paternal grandfather quickly goes to answer it.  He picks up the telephone and says, “Hello? … Yes officer this is Diane Diaz-Davidson’s family!  I’m her grandfather Mike!”  Barry and Mary rush to grab the receiver as everyone else in the room become anxious!  They listen as Grandpa Mike continues on the phone and says, “Have you heard or found anything about my granddaughter?”  Grandpa Mike becomes excited and says, “You have?!”  The others become excited as Grandpa Mike continues, “Oh my God, is she alright?!  Is she alive?!”  Grandpa Mike turns to the others and says, “They found Diane!  She’s alive!”

Diane D’s family scream and cheer as Barry shouts, “Thank God!  Let me take that Dad.”  Grandpa Mike hands Barry the phone receiver.  Barry gets on the phone and says, “Officer, where is my daughter? --- Oh you did? ----- Both of them? ---- Thank God! ---- Okay officer, we’re on our way down there! ---- See you soon!”  Barry quickly hangs up the telephone!   He turns to the others and says, “Thank God they found Diane!”

“Aaaaaaahhh thank God!” everyone says.

“Where did they find her Barry?!” Margarita asks.

“The authorities found her and that Jonathan guy lying unconscious in a wooded area somewhere!” Barry says.

“What!” everyone shockingly says. 

“The authorities found Diane and that Jonathan guy lying unconscious in a wooded area?!” Tomas asks.

“What the hell is my baby doing lying unconscious in a wooded area?!” Mary shouts.

“I don’t know!” Barry shouts.  “The ambulance took both Diane and that Jonathan guy to the hospital already!  Come on!  We gotta get to the hospital!”  Barry and the rest of the family grab their belongings and rush out the hotel room!


Twenty-five minutes later, Diane D’s family rush into the hospital room.  They see Diane D lying asleep in a hospital bed hooked up to tubes and monitors as two male white doctors stand over her.  Diane D’s family quickly approach her!  “Diane!” Mary shouts.  “Are you alright?”

“Diane, wake up honey,” Margarita says.

“Talk to us baby,” Barry says.  “Are you okay?”

“She’s unconscious,” one of the doctors say. 

Barry turns to the doctor and says, “Yeah that’s what the officer told me over the telephone.  What in the world happened to our daughter Doctor?”

“We’re not sure what happened to your daughter or the fellow she was found with, but they were both drugged.”

“Drugged?!” Barry and the rest of the family shout. 

“What do you mean they were both drugged?!” Barry shouts.  “Are you saying that my daughter has drugs in her system?  She doesn’t use drugs!”

“That’s right doctor!” Mary says.  “She’s no drug user!”

“I’m not saying your daughter is a drug user,” the doctor says.  “I’m saying she and the fellow she was found with were drugged, most likely by someone else.  We tested their blood and urine.  An anesthetic drug was found in both of their systems.”

“What!” the family shouts.

“What we’re trying to do is find out how this drug got in their system.  The authorities are trying to find out how your daughter and that guy she was found with wound up lying unconscious in the woods.”

“Does anybody have any information about what happened to them?" Margarita asks.

“Well some local witnesses said they had seen your daughter and that guy at a bar drinking,” the second doctor says.  “After a while, witnesses saw them leaving together.   No one’s seen or heard from them when they left the bar.  We believe something was slipped into both of their drinks without them realizing it.”

“Well that sounds possible!” Gracy says.

“They must have went out to the woods and passed out there!” Barry shouts.  “Where’s that Jonathan guy’s room anyway?”

“He’s in a room upstairs,” the second doctor says. “He’s still unconscious. We’re getting ready to check on him again!  We’ll give you all some time to spend with your daughter.”

“Thank you doctor,” Mary says.

“You’re welcome.”  The doctors turn and leave from Diane D’s bedside.  They head for the door and leave the room. 

The family leans to Diane D.  “Diane, it’s us,” Mary says.  “I know you’re not able to respond, but we just want to let you know your family is here.  We’re all here for you and we all love you.”

