DIANE D (the Musical Drama) by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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“That was an argument we had over the telephone weeks ago.”

“Weeks ago?”


“She’s lying officer!” Candis says.  “We had that argument over the telephone today, a little while ago!”

“I still never saw her face yet!”

“No?” the police officer says.  “Miss Diane D, why did you drive and speed all the way to the parking lot behind this woman’s apartment building?”

“I certainly didn’t come to that parking lot for her!”

“You didn’t?  Well that’s kind of strange because if you didn’t come to that parking lot for her, how did she and her neighbors knew that you were coming over there when they called us?  When this young lady and her neighbors called us, they told us that you were on your way over there to the parking lot to beat her up!  They told us they think you drive a dark blue car.  When we got to the parking lot to sit and wait around for you, twenty minutes later, you showed up right to the parking lot in a dark blue car just like they said!  Now is that a coincidence or what?”

“It’s a coincidence officer.”

“It is?  How is it a coincidence Miss Diane D?  How is it a coincidence?”

“Because I came to that parking lot to meet a friend!”

“You came to that parking lot to meet a friend?  What friend?”

“A friend I knew for a while.”

“A friend you knew for a while?  Well what is this friend’s name?”

“This friend’s name is Ralph.”



“Does your friend Ralph live in the same apartment building this young lady lives in?  The apartment building with the parking lot behind it?”

“No he doesn’t live there.  That’s just where we were supposed to meet.”

“Oh yeah?  Why over there?”

“That‘s the area he chose.  Why he chose that area, don‘t ask.”

“I still don’t understand how this young lady and her neighbors knew you were coming to that parking lot in a dark blue car if you’re saying you didn’t come to that parking lot for her, that you came there to meet someone else.”

“Maybe word of my arrival coming in a dark blue car got around their neighborhood somehow and they heard about it.  Maybe Ralph told somebody in that neighborhood that I was coming in a dark blue car and then that person told a third person, then that third person told a fourth person, then that fourth person told a fifth, so the information probably reached a hundred people.  The information probably spread around their entire neighborhood like wildfire. You know how it is officer?  That’s how this lady and her neighbors probably knew I was coming.”

“No that’s not true officer!” Candis cries.  “She’s lying!”

“I am not lying!”  Diane D turns to the officer and says, “Officer you know some of the things I do spread around in the neighborhoods and the communities like wildfire.  It’s just happening again, that’s all.”

“Oh my God, she’s lying officer!  Y’all can’t see that?!”

“Miss Diane D,” the officer says, “why were you speeding towards the parking lot like a demon, if you were just going there to meet this friend Ralph?”

“I didn’t want to keep my friend Ralph waiting too long, that‘s all,” Diane D says. 

“Why didn’t you want to keep this certain friend Ralph waiting too long? Does Ralph owe you money or something like that?”

“No it’s not that at all.   I just don’t like to keep friends waiting for me.  You know how impatient friends can be at times.”

“So you’re going to speed and risk causing an accident, just so you won’t keep this friend Ralph waiting?”

“I guess so because I know one thing, I don’t like to be kept waiting for my friends.”

“She keeps lying officer!” Candis shouts.  “I don’t know how she can just sit there and keep lying like this, especially with a straight face!”

“That’s because I’m not lying Miss!”

The officer turns to Candis and asks, “Miss Candis do you have any proof that Miss Diane D threatened you over the telephone?  Are there any witnesses who heard Miss Diane D threatening you?”

Candis hesitates.  She then says, “No.  I don’t have any witnesses.”

“So far no one else besides yourself heard Miss Diane D threatening you.”

“I guess not.”

The officer turns back to Diane D and says, “Miss Diane D, why did you have that baseball bat in the back seat of your car?”

“Oh that baseball bat has been inside my car for a week,” Diane D says.

Mary, Margarita, Barry and Tomas suspiciously look Diane D then look at each other, then back at Diane D as the officer asks, “It has?” .

“Yeah.  I had left it there because I had a flat tire last week and I used the baseball bat to help me lift the car when I changed the tire.”

“You used the baseball bat to help yourself lift the car when you changed a tire?”

