DIANE D (the Musical Drama) by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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“What!” everyone else says. 

“So what is Diane D’s family saying?!” Principal Cole says.  “Are they saying that Diane D doesn’t know or remember anything just before she got back into the van with them?”

“That’s right!” the hospital security guard says.  “They said Diane D doesn‘t even remember getting into the van!  They said she woke up and found herself already in the van riding with them!”

“What!” everyone else says. 

“Are they saying that Diane D doesn’t even remember herself kicking and banging the school lobby door wide open, then bursting into the school lobby yelling and cursing at Marcus acting like she was about to attack Marcus right there while he was laying in the stretcher?!” Principal Cole says. 

“Diane D’s family is claiming that Diane D doesn’t remember that part either!” the hospital security guard says. 

“She doesn’t?” Officer Martell says. 

“No!  They said Diane D is claiming that she never saw Marcus in a stretcher!”

“What!” Jessica, Vanessa and the police officer say.

“Diane D told her family that she never saw Marcus in a stretcher?” Principal Cole asks.

“That’s right!” the hospital security guard says.  “They also said Diane D is claiming that she never even saw Marcus in the school lobby at all because Diane D is claiming to her family that she doesn’t remember ever being in the school lobby!”

“Diane D is claiming to her family that she doesn’t remember being in the school lobby?!”

“Yeah!  She even asked her family if Marcus was in a stretcher, why was he in it!   She asked her family what happened to Marcus!”

“What!” everybody says.

“She asked her family what happened to Marcus?” Principal Cole asks.  “She doesn’t know what happened to Marcus?”

“No!” the hospital security guard says.  “Her family told her Marcus’ arm and wrist got broken and he was bleeding, that‘s why he‘s laying in a stretcher!  Then Diane D’s family said she became shock then asked her family how did Marcus’ arm and wrist get broken and how did he wind up bleeding!”

“What!” everybody says.

“She asked her family how did Marcus’ arm and wrist get broken and how did he wind up bleeding?” Principal Cole asks.  “She doesn’t know how Marcus’ arm and wrist got broken or how he wind up bleeding?!”

“No!” the hospital security guard says.

“But she was the last person seen with Marcus!”

“She still doesn’t know how Marcus’ arm and wrist got broken or how he wind up bleeding!  She still doesn’t know what happened to him!  Diane D’s family claimed when they told Diane D that Marcus claim he fell down the stairs while he was running from her, she became shocked and wondered why would Marcus be running from her!  She told her family she might have gotten angry when Marcus confessed the truth to her about the little boy who has leukemia, but she wasn‘t chasing him!”

“She told her family she wasn’t chasing Marcus?!”

“That’s what they said!  When Diane D’s family told her about her behavior in the school lobby, kicking and banging the lobby door wide open then bursting into the lobby yelling and cursing at Marcus acting like she was about to attack Marcus right there while he was in the stretcher, she looked at all of them like they were crazy, then got upset with her family and told her family that she would never in her life attack or harm a kid!”

“What!” Officer Martell says.  “Diane D is telling her family that she would never in her life attack or harm a child?”

“That’s what they said!  They said Diane D doesn’t believe she behaved like that, kicking and banging the school lobby door wide open then charging at Marcus!   She thinks her family is lying!”

“What?” Principal Cole says.  “Diane D thinks her family is lying about her behavior in the school lobby?”


“Why does she think her family would lie about something like that?!”

“Because Diane D said she would never in her life attack or harm a kid!  She claims to her family even though she got angry when she found out Marcus and his brother played her and her family by lying to them, she would never in her life attack or harm Marcus because he’s a child!”  Everybody puzzled looks at each other.  The hospital security guard then says, “Diane D‘s family also said, that when Diane D first got back into the van with them right after they all left that elementary school, she was so mad and so angry that she swung her fist and punched the dashboard of the family van in and wind up breaking it!”

“What!” everyone else says.

“She punched the dashboard of her family’s van in and wind up breaking it!” Officer Martell asks.

“Yes!” the hospital security guard says.  “Now her family has to get the dashboard replaced!”

“What!” everyone else says.

