Detective Liam Niles arrived home early, stepping inside the foyer. Complete silence filled the atmosphere. The chancel’s candles, completely, cold wax-burned out. But no trace of anyone. He casually tread the long corridor then straight into his bedroom. “Tauna, I’m home love!” Silence. He noticed the blanket sprawled across the slept in unmade bed showing the bed sheet crinkled. He ever slowly viewed the room as though he could sense her essence. Going to the dresser, pulling out the top dresser drawer, he sees the token button still in loving care.
Making his way back out, going toward the chapel’s office.
Checking into the office. He immediately opened the door.
”Connor!?” Seeing the pastor’s chair pulled out from the desk, turned to the side empty, nothing on his desk out of the usual alignment, but as it were. Leaving back out, as he went into the kitchen, Empty void, his indented brows in question.
“Bren!?” No answer, he then went into the sanctuary, no signs of anyone but God’s presence. “Bren!!!?, Connor!?”
Complete silence. Viewing out the kitchen window, no one to be seen. one last endeavor, he steadfastly tread the corridor leading back to his son’s room, half way there, -there he sees the door wide open, taking another few steps, he sees the door bashed inward with a sizable hole breakage…coming closer, the side of the door frame broken into. He ever so carefully walked into his son’s room. “DEVON!!!??
BREYEN!!??” Nothing out of the ordinary moved.
“Bloody Hell!!!” He reached for his cell mobile phone, quickly tapped upon it. The phone kept ringing on Connors phone.
After ten rings, he taps onto his brother’s. “Trey! Is Tauna with you, Connor, Bren, Devon, anyone? No!? Trey, Get over here STAT! Bring Inspector Crouse!! They’re missing, All of them-my family-MISSING!!!” Tapping off his phone, he began investigating for any signs of tampering of foul play.
Liam opened the foyer’s door. “Inspector Crouse. Thank you for joining forces with me again. Little brother, I shall need your assistance.”
Inspector Crouse, entering inside. “Right. Trey, Now, shall we begin again?
Liam escorted. “Apart from the door, nothing has been tampered with. No windows even ajarred, No evidence of breaking or entering from the outside, no evidence of fowl play-nothing. Leaving into the room he proceeded onward into to show evidence.
Inspector Crouse observed, “My, looks like the eager person didn’t have the patients enough to pray for enough hail Marys’. Much in a hurry I’d say. Unprofessionally done I’d say.
A true amateur without thinking it through.”
Liam, concurred. “Yes, I can see that clearly the first time. The bloody sod. Whoever this or these thug is, they were that desperate to break into my son’s room for lord knows what reason. Right. John Crouse, Trey Niles. Let’s dig for answers.
What happened. When did it happen? Why did it happen?
And where are they? The timeline of events. From the time I left, to the time of my arrival. Leave no stone unturned. Like clockwork, I want answers. The only answer we have. My family is missing.”
Inspector Crouse. “Right. Liam,Trey, let’s get started. Pulling on his latex gloves, they began to dust the door top to bottom.
Trey with Liam, ever so carefully, with their own gloves, set their insight, inspecting the room. Then onto his and Tauna’s room. Nothing out of place.
Liam lamented, “This is not like Tauna. She would never just leave without notifying. Connor is so staunch in ownership, he wouldn’t just suddenly get up and leave…unless……unless for good reason. To sacrifice his life for heir’s sake. But only if heir is safe first. And has been hidden. He would never spare nor take any chances. Remember Bren at one time kept secret of Sir Drake’s signet ring. For many decades had it hidden away.
Liam looking straight at Trey, Trey looking straight at Liam. “
The Chancery!” All three men scurried out of the room, hurried down the long corridor, rushed to the Chancery’s arched Tudor styled door. The door deadlocked.
Liam, in remembrance. “The key. Where is it? In safe keeping.
In Connor’s desk drawer.” All three rushed in The Pastor’s office. All but one drawer closed.
Inspector Crouse, taking his fingers, glided his fingers down deep scratch marks.
Liam traced his finger upon the marks. “Those marks were not there before.”
Trey, “A brawl, a scuffle perhaps.”
They set their sight on one remaining open drawer. Liam, reached out to fully pull open, empty. “Right. Trey, John Crouse, pick the other locks.”
