Diane D’s Look-Alike Demons Are Turned Into Frightening Wax Figures, Of Herself! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 11

Kurt Discovers The Wax Figures Were Created, Without His Knowledge!

A couple of hours later, Kurt, Mrs. Reid and Kyle are in the living room inside Kurt’s apartment. They are looking down at Kyle’s smart phone. They are looking online and see a large crowd of people on live video packed outside the wax museum. They read a small article that says: A BIG CROWD OF PEOPLE OUTSIDE THE WAX MUSEUM












DAMNED’ ATMOSPHERE! “What!” Kurt, Mrs. Reid and Kyle shout.

“Oh no!” Mrs. Reid shouts. “There are life-size wax figures made out of the Diane D

entities from Kurt’s sketches and nightmares?!”

“Yes!” Kyle shouts, “that’s exactly what this article and video says!”

“And Diane D’s family and relatives turned and fled out of the wax chambers and refuse to go back inside one of them after seeing the life-size wax figures of her thinking that they were looking at a bunch of hired Diane D look-alikes, a bunch of Diane D robots or a bunch of Diane D clones?!”

“Yeah, that’s what this article and someone on social media is saying!”

“Did this happen today?!”

“Yeah, according to this person on social media! This person said that Diane D’s family and relatives had a private viewing of the Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures downstairs in the basement of the wax museum earlier before the museum even opened, then turned and fled right out of the wax chambers after seeing how realistic the life-size wax figures looked which made them think that they were looking at a bunch of hired Diane D look-alikes, a bunch of Diane D robots or a bunch of Diane D

clones, and the way the wax figures were looking and staring at Diane D’s family and relatives, Diane D’s family and relatives felt like they were in some type of ‘Village Of The Damned’ atmosphere!”

“What! They felt like they were in some type of ‘Village Of The Damned’



“Yes, according to this!”

“Oh my God! What time did this crowd happen?”

“This crowd is happening right now!”

“It’s happening now?!”

“Yeah, it’s live! This live video shows Kurt’s sketches of the Diane D entities and photos of the Diane D entity wax figure versions hanging outside and inside the museum!”

“It does?!”

“Yes, and a short video clip of the wax figures was shown too!”

“A short video clip?”


“Man, I don’t believe this!” Kurt angrily shouts as he pounds his fist against the desk! “You mean to tell me, that Mr. Yim went right behind my back and made wax figures out of my dreams and nightmares about the Diane D entities or Diane D

demons, and he hung pictures of my sketches all over the place?!”

“He certainly did from what this video is showing!”

“Man, I should sue his ass, because he went right behind my back and made wax figures out of my sketches! He made wax figures out of those Diane D entities or Diane D demons when I told him not to! He brought them into the physical world when I did not want them in this world! I told him that those Diane D entities or Diane D demons are not welcomed in this world! We just read that those Diane D entity or Diane D

demon wax figures made Diane D’s own family and relatives turn and flee right out of the wax chambers! Now if those Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures can cause Diane D’s own family and relatives to turn and flee right out of those wax chambers and refuse to go back inside one of them, then they can cause anybody else to flee right out of those wax chambers and refuse to go back inside there too! See how evil those Diane D entities or Diane D demons are?! They not only come into my dreams and nightmares terrorizing me, but they came right into this physical world and terrorized Diane D’s own family and relatives and they’ll terrorize anybody else who dares step foot inside those chambers!”

“Oh nooo!” Mrs. Reid shouts.

“I knew Mr. Yim should not have brought those Diane D entities or Diane D demons into this physical world, I knew it! Believe me, if I knew that he was going to go behind my back and create those Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures, I would have never let him borrow the copies of the sketches! Those crowds of people trying to see or get a glimpse of those Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures should not even step foot inside those wax chambers, because they’ll wind up losing their minds then turning and fleeing right out of those wax chambers just like Diane D’s family and relatives did!”

“That’s why they’re curious to see the wax figures! Come on Kurt! We’re going to go right down to the wax museum, speak to Mr. Yim and get to the bottom of this!

Come on!” Mrs. Reid, Kurt and Kyle turn and hurry towards the front door.

Around an hour later, Kurt, Mrs. Reid and Kyle are inside a car with loud music playing as Kyle sits behind the steering wheel driving, Kurt is sitting in the passenger seat and Mrs. Reid is sitting in the back seat. They are riding on the highway towards 76

the wax museum. They suddenly hit heavy traffic. “My God!” Kurt shouts, “what’s the hold up?! Where are all these cars going?!”

“I don’t know,” Kyle says. “This highway is not usually crowded like this during this time!”

“I know! This traffic is holding us up!”

“Isn’t this the direction going towards the wax museum?” Mrs. Reid asks.

“It sure is Mom,” Kyle says, “that’s where we’re going!”

“Wait a minute! Don’t tell me that all these cars are heading towards the wax museum like we are, are they?!”

“I think they are Mom!”

“They are?!”

“I think so!”

“But why would all these people be heading towards the wax museum now?!” Kurt shouts.

“Oh no!” Mrs. Reid shouts. “I think these people saw exactly what we saw on social media!”

“Saw exactly what we saw on social media?! What are you talking about Mom, we saw those Diane D entity wax figures on social media!”

“Exactly, and I think they saw the same thing! I think these people are heading towards the wax museum to see those Diane D entity wax figures in person also, just like the rest of the crowd that is at the wax museum!”

“What!” Kurt and Kyle shout.

“You think so Mom?!” Kyle shouts.

“I know so!” Mrs. Reid shouts.

“Oh no!”

“Damn that Mr. Yim!” Kurt shouts. “He put my dreams and nightmares of those Diane D entities or Diane D demons all over social media!”

