DIANE D (the Musical Drama) by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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“I think that’s Mike coming this way, because he’s wearing a white cap,” a 4th girl says.  “The other twin Mitch is wearing a blue cap, so this one coming is Mike.”

“Okay,” says the 1st girl.  “Wow he is cute.”

“He sure is,” says the 5th girl.  The girls become nervous and start to giggle as Mike is about to walk pass them.  Mike looks straight ahead as he walks right past the girls not looking their way.  Mike continues to walk pass the girls.  As Mike walks away, the girls nervously turn and look at him.  They nervously call out to him, “Hiii Miiike.”

Mike slows down and turns his head around towards the girls. 

The girls nervously turn their heads away from Mike and start to giggle with each other. 

Mike annoying looks away from the girls and continues to walk away, going about his business. 

The girls turn their heads back around and look towards Mike.  They see Mike continuing to walk away going about his business.  The girls stare at Mike.  The 4th girl suddenly says, “I’m going to marry him one day.”

“Oh yeah?” the 1st girl says as she angrily folds her arms.  “And how are you going to do that?  He doesn’t even seem to know that we’re alive!”

“Yeah I know.”

“And I don’t think his twin brother Mitch is any different.”  The girls sadly stare at Mike as they see Mike walking away, continuing going about his business then disappear out of sight. 


Some of the Diaz-Davidson Baseball Team including Mitch are in the parking lot crowding around Diane D’s dad Barry, who is their coach and Nicolas.  Some of the boys crowd around a white male coach of the other team.  Mike walks towards them all as he calls out, “Hey Mr. Barry!”  Mike approaches Barry.  He looks up at Nicolas then steps right in front of Nicolas, standing between Nicolas and Barry as he starts to talk to Barry.

One of the boys, Andy, starts to complain to Barry and shouts, “But they cheated!”

“We didn’t cheat man!” Mitch shouts.  “We won fair and square, you saw it yourself!”

“That’s right we don’t need to cheat man!” Mike shouts.

“Alright knock it off guys!” the other coach shouts.  “The Diaz-Davidson Team won!”

“Ah they still cheated!” Andy shouts.

“Why are you accusing our team of cheating?” Nathanial shouts.

“That’s right they didn’t cheat!” Barry shouts.  “We all witnessed it!”  He then turns to the Diaz-Davidson Youth Team and shouts, “Come on guys let’s get out of here!”  Barry and Nicolas turn around and walk away.  Mike, Mitch and the rest of the Davidson Youth boys stand there facing the other team. 

Barry and Nicolas turn their heads around.  “Let’s go guys!” Nicolas shouts.  Barry and Nicolas turn their heads back around and continue to walk away. 

Mike, Mitch and the rest of the Davidson Youth boys continue to stand there facing the other team, fussing with the other team as Mike shouts, “I swear if you say that one more time….”

“Yeah I said it,” Ray a taller white boy shouts as he angrily walks right up to Mike and Mitch.  He gets right in their faces as he throws his arms in the air shouting, “That’s right I said it!  Y’all gonna do something about it?!  I’ll say it again, what the fuck you gonna do, what the fuck you gonna do?!”

Without saying a single word, Mike knees Ray in the groin as Mitch grabs Ray by the throat and shoves Ray way across the parking lot!  People start to scream as Ray falls back hard and hit his head against a hard object then lays there motionless.  The other coach and Ray’s team run to Ray as several security guards and one of the coaches run to Mike and Mitch and grab them shouting, “Mike, Mitch what the hell are you two doing?”  Mike and Mitch angrily try to break away from the security as Mitch shouts, “Get the fuck off me man!  Get the fuck off me!”

“Get the hell off me!” Mike shouts.

Barry and Nicolas hysterically hurry back to Mike and Mitch as Barry shouts, “What the hell is going on!”  A crowd hysterically gathers around as Mike angrily kicks one of the security guards right in the knee!  The security guard yells out in pain as Mitch angrily kicks another security guard in the knee!  That security guard yells out in pain as more security guards come and grab Mike and Mitch!   They try to subdue both Mike and Mitch.  Security and the crowd hysterically gather around Ray as Ray continues to lay motionless on the ground.  A little blood starts to come out his head.  The crowd gets more hysterical!


Police cars and ambulance race down the street.


Ray continues to lay motionless on the ground as a large crowd hysterically surrounds him.