Liam, picking the left lock, pulls the drawer open, but to see no key. Inspector Crouse, with his expertise, unlocked the third lock, pulled open the drawer. No key. “Somebody got the key before the other person did?”
Liam, “Or…Connor was prepared to use it at any moment.”
Trey begins to unlock the lower two locks, skillfully eyes the first keyhole with patience.
Liam, with watchful guidance. “Steady little brother. Keep your eye on that lock.”
Trey, with a boastful smirk, pulls the drawer open, no key, then once again the second lock, quickly unlocked- reaches inside to pull out a second key. Grins.
Liam, quick assessment. “ Of course he is no fool but brilliant bloke, that father-in-law of mine. A copy of the key. Well done! Sir! And I must confess. I was the last one to see him.
Here, at this desk. As I said my good bye until the following next day. The time I left was seven in the morning.” Liam, taking a few steps from logic. lamented in discernment. “I was not here. Trey. The key please.”
Trey, handing the key to him.
Inspector Crouse. “Where is your other family?”
Liam, “Oh blimey. Breyen’s parents. Trey, call them.”
Trey, taking his phone, taps on it.
Liam, “Any recorded phone logs for this?”
Inspector Crouse, “I already checked. None.”
Trey, in urgency. “Liam, he’s not answering his phone.
Devon, comes running inside, “Mother!!! He goes straight to him. “Where is she, where is mother!?”
Liam, clutching his son’s shoulders with his hands. “Calm yourself. Where is Breyen and grandson?“
Devon, “They are safe with her parents.”
Liam, reassured. “Let’s commence the search.” He said, leading the way. “I see father taught you well little brother.”
Trey treading in memory. “Well I had no other choice, did I. It was either learn to unlock or I didn’t get my toy back.”
Inspector Crouse veered at them. “Really?”
Trey, with verification. “Yah. Then to find out that it was Liam that placed it inside.”
Liam, with sly smirk. At the chancery’s wooden arched door, taking the key, he embed the key into the lock. Opening the door ever so slowly, all three set their sights on a man and woman. “Connor? Bren! Sir, are you two alright?”
Connor, quickly stood from the 16th century throned chair.
“Son. You found the extra key.”
Liam lift the key to show him. “Right Sir. Where’s Tauna?”
Connor, in fatherly concern. “We don’t know.”
Bren stepped forward. “She was taken?”
Liam, with compassion. “We don’t know that yet Bren. But we’re going to find out.”
Connor, “Liam, Its time for a meeting.”
Liam gives him a concurring look.
A circled wooden table fit for the likes of 17th century knights, Detective Liam sitting next to his brother Trey, Devon, next to his father, Inspector Crouse, next to Pastor Connor Drake and Bren, gathered to their seats in session. Like a rotating inquisition to each other of hearty discussion of deducement, they began their routine of questions to trace the timeline of what, where, who and why.
Liam, his hands folded on the table.“Right. The object to this meeting. To find out what happened and the possibilities of where Tauna is. Liam looked at Pastor Connor. “Sir. Your scenario.”
Connor took a big breath. “I heard a big rukus maybe it was providence, something felt wrong, I went to see what the noise was then I saw Devon’s door broken into, I immediately went back into my office to get the key to the chancery, Bren was already near the Devon’s door, as soon as I had Bren safe inside the chancery I reminded myself that you were not with her, you being on your quest. I was about to go after Tauna.
Then someone pushed me into the chancery from behind shutting the door locking it. Never saw who it was. Damn, why didn’t pull that key out?”
Liam placed his attention onto Inspector Crouse?”
Inspector Crouse. “There was no finger prints on the broken door. No signs of outside intrusions. The gashed door was broken inward into the room from the hallway. An indication of an inside job.”
Liam looked at Trey. “Trey, your theory.”
Trey inserted. “One missing key, Connor took possession of it.
One copy found. “Someone was after the key, to find something deemed important. Saw the key missing, goes after Tauna, not seeing her, or this person took her, she refused to participate, this person breaks into Devon’s room.”
Liam, “Maybe. We are just speculating, little Brother.”
Bren, inserted. “She must have been taken by that time?”
Liam, attention to her. “Only in speculation Bren.”
