DIANE D (the Musical Drama) by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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“Why Diane?”

“Grandma, this woman is coming here making complaints about me!” Diane D shouts.  “I don’t know who her husband is!  I have my own husband!”

“Oh don’t try to play innocent in front of your family!” Brenda shouts.  “You know you have been with my husband!  I overheard you two talking on the telephone!”

“Well it wasn’t me on the phone so stop accusing me alright!”

“Sure, as soon as you leave my husband alone!”

“Why don’t you leave me alone!  As a matter of fact, leave, get out!  I don’t know who the hell let you in here!”

Norman approaches Mary and Margarita and says, “Excuse me Mary, Margarita?”

“What is it Norman?” Mary asks.

“I’m sorry to bother you, but there’s a phone call in the office about Diane.”

“Another phone call about Diane?” Margarita asks.


Margarita and Mary look at Diane D.  Margarita and Mary turn back to Norman as Mary asks, “Who is it Norman?”

“Some woman name Samantha.”

“A woman name Samantha?” Margarita asks.


“What does she want?” Barry asks.

“She said she wants to file a complaint about Diane.”

“She too?” Nicolas says.

“Another woman wants to file a complaint about Diane?” Barry asks.  “We already had three different women calling the office earlier!  Is it any of the same women who called earlier?”

“I don’t think so,” Norman says.  “I think it’s a different one this time.”

“A fourth one?” Margarita says.  “Now what is she trying to accuse Diane of?”

“She’s accusing Diane of meeting her boyfriend at a hotel last week!”

“What?!” everybody says.

“Why the hell are these broads trying to accuse me of being with their men?!” Diane D shouts.  “I don’t know any of their husbands or boyfriends!”

“Diane,” Barry says, “all these women are claiming that when they and their husbands or boyfriends come see our shows and performances, their husbands or boyfriends become fans or male groupies of yours and when their husbands or boyfriends secretly go to the side and try to hit on you, you get week and fall for them and wind up being with them!”

“What!   I don’t fall for any of these male groupies Dad!”

“Oh no?  You haven’t fall for that Jonathan guy?!  He started out as one of your male groupies too you know, and then you tried to marry the guy!”

“I don’t remember trying to marry Jonathan Dad, so as far as I’m concerned, it never happened!”

“Okay that’s enough everybody!” Margarita shouts.  “I need everyone to cool out now!  I’m going to go to the telephone to speak to this woman and straighten this situation out right now!  Everyone stay calm, I‘ll be right back!”  Margarita turns and hurries away.


Margarita enters the office.  She goes to the telephone, picks up the receiver and speaks into it.  “Hello?” Margarita  says.  “Hello?….. Hello?”  Margarita puzzled looks at the telephone receiver.  She then hangs up the phone.  She turns and heads back out to the hallway.


Margarita walks through the hallway.  She approaches Diane D and says,  “There’s no one on the phone Diane.  Whoever it was, they’re gone now.”

Patrick approaches Mary and Margarita and says, “I’m sorry for interrupting, but there’s a phone call in the other office.”

“Another phone call?” Margarita says.

“Yeah.  The person said they tried to call the office but the answering service put them on hold, so they called the other number that’s in the other office.”

“Well who is it?” Mary asks.

“A woman named Candis.”

“Candis?!” Margarita, Mary and Barry say.

“That’s Jonathan’s girlfriend again!” Margarita says.

“What does she want?” Barry asks.

“She says she still wants to file a complaint about Diane trying to meet up with her boyfriend Jonathan at Newark Airport yesterday,” Patrick says.

“What!” everyone says.

“She is the same one the staff said called the office yesterday complaining about Diane!” Margarita says.

“And now she’s calling here about me again?” Diane D says.  “I’ll take care of her.”  Diane D jerks herself away from her family’s grip.  She walks away as she holds the back of her head and neck again.

“Where are you going Diane?!” Barry asks. 

Diane D turns to Barry and says, “I’m going to take the phone call Dad!”

“No you’re not!  Just stay here, we’ll take care of the phone call!”

“Dad the phone call is about me!  I might as well take the call!  I want talk to the woman and try to reason with her!”

“Reason with her?”


“Oh alright then.  But just reason with her and nothing else!”

“You got it Dad!”  Diane D turns from her father.  She walks down the hallway continuing to hold the back of her head and neck as everyone looks on at her.  Diane D turns the corner and leaves out of everyone’s sight.


Diane D suddenly rushes down the other hallway.  She heads towards one of the rooms.  She rushes into the room and closes the door behind herself.















































Chapter 31


Diane D Secretly Threatens Lover’s Girlfriend



Diane D is inside the office.  She turns around towards the door then locks it.  She turns back around towards the room and angrily goes to the desk as she gently holds and rubs the back of her head and neck again.  She angrily picks up the telephone receiver.  She speaks into the receiver and says, “Hello, who is this?”

“Hello, my name is Candis,” Candis says from the other end as she speaks into her cell phone.  “I’m calling this organization again because I still want to make a complaint about Diane D trying to meet up with my boyfriend Jonathan at Newark Airport yesterday!  I want to speak to Miss Margarita or Miss Mary about it!  I also want to speak to Diane D herself about it!  Let me speak to Diane D right now!”


