DIANE D (the Musical Drama) by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Dirt Bike Competition



Thousands of people are on the stands shouting and cheering as big signs and banners read: ‘THE DIAZ-DAVIDSON ORGANIZATION PRESENTS THE DIAZ-DAVIDSON DIRT BIKE COMPETITION’.  Mitch is riding a motorized dirt bike as it roars, speeding it down the dirt road as the crowd shouts, “Hey Mitch!  Hey Mitch!”  The Diaz-Davidson Youth performers and athletes and people on the stands call out to Mitch as he rides the dirt bike into the distance.

Five pre-teen boys hurry away to some dirt bikes as Mike tries to hurry away with them, but Mary grabs one of Mike’s arms as Marilyn grabs Mike’s other arm stopping him.  Mike angrily shouts to the other boys, “Wait y’all shit!”

“Watch your mouth mister!” Marilyn shouts.  “Your outfit needs fixing!  You can’t go out there like that!”

Mary turns to Barry and says, “Barry could you fix Mike’s jacket real quick?”

“Sure Mary,” Barry says as he goes in front of Mike.  He bends down to Mike and fix the front of Mike’s Dirt Bike jacket as Mary and Marilyn hold onto Mike’s arms.  Barry finishes fixing Mike’s dirt bike outfit.  Mary and Marilyn let go of Mike’s arms as Mike hurries to the rest of the guys and the dirt bikes.

Mike, Mitch and five other pre-teen boys are at the Dirt Bike Start Line.  They start to ride on motorized dirt-bikes, speeding the dirt-bikes down the dirt track as they wear helmets and dirt-bike outfits.  The crowd and the Diaz-Davidson Youth performers and athletes call out to Mike, Mitch and the four other pre-teen boys as Mike, Mitch and the four other pre-teen boys speed the dirt-bikes down the dirt track.

Mike, Mitch and the four other boys continue to speed their dirt-bikes down the dirt track.  A group of excited pre-teen girls in the stands call out to Mike and Mitch, “Hey Mike and Mitch, could y’all give us a ride!”  Mike, Mitch and the other pre-teen boys continue to speed their dirt-bikes down the dirt track.

At the Start line, around 20 white and Latino boys are at the start line.  Mike, Mitch and the other four boys ride to the start line.  Mike Mitch and the four boys start to line their dirt-bikes alongside each other facing the same direction.  The rest of the boys start to line side by side and behind Mike and Mitch in 6 teams.  Mike is at the head of line 3 as Mitch is at the head of line 4.  The coach, a middle-aged male white, Barry, Tomas, Nicolas and Michael approach the boys.  Barry, Nicolas, Tomas, Mickey and Michael fix all the boys’ outfits and helmets. Barry, Nicolas, Tomas, Michael and the coach step aside as the boys get ready to race.  The boys start up their engines.  Their engines roar as they get ready.  Tomas then shouts, “Okay are you guys ready?!”

“Yeah we’re ready Mr. Tomas,” one of the boys says.

“Okay then.”  The gun sound pops!  Mike, Mitch and the other four boys at the head of their team gear up their engines.  The second gun sound goes off!  Mike, Mitch and the other four boys race down the dirt way as their teams and people in the stands start to shout and cheer, “Go Mitch!  Go Mike!”   Several people in the stands are holding up large banners and signs high in the air reading ‘GO MIKE AND MITCH!’, while other people hold up signs reading ‘THE DIAZ-DAVIDSON YOUTH DIRT-BIKE COMPETITION’.  Other people are holding up banners and signs reading ‘THE DIAZ-DAVIDSON YOUTH ORGANIZATION’.  Mike, Mitch and the other four boys speed their dirt-bikes further down the dirt road.  The entire crowd and team continue to route for Mike, Mitch and shout, “Go Mike!   Go Mitch!”  Mike, Mitch and the other four boys continue to speed their motorized dirt-bikes, speeding the dirt-bikes down the dirt track.  Mike, Mitch and the other pre-teen boys continue to speed their dirt-bikes down the dirt road.

Mike, Mitch and the other four boys speed to the finish line!  The crowd starts to scream more!  The coach, Barry, Tomas, Nicolas and Michael hurry to Mike, Mitch and the other four boys and cheer for them.  Mike, Mitch and the other four boys take off and remove their helmets as the rest of the team and some of the crowd from the stand hurry to Mike, Mitch and the other four boys!  The crowd lifts up Mike, Mitch and the other four boys and cheer for them!