“Yeah,” Diane D says.  Mary, Margarita, Barry and Tomas continue to suspiciously look at Diane D as Diane D says, “I just never got around to putting the baseball bat back out of my car, that‘s all.”  Diane D nods her head to the police officers then takes a quick look at Candis then looks back at the police officers. 

Mary turns to the police officer and says, “Officer, could I have a quick word with my daughter in the next room please?  We won’t go anywhere.”

“No problem Ma’am,” the officer says.  “Go right in there.”

“Thank you.”  Mary turns to Diane D and says, “Diane, can I have a word with you in private please.”

“Why sure Mom,” Diane D says.  Diane D gets up from the chair.  She goes past Mary and heads to the next room as Mary turns and follows her.


Diane D enters the next room as Mary follows behind her.  Mary closes the door behind herself.  Mary points to a chair and says, “Have a seat Diane.”

“Sure Mom,” Diane D says as she goes to a chair.  Diane D sits down on the chair and folds her arms.  She then crosses her legs as she sits sarcastically swaying her foot back and forth, looking at her nails. 

“Diane can we talk for a minute?”

“Sure we can talk Mom.  What do you want to talk about?”

“About this!” Mary shouts as she takes a long thick rolled up magazine from off a desk and whacks Diane D upside her forehead with it!

“Aaaah!” Diane D screams as her head is thrown backward. 

Mary then whacks Diane D upside the back of her head as she shouts, “Como se atreve usted amenazan esa mujer!”  Diane D runs off the chair and wraps her arms around her head as Mary comes after her continuing to whack Diane D upside her head!  Diane D falls face down to the floor as Mary continues to whack the back of her head and neck shouting, “Como se atreve usted mentir a la policia acerca de cuanto tiempo que bate de beisbol ha sido dentro de su coche cuando sabes que bate de beisbol nunca fue dentro de su coche antes!  Usted basta con colocar alli!”

“Aaah!” Diane D screams. 

The door burst open!  The police officers and Diane D’s family rush into the room towards Mary as Barry shouts, “Mary what are you doing?!”

“Mary lo que sucedio?” Margarita shouts as Mary continues to whack the back of Diane D’s head.

Mary points her finger at Diane D and shouts, “Usted basta con colocar alli!”   The police officers and Diane D’s family grab Mary as Diane D lays face down on the floor with her arms still wrapped around her head and her legs and feet spread apart.  The police officers, Barry, Tomas, Nicolas and Mickey pull an angry Mary away from Diane D as Mary points her finger at Diane D again and shouts, “Usted sabe que se acaba de situar el bate de beisbol dentro de su coche!  Usted sabe que se acaba de situar el bate de beisbol alli!”  The police officers, Barry, Tomas, Nicolas and Mickey take Mary away as Margarita, Marilyn and the Dianettes turn and hurry to Diane D. 

Diane D remains face down on the floor with her arms and hands still wrapped around her head.  Margarita, Marilyn and the Dianettes surround Diane D.  “Diane esta usted bien?” Margarita asks as she, Marilyn and the Dianettes bend to the floor to check on Diane D.  They grab and hold Diane D. 

Barry, Tomas, Nicolas and Mickey let go of Mary.  They turn and hurry to Diane D. 

Barry, Tomas, Nicolas and Mickey approach Diane D.  They bend to the floor to check on Diane D.  “Diane are you okay?” Barry asks.  Barry, Tomas, Nicolas and Mickey grab and hold Diane. 

“Let’s turn her over,” Tomas says.  They all lift Diane D by her torso then turn her over as her long black hair covers her reddish face.  They could see the look of anger on Diane D’s face through her hair. 

“Diane esta usted bien?” Marilyn asks.  Marilyn is about move Diane D’s hair off her face, but an angry Diane D jerks her face and entire body away from Marilyn.  They all worriedly look at Diane D.


Several hours later, Candis walks out the Central Booking Building.  She walks on the sidewalk and approaches her neighbors, the man and woman, who are waiting for her.  The man then asks, “Well how did it go in there?”

“Yeah what happened,” the woman asks.

“They gave Diane D a fine,” Candis says.

“She has to pay a fine?”

“Yeah.  They’re fining her for attempted assault on police officers!”

“What!” the man and woman says.

“Diane D was about to attack officers again, like she did before?!” the man asks. 

