Diane D’s Look-Alike Demons Are Turned Into Frightening Wax Figures, Of Herself! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 8

Diane D’s Family Gets Emotional Looking At Her Chained Up Wax Figure!


There are only several family members and relatives left inside the third chamber.

The family and relatives who are left inside the third chamber frighteningly stare at the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure! They stand far away from it! “I don’t like looking at Diane being handcuffed, shackled and chained trapped in that contortionist position while her shackles are chained to trees Mr. Yim!” Margarita shouts. “It’s really bothering me to see her like that!”

“It’s bothering me too!” Mary shouts.

“It’s bothering all of us!” Barry shouts. “Can you remove those handcuffs, shackles and chains off my daughter Mr. Yim?”

“What?” Mr. Yim puzzledly says. “Remove the handcuffs, shackles and chains off your daughter?”

“Yes! Please!”

“I thought your daughter was in the hospital Mr. Barry. That’s not your daughter over there, that’s a wax figure that resembles your daughter, that was made out of your daughter’s image. Your real daughter is still in the hospital, remember?”

“Oh that’s right. I keep forgetting.”

“Well could you still remove those handcuffs, shackles and chains off the wax figure that resembles our daughter Mr. Yim?!” Mary shouts. “It’s not easy seeing your loved one, especially your own child trapped in a condition like that!”

“Yeah Mr. Yim!” Margarita shouts. “Even though we all know that’s not really Diane, the fact that it’s still HER image bothers us because it looks too real! We feal it’s really Diane over there handcuffed, shackled and chained trapped like that, that’s why when we were inside the first chamber, we had to make sure we saw Diane and Dana on live video to confirm and make sure that none of them were actually here!”

“I’m sorry Miss Margarita,” Mr. Yim says, “I didn’t mean to get you all emotional.

The good thing is, that it is not really Diane D over there handcuffed, shackled and chained like that, that’s a wax figure! Officer Kilpatrick told me that you all said it yourself that the real Diane D was never handcuffed, shackled and chained trapped in a contortionist position. That image of her handcuffed, shackled and chained trapped in a contortionist position only came out of Kurt’s dreams and nightmares.”

“Well thank God that image only came out of that guy Kurt’s dreams and nightmares and never really happened,” Tomas says. He and the rest of Diane D’s family and relatives look back at the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure. They sadly stare at the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure.

“I don’t want my granddaughter to stay handcuffed, shackled and chained up like that Mr. Yim!” Gracy shouts. “It looks so barbaric!”

“It does!” Grandpa Mike shouts. “Could you remove those handcuffs, shackles and chains off our grandchild Mr. Yim, so she can be free from that trapped contortionist position?”

“What?” Mr. Yim puzzledly says. “Remove the handcuffs, shackles and chains off your grandchild so she can be free?”


“But that’s not your grandchild over there Mr. Brown, that’s a wax figure. It can’t 50

feel anything. Your grandchild is still in the hospital.”

“Are you refusing to remove the handcuffs, shackles and chains off our grandchild Mr. Yim?”

“No. I’m refusing to remove the handcuffs, shackles and chains off the wax figure.”

“Listen Mr. Yim!” Mary shouts, “if you don’t remove those handcuffs, shackles and chains off my child, I guess I’ll have to be the one to go over there and remove those handcuffs, shackles and chains off her myself!”

“What! You can’t go over there and touch the wax figure Miss Mary!”

“Oh no?! Watch me!” Mary turns around towards the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure and shouts to it, “Don’t worry Diane, I’m coming to rescue you! Mommy is gonna come free you from those handcuffs, shackles and chains!”

“That’s right Diane!” Margarita shouts to the wax figure. “We’re gonna remove those handcuffs, shackles and chains off you ourselves!” Margarita, Mary and the rest of the family and relatives that are left inside the third chamber are about to walk right over the grass and head right towards the other version of the chained-up Diane D

entity’s wax figure!

Mr. Yim and Nicolas rush right in front of Margarita, Mary and the rest of the family and relatives and stop them as Mr. Yim shouts, “Please everyone, no!”

