Danger At The Beach by Sandi Circle - HTML preview

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Chapter 2


Luke Stormed into his office after having a big blow up fight with the President of the Paper. He could not believe it had come to this. After all these years, and all he had given to this company, it has ended like this. He just could not believe it. He cooled down slightly while he sat down in his luxurious office chair and looked out the window. His office, his window, his view, now gone he thought, as he sat there looking depressed. He did have some good friends here.

He thought about his future while he threw his stuff in his laptop bag and cleared off his desk.

Thought number one – he didn’t need the money. His father was the great Lawrence Dalton and had left him a sizable fortune when he passed away from cancer a few years back. Being a successful businessman, along with a substantial insurance policy, made Luke a wealthy man in anyone’s eyes. He had always loved his Dad who was very loving and generous.

Thought number two – hadn’t he always said that he yearned for a more fulfilling career closer to the people? Not so high in the ivory tower, but down amongst the people where life happens? Had he lost sight of that through the years working here with all the fame and glory that came with this position? Which brought him back to his Dad again. He would always take him to the islands to visit his Uncle Max where they would help out the island people in one way or another, always doing good.

Decision made… this was a good thing. He waited and pondered.

“Yes,” he said to himself. “A good thing.”

He got up, picked up his bag and started to exit his office just as he remembered someone he wanted to say good bye to. Sophia had always been so helpful whenever he asked. Whether it was to proof an article or type something up for him quickly, she never minded, and she was good. He would miss her.

He walked back to his phone and called her extension. Half expecting her to be away from her desk and half expecting her to ignore the call… she picked up.

“Hello, this is Sophia,” she answered tentatively after seeing his number come up on her phone display. She wondered why Luke was calling her if he had just quit. Shouldn’t he be leaving the building?

“Hi Sophia, this is Luke,” he said.

“Hello Mr. Dalton, what can I do for you?” she answered curiously.

“Please call me Luke. We’ve worked together long enough that I think it’s ok,” he chuckled. “Would you mind coming into my office for a second? I’m on my way out and I’d like to chat for a moment if I could,” he asked.

“Sure Mr. Dalton, I mean Luke. I’ll be right there,” she responded shyly.

“OK, thanks,” he said before hanging up.

She looked up and Ava was staring right at her with an inquisitive look and a smirk on her face.

‘What???” Sophia asked. “He probably just has something he wants me to finish up for him.”

“Well go!” Ava yelled. “Go find out!” pointing to his office and snapping her fingers. “Hurry!”

Sophia got up and hastily turned back and grabbed a pad and paper in case Luke wanted her to take some notes or something. She had no idea what he would want her for. She was driving herself crazy for the past half hour with the thought of him leaving. She shot Ava a questioning look and walked demurely to Luke’s office on the other side of the building. Her desk was in the maze of cubicles in the main office, but Luke had an office down the hall with actual doors and locks and furniture. She had only been in his office a few times. It was intimidating. She knocked on the door and slowly opened it waiting for a response.

“Hello, come in Sophia. Thanks for coming so quickly, I won’t be here long”. Luke said as he stood up to wave her in. He motioned for her to take a seat directly across from him in an overstuffed lounge chair as he sat on the sofa. She sat down and got comfortable.

“I suspect you have heard the news already Sophia,” Luke said.

“Yes, I was hoping it wasn’t true,” Sophia blurted out without thinking. “I mean, it isn’t true is it?”

“I’m afraid it is,” Luke said. “John and I have had differing opinions for quite some time on how to run this paper and I guess today was the day it finally came to a head.”

“I’m so sorry Mr…. Luke,” she smiled. “I have really enjoyed working for you over the years.”

“Thank you,” Luke replied smiling back at her. “That is one reason that I wanted to ask you in here before I left. I wanted to say good-bye, but also to thank you for all of your help, and to tell you that I think you are a valuable employee. Please, if you ever need a reference don’t hesitate to ask. You are proficient, dedicated, and hard working. I could not ask for a better employee.” He looked at her directly and said “I would even hire you again if you ever decided to leave this company.”

“Well thank you Luke that really means a lot to me,” Sophia said blushing and looking at the floor. “I try hard to do my job correctly, and it doesn’t hurt to be a perfectionist,” she said shyly. “Where will you be going that you could hire me?”

“Well I haven’t quite figured that out yet, but when I do I will give you a call if that’s ok,” Luke responded.

Sophia just sat there looking at him in awe. She could not believe what she was hearing. He would really hire her at a new company. Could this be the start of her new life she has been so desperately seeking? A new beginning?

“Are you OK?” asked Luke quietly.

“Oh yes, sorry,” she grinned. “To be completely honest I have been thinking of a change for a while now and you kind of surprised me. I don’t know if it’s a mid-life crisis or what, but I just need something different. I want to make a difference. I want to be needed and appreciated for something worthwhile and not just proofing words on a page if that makes sense,” she continued. “I just need something more out of life, you know?”

Surprised by her words he said “I completely agree! I know exactly where you are coming from. I guess sometimes you just need that little push from the nest to get on with your life.” He sat back content that he had come to that conclusion with her help. He smiled at her and said “If you don’t mind could you write down your number for me on the pad of paper you have there? It might take me a few weeks to get situated, but I’m serious about having a job for you. How do you feel about the beach…?