Inspector Crouse inserted. “But that wouldn’t account for the fact of that there was no indication of struggle in her bed. If she went with this person willingly, tried to fight this person off, if she was not present at that time, was she there at the scene of the crime? There is a possibility she may have done something horrendous to get out of a bad situation. There was signs appeared of struggle, never seen before scuff marks on Connor’s desk next to the second drawer. Perhaps Tauna tried to take the second key, while you both were locked in the Chancery on purpose, by her, but couldn’t gain access to it, possibly intercepted by intruder?”
Connor, pulled back in his chair. “Inspector Crouse. Are you suggesting that our Tauna pushed us in, then locked us inside?”
Bren shifting her view back and forth to each of them, inserted. “Oh surely Our Tauna wouldn’t never have done such a cunning thing.”
Liam, attention to her. “Only in speculation Bren. I’m sure by now, and I know you have, that people under strenuous
circumstance have done the unthinkable that they otherwise would not do. In desperate measures that is. Wouldn’t you?”
Bren moved forward in her chair. “Well of course, if it came to that. Who wouldn’t. But why would she?”
Trey inserted. “Maybe she did it purposely for protection?”
Liam placed his attention unto Connor. “Sir, did you see or hear anything unusual days before that timeframe?”
Connor, “No. Nothing out of the ordinary. Liam, son, question is, what happened the night before you left? Anything unusual happened between you two before bedtime?”
Bren veered at him. “Oh Connorrrrrr……we should refrain from such personal matters to themselves.”
Liam smirked at her. “That’s ok Sir. We just did what ordinary couples do when we missed each other terribly. I took my wife to bed with me, giving her a good thump shag.” He tapped his fingers onto the table in wait for his response.
Trey, second-moment smirk with controlled composure, giving his elder brother an elbow of approval.
Bren, smirks in amusement. “Now Connor, don’t you remember in our time?”
Connor, pulled back in regard. “Of course I do. And certainly have not lost it yet.”
Bren, looking down at the table. “So true.” She whispered to her ladylike self.
Connor, “Besides, I meant that question strictly for this case.”
Liam, in satisfied grin. “Right. I think we should conclude here.
Until further notice, we will return.”
Pulling from their seats, they went on to do their duties.
Inspector Crouse walking alongside Liam. “Is family time always like this?”
Liam, walking in his swag of pride. “It did when I showed up, hang in there. It gets better.”
Inspector Crouse Smiles widely.
Later that evening, in the kitchen……
Connor, Bren, Trey, grabbing their bedtime snacks, sat down at the table.
Liam, drifting in his own deep thoughts. “There really is not much to go on is there.”
Trey steers his attention to him. “Well what do want big brother. Would it help to conjure up more?”
Liam lamented. “No. we don’t need to more complexities that’s already been. My focus of logic is on my wife. Lowers his head in regret. “I was not here to protect her in our bed.”
Trey, taking his from his trench coat. Tapping on it. “That reminds me. I need to let Lauren know everything is ok, not to worry.”
Bren, finishing her last bite of food, placed her hand upon his shoulder, pecking a kiss upon his head. “You mustn’t blame yourself. We will find her.”
Liam, lovingly places his hand upon her hand.
Connor, placing his hand upon Liam’s shoulder in comfort.
“Son, I know it will be hard tonight. But gets some sleep.
You’re going to need plenty to solve this case.” He pats once, then leaves the room with Bren to their own room.
Trey to Liam, “I shall be back tomorrow big brother. Do get some rest.” Taking his hand, giving a brotherly stern bonded clutched hand, then left.
Liam, weary from the days investigation, goes to his bed, sits alone. The covers still unmade. Sheets crinkled. The lining of her body still visable. He reached his hand to the lining. The sheet as soft as her body. Laying down upon the bed, he smelled the scent of her, then clutching his cushy pillow with his hands as he closed his eyes, drifting asleep.
Liam awakes. A reminder of his wife’s empty bed disappearance, he rolled over to sit up in bed. Taking his hands, he wiped his left over fatigue from his face.
In the chapel’s sanctuary. Liam stood. His long black cloak just above his black boots. His sword by his side, slowly tread to the alter, the peaceful aura surround him. ‘As it was in the beginning, shall be again in the end’ a distinct voice of Pastor Connor he heard. He looked to see, but saw no one.
Getting onto one knee, placing his sword’s hilt to his eye level, clutching his hand around the cross guard. The kneeling knight went silent in first time prayer, never void of his belief, but to center around his own knights calling.