“Yeah!” says Candis.

“What happened?”

“When they first brought Diane D to the police station, I heard she had to get frisk in the other room by two female officers.”

“Diane D had to get frisked by two female officers?”

“Yeah.  I heard her family insisted on being in the room with her while she was getting frisked.  I heard when the two female officers were ready to frisk Diane D, she started complaining that she didn’t want the female officers to touch her!”

“She didn‘t want them to touch her?”

“No.  Her family and the officers still insist on having her frisked!  When the two female officers started to frisk Diane D anyway, I heard that she took a swing at them!”

“What!” the man and woman say.

“Diane D took a swing at the two female officers?!” the man asks.

“Yeah,” Candis says, “and I heard she did that right in front of her mom, dad and her grandma!”

“She did?!  So what happened?!”

“The female officers quickly ducked, causing Diane D to miss them!”

“She missed them?” the woman asks.  “So what did they do to her?”

“They fined her!  Plus after the police questioned Diane D, her mom took her into another room and closed the door.  After her mom closed the door, I heard her mom hitting her!”

“What!  You heard Diane D’s mom hitting her?”

“Yeah we all heard it!  We heard her mom yelling at her too while her mom was hitting her.”

“You heard her mom yelling at her while her mom was hitting her?  What did her mom say to her?”

“I couldn’t understand because her mom was yelling at her in Spanish, so I wasn’t able to tell what her mom was saying to her.”

“I see.  So what did her family and the police do when you all heard Diane D’s mom hitting her?”

“Her family and the police had to rush into the other room to stop her mom!”

“My god,” the man says.  “Why did her mom hit her?”

“Because her family knew she was lying!  They witnessed her speeding away from their organization all the way over to our parking lot!”

“My goodness Candis, I guess your wish came true.  Diane D’s mom hit her again just like you hoped.”

“Now I know Diane D is really gonna want to kill me for that now!  I know she’s probably blaming for that too!”

“I bet she is!”

“So what is the outcome going to be with this whole situation?” the woman asks.   “What’s going to happen to Diane D?”

“The judge is releasing her into her family’s custody!” Candis says.

“What?” the man says.  “They’re releasing her into her family’s custody?”


“Even though she threatened you? Even though she drove and sped all the way from her family’s organization right to the parking lot behind our apartment building with a baseball bat in her car?!”

“Yeah but she‘s denying everything about threatening me or planning to harm me!  She told the police that she and I had an argument over the phone weeks ago.”

“Weeks ago?”

“Yeah!  She also told the police that she came to the parking lot to meet up with a friend name Ralph.”

“To meet up with a friend name Ralph?  That’s what she told the police?”

“Yeah.  She also told the police that she had that baseball bat inside her car for a week.”

“For a week?”

“Yeah.  She told them that she had left the baseball bat inside her car because she had a flat tire last week and she used the baseball bat to help herself lift the car when she changed the tire and that she just never got around to putting the baseball bat back out of her car.”

“She told the police that too?”


“No one uses a baseball bat to lift a car to change a tire!  She’s full of it!”

“I know.  She also told the police the reason how we probably knew she was on her way to the parking lot in a dark blue car is because word probably spread around the neighborhood like wildfire about her coming to the parking lot in a dark blue car.”


“See that?  She was making me look like the liar when she‘s the one who was really lying!  She was sitting right there lying to the police officers the whole entire time with a straight look on her face!”

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah!  The police have no proof that Diane D was really planning to assault me or harm me, they have no proof of it at all!  All they know is that they witnessed her speeding right to the parking lot after we made the call to them, but they can’t prove what her intention was!  Plus the two female police officers who frisked her didn’t find any weapons on her and since the female officers found no weapons on Diane D and they found no weapons inside her car besides the baseball bat she claims she used for her flat tire, the police have no proof that she was after me.  So far, it‘s her word against mine. The only thing she has to do is pay the fine for attempted assault on police officers.”

“That’s all she has to do?”

“That‘s all.”

“And who’s going to pay the fine, she or her family?”

“I think her parents and grandparents are gonna make her pay.  I heard they’re going to have her work in the hospital for free and use her own pay money to pay the fine.  So far Diane D threatened me and all she has to do is pay a fine for trying to assault the police.  So far, she‘s getting over for what she was planning on doing to me.”

