DIANE D (the Musical Drama) by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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“No, he’s not in any hospital either.”

“Then where is he?  If he’s not at home or not in the hospital, then where could he be?  He’s not dead is he?  He didn’t already pass away from the leukemia, did he?  Is that what you want to tell me about him?”

“No, that didn’t happen either.”

“Well if he didn’t pass away, then where in the world is he?  Look kid, my family and I made an effort to come all the way here to this school so that the little boy who is dying of leukemia can meet me.  I took time out of my busy schedule to come here.  My parents and grandparents wasn’t even sure whether or not to let me even come here.  I had to beg and fuss with them to let me come here so that this little boy can have a chance to meet me.   I have no idea who this sick child is, never seen or met him before.  All I know is that when my family received a letter about a three year old boy who has leukemia, whose dying wish is for me to come to this school so that he can meet me, I was very touched by it.  I started to feel sorry for this little boy.  I became emotionally attached to him.  I even bought toys, stuffed animals, balloons, coloring books and fruit and brought them all here to this school for the little boy to brighten up his spirit before he dies and you’re telling me I can’t meet him, that he‘s not anywhere?  That’s ridiculous!  Listen kid, I came here to this school to grant this little boy his dying wish to meet me and that’s what I intend to do.  I am not leaving this school until Principal Cole search the school records and finds out who this little boy is.”

“What?  You’re not gonna leave the school until Principal Cole finds out who he is?”

“That’s right.”

“So you’re determined to find and meet the little boy who has leukemia?”

“Of course I am!  What else you think I came to this school for?  If it wasn’t for that letter my family received about this little boy’s dying wish to meet me, I would not even be here in the school in the first place!   Now what I need for you to do is show me where the Pre-Kindergarten classrooms are, so I can go near there, find the little boy’s picture or photo with his name on it hanging on the wall, then find out who this little boy is and hopefully find out where he is right now, so I can grant him his dying wish to meet me alright?  Let’s go.”  Diane D grabs Marcus by his right arm. 

Marcus turns his head away from Diane D and secretly whispers to himself, “Oh my God what have Richard and I done?”  Diane D starts to pull Marcus towards the edge of the hallway where the corner is.  Marcus tries to pull away from Diane D and says, “But you’re not gonna find the little boy’s picture or photo outside the Pre-Kindergarten classrooms Diane D.” 

“No?  Why not?  I need to see how he looks like!  I need to know where he is!  I need to find him!”

“But his picture or photo with his name on the wall won’t be outside the Pre-Kindergarten classrooms Diane D!  You’re not going to ever find his picture or photo there.”

“Oh yes I will.  I’m going to find out which kid he is.”

“You’re not going to find out which kid he is Diane D.”

“I will find out which kid he is.  Then I am going to go to wherever he is and have him meet me.”

“You will never be able to have the little boy meet you Diane D.”

Diane D stops and turns towards Marcus as she angrily points her finger at him and says, “Look kid, I will have this little boy meet me, okay?  I didn’t make a trip to this school for nothing.  Let‘s go.”  Diane D turns back forward and pulls on Marcus again.

Marcus tries to pull away from Diane D again and says, “I’m telling you Diane D, you’re not going to have the little boy meet you.”

Diane D stops and turns towards Marcus again, jerking his arm as she angrily points her finger at him again and firmly says, “Now look kid, this little boy’s dying wish is for me to come here to this school so he can meet me.  Now since I wasn’t able to find him downstairs in the auditorium, I am going to look for him outside the school.  I intend to make this little boy’s dying wish to meet me come true while he‘s still alive.  I don‘t intend on breaking his heart.  Now let‘s go.  Show me where the Pre-Kindergarten classrooms are!”  Diane D turns back forward and pulls on Marcus again.

Marcus tries to pull away from Diane D again and says, “But Diane D, you’re not going to find the little boy’s picture or photo hanging outside the Pre-Kindergarten classrooms!  I am positive his picture or photo won‘t be out there.”

Diane D stops and turns towards Marcus again and says, “Why should I listen to you?  You already told me that you don’t know where this little boy is.”

“I don’t know where the little boy is Diane D,” Marcus says.  Diane D turns back forward and pulls Marcus again as Marcus tries to pull away from her again and says, “All I know is that you’re not gonna find his picture or photo hanging outside the Pre-Kindergarten classrooms!”

Diane D stops and turns towards Marcus again as she angrily points her finger at him again and shouts, “Look!  I have toys, stuffed animals, gifts and fruit waiting right inside Principal Cole’s office for this little boy!   I am going to find him and bring those gifts to him!  Now let‘s go!”  Diane D turns back forward and angrily pulls Marcus forward again.