“What do you mean ‘no’?!” Mary angrily shouts. “'No’ my ass! That’s my baby over there handcuffed, shackled and chained trapped in that contortionist position chained to trees! We are going to help free my baby!”

“But that’s not your baby Miss Mary, that’s a wax figure! It has no feelings!”

“Yeah Mom and everybody!” Nicolas shouts, “look! Diane is right here!” Nicolas quickly holds the camera phone up to Mary, Margarita and the rest of the family and relatives showing Diane D’s image on live video still in the hospital bed sleeping.

“Diane is still in the hospital bed sleeping!” Nicolas shouts. “See her? She never left from there!” Mary, Margarita and the rest of the family and relatives look at the live video. They see Diane D’s image on the live video still in the hospital bed sleeping.

They turn their heads and quickly look back at the other version of the chained-up entity’s wax figure. They then turn and look back at the live video of Diane D and smile.

“Oh that’s right,” Mary says with a sigh of relief. “I keep forgetting that’s not Diane over there, that it’s a wax figure.”

“I keep forgetting too,” Margarita says with a sigh of relief. She turns to Mr. Yim and says, “Sorry Mr. Yim.”

“So am I,” Mary says.

“See?!” Mr. Yim shouts, “it happened again! There’s a lot of emotional turmoil over these Diane D entity wax figures! How come you all are not afraid to go approach that other version of the chained-up Diane D entity wax figure over there, but yet you all backed away practically tripping over yourselves, hid your eyes and face then ran out of the second chamber to get away from the multiple Diane D entity wax figures in there?”

“Because in here, at least there’s only one wax figure of Diane to look at,” Margarita says, “but in the other chamber, there is a whole group, a whole army or a whole gang of exact carbon copies of the exact same person who appears very much alive! It felt like we were actually looking at a bunch of Diane clones!”

“And the way those entity wax figures were looking and staring at us, didn’t help at 51

all!” Mary shouts. “It felt like we were actually living in a real life ‘Village Of The Damned’ or a real life ‘Twilight Zone’!”

“That’s right Mr. Yim!” Gracy shouts. “If you originally made those entity wax figures for the Horror department, then it worked, because those entity wax figures really scared the hell out of all of us!”

“Sorry about that,” Mr. Yim says. “I didn’t mean to scare Diane D’s own family.”

“Yeah it scared us alright!” Tomas shouts. Tomas, Gracy, Barry, Margarita, Mary, Grandpa Mike and the few family and relatives look back at the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure. They sadly stare at the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure. They get slight tears in their eyes seeing the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure all alone in the grass handcuffed, shackled and chained trapped in that tight contortionist position with shackles chained to trees.

Mr. Yim sadly stares at Diane D’s family. He then asks, “Is everyone okay?” Diane D’s family and relatives do not answer. They continue to sadly stare at the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure with tears in their eyes. Mr. Yim then says, “Hey, you know what? I think I’m going to remove the handcuffs, shackles and chains for you all.”

“What!” the family and relatives excitingly shout.

“You’re going to remove the handcuffs, shackles and chains off Diane?!” Barry excitingly shouts.

“Nooo,” Mr. Yim says. “I’m going to remove the handcuffs, shackles and chains off the wax figure.” Mr. Yim turns and steps on the grass. He starts to head towards the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure.

“Be careful with her Mr. Yim!” Mary nervously shouts as she holds her hand out.

“Please don’t hurt our baby!”

“I won’t hurt your baby Miss Mary,” Mr. Yim says as he turns towards Mary and shouts, “because your baby isn’t, here!” He then turns back forward and continues to head towards the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure.

“You’re going to be okay Diane!” Mary shouts to the other version of the chained-up entity’s wax figure.

“That’s right Diane!” Margarita shouts to the wax figure. “After the handcuffs, shackles and chains come off you, you will be free to move and get up, okay?!”

“That’s right Diane!” Tomas shouts to the wax figure, “so just hang in there for a few more seconds!”

“Yeah Diane!” Barry shouts to the wax figure, “then after that, just get up and walk over here to us, we’ll be here waiting for you with open arms!”

