Detective Liam Niles: The Diarium Of Lady Tauna Drake by BONITA HIGHLEY - HTML preview

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Detective Liam Niles

By Bonita Highley


No A.I. Training

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An Englishman’s Ring

From the parchment documents in the year 1586. In Pacific Northwest, Oregon read:

Inside a medieval castle, a stout looking man in shining armor held onto his helmet, as a priest in his draped cassock barely dragged onto the stone floor, accompanies him. Sir Knight John Drake kneels in front of a cross-inlaid, stain glass window, his sword by his side, on his left hand, middle finger, he wears a draco coat of arms signet ring, while he prays to god for his safe journey home back to England. A ray of light that shone upon his face from the window as he gazed at a depiction of Jesus Christ, a sudden prophetic bright flash of a young woman with blushed face and wind-blown chestnut colored hair imaged into his daydream as he murmurs the name-‘Tauna.’ The split second image abruptly ended.

Sir Knight John Drake, making the sign of the cross onto his chest, he peered at the priest with expressional instruction as he pulled off his ring, handing it to the priest. “I must leave the ring behind, so to find it when I return to take over nobility of this castle.”

The Priest admonished. “But Sir Drake, it must be hidden for now, for your enemies are about to come.”

Sir Knight Drake, instructed. “You must hide the ring. It is the key to my family’s fortune.” He stands to prepare for what

might be his final fight, as the sound of his enemies’ stomping comes near.

A bright light shines through the big stain glass window of ancient times as if in a window of time blur.

The refocused resumed bright light shined once again into the room of the year 2023, of the ceremony of Pastor Connor Drake, of the castle-turned- Chivalry Chapel.

Pastor Connor Drake, dressed in a nice suit, with an American-English accent “There will be a Jubilee banquet to mark the anniversary of Chivalry Chapel today at noon. We ask all to dress in medieval apparel. See you all at noon.”

The congregation walk into the fellowship hall.

Pastor Connor Drake signals a man from the pew with neatly combed, shoulder length blonde hair wearing dark jeans, boots, navy-blue shirt with a long trench coat to stand next to him,

Detective Liam Niles enters, respectfully treads over the tutor styled carpet casually, then stands his six feet tall to greet the pastor in gallant stance.

Tauna Drake swiftly comes in from the hallway, stands next to her father, exhales her breath at attention to him. Her auburn hair matched her shirt with blue jeans and shoe boots.

Pastor Drake, a sense of annoyance to her. “Tauna, once again, you are late.”

Tauna gives him a glancing, tolerated look. “Yes Father, I am well aware of that.” She declared in her American accent.

Pastor Drake stood. “Oh, Preacher’s kids, Don’t you love them. Daughter, meet Master Detective, Liam Niles. I asked him to come and investigate and find the signet ring of our lineage of Sir Knight John Drake.”

Tauna takes a glance at the detective, then, halts with courteousness. “Pleased to meet you sir, I mean, Detective Niles.”

Liam Niles gives back a curious stare. “The pleasure is mine, and please, just Liam.” He said in a gentle British-Englishman’s accent.

Pastor Drake , Tauna, Liam, all stood and looked up to observe the old stain glass window.

Pastor Drake explained. “According to the chapel’s documents, this chapel was the castle. The stain glass window tells a symbolic story of the castle in the year 1586. The old fable goes that Sir Knight Drake had a priest hide his coat of arms signet ring, the ring is the family’s fortune. The only clue we found is this symbol of a dragon which is also depicted on the fireplace in the fellowship hall.”

Bren Drake stood at the door in her long dark skirt, white shirt, then enters the room. “I remember reading the fable from the old manuscript documents to her when she was young.” With pride.

Pastor Drake, “ Bren, my wife. Thanks for your insight. A woman like Mother Mary.”

Liam took note. “Documents? And where are these old documents?”

Tauna looked at him. “In the great hall’s closet.”

Liam looked at her fascinated. “May I see them please?”

Dayn McConel, standing eager next to them, with an American accent. “We’re finally going to end this mystery.”

Pastor Drake taking note. “This is Dayn, my assistant pastor, he will take over Chivalry Chapel soon. Dayn, let’s let the detective do his investigation while we attend the others to prepare for the event. And I shall see you two at noon.”

Dayn apprehensively walked away with the Pastor.

Tauna led the way, showing him into the great hall room.

Liam proceeded to walk toward the great hall along side her.

“Is Dayn always like that?”

Tauna looked at him. “Dayn? He’s eager like all of us to end the mystery. And I must get used to it as I will be his wife soon.” She guided him.

Liam Niles raised his brow. “Will you. Dear oh dear, Miss Drake. Prepare to walk into my world in detection. Are you ready?”

Tauna glanced at him once. “Me. Seriously?”

Liam Niles boldly walked. “Yes indeed.”

Tauna walked intrigued. “Well. This could be fun.”

Liam follows her directly into the room, laying his hand on top of the big round table in the middle of the room waiting for her to place the documents.

Tauna, taking out the documents from the closet, she placed the old papers across the table.

Liam Niles, with his keen deduction, taking a good view, he pointed his finger at the facts. “Here it is. The year, fifteen, eighty-six.“ Tracing his finger to another paper document, he

once again showed her the information about the stain glass window. “Right. The ancient drawing of the stain glass window, but does not show the symbolic signet ring. But there is one depicted on the stain glass window.” He looks up at the surrounds of the room. “The priest was wise for not noting it, keeping it from the enemy.” He admired her.

“Right. Tauna, let’s start inspecting this castle-turned chapel.

Beginning at the fireplace.” He fixed his sight onto the dragon mosaic symbol, embedded in the middle of the mantel.

Directly going to the mantel, Tauna following him, he inspected it closely, taking his fingers to feel around. “The documents state that in the chapel…..” His hand suddenly stopped as he felt a shifting brick, stopped to give a surprised look at her, a surprised look on their faces as they looked at each other, then as he pulled the brick out, he placed his hand inside the hollow area, but to find a skeleton key as he took it out to show her. “Now Miss Drake. Where is the hidden door?”

Tauna, taking the key from his fingers for a closer look. “ As I vaguely remember, It is the key to the old arched doorway of the rarely used entrance that hasn’t been used since the days of Sir Drake and his priest.”

Liam, with slight dimpled smirk. “And where does this doorway lead to?”

Tauna looked at him in intrigued interest. “To an old passageway outside.”

Liam, held his hand out to her in invite. “Right. Let’s give it a go. Shall we?”

Tauna escorted him toward the ancient arch door.

Liam inquired.“Tauna, What’s your age?”

Tauna assertive. “Old enough to know better. And you?”

Liam smirked. “Older than you love.”

Liam and Tauna looked at each with curious spark.

Tauna inquired. “The coat of arms symbol on your trench coat’s buttons. You’re not just An Englishman. And you come from a long line of swordsmen.”

Liam briefly stopped for a moment to look at her intrigued.

“You are quite observant. Now, how would you know that? I didn’t tell you.”

Tauna wryly observed. “Father made sure I read about it growing up. I’m fascinated in the subject.” She stood mesmerized at him.

Liam observing her back in return. “Daddy’s little girl, I suppose.”

Tauna showed her charisma. “Something like that.”

Liam admired her. “You are an intelligent woman. Shall we continue with our adventure?”

They proceeded to unlock the door, as the door open with a creaking sound, then enter outside, the cool breeze blew gently through their hair.

Tauna pointed her finger into the distance. “There’s a river that father used to have baptisms in. It’s over there.”

Liam admired the view. “There’s a legend that was told from the medieval times, according to the fable, possibly if a knight died, they placed his sword into the water as a symbolism ….or they put the sword into the river to hide it from the enemy, or they lost it through battle.”

Tauna, gazed in fascination at him. “Is all your investigations like this, your king Arthur like knowledge? Tell me, what’s it like in your quests as detective?”

Liam, his gentleman views on her given back. “As detective?

Alright little girl. Let me tell you about my adventurous tales, Miss Tauna Drake of the castle Chivalry Chapel.” Taking his reverenced hand, he invited her to sit with him on a nearby bench overlooking the shimmering river.

The hour went by filled with ambiance of curiosity between them. With each discussion of his stories of detection, her eyes intriguingly followed his, his notice of her attention to him, mesmerized his view into hers-one lingering stare between them, she exhaled quickly, looked down in shyness, then up again to his dimpled smile at her. She gave her mutual grin to him as he takes her hand in honor, kissing upon it, his mesmerized gaze upon her, her unmistaken bond to him .

Liam, with his strong hold upon her. “Now Miss Drake. Ready for the banquet?” He stood tall and strong, extended his inviting hand out to her.

Tauna, with a nod of agreement, lay her hand into his hand, as they began their way back to the old arch door.

Liam, with a final closing, takes the key, locks the ancient door, placing the key inside his trench coat’s pocket.

Liam showed his respects. “Right. I suppose that is it for now.”

Liam and Tauna gave each other the look of interest as they leave to their rooms.

Dayn reached out, takes her wrist, pulling her into a corner.

“Too many hours with that man. Really Tauna, did you have to go as far as to making me jealous, may I remind of your father’s promised sacrament to each other?”

Tauna with indented brows. “You know as well as I, that Liam,

….Detective Niles and I are conducting business together.”

Dayn, with brute lips. “Oh come on Tauna, I can see right through you, you’re falling for him aren’t you?”

Tauna took note. “Dayn, I know you mean well, you and I, we have known each other for years, and yes, my father’s agreement in my nuptials with you and beneficiary of the chapel with me, I have honored his request. In my younger years at one time, I had laid curious eyes on you, when long before I knew what love was, or, though I thought. There is nothing wrong to say, that I have a deep interest in Detective Niles’ work, I’m very much intrigued by how he engages……shares his interests back towards me, as his temporary assistant. Besides, I don’t see your ring on my finger yet, now, kindly I must get ready for the event.” She began to walk off.

Dayn tightens her wrist, looks straight at her. “Make sure, it is just that. Temporary.”

Tauna tugs hard, pulling away from him and continues onward to her room.

Liam, just around the corner listening intently, then walks on to his room.

At the banquet…..

Pastor Drake, dressed in a king’s attire, walks down the hall to welcome his guests.

Liam, dressed in a white peasant shirt, jabot, black jean pants tucked inside his long boots. He walks up to the pastor “Good evening King Drake.”

Pastor Drake addressed him. “Liam. Is everyone ready? Where is that daughter of mine?”

Tauna, dressed beautifully adorned in a gold belt, maiden gown, her hair fixed elegant, her face, beautified rose blushed. “Right here father.”

Liam Looked at her in even more interest. “You look lovely.”

He took her hand, kissed upon it.

Tauna gave him her lingered consented look of ‘thanks’.

Quickly saw his top button unbuttoned. “Here, let me help you with that.” She takes her fingers to push the button through the button hole, pulls back.

Liam checks his button with his finger. “Thank you, Miss Tauna.” His eyes locked with hers.

Tauna smiles at him.

Dayn, looking very intently at them.

Pastor Connor, focused. “I also will have monks from the monastery as guests to a sacred sacramental of faithful fellowship goodwill. Keep in mind, they will come with their rituals.”

Bren’s attention peered out the window. “Ah, and here they are.”

Pastor Drake’s attention suddenly turned to the arrival group of monks in highly fashionable robes at the foyer’s door, as they enter into the foyer. “And here are the guests for a fortnight.

Pastor Connor led the way with Bren to the great hall.

everyone ready?”

Liam reshifted his hands behind his back while treading the corridor. “Blimey. Quite virtuous for monks.”

Tauna looks at him with enchantment. ”You’ve quite thorough yourself, in your investigations.”

Liam looks at her with the corner of his eyes. “Let’s see how thorough later love. See you in the chamber court of spies.”

He invites her inside the great hall with gentleman reverence.

Tauna, gives him a slight grin, then enters into the great hall.

In the great hall, a gathering amongst everyone at a very long medieval table commenced. Their dinner platters already laid out for them, they began to eat their meals.

Tauna sat quietly dabbling her food with her fork, not taking any bites, sets her fork aside onto her plate, then glanced at Liam, seeing Liam glance of his mesmerized stare of her beauty verses deducing her earlier demeanor.

Bren, sitting opposite at the table of her. “Tauna, you’re not eating your food. Are you not well.”

Tauna directly looks at her. “Yes mother, I’m fine. I’m just not hungry.”

Bren gave a strange expression. “Our Tauna not hungry?

That’s the first.”

Pastor Drake shifted in his seat. “Pre wedding jitters, that’s what it is.”

Bren in caring view. “It’s amazing what love does to people.

You can’t eat, you can’t sleep.”

Pastor Drake looked at Tauna. “Yes and this love with produce an heir to Chivalry Chapel.”

Liam quietly listening intently to all the comments with seeing her expressions, from despair of Dayn, to her father’s daughter of protection, then back to him for reassurance.

Dayn following Liam and Tauna’s look at each other.

Pastor Drake, Finishing up his meal. “I know what we can do.

Tauna, entertain us. Choose your partner in dance with that, you know, that dance.” Waving his hand loosely.

Tauna’s mouth open. “What, now?”

Bren admonished. “Tauna, please do, you’re so beautiful at it,”

Tauna briefly views everyone in the room. “Ok.” She takes her last glance at Liam, gets up from her chair, walks to the middle of the open spaced floor and stands looking at all.

“Detective Liam Niles, Will you please come dance with me.”

Pastor Drake and Bren looked at the detective with everyone else.

Liam looks at the pastor and Bren.

Bren Signals with a go ahead-nod to him to do it.

Dayn gave a look of disdain at Liam.

Liam looks back at Tauna. “Alright.” Stands up, walking over to her.

Pastor Drake gives a questionable expression. “What’s this all about? She usually has Dayn dance with her.”

Bren turns to him. “Connor, she’s not fifteen anymore, she’s an adult woman. See her expression on her face, she’s becoming smitten with him.”

Liam, a little uneasy. “Tauna, I only know some dance moves.

I’m sure you’d rather choose someone else.”

Tauna gave a reassured glance to him. “No Liam, I choose you.

Don’t worry, I’ll lead the way.”

Tauna and Liam in position. The music began softly as Tauna led Liam into many intricate moves, one step forward, one step backward, held hands high, then he recognized the third step, then took over leading her into another dance step, placing their arms over each other’s heads, then lower them, as they rotate their winding momentum side by side, as the music’s high notes slowed down to a halt. They looked mesmerized with each other. The room silent.

Bren began clapping her hands, as the others did.

Liam and Tauna smiled at each other on the way back to their seats.

Dayn grabbing her arm gently, adamantly stared at her. “Why didn’t you ask me to dance?”

Tauna halt with answer. “Because I didn’t.” She went to her chair and sat.

Bren held her hand and gave her a big grin.

Pastor Drake, with pride. “Well done. Now Liam, did you find the ring?”

Liam answered in attention. “No Sir. Tauna and I only found a skeleton key just inside an old loose brick from the fireplace in this fellowship hall but curiously that led outside.”

Dayn sat in brooding annoyance. “How can anyone find that ring amongst all those layered bricks is beyond me.”

Liam keenly Observed Dayn, then veered back at the Pastor.

“Pastor Drake, Could you tell me more about Sir Drake?”

Pastor Drake sat straighter. “As the legend goes, in 1586, Sir Knight Drake, after his loyalty to the queen of England, sailed to North America bringing his gold with him, in hopes of becoming a noble of this castle.

Dayn sat more annoyed. “Look, some say he met his demise here in this castle, or just wounded in battle, his wife and child by his side, some say he never made it back to claim his fortune. That was then, WE are here now.”

Liam, sternly. “Yes and that’s why we’re searching for the lineage heritage that you call fortune!

Dayn stared with contention at him. “I too have an ancestor that came here at the same time of Sir Drake. His name was Sir Knight Blackwood. He is also of worthy notice. He may have been your Sir Knight’s nemesis. I wear the wyven dragon pin with honor.”

Pastor Drake, with patience. “Thanks for the reminder Dayn, however, we do need to focus on finding the ring. Enough of this, let’s have some fun.

Dayn, entertain us with your sword fighting. Go on, choose your competitor among one of us.

Dayn glances at Tauna.

Tauna quickly averts away from him uninterested.

Dayn stands up to prepare by standing in the middle of the room, poised straight. “I challenge… Detective Liam Niles.”

Liam looked straight at him. “Ok. Why not.” He stood to walk over to Dayn.

Dayn wryly stared at him while taking his sword. “Let’s see what you’re made of besides your sleuthing.”

Liam gives a very optimistic expression, takes a sword, meets him in middle room.

Dayn whips his sword at him without warning.

Liam suddenly parries back at him in defense, with a clink sound. “You’re good.”

Dayn whipped it at him again “Detective Niles. Do you like younger women?”

Liam parried at his sword again, with another clink. “You mean Tauna? Yes, I like her very much.”

Dayn, whipping his sword again. “You two were gone for quite awhile today.”

Liam, another clink. “Yes, quite awhile, in our investigation. I believe in righting a wrong, don’t you?”

Dayn, with a wry look. “And what do you mean by that?”

Whips his sword at him again.

Liam parries his sword against his with a louder clink sound.

“You know. Like having justice for unjust things like deceit and premeditated thievery.”

Dayn winced as he struck harder at him. “And what are you claiming Niles?”

Liam struck harder at his opponent. “That you know well where Sir Knight Drake’s ring is. Or at least the location of it.

Let’s say….the mantel’s brick.”

Dayn Hurled his sword at Liam’s head in threat.

Liam Quickly shielded his head with his sword with a loudest hard clink, as they both held equally cross swords held against each other.

Liam snared at him. “I’m watching your every move, don’t mess with me, for I will break you, and don’t think I won’t.”

He pushed him away with a warning gesture.

Pastor Drake’s head up high in acknowledgement. “Well done!” clapping out loud along with others, as he and Bren raised their wine glasses in acknowledge to Liam.

Liam, sitting next to Tauna at a long wooden table, overhears in observation of others’ conversations.

Dayn inserted. “Tauna. Are you aware of the room, chancery?”

Tauna, with full attention. “Yes, It’s a room rarely visited. It’s just on the other side of the chapel.”

Dayn continued. “Legend says, Sir Knight John Drake’s effigy is hidden somewhere in the chancery along with his sword.”

Liam observing from his table, watching and listening to Tauna while keeping his attention on Dayn like a hawk. “In the past, kings and their knights have been known to hide their swords from their enemies?”

Dayn smirked at Liam. “Yes, Niles, I have known that fact.

Totally obscured from view, but yet under ancient chipped paint.” Sitting at a distance, with embitterment at him.

Liam, observed him in keenly deduced silence.

Dayn, assertive. “How long will you be in Pastor Drake’s residence of service?”

Liam looked keenly at Dayn. “Long enough. Pastor Connor Drake had assigned to me in his service to him, to find the ring of Sir Drake.” His arm rested on the table, he held his glass of Guinness near his mouth.

Dayn inserted again. “ I bet it’s quite convenient to have Tauna around you in search of many answers to clues.

Perhaps Tauna and I can collaborate together in finding the sword. And Detective Niles, it would help you to focus more in your investigation to find the ring.”

Liam, observing him in silence, then intervened. “Thank you Mr. McConol. I’m sure we will find the sword. Now, please excuse us. Tauna, shall we dance.” He takes Tauna’s hand escorting her to the middle of the room. “Tauna, I know where the sword is. We’re going to confiscate it before he does. Please prepare for my thorough shameless behavior.

I’m about to provoke a reaction.” He suddenly yanked her close at himself in sensual aggression, took hold of her head with both hands, embraced her with an aggressive kiss on her lips boldly.

Tauna places her hand upon his chest in enjoyment.

Liam pulls away from her with a smack from her lips.

Tauna, astound. “Why did you do that?”

Liam, in quick response. “Because I wanted to.”

Dayn whips his napkin down on the table with fury. With a wry look of disgust, he pulls away from the table to leave the room.

Liam sees Dayn leave the room. “Thank you love. Now, to find the sword.” He takes her hand, leads her out of the room following him out into the foyer, then inside the sanctuary.

On the sanctuary’s rafter, a thurible pendulum of fire freely swings back and forth across in ceremonial ritual, in commemoration the monks’ celebration as monks stand in line in humble prayer to god.

Liam and Tauna, hand in hand, inconspicuously tread past each column then halts to observe Dayn in avoidance around the crowd of people and the swinging pendulum. Then sees

him stepping away from an unattainable door in frustration, going back to his room. Satisfied with proof, he held her hand tighter. Liam, poised for a sprinting run through. “Sir Drake’s sword. It’s hidden, or rather, it’s encased within the effigy.”

Hold tight, we’re going after it. You are good at timing, right?”

