Danger At The Beach by Sandi Circle - HTML preview

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Chapter 16


The next morning found the team back in the conference room at 7 am, as planned. Odd looks were flying around by everyone wondering what happened last night. There were knowing smiles between Luke and Sophia, but also between Ava and David. After a while it was just assumed by all that the two couples were now together and they moved on.

“Before we get started let’s all go get some breakfast,” Luke told them all. They walked over to the dining room and filled up plates with bagels, eggs pancakes, sausage, and fruit. As they found a nearby table Hemi walked out of the kitchen bringing them all cappuccinos on a tray.

“Good morning guys,” he said while putting the coffees on the table.

“Good morning Hemi,” they all replied.

“Wow, thanks for the cappuccino! Just what I needed,” Ava exclaimed grabbing one from the table.

“Rough night?” he asked smirking.

“No, just long,” she laughed looking at David.

“What? Don’t look at me,” David replied amused.

“How’s the investigation going?” Hemi asked.

“We’ve found quite a few clues, so we’re back on it today following up on those leads,” Luke answered.

“Good, glad to hear it,” Hemi replied. “Anything you need just holler. Enjoy your breakfast.”

“Thanks Hemi,” They all said back to him.

They all settled into eating their breakfast while Luke confirmed everyone’s assignments for the day. “So David, you’ve got your appointment with the detective at nine, right?”

“That’s right, and then I’ll head back here, so if anyone needs any help later just let me know,” he answered.

“OK, and Ava, you are going to finish looking at the video ….”

“Actually we finished that last night and didn’t find anything else.” Ava cut him off.

“We?” Luke questioned and looked up at David and Ava who were grinning. “Oh, never mind, I got it. Good, then you can begin right away on trying to locate the families and getting with the referral resorts. You’ll probably be here most of the day on the internet and making calls, so if anyone needs something to do just head back here.

“OK, sounds good,” Ava replied.

“Sophia, I had Irene print you off a list of the staff we need to interview today within the right age parameters. It’s in the conference room,” Luke stated. “It has listed out where they are working today, so you could start with the kitchen workers then move to housekeeping, or whatever you want to do, OK?”

“OK, that sounds like a good idea,” she replied. “I’ll get the list then get started.”

“I’ll be around the resort today also following up a few leads,” Luke stated. “You all have my number, so call if you need anything. I might be able to help out later today depending on what I uncover. I’m going to have Hemi bring us in a tray of sandwiches to the conference room and leave them in the fridge. And we have the deserts from yesterday too. That way we can eat when we have time and keep going on these leads, sound good?”

“Sounds like a good plan!” declared David as they all started getting up and heading back to the conference room.

As they reached the lobby they saw Luther Black entering the conference room. The door was still ajar so they walked in and greeted him.

“Hi” Luther said quickly. “I was just coming around to see how the investigation is going,” he added. “Anything I can help with?”

“Hi Luther!” Luke said shaking his hand. “I’m glad you came in, actually there is. There seems to be some missing footage on the surveillance feeds. We’d like to find out if there was some trouble with the equipment or if it’s possible that it was deleted”

“Oh, really, that’s curious,” Luther said skeptically. “I will have to check with my security staff, but I’m sure it is just a matter of reception or something. Sometimes the feeds go offline for small periods of time, but I will check on it.”

“That makes sense,” Luke responded. “Please just let us know if you find anything.”

“OK, I will,” said Luther. “Anything else you need?”

“Well, I would like to ask you about Irene’s spare keys to the missing women’s rooms. Do you know who might have had access to take them?” asked Luke.

“You mean they’re missing?” demanded Luther.

“Yes, Irene told us yesterday,” Luke replied.

“Well I just don’t know,” Luther answered. “I will have to look into that too.”

“OK, I appreciate it,” Luke said. “Thanks for your help, Luther.”

“No problem. We’ll get to the bottom of this, don’t worry. I’ll get with you later after I ask around,” Luther said as he turned and left the conference room.

‘I better get going too! I just have enough time to get over to the mainland. See you all later!” David shouted as he waved and dashed out.

Sophia picked up the list of employees and saw that there were about forty names on it. She’d better get started too. She decided to start with the kitchen staff as Luke suggested. She told Ava and Luke good-bye and exited the conference room after giving Luke a warm smile. He gave her a wave and said bye.

 “See you after while Ava,” Luke told her as he gathered up his folder of evidence. Earlier he had printed out some additional copies of the men on the video and also of the wrappers. “Call me if you need anything.”

“OK Luke. Thanks!” she replied.

Ava settled back in her favorite spot by the computer and opened a new tablet to take notes on. Her first internet search would be The National Database for Missing Persons…