Diane D’s Look-Alike Demons Are Turned Into Frightening Wax Figures, Of Herself! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 9

The Rest Of Diane D’s Family Become Anxious To See Wax Figures Of Her!

Several minutes later, Margarita and the rest of the family and relatives are back upstairs inside the lobby of the wax museum. They are on the live video phone chat with Mickey and Nancy again as Mickey shouts, “We want to see the wax figures of Diane!”

“Why?!” Barry shouts. “Don’t you think you’ll all flee out of the wax chambers like we did Mickey?!”

“I don’t mean see the wax figures in person like you guys did! I want to know if someone could go down to that chamber and take a live video of the wax figures so we can see them!”

“You want someone to go down to the chamber and take a live video of the wax figures?!” Tomas shouts.


“We're not going back down there Mickey, not with the way those wax figures were looking and staring at us! They were looking and staring right at us like they wanted to tie us up and set US on fire!”

“Oh no!”

“That’s right Mickey!” Margarita shouts. “We don't want to come across those things again or whatever they are!”


“Things?” Nancy asks. “We thought they were wax figures of Diane Grandma!”

“Are they really wax figures of Diane Nancy, or are they clones of her?!”

“Clones of her?!”

“Yes, because they certainly look like clones to us!”

“Wow!” Mickey shouts, “now I really want to see those wax figures! If none of you want to go back down to that chamber to do a live video of the wax figures, maybe Mr.

Yim himself could take one of your phone cameras down to the chamber and shoot a live video of the wax figures!”

“You want Mr. Yim to shoot the live video?”


“Okay, I’ll see if he can do that.” Margarita turns towards Mr. Yim who’s standing several yards away and says, “Mr. Yim? Could you come here for a minute?”

Mr. Yim approaches Margarita and the rest of the family and says, “Hey Miss Margarita. Are you all okay? I’m worried about you all. Are you all okay?”

“We’re a little better, as long as we’re not near those clones you have of my granddaughter!”

“They’re not clones Miss Margarita, they really are wax figures. I’m sorry that you all got scared when you saw them! I didn’t mean for you all to be scared by my work of art.”

“Work of art?!” the family and relatives shout.

“You call that a work of art?!” Gracy shouts. “YOU see it as a work of art Mr. Yim, but your work of art gave us all the creeps! It scared the hell out of all of us! We thought we were looking at a bunch of Diane clones!”

“I’m so sorry about that,” Mr. Yim says.

“What is your secret Mr. Yim?” Mary asks.

“Secret? What do you mean secret?”

“How did you make your wax figures of Diane, Dana and those clones of Diane appear so alive?!”

“How did I make them appear so alive?”


“There is no secret Miss Mary.”

“There isn’t?”

“No. I create all my wax figures the same way.”

“You do?”

“Yes, I try to make all my wax figures appear like they are alive, but this is the first time I was ever actually told that any of my wax figures appear like they are alive.”

“What!” the family and relatives shout.

“This is the first time you were ever told that any of your wax figures appear like they are alive?” Barry asks.

“Yes,” Mr. Yim puzzledly says, “you guys are the first ones I heard this from!”

“We are?”

“Yes, and I’ve been creating wax figures for over thirty years!”

“For over thirty years?” Tomas asks.

“Yes, I haven’t changed the way I create wax figures!”

“You haven’t?”

“No, but yet I was never told that any of my wax figures appear like they are alive or were mistaken for being real people, robots or clones, until you all told me that the 58

wax figures of Diane D, Dana and the wax figures of the entities or demons that look like Diane D appear like they are alive and mistook them for being real people, robots or clones.”

“What!” the family and relatives shout.

“Are you saying that none of your other wax figures inside this museum, or none of the other wax figures that you have been creating for the past thirty years were ever mistaken for being alive or mistaken for being real people, robots or clones before?!”

Grandpa Mike shouts.

“No, none of them,” Mr. Yim says. “The wax figures of Diane D, Dana and the wax figures of the entities or demons that look like Diane D are the first wax figures I heard this about.”

“Wow,” the family and relatives say as they puzzledly stare at Mr. Yim.

“Okay Mr. Yim,” Gracy says, “even though we don’t ever want to see those wax figures again and want you to destroy them as soon as possible, our other family members back at the hospital want to see the wax figures themselves through live video before the wax figures get destroyed.”

“What!” Mr. Yim excitingly shouts. “Your other family members want to see the wax figures of Diane D, Dana and the wax figures of the entities or demons that look like Diane D through live video?!”


“Sure! I can have the wax figures of Diane D, Dana and the wax figures of the entities or demons that look like Diane D shown through live video for your other family members!”

“You can?”

“Yes! I’m just happy to know that your other family members want to see the wax figures! What about Diane D herself?”

“Diane?” Margarita asks. “Diane is still in and out of consciousness Mr. Yim.”

“She is?”

“Yes, she doesn’t know what’s going on. By the time she wakes up fully, if she ever wakes back up fully, it might be a while and we want those wax figures of her destroyed as soon as possible. We can’t wait for whenever Diane wakes back up completely.”