Tauna steps forward to see the thurible pendulum swinging toward them, then away from them. Giving him a straight dignified look of seriousness “ Oh you’re not serious? Are you serious? Really?” As she kept staring at the coming and going swing of the fiery ritual. “But in what way? Run with it, or….”

Liam, adventurous. ”There’s only one way to find out.”

Tauna, on high gear. “There’s a double meaning in that!”

Liam, seeing the timing of the thurible pendulum swinging toward them, then going upward high into the air, in command, he quickly moves forward. “MOVE!!!” As they swiftly ran inward toward the center, the thurible once again, began to swing back down toward them, a heated swooping sound of spewed incense engulfed the room chased after them as they ran faster across the mid room row, were about to leap out from it, Liam grabbing her out of harm’s way, making it onto the other side, then halt next to a door with a wooden sign with the words: ‘Chancery’. Raised his brows. “

Are you ready to retrieve?”

Liam and Tauna opened the door, crept inside, shutting the door. Entering further to observe the room, the atmosphere filled with spiritual ambiance as they proceeded to take their steps toward a stone memorial. While approaching the effigy image, the sun’s rays beamed its light upon a depiction of an ancient knight from medieval times. As they approached the

image closer, they proceeded taking more steps around the stone, sliding his fingers around the stone’s parameter, then stop for a last look at the depicted face.

Liam signaled. “Right. Let’s do it.” He grips his hands tight onto the edge of the stone, inhaling deep breath, then hoist himself on top the stone, sat, grabbed her hands to lift her up with him, swung his body toward the effigy, then began to search with his fingers for any indentations around the depicted sword carved image. Feeling around the edges, they heard voices of the priests coming near. He waved his hand in front of her to halt for a moment to check with a view at the closed door. Her long auburn hair dangling to one side, she joined his cautious paused stare. Not hearing anymore, he proceeds further once again in search, as she follows him. A bright glimmer showed through the small nook as the ray of light shined upon it. Taking his fist, he bashed upon it, as a small piece stone broke loose. Then another and another, as he took his fingers to break off more. Repositioning themselves, they wrapped their hands around the revealed hilt as they lifted upwards with all their might and strength, pulling hard, gritting their teeth as it finally popped out of its casing, the remainder of small stone pieces flinging to the floor. In awe, she sat looking at the depicted face once again.

Liam’s accomplishment on his face. “Let’s get out of here.”

Placing the sword onto the edge, they dismounted, jumped onto their feet. Retaking the sword, they commenced toward the door, opened it quietly, peered around in secret, closed the door to begin their walk back to his room. Half way back, a sly smile expressed upon their faces, sword by his side, they effortlessly entered back inside the room, closed the door.

The mission completed.

The Next day….

Church sacraments:

Tauna sees Dayn following her from her room, to the kitchen breakfast, then to the sanctuary.

The choir’s music spread throughout the castle.

Tauna stood in prayer while listening to the music.

Dayn stood next to her, attentive to the church choir. “Where is Detective Niles?”

Tauna stood cautious. “He’s investigating.”

Dayn, cunningly waited. ”Word is out, the sword was found and was taken sometime last night. Do you know how it was done? It was told that it was done skillfully.”

Tauna, slyly. “How interesting” Turned to leave the room.

Dayn follows her out of the room, walking along with her down the hall. ”It was done practically under the presiding priest’s noses.”

Tauna nonchalantly continued her walk. “Quite intriguing.”

Dayn continued after her. “A two man job, they say.”

Tauna, with a wry smirk “Magnificent.”

Dayn grabbed her arm, forcing her to face him.

Tauna takes one look of disdain at him, jerks away from him.

Dayn glared at her. “I’m only going to say this one time.

Where is the sword?”

Tauna adamant. “I have no clue of what you’re talking about.”

Dayn clenched his teeth. “I think you do, Miss Drake.”

Tauna tighten her expression. “Good day, Mr. McConol?” She walks away toward her room, then notices him following her.

She continued her walk across the room, across the hallway, then outside into the drizzled rain, then stopped abruptly. She peered to her right, then left, then stood in her thoughts in the pouring rain as rain droplets drenched her hair, dripped off. Swallowing of his disappearance, she began her slow walk back inside the castle. Reentering in the forefront, an illumination of candles lined up on both sides of the chancel as the atmosphere filled with silence, the flames warming her body. She continues her steps towards the sanctuary’s chancel. The warm flickering reassured her senses of god’s presence. She turned to walk back to her room to see Dayn sitting in a corner of her room.

Dayn, twiddling his thumbs. “Why are you following me?”

Tauna stood firm. “I should be asking you that question.”

Dayn stood up taking steps toward her. “Tauna, Perhaps you will join me in this quest to find the sword’s new location.”

Tauna began to move around him. “That is for Detective Niles quest. Good evening?”

Dayn sneered. “Ah yes. The Master Detective Liam Niles. and his apprentice, I suppose.”

Tauna kept her vision aligned to him in straight faced silence .

Dayn snickered. “Yes, just what I thought. And does this partnership come with fringe benefits, you and him?”

Tauna takes three steps up to him with adamant glare. “Good evening, Mr. McConol.” She swiftly turned to walk to her room.

Dayn stands with a wry twist upon his mouth, seeing her walking back out of her room, he grabs a dagger from above the fireplace, hurls it towards her as it struck her bedroom doorframe with a hard thud as the blade embedded into the wall, stuck in warning.

Simultaneously, Liam suddenly appears entering the room, immediately halts to see the eminent threat.

Simultaneously, Tauna immediately turns to see Liam, then back to Dayn.

Liam, in quick response, grasps the dagger in anger, pulls it from the doorframe, and swiftly hurls it back at him in defense, as it struck his long loose shirt, pinning him to the wall on the other side of the room. “Tauna, call the police.”

He looks at her, straightens out his sleek long black trench coat. “And I’ll see you later love.”

Tauna gives Liam a reassured smirk, then does what he asked.

Liam turned back to walk to him up close and personal. “Dayn McConol. There is no doubt in my keen deductive mind, that you and only you pulled it off in orchestrating this monstrosity, am I right?”

Dayn , clenching his teeth. “I take the fifth”.

Liam, with disgust. “Show up inside this castle once more and I’ll have you do the fifth-permanently.” His teeth clenched

back in retaliation. He grasped the dagger, pulling it out from the wall as the police arrived.

The Police placing Mr. McConol in handcuffs, taking him away from the castle.

Liam readjusts his jacket’s collar in a cool calm way. “Right.”

Then walks to greet Tauna inside her room with an unamusing look. “Blimey. Now what am I to do with you little girl?” He reasoned with her, pacing back and forth beside her in concern. “What on EARTH, were you thinking?!”

Tauna watching him move side to side. “I was trying to divert him .”

Liam quickly turned to her. “Trying to Divert him? That was your motive? Really? Did you think of the potential dangerous consequence?!” He sighed.

Tauna, offended. “Oh, Liam, do credit me with some intelligence.”

Liam steps aligned to her sides vision, adamantly looking at her. “And what would have happened if I didn’t show up?! I’ll tell you little girl, never do anything of this detective game you play without me, is that clear?” He stepped close to her.

Tauna looks at him for understanding. “Liam, I was only……”

Liam’s adamant eyebrows rose. “Ah….”

Tauna, again tried to explain. “But, I only wanted…..”

Liam once again raised his brows. “AHH---SHHH…..

Tauna stared at him mesmerized, trying to find more opened mouth explained words.

Liam reasoned. “I’m going to tell you, leave the sleuthing to me. And you, as your father’s heir, are to be the heir to his chapel. Is that clear?”

Tauna looked straight at him “Quite. And now what are you going to do? Tell my father?” Sarcastic.

Liam gently took hold of her chin, looked straight into her eyes. “ If I was your father, I’d put you over my knee giving you a good smack.”

Tauna gave him a bold look back. “That’s funny, I would have thought you’d put me in bed as punishment.” Sarcastic scalding him back in return.

Liam looked at her. “That, no doubt, would come after.”

Tauna stood up to him. “So no penance?”

Liam, stood close to her with a hover. “You’re dismissed of all charges. Case closed.”

Tauna, comforted by him. “ Am I dismissed?”

Liam gave her a lingered look of response. “No.”

The sun beamed a soft glow ray into the room of the great hall.

Tauna stood in questionable mode. “And Detective Niles, what are we here for?”

Liam, grasping hold of two swords. “ We, are here, so I can

teach you the fine art of swordplay. So you can learn to protect yourself. He gave her a sword.

Tauna, taking the sword. “My father has already taught me.”

Liam, looking straight at her. “Your father taught you as a young lady as beginner, until your mother took you into her world training you to be a fine mannered Lady of the chapel.

Now, I’m going to finish what your father had started. En garde.” He poised himself in front of her, his feet into position, his sword raised pointing toward her.

Tauna, with a cocky expression. “And how do you know about that?”

Liam, with a slight dimpled wry. “Because, I’m your detective.

Sword up.”

Tauna, places her feet into his same shown position. Her sword pointing opposition to his.

Liam, step by step slowly began to continue her training, with each move as a reminder of what her father established, then taking advanced steps toward her sword with slight to louder parry clinks of clashing blades.

Tauna, being reminded of her father’s first trainer, in cocky manner, whipped her sword at him as like a child.

Liam, hit her sword harder, knocking her sword from her hand. “Touch’e.” His face with serious look. “Pick up.”

Tauna, with an ugly expression, picked up her sword, poised herself, her sword at him again.

Liam, poised, once again stood instructing her. “Again.” Taking a wider lunging step toward her.

Tauna, once again blocking his sword against her sword.

Liam, parried back at her sword. “Keep your balance, parry, parry, Hold your defense” “Extend, lunge at me.”

Tauna, getting a slight steel lashing hit on her side and pulls away fast.

Liam continued. “Don’t be reckless Tauna, missing just ONE

PARRY can be YOUR fatal blow, PAY ATTENTION and protect yourself! Now, once again.” He lunged hard at her.

Tauna, parried her sword at his sword, blocking the hit, once, twice, thrice, with improvement steps as they continued to perfect the art of swordplay, then, her well trained movements with ease and grace, her hair flowing around her shoulders in her own experience, then intermediately integrating into his experience. Their shared advanced stance, they come face to face, as though in a state of mesmerized meditation, becoming one with each other, practicing their rounds around each other, over and over again, until, he quickly raised his sword in endeavored cross sword of winner over her, pushing her up against the wall. Staring at her, coming an inch of her face. She stared back into his. Heavy breath against heavy breath in a moment of time they stood, they met each other’s match. In another moment of time, their eyes in serious contemplation to one another.

Liam, satisfied, looking her over with care. “Well done Tauna.

Well done. You are now dismissed.”

Tauna, loosening her grip.

Liam, once again pushing up against her. “NEVER let your guard down.” He lovingly looked at her with instruction.

“Never.” He loosened his grip upon her, their swords to their sides, then reached his hand out to gently touch her soft face.

“I will inform your father of your achievement. You have done, very well.” For a moment in time, he lovingly gazed upon her, turn to leave the room

Tauna, keeping her eyes on him. “Liam.”

Liam, looking back at her, seeing her need of him, retraces his steps back to her in his need for her, drops his sword to the floor as he clamps his hands upon her face, grasping his mouth upon hers in tenderness.

Tauna, dropping her sword next to his, lovingly grasps his arms.

Liam, pulls away, takes another look, then leaves the room.

Tauna, watching him leave with much respect for him as gentleman. And with much need of him.

The following morning…

Pastor Drake placed his suitcase inside of his car. “Liam, come see me off. I have a meeting tonight and will not be here until the next morning. Liam, Tauna seems a bit stressed. She needs to have some fun and relax, ok? See you two tomorrow.”

Liam gives him a salute. “Will do sir.”

Pastor Drake got into his car and drove off.

Later that evening…….A stormy night.

In the kitchen, Tauna, reaching up to put away the last dish, heard a thunderbolt outside. Her hand in dish barely fumbled with tension.

Liam, witnessing her troubled moment. “Dear oh dear Miss Drake. According to your father, you, my dear, need a wee bit of fun.” Taking a chilled bottle of Guinness from the fridge, popping the bottle opened, he slowly drank his brew.

Tauna paused to give him a long look. “And what kind of fun is that?”

Liam, poised. “It’s called storming the castle. On this stormy night. Let’s see what’s lurking behind these castle walls. The shadows on the walls showing silhouette images of god knows what of your imagination.” He gazes at her in intimate challenge. “So Miss Drake. Are you up for what you may find?” He extended his invited hand to her.

Tauna, taking his Guinness drink from his hand, taking big swigs until half full bottle, giving it back to him. “You’re on.”

She lay her hand into his.

Liam, taking his last few big gulping swigs, placing the bottle onto to the table, then taking Tauna with him into a medieval adventure as the lightning strikes ablaze across the arched windows casting shadows onto the dark wall’s castle, she leap startled into his arms. His smirks of giddiness continued his steadiness. Once again, a little further down the dark corridor, the wind howled loud. Once again, she huddled toward him.

Liam smiles at her. His hand locked into her hand, leading her into his mystical investigated world.

Tauna, with glee, enjoying every step.

The rain falling hard around the castle, the thunder clapped, she clung to him in fun, he playfully grabbed her waist, as he swung her around with him as they rotated then held her close, as she playfully pulled out of his arms, then ran from him in jovial mischief further down the moonlit corridor, her auburn hair flowing around her shoulders in her smile, as Liam pursued her in his running stance after her as though in a slow dream like state. Grabbing her again, together as he lay his forehead next to hers gleefully, his dimpled smile as deep and wide as his endearment happiness toward her.

Liam, in amusement. “Are me lady having a good time tonight?”Tauna smiled back. “Yes.” She smiled in giggles.

Liam, smiled his dimples wide. “Good.” Then notices her in overwhelming unsteadiness.

Tauna, with half drowsy eyes, smiles at him. “I like you, I really do.” Her smile, very wide.

Liam looked at her, giving her a slight grin. “Dear oh dear, you are intoxicated, little girl.”

Tauna gave him a loving smirk. “Yes, intoxicated with love.”

Half drowsy eyes. I really do like you, really, I do.” Her eyes lids heavy. She gives him little kisses on his lips.

Liam touched her face in care. “I like you too love.” Gives little kisses back to her. “Tauna, I don’t think we should be doing this right now.”

Tauna placed her gridlocked hands onto his shoulder, then lay her head onto her hands, looking at him in interest. “I really, really like you.”

Liam raised his brows up and down. “Yes, I can see that. Right little girl, I think you had a little too much to drink tonight. I think you need sleep, into your bed you go.” He picks her up into his arms, carries her into her bedroom, lays her down softly into her bed.

Tauna reaches for him. Her eyes wet. “You are my knight in shining armor…. And I’m an heir to this old…ancient….castle.”

She taps on his chest with her fingers to each word. “Come, rescue me from the dragons. “ Tugging him back down.

Liam taking his hands to gently pull her away, while trying to manage prepping her for her bedroom jaunt.

Tauna inquired in confusion. “Don’t you want me?”

Liam took a deep breath. “Oh, yes, I desire you very much.

Apart from this circumstance. But at this point in time, even the whole human race of celibate monks couldn’t survive you I’m afraid.” He takes another glance at her.

Tauna, with eyes closed, fell asleep unto her soft bed.

Liam dimpled smirk. “Blimey, little girl.” Pulls the warm blanket over her angelic body. “Goodnight love. And, I do love you.” He goes to his room, sit on his bed, gazed outside the window. "About this agreement lord.” He salutes, then lays into his bed, pulled the covers over himself, closed his eyes.

The next day, Pastor Drake walked inside the chapel.

Liam came walking toward him. “Welcome home Sir.”

Pastor Drake gives attention. “Thank you. And how is Tauna.

Did she have fun last night?”

Liam and Pastor Drake enter into the Pastor’s room.

Liam addressed the situation. “Yes Sir, she did. Perhaps a wee bit too much fun.”

Pastor Drake, unpacking his suitcase. “Oh, that’s good. A little more fun is good for the soul.”

Liam clinched his lips with dread “She had a little too much from my Guinness bottle, so I had to take her to her room for a rest.”

Pastor Drake took a dread of look back. “No, No, No. Oh, my god. Please don’t tell me it happened. Or lord, what am I supposed to do with you two. Look, When I told you both to have some fun, I didn’t mean that kind of fun!”

Liam reasoning with him. “Don’t fret sir. Nothing happened between us….she fell asleep in her bed. I made sure everything was under control.”

Pastor Drake sighing out loud. “Liam, you are a true gentleman, thank you for protecting her. But you know I don’t tolerate drunkenness. And as her father, just don’t make me a grand dad yet. As her pastor, I forbid it! Look, god created humans with feelings, just control yourselves…. So….how much did you give to her?” He inquired.

Liam stood at ease, cleared his throat, sighed. “Only a half glass bottle of My Guinness……..Sir.”

Pastor Drake gave a strange response. “Really? Only on half a bottle? I couldn’t imagine how to get her into that room on one bottle. Uffgh, I digress. Well, it’s over now, don’t ever allow it to happen again.”

Liam nod yes. “Yes Sir. Thanks sir. And now, my duties await.”

He leaves the room. Half way down the corridor, he sees Tauna. “ Morn’n love.”

Tauna ignored him, kept walking.

Liam, stumped. “TAUNA?”

Tauna stopped, turned to him with a disgusted look.

Liam slowly went to her. “What on earth is the matter with you, little girl?”

Tauna, scrunched faced, not happy. “I, woke up in my bed-alone.”

Liam, indented his brows in question. “Didn’t you sleep well?”

Tauna, dignified, “I slept rather well, thank you. Most heavenly, I’d say. “Yes, the scent of you all around me.”

Liam, his indented brow in puzzlement. “But that’s a good thing, right?”

Tauna walked up to him, adamant expression position. “You were MISSING! Do I have to decipher it out for you? Fine.

Alright then. I’m embarrassed, ok? I’m embarrassed to be chemically smashed for the first time in my life, then to be

rejected by my thoroughly unladylike behavior, makes Cleopatra look Saint! And furthermore, you could have at least given a last kiss to me!” She began to walk off in self insult.

Liam stood tall, smirked his dimples wide, then chuckled.

“Right!” He takes her hand, yanks her back to himself,-up close- personal, against his body. “For your information, little girl, I make love to my woman unintoxicated, unadulterated, pure at heart! Even your father questioned your acquirement.”

Tauna, looked up at him with wide mouth embarrassment, her hands clutched his trench coat.

Pastor Connor comes out of his room, sees them clutched together. “What’s with all the ruckus?”

Liam and Tauna paused from their quarreling position, looked at him.

Pastor Drake, taking a dumbfounded look at them. “Oh Lord, what am I to do with you two. Tauna, are you at it again with your Irish temper? God help us!” He turns to his room, then paused, turns back to them again. “This, quarrel…it’s not a relationship’s ….quarrel,… is it? “

Tauna, instantly looked at Liam for guidance.

Liam quickly glances between him and Tauna with a quick off and on smirk of reassurance. “God only knows sir.”

Pastor Drake straight face of trusting but puzzling expression.

“Oh. I knew this day was coming….I think.” Pastor Connor in

humbleness. “And Liam, I want you to continue with finding the ring.” He instructs, then walks back into his room Liam, with gentry. “Yes, of course sir.”

Liam and Tauna, looking at each other, stood close together, with gentle smiles as he kissed upon her lips tenderly, pulls back to view her again. “There, the kiss. Right. I shall see you later, my love.” He leaves onward to his assignment.

Tauna, satisfied. Watching him leave, her smile showed with love.

In the sanctuary…….

Detective Liam Niles stood in his trench coat, his feet spread even apart, his hands clutched together behind his back, his keen deduction focused observing the stain glass window. His memory serving him well on all the clues divulged from the first time he stepped foot inside Chivalry Chapel, from in the midst of the gathering, til the previous day. His clever thoughts followed his view of the medieval details to decipher. One last inquirement not answered-the hidden signet ring. From the other clues of images in his mind, of Pastor Connor Drake’s statement of trust in him, ‘Liam, I want you to continue to search for the ring’, then Dayn’s ruthless statement of, ‘How can anyone find that ring amongst all those layered bricks is beyond me.”, then Tauna’s statement to him, ‘I must get used to it as I will be his wife soon.”

resonated. His deep focus of attention at the inlaid color coded depiction of Mother Mary, as he gazed upon the image as though she stared at him, his eyes with hers with answer.