“That’s right Diane!” Grandpa Mike shouts to the wax figure, “if it’s hard for you to get up because you’ve been trapped in that position so long, we’ll come get you!”

“That’s right Diane!” Gracy shouts to the wax figure, “we’ll come get you and help you walk, okay?!”

Mr. Yim approaches the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure.

He bends down to the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure. He grabs the handcuffs, shackles and chains and starts to remove the handcuffs, shackles and chains from around the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure’s ankles and wrists. The other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure’s body vibrates and remains stiff as Mr. Yim removes the handcuffs, shackles and 52

chains from around it.

“Oh my God!” Mary shouts, “look at her! She’s stiff!”

“Oh no!” Margarita shouts. “She’s stiff as a board!”

“Well of course she’s going to be stiff as a board if she’s been trapped and forced to stay in that contortionist position for so long!” Tomas shouts.

“Mom, Grandma, Grandpa please!” Nicolas shouts. “That’s not Diane over there!

You all keep forgetting that’s not her, that’s a wax figure of her, or wax figure of the entity or demon that looks like her!”

“Oh that’s right Nicolas,” Mary smiles and says. “We keep forgetting that’s not Diane.”

“That’s why you all need to keep looking at this live video of Diane in the hospital and focus! Focus on the live video of her!”

“Yeah you’re right Nicolas,” Margarita smiles and says.

Mr. Yim then unlocks the long yellow chains from the shackles of the wax figure.

He then stands back up holding the handcuffs, shackles and chains. He turns to Diane D’s family and holds the handcuffs, shackles and chains up high to show Diane D’s family and relatives. He starts to step on the grass and head back towards Diane D’s family and relatives with the handcuffs, shackles and chains.

Mr. Yim approaches Diane D’s family and relatives with the handcuffs, shackles and chains and shows it to them. “See?” he says to them. “These handcuffs, shackles and chains are off the wax figure, okay? They’re not even real!”

“They’re not?” Barry asks.

“No, they’re plastic!”


“Yes! See how light they are? They’re fake, just like everything else inside this exhibit is fake.”


“Now that you got the handcuffs, shackles and chains removed from off my grandchild, can we hold and comfort her now?” Margarita asks.

“What?” Mr. Yim puzzledly says. “Hold and comfort, whom?”

“Diane, who else?!”

“But that’s not Diane D Miss Margarita.”

“Grandma,” Nicolas says, “try to keep looking at Diane on the live video.”

“You’re right Nicolas,” Margarita says as she and the rest of the family and relatives look at Diane D on the live video. They then look away from the live video and look back at the other version of the chained-up entity’s wax figure. They sadly stare at the other version of the chained-up entity’s wax figure again. They suddenly hear another loud BOOM coming from behind the wall where the second chamber is. “Aaaahh!” they scream.

“What was that noise?” Barry nervously asks. Everyone stands there and listens.

“It sounded like it was coming from behind the wall again where the second chamber is!” Margarita whispers, “the chamber where the multiple clone wax figures are! Is someone back there?”

“No,” Mr. Yim says. “Most likely something else fell back there.”

“Something else?” Tomas asks, “like what? Another wax figure of Diane?”

“Could be. I’ll take a look.” Mr. Yim rushes towards the small narrow hallway that leads into the second chamber as Diane D’s family and relatives turn their heads to 53

their left and nervously look at him.

Mr. Yim rushes into the small narrow hallway that is between the second and third chambers then disappears into the second chamber.

A few minutes later, Mr. Yim comes back from the small narrow hallway. Diane D’s family and relatives nervously look at him as Grandpa Mike asks, “What happened back there Mr. Yim?”

“Another one of the trees fell,” Mr. Yim says.

“Another tree fell?”

“Yeah, this time, it fell on two of the wax figures and knocked them down.”

“What!” Diane D’s family and relatives frighteningly shout.

“Two of the wax figures are knocked down?!” Mary frighteningly shouts. “The wax figures of Diane?!”

“Yes,” Mr. Yim says.