“That’s right Diane,” Tomas says.  “We’re here for you, okay baby?  Just hang in there.”  The family stays by Diane D’s bedside.


It is the following day.  Mary, Margarita, Gracy and Marilyn sit on a few chairs next to Diane D’s hospital bed as Diane D still lays unconscious.  Barry, Tomas, Grandpa Mike, Nicolas, Mickey and Michael walk into the room. They approach the women.  “Why don’t you all go home and get some rest,” Barry says.  “You all been here all day.”

“Yeah, we can stay here with Diane,” Michael says.

“I don’t want to leave until Diane wakes up,” Mary says.

“We know Mary,” Barry says, “but you have to go home and get some rest.  Let me take you home.  I’ll come back here and stay with Diane, okay?  I’ll bring you back here later.  It’s not gonna do Diane any good if you’re all worn out.”

“Okay Barry.  I’ll come back later.”

“I’ll make sure you do.”

“Okay.”  Mary, Margarita, Gracy and Marilyn get up from the chairs.  They go to Diane D.  Mary then says, “Diane, we’re gonna go home now to get some rest, okay?”

“Yeah we’ll be back later,” Margarita says. 

“We love you,” Gracy says.  Gracy, Mary, Margarita and Marilyn lean to Diane D and give her a loving kiss.  They lean up from Diane and stare at her.   They turn and walk towards the door as the fellows walk with them.  Gracy, Mary, Margarita and Marilyn hug and kiss all the fellows.  They then turn and leave the room as Barry follows behind them.  

Barry turns his head to the fellows and says, “I’ll be right back guys.”

“Alright Dad,” Nicolas says.  Barry turns his head back around and leaves the room with Gracy, Mary, Margarita and Marilyn, closing the door behind himself.


That same evening inside the hotel room, Mary, Marilyn, Margarita, Gracy and the rest of the relatives sit around.  The telephone rings.  “I’ll get it,” Marilyn says.  Marilyn goes to the phone and picks up the receiver.  She speaks into the receiver and says, “Hello? --- Good news?! ---- Well what happened?!”  Everybody anxiously look towards Marilyn as Marilyn says, “She did?! ---- Oh that’s wonderful! --- Sure, we’ll be right over!” Marilyn hangs up the phone receiver.  She quickly turns to the others and shouts, “That was Barry on the phone!  He said Diane was smiling in her sleep!”  Everyone becomes happy and excited as Marilyn shouts, “He said that they all noticed her smiling like she was having some kind of dream!  They said she did that quite a few times!”

“Well let’s all get down there!” Margarita shouts.  Everyone grabs their belongs and excitedly leave the room!


Thirty minutes later, Mary, Marilyn, Margarita, Gracy and the rest of the relatives rush inside the hospital room holding a bunch of flowers and gifts!  They approach Diane D as Michael, Barry and Nicolas stand over her bedside.  They look and see Diane D still unconscious.   “Diane,” Mary says.  “It’s us baby.  Can you hear us?”

“She was just smiling a few minutes ago before you all walked in,” Nicolas says.  “Maybe she’ll smile again.”

“I hope so,” Margarita says.  “The important thing is, that’s she’s coming out of it.”

“Thank God,” Michael says.  They all continue to look down at Diane D.

Gracy approaches Michael.  She pulls him to the side and says, “So Michael, how did it go with the people at the theater when you told them the show was canceled?”

“I told them something suddenly came up and Diane couldn’t make it,” Michael says.  “They were pretty upset and disappointed.  They really wanted to see Diane.  I told them not to worry, that they would all get their money back.”

“I see.  Did you call the girls up in New York yet and told them what happened with Diane?”

“Yeah, I called Nancy today.”

“You did?   What did she say?”

“She got very hysterical when I told her about what happened to Diane.  She said she was gonna round up all the girls and they’re gonna drive over here.”

“They are?”

“Yeah.  That’s why I did not want to call the girls up right away when Diane was first missing, because four of the girls are spending time with their families and I knew they would all get upset and hysterical and want to come here right away.  So I waited until Diane was found to call them up.”