His memory reverts back to Pastor Connor’s statement from the beginning, ‘A woman like Mother Mary’, then Bren’s statement, ‘I used to read the old documents to her,’ The documents,’ struck into his own mouth as he murmured,

“BREN. Of course. Almighty god, you are sweet!” His gazed spell suddenly ended as he turned to leave out of the sanctuary, boldly treading the long corridor toward Bren’s room, readjusting his snugged gloves, his opened trench coat showed his already obtained sword strapped to his side, while treads onward on the way, walks straight into Bren’s room to see her ever so slowly pushing herself off the floor.

“Bren! What happened?” He bent down to help her up.

Bren, a little nerve-shaken, continued to reach for him. “I’m ok. It was Dayn, He ransacked my room, I tried to stop him, he escaped.

Liam respectfully concluded. “He has taken the signet ring from you.” Checking her over for any harm done.

Bren looks directly at him. “You knew.”

Pastor Drake rushes inside the room, goes right to her. “Bren!

Are you ok?” Takes her into his comforting arms.

Bren acknowledges him as she reaches to him. “Yes Connor, I’m ok.”

Liam checks them over. “Sir, stay here. I’m going after Dayn!

He stood diligent.

Bren immediately veered at him. “Liam! He’s after Tauna!

Stop him!”

Liam eyes widened, boldly ran from the room.

Dayn, taking Tauna by the arm, as they make their way down the corridor, grips her arm tight from escape.

Tauna, holding her adamant position in struggle against him. “

Dayn, let go of me!”

Dayn with his own adamance back to her. “Your father and I had an agreement when you and I first met. It took years courting you to convince you of me to be your fiancée-remember?! Your curious eye upon me showed your trust in me. The bond of marriage between us seemed to be ready to be fulfilled. But then, he came. That detective, he just came waltzing into the castle like a sleuthing knight sly and cunning for answers. But the ambiance of his spell upon you was a threat to me. Oh come on Tauna, all I requested of your father was half ownership to Chivalry Chapel, as did Sir Knight Blackwood to Sir John Drake, the rights of my own ancestral legend by coat of arms. In the surname of Sir Blackwood I am going to change the legacy of Chivalry Chapel and destroy your master detective and take over-Now!” He tightened his grip upon her arm, continued pulling her down the corridor with himself.

Tauna struggled against him, trying to free herself.

Liam, suddenly appearing in front of them, stood firm. “Dayn McConol, descendant to Sir Knight Blackwood indeed. Bren was right for keeping the concealment of Sir Knight Drake’s signet ring. Only a mother’s love would keep it hidden for decades to protect the chapel and its descendants from the enemy such as you, until the day arrives for Tauna to take her rightful place as noble heir. Your game is over. Turn yourself in while you still have a chance of pardon. Her father may make you prostrate your repentance before god, but I shall

strike you down in your own blood of penance-you bloody coward. Now hand the ring over to me.” His hand extended outward to him.

Dayn glared at him. “I will conquer!”

Liam clenched his teeth. “I will strike you down!”

Dayn pushed Tauna aside, then quickly grabbing another sword from the wall, thrusts it directly at Liam.

Liam lifts his sword above his head to parry in defense, then with a hard thrust plunges Dayn’s sword downwards.

Dayn swings ferociously at Liam again.

Liam quickly ducks his head, letting the sword fly by, then stands to swing back at him striking him in the back.

Dayn swung his sword at him again.

Liam, once again, blocked Dayn’s sword.

Pastor Connor and Bren took Tauna by their side as they stood watching.

Dayn continued his sword’s lunging revenge on Liam with vengeance, swung hard at him once again.

Liam quickly lift his sword blocking his opponent’s weapon, then swiftly swung his sword harder at him, whacking Dayn’s sword out of his hands, as Dayn fell to the ground. No movement.

Tauna goes to Liam’s side, fusses over him. “Liam!”

Liam’s breathing slowly improving. “I’m alright love.”

Tauna put her loving hands upon his shoulder. “You are an extraordinary man.”

Liam, huffing and puffing. “I do my best.” Taking steps to Dayn, crouch down to take the signet ring from Dayn’s pocket, show it to him, then placed it into his own pocket.

Liam stood as he looked at Tauna. “It’s over.”

Tauna looked at him in relief, but in love-bitter sadness.

Liam pulled Dayn up. “The police are here for you Dayn.”

The police handcuffing Dayn, taking him into custody.

Tauna, Liam, Pastor Drake, Bren Went back into the fellowship hall. He pulled out the ring from his pants pocket, handing it over to Pastor Drake. “Pastor Connor Drake. It is my utmost honor to present you with this, Sir Knight John Drake’s Signet Ring.”

Pastor Drake, with an expression of gratitude on his face, shook his hand in honor. “Liam, I want to thank you for helping us.”

Liam revered his look back to him. “Thank you sir. My assignment here is finished.

Tauna stood staring at him in apprehension.

Later in the evening….

Tauna stood in Liam’s bedroom, looking out the window of the darkened azure-blue sky quiet in her deep thoughts, wearing her long white nightshirt.

Liam walks in to see her. “Miss Tauna Drake. May I be of any service to you? He closes the door behind him, goes to her.

Tauna, aware of him. “I’ve been such a fool. I came close to letting my inheritance slip right out of my hands by a fiendish foe that I almost took for a pre nuptial husband. How could I be so careless. I should have known better. I am not ready to take over my vows in taking over my father’s chapel as heir.

My father no doubt may hold out.

Detective Liam stood next to her. “Tauna’ He tries to reassure her.

Tauna Kept staring outside.

Liam took her hand. “Tauna, look at me.”

Tauna looked at him.

Liam looked deep into her eyes. “Your father gave me this assignment to be by your side to shield you from any possible danger while we both investigate. As heir, you will take over one day and your children will one day take over in the same way.”

Tauna, staring with instillness at him. “Then who will be their father… and where will you be then? There is no other man that can fill your shoes, nor will I ever allow to carry and beget his children. My son will someday know that it was the great master detective that fathered him…and the love of my life. I

feel safe with you. I want to be with you.” A moment of commitment her face.

Liam, staring back at her in sincere eyes. “Heed my word, I will always protect you with your heir even if there is to be another in matrimony to you. I have great respect for your father. But for you to share my bed. Oh Tauna. Please don’t tempt me little girl. You must understand. My duty to your father. Its not that I don’t want you, Oh god, how I want you.”

Please understand. A man’s heart desire. It’s more than love itself. In the eyes of your father, you would not be considered Holy and clean anymore. Your father would bring us both in for confession. I’m a man of my word. I will never forsake this mission. It could hurt my reputation.”

Tauna looked at him with rejected eyes. Inhaling her controlled self respect as she began to wipe her self dignified tears. Taking glances at him, trying to find the words of meaningful expression. “Let me tell my ‘bloody confession to you. I love you Liam. My love for you started that moment I met you. I can’t fathom being with any other man.” She swallowed hard. Am I in the wrong by saying, it would an honor to share a bed with a man I love and admire so greatly.

The great master Detective, Liam Niles. To love him, while he Dominates me in his bed. What in god’s name is so wrong with that. I love you. Isn’t that what matters? What on earth was I thinking.” She turned to the door to leave, but the door knob didn’t turn. With a questionable frown, she tried turned it again. Deadbolt. Shaking the door with frustration.

Liam, gives her a sly amused look. “Tauna.”

Tauna turns to him.

Liam Lifts up a key to show her. “The key to the door.”

Tauna stares at the key in his hand, gives him a confused expression.

Liam stands adamantly valiant. “Now that I have your oath of confession to me. Crikey Tauna. Don’t ever think for even a moment that I’m that daft to just carelessly let someone walk in on us? He places the key into his pocket, begins to unbutton his trench coat, taking it off, lays on the back of a chair, unbuttons his shirt, then adamantly extended his hand outward to her. “Now, come here.”

Tauna took a bewildered brief look at his hand, placed her hand into his.

Liam pulled her close. “My oath to your father, my bond to you. As your private detective, I solemnly confess my temptation of aggravated love for you. Court dismissed. Now.

Let’s see how thorough I am.” Clamps his hands onto her face with dominance, proceeds to pursue his mouth onto hers nonstop. Step by step as if in a deep like state of many rotations, he brings her to his bed, turns out the light.

Tauna, catching her sensual breath. “What are you doing?”

Liam,taking a sensual breath. “What do you think? I’m about to dominate you in my bed, while you love me. Nobody is to know what we’re about to do, is that clear?”

Tauna concurred with love in her eyes.

Liam takes a heavy sigh, placed his hands around her waist.

“Let’s just hope that your father doesn’t strip me of my valor armor.” He inhales, pulls her up. Takes another step to place

her into his bed in front of him. Looks her over, he takes his fingers pulling her shirt below her shoulders, then down her arms, touches her warm, soft body, his thumb, exposing more of her bareness. She remains in stillness, seeing his sincerity, awaits his next move. His hand then placed upon her soft face as he initiate his warm tender lips upon hers, as she follows his lead, once, twice, thrice time, as he pulls her closer to himself. His kisses becoming more vigorous with hers, the pleasure leading into passion for each other, as his lips move toward her chin, then to her neck. Her head tilt upward, her mouth wide open, her eyes closed, inhaling deep in never felt before pleasure as she grasp his robust arms with her hands, while he made his way to her chest, then paused to see her response. Controlled breath.

Both gazing into each other’s eyes. Reaching out, she touched his face with such tender love for him looking back in forth into his eyes of his desire for her. Seeing his yearning body of seductive dominance upon her, he lay her down onto his bed.

Once again his mouth grabbed hers in nonstop ecstasy, then grasp him in urgency. Their intensified need for each other, to the point of no return, as his hands clutched hers, they resume, deep into the night, the ambiance rhythm of their merging bodies slowly becoming one entered into another realm of sacred bonding Breath to breath, body to body until the pleasure reached its peak into their sudden final gasp of seduction. Their eyes met once again, their breathing slow to a calm, their tender kisses like a sealed covenant of partnership between them and god.

Liam gazed at her with a spark of observational love. “So little girl. Was it good for you as it was for me?” He whispered.

Tauna, with love for him. “Even more.”

Liam smiled his dimples wide. “You know what they say about the first time. The second time is even better.” He pulled her with himself to his side of the bed, pulling the blanket over them.

In the morning the church bell chimed waking Liam up.

The morning sun beamed through the light shaded window.

Detective Liam Niles awaken beside her bare body. Her scent reminded him. His warm arm of his bareness loving protection around her.

Tauna stirring in her awaking. Her arm rested onto his, his bed sheet laying across her body, comforted her .

Liam caressed her face with his fingers “Tauna. Time to wake up little girl.”

Tauna slowly stirred, turned over to him. “No, I don’t want to go to school today.”

Liam smiles his dimples widely. “ Come on, wake up love. No school today, just your detective telling you it’s time to get up.”

Tauna opens her eyes, to see his loving eyes looking at her.

Liam gently kissed her. “We’ll leave together.” He pulled the covers off, put on his shirt, pulled up his pants, straightened his clothes. Smoothly and sleek applied his signature trench coat, leaving it unbuttoned, his white shirt showing. Got up to check the entrance.

Tauna rose in bed, her sheet hand covered her bare body.

Her hair layered to one side.

Liam sat next to her. “What is it love?”

Tauna, with a sincere look, took his hand. “I love you Liam.”

Liam gently smirked, took her hand in care, kissed upon it.

“And I love you, Miss Tauna Marie Drake. Heir of The Chivalry Chapel. It is my honor to serve you. Come on, get dressed, your duties await.”

Tauna quickly giving him a hug.

Liam grabbed onto her in tenderness.

All dressed, ready to roll, they causally walked down the hall together.

Tauna inquisitive. “How did you know where Dayn knew where to look at the mantel?”

Liam’s boldly walked. “The fool gave me a clue. He said the words ‘layered bricks’. Now, how would he know this, unless he’s been there himself, Bloody fool. Now, let’s go have breakfast. I worked up an appetite with a passionate woman last night.” He smiled at her.

Tauna gave an interesting look at him.

In the kitchen, Liam takes a strudel and begins eating, while Tauna sat with Bren eating their breakfast.

Bren gave her a nice smile. “Your apatite improved.”

Tauna gave a smile back. “The world looks different this morning.”

Pastor Drake, stood “About the sword.”

Liam, swallows his last bite. “ Sir, you will find your ancestor’s Sir Drake’s sword, with pommel attached, waiting in your

room, all ready to be hung beside Sir Knight Drake’s on the mantel at Chivalry Chapel.”

Pastor Drake relieved. “Liam, I want to thank you for service at Chivalry Chapel.”

Liam grinned.”It is a pleasure to serve you Sir.”

An hour later, inside the chapel’s sanctuary……

Liam stood in front satisfied in his duty of honor of Pastor Connor Drake, Lady Tauna Drake and Bren. His suitcase by his side. “Right. I shall be going now. Sir, thanks for this great opportunity.”

Pastor Connor Drake. “Liam, you know you are welcome here at anytime, God bless you ,my son.”

Liam gave him a dimpled smirk of thanks.

Bren, holds his hand with care. “Liam. Thank you for your understanding. Me and Connor have much to discuss.” She smile to him with much gratitude.

Liam, gives her a reassured look. Then stood directly in front of Tauna. “Tauna, I shall never forget you, little girl” He kisses her on her forehead, then gives her a hug with dread.

Tauna, in dreaded sadness grabbed onto him intensive.

Liam, gently unattached from her, caressed her face. Taking one last look at the stain glass window, he looks back at her.

“Tauna, I have some loose ends that need to be taken care of, can you please come help me?”

Tauna sees her father’s look of consent, then follows Liam outside.

Liam pulled her aside to a wall. “Tauna, listen to me. In this world of love, evil exist. You must stay prepared……Do you understand?”

Tauna bravely grins with sadness. “Of course.”

Liam hesitated for a moment. “I have no regrets little girl.”

Taking his last lingering looks at her, taking his hand, he reached to his lapel, pulled off one of his coat of arms button from his trench coat, giving it to her. “Remember me.” He places his robust hands onto her face swiftly gave her a lingered kiss, Then walks away from her, gets into his car and drives off.

Tauna sees him driving off, she looks at the button to see his shining sealed encased coat of arms.

The next morning, Tauna Drake woke in the morning to the sound of chirping birds as the sunlight rays beamed into her room. She reached out for Liam, the bed felt empty on the other side of her reminded of his departure. She opened her eyes, but didn’t see him. She sat up instantly in wondering where he went to, then saw the hilt of his sword lay upward next to the opened door, then remembered what he said last night. On the other pillow, she saw the same button from his trench coat. She picks up the button, remembering she had placed it onto her dresser the night before, with a slight grin, she lay back down on her back and held the button in her hand holding it dear, next to her heart. “Yes, he will be back.

And I’ll be waiting.”

Image 6

The Heir Of Heritage

Months later….The days of a season came and gone. The green to yellow brown Autumn leaves showed an indication of the signs of change.

Lady Tauna Drake stood viewing outside her window, her hand lay upon her unborn child. Her thoughts of Detective Liam Niles still endure in her mind awaiting for his return.

Pastor Connor Drake stood watching her from her door. “It defies all logic, this thing of customs, rites and love. Just think Bren, anytime now, our heir grandson will be born. Damn.

Where is that Detective of ours.”

Bren, sitting on the his office chair, gives a reasonable sigh.

“Relax Connor. I did send a telegram, for the tenth time, in the last nine months. Poor Tauna. She has been strong in her own faith of Liam since she was three months, her love still enduriths him. Yet, while on his assignment in England, the poor man doesn’t know of his pending fatherhood.”

The phone rang. Bren taps upon it, holds it to her ear.

“Hello…. Liam!” her voice raised. ”You what? You couldn’t get through for many months because of heavy regulations and delays. Liam, for love of God, you must come now. It’s Tauna.”

Tauna, treads down the long corridor for her daily exercise, then suddenly stops, as she sees Dayn McConol suddenly appear, in front of her.

Dayn steps toward her. “So. You now carry his child. Why Tauna, why? We could have had all this together, but you chose him, the so-called master detective over me. ”

Tauna, slowly taking backward steps, tries to immediately leave back to her parents.

Dayn, taking swift steps towards her, grabs her arm, backing her up against the wall with his hands.

Tauna, struggling against him. “Nooo! Let go of ME!!!” She struggled to escape from him.

Dayn enraged. “ Consent to me Now, or this will be your fate, like with Sir Drake.” Suddenly, his body thrust up to hers, his facial expression in shocking excruciating pain.

Liam stood behind him, his face close, against his. ”Indeed, she carries the future heir of this kingdom-MY SON!!!” With gritted teeth, Liam jaggedly pulls his dagger out from Dayn’s back with jerking grit.

Dayn, fell to the floor unconscious.

Tauna, looked straight at Liam in much needed relief. “Liam.”

Then placed one of her hands against the wall, the other hand, clinging a holding onto her unborn, bent over in labor pain.

Bren followed Pastor Connor into the room, sees their daughter in clinging to the wall in pain.

Liam, picks her up into his arm. “Connor, call the police and an ambulance, get this nemesis out of here, Bren, I need your assistance-stat! He steadfastly takes Tauna into her bedroom,

gently lay her upon her bed,sees white tapered candles lined up around her bed. ”Blimey, Bren, what’s this all about?”

Pastor Connor enters, acknowledge him. “The sacrament ritual of childbirth of a coming heir.” Taking a matchstick, he struck it across the match box, then lit each candle, the aura flames of serenity glowed around them. “The nemesis is gone.

Let it commence.”

Bren prepped Tauna, loosing up her clothing as she position herself as mid-wife.

Tauna, breathing heavy.

A few minutes later…

Outside, the cold autumn rain fell, while inside, the light of burning candles glows of spiritual warmth of ambiance in her room, as a tradition of ritual to signal an heir to be born, as she positions herself in bed about to give birth. Breathing heavily, Sweat accumulating on her face, her hair streamed wet with more sweat.

Bren supporting her. “Ok you’re doing good Tauna.”

Liam hand holding Tauna’s in support. “I’m right here, little girl.”

Pastor Drake pacing back and forth. “Behold, I shall greatly increase your birth pains.” He recites scripture.

Tauna Drake annoyed. “Shut up father!!! You’re disturbing my AURA”!!! She shouts out to him, while taking heavy breaths.

Bren shrewdly at him. “Not now Connor. Tauna, breathe!”

The storm outside becoming blustery. The candles half way burned, the flickering of time passing by as Tauna’s pain intensifies, as she takes another big breath. “I change my mind.” She whimpered.

Bren, smiles. “Almost there, keep pushing.”

Liam continues to grip her hand.

Tauna, takes another heavy breath, scrunches her face in pain, bares down hard, her face and hair saturated in sweat.


The sound of a baby boy’s crying filled the atmosphere.

Tauna, exhausted, tiredly lay back into her bed to rest. A smiled relief washed over her face as she continued breathing for air.

Bren cuts the cord, wraps the baby up in a blue blanket, handing him over to Liam. “Liam, your son.” She smiles in pride.

Liam takes his son into his arms. “Welcome me son, Devon Liam Connor Drake Niles.”

Devon Niles- Whimpers, then cries.

Liam grinned his dimples with pride. “Ok, me son, your mother awaits.” He hands his son to his mother, with a kiss, lays baby Devon onto Tauna’s warm welcoming arm, then sits to her side to celebrate the birth of his son, as she lay her head upon his shoulder in comfort.

Tauna, in much loving relief. “For a moment in time. I didn’t think you would return.”

Liam clung to her. “My oath to your father, my bonding to you still stands. It is my rightful honored duty to prepare our son to protect the lineage-get that.” In a moment of silence, he reached over to cover her hand in gentry, as her hand takes his, into a bonding covenant.

Pastor Connor goes to Bren. “It is time. The chapel, in time, will be handed over to my descendants. Our daughter. Then, our grandson. And, Liam will be forever knighted in the church, to prepare his son as the Chivalry Chapel’s nobleman.

Our lineage.”

The candle’s wax nearly all burned out for the rest of the night.

Two years later…

Detective Liam Niles, sitting in his room at his desk, holding his trench coat of arms button to view it close , thinking of its symbolic memory as he places it back into his pocket.

Two year old Devon goes to stand next to his father to observe what’s in his hands.

Liam turns to see his son. “There you are me son. Come here.” He lifts him up onto his lap. “And what do you have here? A new toy sword your Uncle Trey and Aunt Lauren gave you. To slay the dragons with.”

Devon’s innocent eyes upon his father for answer. “Daddy, what is a ‘kiss mommy’?”

Liam clarified. “Oh, you saw us. Yes me son. When I kiss your mum, it’s like going into a magical place that I never want to leave. And in between your mother and me, is where you came from. A world of loving magic. And, there is a place called reality that we must live in daily.” He takes the toy sword to show him. “Then we take up the sword to fight off the mean dragons. I shall protect you, mummy, grandma and grandpa, with this castle with my life. And you shall take over one day.” He kisses his forehead.