“Is this Diane D?!”

“Yeah it’s me!  Listen miss, let me tell you something!  I have no idea what the hell you’re talking about!  I never tried to meet up with anybody at Newark Airport!”

“Yes you did!  I saw Jonathan’s text message that was sent to his cousin Benny to give to you, so you can meet up with Jonathan at Newark Airport before his flight left for Jamaica yesterday!”

“I didn’t meet up with anybody at Newark Airport yesterday!”

“You were probably planning to!”

“No I wasn’t!  Look Miss, I am tired of you and all the other women calling here with this nonsense and bullshit!  Don’t ever call here again you got that?!  Stop calling this organization bugging my family about me!”

“I’ll stop calling that organization bugging your family about you if you stay the hell away from Jonathan!”

“Why should I stay away from Jonathan?  He‘s just a friend!”

“Well he’s my man!”

“Well he might be your man, but you know what?  If I really want to take Jonathan away from you, I can.”

“What!  Why you!  You!  You stay the hell away from Jonathan you hear me?!  You just stay away from him, he’s my fiance!  We’re getting married!”

“What?  You and Jonathan are getting married?”

“That‘s right, we‘re getting married!”

“Well if Jonathan is going to marry you, I think he’s making a big mistake.”

“You think he’s making a big mistake if he marries me?”


“Why do you think that?”

“Because I think I’m the woman he really needs.”

“What!  Why you!  You!  How can you say that to me?!  How dare you say that to me!”

“How dare you call this organization complaining to my family about me!  How dare you call here yesterday complaining about me trying to meet up with Jonathan at Newark Airport?!  You had my entire family upset with me last night!  You had my mom, and my grandma constantly on my ass, fussing with me all night!  You even caused my mom to hit me!”

“Oh I did?  I caused your mommy to hit you?”

“Yes you did!  My mom got so angry at me that she hit me right in the back of my head and neck!  I’m still in pain from that because of you!”

“Oh really?”


“Well too bad, it‘s good for you!  You deserve it!  I’m glad your mom hit you and I hope she hits you again!  I should keep calling there complaining about you just so that your mom and your grandma can stay on your ass and just so your mom can whack you upside your head again!”

“What!  You hope my mom whack me upside my head again?!”

“That’s right!”

“Listen, I’m warning you, don’t ever call here again!  Don’t bother my family again!  Leave my family alone!”

“No I won’t leave your family alone because you won‘t leave Jonathan alone!  I won’t stop calling your family!  You didn’t have a right to say what you just said to me!  You didn’t have the right at all!  You have your own husband!  I should call there again and let him know about this!   I should come meet you face to face so I can straighten you out!”

“I’m going to straighten you out!”

“Oh yeah?  Well we can straighten each other out right now!”

“Good, because I’m going to straighten your ass out real good!”

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah!  Since you’re the one who’s calling here and caused my mom to hit me, and you think that I deserve it and you’re glad about it, and you hope my mom whack me upside my head again, I am going to give you a taste of your own medicine!”

“Give me a taste of my own medicine?!  What do you mean?!”

“I am going to whack you upside your head!”

“What?!  You’re going to whack me upside my head?!”

“That’s right!  I am going to hit you!”

“You’re going to hit me?”

“Yeah! I am going to beat your ass for calling this organization complaining about me, getting me into trouble with my family and causing my mom to hit me!”

“You’re going to beat my ass?  How are you going to do that?  You don’t know me!  You don’t know how I look like!  You don’t even know where I am right now and you don’t even know where I live!  If you think you can find me and know where I am right now, then bring it!”

“Oh I am going to bring it alright, because I am going to come right over to where you live right now and beat your ass in the parking lot right behind your apartment building!”

“Come right over to where I live and beat my ass in the parking lot behind my apartment building?  Wait a minute!  How do you know I live in an apartment building?  You’ve never seen or met me before!  I could be living in a house!  How do you know I live in a building?!  How do you know my apartment building has a parking lot behind it?  Not all apartment buildings have parking lots behind them!  How would you know which person in the area is going to be me anyway, you don’t know how I look like!  How do you even know I’m at home right now?”

“Because I know!”

“You do?!  How many floors does my apartment building have?”

“Your apartment building has six floors!”

“Six floors?!  Oh my God you already know of me!  You already know who I am!  You probably already know how I look like!” 

“And most likely you already know how I look like, so therefore you won‘t have any problem spotting me when I arrive there ready to beat your ass in the parking lot behind your apartment building!”  Diane D angrily slams the phone down.  She turns and rushes to the back door.  She unlocks the door, opens it and hurries out into the hallway quietly closing the door behind herself.


Diane D hurries down the hallway towards another room and goes into it.


Diane D enters a storage room where there are boys’ sporting outfits and boys’ sport uniforms hanging.  There are baseball bats, baseball gloves, baseball uniforms and other sport gears on the side.  Diane D quickly goes and grabs one of the baseball bats!  She turns around to the door and leaves out of the storage room with the baseball bat quietly closing the door behind herself. 


