DIANE D (the Musical Drama) by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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“She claims not to remember attacking the security guards?  Does your sister Diane D remember trying to attack the correction officers while they were trying to put and keep her inside that jail cell?”

“We asked Diane about that too.  We asked her why did she try to attack the correction officers when they were trying to put her in the jail cell and keep her in there.  She claims she doesn’t remember trying to attack any correction officers at all in the jail cell and accuse them of lying about it.”

“What?” Officer James Duncan says.  “She claims we’re lying about it?”


“Why would she think we’re lying about it?”

“So y’all can get publicity.”

“So we can get publicity?”


“So your sister thinks us correction officers are making this entire story up as a publicity stunt?”

“That’s what she thinks.”

“Believe me my friend, we’re not lying about your sister trying to attack us!  We’re not lying about it at all!  We’re not gaining any publicity or anything else by making this story up!  Your sister really tried to attack all of us correction officers inside that jail cell when we were trying to put her in there and keep her in there, but your sister was so mad, so angry and so strong that she appeared to have superhuman strength!   Even though it was five men against your sister, she was still strong!  She was like the Incredible Hulk!  I mean she had the strength of a wild animal!  We had to keep her back with a ten foot pole and then she wound up punching the ten foot pole causing it to bend then drop right out of one of the other officers’ hands then she leaped right off the floor at us!  We had to hurry and run out of that cell and lock it very quickly because we thought we were dealing with the spirit of a wild beast that took human form!  After we locked the cell door, your sister threw, banged and slammed her body right against that cell door so hard we all felt the vibration!  It was like she was possessed!  It felt like some demon or evil entity had taken over her body!  It was sort of frightening!”

“It sounds frightening,” Bob says.

“We asked Diane about that too,” Nicolas says.  “She says she doesn‘t remember punching any ten foot pole or throwing, banging or slamming her body against the cell door either.”

“She doesn’t?”

“No.  She said the only thing she remembers was waking up the next day on the cot feeling pain all over her body.”

“She woke up the next day feeling pain all over her body?”

“That’s what she said.”

“Did she tell the nurse that she was in pain when the nurse came in the cell to take her blood pressure?”


“Why not?”

“She said she never saw a nurse in the cell that day.”

“What?” Officer James Duncan says.  “She said she never saw a nurse in the cell that day?”

“That’s what she said.”

“Well she’s lying because the nurse who went in the cell that first day to take your sister’s blood pressure said your sister had opened her eyes a little and was looking right at her!  The nurse said your sister stared at her for a while!”

“Well sometimes it is hard for a person to remember something when they’re just waking up.  Diane is not denying a nurse being in the cell, she says she just doesn’t remember seeing a nurse in the cell that first day.  Another thing Diane says she remembers is waking up seeing a bent ten foot pole on the cell floor and didn’t know or understand why it was there.  She said if she hadn’t heard about what happened between herself and the correctional officers, she wouldn’t have known about it.”

“What?” Bob says.  “You mean to tell me that Diane D only knows about what happened between herself and the correctional officers is because she heard about it?”

“That’s right.”

“And who did she hear it from?”

“She heard it from us, her family.”

“Wow, your sister doesn’t seem to remember anything about her violent behavior and violent outbursts, does she?”

“No she doesn’t.  We asked her why did she go off on the authorities and not remember it, she said she doesn’t know, maybe she just lost it that day.”

“Yeah I’m sure everybody who was there saw your sister lose it that day.  So what happened with your family’s organization while Diane D was in jail?  Did you all continue to do charity events?”

“No we didn’t have time, everything was put on hold.  We couldn’t perform any shows and we couldn’t do any benefit concerts.  Our organization lost a lot of money because of it.  We couldn’t make money for charity, because at that time we had our own problems to deal with.  Diane was locked up.  We had to pay a lot of money in legal fees. The security guards’ families threatened a lawsuit against the organization.”




Two of the security guards’ wives, two black females and the rest of their families are very upset.  One of the wives shout at Mary and the rest of Diane D‘s family, “We’re going to sue the pants off your organization!”