Pastor Drake came walking in. “There you are my grandson.”

He picks him up from Liam’s lap. “Grandma told me to give this to you, a token of God’s love. “ He gives him a small piece of soft candy.

Devon swiftly Takes it from his grandfather’s fingers, puts in in his mouth.

Tauna enters into the room, gives Liam a curious look.

Liam showed her the wooden sword. “ I must continue to fight with my sword.”

Tauna, with a wry smile. “Oh, he showed you his new toy.”

Liam concurred. “Yes, very valiant, I’d say.”

Tauna lovingly looked into eyes. “Just like his father.”

Liam smirks his dimples wide. Gives the toy back to his son. “

Oh, and I almost forgot. My Brother Trey’s new wife is now in the pudding club. They will be arriving soon.” The doorbell rings. He gets up from his chair to answer the door. “Brother Trey and Lauren. Come in, you’re just in time for a new assignment.”

Trey enters inside with his with wife and grinned. “You know I’m always ready.”

Lauren stood with a grin.

Image 7

The Code Of Chivalry

Eleven year old Devon Niles, heir to the chivalry chapel, with sword to his hip, just coming from his studies, tread the corridor to the chivalry chapel. Slows his pace to something he sensed.

Detective Liam Niles enters the center of the hallway. His feet set apart, hands clutched behind his back, stood tall in gallant with trench coat. ”Devon Liam Connor Drake Niles, me son.

You will have to get through me to get to your mother. The one who has your crown of honor.”

Devon gives his father a look of ’get out of my way’. Lifts up his sword, charges toward him.

Liam quickly pulls out his sword from behind his back, parry’s his son’s sword, swiftly redirected his swung sword back down with a thwart steel edge as Devon loses his balance, falls down to the cold stone floor.

Liam, raised his brows at his son in disciplining adamance.

Devon, with scrunched mouth, pulls himself up off the floor, rams straight into his father’s stance.

Liam, swipes his sword directly hitting it Devon’s sword, whipping it out of his hands, as Devon once again, falls to the floor.

The sound of Devon’s steel blade smack the floor hard next to him. With a sore expression spread on his face.

Liam stood valiant of less effort breath. “Me son. The day you defeat me, your father, is the day you take over. He extends his hand out to him, grips his hand, pulling him up off the floor in honorable good sportsmanship. Takes his hand, rubs his son’s head in loving care.

Trey and his son, join them.

Lady Tauna Drake gracefully enters into the room, sighs deeply seeing the results, nodding her head back in forth, with an admired smirk.

Later that day…

Devon and Tauna, walking through the misty forest, they began side by side the way back home. The cool air blushing their faces.

Devon, glanced at his mother in inquirement. “Mother, why is father always outwitting me when I clearly know I can out win him.”

Tauna glanced back at him. “Devon, you must try to understand your father. He only wants what’s best for you. It is his responsibility to prepare you for knighthood. Someday you will take over chivalry Chapel as nobleman.”

Devon, in deeper thought. “Mother, is it true about the rumors. That I was born out of wedlock on the same day of father’s return, while you ditched another man of promise?”

Tauna looked down in acknowledgement, then back up. “Yes, my son. I could never fathom to carry another man’s child. It was either your father………or none at all. Nor could I ever be another man’s wife. My love for your father is as strong as a three strand tightly woven celtic knot. A covenant by god that is not easily broken. Even with that Englishman strut of his”

She smiles at him. “His valor runs deep in his son’s blood.”

Devon, with pride look. “And I, his chivalrous son.” He smiles back to her.

Tauna smiled back. “Yes. And once again, the Chivalry Chapel’s jubilee comes upon us. And so does the eve of my son’s twelfth birthday.” She concluded as they approached the chapel’s door. “And I shall see you after your studies.”

Devon grins slightly as he treads away from her, going toward his room.

Pastor Connor at the alter.

Tauna, in prideful moment. “ Your grandson is in anticipation of his rightful heritage of turning twelve. He marvels daily of his father’s endeavor of great gallant strength.”

Connor stands with pride. “My grandson is a mirror of his father. The jubilee is about to begin in a few days. And in my grandson’s honor. Second in line heir of Chivalry Chapel.” He grins at her in pride.

Tauna gives him her adored smiles.

A man in a monk’s clothing slowly treads the isle, stops at midpoint. Stood? His hood half covered his face.

Pastor Connor turned to the monk like stranger. “Yes, may I help you?”

Tauna veered at the tall, inconspicuous man.

The monk like stranger continued to stand in silence.

Tauna looked at her father in question.

Pastor Connor looked at her, then back to him.” Are you here for personal prayer?”

The monk like stranger, slowly nodded his head up and down in ‘yes’ gesture.

Pastor Connor cupped his hands. “I see. You are free to do so.

Come, bring your prayers to God.”

The monk, taking his few steps toward the alter, then dropped down to his knees, lay his prostrate body, unto the cold stoned castle’s floor, spread his arms flat forming into a cross.

Tauna, giving her father a strange questionable expression, while her father gave her a slight awkward, yet acceptable shrugged shoulder, takes her hand, while they leave the sanctuary in quiet.

Liam and Trey enter inside. They see the prostrating monk.

Liam, standing in speculation. “The jubilee, I suspect.”

Trey, seeing the monk with a keen eye, then around the room.

“Yet, something seems not quite right.”

Liam lift his hand in precaution. They look around to see a few men in the small group sporadically taking glimpses at them, one, raising his hand to slowly pull out his steel blade.

Trey, taking notice, places his hand upon his attached sword just under his trench coat, closes in on his brother with outward whisper. “Liam, I don’t like the looks of this.”

The prostrated monk, crept back to his feet, turns to both Detective Niles’, taking his hands, pulling off his hood to reveal himself.

Suddenly, the group of men sharply extract their swords, their nimbled feet swift in advanced attack!

Liam, extracting his sword, grabbed his brother’s shoulder in on guarded protection. “TAKE ARMS! RETREAT!!!” Liam hollered out to his brother, while holding his sword in warning position to the enemy.

The group of bandits moving in on them, Liam and Trey moving quickly toward the sanctuary’s double doors in escape.

Tauna, opening the doors, nonchalantly steps inside toward them, her long hair flowing with ease, stood in place, her eyes widen seeing Liam and Trey scurry in struggle with each other, with the bandits fast approaching behind them coming toward her.

Liam alongside of Trey, charging toward her.” TAUNA!

RETREAT!” Liam hollered at her, as they swooped her up with each one of their arms in protection, their swords in their other hand, taking her out of danger from the room with them.

Tauna, hanging on for dear life, seeing the bandits just a few feet in back of them, her hair flowing toward her terror-eyed face, as she managed to break upon her own feet, while running with urgency out of harm’s way.

Devon, just arriving home, stands center in the corridor, seeing the congregant members in chaos and carnage all around, then, his parents with his Uncle Trey scurrying towards him, his wide eyes embraces for impact.

Liam, holding Tauna’s hand tight, while she ran alongside of him. “DEVON! RETREAT!!!” His father hollered out to him, as they extended their parental hands out to grabbed hold of their son in emergency mode, as he reshuffled over to Trey’s grasping hand upon him, onward as they all kept running the corridor yet into the castle’s next entrance toward yet another corridor.

Pastor Connor step around the corner with his wife Bren in smiles. They paused to witness Liam, Tauna, Trey and grandson franticly rushing toward them. “God almighty! What have I told them about running amok in my church!!” Connor lamented.

Bren, taking a lingered better view. “Connor, Amok isn’t quite the right word love.” Her hand squeezes his hand tighter for what’s to come.

Pastor Connor,”HUH? What do you mean, Woman!”

Liam,Tauna, racing with Trey and Devon, while moving swiftly, approaching toward her parents. “CASTLE UNDER

SIEGE!!!!”…………they hollered out to the both of them.

Bren side hustled Connor in stepping prep for a much mighty run. ”That!” She tugged him away in a flight mode yet further down the corridor, with them joining all as a noble family escaping from a horrendous endangerment.

The mob of bandits continued to pursue them, not wavering.

Following them from one corridor to the next. Their heavy breathing steady in steadfast.

Liam, keeping his hand tightly around Tauna’s hand, briskly running, making to the end of the corridor as the forerunners, their sudden unpredicted halt in their tracks stopped hard to see the head bandit casually stand in center point, the rest of family, all halt in same demeanor. Liam, held his sword up in warning, looking for another escape route, then, tugging her hand, taking her with him yet into another corridor, once again, stunted their escape route, stood. Held his sword up.

Bren, Stood in acknowledge. “The chancery!! Everyone, this way!” She led them into the hideaway.

Liam, let go of Tauna’s hand. ”Trey, take them!” Swinging his sword at the bandit, the bandit fell hard. Liam, turning to follow them right into an ancient looking room into safety. As he approached deeper into the room to join them in standing in awe of what he saw of an array of sunlight hitting upon the ancient days of the room’s 16th century artifacts. The ambiance of holy spirit filled the room’s atmosphere. Of many coat of arms from many generations aligned the stone wall. A suit of armor stood as if guarding. Shutting the ancient tutor styled wooden door he stepped forward for a better view.

”Connor. Sir, Looks like he’s still here.”

Pastor Connor, stood in much reverence. “Yes. The effigy of Sir knight john Drake. Our ancestor’s owner of chivalry Chapel.”

Tauna, in rememberance. “Here we go again.”

Devon stood in hesitation. “But Grandad. It’s his coffin.….which means…..his body…is like still in there. Right?”

He swallowed hard.

Tauna, gives her mother a glimpse of rationality.

Bren,took note. “Devon. This is the final resting place of your 16th century great grandfather and grandmother All the archives are in here. This is their effigies. Where their bodies are indeed. And within this room. All the archives from the days of long ago. Stories of maidens and princesses. The knights who rescued them.”

Tauna, taking a loving glance at Liam, as she saw him taking a glance at her.

Bren continued. “And somewhere in this room contain the code of chivalry.”

Devon, veered at his grandmother. “The code of chivalry?”

Bren, confirmed. “Yes. The code to the knights for them to adhere to. And the scroll of chancery papers to the owner to Chivalry Chapel are here.”

Liam direct seized his eyes upon Bren. ”Bren. You’re quite knowledgeable of all this important information of facts.

Now, pray tell. Where is the chancery papers?”

Bren, gave him a confirmed look. “Inside the effigy, there’s a small hidden compartment.”

Liam, with his sleuthing deduction. “Thank you Bren. I’ll take it from here. Trey. Please assist me. We’re about to meet Sir Knight Drake.”

Pastor Connor, with objection. “That’s sacrilege son.”

Liam, revered him. “Don’t worry Sir. I’ll be sacred in doing so.

The man was a tough knight, I’m sure he can handle it.” With Trey’s assistance, taking their hands, they felt around the edging of the effigy just under the image of sir Drake. Liam paused in place, as he ever so carefully pulled a secret compartment to reveal an old ancient parchment paper scroll with the words, ‘The Code Of Chivalry. And next to it, a document deed of ownership to the castle signed with a calligraphy signature belonging to a Sir Knight John Drake of Ashe, England.

Pastor Connor, assisting him to unrolling the slight discolored, slightly tattered ends scroll, with a waxed seal still broken upon it ,he read from the legal document of Sir Drake:

‘I Sir Knight John Drake, hereby am owner of Chivalry Castle with all said belongings, payment of my earned bequeath of moiety property, a sum of one hundred shillings. Year of our lord of 1586.’

Trey’s phone rang. They all look at each other, as a sound of a pin dropping silence. Trey taps onto his phone. “Hello.”

“Hey love, it’s me, Lauren, Just bringing home our son. We’re just driving up to the chapel now.” She hung up.

Trey immediately looks at Liam. “My wife and son.”

Noise coming from the corridor.

Trey once again veered at his brother. “They’re coming Liam.

And I hear the renegades.”

Bren, acknowledge. “Or the congregants started coming into the chapel for the jubilee.”

Liam took knowledge. “Right, Trey, come with me to get Lauren and Treman. Devon. You stay with your mother and grandparents.”

Tauna, with opposing look. “What do you mean. I’m coming with you. Devon, stay with your grandparents.”

Pastor Connor stood with Bren, taking hold of Devon.

Liam stood firm in adamant. ”No way, absolutely not! You are to also stay here with your family!”

Tauna, asserted. “I certainly will not! This is my castle and I will fight for it!”

Liam, insisting. “Tauna, when are you going to get it through the beautiful head of yours. You and our son are heirs of the chapel. God forbid, if something happens to me, trey has agreed to take over as he sees fit, you are not to be part of it!

Is that clear, little girl?”

Tauna, taken aback. “What, Trey? Oh, fine time in telling me this and without my consent!”

Liam in dire stance. “This is no time for dispute love. You are to stay here.”

Tauna, just as stubborn. “And I told you, I’m coming!”

Liam, putting his adamant foot down. “Tauna, for the last time. You are to stay here! Save your orneriness for our bed love.”

Tauna, stumped, giving him a dread expression, then places her gentle affectionate hands upon his face with loving kisses upon his lips, as if it’s the last.

Liam, does the same in return, their heads bond.

Devon, with straight face, watching his parents in silence.

Trey, summons. “Liam, they’re approaching.”

Liam, pulling away from Tauna, prepares his sword for battle

“I mean it love.” He says with quick raised adamant brows.

As they leave the room.

Trey, waiting for his brother to close the door behind them.

Liam, briefly looks at him, then directs him to proceed toward the foyer.

Proceeding with cautious steps toward the foyer, Liam and Trey, having their swords next to themselves, the careful view of any signs of possible bandits, ready to strike if needed.

Then, in a quick moment of seeing Lauren and Treman enter into the building, them sprinted toward the door, Trey, swiftly taking her arm, Liam, taking Treman’s arm next them into a hidden corner.

Lauren, with questionable expression. “Trey, what on earth are you doing!?” She insisted for answer.

Trey, places his finger of silence to his mouth to her. “The castle is under siege.” He quietly said to her.

Lauren, in disbelief. “What? The castle. Oh lord. Where is Tauna?”

Trey continues to explain. “She is in the chancery with her parents and Devon.”

Liam, ready to direct them back to the chancery. “Right.

We’ve got to get back there.” He moves forward, then suddenly stops again as they hear the bandits coming their way.

Trey, taking his wife’s and son’s arms to stop and stay.

Liam, pushing them further back into the dark obscure corner, gesture his finger to his lips in silence, then sees the bandits walk passed them.

Lauren and Treman, looking at Trey for guidance, held their quiet position.

Liam, holding his stance, placing his hand unto his sword in caution, awaiting to move again.

The bandits, in chaotic hollering, move steadfastly toward the chancery door, as they began to bang their mutiny fists on the door to get in.

Liam, Trey, Lauren, Treman, watching, Liam, Trey prepare their swords for possible impending fighting rescue.

Tauna, hearing the chaos, gets up from her ancestors throne chair, her eyes widen .

Pastor Connor, Bren, keenly aware of the possible dangerous consequences of the impending barging.

Devon, with quick thinking. “I have an idea. Let them in, we’ll quickly leave, then we’ll entrap them inside. Grandma has the key!”

Pastor Connor looked at Bren, Bren looked at Tauna, Tauna nodded her head In agreement, as they all simultaneously open the door, watching the bandits hustle their way into the room, then Connor signaling his family to abruptly leave, quickly rushed out from the room, swiftly closing the door on them. Bren, swiftly taking the key, locked them into ambushing them inside.

Liam, Trey, stood amazed. “Blimey.”

Lauren, with Treman by her side, directed the police to the room.

The jubilee commences……

A gathering of congregants waited in line on each side of the door in anticipation of jubilee and the acknowledgement of a future coming heir’s twelve birthday.

Pastor Connor Drake tread his walk to his alter. “Let the ceremony begin. Devon, please attend.”

Devon, casually walks up to his grandfather, stands in place.

The congregants shift their position, continued to stand in revering.

Pastor Connor, stands in pride. Takes and holds a dull shined broad sword into the palm of his hands. “Devon Liam Connor

Drake Niles. My grandson. In acknowledgement of your twelfth birthday and of such quick thinking valiant bravery to capture Chivalry chapel’s enemies to protect your family, you have displayed the code of chivalry. Kneel before me.”

Devon, kneels to one knee before his grandfather, focused at him.

Tauna peers at Liam in loving pride, as she sees him giving her a dimpled grinned wink of approval at her.

Pastor Connor, with such pride. Hands to him an heirloom of great significance. “I present to you, this sword of honor as Sir knight John Drake precede before you. You are now, Squire of Chivalry Chapel.” He lay the sword into his grandson’s hands.

The congregants cheer with clapping happiness.

Pastor Connor, raise his face to all. “ Everyone. Let the celebration of the jubilee and my grandson special day commence.”

In the middle of the room, the music began with drum beat rhythm celebration. Congregants dressed in their finest of commoners peasants, maidens apparel, dance interweaving with dance steps in and out of each other giddy with joy, hooping with laughter .

Trey, standing next to Liam, drinking his ale. “ Ahh, to be twelve again.”

Liam, taking swigs of his Guinness. “Yep. That pre-adolescence at its best. Voice cracking, skin blemishes, the awkward

approaching silence of nervousness in front of the girl of your dreams.”

Trey, adhere to his words. “Thank god those days are over Next thing you know, his intense want for his dream girl will be sought with fighting another man for her.”

Liam, repositioned. “ Yes and that’s how I got his mother.”

Trey, with a Niles’ manhood acknowledgement between them. “Like father, like son.”

Liam , takes another swig of his drink. “ You betcha. But now of what’s next. Preparing my son for nobleman.” He looks at his son with challenge.

Devon and Treman admire the new sword with exciting eyes.

Breyen Mckenzie, one of the congregant’s daughter, joined them.

Devon, looking upon her, smiled.

Bren, taking her daughter’s hand, Tauna taking Lauren’s hand, making their way integrating within the congregants dancing.

Forming a three hand held circle, they rotate in circulation, then dropping their hands, they danced in singular moves, strutting their step by step feet to the melody, twirling, their long hair flowed in elegant movement.

Tauna, step her last dance steps toward Liam.

Trey, with sly grin. ”Hey big Brother. I think your cue just came.” As he placed his arm around Lauren.

Tauna, taking Liam’s hand, taking him into slow dance in celebration, with tender kisses of their heir son.

Image 8

The Kneeling Knight

The dusk of moon slowly crept in. The rain fell. A young woman dashes towards the chapel, running swiftly, runs her escape across the long stretch of land, running with all her might. Fast approaching the door of the chapel, she pressed onward toward the door. Just as she makes it to the door, the sun goes down with a quick lapse. She strikes at the door hard, pounding her hands in turmoil, with exhaustion, she falls to the ground, beneath her, the flat cold stone, rain drenching upon her chilled body. She sat still, huddle in the corner to keep warm, her breathing holding steady until her heavy eyes could not stay open.

The door opens as Pastor Connor Drake sees a young woman huddled with eyes closed against the door, but sees no one else. He grabs for the chain to ring for help.

A few moments later, Liam, picking her up from the cold hard ground, nearly limp and cold in his arms, bring her into the chapel for safety, lays her into the guest room’s bed. The warmth of blankets around her. Tauna, Bren, look her over.

Bren-“Thank God, she’s still breathes.”

The young woman awakens to her surroundings.

Bren sees her. “ You’re awake. And how are you feeling?”

The young woman, reflected her memory. “ Am I safe?”

Bren, welcoming her. “Yes.”

Tauna walks in. “Oh, she’s awake.”

Bren inquired. ”And what is your name?”

The young woman, realigned in bed. “I am Princess Mariam of Avlon.”

Tauna, amused. “A Princess. We don’t get to see that very often.”

Princess Mariam, “ Who rescued me?”

Bren, “Well, it was my husband, the pastor of this chapel that had found you. But it was Detective Liam Niles that brought you to this bed.”

Princess Mariam. With gratitude, “I must thank them.”

Liam, following Pastor Connor into the room.

Bren, reshuffled her position. “Connor, Liam, this is Princess Mariam of Avlon.”

Liam, gentleman. “Blimey.” He sat next to her in care.“

Princess Mariam. I need to ask you some questions. Please tell us what happened.”

Princess Mariam, in sadness. “I am to marry a man I do not love. I ran to hide from him, but he pursues to seek me. ”

Liam, focused. “And who is this man you speak of?”

Princess Mariam tilt her head down. “His name is King Edwin.

I was promised to marry him from my parents, the tyrant. So I escaped to seek a happier life.”

Liam, steadfast. “Anything else?”