Diane D looks down the hallway towards the corner that goes towards the lobby.  She turns the other way and hurries down the other end of the hallway to the back exit door carrying the baseball bat.  She opens the back exit door and hurries out of it slamming the door behind herself!


Diane D‘s family is still in the other hallway around the corner.  They puzzled look at each other as Nicolas says, “Did I just hear the back door slam?”

“It sure sounded like it,” Barry says.  “Let’s go see what’s going on.”  Barry, Nicolas and the rest of Diane D’s family and everyone else turn and hurry down the hallway.  Brenda tries to follow but Patrick, Norman and Harvey hold her back as Harvey says, “I’m sorry you can’t go back there.  We cannot allowed outsiders of the organization to go past this point.”  Brenda sadly looks at Harvey as she folds her arms.  She, Harvey, Patrick and Norman turn their heads and look down the hallway at Diane D’s family as Diane D’s family turn around the corner into another hallway disappearing out of sight.


Diane D’s family rush down the other hallway towards the office door.  They approach the office door and try to open it.  It is locked, they cannot get in.  Barry bangs on the door and shouts, “Diane!  Diane!  Diane!”  Barry turns to his family and says, “She’s not answering.  I think she might have snuck out the back door.  Come on!”  Barry turns and hurries down the hall as his family, Alex and Stephanie hurry behind him. 


Diane D is in the parking lot outside of a dark blue car with the back door open as she angrily throws the baseball bat into the back seat of the car.   She slams the back seat door then opens the driver’s door and jumps into the driver’s seat!  She shuts the driver’s door then turns on the engine!  She backs the car up then pulls off speeding and screeching her car towards the parking lot exit! 

Barry and the rest of his family rush into the parking lot.  They hurry after Diane D’s car trying to go after her car as they shout, “Diane!  Where are you going?”

“Diane!” Margarita shouts.

“Diane!” Mary shouts.  Diane D speeds and screeches her car into the street as Mary and the rest of her family run to follow her car!

“Diane!” Mary shouts.

“Diane!” Tomas shouts. 

Diane D’s car turns, speeds and screeches down the street as other cars come to a quick stop and screech to avoid hitting it. 

Diane’s family stop running and look on stunned as Tomas shouts, “Where the hell is she going?!”

“I don’t know!” Barry shouts.  “She was just on the phone with Jonathan’s girlfriend Candis, then we heard the back door slamming!  Now she’s speeding out of here like a demon out of hell!  I think she’s going to meet up with this Candis!”

“Yeah Dad, I think so too,” Nicolas says.  “I think something is about to go down between those two!  I think we should try to follow her Dad!”

“Yeah come on let’s go!”  Barry and the rest of his family turn and hurry to two passenger vans.  Barry gets into the driver’s seat of one of the vans as Mary, Margarita, Mickey and the Dianettes get into the same van.  Nicolas gets into the driver’s seat of another van as Tomas and other relatives get into the same van.  They quickly start up the engines.  They speed the vans towards the parking lot exit.  They then speed the vans out of the parking lot then turn into the street.


Way across town, Candis hysterically rushes down the first floor hallway of her apartment building with tears in her eyes as she holds a large empty flower vase in her hand. 

Candis enters the lobby with the empty flower vase as she heads towards the front door.  A medium built black man around his mid 40’s and a shorter chubby black woman with short hair around her mid 40’s puzzled look at Candis as Candis is about to hysterically rush past them.  “Candis?” the man says.  “Are you alright Candis?”  Candis continues to rush past the man and woman ignoring them.  The man quickly turns around and grabs Candis.  He stops Candis and quickly turns her around towards him and says, “Candis are you alright?”

“Let go of me,” Candis cries.  “Let me go!”

“What’s wrong?”

“What’s the matter!” the woman asks.

“It’s Diane D!” Candis shouts.

“Diane D?” the man and woman say.


“What are you talking about Diane D?” the man says.  “You mean Diane D from the Diaz-Davidson Organization?”

“Yes, her!”

“Well what about her?”

“What happened?” the woman asks.

“She threatened to come over here and beat me up!” Candis shouts. 

“What!” the man and woman say.

“Diane D threatened to come over here and beat me up!”

“Diane D from the Diaz-Davidson Organization threatened to come over here and beat you up?” the man asks.


“Wait a minute, slow down Candis!  What do you mean Diane D from the Diaz-Davidson Organization threatened to come here and beat you up?  Why would she want to come beat you up anyway?  What happened?”

“We had an argument over the telephone a little while ago about my boyfriend Jonathan!   I called Diane D’s family’s organization yesterday and spoke to a staff member!  I accused Diane D of trying to meet up with Jonathan at Newark Airport before Jonathan flew off to Jamaica!”

“You accused Diane D of trying to meet up with Jonathan at Newark Airport before he flew off to Jamaica?” 


“Do Diane D and Jonathan know each other?”

“He’s sending text messages for her!”

“Isn’t Jonathan the same guy Diane D disappeared with and then they were