Marcus tries to pull away from Diane D again and cries, “You won’t find him Diane D.  You will never ever find or meet the little boy who has leukemia!  You will never ever even see the little boy who has leukemia!”

“I will never ever even see him?”


“What are you talking about I will never even see him?  You said he’s not dead yet, right?”

“No, he isn‘t dead!”

“Then for God’s sake, why will I never see the little boy who has leukemia?!”

“Because he doesn’t exist!” Marcus shouts.  Diane D stops in her tracks and shockingly looks at Marcus!   She shockingly stares at Marcus.  Marcus looks at Diane D as Diane D shockingly stares at him.  Marcus becomes nervous.  He then asks, “Are you okay Diane D?”  Diane D remains in a state of shock as she stares at Marcus.  Marcus asks again, “Are you okay?”

Diane D starts to tremble.  She then asks, “What do you mean he doesn’t exist?”

Marcus nervously says, “It was me and my brother who sent your family’s organization that letter about the little boy who has leukemia.  We made that story up!”  Diane D becomes more shocked as she stares at Marcus.  Marcus starts to tremble a little as he says, “My brother and I made that story up about the little boy who has leukemia, just so that your family can think it’s a charity event and let you come here to this school.  We‘re the ones who sent your family‘s organization that second letter and had you and your family think that letter came from this school!  The school had nothing to do with sending your family’s organization that last letter.  The last letter didn‘t come from the school at all, it was sent by me and my brother!  The only thing we did was put the school‘s return address on the envelope.  So the truth Diane D is, there is no little boy in this school who has leukemia.  There never was.” 

Diane D remains shocked.  She continues to stare at Marcus.  She then says, “You’re probably just saying that so I could let go of you.”

“No it’s true Diane D!  There is no little boy in this school who has leukemia!  No little boy at all!”

“Yes there is.  You’re probably just telling me that because someone probably put you up to telling me this, didn’t they?!”

“No!  No one put me up to telling you this Diane D!  Who would put me up to telling you this?!”

“Probably my husband or someone else in my family.”

“Your husband or someone else in your family?  Why would your husband or anybody else in your family put me up to telling you this?”

“Because they all felt that I was getting too emotionally attached to the little boy who has leukemia.  They all felt that I was becoming too emotionally involved with him and accused me of becoming obsessed with him.  My husband kept complaining that I was neglecting him.  Was it my husband who put you up to telling me this?  Did he secretly pay you to tell me this?”

“No!  Your husband didn’t pay me to tell you this!  It wasn’t your husband at all Diane D!”

“Was it someone else in my family?” 

“No!  It wasn’t anybody else in your family either!  Your husband and the rest of your family had nothing to do with this!  No one is paying me to tell you this!  I’m doing this completely on my own!  The little boy who has leukemia really doesn’t exist!  That‘s why Principal Cole and no one down in the auditorium seem to know who the little boy who has leukemia is, because he doesn‘t exist!  He was made up by me and my brother!”

Diane D remains in shock as she stares at Marcus.  She then says, “So you’re telling me, that you and your brother played me and my family?   You lied to us?!  You tricked us into coming to this school?!”

“Yes Diane D, I’m afraid we did.” 

Diane D continues to shockingly stare at Marcus.   She then throws Marcus’ arm back to him, letting go of his arm.  Marcus tightly holds his right arm in pain.  Diane D slowly backs away from Marcus shockingly staring at him.

Diane D continues to tremble.  She frighteningly looks around the dark, dim hallway. 

Marcus nervously looks at Diane D as he leans against the wall. 

Diane D continues to frighteningly look around the dark, dim hallway as she slowly backs away from Marcus.  She frighteningly looks back at Marcus.

Marcus puzzled looks at Diane D.  He then says, “I’m sorry Diane D!”

Diane D continues to tremble as she backs away from Marcus. 

“I‘m sorry Diane D!” Marcus says, “but I had to tell you the truth!  The little boy who has leukemia never existed!” 

Diane D stops in her tracks as her frightened look turns to sadness.  She starts to back further away from Marcus again.  She nods her head in disbelief as she looks at Marcus.

Marcus sadly looks at Diane D.  He then says, “That’s the reason why you will never see or meet the little boy who has leukemia!”  

Diane D stops in her tracks again still sadly staring at Marcus.  She continues to back further away from Marcus. 

Marcus then says, “I’m sorry Diane D, you need to know, the little boy who has leukemia never existed!”

Diane D stops in her tracks again.  Her eyes fill with tears as she sadly stares at Marcus. 