Princess Mariam, quiet. “No.”

Liam, satisfied with answer. “Right. That will be all for now.

Give Bren your parents’ phone number, she will notified them of your safety. Connor and I must go back to business. Check on you later.” He kissed Tauna on her lips. They leave the room.

Princess Mariam view her in question. “Detective Niles. Is he your boyfriend?”

Tauna, realigns herself sitting position in comfort. “Yes. And always will be. He’s the love of my life. I feel in love with him the day walked into this castle. I trust him with my life and whole inner being. And now. My own son has heart for a girl of his dreams. Breyen McKenzie. She’ll make a wonderful addition to the Drake family. Devon tries so hard to tell her his feelings, but somehow his tongue gets in his way of truth, but she sees right through him with great insight. Markings of a true lady of the chapel. If only he could just control his mouth to not let it ride over to kiss her.

Bren, smirks. “Yes. And he’s got competition of two other men.”

Tauna smiles with her.

Princess Mariam, intrigued by all circumstances.

The next day….

Liam, escorting the princess into a private room. “ I’d thought I’d take you there myself to make sure of your safety.”

Princess Mariam, unsure. “That’s very kind of you Detective Liam. However, I don’t think it will go well. “ When she enters into the room, her eyes met him with the kings. She suddenly halt, her expression of fearful distrust between them.

King Edwin, tips his respectful head to Liam. “Thank you Detective Niles. I shall take it from here.”

Liam, with reverence back to him. “King Edwin.” He leaves the room.

The king goes to her, taking her long lock of her brunette hair.

Princess Mariam pulls back from him. “What in god’s name do you want?”

King Ewin, unsatisfied with barely stared visit. “Princess Mariam. Your parents’ agreement to have you marry me. And I shall have you. There is to be no more of this running away from me evermore. Is that understood? As my queen, I give you my riches as you have already known in your life.

Empowerment to rule along side me, but you choose not.”

Princess Mariam, turned to him. “I detest you. You show no mercy for my needs, nor any conviction to your tyrancy.”

King Edwin. Sighs.“ Mariam. I need a strong, yielding queen by my side. To beget my heirs.”

Princess Mariam, aggravated at him. “Well, you’re not going to get it from me! I will not fit nicely into your noble bed just to despise you for the rest of my life. I deserve much better.”

King Edwin, frustrated. “I see. And how will rectify this? I need a strong queen. If you do not acquiesce to my wishes in one fortnight, nor find me another, I will be coming back for you.”

He steps towards the door.

Princess Mariam, quickly turns to him. “King Edwin. I already have.”

King Edwin turns back to her. “Oh. And who is this other?”

Princess Mariam admonished. “Bring to me, two of your henchmen. Do it in secret. I shall take it from there. You shall have your new queen. I promise you.”

King Edwin, gave her a entrusted look. “ In one fortnight.” He leaves the room.

A little later…

Princess Mariam, seeing Liam go into his room, stops at the doorway, looks around to if see anyone is watching, then proceeds inside.

Liam, seeing her, giving his attention. “Princess Mariam. May I help you?”

Princess Mariam, taking her steps looks around the bedroom.

“ Tauna is so blessed to have all this. This chapel as heir, to be loved with such great family.”

Liam, squinted his questionable eyes at her. “Yes, I’d say.”

Princess Mariam, goes close up to Liam. Lay her hand upon his buttoned up white shirt just above his heart. “She’s blessed to have especially you.” She gazed at him.

Liam, taking her hand off his chest, pulling away from her.

Stepping aside. “Princess Mariam. King Edwin will once again arrive soon with you to talked out what is only between you and him. May I remind you, you are only here under our protection. Then, until further notice, you will be moving on. I love Tauna dearly. Good day Princess Mariam.” He showed her to the door with a slight wave with his hand.

Tauna, just walking in, briefly seeing her behavior.

Princess Mariam, with unsettled composure. Leaves the room.

Twenty one year old Devon Niles, tread the corridor. Sees Breyen, immediate stops her. “Breyen. Why haven’t you been in touch with me lately?”

Breyen, gives him a smile. “I’ve been busy with my charity work. One of my helpers will be here shortly.”

Devon, with slight annoyance. “Oh, let me guess. It’s about that daft boyfriend of yours, the one with the untidy appearance with the strange humor, or…that other boy, that arrogant prick, with the slick hair that could shine the castle’s stone floor, that thinks he’s god’s gift to women.”

Breyen-“Why Devon Niles, are you jealous.”

Devon, stood corrected. “Me jealous? No way.”

Breyen, with a stare at him. “Well, you sure have a funny way of showing it.”

Colin comes into the corridor. “Breyen. Ever so nice to see you again. Devon. Don’t you have some kind of duties to attend, heir boy? I would like some time with Breyen. Alone. I don’t think she wants to be with someone with the likes of you.”

Devon, disgusted, pulls out his sword point it at him.

Liam, with Tauna, treading the corridor, seeing their son withdraw his sword, pointing it at Colin, but without Colin attacking him, springs into action. “Devon! Stand down! What has gotten into you?! Colin, move on.”

Colin leaves.

Devon stood in abiding, puts his sword back into his scabbard.

Stands ridged.

Liam, sternly goes to his son. “Devon. Not sure what is going through that mind of yours, but you had better deal with it, is that understood? Never attack an unarmed person-get that!”

Devon, with tight lip scowl. “Yes Father. I understand.”

Liam, kept his stern eyes upon him. “Good. Now move on with your duties. Don’t you ever let me see that again.” He adamantly jerked his head to his side to gesture him to leave.

Breyen, taking the hint, walks away from all, walking passed Devon.

Liam and Tauna, seeing this.

Liam, takes a brief look at Tauna. “I take it, it’s about Breyen, right?”

Tauna, “Yes. He wants her. But doing it the wrong way. Like someone else I know.”

Liam, with questionable pause. “ And who is that?”

Tauna, unsettled. “Princess Mariam.”

Princess Mariam, coming around the corner end at the end of the corridor, overhearing their conversation, pulled back in a corner listening intently to them.

Liam, focused on Tauna. “And what about Princess Mariam?”

Tauna, hesitant at first. “I saw you two alone. She had slightly touched your chest. Thank god it was with your shirt buttoned. And thank god, you rejected her by pulling her away from you.”

Liam, with sincerity for her. “ Tauna, I did send her away. My love and commitment is endearing only to you, you know that.”

Tauna, tilt her head down and up. “Yes, I know.

Princess Mariam, ever so quietly leaves the corridor back to her room. But then sees a strange cloth face wrapped man right behind her.

The strange man, quiet in secret, summoned her to himself.

Princess Mariam, showing no fear, goes to him.

The strange man stood at her attendance. “ King Edwin sent me.”

Tauna, stood at the entrance of the sanctuary’s door, her arms folded while she intently listened to Princess Mariam talking to a group of people.

Liam, just coming inside the room, stood by Tauna’s side. His arms straight listening along with her.

Tauna, unsure of what to think, takes a long glance at Liam.

Liam, taking a long glance back at her, once again, looks at the princess with questionable expression.

Tauna, views her again.

Liam, another look at the princess. "She self claims to be the chosen one to marry the King Edwin. But will she pick up the sword of truth, or just toss her handkerchief of deception at me?"

Tauna adamantly. ”Oh come on Liam. She’s a princess, a future wife to the throne of King Edwin’s Avlon. She has proven her loyalty to us by telling us her story. She’s intelligent, very resourceful.”

Liam, “And perhaps cunning. Oh come on Tauna. Use you woman intuition. A pretense of intentions. Look at the clues set before you. She’s scheming something. Something is being set up. I don’t know what. But I will find out.”

Devon, in his suit of duty of dark jeans, white button shirt, his black boots fit attire for squire, once again treads the corridor, sees Breyen. “ Breyen. Nice to see you again.”

Breyen, being cordial. “Devon. Nice to see you again too.”

Devon, in care of her. “ Are you ok? Can I get you anything?”

Breyen, her loving view on him. “No, Colin already has that covered.”

Devon, not amused. “HHMMM. As long as he hasn’t covered you with himself.

Breyen winced, “Why are we always in argument? You are so jealous of Colin, you can’t even speak straight.”

Devon, stood in stance. “I can speak my mind very well. And I don’t like what I see between you and Colin. Breyen, we have known each other since we where twelve.

Breyen, likewise in stance. “Is that all you can say to me? That was eight years ago. But what about now? Until you can get it together of your true feelings, I don’t see any further contact between us.” She steps away from him walking away in sadness.

Devon, with fear loving heart.” Breyen, get back here!”

Breyen, kept walking.

Devon, grit his mouth. “Breyen! I’m in love with you!!!”

Breyen, halt to a stop, her hand touched upon her chest, her eyes closed in relieved final answer. She turned back to him.

“Prove it to me.”

Devon, valiantly stepped forward to her, pulled her close to himself. “ Breyen. Please do me the honor in marriage to me.

My heart aches for you to share my bed for the rest of our lives. For you to beget my heir to Chivalry Chapel. I could not bear to see you with another man.”

Breyen, in stillness, without question her eyes met his unwavering. “ There. That wasn’t too hard ,was it?”

Smiling Together, giving a first tender kiss.

The next day…

Pastor Connor as minister in wedding of Devon and Breyen as reciting scripture to one another.

Liam wrapped his arms around Tauna tightly, giving her pecked kisses to her cheek, head.

Princess Mariam sees them in loving embrace. Leaves the room.

The following evening…

Tauna, happy as can be. “Beautiful wedding, wasn’t it?”

Liam, proud. “ Yep, that’s my son. It takes a gallant man to speak his words.”

“Take up arms!” A shouting warning rang throughout the castle .

Liam and Tauna with alert, viewed the castle’s surroundings.

Liam instruct Tauna. “ Stay in our room.” He takes his sword, with him to ward off the enemy. Closes and locks the door.

Half way down the hallway, Liam swings his first strike at the enemy.

Meanwhile, Tauna hears the door slowly unlocking. “Liam?”

She sees the door unlatched, opens the door to see nobody.

Her curiosity lures her into the hallway to see her guard on the floor unconscious, his sword lay across his body.

The renegade began to move toward her.

Tauna, seeing his impending threat, swiftly takes her quickened steps to the sword, taking her foot, slams her foot upon the upright position blade, earnestly pushing upon the sword as the hilt flipped upward toward into the palm of her hand, she swiftly grabbed the hilt with both hands, then swung the sword around with all her might, as it hit hard upon her opponent’s sword, then swung again to parry his, as the renegade fell to the floor.

The renegade, taking his foot, tripping her off guard as she fell hard to floor. Seeing her lay on the cold stone floor, barely moving. Then his eyes met with an incoming woman.

Princess Mariam Nods farewell to the renegade.“

The Renegade, nods back to her in reverence, then walks away.

Princess Mariam, standing just above her. “Tauna, you did very well. And now, your reward is with the King. As his Queen. Be prepared to leave. And I shall stay here, to take your place with your Detective Liam.”

Tauna, trying to catch her heavy breath, in confusion, sees her walk away, then long black boots, entered into the room, slowly treading the castle’s floor, step by step moving toward her. Tauna, getting a glimpse of a tall muscular man with a face cloth wrapped in concealment of his identity, gained enough strength to extend her hand out to grab her sword just a few feet away from her, enabling herself to move forward but slowly enduring to grab her cold steel blade, her long auburn hair dragged beside her as she practically crawled toward it. Just about to grab hold of it.

The face clothed man, just a measurable few inches away from her, taking his foot, kicks the sword farther away from her arm length in defenselessness.

Tauna, in her disposition, tries to pull herself up out of danger.

The face clothed man, taking his robust hand, lifts it above his head, then, with one mighty thrash upon her face, concluded his goaled plan.

Tauna, yelped falling back down, then lay half unconscious, barely limp onto the floor.

The face clothed man, with his sly victory, slowly picking her up into his arms, as he slowly, nonchalantly carried her out of the chapel with the only last sounds of Detective Niles, his brother Trey, and their two sons continued in their battle.

Pastor Connor, swings his own sword toward an enemy.

Liam, with his last swing of his sword, out swung his opponent, as his opponent quickly ducked from him, advantaged his turn directly back at Liam, about to hit him hard.

Devon, seeing the coming threat, intervenes charging up against the renegade, slashing into his arm, as the man pulls away in shocking pain, then drops to the floor, not moving.

Liam, his brows raise in pride of his son, checks the man over.

Devon “You see father, I did win.”

Liam, stood sly. “Yes, my son. You did a heroic thing. But it wasn’t me you nearly slew.” He rubbed his head in prideful love.

Trey and Treman stood beside in acknowledgement smile.

Bren, racing into the room in anguish. “Liam! Tauna’s missing!

She’s gone! I can’t find her! ”

Princess Mariam, standing just inside of the room.-“That’s right. She is with the king now.”

Liam looked straight at the maiden. “What do you mean?!”

Princess Mariam looked at him for understanding. “The king has her. Oh what does it matter? She is gone now.”

Liam, tighten up his wry mouth. ”What do you mean, the king has her?” He demanded, glaring at her.

Princess Mariam veered away from him, kept silent.

Liam, giving her a continued glaring look, aggressively grabbing her arms tight, pushing her up against the castle’s brick wall in adamance. “I SAID WHERE IS TAUNA?!!!”

Princess Mariam gasped in pain. “SHE IS WITH THE KING

NOW!” She let out a loud whimper. I switched her with me. I made an agreement with the king. To grant me my freedom in exchange for Tauna. And the unidentified man with in the face wrap, He guaranteed me his support, he was the one that took her to the king himself. Said he knows all about this chapel’s history.” She whimpered louder, tears streamed down her face.

Bren stood facing her, indented brows of sorrowful horror, placing her hand to her own mouth in disbelief.

Princess Mariam, in remorse. “Oh please , I can not go back.

He has her now. He will not let her go. Please let’s just move on with our lives.” Please love me the way you loved her. She whimpered harder.“

Liam, enraged, his teeth grit, applied his strong hands pushed her harder against the cold wall in furry. “GAME OVER!!!

Princess Mariam grabbed his arm, struggling to break free.

Liam, in non repentive anger. “YOU STUPID GIRL! YOU


Bren, grabbed Liam’s stronghold, none yielding arms. “LIAM

STOP IT! This is not a way to handle this!!!”

Liam let up off her, pulled back to regain his dignity.

Princess Mariam, taking an inhaled breath, comforted herself.

Liam, gritting his teeth at her. ”You BLOODY, STUPID GIRL!!!

You handed her over to that beast of yours! I should have left you for nonlife on that door step! Or was that your plan all along! God help me! Let’s hope for your sake he doesn’t place his lustful claws upon her with heir child! And for the love of god, I’d take her as is. She’s my living breath! Trey! Prepare for battle! We’re going after Tauna! I’m going to retrieve my noble Lady!" He throws down his gauntlet like glove just inches in front of the princess, then in angrily haste, walks away.

Bren- swallows hard, looks at Connor, Trey, then the boys.

Trey, follows his brother.

Inside the chancery. Liam and Trey sitting on the floor in front of Sir Drake’s old trunk disparately sifting through parchment papers of ancient documents searching for clues to who the face wrapped man is and who is responsible for Tauna’s nabbing. A repeated symbolism of a red dragon ‘Wyvern gules’ inked on several parchments kept reappearing.

The hours came and went without anymore clues to find.

Nothing but the symbolism kept repeating. Two men became one left in the room with the last man standing, Liam, integrity of finding truth never left his side. Deciding to take the manuscript back to his room, for the remainder of the evening, the image of the dragon repeatedly played out over and over again in his mind.

Liam, pacing in questioning. Flipping the pages back and forth for the answers. “What is the connection?! What is the bloody connection to all this?!” In his frustration, thrashing the very old, tattered manuscript at the wall in angst in disheartening investigation.”

Bren enters into the room, abruptly stops seeing his frustration.

Liam, beside himself, regains his self respect. Sat at end of his bed. “Oh Bren, how many times did I tell her, why did she not listen to me, to get in this position. And now they took her.

Damn that girl, I love her so much!”

Bren, with compassion. “Because you are her world. She loves you unfathomably. And that is what love is. To love and care for each other, even to the point of sacrifice.

Liam, with saddening anguish in his eyes. “She is my life’s breath. If evil dare touch her in any harm, by god, I will not hesitate to kill.”

Bren, in confirmation. “Unfathomable love.”

Liam, “But yet I could not crack this case. And time is running out.”

Bren, “Liam, you need rest, you haven’t slept in days. Rest for Tauna’s sake. Go to her in your dreams. And above all, trust in God.” She nurtured him as he lay down. She left his room.

Liam’s eyes heavily dragged shut, as his thoughts of Tauna continued. He felt the warmth of her touch upon his robust arm. He rolled over to see…and as if in a dream, her mouth grasping his in his comfort. His overwhelming need for her, as he clutches her face, tasting her lips nonstop.

The morning sun shone brightly unto his face waking him up.

He reached out to her, as he is reminded of her absence. His cell phone ringing, his hand reaches up, searching for his phone from the desk until he grabbed the phone putting it up to his ear. “Detective Niles……” He said with a slur in his half slumber. He rolls over unto his back. “Yes, Right. My duty.”

Places it back on top his dresser. Lays flat on his back with a dimpled smile

He once again sat up in diligence, his strategic mindset.

Standing up he proceeded in dressed attire, of dark shirt, dark jeans and boots. Placing his trench coat over his robust shoulders, straightening out his trench coat, readjusting his lapel. Liam Niles stood with gallant valor, Seeing his button on top of Tauna’s dresser, he picked up the button as it reminded him of her, his token of his devotion of love for her.

Placing the button into the palm of his hand, He held it with gentle care, making a fist as though in protection of her, he placed it inside his trench coat hidden zipped pocket for safe keeping. Turning to the door to begin his most important investigation. To find Tauna, his beloved wife. Boldly enters inside, taking each step as though he shod his feet victoriously.

At the breakfast table….

Bren, giving Liam his hearty English breakfast of crumpets and hot tea.

Liam Niles, sipping his last bit of breakfast tea with a bite of crumpet, he took a sizable glance of Bren pacing back and forth in the kitchen, then sat across the table with him.

Bren, her arm lay out on the table, her chin resting on her up right hand, unsettled.

Liam places his hand over her hand. ”Bren, you can pace all day, fret with your fingers, even throw a pan at me, but I stand by my word. I assure you, I will use all my powers of deduction to bring her back.”

Bren, placed her hand upon his. “I know Liam. You will.”

Pastor Drake gruff. “And Tauna being played like a chess piece.”

Liam acknowledged. “That’s just it sir. From day one of my arrival, I knew Tauna was a sought after commodity. Without her, no man can take over the Chapel. As her detective, she is now my responsibility as I see fit in her protection. Now, Sir, Bren, please excuse me. I have a continued assignment to conceal a precious gem.” He pulls his chair away from the table, then leaves.

Liam begins to tread down the hallway “Sir, I’ll be back later.”

Pastor Drake and Bren, walking after him.

Pastor Drake step forward. “Liam! Son!”

Liam turns to face him. “Yes Sir?”

Pastor Drake adamant. “How are you going to bring our daughter back to us?”

Liam sighs heavily. “Don’t worry sir. I will find a way to get her back. You both know I have always protected Tauna, you, Bren and this chapel. Please don’t doubt me now. I will not hesitate to injure upon my oath. I must go.”

A few minutes later…

Liam stands in his room staring out his window, placing his arm onto the window sill, resting his head onto his wrist, he looks out into the far distance. “Have a beautiful day, little girl.”

Evening dinner….

Liam sitting at the table as Bren brought him his dinner.

Pastor Connor sat at the table. “I have found and read one of the chancery papers you misplaced. It‘s interesting, the meaning behind the legend’s origin of old kings, all the king’s henchmen and their guises in disguise. Really it’s more about mistaken identity.” He realign in his chair. “For instance. Like the symbolic dragon, of ‘draco’, or, the wyvern gules. From where the name of Drake originates from. It’s image was on the Drake’s coat of arms. This symbolism, it’s like something coming out from a medieval tale of legends.”

Bren, sat upright. “Well, they may be fabricated in some areas, but all stories do come out of some kind of truth, don’t they? Hhh, and all I can think about is poor Tauna.”

Pastor Connor concurred. “Yes. And King Edwin must have some kind of knowledgeable favor for someone enough to entrust in that knows Chivalry Chapel well. And I have found another not so amusing details to this story of Sir Drake. On one of the chancery papers mention this mystery man is related to Sir Knight Blackwood. The nemesis to Sir John Drake. But the mistaken identity of this man that took Tauna, is the mystery.”