Mary looks at the woman.  She then turns to her family and shouts, “Usted sabe que esto es ridiculo!  Voy a suspender Bernice y Miranda de la organization durante dos meses!”

“Whatever you just said Miss," the security guard’s wife shouts as Mary turns back to her, “we’re still going to sue your family’s organization!”

Mary points her finger at the woman and shouts, “Really!  You go right ahead!  After that, we’re going to have Bernice and Miranda countersue the security guards and claim the security guards were very rough in handling Bernice and Miranda, twisting their arms out of joint, causing pain, damage and anguish!”

“What!” the security guard’s wife shouts. “You can’t mean that!”

“Oh I definitely mean that!” Mary shouts as she angrily folds her arms!

The security guards and their families look at each other.  One of the family members, a teenage boy says to one of the guard, “Dad you can’t afford to be countersued.  I think you should drop the lawsuit.”  The security guard and his family stare at each other.  They then turn to look at Mary and the rest of Diane D’s family.




Bob says to Nicolas, “So the security guard’s families decided to drop the lawsuit against your family’s organization, huh?”

“Yes they did,” Nicolas says.  “Our organization was still losing money so we had to get back on the ball and start doing charity events again to raise money.”

“So everyone in the community and everyone who came to your family’s charity events knew what was happening.  They knew that Diane D was still in jail.”

“Yes they did.  They were very supportive of us.”

“Oh yeah?  That’s good.  So what was happening with The Dianettes while Diane D was in jail?”

“They missed Diane terribly.”

“Even though she fusses with them at times, they still missed her?”

“Yeah, they sure did. They gave her a welcome home party when she came home from jail.”




Diane D’s family and relatives, The Dianettes and a whole crowd of people are on the sidewalk outside the court building screaming and cheering as they gather around a car.  Diane D comes out of the car.  The entire crowd screams and cheers!  A couple of lawyers lead Diane D towards the front steps of the court building.  Diane D walks up a few steps and turns around facing the crowd as the crowd scream and cheer.  Diane D smiles at the crowd.  The crowd then sings, “Well She’s A Jolly Good Fellow, Well She’s A Jolly Good Fellow!”  Diane D smiles to everybody. 

After a while, the Dianettes lead Diane D away towards a motorcycle.  Diane D sits on the motorcycle. Bernice and Miranda stand beside Diane D hugging each other tightly, holding their faces together, smiling at Diane D, showing Diane D that they’re the best of friends now as Diane D smiles up at them.  Diane D looks back towards her family and Michael. Her family and Michael happily look on.




Bob asks Nicolas and Mickey, “And that whole entire incident happened, all because Bernice and Miranda got into a physical fight, which caused Diane D to beat up and attack the security guards who were rough handling Miranda and Bernice then she ends up in jail for it?”

“That’s correct,” says Nicolas.

“Did your family’s organization ever made back up the money you all lost?”

“Yes, we made back up all the money our organization lost and made more money.”

“Oh really?  How?”

“We put on more shows and sold out tickets.”

“You put on more shows and sold out tickets?  That’s good.  I’m glad for you all.  So how is everything now with Diane D?  Does she still get into this violent vicious rage?  You know when this whole entire incident happened with Diane D, she had gotten sort of a reputation after that.  A lot of people were sort of afraid to come near her, especially men.  When she was in jail, correction officers didn’t want to go near her.  When she came out of jail, men in the streets were kind of afraid to go near her for a while, is that true?”

“Yes it’s true.”

“So how is everything now?  Men aren’t afraid to come near Diane D now are they?”

“No, as long as Diane keeps her cool, men don‘t have anything to worry about.”

“I sure hope your sister keeps her cool.  Who taught Diane D how to fight like that in the first place?”

“She was taught martial arts by the people in the Far East.”

“What?  Diane D was taught martial arts by the people in the Far East?”


“How was that?”

“Our family use to travel to the Far East when we were small.  We got very interested in watching martial arts over there and wanted to learn it, so we were taught it by the people there.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah, but after a while, it became too much for me and Mickey to handle.  Mickey and I couldn‘t keep up with it, but Diane kept up with it.”

“She did?”