“They have to replace the dashboard?!” Officer Martell asks.

“Yes!” the hospital security guard says. 

“Why can’t they just get it fixed?!”

“They said it’s beyond repair!  They said Diane D damaged it so bad!  They said when they got Diane D to the other hospital and told her about her behavior inside the van, telling her that she punched the dashboard in and broke it, she looked at all of them like they were crazy again and told them she never punched or broke any dashboard!”

“I don’t believe this!  You mean to tell us that Diane D does not remember breaking her family’s dashboard?!”

“No, she does not remember doing that either!”

Everybody puzzled looks at each other again.  Principal Cole then says, “You know this whole entire thing is a mystery!  Marcus and Diane D go off somewhere in the school.  Marcus makes a shocking confession to Diane D about the little boy who has leukemia telling Diane D that the little boy who has leukemia does not exist, telling Diane D that the kid who has leukemia never existed, then telling her that it was him and his brother who sent her family that phony letter.  Diane D becomes shocked then angry hearing the news.  Marcus and Diane D disappear for a while.  Marcus’ family calls his cell phone, he doesn’t pick up or answer his cell phone.  Diane D’s family calls her cell phone, SHE doesn’t pick up or answer her cell phone either!  The next thing we know, is that both Marcus and Diane D are mysteriously hurt, injured and bleeding and both wind up in the hospital!  Marcus’ family is wondering if Diane D beat Marcus up, Diane D’s family is wondering if Marcus beat DIANE D up!  We’re not able to get an answer from either Marcus or Diane D right now because Marcus is unconscious and Diane D doesn’t seem to remember a thing!  There’s only a few things I can figure out!”

“What’s that Principal Cole?” Officer Martell asks.

“Either Diane D got angry at Marcus when she learned that Marcus and his brother sent her family that phony letter about the little boy who has leukemia then she and Marcus get into a serious physical fight, or there was a mysterious third person who came along on that third floor school hallway and beat both Diane D and Marcus up, or we have a major split personality case on our hands!”

“What!” everyone else says.

“A major split personality case?!” Jessica and Vanessa asks.

“Sounds like a possibility!” Principal Cole says.

“What do you mean a major split personality case Principal Cole?!” Vanessa asks.

“Well Diane D’s family is saying, that Diane D doesn’t remember her behavior inside that school lobby when she kicked and banged the school lobby door wide open, burst into the school lobby and acted like she was about to attack Marcus right there while he was laying in the stretcher!  Her family, the security guards, Officer Martell, the paramedics and I all witnessed her behavior inside that school lobby, yet she doesn‘t remember it and thinks her family is lying about it!  Diane D’s family is also saying, that Diane D doesn’t remember her behavior inside the van when she took her fist and punched the dashboard in and wind up breaking it!  Her family witnessed her behavior inside the van, yet she doesn‘t remember it and thinks her family is lying about that too!  I’m wondering if there is anything else that Diane D might have done after she got angry at Marcus and not remember it!  I have to find out what hospital Diane D’s family took her to.  I need to get in touch with her family right now and find out what the hell is going on and find out why is Diane D all of a sudden having a mysterious memory laps!  I‘ll be back.”  Principal Cole, Officer Martell and the hospital security guard take one sad look at Marcus.  Principal Cole turns to Officer Martell and the hospital security guard and tells them, “Let’s go.”  Principal Cole, Officer Martell and the hospital security guard hurry towards the door and hurry out of it.


Outside another hospital, Principal Cole and Officer Martell hurry into the emergency room entrance.  


Upstairs in the hospital hallway, a different male white hospital security guard leads Principal Cole and Officer Martell to one of the rooms.  Nicolas, Mickey and Diane D’s angry relatives are standing outside the hospital room fussing with each other.  The security guard approaches Diane D’s family and relatives with Principal Cole and Officer Martell.  Diane D’s family and relatives turn to the security guard as the security guard says to them, “Hi Diaz-Davidson Family.  This is Principal Cole from the elementary.” 

Nicolas, Mickey and the rest of Diane D’s relatives look at Principal Cole as Nicolas angrily shouts, “What happened to Diane Principal?!”