Liam, after much chomping down his food, began to slow down his chewing listening to their reasonable, like missing traces of clues, then swallowed in deep thought whilst sitting, staring at them in silent deducement. His straight focused face, in seriously thought, in taking their words as like placing puzzle pieces together to form a picture in his mind, takes a moment’s stare at the table.

Pastor Connor, turns to Liam. “Well, son, what do you have to say?”

Bren veers to Liam.

Liam, declares. “Of course. And the answers been all this time. In fact, it never left. This mystery henchman is the same man with the same symbol of the dragon that once owned the symbol of the wyven gules he had on his pin.

Connor, “And just who is this mystery man you speak of?”

Liam, sat in rational thoughts. “Non other than Dayn McConel.”

Bren pulled back, her mouth opened aghast.

Pastor Connor, gave a look of dreadful disbelief.

Liam, slightly lift his face to them, wry his mouth. “Also known as his alias, Sir Blackwood. His descendant.”

In a far off distance kingdom, a man enters secretly inside the king’s castle’s chambers. The king’s firm stance at his hired henchman stood slowly unwraps his long face cloth scarf away from his hidden face to unveil his identity. Dayn McConol views the vast room, kneels in front of the king, takes the hand of the king, kissing upon his ring giving his oath to the king’s authority. Signals his renegade henchmen to follow him in secret hideaway, in his service to the king.

In the king’s chamber…

Tauna, awakening on a spacious bed fit for a king. The golden laden canopy grabbed her attention. She immediately sat up regaining her senses, stood up pacing the room in search for escape. She turned to the sound of a key inserting into a keyhole. The door opening as a king Edwin entered inside.

King Edwin, taking a sizable glance at her. ”Miss Tauna Drake.

Heir of The Chivalry Chapel. I’m very pleased to meet your acquaintance.” Taking great stepping strides toward her, he reaches for her long locks of her auburn hair. “Oh yes indeed, with much pleasure. I can see for myself a fine catch of beauty for queen”

Tauna, keeping her focus on him.” You do realize this is a kidnapping Punishable by my father, with very ugly consequences and without ransom.”

King Edwin, reasons with her. “But there is no need for any ransom. You are here permanent. Regarding of any impending marriage with an alliance to share for both. And I do very much look forward in my queen begetting my future heirs.”

Taking her hand into his, he kissed upon it.

Tauna, in a look of disgust, pulls her hand from his. “I am already with heir.”

King Edwin, giving her a look of amusement. ”Perhaps you will need more assistance in persuasion? Dayn McConol, enter thy room.”

Dayn ,sternly enters into the room.

Tauna, with sudden wide eyes, grasps onto the canopy’s pole, pulling back in self perseverance.

Dayn, dipping his head to her in reverence. “ Tauna Drake. It’s a pleasure to see you again. And how is your father and your mother?”

Tauna, glaring at him. “You shall address me as Miss Tauna Drake.” She said in an old English accent terms. “Is that clear?

Don’t you dare come near me, you vile, despicable man.”

Dayn, with a slight show of respect of his raised head to the king. “King Edwin, Sire, your majesty. May I have a few quiet minutes with Miss Tauna Drake alone please. I assure you, this will not take long.”

King Edwin, “Very well, I shall return in one hour.” He begun toward the door.

Tauna, in fast alert. “King Edwin, you walk away as coward!

Having your henchman do your dirty work for you! What kind of king are you?! I could never look up to you with any sense of respect!!

King Edwin, with a wry smug expression of amusement, leaves closing the door.

Dayn, veered quickly at her.” Tauna. My oath is now to the king, not to your father. I have strived for a many few years to gain the trust with the king and with great integrity. I have given him a great incentive of you, Sir John Drake’s descendant of Chivalry Chapel. And along with it, his future heirs and you will abide by the king’s request.”

Tauna, stunned. “How dare you! That’s Princess Mariam’s place, not mine!”

Dayn, insisting. ”Princess Mariam begged for my help. The princess and I simply made special arrangements for trade off.

All she had to do, is to lure your entrapment. And now, for my most scathing plan, as your nuptials to the king, and in time. He will be met with a most unfortunate demise, leaving you with both his kingdom and Chivalry Chapel. Brilliant, isn’t it. I shall finally become king and nobleman in my own kingdom.”

Tauna, despised unamused. “When are going to get it through your thick head, The Chivalry Chapel does not belong to you, let alone the king’s castle! Your plans of deceiver will end now. Get out of my way. I shall tell the king of your depraved plans.” She moved around him in haste toward the door.

Dayn, kept his lingering focused view at the castle’s wall with impending restraint. “Tell the king of my plans and I shall brand you as liar, furthermore, a risk of endangerment to your only heir son, Devon.” He replied in defiance.

Tauna, halt at the door, turned back to him in her own glaring defiance. ”I ought to marry the king just to defeat you!”

Dayn, with a sly smirk. “Looks like I have already won.” He treads toward the door.

Tauna, in her quick growing angst. Grabs onto an expensive vase, hurls it at him in rage as it hit the wall smashed into pieces.

Dayn, quickly turns back to her. “Ah yes, I do remember your father’s warning of your Irish temper.” He walks out.

In the sanctuary of Chivalry Chapel, standing in front of Pastor Connor Drake, the stain glass window in background, Detective Liam Niles and along side of him, his brother Detective Trey Niles, kneeled one knee before God in reverence, awaits for Pastor Connor Drake’s consent of approval to rescue his daughter. As Connor, taking his upright hand, shifting his hand, left to right of blesses upon them before their journey to the king Edwin’s castle.

At the gate of the kings castle Liam, unwavering. ”King Edwin’s castle.”

Trey concurred. “Yes. Quite impressive. But how do we get inside?”

Liam, “There’s two of them, there two of us. Dear little brother. Ready for a hijacking?” He veered his nodded head toward the monks standing at the doorway.

Trey, with smug . “Oh big Brother, that would be blasphemy.

The guards in cloaks are monks.”

Liam, “Don’t worry little Brother, well pray extra hard this week for god’s mercy. Besides, we’re just borrowing.”

Trey, takes a most certain deep breath, ready for action. “Full thrust?” Acquire confirmation.

Liam giving him confirmation. “Full thrust. Ready?”

Trey nod his head ‘Yes’.

Liam, in valiant bravery. “Go!”

Liam and Trey, their swords by their sides, moving into action toward the gateway without mercy or time to spare, approached the cloaked monks in heavy engaged combat like attack upon them.

The two guardsmen on high alert, took quick note, tried to stop them.

Liam and Trey, taking their robust hand, thrusting hard at them, shoving them ultra hard to the ground. They gave a job-well-done look at each other. Taking the monks hooded

cloaks , they covered themselves in disguised as monks, unbarred the gate, then tread inside the king’s castle. Taking their hands, they covered their heads with their hoods. Like spies, they peek from under their hoods, to see for anyone watching them. The only ones left in the room, taking their hands, they pulled back their hoods unto their shoulders.

Taking a good look around the room. Spying ever so carefully around the corners of each room, they travel the long corridor until they saw in front of them, Tauna pass by beautifully adorned in elegant silver silk gown and golden headband with earrings. Dripping in precious gems, her auburn hair braided layered with maroon silk ribbon. Her face blushed with rouge, eyes dark lined and mauve-rose-colored lips. Fit for a soon to be queen. And King Edwin next to her. And a procession of simple commoners and royalty guests.

Liam, clutched Trey’s cloak with his hand to yield him, stared stunned of even more of her beauty, giving him even more incentive to rescue her, as him and Trey kept the view on her as they wait in the shadows of the corridor’s corner watching and waiting for all to pass by.

Liam, poised with patience, stood vigilant. Giving his younger brother hand signals of flat hand instructions from his gloved hand in a ‘wait for it gesture.’ Then gave a hand gesture of forthright hand across the neck ready to attack.

Trey, in his giving insight to Liam back in return, waiting on his instructions in which direct to go. As they stepped out from the corner stood poised to give their reverence to the king and soon, queen of Avlon.

Tauna looked directly at an unusually looking tall monk staring at her, as she stared back at him, her eyes widen as she

discovered Liam in his disguise, then Trey, her eyes widen in alarm, looks side to side for escape, but to no merit.

King sees them, grabs her wrist tight, furiously lifts his hand directly pointing his finger at Liam and Trey. “Guards, seize them at once!” Tightens his grip on her.

The two guards began to grab them.

Liam and Trey, getting a strong held grip upon the guards, kneeled into their groins, seeing the guards double down in pain, as they thrash them to the cold stone floor. Pulling off their long cloaks with a whirl, showing their white peasant like tied shirts. Extracting their swords, they retreated from their position.

King Edwin, raised his hand up into the air. “HALT!!!’ He demanded.

Everyone stood in questionable apprehension looking upon everyone else.

King Edwin, lowering his hand back down. “ Dayn McConol.

Come forth.”

Dayn McConol goes to the king.

King Edwin, “Explain.”

Dayn, in full attentiveness. “Your Sire. Detective Niles and his brother have breached your kingdom.”

Liam, in self containment.

King Edwin, “ Detective Niles. You think you are so clever to infiltrate my kingdom, getting through the gate, walking

among the castle without being noticed. A quite determined man, I say. But for what reason?”

Liam, at ease. “I’m here to retrieve my noble Lady, Tauna Drake.” He said in diligence.

King Edwin, in a moment of deep thought. “All this for a woman. She must be that exceptionally important."

Liam, stood in his stance. “Sire, I have come for that was taken from me by Dayn, alias, Sir Blackwood and I’m not leaving without her.”

King Edwin, “And where is Princess Mariam?”

Pastor Connor intercepts in the distance. “Princess Mariam has gone home to her parents.” Bren, Devon, Breyen, Lauren, Treman, by his side.

Liam and Trey, taking a glimpse of their family, turned back to the king.

King Edwin, “I’m not totally without disregard for Tauna’s family. I have invited them to the wedding. But first, for Liam to renounce his loyalty to Tauna. Before we proceed.”

Liam, kept his stance. “I decline your acquiesce.”

King Edwin. “I see. Then there is only one way out of this. We shall fight for her. The winner takes her as commodity. My army of knights will challenge you. But I see you not with army.”

Liam looks at Trey, looking at him. Takes a side view of his son with his cousin next to him, as he sees their weaponry barely seen to their hidden sides, then a glance at Connor.

Pastor Connor, giving Liam his winking seal of approval, his prepping the boys.

Liam, turning back to the king. “King Edwin. I too have an army of knights.”

King Edwin, acknowledged him. “ Then let it be. In the courtyard, where this challenge will be.” He makes his way to the courtyard.

Trey, goes to Liam in private. “Liam. Just who is this army?”

Liam, prepping. “Devon and Treman.”

Trey, unsure. “Devon and Treman……Our sons are only squires. They have not been fully trained yet.”

Liam, veered at him. “Then they will learn fast as if their lives depended on it.”

Trey, pulled back in a moment of silence. “We are taking a big risk of loosing heirs of Chivalry Chapel. There must be another way.”

Liam, “ Nor if we don’t fight, all is lost. Are you ready brother?” Adamant.

Trey, “Brother, you know I am and always will be.”

Liam, placing his hand upon his brother’s shoulder in pride. “

Right. Gather our sons.”

In the courtyard, the lit anchored torches lined the castle’s outer stone walls. The flickered flames spewing out its smoldering smoke out into the afternoon sky. The atmosphere of heavy misty fog surrounded the battlefield.

The king treads to his outdoor double throne, stands poised having Tauna sit next to him. In the distance, his army of five knights awaits his orders, stood in front of their opponents, swords men Liam, Trey, Devon and Treman. “Let the challenge commence.” The king shouted out.

The king’s knights hurl their swords attacks upon them.

Liam and Trey parry in defense, thrashing their swords back at them.

Devon and Treman spring into action knowing full well it’s a do or die situation.

Trey, furiously swinging his sword at the yet another coming knight, slams to the ground.

Liam, ferociously bashing his broadsword at his opponent, slicing the knight’s fighting arm, the wounded knight in battle retrieves the courtyard, then falls the ground.

The remnant battlefield of a once long ago medieval scene resurged, as another one and two knights with embattled deep flesh wounds surrendered dropped to their knees, then collapsed flat onto the ground. Sweat acuminated upon their faces. The accumulate mixture of smoke and fog colliding obscured the visibility from the spectators, seeing only flashes of their steel swords clashing as two more knights fell to their wounded disposition.

Liam, simultaneously bashing with full thrust, crippling the last of two of three knights left for injury.

Devon’s eyes grew impressed of his father with pride.


Treman, with the last knight’s direct hit at his leg, instantly immobilized unable to fight back.

Trey, seeing his son fall to the ground, in terrified fear of losing his son, in furry, charged at the knight about to strike him down, thrusted his sword, slammed hard at the knight’s back, the knight instantly crashed to the earth.

Treman, taking the searing pain, like strong valiant man, stood in awe of his father.

The battle won, is over. In a long moment of time wait.

Tauna began to stand from her throned chair in view of them.

Her eyes widen in suspense. Her family watching for any movement through the haze. In the strength of endurance, Devon with his cousin Treman, clutched together emerges out from the thickly condensed smoky haze, first with a bloodied faced limps.

Trey, second to come out from the smoky mist, bloodied bruises on his face, but valiant.

Tauna sees Trey, but her eyes do not see Liam as she waits vigilantly. In a long moment of time her heart in suspended animation.

Liam ,with all valiant gallant gentry, last one from out of the smoky mist, like in the mist of time, he comes out from the shadows to see his brother, son, nephew come out in safety,

in his own chivalrous strength, slight smudge of blood sweat face, in steady breath, but unwounded, continues to keep going after Tauna, his noble Lady in rescue.

King Edwin, seeing Liam’s determination.

Tauna, seeing Liam in victorious stride, takes a step toward him.

King Edwin, not willing to take defeat, grabs her arm tight with one hand, takes his other hand to wrap tightly around her waist.

Tauna, struggling to pull away from him. “LIAM!!!” She hollered out to him.

Liam, with unwavering integrity, continues his quest.

King Edwin, with a scowl. ” I will not be conquered! You, Niles will not win!” Whisking her away, taking her back with him into his castle.

Liam, with a wry mouth, strategically proceeds onward going after Tauna.

Tauna, in her continue struggle to free herself. “KING EDWIN!!


King Edwin takes her to his throne, places her into her would be throne.” It is not over yet. There is still yet another challenge! I want you and I shall have you!!”

Liam, followed by Trey, Devon Treman, who were then followed by Connor, Bren, Lauren, Breyen, a family of close means,

Dayn goes to King Edwin’s side, stands behind his throne.

King Edwin, stillness. “Dayn, you will fight Liam.”

Dayn, gearing up to the king. ”Sire, and what shall be my reward, if I win?”

King Edwin, in quiet decision. ”You have given your oath to me for years. Does your own castle sound right to you? ”

Dayn, with a sly smugged grin. “King Edwin. You are most generous.” As he steps in front of Liam, his sword at hand.

Liam, annoyed to see Dayn in poised position in challenge to him. “King Edwin, Why is this imbecile in front of me?”

King Edwin. “Because, he was found in discovery, to destroy me and take Tauna and my kingdom afterwards. And now his consequence for doing so. Do what you will with him.”

Dayn, veered at Tauna.

Tauna, giving Dayn a look of daring satisfaction.

Dayn, in teeth gritting outrage, plunges at Liam.

Liam, quickly held up his sword to parry, as they held each other’s position once more. “I’ve had ENOUGH of you. “ Liam, thrusting his foot at Dayn’s abdomen, seeing him stunned-bent, slams the flat sword at Dayn’s final blow to his back, seeing him fall to the floor. Barely moved.

King Edwin, very pleased, stands from his throne instructs his peasant to remove him from his kingdom. “Well done Detective Liam Niles. You have destroyed my enemy from within. For that I am most grateful. But yet, I am not fully

satisfied. I have no heirs to my name. I am the last of my line. I am in desperate need for a queen and heir. I must have Tauna. She will be my queen. If you want her back, you must fight me to the end.”

Liam, lingered in his endurance. “ I’m not leaving without my noble Lady.”

King Edwin, slowly takes off his long robed cloak of kingship, lay it onto his throne. “ Very well then. May the best man win.” Taking his hand, extracts his sword from scabbard, ready.

Two men of equal height and structure, of highly skilled swordsmen gathered, stood focused before each other.

King Edwin, suddenly hurled his broadsword at Liam.

Liam, quickly lift his broadsword, parried at his in defense, then swung back at him

King Edwin, blocked the hit. Ferociously swung again.

Liam, furiously swung back at the king.

King Edwin, thrust his weapon harder at Liam.

Liam, once again, swings his sword at the king, not yielding.

With every direct hit of clashing clinks of their swords at each other in vigorous defiance, the constant bashing of their competing swords at each other as both cold steel blades collided in paused crosswords. Strength against strength, endurance against endurance.

Liam, shoving him off, resuming the challenge.

Moment by moment, one sword hurled at the other swords opponent’s head, blocking hit after hit, parrying from side to side in nonstop adamancy. The loud clashing of steel to steel clinks of embattlement between them filled the atmosphere throughout the castle’s room.

In their one on one combating formation, thrashing their weapons at each other in fury to that final goal. Tauna as king’s queen, or Detective Niles’ noble Lady retrieved.

The king, steadfast in his kingship to obtain for his future queen, unwavered. Continued his mightily thrusting and swinging at Liam.

Liam, in growing weariness, with clenched-gritted teeth and the last of his strength endurant heavy breath, pressed onward to his goal of victory for Tauna. In furious swooped swing of his thick-blade sword, bashed a direct straight hard hit at the king’s sword, breaking the king’s sword’s blade in half, as the blade bit flung to the floor, as he continues with all his might to swing hard and fast, never to unwaver.

The king, in shattered stance, pressed on to what’s left of an uncertainty.

The family watching in gripping intensity of the outcome.

Liam, giving his last once of mighty strength, not giving into the king’s request, furiously swooped his sword once again at the king, a direct hard hit, ripping the king’s sword from his now quickly defeating hands. Liam, with a loud last huff, leveraged a last thrusting hit at the king’s back beyond recovery, once again, with a heavy thwack the last heavy strike, as the king fell to his knees in lost defeat.

King Edwin, in such breath catching opened mouth, briefly gives Liam an expression of dis hearted acceptance, completes his fall flat to the floor.

Liam, in a magnitude of heavy breathing weariness, finally lowers his sword to his side in victorious valiant stance. The great master Detective Liam Niles of The Chivalry Chapel, the kneeling knight has won his victory!

Tauna, standing amongst herself, a loving relief spread across her face as she began her sprinting journey toward Liam, taking her hand, she began to dismantle her queen’s would be accessories pulling out her dripped diamond earrings, taking off her royal headband, down to the last of precious gems, flinging them to the floor, drops, her braids unbridled, vanished. Then running to him fast approaching, whams in his arms as his reward, his clutching her, never letting go, as he falls to his knees with exhaustion, looking her over for her protection in chivalry.

Tauna, falling with him, grappling over him with her caressing loving hand upon his face of devotion. Their foreheads bonding.

Bren, covered her mouth with her hand in self comfort, Connor, stood to witness, Trey, Lauren, the two boys witnessing.

Tauna, ever so helping him, grips his clothing to get him back up onto his feet from never defeat. Liam clutching her face with his gentleman’s hand of cherishment, the gazing of two and the kiss only in fairy tales could be told, commenced by only his robust hands upon her face. A love that with never be quenched, but will be forever told.

The misty atmosphere surrounded the castle as the church bell rang in a its rare occasion signaling The coming forth of the new noble to take over Chivalry Chapel. the ceremonial acknowledge has commenced.

Tauna Marie Drake stood in her fine attire of white celtic weaved gown, a weaved celtic knot pattern lined her long flounce sleeves, her half braided auburn hair, as long as her waistline, adorned with white ribbon, stood before her father in serious gesture, ready to take her oath of vows to continue the legacy of Chivalry Chapel. Like hand-me- down status, from her pastor father, the descendant of Sir Knight John Drake of the seventeenth century, she proudly stands.

Pastor Connor Drake, in his most notable man of the cloth, finally takes his hand of prayerful blessing, like a cassock priest, waving his hand over her up, down gesturing the sign of the cross, his only heir child, his daughter in sacred sacrament, places a golden band-like crown upon her head, meant only for nobles of their own castle. He places his hands upon her face in tender affection, in a proud moment. It is finished. Tauna Marie Drake, like her father’s father’s ancestor’s before her, now takes place as honorable Lady Tauna Marie Drake, of Chivalry Chapel.

Bren, her mother, proudly stands to display her utmost loving respect to her daughter. She gracefully treads the ancient stone floor to greet her in pride. Holding out her motherly arms to her, in lingering warm hugs, then stood by her side.