He looked up at the stain glass window to see the depiction of Sir Knight John Drake. “A testing of the forefathers you set before me Lord. My father before me, my brother after me, my son, the heir will continue in my footsteps in quest of noble of this castle’s chapel. Whosoever will stand against me, my family, tho, I will avenge thy enemy. My vow of oath to Chivalry Chapel and it’s descendants of Sir Knight John Drake, indeed, as it was in the beginning, it shall be again in the end.
Lord, dub me your righteous victory of valor.” He swallowed hard. “My Lord. My wife Tauna. I shall never depart from her again. My vows of chivalry are to her. So help me god if any enemy dare harm her, I will not retreat from harm to thy enemy. She is my life’s breath.” With wetted eyes, taking his fingers, he insignia the sign of the cross upon his chest, stood
up to take his revered bow, placing his sword into his scabbard, he turned to leave to his duties.
Liam, once again weary from the days investigation, goes to his bed, sits alone. He once again reached his hand to the lining. Once again felt the soft sheet as though touching her body. Laying down upon the bed, he closed his eyes, drifting asleep.
In early evening, he stirs in his sleep, then suddenly awakes.
Sitting up, he stands to walk out his room, down the corridor, then stops to see a woman kneeling at the alter. In apprehension, he moves forward. Moving swiftly down the long corridor towards her. Closer and closer he takes his steps to her. As he approaches her even more closer, to his surprise, in his clarification to see his wife. Then stops in place.
Tauna, on her knees facing the cross, silent.
Liam, ever so carefully went to her. Cautious Suspiciousness arose as he looked around the room. “Tauna? Are you ok love?”
Tauna, in silent prayer, not moving her position, swallowing hard.
Liam, taking another view around the room, then bend to her eye level. ”Tauna. Little girl Where have you been? I’ve been looking for you. Your family. We all have been looking for you.”
Tauna, looking straight into his eyes in extreme concern. “
Liam. You must leave now. Before it’s too late. He will return.”
Liam, looking straight into her eyes. “Who will return love.
Who is it?”
Tauna, in weariness, “Just do it Liam, go away before he harms my family.”
Liam, taking her hands in his hands of comfort. “Tauna, you must tell me who this person is. I must put an end to this now.”
Tauna, tugging away from him. “No, you don’t understand, go away, LEAVE!”
Liam, pulled her close, preventing her from pulling further away. “Tauna! What is wrong! Why the extreme need to protect your family?!? Is someone threatening you?” He suddenly noticed a red wound around her wrists. He quickly looked back at her in glaring expression. “Where and how did you get these wounds? Who did this to you-TELL ME!!!!?”
Tauna, once again, struggled to pull from him. “Why don’t you listen to me!? You with your stubborn British nature, JUST
Liam, with alarming haste. “Tauna are you trying to get me to leave so to protect me, why? What happened Tauna?”
Tauna, with sorrowful eyes. “ I heard a crashing noise. I got out of bed to look. He broke into our son’s room. Then saw father and mother opening the chancery door. I saw him going after them, I directly got there before him pushing
father and mother into the room, I locked the door, turned to run from him. He came after me. I went straight into my room, locked my door, locked my windows. l was alone. I tried calling you. I Left a message. Then you came back to me the same morning…. Or though I thought it was you. How could I be so sure. It was dark. No. there was a stranger at the foot of our bed, same height, same stature. I thought it was you. I reached my hand out to you, before I knew it, I saw him. I retracted my hand immediately tried to escape…but it was too late. He grabbed my wrists, pulled me down to the bed, clinched my wrists harder. He demanded for the key to the chancery. I resisted. It was then I escaped from him. I ran out of the chapel and into the woods, there I hid. I took a hidden pathway back to the chapel. But I saw him once again. He said he will avenge you. ”
Liam, lamented in loving fury to her. “ Who was this man that assaulted you? What was he after. What was this man after in our son’s room!?”
“On behalf of my father’s rights of coat of arms. We finally meet.” A boisterious voice filled the room.
Liam quickly turns around to view.
A tall dark haired man stood with reproach. “Detective Liam Niles. Or should I say, Sir Niles?”
Liam, staring at him with indented brows.