“Oh nooo!” the rest of the family shout! They are about to rush right towards the small narrow hallway that leads right into the second chamber! They suddenly realize that they are about to head right into the wax chamber where the entity and demon wax figures are, then stop and catch themselves again! They frighteningly turn towards Mr. Yim.

“Is Diane?” Margarita says, “I mean, are the wax figures of Diane okay?”

“Yes they’re okay,” Mr. Yim says. “That whole area has to be dust and swept as soon as Don and Dave come back.”

Suddenly Don and Dave come back through the small narrow hallway leading from the exit.

Mr. Yim looks at Don and Dave and says, “Another tree fell guys.”

“Another tree fell?” Dave asks.

“Yes, it caused two more wax figures to fall.”

“Two more wax figures fell?” Don asks.


“Okay.” Don and Dave hurry pass Diane D’s family and relatives! They then hurry towards the small narrow hallway that leads to the second chamber as Diane D’s family and relatives turn to their left and nervously look at them.

“I’ll be back.” Mr Yim tells Diane D’s family and relatives. He then heads back towards the small narrow hallway that leads to the second chamber after Don and Dave as Diane D’s family and relatives turn and nervously look at him. Diane D’s family and relatives stare where Mr. Yim, Don and Dave disappeared to. They then turn their heads and nervously look back at the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure. They sadly stare at the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure. They suddenly hear faint male voices coming from behind the wall where the second chamber is. The voices get closer.

Diane D’s family and relatives become curious and get closer to the small narrow hallway that leads to the second chamber. They take a peek through the small narrow hallway. They suddenly see Don and Dave coming from the second chamber carrying a large, long black item from the second chamber with Don holding and carrying one end that look like a pair of adult sized black legs wearing thick black shoes and Dave holding and carrying the other end of the item that has long black hair attached to it.


The large long black item appears to be human formed. It appears very stiff not flexible. As Don and Dave make a turn and carry the large long black item towards the small narrow hallway that leads from the second chamber into the first chamber on the other side, Diane D’s family and relatives see that the large long black item has fair complexioned human arms and fingers that appear very stiff not moving! They then see that the item has a fair complexioned human face facing upwards with a firm angry expression with puffy eyes slightly opened and long black hair hanging down from its head. Diane D’s family and relatives see that the face and body type looks exactly like Diane D’s face and body type! “Hey!” Tonio shouts. “That looks like Diane’s face!”

“It IS Diane’s face!” Nicolas shouts.

“Oh my God!” Mary shouts, “that’s Diane!”

“Oh shoot!” Uncle Willie shouts. “Where are they taking her?!”

“They’re not taking Diane anywhere Uncle Willie!” Nicolas shouts, “that’s not Diane! That’s one of her wax figures that they’re carrying! That’s probably the one that fell!”

“The one that fell? Oh no!” Diane D’s family and relatives become shocked and startled and realize that the large long black item that Don and Dave are carrying towards the small hallway is one of the Diane D entity or Diane D clone wax figures wearing the all-black one-piece bodysuit and thick black shoes with long black hair hanging down! Diane D’s family and relatives frighteningly look on at Don and Dave.

They see Don and Dave carrying the Diane D entity or Diane D clone wax figure through the small narrow hallway that leads to the first chamber where Diane D’s and Dana’s wax figures are. Diane D’s family and relatives continue to frighteningly stare through the small hallway leading from the third chamber.

After a few minutes, Diane D’s family and relatives suddenly see Don and Dave come back through the small narrow hallway that leads from the first chamber with a long metal table that has wheels. They see Don and Dave leave from the small narrow hallway with the long table and head back inside the second chamber!

After a few minutes, Diane D’s family and relatives see Don and Dave coming back from the second chamber with the long metal table. The table is carrying two large long black items on top of it that look just like the first item with one item stacked right on top of the other item as Don pulls one end of the table and Dave pushing the other end. The two large long black items appear to be human formed also with four adult sized black legs spread apart wearing thick black shoes. As Don and Dave make a turn and pull the table towards the small hallway that leads into the first chamber, Diane D’s family and relatives see that the two large long black items have human forms with the one on the bottom facing upwards also with long black hair hanging down from its head and the one on top facing downwards also with long black hair hanging down from its head. Diane D’s family and relatives see that the human form on the bottom facing upwards with its face exposed look exactly like Diane D’s face also! “Hey!” Uncle Willie shouts. “Those two items look just like Diane also! It looks like two of her!”

