DIANE D (the Musical Drama) by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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“She’s not out there,” Michael says. 

“She’s not?!” Mary asks.


“Well what about that little kid who was out in the hallway waiting for her?” Marilyn asks.  “Where is he?  Is he still out there?”

“No I don’t see him out there either.  I guess he went home.”

“Then where is Diane?” Tonio asks.

“I don’t know.  She’s not in the restroom.  I knocked on the female restroom door then I opened the door and called her name out.  I didn‘t get any answer.”

Mary stands up and says, “Well let me call her cell phone and find out where she is.”  Mary pulls her cell phone out of her pocket.   She starts to dial the numbers on the cell phone.


Back around the corner of the other hallway on the other side of the building, Marcus continues to cry hard in the dark, dim school hallway as he sits helpless and painfully on the floor leaning his upper body against the wall frighteningly looking away from Diane D as he looks towards the window at the end of the hallway.  Suddenly, he hears a different cell phone ring tone.  He stops crying and anxiously turns his head around towards the sound.  He looks at Diane D’s pants pocket and sees a small light shining from her pants pocket.  He hears the ring tone coming from there.  He realizes that her cell phone is ringing!  He frighteningly looks at Diane D.


Diane D continues to stand there in a trance like state, giving an eerie blank stare towards Marcus as her face remains eerily pale and her eyes remain eerily puffier and half closed as her cell phone rings. 


Marcus frighteningly asks, “Aren’t you going to answer your cell phone Diane D?  That’s probably your family calling you.  They’re probably looking for you too, wondering where you are.  They’re probably wondering why you haven’t come back to the principal’s office yet.” 


Diane D does not pick up or answer her cell phone.  She continues to stand there in a trance like state as the pale eerie, puffy eye appearance remain on her face.  Her cell phone continues to ring.


Marcus anxiously looks back towards Diane D’s cell phone.  He anxiously stares towards Diane D’s cell phone.  He frighteningly looks back at Diane D.  He then shouts, “Diane D aren’t you going to answer your cell phone?  That’s your family looking for you!  Answer your phone!” 


Diane D does not respond.  She continues to stand there in a trance like state as her cell phone continues to ring. 


Marcus anxiously looks towards Diane D’s cell phone again.  He then looks at Diane D again.  He painfully stands as he leans his upper body on the wall.  He then removes himself from off the wall as his upper body remains bent forward.  He bends in the middle of the walls again several yards in front of Diane D.  He nervously gets a little closer to Diane D.  He painfully holds his left arm and two fingers out towards Diane D again.  He then moves his arm and fingers across the air side to side back and forth as he continues to frighteningly stare at Diane D. 


Diane D continues to stand there in a trance like state glaring towards the window in the back of the hallway as her cell phone continues to ring.


Marcus frighteningly looks towards Diane D’s cell phone as it rings.  He painfully tries to ease towards Diane D’s cell phone.  He becomes more nervous and starts to tremble as he slowly eases towards Diane D, getting closer to her cell phone.  He stands a few yards in front of Diane D.  Then he tests Diane D and painfully goes all the way to his right. 

Diane D stands there as her head turns to her left following Marcus.

Marcus reaches the wall on the side of the hallway.  He painfully leans against the wall.   

Diane D stands there with her head to her left looking right at Marcus as her cell phone continues to ring. 

Marcus turns his head and frighteningly looks at Diane D.  He sees that her head and eyes has followed him.  He tests Diane D again and painfully goes towards the wall on the opposite side of the hallway. 

Diane D stands there as her head turns and follows Marcus. 

Marcus reaches the wall on the opposite side of the hallway.  He painfully leans against that wall. 

Diane D stands there with her head to her right looking right at Marcus as her cell phone continues to ring. 

Marcus frighteningly looks at Diane D again.  He sees that her head and eyes has followed him again.  He tests Diane D again and painfully goes back towards the wall on the opposite side of the hallway again.

Diane D just stands there as her head turns and follows Marcus.

Marcus reaches the wall on the opposite side of the hallway again.  He painfully leans against that wall again.

Diane D continues to stand there with her head towards her left again looking right at Marcus again as her cell phone continues to ring. 

Marcus nervously looks back at Diane D.  He sees that her head and eyes has still followed him.  He anxiously looks back towards her cell phone as it continues to ring.  He nervously gets from off the wall and eases towards Diane D’s cell phone.  Suddenly, Diane D‘s cell phone stops ringing.  Marcus anxiously looks towards Diane D’s cell phone.  He sadly stares at it.  He starts to cry again as he slowly backs away from Diane D and leans back against the wall.  He slides his body across the wall again moving himself further away from Diane D.


