Danger At The Beach by Sandi Circle - HTML preview

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Chapter 15


Sophia was nervous after getting out of the shower and putting on the only dress that she had purchased at the resort gift shop so far. It wasn’t formal, but it would pass as a dinner dress. She did her hair and make-up lightly and pulled on her strappy heels.

She had thought about this every day since the limo and what it would be like to go out with Luke.  She made a decision then and there that she was throwing out all her reasons for not being with Luke. Whether it was personal or professional, whatever reasons she had were irrelevant.

Luke had been her boss for many years and they developed a trusting professional bond through that. Now Luke was her colleague and team mate. True he was paying her salary, but somehow she felt equal on this investigation, more on the same level.

“What could he ever see in me,” she thought. “I’m a middle aged woman with graying hair, wrinkles and grown children!” Sophia laughed out loud. She didn’t know if it was because she was being silly or because of the irony of finally letting herself be with the man she has loved for years. She was happy.

Right on the dot, Luke was at her door with flowers in hand and a smile on his face when seeing Sophia open the door.

“Wow! You look great!” he said beaming and leaned in to kiss her cheek.

“Thanks, you don’t look so bad yourself,” she responded with a smile while blushing.

“Let’s get going, I made some reservations at The Ocean Club. I’ve been there a few times, it’s fabulous,” he added.

They took one of the SUV’s and made it to the restaurant in about 10 minutes. Luke walked around the car and opened the door for Sophia. She thanked him as he led her into a grand resort with everything from terraced gardens adorned with statues to dramatic ocean views of the beachfront. Sophia was in awe.

“This is marvelous,” she whispered.

“Wait until you taste the food!” Luke said and winked at her. “They have a very innovative menu. You will love it.”

The hostess seated them in a very private alcove and Luke ordered them both a glass of wine. “I’m told they have the best wine on the island right here,” Luke stated. ‘Not to put down the wine at The Paradise though,” he chuckled. “Would you like me to order for the both of us?”

“Yes, that would be lovely, since you’ve been here before,” she answered.

When the waitress arrived he ordered a plate of sautéed clams with roman artichokes for an appetizer, two lobster carpaccio’s with black truffles, and two veal Milanese. Sophia looked impressed. She also felt very hungry now. They talked for a while about nothing in particular, just enjoying each other’s company and drinking their wine. After a few glasses the appetizer arrived and Sophia’s mouth was watering. Luke was right, it did look fabulous.

As they were eating, a distinguished looking older gentleman came up to the table and greeted Luke very welcoming. Luke stood and shook the man’s hand and said “Sophia, this is my father’s oldest friend Kyle Kaloni. He is from the island.”

Sophia noticed the man was very attractive for his age and was dressed very stylishly in an expensive suit. He carried himself with an air of pride and confidence.

“I was so sorry to hear about your father, Luke,” Kyle said sadly. “He was definitely one of a kind, that’s for sure. Maybe we can catch up soon, how long are you around for, Luke?”

“I’m not sure yet, but I can look you up as soon as I get some time,” Luke replied.

“That would be great,” responded Kyle. “I would like that very much. It was very nice to meet you Sophia. You two enjoy your meal.” They said their good byes and returned to dinner.

They enjoyed their meal in a comfortable silence and were on the second bottle of wine when the desert Luke ordered arrived at the table. It was baked Alaska with honey. Luke loaded up a spoonful and fed it to Sophia and she melted in her chair. It was divine.

“I think that is the most decadent thing I have ever tasted,” Sophia said.

“It is wonderful isn’t it?” Luke responded while taking a bite himself. “I used to love this when I was younger.”

“Can I be honest with you, Sophia?” Luke asked.

“Yes, please,” she responded not sure what was coming.

“I have been going crazy thinking about you since that night in the limo,” He stated unreservedly.

Sophia looked stunned but replied “Well, if we are going to be honest, I have too. I tried to deny my feelings for so long and I just don’t think I can do it anymore. I have admired you ever since we started working together. I really tried to keep it professional between us, but truthfully I had a big crush on you.” Sofia blushed and looked down afraid she would scare him away.

“Oh Sophia, really?” he said while lifting her chin to look into her eyes. “I never even had a clue. You kept it very hidden. I finally realized you were someone I wanted to get to know that night at the banquet. No! Not in the limo,” he smiled. “It was when you gave your speech. I was amazed at your compassion and strength. You’re so amazing Sophia,” he whispered while sliding his hands over hers.

“Thank you so much, Luke,” she expressed quietly. “I have been through a lot in my life, some of which you know, and I think God makes us stronger through adversity.”

“I agree,” Luke affirmed. “When my father passed away I thought I would never heal. He was such a wonderful man that I couldn’t imagine living life without him. Then one day I woke up and it didn’t hurt quite so bad. Knowing your loved ones are in heaven looking down at you makes it easier somehow. Knowing they are not in pain or suffering anymore.”

Tears welled in Sophia’s eyes at hearing the sympathy in Luke’s words. “I couldn’t have said it better myself.”

Luke looked at her thoughtfully for a few moments and took a deep breath. “So, do you think we can make a go of this thing between us Sophia? I would love nothing better for you to say yes.”

Sophia couldn’t believe her ears. Was she in a dream? What she had dreamed of for so long was finally happening. She smiled at him with pure joy. “I would love that too, Luke. Yes, let’s try it.”

Luke leaned in and kissed her softly and gently while caressing her cheek with his thumb. After a few moments he remembered where they were and pulled back ever so slightly and whispered “Can I take you back to your room, my love?”

“I would love that, my dear,” Sophia giggled softly.

“Check please!” He called out and they both started laughing.

~ .~.~

Back at the resort Ava and David had finished their dinner, with desert, and decided to go back to the conference room to review more video. Neither one wanted the evening to end. They were getting along very well and learned some things about the other that they were wanting to know. Ava found out that David was a widower and David found out that she was in fact the Mayors daughter. They stayed up late and finished looking at all the footage and discovered nothing new. Then David walked Ava to her room and he didn’t leave until morning…