“Those ARE two of her Uncle Willie!” Nicolas shouts, “two of her wax figures that they’re carrying! They’re probably the ones that fell also!”


“Wow!” Diane D’s family and relatives say as they become shocked and startled and realize that the two large long black items that Don and Dave are pulling on the table into the small narrow hallway are two other Diane D entity wax figures wearing the all-black one-piece bodysuits and thick black shoes with long black hair.

A minute later, Mr. Yim comes from the small narrow hallway back inside the third chamber. He approaches Diane D’s family and relatives and says, “I’m sorry I took a while. I had to sweep the dust from where the tree fell.”

“Were those Diane’s wax figures that we saw Don and Dave carrying and moving into the first chamber where Diane’s and Dana’s online commercial wax figures are?”

Margarita asks.

“Yes, we only moved the wax figures into the first chamber temporarily. After we sweep the area up, we’ll bring those three wax figures back inside the second chamber and put them back in place.”

“Oh wow,” Tonio says. “I guess they were never real people after all like we first thought, not with how stiff those wax figures appeared while Don and Dave were moving and carrying them! A real live person wouldn’t have been stiff like that, they would have been flexible!”

“I told you they weren’t real people, they’re wax figures. I never hired real people to pose as wax figures and I never will.”

“Would you hire robots or clones to pose as wax figures Mr. Yim?” Grandpa Mike asks.

“No, I wouldn’t hire robots or clones either!” Diane D’s family and relatives sadly look at Mr. Yim. They then look back at the other version of the chained-up entity’s wax figure. “I think we should leave now,” Mr. Yim says, “because I can see that these wax figures are getting everyone in the family very emotional again. Come on everyone, let’s go.” Mr. Yim turns and heads towards the small narrow hallway of the third chamber that leads back to the hallway of the basement as Diane D’s family and relatives turn and slowly head towards the small narrow hallway walking behind him.

Diane D’s family suddenly stop, turn their heads towards their left and sadly look back at the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure in the back of the chamber all alone in the grass and weeds. “Maybe we shouldn’t leave her,” Mary says.

“Yeah you’re right Mary,” Margarita says. “I don’t feel right walking away leaving her there like that.”

“I feel the same way too,” Barry says.

“So do I,” Tomas says.

“Me too,” Gracy says.

“Don’t worry everybody,” Grandpa Mike says, “we’ll all stay here with her.”

“You know what!” Nicolas shouts, “we have to hurry and get out of here, because I think these Diane wax figures got us all hypnotized, having us all think they’re really Diane and we keep forgetting that they’re not her!”

“You’re right Nicolas,” Margarita smiles and says. “We keep forgetting that’s a wax figure and not Diane, because the wax figure looks too real!”

“I understand Grandma, that’s why you all need to focus on the live video of Diane.”

“You’re right Nicolas. We’ll try.”


“Please do.” Nicolas holds the camera phone up as Margarita and the rest of the family look at the live video of Diane D. Nicolas turns to Mr. Yim and says, “Mr. Yim, maybe it’s best that you close the curtain.”

“I agree,” Mr. Yim says. He turns towards the left side of the chamber and shouts,

“Don, Dave!

Don and Dave come from the left side of the third chamber that leads from the second chamber and look towards Mr. Yim.

“Could you guys close the curtain back up please,” Mr. Yim says to them.

“Sure,” Don says as Dave rushes to the right side of the chamber. The curtain starts to close.

Diane D’s family quickly look up at the curtain as it closes. “Hey wait a minute!”

they all shout.

Mr. Yim puzzledly looks at Diane D’s family and asks, “What’s wrong?”

“You’re closing the curtain on Diane!” Barry shouts.

Mr. Yim quickly looks back towards the curtain and shouts, “Don and Dave, close the curtain quick!”

The curtain continues to close. It then closes tight putting the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure out of sight!