“I come in my father’s name of Sir knight Blackwood, A.K.A., Dayn McConol. I’m Jack McConol. The man responsible for your son’s broken door, Sorry for the huge gash, but I was in great anticipation in searching for my rights as my father’s
heir to a piece of inheritance given to your son but belongs to me, as I so rightly deserve. But also to take down the very man who took my father down. Sir-knight-Liam-Niles. prepare to meet thy god.”
Showing his sword in front of Liam and Tauna, he went after him.
Liam, without a weapon of protection, about to see the outcome of the emerging threat, grabs Tauna in safety, thrusts her out of harm’s way.
Suddenly Trey appears, pointing his sword at him in warning.
“STOP! Don’t even try.”
Jack McConol, stops, then proceeds taking another step closer.
Trey adamant. “I SAID STOP! NOT ANOTHER STEP!!!.”
Jack McConol stops, turns around to Trey, goes after him ready to plunge his sword into him.
Liam, steps forward. “TREY!!!”
Inspector Crouse suddenly intervene, parry’s his sword at Jack’s sword, then intercepts in Trey’s footsteps, A scuffle of two men in combat, jack reshuffles, swings his sword back at Inspector Crouse, strength locked against strength in struggle to maintain leverage Trey, going after Jack, in three man entanglement as Jack thrusts his sword into Trey’s arm, Trey, falling away, hobbling out from the scuffle.
Liam moving a step forward. “TREY, YOUR SWORD!,” He yelled out to him, his hand in upright position.
Trey, getting better traction on to his feet. “LIAM!” Tossed his sword with clinched mouth, with all his might over to Liam.
Liam catching the seized sword into his robust hands, immediately went to the scuffle, seeing Jack, ready to strike at Inspector Crouse in underhanded disposition, parries Jack’s threatening blow as to push the inspector aside from him.
Then, Liam, parrying once again, in crosswords, strength against strength, Liam looking straight into the face of the his past nemesis for the last time as he pushed away, then swung his sword at Jack with a final blow to his neck in retributed anger, sending Jack to the floor in bloodied wound lay in his defeat. “You bloody sorry for nothing bastard! You harmed my wife. Broke into my son’s room to steal his lineage rights.
Then put threat upon my family. In righteous vengeance, take this back to your father.” Taking his sword he raised it above his body lining it point to his chest. The sword aiming straight down ready to plunge deep. In heavy anguish, Liam stared him down.
Inspector Crouse, Trey, stood on guard. Both their sword also pointing at Jack in minute warning.
Tauna stood in waiting for final freedom of absolution.
In heavy breath of choice, he stood still.
Connor, entering into the room seeing the sight. “Vengeance is mine sayith the lord. Whosoever gains the world but loses his soul. We can not distinct between good and evil to a fatherless son that was very wronged by his own father. A wayward boy as adult.
Bren, Devon, Breyen, Lauren, Tremen stood by watching.
Devon, wearing his cloak , ready for ceremony. “Father. I am ready for my lineage rites now. Grandad has bestow his rites unto me. Today. I will be taking over by your side, the Noble title of Chivalry Chapel.”
Liam, hearing this, taking a final inhaled breath, retracted his sword from Jack, stood up to see his family looking at him.
Swallowing hard. “Inspector Crouse. Get this imbecile out of my sight. For good. Never to return. As I take my rightful place by my son.” He turns to see Tauna is still safe.
Jack McConol, like a cobra about to strike, lift his sword to Liam, lunges at him in fury.
Devon, takes a step. “Father!!!”
Liam parries his sword once again at the Jack’s sword, slamming it down, whipping it aside.
Jack, getting back up onto his feet.
Pastor Connor stood, in reciting scripture. “Therefore, put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the adversary’s schemes.”
Liam, seeing Jack come closer, strikes at him again.
Pastor Connor, with Bren by his side. “Stand firm, the truth of righteousness.”
Jack, once again hurls his sword at Liam.
Liam parries his sword at Jack.
Pastor continues. “Your feet fitted with the readiness, take up your shield against your adversary.”
Jack, thrusting his sword at Liam’s head.
Liam parried his sword away from, above his head in protection, swung his sword back at him.
Jack, without warning, out maneuver his sword upwards against Liam’s, slams his sword out of Liam’s hands. Liam, getting knocked down to the floor with a blow to his back, his body sliding momentarily abode, his sword thumps the stone floor, slides flat a few feet from his side.