“That was a good idea.”  Gracy and Michael look back towards Diane D.


It is now evening in the hospital room.  Diane D remains unconscious.  She starts to get a dream. 




Diane D is sitting in an empty restaurant looking down at a menu.  She looks up and sees Jonathan standing there several yards away, smiling at her.  She gazes at him. Jonathan approaches Diane D singing, ‘Have yourself a real good time with, lunch, Dinner and Me’ to her.  Diane D smiles at Jonathan as he holds his hand out to her.  Diane D stands up singing back to Jonathan.  They start to sing to each other.  They start to tap dance.  They tap dance and twirl around the empty restaurant.  They tap dance and twirl for a while.  They finish dancing as Diane D turns her back to Jonathan.  She leans her back against him as he hugs and holds her tightly, still singing as they look up in the air smiling, holding their faces together.




Diane D comes out of the dream, smiling in her sleep as her family anxiously look at her.


The next day at the hotel room, Barry, Michael and the rest of Diane D’s relatives are in the room.   The telephone rings.  “I’ll get it,” Barry says.  Barry goes to the telephone and picks it up. He speaks into the receiver and says, “Hello?  ---- Really?!”  Everyone anxiously looks at Barry as he shouts, “That’s wonderful! ---- Okay!   We’ll be right there!”  Barry hangs up the telephone.  He quickly turns to the others and shouts, “Hey everybody!  That was Mary!  She said Diane is awake!”

“She’s awake?!” Diane D’s family shout. 

“Yeah!  Mary said Diane’s eyes are open and Diane is talking with them!”

“Aaaaahhhh that is wonderful!  Thank God!”

“We gotta get to the hospital!  Come on everybody!”  The family excitedly grab their belongings and rush out the room!


Thirty minutes later, Barry, Michael and the rest of Diane D’s family and relatives rush into the hospital room holding flowers!  They rush to Diane D’s bedside.   They see her awake, but dreary.  “Hey Diane!” Michael says.

“What’s going on kid?” Barry says.  Barry, Michael and the rest of Diane D’s family give Diane D hugs and kisses.  They then let go of her as Barry says,  “How’re you feeling?”

“Okay I guess,” says Diane D.

“Nice to see you awake and talking girl,” Nicolas says. 

Mary turns to the rest of the family and tells them, “We already asked her about what happened when she disappeared that night and was missing for a couple of days. She claims she doesn’t remember anything about her disappearance.”

“She doesn‘t?” Barry says.  Barry turns to Diane D and asks, “Is that true Diane?  You don’t recall anything about your disappearance?”

“No, nothing at all Dad,” Diane D says.  “I remember the evening I was supposed to perform at the theater.  I met up with Jonathan not too far from the hotel.  We talked for a while.  I told him I had to do a show that night.  I asked him why don’t we go have a drink before I do the show.  He said okay, so we went to a bar and had a few drinks.  After that, I told him I was starting to feel woozy.  He said he was starting to feel woozy too.  I told him why don’t we go outside and get some air.  He said okay.  Then we got in my car.  I remember driving towards the hotel with him in the car, but I don’t remember ever reaching the hotel. It’s unbelievable.  One night I’m having a drink, then driving back towards the hotel, next thing I know is that I’m waking up here in this hospital room and Mom is telling me that a couple of days went by already.”

“Yes it’s true Diane,” Nicolas says.  “You’ve been out of it for a couple of days.”

“Oh yeah?”


“So what happened to me those couple of days I was out of it?  Mom told me that Jonathan and I were found in the woods.  I don’t remember going to any wooded area.”

“You don’t remember going to any wooded area at all?”


“I spoke to the doctors a little while ago,” Mary says.  “They say that Jonathan is awake now too. He’s in a room upstairs. They say he doesn’t remember going to the woods either.”

“But the important thing Diane, is that you’re okay,” Michael says.  “Here.  We got you some more flowers.”  Michael and everyone else hands Diane D the flowers. 

Diane D smiles as she takes the flowers.  “Thanks a lot,” she says.  Diane D admires the flowers as her family stands over her.