“Yeah!” Mickey angrily shouts.  “Why is our sister all cut up and bruised?!”

“I don’t know,” Principal Cole says.  “That’s what we came here for to find out.”

“Well my parents and grandparents are inside the room with Diane,” Nicolas says.  “Come with me.”  Nicolas and Mickey turn and go into the hospital room as Principal Cole and Officer Martell follow in behind them.


Inside the hospital room, Mary, Barry, Margarita, Tomas, Marilyn, Tonio, Nancy, Charlotte, Michael and Aunt Celeste stand around Diane D’s hospital bed crying and worriedly looking at Diane D as Diane D lays chest up in the hospital bed unconscious with her face to the side with eyes still swollen and still puffy and a still bruised face with some bandages around it.  Nicolas and Mickey approach Mary, Barry, Margarita and Tomas as Nicolas says, “Mom, Dad, Grandma and Grandpa, the school principal is here.” 

Mary, Barry, Margarita, Tomas, Marilyn, Tonio, Michael and Aunt Celeste turn and look at Principal Cole as Mary cries and shouts, “What the hell happened to my child Principal Cole?!”

“That’s right!” Barry cries and shouts.  “We let Diane out of our sight and this is what happens?!”

Margarita cries and shouts, “Principal Cole, we agreed to let Diane come to your school because we received a letter about a three year old boy who has leukemia whose dying wish is to meet her and she winds up in the hospital for it?!” . 

Tomas cries and shouts, “Is this the thanks we get for letting Diane come to your school after we received that letter about the little boy who has leukemia Principal Cole?!  Is this the thanks SHE gets for being concerned about the little boy who has leukemia, then coming all the way to your school to grant this little boy his dying wish to meet her, then gets the shock of her life to find out that the little boy she felt sorry for and grew to love never existed?!”

“I understand that and I feel real bad about it!” Principal Cole says.

“We want to call the other hospital and speak to the boy who wanted to talk to Diane in private!” Nicolas shouts.  “We want to find out what the hell he did to Diane!”

“Yeah Principal Cole!” Michael cries and shouts.  “Diane was fine when we left her standing outside your office!  As soon as we find her again, her eyes are swollen, her face is puffy, bruised and bleeding, her neck is bruised, her chest is bruised, her stomach is bruised, her feet and toes are bruised and she doesn’t know or remember how she got these bruises?!”

“That’s right Principal Cole!” Tonio cries and shouts.  “Diane didn’t look like THIS when we left her standing outside your office!  So she had to have gotten injured or attacked somewhere inside your school!”

“All we know is that Diane disappears from your office with this kid Marcus, then winds up showing back up with these cuts and bruises all over herself and doesn‘t know how she got like this?!”

“Principal Cole,” Marilyn cries, “something obviously happened to Diane from the time we left her standing outside your office until the time we found her again!”

“That‘s right!” Mary cries and shouts.  “On our way to this hospital, Diane dosed off for several seconds, then woke right back up and felt pain all over her body!”

“Yeah,” Margarita cries and shouts.  “The pain all over her body was so bad that the doctors had to sedate her, so she can get some rest!”

“I’m so sorry for everything!” Principal Cole tearfully says.

“Sorry my foot!” Mary cries and shouts.  “Look at the bruises on her body!”  Mary and Margarita stand on opposite sides of Diane D’s hospital bed and turn towards Diane D.  They reach over to Diane D and pull her hospital sheet and blanket down.  They then open Diane D’s hospital shirt and gently unbutton the bottom of Diane D’s hospital shirt all the way up to the bottom of Diane D’s chest.  They open the bottom of Diane D’s hospital shirt all the way up to the bottom of Diane D’s silky light blue bustier.  They hold Diane D’s hospital shirt wide open baring her bruised six-pack abs as Diane D continues to lay unconscious.  Principal Cole and Officer Martell look at Diane D.  They see bruises on her belly, neck and face.  Mary and Margarita then lift the bottom of the hospital blanket off Diane D’s feet.  Principal Cole and Officer Martell look at Diane D’s feet and see thick bandages wrapped around her feet and toes with slight blood on it. 