“Well didn’t Diane D’s family hear her threatening you over the telephone?  Weren‘t they there at the organization when Diane D threatened to come to the parking lot to meet you there and beat you up?”

“I think her family was there at the organization, but I don’t think they were in the same room with her when she threatened me over the telephone and said all that stuff to me.  Whatever room Diane D was in, it sounded like she was in the room alone, I didn‘t hear any voices in the background and I didn’t hear any other background noises.  I don’t think Diane D would have even said any of that stuff to me if her family was right there in the same room with her.  She’s not going to let them hear what she was saying to me.  At least the judge and police kind of believe my story that Diane D intended to assault or harm me.”

“They do?  How do they believe your story if you have no proof?”

“Because of Diane D’s history!  She has a reputation!  Everybody knows about her violent and vicious temper when she attacked those security guards and those police officers, that’s why the judge is releasing her into the custody of her family so her family can keep an eye on her at all times.”

“Oh yeah?  How is her family suppose to do that?”

“She has to move in with them.”

“What!  Diane D has to move in with her family?”

“Yeah.  She has to move out of the apartment that she shares with her husband and move in with her family for a while.”

“Really?” the woman says.  “That means she and her husband have to be separated for a while?”


“Wow,” the man says.  “Well I’m glad the police kind of believe your story Candis.”

“Yeah me too.  At least I‘m glad Diane D has to move in with her mom because her mom seems to be one tough cookie.”

“I guess her mom has to be tough, dealing with a daughter like Diane D because Diane D has a vicious temper!  When she’s not angry, she‘s okay, but when she gets mad, she turns into a vicious beast and it‘s best for everyone to run right out of her way!”

“Yeah that‘s true.  Maybe by moving back in with her family, her mom will whack her again if she steps out of line.”

“Maybe, and Candis, being that this all happened, maybe it will be best for you if you stop calling Diane D’s family’s organization to complain about her.  You see how far she went, speeding all the way to your place of residence with a baseball bat in her car?  It’s kind of scary.  The next time you complain to Diane D’s family about her, her behavior might become even more vicious.  I mean anybody who is bold enough to attack police officers and security guards and landing them in the hospital, has got to be a real nut case!  So it will be best for you if you not call Diane D’s family’s organization to complain about her anymore.   It’s not worth it.”  Candis nervously looks at the man.  The man then says, “We’ll take you home.”  The man and woman lead Candis away with them.

























Chapter 32


Jonathan Makes Shocking Confession To Candis



The next day, Candis is inside her apartment on the telephone as she shouts, “You can’t lie to me Jonathan!  Yesterday I saw your text message you left on your cousin Benny’s phone for Diane D to come meet up with you at Newark Airport!  So I called Diane D’s family’s organization to complain about her!   Diane D came right on the phone and we had an argument right over the telephone!  She told me she was gonna beat my ass for constantly calling her family’s organization complaining about her!  I told her to bring it!  Then she threatened to come right to the parking lot right behind this apartment building to meet me there and beat my ass!”

“What!” Jonathan says from the other end of the phone.  “Diane D threatened to come right to the parking lot behind your apartment building?!”

“Yes Jonathan, she threatened to meet me and beat me up right there!  I heard she actually sped all the way from her family’s organization all the way over here to the parking lot!”


“The police even found a baseball bat in the back seat of her car!”

“What!  The police found a baseball bat in the back seat of Diane D’s car?!  What was a baseball bat doing in the back seat of her car?!”

“Her whole intention was to assault me and attack me with it right there in the parking lot where she think nobody would see!”

“My God Candis!  I’m sorry this all happened to you!  Are you okay?!”

“I‘m okay for now Jonathan!  Jonathan, how does Diane D even know where I live?!  How does she know I live in an apartment building?!  She has never seen or met me before!  How does she know my apartment building has a parking lot right behind it?!  How does she know how I would look like and how did she know I was at home?!  Jonathan, does Diane D know of me?!  Does she?!  Does she know of me Jonathan?!”

“Yes Candis, Diane D knows of you.”

“She does?”


“How does she know of me?”

“She knows I have a gi