Six other boys come to the start line.  They start to line side by side in 6 teams.  The coach, Barry, Tomas, Nicolas and Michael approach the boys.  Barry, Nicolas, Tomas, Mickey and Michael fix all the boys’ outfits and helmets. Barry, Nicolas, Tomas, Michael and the coach step aside as the boys get ready to race.  The boys start up their engines.  Their engines roar as they get ready. “Are you guys ready?!” Tomas shouts.

“Yeah we’re ready Mr. Tomas,” one of the boys say.

“Okay then,” Tomas says.  The gun sound pops! Mike, Mitch and the other four boys at the head of their team gear up their engines.  The second gun sound goes off!  Mike, Mitch and the other four boys race down the dirt way as their teams and people in the stands start to shout and cheer, “Go Mitch!  Go Mike!“  The six boys speed their dirt-bikes further down the dirt road as the crowd cheers for them, “Go Diaz-Davidson Team! Go Diaz-Davidson!”  The entire crowd and team continue to route for The Diaz-Davidson team. 





















































Chapter 15


Inside The Organization



It is a week later.  Some staff members are walking on the sidewalk towards the organization building.  Crystal looks up towards the street corner.  “Is that Nicolas and Mickey up the  street?” she asks.  The other staff members see Nicolas and Mickey up the street talking with each other. 

“Yeah that’s Nicolas and Mickey,” Stephanie says.  “Why are they up the street, they’re not coming in here?”

“I don’t know.”   Crystal, Stephanie and the rest of the staff members go inside the building as they see Nicolas and Mickey continuing to talk up the street.


Mary, Margarita, Barry, Tomas, Tonio, Marilyn and some other staff members are walking in the organization hallway towards the meeting room.


Mary, Margarita, Barry, Tomas, Tonio, Marilyn and the staff members enter inside the organization meeting room.  The rest of the Diaz-Davidson Organization are standing around talking and having snacks.  Mary, Margarita, Barry, Tomas and Tonio go to the long table as Marilyn heads towards the back office. 

Around 40 teen and pre-teen boys surround Mike talking and laughing, being very loud and rowdy as they chit-chat and laugh.  Mitch bursts into the room with 10 other pre-teen boys bursting in right behind him, being very loud and rowdy as they chit-chat.  They head right towards Mike and the other boys.  Mitch and the 10 boys start to chit-chat with Mike and the other boys being loud and rowdy.  Half of the organization starts to surround Mike, Mitch and the rest of the boys, looking on. They start to smile towards Mike and Mitch.  “Aaah the twins are so cute,” says one of the women.

“I know, they are,” a second woman says.  “And very handsome too.”

“They are,” says a third woman.  The crowd continues to smile.


Inside the back office, Diane D sits behind a big desk as the Dianettes, Michael and Marilyn surround her reading some invoice papers.  Diane D holds an invoice up to Marilyn and says, “You know Aunt Marilyn, I can’t even figure out these people’s handwriting.  What are they trying to say or ask for?  They want several orders of what?”

“Here, let me read it,” Marilyn says as Diane D hands her the invoice then reads another one.


Back in the meeting room, the crowd continues to look on admiring Mike and Mitch as one of the women says, “Wow mirror images. It’s like looking at your own reflection.”

“Can’t tell them apart right?” one of the men says.

“Can’t tell them apart at all,” says a second man.

“We sure can’t,” says another woman.  A white/Hispanic female in the circle around her mid 30’s calls out to Mike or Mitch and says, “Hey twins, come here for a minute.”   Mitch goes to the lady as half the people follow him.  Mitch approaches the lady as the lady asks him, “Which twin is you, are you Mike or Mitch?”

“That’s Mitch,” Alex says.

“This is Mitch?” one of the other men asks. “How can you tell?”

“Yeah Alex,” Harvey says. “How can you tell them apart?”

“I can’t,” Alex says.  “I heard the other twin call him Mitch, that’s how I know this one is Mitch.”

“Wow,” the lady says.  “I guess they know who each other is.”  The lady looks down at Mitch and says, “Hey Mitch? What’s happening?  You been a good boy lately?  Are you and your brother behaving yourselves?”  The people laugh a little.   Mitch turns around and stands in front of the lady as the lady places her arms around his shoulders.  Mitch then shouts across the room, “Hey Mike!  Venga aqui por un minuto!”

“Yo estare alli en un minuto!” Mike says.   “Esta senora me esta diciendo algo!”  Mike then faces another Hispanic lady with her arms gently around his shoulders. 