“I understand Miss Margarita. Don’t worry. I’ll have Don and Dave in the basement to take a live video of the wax figures for your other family members.”

“You will?”

“Yes. When do your other family members want to see the live video of the wax figures?”

“Like right now.”

“Right now?”

“Yes, if it’s possible.”

“Well it won’t be possible until we put the three wax figures that fell back in place.

Once we put those three wax figures back in place, I’ll have Don and Dave set up the camera drone.”

“Camera drone?” Barry asks. “You’re going to use a drone to take a video of the wax figures?”





“And how are you going to do that Mr. Yim?” Grandpa Mike asks.

“I’ll have Don and Dave stand outside the wax chamber in the hallway to fly the camera drone around the wax figures through a remote control.”

“What!” the family and relatives shout.

“Have Don and Dave stand outside the wax chamber and fly the camera drone around the wax figures through a remote control?” Grandpa Tomas asks. “You’re going to have Don and Dave stand outside the wax chamber and fly the camera drone around the wax figures through a remote control?”

“Yes,” Mr. Yim says, “that way your other family members won’t have to see Don and Dave on video, they’ll just see the wax figures on video.”

“Wow,” the family and relatives say.

“You can use my phone Mr. Yim,” Nicolas says. “You can take my phone down to the chamber and use it to take the live video of the wax figures.”

“Okay,” Mr. Yim says. “I’ll come back for your phone once Don, Dave and I sweep the area and put the three wax figures that fell back in place.”


“But after that,” Margarita says, “we want you to destroy those wax figures as soon as possible.”

“You got it Miss Margarita,” Mr. Yim says. “Well, let me go help Don and Dave sweep the area, then put the three wax figures that fell back in place. I’ll be back.” Mr.

Yim turns away and heads towards the back of the lobby towards the stairs as Diane D

and Dana’s family and relatives worriedly stare at him.

Three hours later, Mickey, Nancy and the rest of Diane D’s family and relatives back at the mental institution are surrounding a tablet screen watching the live video of the fifteen identical Diane D entity wax figures as a camera drone appears to be flying around the wax figures. They see the fifteen identical Diane D entity wax figures and become shocked! “Hey!” Mickey shouts, “that's Diane!”

“My God!” Nancy shouts, “it is Diane! All of them are Diane!” Nancy, Mickey and the rest of the family and relatives watch the live video from the camera phone. They shockingly stare at the fifteen identical Diane D entity wax figures in the video.

“My God, all of them are Diane!” one of the female relatives shouts. They then turn to Diane D who is still asleep beside them and shout to her, “Diane! Wake up! It’s you!” They try to wake Diane D up and shout, “Look Diane! That's YOU!”

“All of these wax figures are YOU!” Mickey shouts. Diane D does not respond. They start to nudge her, desperately trying to wake her! Diane D still does not wake up.

Mickey, Nancy and the rest of the family and relatives try to wake Diane D up.

“Look Diane!” Nancy shouts. “It's YOU! All of these wax figures are YOU!” Nancy and Mickey hold the tablet up to Diane D’s face so she can see all the wax figures of herself, but Diane D does not respond. She still does not wake up. Her eyes remain closed. Nancy and Mickey start to nudge Diane D, desperately trying to wake her, but 60

all she does is turn away from them and the tablet screen and face the other way and continues to sleep.

“Oh come on Diane!” one of the male relatives desperately shouts, “you just got to see this!”

“Yeah Diane,” Mickey says, “if your soul or spirit is somewhere out there wandering the universe, please come back to earth. We need you here.”

“That’s right Diane! We need you on this side of the astral plane!”

“Yeah Diane!” Nancy shouts. “Look at all you’re missing out on!”

Diane D continues to sleep facing away from Nancy, Mickey and the tablet that’s showing the fifteen identical wax figures of herself.

Ten minutes later, Mickey, Nancy and the rest of Diane D’s family and relatives are inside another room surrounding a sleeping Dana with the tablet screen watching the live video of Diane D’s and Dana’s sword fighting wax figures as a camera drone appears to be flying around those wax figures also. They see Diane D’s and Dana’s sword fighting wax figures and become shocked again! “Oh my God!” Mickey shouts,

“that's both Diane and Dana!”

“Wow!” Nancy shouts. Nancy, Mickey and the rest of the family and relatives shockingly stare at Diane D’s and Dana’s sword fighting wax figures in the video. They then turn to Dana who is asleep beside them and shout to her, “Dana! Wake up! It’s you!”

“There are wax figures of you and Diane!” Mickey shouts to Dana, but Dana does not wake up. Mickey, Nancy and the rest of the family and relatives try to wake Dana up.

“Dana look!” Nancy shouts, “it's YOU! There’s a wax figure of you with Diane’s wax figure!” Nancy and Mickey hold the tablet up to Dana’s face so she can see the wax figures of herself and Diane D, but Dana does not respond. Her eyes remain closed.

She still does not wake up. Nancy and Mickey start to nudge Dana, desperately trying to wake her, but she remains asleep.