Inside the Diaz-Davidson Organization Office, Mary is sitting behind a large desk doing paper work while she talks on the phone saying, “Well we’re going to do the Diaz-Davidson fashion show next month, so tell all the models to get ready …. Okay.  Bye.”  Mary hangs up the phone. 

Stephanie, a black female staff member, hysterically bursts into the room and shouts, “Mary we have an emergency!”

Mary anxiously looks at Stephanie and says, “An emergency?  What emergency Stephanie?  What’s wrong?!”

“It’s Mike and Mitch!  Barry and Nicolas just called your Mom and said both Mike and Mitch got arrested!”

“What!  What do they mean Mike and Mitch got arrested?!  What did Mike and Mitch do?!”

“They knocked one of the kids from the other team unconscious!”

“What!  They knocked one of the kids from the other team unconscious?!  How the hell did that happen?!”

“Well Barry and Nicolas found out that the other kid Ray came right up in Mike and Mitch’s faces!  That’s when Mike kneed Ray hard in the groin area then Mitch grabbed Ray by the throat and threw him across the ground!  Barry and Nicolas found out that Ray fell all the way back hard and hit his head against a hard object then laid there motionless!  Several security guards and one of the coaches ran to Mike and Mitch and grabbed them as the other coach and Ray’s team ran to Ray!  That’s when Barry and Nicolas ran back to Mike and Mitch and found out what had happened!”

“Oh my god, how the hell was Mitch able to grab somebody’s throat and throw that person across the ground?!”

“Barry and Nicolas said the security guard told them that Mitch got so angry that he appeared to have superhuman strength! Barry and Nicolas said more security came and grabbed Mike and Mitch!  They said Mike angrily kicked one of the security guards right in the knee!  Then Mitch angrily kicked another security guard in the knee!  They said other security guards tried to subdue both Mike and Mitch!  They said that kid Ray is lying on the ground motionless and blood is coming out his head!”

“Blood is coming out his head?!  My god!”

“The city police and the ambulance are there!  Barry and Nicolas said they tried to call you too, but didn’t get through to you because your line was on hold!”

“Yeah I was on the phone!  Oh my goodness!”  Mary hysterically gets up out of the chair.  She grabs her belongings and hurries towards the doorway as Stephanie hysterically follows after her!


Mary and Stephanie hurry out into the hallway. Margarita, Marilyn and some staff members hysterically hurry to Mary and Stephanie as Margarita shouts, “Mary!  Has oido lo que Mike y Mitch solo hicieron?!  Estos dos chicos estan en problemas otra vez!”

“Si, Stephanie acaba de decirme!” Mary shouts.

“Te dije todo, Mike y Mitch necesitan un buen castigo!” Marilyn shouts.  “Ellos necesitan ser castigado por un rato!”

“Si sabemos que Marilyn!” Margarita shouts. “Nos tenemos que apresurar y ponernos a ellos!”  Margarita, Marilyn and Mary turn and hurry off towards the exit doors as the staff members hurry behind them!


The paramedics have arrived at the baseball parking lot.  They have Ray in a stretcher.  They put him into the ambulance.  They close the ambulance doors and get into the ambulance. The ambulance then speeds off!


At the police station, Mary, Marilyn, Margarita, Barry, Tomas and Nicolas come out from the back room and approach the Diaz-Davidson staff members.

“So what’s happening with the twins?” Alex asks.

“Well they’re claiming self-defense,” Barry says.

“Self-defense?” asks Stephanie.

“Yeah that‘s what they’re claiming,” Margarita says.  “They claim that Ray came up in their faces and they felt threatened by him.”

“They felt threatened by him?  That’s the oldest trick in the book!  That’s the same line they always tell the police or security whenever they get into trouble!”

“So what’s going to happen to them now?” Harvey, a black male staff member around his mid 40’s asks.

“Well the police are going to release them back into the custody of their parents and grandparents,” Mary says.

“What?  Back into the custody of their parents and grandparents?”

“Yeah,” Margarita says.  “Their parents, grandparents and the rest of their family and relatives are all back there with them now.”

“They are?” Alex asks.  

“Yeah,” says Mary. “Their parents and grandparents are planning to have them stay in Puerto Rico for a while.”

“In Puerto Rico?  Didn’t Mike and Mitch go to stay in Puerto Rico for a while a couple of years ago, right after they got into trouble for kicking a security guard?”


