DIANE D (the Musical Drama) by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Back up on the third floor hallway, Diane D reaches the stairwell exit doors as her feet practically slides past the door from the running!   Then she quickly spins her entire body around and angrily kung-fu kicks the door wide open causing a loud ‘BANG‘! 


Marcus is running and rolling down the second flight of stairs as he frighteningly looks up and screams then hears heavy footsteps jumping and charging down the first flight of stairs after him!  He screams even more as he reaches the second floor landing!  He frighteningly runs and rolls down the third flight of stairs as he continues to scream!  He reaches the bottom of the third flight of stairs then runs and rolls down the fourth flight of stairs! 


Marcus reaches the first floor landing as he continues to cry and scream!  He quickly runs to the first floor stairwell doors!  He opens the stairwell doors and painfully runs out into the first floor back exit as his body remains bent forward! 

Marcus rushes to the first floor double doors!  He pulls one of the doors open and runs right into the first floor hallway as the double doors close behind him!


Marcus is slowly running in the dark, dim first floor hallway crying, screaming and bleeding with his body still bent forward painfully holding his right wrist and side as he continues to run!  He sees the double doors way down the front end of the hallway opened.  He turns his head around and frighteningly looks back towards the back double doors!  He turns his head back forward and continues to run!  He sees the two black male security guards rush through the opened front double doors and rush to him!  Marcus slowly runs towards them shouting, “Help me!  Help me please!”  Marcus is about to pass out and collapse as the security guards quickly reach him and grab him!  The security guards see Marcus bleeding!  They see his right arm and wrist bent backward as one of them shouts, “Oh my God, what in the world happen to you?!”

“It’s Diane D!” Marcus cries and shouts.

“Diane D?!” both security guards shout. 

“What about her?!” the second security guard shouts.

“She’s after me!” Marcus cries and shouts.

“She’s after you?!” the first security guard shouts.  “What in the world are you talking about Diane D is after you?!  How can she be after you?!  Why would she be after you?!  Weren’t you the one standing and waiting for her outside the principal’s office?”


“So what happened after we walked away from you guys?” the second security guard says.

“I had confessed something to her!” 

“You had confessed something to Diane D?” the first guard says. 


“That’s why you wanted to talk to her in private, because you wanted to confess something to her?”


“Well what did you confess to her that is making her want to come after you?”

“I can’t say!”

“You can’t say?”


“Well what happened after you confessed something to her?”

“She got upset then she got angry!”

“She got upset then she got angry?”


“Did she hurt you?!”

“No, she didn’t hurt me!”

“She didn’t hurt you?”


“Then how in the world did your arm and wrist get broken like this?!  How did you get blood all over yourself?!”

“I fell down the stairs while I was running, trying to get away from Diane D!”

“You fell down the stairs?!  That’s how your arm and wrist got broken?!  That‘s why you‘re bleeding?!”


“My God, it looks more like you got ran over by a car or something!  Are you sure you didn‘t get run over by a car?!”

“No I didn’t get run over by a car or anything!  I wasn’t outside!  I actually fell down the stairs!”

“Wow, you must have fell down the stairs pretty hard to get a broken arm and wrist and get blood all over yourself!  My God this don‘t make any sense!  I don’t understand how can Diane D get upset then be after you, when she had just performed for the children in the auditorium?!”

“I don‘t understand it myself!” the second security guard says.  “We saw Diane D’s husband, her father and her uncle heading out the building a little while ago!  They asked us have we seen Diane D!  We told them we never saw Diane D leave the building, then they went out the building to look for her, then they came back in the building and went back up to the principal’s office!  Where did you see Diane D?!”

“The last time I saw her, she was coming after me on the third floor hallway!” Marcus cries and shouts, “then I turned, ran into the stairwell and ran down the staircase!  When I reached the second flight of steps, I heard the third floor stairwell door bang open, then I heard her footsteps jumping and charging down the staircase after me!”

“You heard Diane D’s footsteps jumping and charging down the staircase after you?  That staircase back there?” the security guard asks as he points down the end of the first floor hallway. 


The security guards turn their heads and anxiously look towards the end of the dark first floor hallway where the back double doors that lead to the back stairwell are.  They do not see any sign of Diane D or anyone else coming.  The security guards turn back to Marcus as the second security guards asks, “Isn’t Diane D’s family still inside the principal’s office?!”

“Yeah they should be!” Marcus cries and shouts.  “As far as I know, they’re still in there!”

“Are they aware of Diane D coming after you?”