“I’m sorry Diane D!” Marcus cries.  “I didn’t want to do this!  I never wanted to send your family’s organization that false letter about the little boy who has leukemia, but my brother insisted on us doing it!  He insisted on sending that false letter to you and your family because he saw how bad I wanted to see you and have you come to this school!   When I saw how big this thing has gotten, I had to let you know the truth Diane D!  I had to tell you that the little boy who has leukemia never was!  He was never here!” 

Diane D’s eyes fill with more tears as she sadly stands there staring at Marcus.  She continues to back further away from him.   She nods her head in disbelief again as she sadly stares at Marcus.

“I’m sorry Diane D!” Marcus cries. 

Diane D continues to back further away from Marcus. 


Diane D then reaches all the way at the edge of the hallway at the corner where the other hallway is.  Suddenly, she stops in her tracks again.  She stands there at the edge of the hallway in the darkness sniffing and breathing heavy as she stares down the hallway at Marcus.  


Marcus remains in the middle of the dark, dim hallway still leaning on the wall as he puzzled looks down the edge of the hallway at Diane D.


Diane D continues to stand at the edge of the hallway breathing heavy, still staring down the hallway at Marcus.


Marcus continues to look down the edge of the hallway at Diane D.  He then asks, “Are you okay Diane D?!”


Diane D’s tears starts to dry as she continues to breathe heavy, still staring at Marcus.  Suddenly, her heavy breathing slows down.  The sadness on her face slowly starts to turn to a look of anger as she continues to stare down the hallway at Marcus.


Marcus puzzled looks down the edge of the hallway at Diane D as he continues to lean against the wall.  He calls out again, “Are you okay Diane D?!” 


Diane D’s tears are drying more.  Her heavy breathing slows down more as she continues to angrily stare down the hallway at Marcus. 


Marcus continues to stare down the hall at Diane D.  He then calls out again,  “Are you okay Diane D?!  Diane D are you okay?!” 


Diane D continues to stand there at the edge of the dark, dim hallway staring down the hallway at Marcus.  Her heavy breathing continues to slow down more.  Her tears continue to dry.  Her heavy breathing has completely slowed down as she stands at the edge of the dark and dim hallway angrily staring at Marcus.


Marcus continues to lean against the wall puzzled looking down the dark hallway at Diane D.

















Chapter 37


The Beast Within



Marcus remains in the middle of the dark, dim school hallway puzzled looking down the edge of the school hallway at Diane D.  He sees her still standing way down in the darkness not moving or doing anything.  He calls out to her, “Are you okay Diane D?!  Are you okay?!”  Marcus does not hear Diane D answering.  He continues to look down the edge of the dark, dim school hallway at Diane D.  He calls out to her again, “Are you okay Diane D?!  Are you okay?!”  Marcus still does not hear Diane D answering.  He still does not see her doing anything.  He then asks, “Aren’t you going to say anything Diane D?!  Aren’t going to say anything?!”  Marcus still does not hear Diane D responding.  He then shouts to her, “Please say something Diane D!  Say anything!”  Marcus still sees Diane D not responding.  He then says, “Okay Diane D, now that you know the truth about the little boy who has leukemia, I think I should go now!”  Marcus slowly gets from off the wall.  He slowly starts to walk down the long, dark, dim school hallway towards the edge of the corner where Diane D is.  He starts to get closer to the edge of the corner.  He then says, “Now that I got this confession off my chest Diane D, I’m going to leave now.”  He continues to walk down the dark school hallway.

Marcus is getting closer to the corner of the school hallway where Diane D is.  He becomes nervous.  He then says, “Okay, I gotta go now Diane D.”  Marcus continues to walk slowly down the dark, dim school hallway towards the edge of the corner.  He starts to get closer to the edge of the corner.


Marcus is now close to the corner of the school hallway where Diane D is.  He stops and nervously pauses for a few seconds.  He nervously looks at Diane D.

Diane D is still just standing there completely still like a mannequin, not moving at all as her angry eyes remain fixed on Marcus.

Marcus nervously looks his eyeballs away from Diane D and says, “Okay Diane D, I gotta go now.  See you later.  Good bye.”  Marcus is about to hurry around the corner pass Diane D. 

Suddenly, Diane D moves and quickly steps right into Marcus’ path blocking his way.

Marcus quickly steps back and backs away as he puzzled looks at Diane D.

The look of anger that was on Diane D’s face has disappeared as she stands there giving Marcus a firm hard stare having no expression on her face as her eyes suddenly appear puffier.