Tauna, securely taking hold of Devon of the unknown.
Liam, takes a moment to regain his breathing and thoughts.
Sees Jack fast approaching him. Urgently seeking in search of his sword, he sees it just a few feet away from himself.
Repositioning his body to sprawl on the floor, he reached diligently to obtain his sword.
His adversary bashed his sword just an inch of his arm, the loud clinking sound filled the atmosphere.
Liam quickly flinched, swiftly shifting away from him with a quick rolling toward his sword.
His adversary continued to pound his sword at him, striking every rotation toward his nonstop endeavor for his sword, becoming even more furious at his escape from him.
Liam earnestly stretched out to grab his sword. Seeing his adversary’s threatening approach, he lift the heirloom straight up into the air to block him, once, twice, thrice times-then thrust his foot at him.
His adversary-stunned with excruciating pain, backs off to gain his breath and bearings. Then goes after Liam once more.
Liam quickly gets off the floor, shods his feet in place, then prepares with his hands tight grip around the hilt, swings his sword with full force, as he sees Jack charging at him like a game of joust, slamming his sword with all his strength into the side of his opponent, as he watches him fall to his knees, then flat to the floor. Jack McConol lay on the floor in agony, not moving.
Liam bent over to catch his many deep breaths, keeping his eye on him.
Tauna goes to Liam’s side, fusses over him. “Liam!”
Liam’s breathing slowly improving. “I’m alright love. It’s over.”
Inspector Crouse, taking Jack McConol away with him in police custody.
Tauna sat on a bench in the garden looking into the distance.
Liam stood by Bren next to the outer door. “She alright. Go to her.”
Liam entering outside goes to Tauna, sits down beside her.
Looks at what she sees. Takes her hand into his hand in loving care. Quiet stillness between them. “I am so sorry my love.”
Tauna, turns to look at him with love in her own eyes.
Liam, gentle squeezed her hand. “I’ve made my oath to God when you were missing. I shall discontinue my rank of status of knight of order. It is my fault this happened. I couldn’t bear to leave you at risk to endure anything like this again.”
Tauna,her brows slightly indented. Turns closer to him. “
Liam. Since the day I met you. I fell in love with you. I take my vows as wife serious. I may never be able to fully explain in depth this love, it is much too deep to fathom. But I keep trying to reach for that understanding daily. It is only when you kiss me with chivalry, I truly understand the meaning of your love for me. Hold it in my heart where no one can take it away. And with each kiss, you are protecting me. Much like a sealed bond of god’s hand of protection over me. Your husbandry of sacrifice, I belong to you, and rightfully so.” She gets closer, places her hand upon his cloak to heart. “The cloak you wear. You-Are-My –Detective-Knight and always will be. And I will always be here waiting for you.” Gazing into each other’s eyes in deep love for each other, taking his hand, touching her face, taking her hand, touching his face, they kiss above all kisses. Then bonding their foreheads together.
Tauna looked deep into his eyes. “Now go get em my Detective Knight.” She smile at him.
Liam smiled his dimples wide at her.
Bren and Connor watching at the door.
Bren, “You see. She came back to us.”
Connor, “Of course he did. He brought her back with his magical love for her.”
In the foyer stood Sir Knight Liam Niles with honorary title.
Lady Tauna Drake Niles dressed in noble finery. Respectable in her own right. Stands in front of him in ceremony. Once again, poised in nobility, her head up high as she viewed to her people. “Today I announce Sir Knight Liam Niles with high honors. A great man nobody will forever be able to conquer.
You will revere him as such. From this day forward. You will refer to him as Honorary Sir Knight Liam William Niles.
Godspeed to him.” She looked at him with pride.
Liam, looking at her in pride.
The after party met with filled celebration. Trey gathered with his wife Lauren and son Tremen. next to Liam and Devon.
Trey, in proud pride. “Alright big brother. Way to go Honorary Sir Niles! So when do you leave for the calvery?” His arm in a sling.
Liam, “In the morning. First light.”
Lauren, “That soon?”
Liam, seeing Tauna mingling with one of the parishioners men folk. Her face of long sadness, but looks up to do her duty well in smiles. He notices the man showing fondness to her, with slight touches upon her hand. Turns away with unsettled look. Then returns his continued glance to her.