“No!  They were in the principal‘s office!  I think they were calling Diane D looking for her, because her cell phone kept ringing, but she never picked up or answered her cell phone!”

“She never picked up or answered her cell phone when it was ringing?”

“No, she just ignored it!”

“How come?”

“I don’t know!  All she kept doing was staring right at me like she was in a trance or something after I made a confession to her!”

“What?  Diane D kept staring at you like she was in a trance after you made a confession to her?”


“Wow, that must have been some confession you made to her to make her become upset then be in a trance then come after you just like this!” 

“Where is your family by the way?” the first security guard asks.  “Who did you come to the school with?”

“I came here with a couple of friends!” Marcus cries and shouts.  “I told them if they didn’t see me at the end of Diane D’s performance, that I was going to walk home with some other friends!”

“But you didn’t walk home with some other friends, because you’re still here.  Instead, you wind up staying in this building on the third floor hallway to talk privately with Diane D.  So in other words, your family don’t know where you are right now, do they?”

“No!  I think they were calling my cell phone but Diane D refused to let me get to my cell phone and answer it when it fell out of my hand and it was laying across the floor!”

“Your cell phone fell out of your hand?”


“And it started to ring while it was laying across the floor?”

“Yes!  Most likely it was my family calling me looking for me!”

“And you’re saying that while your cell was laying across the floor ringing, Diane D refused to let you get to it and answer it?”



“I don’t know!”

“Where is your cell phone now?”

“It’s still laying on the floor in the third floor hallway!”

The second security guard says to the first security guard, “I better go check in that back stairwell then go up to that third floor hallway and see what‘s going on.”  The second security guard turns and is about to run towards the end of the first floor hallway.

“No don’t go back there!” Marcus frighteningly shouts.  The second security guard stops in his tracks then turns his head around towards Marcus as Marcus pleads, “Please don’t go in that back stairwell or go up to that third floor hallway!  Diane D might still be there!  You don’t know what she’s capable of!”

“What?  What do you mean I don’t know what she’s capable of?  Did she harm you?  Is she the one who broke your arm and wrist and made you bleed?”

“No, she‘s not the one who did it!  Like I said, I fell down the stairs while I was running from her!”

“But why were you running from Diane D if she didn‘t harm you?  You must have been running from her for a reason!  Why were you running from Diane D?”

Marcus is about to pass out again.  The first security guard quickly grabs Marcus as the second security guard turns around, rushes back to Marcus and grab him.  The first security guard shouts to Marcus, “Hang in there kid!  We’re going to call the ambulance!”

The second security guard says to the first security guard, “I’m going to run to the nurse’ office and get the wheelchair for him.”


The second security guard turns and runs off towards the direction of the front double doors. 

The first security guard says to Marcus, “I guess I’ll have to carry you.”  The security guard bends down and wraps his arms around Marcus’ waist and hips.  He is about to lift Marcus.

“Aaaah!” Marcus screams.

The security guard quickly lets go of Marcus’ waist and hips and gently holds on to Marcus as he puzzled looks at Marcus and asks, “Can you make it to the desk?”

“I don’t know!”

“Well you can’t just stay here!  Come on, I‘ll help you to the desk.”  The security guard gently holds onto Marcus as Marcus’ upper body remains bent forward.  He slowly helps Marcus towards the security desk. 


The security guard brings Marcus through the front double doors and brings him to the security desk chair at the edge of the lunchroom.  He gently sits Marcus down on the chair.  He holds onto Marcus as he grabs the telephone receiver.  He picks up the telephone receiver and is about to dial a number. 

Suddenly, there is a loud ‘BANG’ coming from the end of the dark first floor hallway where the back double doors are. 

Marcus and the security guard become startled and quickly turn their heads towards the opened front double doors and look through the front double doors towards the end of the dark first floor hallway where the back double doors are!  “What in the world was that?!” the security guard shouts.  The security guard and Marcus remain startled as they stare towards the end of the first floor hallway where the back double doors are.  The security guard then says to Marcus, “Did you hear that?!”

“Of course I heard it!” Marcus shouts.

“Did you feel that too?!”

“Yeah I felt it!  I think that was Diane D!  It sounds like she might still be in that back stairwell!”

“That noise don’t sound like it could be coming from Diane D.  That vibration don’t feel like it could be coming from her either!  That noise and that vibration sounds and feels more like something was being banged by a bulldozer or something.” 