Back inside the principal’s office, Mary takes her cell phone away from her ear.  She turns to the others and says, “She’s not answering.”  Everyone puzzled looks at Mary.  Mary tucks her cell phone away and says, “I’m gonna go check the restroom and see if she’s in there now.”

“I already knocked on the female restroom door Mom,” Michael says.  “I opened the door and poked my head inside.  I called Diane‘s name twice.  I didn‘t hear any answer.”

“Well maybe she wasn’t in the restroom when you checked in there, but she might be in there now.  I’m gonna go all the way inside the female restroom and check.”

“I’ll come with you Mary,” Marilyn says as she gets up from the chair.

Mary turns to Barry, Tonio and Michael and says, “You guys stay here just in case Diane comes back.”

“Okay Mary,” Barry says. 

Mary heads towards the door as Marilyn follows her.  She approaches the door and opens it.  She walks out of the principal’s office as Marilyn walks out behind her.  


Mary and Marilyn step out into the dark, dim school hallway.  They turn to their left and head down the hallway.  “Diane?” Mary calls out.  Mary and Marilyn walk towards the corner of the hallway.  They turn right and go around the corner. 


Mary and Marilyn walk down the other dark and dim hallway.  Marilyn looks to the side and says, “Aqui esta el bano de las ninas.” 

Mary looks to the side and sees the female restroom.  She turns to Marilyn and says, “Dejenos comprobar en alli.”  Mary and Marilyn turn and head towards the female restroom.  They reach the female restroom and open the door.  They go inside the restroom. 


Mary and Marilyn enter inside the female restroom.  They look around as Mary calls out, “Diane?!”

“Diane?!” Marilyn calls out.  Marilyn and Mary open the stall doors.  They do not see Diane D anywhere.  They turn to each other as Marilyn says, “Ella no esta aqui.”

“Donde puede ella ser?” Mary says.  “No me digas que esa mujer ha desaparecido otra vez.”

“Quizas ella fuera del edificio.  Probablemente, ella nos quedamos fuera del edificio una vez que el cabrito se fue a su casa.”

“Supongo que tenemos que comprobar exterior.  Venga, Vamos a ir.”  Mary and Marilyn turn and head towards the door.


Mary and Marilyn enter back into the dark, dim school hallway.  They look towards the double doors.  “Vamos comprobar esa parte del pasillo,” Mary says.

Mary and Marilyn turn and walk towards the double doors.  They approach the double doors.  They look through the narrow glass windows and see the hallway on the other side.  They see that part of the hallway dark and dim also.  They try to open the double doors.  The double doors do not budge.  They are still locked.  Mary and Marilyn are unable to open the double doors.  “Las puertas se cierran con llave,” Mary says.  “No se abriran.”  Mary and Marilyn look through the narrow glass windows again.  They try to open the double doors again.  They are unable to open the double doors.

Marilyn turns to Mary and says, “Ella esta probablemente fuera del edificio Mary.  No hay nadie en que parte del pasillo.  Esa seccion del pasillo esta cerrado.”

“Tienes razon Marilyn.  Supongo que podemos ir cheque fuera del edificio.”  Mary and Marilyn take one last look through the narrow glass windows.  They do not see anything suspicious.  They turn and walk away from the double doors.  


Back inside the principal’s office, Barry is worriedly pacing back and forth.  Mary and Marilyn soon enter back inside the principal’s office.  Barry anxiously turns to them and asks, “Did you two find Diane in the restroom?”

“No,” Mary says.  “She’s not in the restroom either or anywhere else in the hallway.  I’m going to go downstairs and check outside.”

“No Mary, the fellas and I will go downstairs outside the building and look for Diane.  You and Marilyn stay here just in case Diane comes back.”

“Okay Barry.”

Barry turns to Michael and Tonio and says, “Come on guys.”  Barry turns back forward and heads towards the door.  Michael and Tonio get up off the chairs.  They go towards the door.  Barry goes out the door as Michael and Tonio follow out the door behind him.


It is around 11:40pm.  It is dark and slightly windy outside the school building as Barry, Michael and Tonio walk away from the front entrance of the school building towards the sidewalk. 