Father, mother, daughter in honorable pose.

The congregants like commoners stood from their seats.

Detective Liam Niles stood next to his son Devon.

Tauna, taking her riteful place as Lady, sets her eyes upon Liam. “Detective Liam Niles. Come forth.”

Liam, looks at her in curiosity, goes to her.

Tauna, with honor. “Get on your knee before your nobility.”

Liam, gives her a peculiar look, then bends onto one knee.

Keeping his focus on her.

Trey, look upon older brother with such dignified honor, as Lauren, son joined him with smiles.

Tauna gives her father a glanced signal.

Pastor Connor hands her a very ancient paper.

Tauna, gives her full attention back to Liam. “ Detective Liam William Niles. You have been summoned by my father, Pastor Connor Drake, descendant of Sir John Drake of Chivalry Chapel. You have sworn your oath of allegiance to my father, to protect Chivalry Chapel and its nobility. I hear by recite the Knight’s Code of Chivalry to you.

Liam William Niles:

“You shall love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength…..

Obey these in authority over you…..

Stand against injustice and evil……

Defend and protect the weak….

Respect and honor thy women…..

Refrain from wanten giving of offense….

Speak truth at all times….

Be generous and willing to share your worldly materialisms…

Persevere and finish the task before you….pursue excellence in all you do.”

Tauna, with loving honor of high prestigious regards for Liam, as she takes a sword from her father’s hands. The shiny flat blade gleamed of ancient times as she places it unto his left shoulder to dub him, then, on his right shoulder. Detective Liam William Niles. I dub thee, Sir Knight Liam Niles. Knight of Chivalry Chapel. Arise.” She held the sword low.

Liam rose from his position, in humbled acceptance, a slight dimple expressed pride grin upon his face..

Tauna, returning a smile back to him in such honor.

All rose clapping in joyful happiness

Bren, quietly admonishes her.

A sun filled backyard celebration of the new Sir Knight Liam Niles met with Pastor Connor with his wife Bren as they sat at a fancy styled-tabled, two year old Devon, sitting on his grandfather’s lap.

Tauna, raised her bow with arrow inline to her vision. Taking her fingers, pulled back the string tight. Focused on the target in the distance, immediately released her fingers off the string, as it whipped through the air toward target, close to the center.

Lauren, with her arrow-affixed bow, focused her eyes aligned to the center, pull the string, released her fingers, hit the target, but not near enough.

Liam, taking his longbow, skillfully lift it up aligning it to his vision, “Remember the days of our youth, me Brother? Robin Hood has nothing over me.”

Trey, next to him, with a concurring grin lift his in same manner. “Right. And King Author Is right behind me. Friendly Fire?”

Liam, stood with him. “Friendly fire.”

Liam with Trey-“Shoot!” Both released the fingers as their sharp tipped arrows whipped through the air like a heat seeking missile, as both arrows hit straight into the center of the target with a hard thud. Both smiled with prideful cheeky grins.

Lauren went to Trey. “The Niles man strikes again. Come on, it’s time to eat.”

Trey takes her hand as they sit down to eat.

Tauna stood by Liam. “And Detective Niles. Right on target as usual.”

Liam, with his longbow to his side. “ Well Miss Drake, I deduce, it is because you are by my side.”

Tauna grinned, kissed him, then went to the table.

Pastor Connor Drake stood next to the new knight in observation. “Now that you are Sir Knight of Chivalry Chapel, what is your next endeavor, son?”

Liam, stood gallant. “Sir. I want what I fought for. I request your daughter’s hand in marriage. To bethroth her as my wife.

The possession of her. She will belong to me. And I shall protect this castle and my family for the rest of my life.”

Pastor Connor stood prideful. “Liam, son. Hit the center of the target and I will grant your wish for what you desire.”

Liam, with sly smirk, boldly raised his longbow to his aligned vision, pulling back the arrow, then released his triggered fingers as the arrow flew through the air, hitting straight upon the center of the target with a powerful thud. Turning to him, he grinned.

At the alter, Lady Tauna Drake stood in her adornment of beautified layered hair flowed around her white medieval like tudor gown in front of Detective Liam Niles. In his honorable tailor suit of rank, the honorable Detective Liam Niles stood valiant. Pastor Connor Drake stood facilitated with their vows: He takes a maroon cord, raps it around both their hands:

“Lady Tauna Marie Drake, to sacramental love and honor for your husband, to cleave unto him only, forsaking all others as you share your life with him, your bed of matrimony.” He tightens the cord.

“Detective Liam William Niles, your sacrificial love is for your wife only and none else as you share your life, the bed of matrimony with her.” He tightened the cord in symbolism.

“The bliss of your shared love and lives, in the eyes of God, Lo, though one maybe overpowered two can defend each other, a cord of three strands is not easily broken. The sanctity invested in me, I declare you both, married.

Detective Liam William Niles, I give you my daughter, now, Lady Tauna Marie Drake Niles, as your wife.” Taking both their wrists, he quickly pulled their hands through the cords, as the cords tyed in a knot, holding each other’s hand as like a symbolic covenant, whilst, Liam and Tauna lovingly took one step to each other as they sealed the covenant with a tender kiss upon each other’s lips.

Pastor Connor stood in front of them. “It is done. Let the celebration begin!”

All the congregants cheered, grabbing each others hands in dancing.

Bren and Connor, together in slow dance.

Trey holding Lauren close, then pulled in their son Tremen.

Devon close to Breyen.

And, the honorable new couple representing Chivalry Chapel.

Forever sealed in loving covenant.

Later that night…..

Sir Knight Liam Niles, sitting in upright position in bed, sees his newly noblewoman to Chivalry Chapel, walk elegantly wearing his long white peasantry-flounce- like half-button shirt only down to her knees, her half exposed body, he seized his eyes upon her.

Tauna, approached him. “Now, to my knight in shining armor, I come to you, Sir Knight Liam Niles.”

Liam, extending his inviting outward hand to her.

Tauna, placing her hand warmly into his, slips into their bed, as she gracefully straddle his lap, the intimacy of their two bodies clung together.

Liam, taking his hand, strokes her long auburn hair flowing over her shoulders, feeling the warmth of her soft body.” And now, little girl. What shall I do with you?”

Tauna gave a slight smirk. “Oh, I can think of something.” She leaned into him with a tender kiss on his lips.

Liam, clutches his robust hands around her soft face, with sensual kiss, as the kisses exchanged between them.

Tauna, with many more exchanges of tender kisses to Liam.

“And, my brave, valiant husband. What became of the maiden and her king?”

Liam, tasting more of her lips with enjoyment, pauses. “ The King Edwin took his own bride into his castle as queen, with no dismay to the princess. Apparently they made an agreement. She will beget his heirs while he rules with an unmeasurable understanding of her.”

Tauna, clutching her mouth with his.” HUMM, and that is?”

Liam, smiled his dimples wide. “That the king promises to love and honor his queen.”

Tauna,with a last kiss. ”That sounds lovely. Liam. I need to tell you. Breyen’s with child….We’re going to be grandparents.

Another heir is coming.” With solemn.

Liam, raised his brows. ”A grandchild….” With sudden loss for words, he grins his dimples wide in pride.

Tauna, concurred joyfully kisses him back in return as they both rejoice of new life coming.

Liam, grasps her lips more as he lays her down next to him in blissfully in celebration

Image 9

Keys To The Kingdom

The following day….

Pastor Connor Drake, seventy –five year lay in his bed.

Liam, knocking twice on his door.

Pastor Connor, in his ill-tempered boredom, tossed down his Sunday sermon papers along with the daily newspaper. ”YES.

What is it! Who in the blazen is it now. Go on. Show yourself?”

Liam respectfully opened the door entering inside. Seeing Tauna and Bren, Trey, Lauren, Treman, Devon with his new wife, Breyen as she caresses her round baby bump. sitting next to him, he sat next to Tauna, wrapped his loving hand around her waist in acknowledgement to him. “What’s this?”

Pastor Connor, determined as ever. ”Liam, son. It is time I hang up my ‘man of the cloth’. Here, these are the legal documents, the deed to Chivalry Chapel. You are to be half owner. For you to see fit of your choices. Bren will I spend the rest of our lives in love and devotion to each other watching yet another heir to some day take over Chivalry Chapel. When that time comes, is that understood? Go on, sign the papers.”

He hands him the pen.

Liam, with much respect to the pastor, takes the pen from him, signs his cursive signature on the noted line.

Trey, placing a manly hand upon his older brother’s shoulder.

“Way to go big Brother.”

Tauna, looked straight at Liam in such pride.

Bren giving her utmost thankful smile to all them.

Detective Liam Niles, now alias, Sir Knight Liam Niles, walks the stone floor casually up to the Chivalry chapel’s castles stain glass window in recognition of his newly status as Nobleman of his own castle. Taking a sizable look at the stain glass window, he is reminded of the years since the day he came to Chivalry Chapel, he stood in pride of his memory as his demeanor noted his mark.

Taking off his trademarked trench coat, he humbly with great valiant pride and gallant gratitude, places his long detective trench coat over the shoulder of Sir Knight John Drake’s upright positioned suit of armor with pride and honor. With a slight smirk of his dimpled smile, he walks away in his Englishman swag, to yet another assignment, as Nobleman.

And, in the doorway stood Lady Tauna Drake Niles with a very becoming smile. Liam, halts in place, looks upon his Lady of Chivalry Chapel with a dimpled, yet honorable composure.

Lady Tauna Drake, with such pride goes to be by his side.

Sir Liam Niles, shows her the button token of their love for each other, as he pulls her close to himself, a lingered kiss ended with committed smiles.

Image 10

Return Of The Kneeling Knight

The Atmosphere of spiritual ambiance thick in the air surrounded the pastor of his church. Pastor Roger McKenzie, A middle aged man of the cloth in his casual attire of blue jeans, black shoes, stood at his alter, his bible opened to scriptures, turning each page as he read deep in study of the words. His cup of hot herbal tea at arm reach, focused so heavily on key words, he extended his hand to grab the cup’s handle, lifting the cup up to his mouth, the aroma of steam smelled of rose hips leaves. Then taking a sip of the hot tea, he drank the soothing drink satisfied to his soul, placing the cup back down onto the alter, as he continued his study.

A sudden noise of cracking sounds echoed through the room, as he looked up from his bible, but sees nothing. His head lowers back to his reading, as turns yet another page.

Another louder sound coming from the end of the room…once again, he looks up but this time his attention upon the stain glass window of ancient era times of knights.

Something not quite right with the depiction image, a distortion of some sort , he left his alter stepped forward, stopped in front to view a closer look at the glass image.

Focused on a slightly different position of the multi colored depiction, from the last few minutes ago. He sees the knight’s glass face slowly turning to him, in disbelief, his eyes began to widen. Then hearing another sharper sound coming from the end of the room once again, he turned to face toward the

sound, swallowing hard he walks toward the noise of more clinking of stone breaking to see just a few feet away, the effigy of an ancient knight coming alive, rose to sit up from the top, look straight at him, the pastor nearly frozen in disbelief, eyes in terror, he sees the knight engaging with sword in gauntlet hand, stands up ready to engage in combat with him as the knight began taking steps toward the pastor, swing his sword at him.

Pastor Roger, in never felt before fear, began taking backward steps to safety. “No! STAY AWAY FROM ME!!! LORD HELP ME!

“ He swiftly turns around, managing to run from the knight in escape, running quickly back toward his alter as he straightly plunges his run into the arms of Pastor Connor Drake, as Connor nearly snatching him in safety, Detective Liam Niles, by his side, Liam, quickly observing the reaction, places his robust arms in aid in helping Pastor Connor to calm him as he sees his unusual plight of frenzy,

Pastor Roger grasped Connor tighter. “ He’s after me!”

Pastor Connor addressed him in reason. “Calm down Roger!

Who is after you?!”

Pastor Roger addressed him back, “The knight! He’s after me!” His tighter grip onto Connor.

Pastor Connor, looks at Liam.

Liam looks at Connor in logic.

Connor, looks at him in puzzlement. “What knight? What do mean? I don’t see anyone else in this room but the three of us.”

Pastor Roger, admonishes with continued grip. “Don’t you see it? The knight?! He is right behind me!” He turns his head sharply to see in back of them, but only sees a room with the same effigy in stone tribute as it were earlier. He turns back around to Connor.

Pastor Connor, remains calm. “You see my friend, there is no knight after you to see.”

Pastor Roger in disbelief. “What has happened? This is trickery! I saw the knight with my own eyes. I tell you. He was alive and after me!” He turned to look at the effigy again. No movement.

Liam, walked over to the effigy to investigate, stopped at the long rectangular carved statue, ever so carefully placed his hand upon the cold stone depiction. No movement. Looks back at the two of them. Comes walking back to them.

Pastor Connor with compassion. “Roger, my friend, you have been under a lot of strain lately, the reason for our meeting.”

Roger’s wife enters, takes her husband in care.

Pastor Connor takes Liam’s arm, taking him to the side with him. ”We have much to discuss. For months his congregation, his flock has dwindled, their finances drop below what they can afford. And No, It is not his fault, he speaks the truth.”

Liam, looks at Connor in squinted eyes. “Deception of the mind? Is he taking any medications? Has he been ill lately hallucinations from the drugs perhaps?”

Pastor Connor Drake sighs. “ Not that I’m aware of.” He is a most clean pastor I have ever seen.”

Liam, “Right. His wife is with him now. Must get back to my duties.”

At Chivalry chapel….

Breyen Niles, running after her and Devon’s baby boy.

“William Devon Connor Drake Niles, you come back here right now! I haven’t even done your pants Yet!”

William runs off toward down the long corridor in his underpants, then up to his grandfather.

Detective Liam Niles, just from the corner, grabs his grandson with his hands, scooping him up into his arms.” ‘Oi, and what do we have here? Oh, that’s right. Me grandson. And how are you doing little fella?”

Breyen goes to Liam, taking her son back into her arms, as he squirms of bursting energy. ”If this keeps up he will out grown his clothes in no time and still be running around in his knickers.”

Liam grins his dimples. “ Devon was the same. He will out grow it.”

Breyen, lovingly holds his little hand. “ I’d wish I could say the same for my little sister Brandy. My father and mother are going through a rough time with her as teens do. It seems she been caught up in trying hard to help them out in their finances, but with her introvertness, has trouble herself always trying to do right thing to help. Sometimes goes wrong. “

Liam, with compassion. “Yes, Connor and I have just been from your parents church. Everything will be alright. Your

father, Pastor Roger is a great Pastor. Be sure to let them know if I need any kind of help, ok?”

Breyen, seeing William rub his tired eyes..” I will. Must get back, it’s his nap time.”

Liam, smiles at her, kisses his grandson.

Breyen, walks away.

Liam, thinks over what she said.

Lady Tauna Drake Niles, satisfied when after taking her last bite of breakfast, makes her way to her duties of her new title. In her walk down the corridor, her walking stride in happiness, her face glowed with joy, her thoughts in her mind of her family, especially the love of her life, Liam Niles and their son’s family.

As she approaches the chancel, an unusual looking object appears in the corner of the room as she slowed down to take a closer look. An object that appeared to looked like the same effigy as Sir John Drake. In questionable mind, she crept closer to see it was indeed him. Then the image began to morph into another shape. She instantly pulled back in freaked out frenzy as it rapidly changed in the form of Sir Knight Liam Niles, his body deceased on a slab of cold stone, then his body slowly declining, changing, morphing in his own stoned effigy. Her frightened eyes suddenly grew wide as she went straight to him as if she tried to prevent his demise in infinity, taking her hands upon his effigy, he began to disappear like cold stone.

She then taking her fists, slamming them unto his image of what he used to be, she tried to rescue him. “LIAM NOOO!!!”

She was loosing the battle. Looking around for a fire stick, she grabbed it quickly, taking it to the effigy, taking the fire stick, raised it above her head, then whammed it across his stoned body, once again and again she raised it up into the air, once again bashing the fire stick hard onto the stoned image, pieces beginning to chip and break off, then bigger pieces as she continued in her teary eyes stance of fear, losing the battle. “Liam!! COME BACK TO ME!!!!”

A tall man grabbing her from behind, pulling her away.”Tauna, stop it! Bloody Hell, What are you doing little girl?!?”

Tauna, in agony, turns to see Liam, grabs onto him in clinging desperation, never letting go. “Liam! Don’t leave me!! Don’t leave me!!” She cried hard. Her tightly claw like fingers clutching his trench coat.

Liam putting her in his arms, not letting go. ”Calm down Tauna. You’re ok Little girl I’m here love. I’m here. Now. Tell me what happened.”

Tauna looked at him, not letting go. “You were being slowly encased into your own effigy. I was trying to break you free!”

She sobbed uncontrollable.

Liam, taking a look brief look at the broken pieces, but sees only a smashed set of vases. “ That was no effigy. But you just bashed the crap out of your mothers vase you just smashed up.”

Tauna, starting to calm, turns to sees for herself, broken glass on top the shelf, with stems of bent roses barely still alive.

“Oh Liam I just destroyed my mother’s birthday gift from my father. What happened to me?”

Liam, in loving care, caressed her arm. “I don’t know love. But we will find out.”

Tauna, layed her head onto his chest in comfort.

The next day…

Detective Liam Niles, stood by in observance of Inspector Crouse in his duty as the inspector began to walk by him.

Liam stood vigilant. “Inspector Crouse….the answer please.

What was put in Pastor Roger’s tea and Tauna’s drink?”

Inspector Crouse, halt next to him with respect. “Detective Niles, Liam. Sir Niles.”

Liam sighs. “Inspector Crouse, I am still Detective Niles, by my continued oath to Pastor Drake of the Chapel, still stands. My newly title of Sir Knight has not diminished that fact. You know as well as I that someone infiltrated this chapel. But who? ”

Inspector Crouse, stood in correction to him. “Or you mean, what kind of beast has come to roam these corridors and for what reason.” Liam, my old friend, and you know as well as I, if I knew all the answers, I would not hesitate to divulge it to you. But this I know. You may be the new Sir Knight Niles of this chapel, but your heart is of father’s legacy as detective and your Brother Trey follows suit right behind you as younger brothers do. Liam. In my oath as inspector. I dare not say what I found to you or anyone, you know that our oath as detectives. But as you are my dear friend and colleague. Tell this to no one. I’ve never seen anything like it. No clues left behind. No signs of Breaking and entering. No finger prints on anything, nothing. Except this.” He pulled out a small clear ziplock bag showing him the White powder in it. “This was found from your kitchen floor. I will have it analyzed. This beast that roams among these castle walls knew exactly what it is doing. My strict advice to you, keep watch. Now, my

friend, I must leave now. I will return in a few days with the answer.”

Liam, veers at him. “Thank you, Inspector Crouse, for that most, insightful answer. I shall take it from here. I will inform the bureau.”

Inspector Crouse, placed his hand onto Liam’s shoulder. “Of course my friend. you know what to do with your keen deduction. Welcome back.” He smiled, then left the premises.

Liam’s look of decisive conclusion as he turned to walk out of the room, then in his British swag walk down the long corridor toward a door with the wooden plague of the words,

‘chancery’, he halt facing the rare used door of the medieval times. Placing his hand over the knob, he turned the handle as the door opened for him to see the inside room of the ancient medievalism. Taking his steps inside, he laid his sight on his trench coat covering one arm length of the knight’s suit of armor that stood in attendance as if on active duty of his service to the king. The trench coat he had left behind nearly six months earlier, to become Sir Knight Liam Niles. But the time has come to resume his duty once again, as he gazed his eyes upon his long coat jacket in remembrance of his past assignments and his duty of honor for which it still stood, as he began taking the trench coat into his hands from the knight’s armor, and once again placing it back onto his own body. As he began to button up each button from top to bottom, he is reminded of his oath in service to Pastor Connor Drake. As he turns back to the open door, in an old mirror, he stood to see himself in his honorable self return recognition, to his self recommission as once again, Detective Liam Niles, in active duty, is back for his mission to find out who is

invading Chivalry Chapel. Taking up his sword from the top of Sir Knight John Drake’s effigy where he had placed before, he turns from the mirror to leave back to active duty, as he closes the chancery door, then walking in stride back toward his duty in service.

Lady Tauna, also on her way to her duties as Lady of Chivalry Chapel, seeing Liam in his trench coat trademark as detective returned, her modestly joy face turned into puzzlement question, as she slowed her walking pace toward him, then stopped in place, not sure of what she sees.

Liam, seeing her with understanding eyes, slows his pace to a halt. His loving eyes upon her as gent, he gently went to her, then in front of her questionable eyes. “Little girl, MY love, please understand, Inspector Crouse has informed me of an unknown entity that roams these corridor somewhere in these castle walls.