“That’s the way the third floor stairwell door sounded when I heard it bang open while I was running down the stairs!  It sounded and felt like that door was being banged by a bulldozer!”  Marcus and the security guard continue to stare through the opened front double doors towards the end of the dark first floor hallway where the back double doors are.  Marcus then shouts, “It’s a good thing I stopped that other security guard from going in that back stairwell, because I think Diane D is still in there!  In her state of mind, I don‘t know what she might try to do if she saw him!” 

“I don’t think Diane D is capable of making a banging sound so loud like that young man.”

“Oh yes she is, I heard it myself while I was running down the stairwell trying to get away from her!  She is capable of making a banging sound like that!”

“But that’s impossible!”

“What else could be causing that loud bang sir?!”

“It was most likely the wind.”

“The wind?!  It can’t be the wind sir, it’s not even that windy outside!  Would the wind make a loud bang like that?!  Maybe it’s possible during a hurricane or a tornado, but there‘s no hurricanes or tornadoes going on right now!  The wind is not even blowing that hard, and there’s no bulldozer outside or anywhere around this area!   Diane D was the only one in that back stairwell!”  Marcus frighteningly looks at the security guard as the security guard puzzled looks at him.  Marcus and the security guard turn and nervously look back towards the end of the dark first floor hallway where the back double doors are.  They still do not see any sign of Diane D or anyone else coming.  Marcus frighteningly turns back to the security guard and says, “I want to get out of here now!  I don‘t want to stay here!”

The security guard looks back at Marcus and asks, “How are you going to get out of here now son, you can barely walk.  If I try to lift you up and carry you again, you’ll scream in pain again.  You’re just gonna have to wait right here until the other security guard comes back here with the wheelchair so we can put you in it.”

“How long is he going to take?!”

“He should be back down here with the wheelchair soon. In the meantime, I’m going to call upstairs to Principal Cole’s office right now.”  The security guard and Marcus look back down towards the end of the dark first floor hallway where the back double doors are.  The security guard then turns his head back to the telephone and starts to dial a number again.  He puts the telephone receiver to his ear.  He waits a few seconds.  He then speaks into the receiver and says, “Hello Principal Cole?  There is an emergency down at the front desk!  The little kid who was waiting for Diane D outside your office is hurt!    Yes!  He’s down at the front desk with me now!  .…  He claim he fell down the stairs while he was running from Diane D!  .…  Yes!  I think you and Diane D’s family better get down here to the front desk right away! … Okay!”   The security guard hangs up the telephone receiver.  He turns to Marcus and says, “Principal Cole and Diane D’s family are on their way down here.  I’m going to call the ambulance for you right now, after that, you‘re going to tell me your home phone number so I can call up your family!”  The security guard picks up the telephone receiver again and dials another number again as Marcus turns his head and frighteningly looks back through the front double doors towards the end of the dark first floor hallway where the back double doors are.


Fifteen minutes later, a big commotion is going on inside the front lobby steps of the school as Diane D‘s family, Principal Cole, the security guards, the paramedics and the police surround Marcus as Marcus lays in a stretcher.  Marilyn then shouts, “I don‘t understand all of this!  We were all having a good time in the auditorium with the children, and now this happens?!”

“Where is Diane?!” Barry shouts.

“I‘ll go look for her Dad!” Michael says. 

“So will I!” Mary shouts.

“Yeah me too!” Marilyn shouts.

“We’re all going to look for her!” Barry shouts.

One of the police officers, Officer Martell a white male around his mid 40’s with dark hair, turns to the security guards and asks, “Where was the last place this kid said he saw Diane D?!”

“He said on the third floor hallway,” the first security guard says.  “Then he said he ran down the back stairwell and heard Diane D’s footsteps jumping and charging down the steps after him.  That’s the last place he said he heard Diane D, in the back stairwell.”

“Okay let’s go!” Officer Martell shouts as he, the security guards and Diane D’s family turn and rush for the lobby door! 

Suddenly, the lobby door BANGS wide open so hard it practically hits Officer Martell and the security guards causing them to fall backwards onto Barry, Tonio and Michael as Barry, Tonio and Michael almost fall on Mary and Marilyn!  Everybody looks and see an angry puffy eyed, bruised, swollen and bleeding faced Diane D standing right in the doorway!

“Diane!” her family shouts. 

Diane D looks in the lobby!  Her eyeballs then looks towards Marcus.  She angrily points at Marcus and shouts, “There you go you little son-of-a-bitch!” 

Marcus painfully turns his head and sees Diane D. He becomes frightened and starts to scream, “Aaaaaaah!”  He frighteningly turns his head away from Diane D and screams, “Aaaaah!”