Barry, Michael and Tonio reach the sidewalk.  They look around the area.  It is isolated around the school area.  The eerie sounds of crickets are being heard all over the place.  All the school windows on the second and third floors are completely dark.  Barry then says, “Let’s turn this way.”  Barry, Michael and Tonio turn to the left and walk down the sidewalk in front of the school building.  They all look around the area as they walk down the sidewalk. 

Barry, Michael and Tonio walk towards the street corner.  They see no sign of Diane D. 

Barry, Michael and Tonio reach the street corner and stop as they hear the eerie sounds of the crickets.  Barry turns to Tonio and Michael and says, “Well she’s not out here.”

“And she’s not in the principal’s office or in the restroom,” Tonio says.  “Where could she be?”

“We probably shouldn’t have left her out in the hallway alone with that kid who was there waiting for her,” Michael says.

“But it was that kid’s idea in the first place to have himself and Diane be alone.  That kid did say he wanted to talk to Diane in private.”

“Well I hope whoever this kid is didn’t set Diane up or anything like that,” Barry says.  “For all we know, he could’ve had Diane set up and probably had her lured somewhere and someone else probably came along to get Diane to get back at her for all those people she attacked in the past.”

“Oh let’s not think like that Dad,” Michael says.

“Why not?   A lot of people did know that Diane was coming to this school tonight.  I mean do any of you know anything about this kid that you saw waiting for Diane outside the principal’s office?”

“No, none of us know anything about that kid.  We only saw him waiting for Diane outside the principal‘s office.”

“Did any of you get his name or find out who he is?”

“No,” Tonio says.  “We never found out who that kid is Barry, but I do know one thing.  That kid appeared nervous as hell about something.”

“He seemed nervous as hell?  And why was he nervous?  He probably knew something was up.  That nervous behavior was probably an act!”

“I don’t know if his nervous behavior was an act or not Dad,” Michael says, “but I know one thing, I’m going to call Diane’s cell phone right now.  Hopefully she‘ll pick up this time.”  Michael reaches into his pocket.  He pulls his cell phone out of his pocket.  He then says, “For all we know, Diane could just be somewhere running her mouth.  That‘s something she‘s good at doing you know.”  Michael looks down and dials the numbers on his cell phone as Barry and Tonio look at him. 


Back upstairs on the dark third floor school hallway around the corner on the other side of the building, Marcus continues to cry as he sits helpless on the floor with the side of his body against the wall frighteningly looking away from Diane D as he looks towards the large window at the end of the hallway.  He suddenly hears Diane D’s cell phone ringing again.  He stops crying and anxiously turns his head towards Diane D who is still standing several yards away from him.  He anxiously looks towards her cell phone again as it rings.  Then he anxiously looks at Diane D.  


Diane D continues to stand there in a trance like state, giving an eerie blank stare towards Marcus with her face remaining eerily pale and her eyes remaining eerily puffy and half closed as her cell phone continues to ring. 


Marcus anxiously says, “Your cell phone is ringing again Diane D.”


Diane D does not respond.  She continues to stand there in a state of trance, staring towards Marcus as her cell phone continues to ring. 


Marcus nervously looks at Diane D again.  He then says, “Your cell phone is ringing again Diane D, please answer your cell phone, your family is looking for you!”


Diane D does not respond.  She continues to stand there in a state of trance, staring towards Marcus as her cell phone continues to ring. 


Marcus nervously looks at Diane D again.  He painfully stands as he is bent forward.  He slides his body against the wall and tries to ease towards Diane D again.  He trembles as he gets closer to Diane D. 


Diane D continues to stand there in a state of trance with her puffy eyes half closed staring towards Marcus as her cell phone continues to ring. 

Marcus is now close to Diane D again.  He pauses for several seconds.  He painfully holds his left arm and hand out towards Diane D’s pants pocket.  He trembles as he tries to reach for Diane D’s cell phone.  As he is about to grab Diane D’s cell phone, suddenly, Diane D jumps, spins her entire body around and kung-fu kicks Marcus right in the chest and abdominal area, throwing his tiny body a couple of feet into the air!!   “Aaaaah!” Marcus screams as his body is thrown in the air!


Marcus’ body slams several yards away against the wall again!  “Aaaaah!” Marcus screams as his body lands hard on the floor again!   “Aaaaaaahh!” he screams again. 


Diane D takes a stand giving an eerie blank stare towards Marcus, still showing no emotion as her cell phone continues to ring!  