“And now they’re going to Puerto Rico again?”


“Why do they always go there?” Jack another staff member asks.

“Well their mom Maria is from Puerto Rico,” Margarita says.  “Maria has a lot of family and relatives here in New York and in Puerto Rico.  Whenever she or her husband feels the children need to get away, sometimes they’ll take all eight of their children to Puerto Rico to stay with Maria’s relatives for a while and other times they take all their children to Germany to stay with her husband’s relatives.”

“Really?” Crystal says.  “So every time the twins get into some type of trouble, they get rewarded by going away?”

“It sure seems that way,” Barry says.

“How do they afford that?” Jack asks.

“Well their dad’s side of the family have a lot of money,” says Margarita.

“They do?” asks Stephanie.

“Yeah,” Tomas says.  “They always give Mike, Mitch and their siblings anything they want.”

“Oh really?”


“Listen,” Mary says.  “We have to go to the hospital to check on Ray.”

“Okay Mary,” Barry says.  Mary and Margarita turn and head towards the exit door as everyone else follows them. 


A half hour later, Mary, Marilyn, Margarita, Barry, Tomas and Nicolas are walking anxiously through the hospital hallway.  Mary looks in the distance and calls out, “Diane!” 

Diane D, Michael, Mickey and Tonio stand several yards away as they turn towards Mary and the rest of the family with Diane D holding papers and a clipboard in her hand.

Mary and the rest of the family approach Diane D, Michael, Mickey and Tonio as Margarita asks, “So how is Ray doing Diane?”

“He just came to Grandma,” Diane D says.

“He did?” Barry asks.

“You mean he’s not unconscious anymore?” asks Mary.

“No not anymore Mom,” Diane D says.  “He opened his eyes and looked at his family, but he isn’t able to speak to them at this point.”

“Wow, we’re so glad to hear that he came to,” Tomas says.

“Come on, I’ll take y’all to him.”  Diane D and Michael turn around and lead the family away. 




































Chapter 6


The Organization Meeting



Around ten young white, Hispanic and black pre-teen boys are walking down the organization hallway with sodas and drinks in their hands as they chit-chat.   One of the boys says, “Man I can’t wait until Mike and Mitch come back from Puerto Rico!”

“I can’t wait either,” another boy says. 

“Neither can I,” says a third boy.  The boys go to the meeting room doorway then go into the organization meeting room.


The boys enter the organization meeting room where there are around a couple of hundred people inside. 

Diane D and Charlotte sit on stools on the side of the room next to each other as Marilyn stands behind them fixing their shirt collars saying to them, “Muchachas arreglar tu ropa.” 

Diane D turns and looks at Marilyn as Charlotte says, “Okay Mom.  By the way, when is Dad going to bring my bag?”

“Pronto Charlotte.  Tu papa esta llegando.”

“Is he going to have those dancers from Africa sent here to perform with us, like he did before?” asks Diane D.

“Esta tratando de Diane.  Ya lo veremos muy pronto.”  Marilyn finish fixing Diane D‘s and Charlotte’s collars as she looks to the side and says, “Y ahi el esta.”  Diane D and Charlotte turn their heads and look towards the doorway.

Dante Charlotte’s dad, a dark complexion African man comes in the room.  He approaches Marilyn, Charlotte and Diane D.  “Hey Dad,” Charlotte says.

“Hey Charlotte,” Dante says as he hugs Marilyn.  He then hugs Charlotte and Diane D and says, “Hey Diane.”

“You brought my bag Daddy?”

“Of course I did Charlotte, because If I don’t bring it, you’ll never let me hear the end of it.”

“You got that right,” Marilyn laughs.

“So here you go,” Dante says as he hands a brown bag to Charlotte.

“Thanks Dad,” Charlotte says as she takes the bag and opens it.

Diane D looks at Dante and asks, “Hey Uncle Dante, I know you were able to get the dancers from Africa to perform with us again, didn’t you?”

“I’m sorry Diane, the dancers from Africa said they won’t be able to make it here for this upcoming performance because they already have other commitments, but said they will definitely be here for your next show,” Dante says.

“Oh, okay.  That’s cool.”

Nicolas, Mickey and Michael approach Diane D, Charlotte, Marilyn and Dante.  Everyone else in the room start to sit down and face the front of the room as Mary, Margarita, Barry and Tomas go to the front of the room. 