Diane D angrily bursts into the lobby and is about to charge Marcus with her fists balled as her entire family quickly grab her by the torso and stop her!  “Diane what the hell is going on?!” Barry shouts as he and the rest of his family tightly hold on to Diane D!  “What happened to you?!”

Mary goes in front of Diane D and shouts, “Oh my God Diane, what the hell happened to you!  What happened to your face?!”

“My God Diane!” Marilyn shouts.  “Your face looks different!”

“Why is your faced bruised up and bleeding Diane?!” Michael shouts. 

“Why are your eyes and face swollen Diane?!” Tonio shouts.  “What happened to you?!  Where have you been?!”

Diane D angrily points her finger at Marcus and shouts to him, “Tell my family what you told me!  Tell them what you told me!”  Everyone puzzled looks at Diane D then turns towards Marcus.

“What’s this all about Marcus?” Principal Cole asks.  “What happened?!”

“I had confessed to Diane D a little while ago, that it was me and my brother who sent that letter to her family about the little boy who has leukemia,” Marcus cries.

“What!” Diane D’s family shouts.

“What are you talking about Marcus?” Principal Cole asks. 

“I told Diane D that my brother and I made that whole story up about the little boy who has leukemia, just so that her family can think it’s a charity event and let her come here to the school,” Marcus cries.

“What!” Diane D’s family shouts.

“I told Diane D that the school had nothing to do with sending her family that last letter, that the last letter was sent by me and my brother!  The only thing we did was put the school‘s return address on the envelope.”

“What!” Diane D’s family shouts again.

“Tell my family what else you told me!” Diane D angrily shouts as her fists remain balled.  “Tell them!”

“I told Diane D that there is no little boy in this school who has leukemia,” Marcus cries.

“What!” Diane D’s family shouts.

“I told her that’s the reason why Principal Cole wasn’t able to find the little boy who has leukemia.  I told her that’s the reason why she will never get to see or meet the little boy who has leukemia, because he doesn‘t exist.”

“What!” Diane D’s family shouts.

“You told Diane that this little boy who has leukemia doesn‘t exist?!” Mary shouts.

“Yes!” Marcus cries.  “I told her that the little boy who has leukemia never existed.”

“What!” Diane D’s family shout.

Mary bends to Marcus and shouts, “You mean to tell us, that there was never a kid in this school who has leukemia?!  No kid at all?  That this whole entire story was made up, by you and your brother?!”

“Yes Ma‘am,” Marcus says.

“My God!” Diane D’s family shout.

Barry turns to Principal Cole and shouts, “Now we know why you cannot find the mystery child in this school who has leukemia!  Because the mystery child who has leukemia was invented by this kid and his brother!”  Diane D angrily pushes her family off herself and storms off towards the front door.  “Where are you going Diane?” Barry asks.

Diane D turns to Barry and angrily shouts, “I’m outta here!  All I know is that we’ve been played!  This damn kid and his brother tricked us into coming to this school!  They made a fool out of all of us, especially they made a fool out of me!  The next time you all receive a letter about a sick child who’s dying and wants to meet me, don’t ever bother to show it to me again because if you do, I swear I’m going to tear it up!”  Diane D angrily turns away and bangs the exit door open!  She then storms out the exit door! 

“Wait Diane!” Mary shouts as she, Barry, Michael, Marilyn, Tonio, Officer Martell and one of the security guards quickly hurry out the front door after Diane D!

Marcus continues to scream and cry as the paramedics turn to Principal Cole and tells him, “We better hurry and get him to the hospital.”

“Okay,” Principal Cole says.  “I’m going to call his family right now and have them meet us at the hospital.”


Principal Cole and the security guard hurry to the exit doors as the paramedics rush Marcus and the stretcher towards the exit doors! 

Principal Cole and the security guard push the exit doors open and hold them open as the paramedics hurry Marcus and the stretcher out the exit doors.


Five minutes later, Michael is sitting in the driver’s seat of the van again with an angry sweaty faced, bruised faced and bloody faced Diane D sitting edgy and restless in the front passenger seat again with the top of her hair over her eyes covering her eyes as Mary and Barry sit in the back seats again reaching towards her, trying to hold tightly onto her!  Diane D hisses as her family shouts to her, “Calm down Diane!  Calm down!”  Barry turns to Michael and shouts, “Hurry and get her to the hospital Michael!”

“I’m trying to!” Michael shouts as he desperately speeds the van! 

Suddenly D