Lauren, seeing this. “Well don’t you worry we will take very good care of her, won’t we Trey?”
Trey, looks at his brother, then looks over to Tauna. Then back to him. “Yah. Sure. Very good care of her. Make sure she will be just fine ……..in our hands…….until you arrive home again.
yep, huhu.”
Lauren sees Trey unamused at his brother, leaves with her drink in hand to mingle with others.”Tremen, let’s go talk to grandma and grandpa Drake, ok?”
Liam quickly veered at his brother. “Trey, what in the bloody hell are going on about this time. The same reason why we fought as kids. And you had better mind your wits with me.”
Trey, “For the same reason I told our father on you many times growing up. Because I know you better than anyone else. For the same reason I am so damn proud to be your
brother. I love you enough to tell that you’re being bloody foolish with Tauna. That to say, that she’s willing to let you go achieve even higher status, but is there a means to an end to all this higher status stuff?”
Liam, taking a sigh. “Tauna told me to. But why do I still feel unsettled about it? And with Mr, handy pandy with her, touching my wife like that.
Trey, with understanding. “Lauren sometimes tells me to do it, but then later I have heard her cry alone in bed when I’m not with her. Fickle or not. Their hearts want us. She has given to you, but where is it going to? Go, if you must, but see reason of her.” He gives him a respectable hand put upon his shoulder, then begins to walk away.
Liam, grabbing onto him. “Trey.”
Trey stops to look back at him.
Liam, gives him his loving approval. “Thanks for being my brother.”
Trey, places his hand upon his brother’s hand in bonding love, grins at him, leaves.
Liam, Standing alone in his honorable cloak suit, holding his drink in one hand, taking another lingered look at her.
At bedtime, Liam sitting on one end of bed, Tauna already in bed, lay still, looking up at the ceiling in deep thought.
Liam, slipping into bed, lay unto his back. “I’ll be leaving at first dawn.”
Tauna, looks at him. “Yes, I know.” She hovers over him, her long auburn hovering his chest.
Liam, taking his hand, beautifully pulls her hair to see her better. ”I shall miss you my love.”
Tauna, rests her head upon his chest. Silent. Hearing his heartbeat.
Liam lay still holding her, caressing her hair. Tauna. “My noble lady of Chivalry Chapel. I’m your knight in shining armor.
What do you desire of me?”
Tauna, raised her head, her eye level to him. “Whatever do you mean?”
Liam, touching her soft hair. “What- do-you-desire-of-me?”
He whisper gently to her.
Tauna, taking a moment. “You already know the answer to that don’t you.”
Liam, taking her hand, kissing upon it. “Tell me.”
Tauna, giving him a lingering stare. Takes his hand into her hand, kisses upon it, then holds it dear to her heart in cherishment. “ You. Sir Knight Liam William Niles, My Detective Knight.” She showed the button token to him.
Liam, with his wide dimpled grin. “Yes, My Lady.” Gently grasping her face with his hands, kissing her once, twice, thrice as he layed her down beside him. Their love over rolling into passion.
The morning shone bright. In the sanctuary Sir Devon Niles dressed fashionably in noble clothing stood before the alter of his grandfather, Pastor Connor Drake,
Pastor Connor Drake, in his finery Cassock clothing, recited.
“Devon Liam Connor Drake Niles. As 30th Descendant of Sir John Drake. It is with great honor and privilege, to present to you with the key to the chancery. A high honor as Nobleman gatekeeper to Chivalry Chapel.” Connor handing him the key, touched his face with pride and love. “You now take your place beside your father, Honorary Sir Knight Liam William Niles.” Godspeed my Grandson.”
The congregation stood in reverence and cheerful clapping.
Trey, taking his fingers, placing it his mouth blowing loud prideful whistles out him.
Tauna, Lauren, Tremen, clapping with pride, Tauna, in tearful joy.
Liam stood the most of proud to his son, with hearty claps louder than any. Holding back wetted eyes.
In the great hall family greeting everyone. Inspector Crouse shaking Liam’s hand. “Liam, Devon, congratulations son.
You’re a reflection of your father.
Devon, holding out his hand to shake. “Thank you Sir. I shall serve well.”