“My God,” Principal Cole says.  “What happened to her feet?”

“Her feet might be broken!” Mary shouts

“Oh no!  How in the world would her feet get broken?!”

“The doctors believe something heavy probably dropped and fell on it!” Margarita shouts, “they don’t know for sure!”

“And she doesn’t know or remember how her feet got broken at all?!”

“No she does not know or remember!” Tomas shouts, “but she certainly wants to find out just like the rest of us!”

“My God!”  Principal Cole then sees Nicolas and Mickey at the head of Diane D’s hospital bed as Nicolas pats Diane D’s forehead and eyes with a damp cloth and Mickey pats Diane D’s neck with another damp cloth.  He then says, “I have no idea how this could have happened to her.”

“Well what did that kid in the other hospital say?!” Margarita cries.  “Did he ever say what happened to Diane?!”

“He’s not able to speak right now because the doctors over there have him sedated also.”

“Man if we knew all of this was going to happen, we would have never allowed for Diane to come to your school!” Tomas shouts.

“I am so sorry for what happened to her,” Principal Cole tearfully says.  “Is it true that she doesn’t remember anything from the time she was standing far away from Marcus on the third floor school hallway until the time she was riding in the van with you guys?”

“That’s right Principal Cole,” Mary shouts.  “Diane remembers nothing between those two points in time!  She remembers nothing at all!  All she remembers is one minute, she is standing far away from this kid Marcus right after he made that shocking confession to her!  The next minute, she finds herself already riding inside the van with us feeling aches and pain all over herself!”

“Sorry that this happened to her.  So you’re saying, she doesn’t even remember kicking the school lobby door wide open then bursting into the lobby cursing and swearing at Marcus like she was about to attack him while he was in the stretcher?!”

“That’s right Principal Cole!” Barry shouts, “Diane doesn’t remember that!  She doesn’t remember being in the lobby at all!  She said the last place she saw that kid Marcus was on the third floor school hallway!”

“My God.  You don’t think she lost her memory at that point, do you?!”

“We have no idea!  We sure hope not because this whole entire thing is fishy!”

“It sure is.” 

“Principal Cole, when we were inside your office, and Diane said she was ready to go down to the auditorium, we didn‘t want her to go down to the auditorium alone, so her mother and I made sure her husband, her aunt and her uncle went down to the auditorium with her to keep an eye on her, just in case something happens!  Even though her husband, her aunt and her uncle went down to the auditorium with her and she made it back from the auditorium safely even after all the children, parents and teachers were gone, something still managed to happen to her inside your school!”

“I’m so sorry all this happened to her.  I really am!  When will she wake back up?”

“As soon as the sedation wears off,” Margarita says as she and Mary puts the blanket back over Diane D’s feet.

“I don’t know what we’re going to do,” Mary cries as she and Margarita reach over to Diane D’s hospital shirt again and gently button Diane D’s shirt back up.  “Our organization has a show to perform soon and Diane can’t go out and perform in this condition!”

“Yeah we might have to cancel the show or just pull her out of it!” Barry says.

“I’m so sorry about this whole entire thing!” Principal Cole says.  “As soon as the sedation wears off Marcus, I’ll try to find out from him what really happened.  In the mean time, we‘re gonna have to go back to the school and investigate around the hallways and see if we can find out anything.”

“Okay Principal Cole.  We’re ready to go with you.”

“Yeah we need to find out what happened,” Tomas says.

“Okay,” Principal Cole says.  “Marcus’ family need to be there also.  I’m gonna call them and have them meet us at the school.”

Mary and Margarita replace the hospital sheet and blanket back over Diane D and tuck her back in.  Margarita then turns to Aunt Celeste, Nicolas, Mickey, Nancy and Charlotte and tells them, “Ustedes mantener un ojo en Diane mientras llegamos a la escuela para investigar.” 

“Bien la Abuela,” Nicolas, Mickey, Nancy and Charlotte say.

“Vamos a estar espalda derecha.”

“Bien la Abuela,” Nicolas and Mickey says. 