Mary walks away from the table.  She goes towards the back office.  She reaches the back office and opens the door.  She pokes her head in the door.  Mary steps out of the doorway as Diane D comes out from the back office and enters the meeting room.  Diane D goes to the side of the meeting room as Mary walks with her quietly speaking with her. 

Diane D grabs a chair on the side and puts the back of the chair face out.  She sits on the chair as Mary continues to speak to her.  The Dianettes, Michael and Marilyn come out from the back office and enter the meeting room.  They go to the side of the meeting room as Michael, the Dianettes and Marilyn approach Diane D and Mary and stand beside Diane D surrounding her.  Mary then turns and walks to the crowd.  She approaches the crowd and shouts, “Okay everybody!  Can I have your attention for a moment please!  Form a huge circle!”  Everybody start to form a huge circle around Mary and Diane D.  Mike, Mitch and the other boys laugh among themselves.  Mary turns to Mike, Mitch and the other boys and says, “Boys quiet down.”  Mike, Mitch and the other boys quiet down as they and everyone else turns towards Mary.  “Okay everybody listen up!” Mary shouts.  “We’re going to get this meeting started because we have a lot to talk about!”

“Mary where’s Nicolas and Mickey?” Margarita asks.

“Oh they’re up the street corner Miss Margarita,” Mike says.

“Up the street corner?” Barry asks.  “What are they doing up there?”

“They’re talking,” Mitch says.

“Talking?” Margarita.  “Why are they talking up the street corner?”

“That’s right,” Mary says.  “They need to be in here.”  Mary turns to Barry and says, “Barry could you call Nicolas and Mickey on the phone for me please and find out what’s going on with them and why are they talking up the street corner when they should be in here?”

“Tell them we’re about to start the meeting,” Tomas says.

“Okay,” Barry says.  Barry gets on his cell phone and goes to the side. 

Mary turns back to the crowd and says, “Okay everybody!  As soon as Nicolas and Mickey get in here, we’ll get this meeting started.”

“Hey Mom?” Diane D says.

“Yes Diane.”

“We received some requests for some CD and DVD orders.”

“Request for some CD and DVD orders?”

“Yeah.  We have requests from over a thousand people who want to…….” (Squeak Squeak)  Diane D gets interrupted by a squeaky sound.  She and Mary become puzzled.  They and everyone else turn their heads to the side of the crowd and look towards the sound.  They see Paul, a black boy around ten-years old with a squeaky ball in his hand. Diane D and Mary stare towards Paul. 

Paul nervously looks at Diane D and Mary.  He then says, “I’m sorry it was an accident.”  Diane D and Mary continue to stare towards Paul.  Paul nervously looks at them.  He then says, “It was an accident. Sorry.”  Diane D continues to stare towards Paul.  She then turns back towards Mary.

“Now what were you saying Diane?” Mary asks.

Diane D then says, “Like I was saying Mom, I received some requests from over a thousand people who want to…….” (Squeak Squeak)  Diane D gets interrupted again by the squeak sound.  She and Mary puzzled turn their heads and look towards Paul again. 

Paul still with a squeaky ball in his hand points at a taller white boy and says, “He made me do it.”

“No I didn’t!” the taller white boy shouts.

“Yes he did!”

“No I didn’t!”

Diane D stares towards Paul again. 

Paul nervously looks at Diane D and says, “It wasn‘t me.”

“You know this is the second time you rudely interrupted me while I am trying to speak,” Diane D says.

“But it wasn‘t me!”

Diane D holds her hand out to Paul and says, “Hand me the ball please.”

“What?!  Hand you the ball?!  But it wasn’t……”

“HAND . . . . . THE BALL!” Diane D angrily shouts.  Michael approaches Paul and takes the ball out of his hand.  He turns and hands the ball to Diane D as Diane D says to Paul, “You’ll get the ball back at the end of the day!”

“At the end of the day?!”

“That’s right!”

Paul turns to Mary and says, “Miss Mary!”

“You heard her!” Mary shouts.   “At the end of the day!”

Paul sadly stares at Mary.

Diane D turns back to Mary and says, “Like I was saying Mom, we received requests from over a thousand people who want to order some Diaz-Davidson Organization CDs and DVDs.”

“Alriiiight!” the crowd says.

“And we have request from some schools wanting some of us to perform there.  And we received requests for some TV Show interviews again.”

“TV show interviews?” Mary says.  “We have to discuss that.  But let me take a look.”  Mary walks over to Diane D.