“Oh yeah,” Mickey says.  “She kept up with the martial arts so much that she became very strong at it.”

“She became strong at it?  Wow.”

“She also used to study martial arts with a female cousin of ours named Dana, who’s from Jamaica,” Nicolas says.

“A female cousin named Dana who’s from Jamaica, the West Indies?”

“Yeah.  Dana is our father’s niece.  She fights like Diane and they always hang together.”

“They do?”

“Yeah.  They’ve been close cousins since they were toddlers.”

“Really?  How close are they in age?”

“Dana is one year older than Diane.”

“She is?  And you say this cousin Dana fights just like Diane D?”

“Yes she does.  Dana and Diane were both sort of tomboys when they were growing up.”

“They were?”

“Yeah.  Dana has two older brothers and she and Diane used to play fight with them and us all the time growing up.”

“Oh yeah?  I see.  Diane D seems to look out for The Dianettes and their well being a lot, doesn’t she?”

“Yeah she does look out for them and their well being a lot,” Mickey says.

“Yeah,” says Nicolas.  “That’s why she would fuss with them if she catches them doing anything that’s not good for them or their health.  She really loves and cares about the girls.  She treats all of them like they’re her daughters.”

“Ah that’s nice.  I hear she cooks and prepares meals for The Dianettes as well as she does that for your family and her husband, huh?”

“Yes she does.”

“Does she do all of that for The Dianettes, her husband and your family all the time?”

“No, not all the time.  Sometimes.”


“That’s just the way she is,” says Mickey.  “She wants to make sure we’re all eating right.”

“Nobody makes her do that do they?”


“Absolutely not,” says Nicolas.  “Look, nobody can make Diane do anything she doesn’t want to do, except for my mom.  But my mom is not making Diane do any of that.  Diane is strictly cooking and preparing meals for everybody because she wants to!”

“That’s just the way she is,” Mickey says.

“Wow,” Bob says.  “Your family is very lucky.  I wish I had someone insist on cooking for me and preparing my meals because I don’t like to cook.  Well which meals does Diane D prepare for everybody?”

“Breakfast, dinner and snacks,” Nicolas says.

“Snacks?  What kind of snacks?”

“Usually salads, fruits and nuts.  All types of healthy stuff.”

“I see. Does Diane D cook for The Diaz-Davidson Choir or The Diaz-Davidson Band, The Diaz-Davidson Youth Show as well?”

“No, just for family.  The staff members would cook for all the Youth Show Performers and Athletes. When they do that, Diane would go around all the tables and make sure that each and every kid ate everything off their plate, especially their vegetables.”

“She would?”

“Oh yeah, she would,” Mickey says.

“I see.  That must be a lot of food the staff members have to cook if they’re making all these meals.”

“It is.”

“Who buys all that food anyway?”

“It comes from donations,” Nicolas says.

“I see,” Bob says.  “So what does Diane D do on her spare time when she’s not performing?”

“She rides motorcycles on her spare time.”

“She rides motorcycles?  With who, the Dianettes?”

“No, not with them. They’re afraid of motorcycles.”

“No, they won’t get on a motorcycle,” Mickey says.

“Diane rides motorcycles with Dana.”

“She rides motorcycles with Dana?” Bob asks.

“Yeah. Sometimes they have Teresa and Judy ride on the back of the motorcycles.”

“Teresa and Judy?  Who are they?”

“Judy is Dana's Jamaican cousin.  She's Dana's mother's niece and Teresa is a friend of both Diane and Dana.”

“Oh really?  Where’s this cousin Dana at now?”

“Back in Jamaica with her family.”

“What about the other two girls, Judy and Teresa?”

“Judy is back in Jamaica also but Teresa is still around.”

“She is?  I see.  By the way Nicolas, you’re dating Miranda, aren’t you?”

“Yes I am.”

“You two have been dating a long time, since High School?”

“Yes we have.  We’ve known each other for some time because she’s been dancing and singing with Diane and has been part of our family’s organization for a while.  After a while, we started dating.”

“I see. You two also have a child together.  A son right?”

“Yes we do.”

“How old is he now?”

“He’s three years old.”

