Danger At The Beach by Sandi Circle - HTML preview

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Chapter 1


Typing away at her computer, Sophia Grace Adams has a pencil between her teeth, a furrow in her brow and a look of determination on her face. She has been working many hours, as of late, to complete her latest assignment as a copy editor at The Daily Times in corporate USA. She takes her job very seriously and deadlines make her work even harder to complete her task. No one has ever called Sophia a slacker. Her bosses love her work ethic and she regularly gets praised for her desire to meet her goals.

Sophia is sneaking up on 50 years old, but is still quite appealing in her appearance. With her slight frame of five foot four she has light honey colored hair and crystal blue eyes. Although she has to cover up a few strands of gray hair, she is still very attractive for her age. She dresses conservatively, but professional and her figure is fit and toned. She likes to take care of herself and eat right, which shows. Although the years have been rough on her she has maintained her looks, with the help of as many over the counter products that she can afford. Call it vanity or the desire to hold on to at least one thing from her past. Or maybe it is to have power over one thing to keep it from spiraling out of control. Who knows? But it seems to be working.

“Hey Soph!” Ava called out to Sophia, who still had her head down working diligently. Sophia didn’t respond, so Ava threw a paperclip at her. “Hey!” responded Sophia with a smile when she finally looked up.

Ava was Sophia’s co-worker and cubicle mate. About the same age, they worked closely together on related stories and often shared breaks together to gossip or discuss office rumors. Ava had a juicy one today.

“Guess who just quit?” Ava leaned in and whispered.

“Who?” asked Sophia.

“Luke!” replied Ava as a gasp came from Sophia.

Luke Dalton was the CEO of the paper and very respected for his views on local politics and the community. Not to mention he was drop dead gorgeous and rich. At 52 years of age he stood about six two and had dark chestnut hair and eyes like chocolate. With a few graying strands at the temples and a few laugh lines around his eyes, he was very distinguished in his looks. Away from work he was an avid adventurer so his body was rock solid and ready for whatever came his way.

“No way!” said Sophia too shocked to come up with anything else to say.

Sophia had always had a slight crush on her boss, although it would be politically incorrect to ever mention that to anyone.

  “What happened?” asked Sophia surprised.

“Looks like he and the big cheese had a heated difference of opinion, so he told them where to put this job,” stated Ava.

“You know he has always had a dream to relocate to a tropical location and start a business there,” said Ava. “I think he has relatives in the Bahamas.”

“Yes, I have heard him say that before,” said Sophia. “He wants to get back to helping real people instead of all this corporate political business.”

“Well, I personally wouldn’t mind jetting off to a deserted island with the fabulous Mr. Dalton!” whispered Ava. “What a hunk,” she added.

“Well you just might have to wait awhile for that, Ava,” said Sophia. “Isn’t he seeing that famous model now?”

“No, didn’t you see the papers last night? They broke up!” exclaimed Ava. “It’s all over the news that he’s an eligible bachelor now. Maybe I’ll even have a go at him,” laughed Ava. Clearly tickled by her own joke she was practically rolling on the floor giggling.

Noticing Sophia biting her lip, Ava straightened up and looked at her with a questioning look. “Hey, what’s up with you? Did I say something wrong?”

“No, not really, I just don’t think it’s appropriate to laugh about someone else’s misfortune,” stated Sophia rather matter of factly.

“Since when!” exclaimed Ava. “We are always talking about people in this office and….. oh, wait a minute! You got the hots for Mr. Bossman, don’t you?”

“NO I don’t!” shouted Sophia. Making several people in the office look up and notice her standing over her computer glaring at Ava.

“Shhhhhh, sit down Sophia…. take a chill,” smiled Ava. “Your reaction just convinced me of it. Wow! Who would have known, little old you… falling for that sexy creature. Not that I can blame you, he is quite the catch.”

“I’m not falling for him, Ava,” whispered Sophia after she had sat back down. “I’m just going to miss him around here, that’s all.”

“Mmhmmmm… that’s all huh? OK, I’ll let ya’ slide this time,” said Ava snickering as she logged onto her computer to get back to work. Smiling she looked back over to Sophia and for the first time noticed how upset she looked at him leaving. Wow, she really did have a thing for Luke, she thought. That gave her an idea…