Bren, in charge of the party. “Ok everyone, the cake!” let’s do it!” Everyone follows her to the big wooden table taking their seats.
Liam stays behind next to Inspector Crouse. “Report please.”
Inspector Crouse. “The authorities have taken Jack McConol into exile into an undisclosed location where there is no place for him to be reached. There he will reside for the rest of his life. I’d say that is fair for all.”
Liam stood with accepted approval. “And I have taken a further step. I have put in writing. Under the name of Dayn McConol. If he tries his escape he is to be put under firing squad, no questioned asked. I have already burned of any proof of said document. There is no tracing it back to us? Do not speak of this with any member of my family. It will perish at my time.”
Inspector Crouse. concurred. “ I have always had your back, my friend. You have my solemn oath.”
Liam stood poised. “Cake?”
Inspector Crouse. “Yes please.”
Side by side, they walk like a band of brothers into the great hall.
The party continued throughout the night. Lady Tauna Drake Niles, Just coming out from the party, stood taking her moment of time to stand with scenery of the Chivalry chapel’s stain glass window.
Liam, just coming out, goes to her, placing his arms around her.
Tauna, wrapping her hands around his arm, held him tight.
“One day we will be like those depictions for all to see.
Showing the light of our love for each other.”
Liam, giving her a pecking kiss on her head. “And the token button along with it.”
Tauna, smiling in much deep love with him. “Yes. And someday, the story in all its glory. Of Nobles, and a Knight n his Trench coat. Let it be told.”
Pastor Connor Drake
Lady Bren Drake Devon Niles
Lady Tauna Drake Niles
Detective Liam Niles
Detective Trey Niles
Lauren Niles
Tremen Niles
Bindery Decal
Bonita Highley Lives in Oregon, USA
Authors Letter: My three year journey of writing this book series has come to its final end. It was great fun, a challenge at times from the beginning to the end, to even write this author letter of my experience, but it is the means to the end of why I wrote it……
British Detective Liam Niles is today’s medieval knight. A new hero taking up from where the 16th century knights left off.
As he solves the mysteries within the castle-turned Chivalry Chapel. Throughout this four book series, as time moves on with each book he transforms into the likes of Sir Knight John Drake, the ancestor owner of the castle. Liam Is hired by the descendant, Pastor Connor Drake, to find an ancient Signet Ring . Thus the first title series, An Englishman’s Ring.
And just like in a time of heroic chivalry, fighting knights for kings and queens, he has also set his sight on The pastor’s only heir daughter, Lady Tauna Drake, as she places her hand into his chivalry hand, solving mystery, there after rescuing her, from there, the revival has commenced.
Bren Drake, Connor’s wife, Tauna’s mother, a caring loving, level headed, devout faith nurturing lady of the chapel, has an important role-she holds the secret skeleton key to decades of answers in the first book series
In the second book series, Liam’s younger brother Detective Trey Niles, joins forces with him and Tauna on their journey quest to solve the clues. Trey’s wife, Lauren and their son Tremen Niles are introduced. Devon Niles at age 12, joins with his father, Liam, as it ends on fairy tale like love story of devotion made for today.
In book series three, The Return of the Kneeling Knight, Liam returns to the role of duty, but I think best not to give it more than that, for the sake of legend of reprise.
And in the fourth and final book series, Cloak Of Sir Niles, Where I have to admit, almost didn’t write for the reason of my deep inner feelings, a lack of need of my own got the better of me. As I was writing this story about the Great Master Detective Liam Niles, if there was such a thing as falling in love with your own hero character, and If given the chance, to literally jump into the book, I would in a heartbeat, stay there for the rest of my life, never returning to this present world of mine. I let my deep seated feelings of want of my own knight but could not obtain it. And all we have left from that era are only the remnants to see and history books to read about. That is why I wrote this story, for the lack. But as it were one morning, There was very good reason to finish this extraordinary story. For the reason I wrote it in the first place. It is a story like no other stories. But the real reason, to end this story with Cloak Of Niles, If I have learnt anything from this story, it is to keep my chin up in my faith and keep reaching for my dreams. Put on my armor of god and if God willing, to rise higher, for I CAN do all things in Christ Jesus.
Just keep the faith.
Sincerely yours,
Author Bonita Highley
P.S. I dedicate this story to the white knight, Justin Hayward, The image character of Detective Liam Niles.