Mary, Margarita, Barry, Tomas, Tonio, Marilyn, Michael, Principal Cole and Officer Martell take another look at Diane D.  They sadly stare at Diane D.  Margarita turns to Mary, Barry, Tomas, Tonio, Marilyn, Michael, Principal Cole and Officer Martell and says , “Okay let’s go.”  Margarita and Mary come from around Diane D‘s hospital bed as they, Barry, Tomas, Tonio, Marilyn, Michael, Principal Cole and Officer Martell all turn and head towards the door.  Nicolas continues to pat Diane D’s forehead and eyes with a damp cloth as Mickey pats Diane D’s neck with the other damp cloth.


An hour later, Mary, Margarita, Barry, Tomas, Tonio, Marilyn, Michael, Principal Cole, Jessica, Vanessa, Richard, Officer Martell, some other police officers and the two school security guards are at the school on the third floor hallway where Marcus and Diane D were, this time with the main bright lights on.  They all look around the well lit hallway.   They see a mess in the hallway.  They see a pen, cell phone, calculator, yellow pails, a tin pail, a tin garbage can, a garbage can lid and two paint cans all on the floor with some paint spilled.  There is blood on the walls and on the floor.  “My God, what the heck happened up here?” one of the officers asks.  “It looks like a tiny war zone happened!  Did Diane D and that kid Marcus get caught up in the war zone that happened up here?!”

“It sure looks that way,” Principal Cole says. 

“My goodness!” Jessica says.  “Whose blood is that?”

“We don’t know,” Officer Martell says. “Marcus was the one who was bleeding.”

“But Marcus says he fell down the stairs,” Principal Cole says.  “If he got injured running down the stairwell, then how did his blood come up here on the third floor hallway on the walls and on the floor?”

“Maybe it’s not his blood.  Maybe it’s Diane D’s blood.  She did have blood on her face when she burst into the lobby downstairs.”

“Hey!” Richard says.  “There goes Marcus’ cell phone,” Richard says as he points to the cell phone on the floor.

“And his calculator,” Jessica says as she points to the calculator on the floor. 

“And his pen,” Vanessa says as she points to the pen on the floor.  Richard, Jessica and Vanessa go to pick up Marcus’ cell phone, calculator and pen.


Fifteen minutes later, Mary, Barry, Principal Cole and the two school security guards are inside the principal office surrounding Richard as Richard sits in the chair crying his eyes out shouting, “This is all my fault!” 

“Yeah go ahead and cry!” Mary shouts to Richard.  “You need to cry!”

“I’m very sorry!”

“You should be young man!” Barry shouts.  “You got our family here under false pretenses, sending us a phony letter about a child dying of leukemia!  We all got sort of suspicious, because when we responded to the first letter, saying that Diane cannot come to this school because she only performs for charity, a second letter about a sick child dying of leukemia whose dying wish is to meet Diane all of a sudden comes our way!”

“That’s right!” Mary shouts.  “We weren’t even gonna allow Diane to come here to this school even after the second letter, but she kept insisting when she read the letter about this sick child’s dying wish to meet her!   She wanted to meet this child too and hopefully meet this child’s family and invite them and the child over to our place for dinner!   But sadly for Diane, that will never happen!  You and your brother played with our emotions, especially, you played with our daughter‘s emotions, having her being emotionally attached to this child!”

“Yeah we all bought toys, stuffed animals, coloring books, balloons and fruit for this child and brought the stuff all the way here to the school, only to realize that ‘the kid who has leukemia’ never even existed, that it was all a hoax just to prey on all of our sympathy to get our daughter to come to this school!”

“You and your brother sent this phony letter and put this imaginary dying child right into our daughter’s heart, then you and your brother ripped the dying child right out of her heart, crushing her heart by telling her that the little boy she started to feel sorry for then grew to love and care about doesn‘t even exist!  I don’t take kindly to anybody breaking my child‘s heart.  I don‘t take kindly to that at all.”

“Please Ma‘am,” Richard says.  “My brother and I didn’t mean to break your daughter’s heart!  We didn’t mean to break her heart at all!  We only wanted her to know the truth!”

“You wouldn’t have had to break our daughter’s heart if you and your brother had not put this imaginary dying child into her heart in the first plac