That same night, Michael, the Dianettes and their families are all at the hospital information desk holding gifts and flowers.  A black female clerk is at the information desk.  The clerk tells them, “I’m sorry everybody, but it’s too late to come here now.  Visiting hours are over.”

“Can we just visit a patient real quick?” Nancy says.

“No Ma’am, visiting hours are over.  You all just gonna have to come back tomorrow.  I’m sorry.”  Everybody disappointedly looks at the clerk.

“Come on girls,” Michael says.  The Dianettes look at Michael as he says, “We can come back tomorrow.”  Michael, the Dianettes and their families turn around and head towards the front door. 

Michael, the Dianettes and their families go through the front door leaving the hospital.


Later on that night, Lonna waits beside the back door at the back of the hospital.  The back door suddenly swings open.  A hospital staff member comes out of the door entrance, not noticing Lonna’s presence.  As the door closes, Lonna quickly catches it.  She holds the door for a few seconds.  She then looks towards the side and waves her arm.   The other Dianettes come from behind a car carrying gifts and flowers.  They quickly head towards Lonna.  They reach Lonna and go right inside the back entrance.  Lonna follows them in and quickly closes the door behind herself.


Upstairs in the hospital room, it is dark.  Diane D is sitting up in the bed wearing two hospital gowns, eating a celery snack as she watches the TV on the wall.  She starts flicking with the channels on the remote control as snoring is heard in the background.  She annoyingly looks to her right at the snorer.  She sees Mary sound asleep on a chair bed snoring with a blanket over herself.  Diane D looks back at the TV.  She continues to flick with the remote control through the channels.  She suddenly comes across a classic TV show.  She smiles and says, “Now that’s what I’m talking about.”  Diane D continues to smile as she watches the TV.  She sees a funny scene on the show and bursts out into a silent laugh and silently claps her hands as she watches the scene.  She suddenly hears a tap at the door.  She turns her head towards the door, but the curtain is blocking her view from the door.  She hears the tapping sound again.  “Hello?” she says.  “Who is it?”

“It’s us Diane,” a soft voice whispers.

“Us?  Us who?”  Diane D hears soft footsteps.  She looks towards the curtain and sees Miranda appearing from behind the curtain.

“Us Diane,” Miranda says. 

Diane D’s face lights up as she says, “Oh my God.” 

Miranda approaches Diane D as Bernice, Kelly, Nancy, Lonna and Charlotte appear from behind the curtain carrying gifts and flowers.  “Hey Diane,” Bernice, Kelly, Nancy, Lonna and Charlotte say.  Diane D becomes excited as Bernice, Kelly, Nancy, Lonna and Charlotte approach her. 

“My god, what are y’all doing here?  I didn’t expect to see you guys.  What are y’all doing here?”

“What do you think?” Bernice says. “We came to see you.”  The Dianettes each give Diane D a big warm hug.

“I thought you were all home in New York.”

“We were all home in New York until we found out what happened to you,” Nancy says.

“So how are you doing Diane?” Charlotte says.  “I see you’re wide awake.  How you feel?”

“I’m feeling fine, now that I see you all,” Diane D says.  “Sit down, have a seat.”  Charlotte, Kelly and Lonna sit near Diane D’s right side as Miranda, Bernice and Nancy sit near Diane D’s left.  “Oh boy you all are a sight for sore eyes, this is a great surprise!  I didn’t expect to see any of you until next week!”

“Well we were determined to come out here as soon as we heard about what happened to you,” Lonna says.

“Yeah,” Kelly says.  “We just found out you were missing for two days. What happened?”

“I don’t have any idea what happened,” Diane D.  “All I know is that I was supposed to perform at the theater.  I met up with that fellow Jonathan and had a few drinks with him.  After that, I told him I was feeling woozy.  He said he was feeling woozy too. We went outside and got some air. We got in my car. I remember driving towards the hotel with him in the car, but I don’t remember ever reaching the hotel.  Next thing I know is that I’m waking up