“Aaaah!” Marcus screams out again as he writhes on the floor in pain, holding his body in agony!   “Aaaaah!” he screams out again as he starts to cry!   He painfully turns his body over with his face sweating and mouth slightly bleeding.  He painfully holds his ribs as he slowly tries to sit up leaning the side of his body and head against the wall.  He frighteningly looks at Diane D again as her cell phone constantly rings.  He cries and shouts, “Don’t you hear your cell phone Diane D?!  Please, answer it!”   


Diane D still does not respond.   She continues to stand there in a state of trance, giving a pale eerie blank stare towards Marcus as her cell phone continues to ring.


Marcus then shouts, “For God’s sake please respond to your phone Diane D, answer it!” 


Diane D still does not respond.   She continues to stand there in a trance as her cell phone continues to ring.


Marcus slowly tries to stand.   He still is not able to stand up straight due to the intense pain.  He stands with his upper body bent forward as he tightly holds his upper body and wrist in pain.  He constantly hears Diane D’s cell phone ringing.  He becomes angry and shouts, “Dammit Diane D respond to your phooone!”  Marcus nervously stares at Diane D.  


Diane D still does not respond.   She continues to stand there in a state of trance as her cell phone continues to ring.


Marcus anxiously turns around as his upper body remains bent forward.  He painfully reaches for a yellow pail that is on the floor close to him.  He grabs the yellow pail with his left hand and angrily shouts, “Can you respond to this!”  Marcus angrily throws his left arm and tosses the yellow pail right at Diane D!


Diane D does not move or blink as the yellow pail flies right by her face, almost hitting her face!  She continues to stand there in a state of trance, not moving at all, giving an eerie blank stare towards Marcus as the pail falls and drops on the floor behind her!  Her cell phone continues to ring.


Marcus painfully turns around as his upper body remains bent forward.  He reaches for another yellow pail that is close by.  He turns back towards Diane D and shouts, “Can you respond to this!”  Marcus angrily throws and tosses the yellow pail right at Diane D!


Diane D does not move or blink as the yellow pail hits her right smack in her neck and chest!  She remains in a state of trance, giving a cold blank stare towards Marcus as the pail falls and drops on the floor near her feet. 


Marcus shockingly holds his hand over his mouth as he looks at Diane D seeing no response from her.  He starts to tremble again as he shockingly stares at Diane D.  He slowly starts to back away from her as her cell phone continues to ring.  Marcus painfully turns around and reaches for a tin garbage pail that is close by!  He turns back towards Diane D and shouts, “Can you respond to this?!”  Marcus angrily throws and tosses the tin garbage pail right at Diane D!


Diane D does not move or blink as the large tin garbage pail hits her hard right smack in her face!  She continues to stand there in a trance as the tin garbage pail falls and drops on her feet then hits the floor. 


Marcus shockingly holds his hand over his mouth again as he looks at Diane D seeing her not responding to the blow.  He then shouts, “My God Diane D what is wrong with you, why don’t you respooond?!”  Marcus angrily looks at Diane D.  He slowly continues to back away from Diane D as his body remains bent forward.  He puzzled looks at Diane D as her cell phone continues to ring.  Then he painfully turns around again and reaches for a tin garbage can lid that is close by!  He turns back towards Diane D and shouts, “Can you respond to this?!”  Marcus angrily throws and tosses the tin garbage can lid right at Diane D!


Diane D does not move or blink as the tin garbage can lid hits her right smack in her abdominal!  Diane D continues to stand there in a trance as the tin garbage can lid falls and drops on the floor near her feet! 


Marcus shockingly holds his hand over his mouth again as he looks at Diane D still seeing her not responding.


Diane D’s cell phone suddenly stops ringing.


Marcus anxiously looks towards Diane D’s pants pocket.  Then he sadly looks towards her cell phone.  He angrily shouts, “My God Diane D, why didn’t you answer your phone?!  That was your family calling you again looking for you!”   Marcus worriedly looks at Diane D!  He then shouts, “Please wake up Diane D!  Please wake uuup!”  Marcus slowly continues to back away from Diane D.  He is tired and in pain as he slowly backs away from Diane D.  Suddenly, he hears Diane D’s cell phone ringing again!   He anxiously looks at Diane D’s cell phone again!  He anxiously looks at Diane D!


Diane D continues to stand there in a trance staring towards Marcus as her cell phone rings.


Marcus shouts, “That’s your family calling you again Diane D!  Please answer your phone!”


Diane D does not respond.  She continues to stand there in a trance staring towards Marcus as her cell phone continues to ring. 


Marcus shouts, “Dammit Diane D answer your phone!”