Mary and Margarita go and stand behind the long table as Barry and Tomas stand beside them.  The young teen boys go to the front of the crowd.  They turn around and sit down facing Mary, Margarita, Barry and Tomas as Mary starts to shout, “Okay now listen up everybody!“  The entire crowd listens to Mary as Mary shouts, “We have to do a fashion show and performances tomorrow night!”

“So is everybody ready for their performances tomorrow night?” Margarita shouts.

“Yeah we’re ready,” everyone cheers and shouts. 


The following morning at the Diaz-Davison Dominican Salon, a couple of Dominican beauticians Rosa and Gladys, are working in their booths, working on black female clients hairs.  The other Dominican beauticians Bonnie, Miriam and Clara are standing at one of the empty booths chit-chatting.  Mary suddenly comes into the salon followed by several women of different backgrounds and sizes.  Mary says to the beauticians, “Buenos dias, senoras.”

“Buenos dias, Mary,” the beauticians say. 

Mary points to the women as she tells the beauticians, “Estas son las senoras que van a modelar en el Fashion Show esta noche.”

“Oh, esta bien,” says the beauticians.

Mary turns to the women behind her and says, “Step right in here ladies!”  The women enter the salon as Mary leads some of them to the empty booth chairs, “Have a seat right here.”  Mary leads the other ladies to a row of empty chairs along the wall, “And the rest of you take a seat here.“  The rest of the women sit on the chairs along the wall.  Margarita, Marilyn, Nancy and Charlotte suddenly come from the back office.  They approach Mary and the women.  The women become excited seeing Margarita, Marilyn, Nancy and Charlotte and says, “Hi!”

“Hi ladies!” Margarita says.  “I see you all made it here!  Ready for the Fashion Show tonight?”

“We sure are," says one of the women. 

“Wow it’s so exciting to see you Miss Margarita!” says a second woman.  “We see you have two of the Dianettes here with you!”

“Yeah my granddaughters Charlotte and Nancy.”

“Hi Charlotte and Nancy!  Nice to see you two!”

“Hi,” Charlotte and Nancy say.

“Where’s Diane D?” asks a third woman.

“Oh Diane is working at the hospital right now,” Margarita says.

“She is?”


“Does she be here at times?” asks a fourth woman.

“Yes she takes over the salon every so often when she‘s not working at the hospital or when she‘s not teaching an exercise class.”

“She teaches an exercise class?” asks a fifth woman.

“Yeah.  She does personal training too.”

“Personal training?”

“Yes, so she doesn’t really have much time to be here in the salon.”

“Wow personal training.  That‘s nice!  Diane D seems to do everything.”

“Yes so she gets tired sometimes and just wants to go straight home when she finishes doing those things.”


Margarita turns to Bonnie, Miriam and Clara and says, “Girls?”  Bonnie, Miriam and Clara look at Margarita as Margarita tells them, “Despues de que termino con las senoras, dar a estas mujeres un lavado y un conjunto.”

“Muy bien Margarita,” Clara says.  “Oh Margarita, Raquel and Daisy called and said they are running late today and said they won’t be here until this afternoon.”

“Oh really?”


“Okay.”  Margarita turns to the women and says, “Well ladies, two of my employees are running late today.   I guess I’ll have to work on some of your hairs.”  Margarita smiles at Charlotte and Nancy and says, “Unless my granddaughters are willing to make some extra money and work on some of your hairs.”  Margarita says to Charlotte and Nancy, “Que te parece Charlotte y Nancy?  Chicas desea hacer algun dinero extra y trabajar sobre el pelo de estas senoras?”

Charlotte and Nancy annoyingly fold their arms and look at Margarita as Charlotte says, “Ah, vamos Grandma.  Usted sabe que yo no soy bueno en hacer el pelo.”

“Yo tampoco,” says Nancy.

“Okay,” Margarita says holding her hands up.  “Sorry I asked.”

Marilyn turns to the women on the chairs and says, “Don’t worry ladies.  I’ll work on your hair.”

“Yeah me too,” Mary says.

“Okay,” the women say.

Marilyn points to one of the women and tells her, “You, follow me right here.”  The woman gets up as Marilyn leads her to one of the booths. 

Mary tells another woman, “And you can come with me to that booth right there.” 

“Okay.”  The woman gets up as Mary leads her to one of the other booths.  Mari