“He three?  Who watches him while your family’s organization is on the road?”

“Sometimes he comes on the road with us and my whole family would watch him.  When he’s not on the road with us, Miranda’s family would watch him.”

“I see.  I hear you and Miranda are planning to marry sometime in the future.”

“Yes, we plan to marry next year.”

“That’s good.  Congratulations.”


“You’re welcome.  How about you Mickey, are you dating right now?”

“I was dating, but not anymore,” says Mickey.  “I’m gonna stay cool for now.”

“Oh yeah?  You don’t have any children yet, do you?”

“No.  No children.”

“I see.  Okay guys we’re gonna get ready to talk with your sister Diane D and her husband Michael.  I want to thank you two so much for being here and being very open about this topic.”

“You’re welcome,” Nicolas and Mickey.

“And thanks to you too Officer James Duncan and security guard William Burke.”

“You’re welcome,” James Duncan and William Burke say. 

Bob turns to the camera and says, “Okay we’re going to get ready to speak with Diane D herself, and her husband Michael.   Let’s get to you now Beatrice.”


Inside a third studio room, Beatrice, a white middle aged female reporter with light brown hair is sitting on a chair facing the camera and says, “Okay Bob.”  Beatrice turns from the camera and faces Diane D and Michael who are both sitting in chairs next to each other.  She then says, “So I’m sitting here with Diane D and her husband Michael.”  Beatrice looks at Diane D and says, “So Diane D, I see that your family’s Charity and Entertainment Organization has performed hundreds of charity events throughout their existence, right?”

“Yes that’s correct,” Diane D says.

“And your husband Michael works with your family’s Charity and Entertainment Organization also, right?”

“Yes he does.”

“That’s good.  First of all, where are you and your family from?  I notice that your mom and both of your grandparents who are your mom’s parents speak Spanish.  Where are you and your family from?”

“We’re from the Dominican Republic.”

“You and your family are from the Dominican Republic?”


“Wow that’s nice Diane D!  I like the Dominican Republic!”

“You do?”

“Of course I do!  I travel to the Dominican Republic all the time!”

“Oh really?”

“Yeah!  A lot of my colleagues travel to the Dominican Republic every year.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah.  They’ve been traveling down to the Dominican Republic for the past ten years.”

“Wow, that’s nice.”

“They love the D R.  Do you travel back to the Dominican Republic with your family?”

“Yeah all the time.   We travel back and forth to the Dominican Republic around twice a year.”

“Twice a year?”

“Yeah.  We usually stay for a month or two whenever we go down there.”

“For a month or two?  Where do you all stay, at a hotel?”

“No we don‘t stay at any hotel.”

“You don’t?”

“No, we still have a house down there.”

“You do?”

“Yeah.  We stay in our own house.”

“Oh I see.”  Beatrice looks at Michael and asks, “Michael do you travel to the Dominican Republic with your wife Diane D and her family?”

“I sure do,” Michael says.

“That’s wonderful.”  Beatrice looks back at Diane D and says, “So now tell me Diane D, how did the name Diaz-Davidson came about?”

“Well Diaz is my grandmother’s maiden name,” Diane D says.

“It is?”

“Yeah.  When my grandmother was a little girl growing up, her name was Margarita Diaz.”

“Margarita Diaz?”

“Right. And my grandfather’s name is Tomas Davidson. His great grandfather is from England.”

“His great grandfather is from England?”


“That’s nice.  How did your grandmother and your grandfather started the Diaz-Davidson Organization?”

“Well the Diaz-Davidson Organization was actually started by my great-grandparents.”

“Your great-grandparents?”

“Yeah both sets of great-grandparents.”

“Both sets of great-grandparents?  How’s that?”

“My grandmother’s parents were part of a church and charity organization in the Dominican Republic when my grandmother was a little girl.  Their church and charity worked and performed to raise money for charity.  My grandfather’s parents were part of a different church and charity organization in the Dominican Republic when my grandfather was a little boy.  Their church and charity worked and performed to raise money for charity also.  When my grandmother and grandfather became teenagers, both of their family’s met each other and joined together and created the charity and entertai