Diane D hands the papers to Mary.  Mary looks at the papers.  She then says, “Wow that‘s a lot of requests.  I guess we have to get started on making more copies of the CDs and DVDs as soon as possible so we can start selling them.  We’ll talk about all of this at this meeting as soon as Nicolas and Mickey get in here.”  Mary turns and walks away through the crowd.  Diane D gets up off the chair as the crowd goes to the other chairs.  The crowd starts to sit down facing forward.

Diane D and Michael walk towards the front of the room.  Paul suddenly shouts, “Hey Diane?!”  Diane D and Michael stop and turn their heads towards Paul as Paul asks, “What about my ball?”

“What about your ball?!” Michael shouts.  “Didn’t you hear her?!  You’ll get your ball back at the end of the day like she said!” 

Paul angrily folds his arms.  Diane D firmly points her arm and finger at Paul and says, “YOU better be patient my friend.”  Diane D angrily glares at Paul as Paul nervously looks at her.  Diane D turns her head back forward as she and Michael continue to walk to the front of the room.  Paul and the taller white kid sadly stare at them. 

Mary, Margarita, Barry and Tomas go behind the long table. The meeting room door opens.  Nicolas and Mickey comes into the room.  They approach Mary as Nicolas says, “Lo sentimos que estamos tarde Mama.”

“Esta todo bien?” Mary asks.

“Si hemos perdido el rastro del tiempo,” Mickey says.

“Okay baby.”

Nicolas and Mickey go to the side where Diane D is. 

Mary starts to shout to everyone, “Okay okay now listen up everybody!”  The entire crowd listens to Mary. “We have to do another show in two weeks!   We’re going to raise a lot of money again!  We raised so much money last time, you all did a great job!”  Everyone cheers and shouts.  Mary holds up her arm and hand and shouts, “We’re going to have more banquet parties, barbeques and picnics soon!”  Everyone cheers and shouts.

“That’s right!” Margarita shouts, “so start getting ready to do rehearsals soon!  Also in the near future, we’re going to perform on a cruise ship!”

“Wow a cruise ship!” everyone cheers and shouts.

“Y’all like that huh?!”

Everyone continues to cheer and shout.


It is two weeks later on a Saturday evening.  The theater is packed full of excited people!  There are a lot of people holding large banners and large signs high in the air that read, ‘THE DIAZ-DAVIDSON ORGANIZATION’ with very large bold letters printed on them while other banners and signs read, ‘DIANE D AND THE DIANETTES’ with very large bold letters.

Behind the curtain, Diane D and several organization members look towards the stage.  No one is on the stage.  Diane D becomes annoyed and says, “What’s going on, where’s everybody at?  The show should be starting now!  Why is no one on the stage?”

“Beats me,” Alex says.  “Everybody should be here already.” 

Diane D becomes angry and starts to sing as music plays.  She heads towards the exit door as Alex follows her. 


Diane D heads down the street as she continues to sing.  She sees everybody and starts to sing in anger as music continues to play.  Diane D sees some of The Dianettes in some trucks and sees her brothers and Michael and the band in the park.  She sees the African dancers in the park.  She continues to sing as she calls everyone over.  Everyone approaches Diane D.  They all parade behind Diane D as she continues to sing.  Diane D stops singing as she, The Dianettes and twenty male African dancers all jump and dance.  They jump for a while, then dance again.  They all then jump and dance down the street.


Barry is in the backstage hallway looking around.  He doesn’t see any of the performers.  He starts to wait impatiently  He suddenly hears a crowd of people talking.  He turns his head to look.  He looks way down at the other end of the hallway.  He sees Diane D, Michael, the Dianettes, Nicolas, Mickey, Mike, Mitch, the other Youth Show performers and athletes, the Band members and other performers hurry down the hallway with Mike and Mitch talking to Michael and Nicolas.  Barry starts to shout, “Hey!” Everybody becomes quiet and turn their heads.  They look and see Barry.  “What in the world took you all so long?!  You all should have been here already! The show is about to start!”

“Gee calm down Dad!” Diane D says.  “I had to round everybody up!”

“Everybody should’ve been rounded up already!” Barry says with arms folded.  “Let’s move it! Now!”

“Oh come on now Dad!” Nicolas says.

“Yeah cut us some slack!” Diane D says as she and the rest of the crowd annoyingly look at Barry.  Diane D and the rest of the crowd turn their heads away from Barry and quickly go past him as the rest of the Diaz-Davidson Organization turn their heads away from Barry and quickly go past him following Diane D, Michael, a few of the Dianettes, Mike, Mitch, some of the Youth Show performers and athletes.  Barry frustratingly looks at them all.  He then follows th