Tauna, stood still quiet in listening contently, her stare of preparing for what is to come, her loving view upon him.

Liam, came closer hovering over her in sincere eyes. ”I must do this. I must come back to nab this beast before he comes to destroy what we have built together. Our son that we have beget, our grandson that now runs his playground of these hallways in his bare feet. How could I not defeat this unknown entity while it lurks, as it seeks to devour us. My love, I must protect my family and fortress once again. I must come back to defeat it as detective.” He gazed lovingly in her eyes for her consent as Lady Drake.

Tauna, giving him back his gaze to hers, lay her loving hand of reassurance gently upon his face. “My vows to you still stand since the day I met you. Don’t you ever forsake me.”

Liam, reciprocating a warm dimpled smile back to her, he takes her hand, kissing upon it. “ Never, have I ever or will forsake you, little girl. Lady Tauna Marie Drake Niles, my wife, my love of my life.”

Tauna, with a kind smile of approval upon him. “Now. Go get this dragon beast, my detective knight.”

Liam hovering over her more with tender kisses upon her lips.

Pastor Connor Drake, in his hands of work, comes out of his office nearly fumbling papers from his hands, stopped to see their affection.

Liam with Tauna, looked at him.

Pastor Connor, with his view upon them. “I see you two are at it again. Oh and Liam, son, congratulations on your recommission. The return of our Detective Liam Niles. And another thing. The police department has informed me of the recurrence of Dayn McConol. Apparently he has knowledge of this beast. Keep watch he does not reenter into my church as he has threaten to by this evening. If he shows again, do what you will to him.” He salutes him, goes back into his room.

Liam, unamused at the news.

Tauna, in apprehension. “It’s one thing about our villain, but this is for sure. It was a dreaded thing seeing you on that stone table effigy. Never want to see that again.”

Liam, turned to her in highlight. “Right you are there. And you have just given me a brilliant idea.”

Later that evening….

Dayn, came walking in the foyer, stops.

Tauna, just coming in for her duties, sees him, suddenly stops to ponder.

Dayn stood in place. “Miss Tauna Drake. We meet once again.”

Tauna, staying in place. “Dayn McConol. I didn’t think you survived the last fight with my husband. And you will address me as Lady Tauna Drake.”

Dayn, in surprise mode. “Lady Drake? Well done Tauna. Your father must be proud of this achievement. And how is your mother these days?”

Tauna, in caution. “What is it this time that you want, slithering around my castle, the snake that you are. And while my dearly departed husband who just became deceased from his too deep of wounds from battle last night, he is in there, the sanctuary room, laying on his own effigy stone. And I his wife am about ready to pay my last respects to a man I love so much. How dare you come into my presence on a day like this, you vile man.” She snapped at him.

Dayn squinted his disbelieving eyes. “What do you mean, departed?”

Tauna every so slowly, stepped closer to him. “ You should be lucky that I’m still lady enough to direct you into my late husband’s presence to say goodbye. But very well then.

Come, see for your self.” She escorted him. Opened the sanctuary door, walking inside, continued her casual, but

dreary pace until she approached the block of stone alter, his body lay straight and still, his hands lay across his body.

Dayn, following her inside, keeping pace stood by her side seeing for himself, the body of a one time much daring detective, now rests in peace in his own demise. She looked at him. “ You see he is there. Now, I request of you to give him your last respects that is well deserve.”

Dayn, unrepentant. “Forgive me Lady Tauna. I am sorry for your sorrow of your departed husband, but you must understand that he finally met his match, losing his life in the battle. But I deeply feel your pain in my condolences. But also to remind you of your father’s previous agreement of our prearranged marriage. And now that he is gone, there is nothing to keep us from it now. And I have the secret knowledge to the one that has roamed these hallways. I can snatch this beast as it comes soon.”

Tauna, with sly glances at him. “Very well then. But only after your lay your hand of oath upon my dear departed husband in acknowledgement to him that you are ready to take over as he once was, as it were, as beneficiary of Chivalry Chapel from his establishment.”

Dayn, veered quickly at her. “His Establishment?”

Tauna looked at him straight. “Yes. My father gave him half ownership as he so deserved after he fought King Edwin and won me back making me his wife, as reward.”

Dayn, amused. “Did he?”

Tauna, cracked a sly smile. “Yes. You are the perfect fit. Go on, place you hand upon him. Say your vow of oath to him.”

Dayn, with a sly smirk, steps up to Detective Liam Niles body, ever so slowly taking his hand, lays it upon his body his chest of oath to him. “There you go old mate. Don’t worry. Just as I have told you in the beginning when you first came. I will have Chivalry Chapel, Lady Tauna, will take my hand in marriage. Just like it should have been. All..those..years..ago.

And now it is my rightful duty from Sir Blackwood’s coat of arms to take your place. Don’t worry. I have come this far. I have it all…planned ….out. You see. The beast within these castle walls will strike just as I ordered it too.”

Tauna quickly veered at Dayn with serious acknowledgement.

Dayn reshifted his pose. “ I now declare Chivalry Chapel as my own to claim, at this moment- right now.” He slyly grinned.

Tauna, gazing upon Liam.

Suddenly, Liam directly opened his eyes, moved out of position, quickly taking his strong hands to grip Dayn’s arm in action, yanking him across his body, then taking his other hand, giving a swift karate chop across his back , flipping him onto the other side of the alter, Dayn landing onto his chest to the floor, Liam, swiftly lifted off the stone alter, taking his black booted foot, whacking it hard unto Dayn’s back, applying a crushing blow pushing down hard entrapping him to the cold stone floor. “NOW. You answer my questions correctly. Do exactly as I tell you. And with correct answer your penance shall be pardoned. Give me the name of your compadre that works for you.” He adamantly demanded, with gritted teeth.

Dayn, struggling on the floor to move. “I know NOTHING!”

Liam, grit his mouth tighter as he applied even more pressure to his back. “Answer me!” He forced for more answers.

Dayn, gritting his own teeth in pain.

Tauna went to Liam’s side looked down at Dayn. “Oh for love of god, for once. Do the right thing. You have the power to stop this NOW!”

Dayn, in agony. “Give me my rights as descendant to Sir Blackwood, the acknowledgement of his coat of arms of Chivalry Chapel and I will give the answer.”

Pastor Connor taking steps towards them. “ He is right Tauna.

The ownership he is referring to was the very sword belonging to Sir Blackwood. It is true and he has that right to claim it.”

Bren, taking steps after Connor. “And I know where the sword is.”

Tauna, looking at her father, then her mother, then back to Liam.

Liam, with held stance. “Right! We will do this the democratic way. You will retrieve your sword to help us defeat this beast of yours, then leave this chapel for good. Is that clear?!”

Dayn, no longer struggling. “You have my solemn oath!”

Pastor Connor admonished a look of mercy to Liam. “We must prepare for this beast’s arrival.”

Trey standing at the door. “I’m ready when you are big Brother.”

Liam, taking a lingered look at his younger brother, smirk in sly. Taking his foot off Dayn’s back.

Dayn, ever so slowly arose from the floor, straightened out.

Liam gave Dayn a warnful look to his side. ”Right. You’ve always been good at being wise as a serpent. I’m keeping my eye on you. One false move from you, and I’ll stomp so hard on that slithering tail of yours, you will regret it. Is that clear?.

Now, let’s move into the sanctuary. We have a very unsavory guest about to arrive.. Mind your wits. Now move.”

Pastor Connor led the way entering into the sanctuary, a gathering of 20 priest and pastors filled the room.

Liam, gently taking Tauna’s arm. “Right. Tauna, stay close to me. Trey you know what to do, stand by. Connor, Sir. Please take your place, Bren, as you were. Dayn, stay where I can see you.”

Pastor goes to his alter, prepares his notes.

Bren, taking her place in her chair in front of Connor.

Pastor Connor at his best. ”Good day everyone and welcome to Chivalry Chapel. I am pleased to see all my friends and colleagues. This is a joyful time for us all in fellowship. Before we proceed I’d like to invite the volunteers to partake in passing the communion plate to each row.

Two boys, taking a tray each, standing at each end of row, handing the tray to the first person, as the first pastor takes the mini cup of dark grape juice into his fingers, then passing it to the next pastors, so on forth to the end of the row, the boys onward to the other rows, until the last cup was given.

Pastor Connor, taking up his own cup recited scripture: And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.” In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.” Places the cup to his mouth, receives the swig to swallow. The pastors, as followed.

Pastor Connor stood tall. “I will begin by saying there’s much rejoicing for all of us. To be one with one another gathered here. I look forward in our time together.”

A visiting pastor stood up abruptly.” Pastor Drake! Move, before it gets you!”

Pastor Roger, veered at Connor of pre acknowledgement.

Pastor Connor veers at him, then at another. “Pastor Michael, Brother, are you ok?”

Pastor Michael, swiftly went to him in flinging his arms around seemingly in protection of him from a unseen beast.

Two men from the congregation went to him in lending calming, taking him into another room.

Liam, with a questionable frown.

Pastor Connor resumed. “Right. As I was saying.”

Another pastor, leaps from his chair. “Get away from me!”

The pastors sitting around him look to see but see nothing. “

Brother Adam, are you ok? Calm yourself, there’s nothing there!” Placing their hands on him.

Trey looks at Liam

Liam peers at Trey sharing each other’s stare.

Inspector Crouse, on time, walk inside the room, goes to Liam’s side to observe the unusual scene.

Another pastor stands, ready to run away from an unforeseen unknown. “Everyone leave the building at once! We’re under attack!!! They’re flying everywhere!”

Pastor Connor, in his growing no nonsense demeanor. “

Brother Peter. There IS NOTHING HERE BUT Us. SIT DOWN!”

Pastor Peter dart from his chair-dashing away in irrationality.

Liam, Inspector Crouse grab unto him, Trey followed them, holding the pastor in place. His cup he held in his hand, fell to the floor. The grape juice spilling unto the tutor printed carpet, with a visible white substance still inside the cup. Liam and The inspector look straight at each other inquisitively.

Inspector Crouse, pulling out a latex glove from his jacket, placed it onto his hand, took a sample in between his fingers, taking a closer look to see. “It’s in the grape juice they drank.

They’re being drugged!”

Liam, in angry compassion “Right take him were he’s safe.”

Takes his step to Dayn. ” What is this game you’re playing. Is the whole congregation next?!”

Dayn. Just as questionable. “This is not the same as I instructed. He is playing this game against me also.”

Liam, glared at him. “He. Who is this man?!”

Dayn, kept silent.

Liam, with snarling teeth, grabbed his coat hard with his bare hands. ”Answer me!”

Dayn, in plain voice. “He is here. He sits among them.”

The rest of the visiting pastors getting up from seats leaving, walking around them to the foyers door then left.

Liam, pushes him away with a jolt. “And twenty pastors leaves, one left” He turns from him, sees one man still sitting in the pews.

Dayn follows his view. “ The man’s a traitor to me. I will deal with him myself. Bren. My sword please.”

Bren, moving away from them, she fetch his sword from the wall, bringing to him.

Dayn looked upon his word. ”So it’s been here all this time.

How clever of you to keep it in such finery.” He takes the sword into his own hand. “Here I go.”

Liam, sly. “It will be my pleasure to see you go down with him, by all means-go.”

Dayn, taking his weapon. “ Though you say. With honor, I shall fight my own enemy, until the last strike of his demise.” He walks away from them, prepares his sword in battle, walking towards the enemy, he takes up his sword.” You have betrayed me. You will betray me no more. You will have no second chance. I have come In the name of Sir Blackwood. I have reclaimed my rightful honor as his descendant. It’s my pleasure to come to destroy you. I will have Chivalry Chapel, even if with my last breath.”

The beast, a man, in his black robe appearance, as the beast rose from his chair, turns to him in evil smirk prepared for battle, taking a hard swipe at him at his side.

Dayn hollered out in much pain, losing his balance, but regaining once again as he swung his sword at his opponent, with harder gritted teeth.

The beast, lunges his sword at him.

Dayn, parries his sword against his sword, blocking him, then lunges his sword right into the beast’s gut, then sees him fall to the floor-game over! Then taking his hand, he touched his side to see his own blood from his own body. Looks at Tauna as estranged.

Tauna, Liam, seeing his fate before them, as he falls to the floor, sprawls like a slithering snake, entering into the chancery , pulls himself up just enough to see the imaged face depiction of Sir John Drake, placed his hand of oath upon the effigy. “In the name of my ancestor, Sir Blackwood, I now declare my rightful coat of arms of Chivalry chapel.” In heavy breath, he smiles slyly in victory, then falls to the floor into his own demise.

Liam, standing in protection of his family, keeping his eyes on him, once again gives his own look of the valiant kneeling knight. His family as if looking over his shoulder, looks onward in quiet closure of solace.

The hour went by fast, the days of Dayn McConol ceased, never to be seen again. His final passage of recompense to take place for his last endeavor of righting his wrongs, as Inspector Crouse finished his discussion with the EMT, went to Liam. The ambulance quietly drives away.

Pastor Connor, standing beside Bren, Tauna, as Liam and Trey stood waiting.

Liam inquired. “Inspector Crouse?”

Inspector Crouse. ”He bled internally. My job is done here.”

Liam positioned himself before Inspector Crouse. “Inspector Crouse. Thank you for this most invigorating comeback.”

Inspector Crouse, giving him a manly hand shake. “Anytime Liam.” He walks to his car, drives off.

Pastor Roger with his wife, in much appreciation to them all.

“Connor, I want to thank you for helping me save my church.

The congregation is once again filling up. But this time, with relevance. And we’ve had twenty baptisms this week alone. I am forever in your debt.”

Pastor Connor smiled at him. “We walk into the kingdom of god together, there is no debt to be paid back, apart of what we were already given, god’s son as debt for us my brother in Christ, my friend.” He gave his hugs to him.

Pastor Roger gave a tighter hug back.

Later that evening……

Tauna stood by Liam ready for bed. “So tell me the secret to your best defense.”

Liam turned to her. “My Secret, the best defense, to never give in what the enemy wants but to allow them to do each other in. It’s so much easier with less effort of self strength.”

Tauna smiled. She began to unbutton, his white shirt, one at a time. “Tell me my love, how did you manage to keep your breath while laying on that stone alter?”

Liam pulls her closer to himself. Begins to unbuttoning her shirt, undress her with his hands, her bareness showed. “It’s called playing dead. It’s the oldest trick in the book, one that never fails. It works –every- time.” While kissing her tenderly on her lips “It’s just an old technique I learn as a kid. It’s all, about, breath, control.” He grasped her mouth with his in controlled breathing, then out of control, with nonstop sensual kissing as he takes her to their bed in overwhelming passion of pleasure.

The next day…

Tauna watching in full honor of both her men in action as well as Trey to his son Tremen, Lauren on the side.

Liam supervised Devon’s last bit of training. Taking his sword, Liam lunges at him full thrust.

Devon, parries harder against him.

Once again, His father, lunges even harder.

Devon, suddenly swipes under his sword, as his father lost his sword to the ground, giving him a cheeky grin of pride.

Liam, with Tauna stunned.

Liam, in his proud dimpled smile. “The day has come for you to take over as Knight. Very well then. A squire no more, but now as a knight of Chivalry Chapel. As your grandfather has already knighted you. Since the day your mother carried my son in her womb, I am proud to be your father.

Congratulations son. I shall inform your grandfather of your status, my son.”

Tauna, grinning of such joy.

Devon, taking his sword, goes to his father, giving him a manly hug, then goes to his duties, prepared for knights.

Trey hollers out in joy at Tremen, his mother hugging him in congratulations, also goes to his duties.

Liam with Tauna see Trey and Lauren leaving hand and hand with love.

Liam, in reminisce. “The days are here Tauna.”

Tauna, gets close to him. “Yes, but are you Detective Liam Niles, or Sir Knight Liam Niles?”

Liam brings her closer. “My love, Little girl. I am both. I will always be, your detective knight. And what do you have in your hand?”

Tauna, show a small hand book. “It is my Diarium of my life with stories of a great master detective.” Taking out his old trench coat button, showing it to him.

Liam ,with his wide dimpled smile, takes the button from her, kissed her tenderly on her lips as they walk inside the Chivalry Chapel, then see Pastor Connor Drake, descendant of Sir Knight John Drake closing the chancery door, to the sixteenth century.

Image 11

Cloak Of Sir Niles

Lady Tauna Drake Niles, treads her way into the chapel’s chancel. The warm glow of candles illuminate the spacious room. Walking across the old tutor floor she began her walk down the dim lit corridor to her door of her bedroom, then stopped to see in front of her, Detective Liam Niles as he stood tall and gallant in his long black high ranking cloak.

Tauna, giving him an amusing look back to him. “ Sir Knight Liam William Niles. Back from the crusades are we then?”

Liam, with sly look at her, taking few steps in front of her.

Stopped. “Back from my delineation of Knighthood, yes. Only for a night love.” Taking his robust hands, he clutched her waist, pulled her to himself, his mouth grasps for hers, again and again as she yearned for more. Pulling her up into his mighty arms, he carried her straight into their bedroom, layed her down into their soft bed as their mouths grasped upon each other’s lips as passion over took them. Liam, taking what was meant for him only, Tauna, her only need for him, beyond love their rhythum of two becoming one until that last breath of seduction reached.

The following morning…

Detective Liam Niles, Alias, Sir knight Niles, treading the long corridor into the quiet of night as he does his duty in

protecting the fortress. Steps inside the sanctuary, walks down the floor to the alter. All quiet in peace. Satisfied, he walked away from the alter, making his way toward the door.

Half way there, he stops to turn for another view. Suddenly the stain glass window exploded inward, blasting shattered shars of glass everywhere, the blast blowing him hard as he quickly raised his arms over his head in his own protection, as he falls hard onto the cold stone floor. The atmosphere, silent.

Liam suddenly awoke in a jolted cold sweat, veered to see Tauna in bed next to him asleep. It was all a bad dream, he thought as he cuddled close to her in her safety, placed his arm around her in comfort as he felt her stir, then to him.

“Liam, you’re soaked of sweat.” She wiped his sweaty face with her hand.

Liam, taking her hand. “I’m alright. Go back to sleep love.”

Tauna lay her head down next to him, closing her eyes, falling back to sleep.

In the morning, her head and hand lay upon his shoulder.

Liam, tender with her. “Remember. I shall be back in a fortnight.”

Later that morning……

Pastor Connor answered the door. “Inspector Crouse. Nice to see you again. Come in.”

Liam, walking to the door. “Inspector Crouse. Thanks for coming. Please enter into chamber of the knights of the round table.” He directed his hand pointing to the great hall, as the Inspector tread the tutor styled floor along with Connor into the room.

Devon Niles and tremens stood by the door eves dropping, comes forth. “Do we get to be some sort of Musketeers Father?”

Liam, dimpled smiled within his own pride. “Yes. Just like the knights of the round table. Devon you are after all Sir Knight John Drake’s descendant.”

Devon and his cousin Tremen veered at each other in excitement, then leave the doorway going into the great hall.

The doorbell rings.

Liam turns to see. “Hello little Brother. Remember the days of our youth of squabbling sibling rivalry?”

Trey Niles, in sly smirk. “Yah, father made us line up in discipline to recite the code of ethics.”

Liam, in his own sly smirk. “Right!. You’re about to get a knighthood. Get in line!” He grabs his trench coat in rough vigor tug, bringing him inside, then let go, they walk together down the corridor.

Trey, snared at his big brother. “See I did tell father of your smacking me around. “

Liam, unamused. “ Yah, Yah, Whatever.” Taking his younger brother to the great hall with him, right through the doors, he treads with him to stand next to each other in circled formation around a wooden round table with the other men.

“Pastor Roger, good to see you again.”

Connor stood in his own pride. “I’d rather be a Sir King Arthur.”

Liam gleamed at him leaning forward. “Then you better get your excalibur ready Sir.”

Lady Tauna Drake Niles, at the forefront stood before them.

”Right. As Lady of Chivalry Chapel, I solemnly swear you in, this ceremony among The Knight’s Of Delination Of The Higher Order to commence. Gentleman. Take your swords.”

The seven swords piled onto the table, each man for himself, stepped up to the round table, taking their swords, like the knights of the round table, they lay their swords down unto the table, all the blades lined up in front of each one creating an inner circle in the middle of the table.

Lady Tauna, in proud moment. “I declare you all now , Brother’s in arms.”

Liam, with in proud moment, looks at Tauna in acknowegement.

Tauna, Liam, gazed back at him with in send off admiration.

Two weeks later….