Marcus becomes shocked.  He then becomes frightened.  He continues to back away.  He nervously looks at Diane D again.  He then says to her, “I have to get home to my family Diane D.  If I don’t get home to my family, they’re gonna start looking for me, so, I have to go now.  Bye.”  Marcus stops and nervously pauses for a few seconds again.  He starts to hurry around the corner on the other side of Diane D.

Diane D turns and quickly steps right into Marcus’ path blocking his way again! 

Marcus quickly steps back and backs away again as he shockingly looks at Diane D. 

Diane D stands there blocking Marcus’ path again giving him a cold hard stare still having no expression on her face as her eyes remain puffier. 

Marcus becomes more frightened.  He starts to tremble.  He continues to back away as he nervously looks at Diane D.  He nervously says, “What do you want from me Diane D?  I said I was sorry.  What do you want?”   Marcus then stops as he nervously says, “Do you want me to confess to your family?   Is that what it is?  You want me to tell your family the truth about the little boy who has leukemia?  Okay, I have no problem with that.  I can go confess to your family.  So come on.  Let’s go to the principal’s office so I can confess to your family right now.”  Marcus slowly starts to walk towards the corner of the hallway again.  He nervously pauses again.  Then he starts to run on the other side of Diane D again!

Diane D turns again and quickly steps right into Marcus’ path again blocking his way again!  

Marcus quickly steps back and backs away again as he puzzled looks at Diane D.  He is about to cry a little as he continues to back away.  He stops again and nervously says, “Okay Diane D.  If you don’t want me to confess to your family about the little boy who has leukemia, at least let me go by.  I have to get home to my family.  So no matter what happens, I’m determined to go pass you.”  Marcus frighteningly pauses for a few seconds.  He suddenly runs towards the other side of Diane D again!

Diane D turns again and quickly steps right into Marcus’ path again as she jumps and tries to stomp on his feet, but Marcus quickly steps back causing Diane D to miss his feet as her foot stomps hard on the floor!   Marcus quickly backs away, shockingly looking at Diane D again. 

Diane D stands there firmly staring at Marcus as her eyes remain puffier! 

Marcus continues to back away.  He cries a little as he backs away.  He then stops and nervously says, “I have to be with my family Diane D!  They’re gonna come looking for me!  Your family is gonna come look for you too!  I have to get home to my family!”  Marcus frighteningly pauses for a few seconds again.  He suddenly runs towards the corner and tries to run on the other side of Diane D again!  

Diane D turns again and quickly steps right into Marcus’ path again!  She jumps, quickly spins her entire body around and kung-fu kicks Marcus, throwing his body hard against the wall near the corner of the hallway as he screams out in pain, “Aaaaah!”  Marcus falls to the floor and quickly holds his right arm and hand in agony!  “Aaaaah,” he screams out again.  He writhes on the floor in pain and starts to cry!  He painfully leans up against the wall and shockingly looks at Diane D again as he tightly holds onto his right arm and wrist!  He then looks at his right arm and wrist.  He sees that his right arm and wrist are bent backwards!  He becomes shocked and screams out, “Aaaaah!  Oh my God!”  He shockingly looks back at Diane D!  He realizes that she has broken his arm and wrist!  He cannot believe what she has done!  He shockingly stares at Diane D! 

Diane D just stands there firmly staring at Marcus showing no emotion. 

Marcus continues to shockingly stare at Diane D.  He sees that she is not playing.  He looks back at his broken arm and wrist and shouts, “Oh my God!”  He tightly holds his right arm and wrist in pain again and screams out, “Aaaaah!”   He shockingly looks back at Diane D.  He leans from off the wall near the corner of the hallway and slowly backs away from her!  He backs further away towards the middle of the long dark hallway shockingly looking at Diane D as he nods his head in disbelief.  He nervously turns his head away from Diane D and looks towards the end of the hallway where the large window and exit sign that leads to the back stairwell are.  He turns his head back forward and frighteningly looks back at Diane D.  He nervously turns his head back around and looks back towards the end of the hallway again as he continues to back away from Diane D. 


Marcus turns his head back forward and looks back at Diane D who is now standing several yards away from him.  He suddenly stops and pauses for a few seconds.  He takes a quick look at Diane D, then he quickly turns around and dashes the other way! 


Suddenly, Diane D gives chase and charges after Marcus!  She chases Marcus down the dark school hallway! 


Marcus tries to run for the stairwell exit at the end of the hallway!

Diane D quickly catches up to Marcus, then she jumps and flips her entire body into a horizontal position and drop-kicks Marcus with both feet hard across his back, knocking his small body down hard to the floor!  “Aaaaah!” Marcus screams as his body rolls down the hallway!