“Don’t worry Kurt!” Mrs. Reid shouts. “We’re going to have it out with Mr. Yim and get to the bottom of this!” Mrs. Reid, Kurt and Kyle continue to look out the car windows at all the traffic heading right towards the exit of the wax museum as music in their car continues to play.

Forty-five minutes later, Kurt, Mrs. Reid and Kyle are at the wax museum inside Mr.

Yim’s office as Mrs. Reid shouts, “Mr. Yim, how could you go behind my son’s back and create wax figures out of his dreams and nightmares about the entities or demons that look like Diane D when we told you not to?!”

“I only created the wax figures of the entities or demons that look like Diane D to put them to a test, when I showed the wax figures to Diane D’s family and relatives!”

Mr. Yim says.

“To put them to a test?! We already saw and read on social media that Diane D’s own family and relatives had to turn and flee right out of the wax chambers when they saw the wax figures of herself!”

“They did.”

“Why did they turn and flee out of the wax chambers?!”

“Because they got freaked out when they saw the wax figures of the Diane D entities or Diane D demons!”


“They got freaked out?!” Kyle shouts.


“Even though Diane D is their own family member, they still got freaked out when they saw the multiple wax figures of her?”


“Are those Diane D entity wax figures that frightening, that they would even cause Diane D’s own family and relatives to turn and flee right out of the wax chambers and refuse to go back inside one of them?” Mrs. Reid asks.

“Yes they are, especially when Diane D’s family and relatives saw Kurt’s sketches of the Diane D entities or Diane D demons transferred from a 2D sketch that was hand-drawn on paper, to actual life-size wax figure versions in the physical world that they turn and ran out of the chambers!”

“Oh my God!”

“Plus they also ran out of the chamber because they said they didn’t like the way the Diane D entity wax figures were looking and staring at them.”

“What? Diane D’s family and relatives didn’t like how the Diane D entity wax figures were looking and staring at them?”

“No they didn’t.”

“Well how were the Diane D entity wax figures looking and staring at Diane D’s family and relatives Mr. Yim?”

“They were looking and staring at Diane D’s family and relatives with an angry expression.”

“What!” Mrs. Reid and Kyle shout.

“You had those Diane D entity wax figures looking and staring at Diane D’s own family and relatives with an angry expression?!” Kyle shouts.

“Well,” Mr. Yim says, “it’s not that I had those Diane D entity wax figures looking and staring at Diane D’s family and relatives with an angry expression, that’s the way their expressions were made before Diane D’s family and relatives even saw them, because that’s the way the Diane D entities’ expressions look on Kurt’s sketch! I copied their facial expressions from Kurt’s sketch and I copied their facial expressions to a tee!”

“To a tee?!” Mrs. Reid shouts, “my God Mr. Yim! No wonder why Diane D’s family and relatives turned and fled out of the wax chambers! If I was there, I would have turn and fled out of the wax chambers right along with them!”

“I see. But don’t worry, the wax figures of the Diane D entities or Diane D demons won’t be on display in person. Diane D’s family already made it clear that they do not want wax figures of her image on public display or displayed in person.”

“They already made it clear to you?”

“Yes, so since the wax figures’ images were already shown outside and on social media, they are not going to be on display in person.”

“They won’t be on display in person at all?”

“No, they will be destroyed.”

“Destroyed?!” Mrs. Reid, Kurt and Kyle shouts.

“The wax figures of the Diane D entities will be destroyed?” Kurt asks.

“Yes,” Mr. Yim says, “but since the wax figures were copied out of your sketches Kurt, I think you should have the right to see the wax figures in person, so therefore, would you like for me to take you all down to the basement and have you all step into 78

the chambers to see the wax figures of the Diane D entities or Diane D demons for yourself before they get destroyed?”

“What!” Kurt, Mrs. Reid and Kyle nervously shout.

“See the wax figures of the Diane D entities or Diane D demons ourselves?!” Mrs.

Reid shouts.

“Yes,” Mr. Yim says.

“You mean in person?!”

“Yes, in person.”

“Why, so we can see that ‘Village Of The Damned’ atmosphere in person ourselves?!

So we can turn and flee right out of the wax chambers like Diane D’s family and relatives did?! No thank you! If those demon wax figures can make Diane D’s own family and relatives turn and flee right out of those wax chambers and refuse to go back inside one of them, then they’ll definitely make us turn and flee out of those chambers too!”

“Exactly!” Kyle shouts.

“So you don’t want to see them,” Mr. Yim says.

“Hell no!” Kyle and Mrs. Reid shouts.

“Okay. So I will have the wax figures destroyed by tomorrow.”

“By tomorrow?!”

“You’re gonna have the wax figures destroyed by tomorrow?” Kyle asks.

“Yes,” Mr. Yim says.

“Who’s going to destroy them?”

“Me and a couple of my staff members will destroy the wax figures.”

“You and a couple of your staff members?”



“We’re going to load all the wax figures onto a truck, take them away and bring them to a site and burn them.”

“What!” Mrs. Reid and Kyle shout. “Burn them?!”


“Wait a minute!” Kurt shouts. “You’re going to take those Diane D entity wax figures to a site and have them burned?”


“You mean burn them alive?!”

“Burn them alive?”

“Yeah, like they tried to burn ME alive!”

“But they’re not alive Kurt, they’re wax figures, they have no feelings.”

“Oh that’s right, I forgot.”

“Yeah, just like Diane D’s own family kept forgetting that those were wax figures and not the real Diane D.”

“They kept forgetting that those were wax figures?!” Mrs. Reid asks.

“Yes! They kept thinking that the wax figures were the real Diane D, even though the real Diane D is laying up in the hospital!”

“But isn’t that the reason why Diane D’s own family and relatives fled out of the wax chambers in the first place? because they saw multiple Diane D entity wax figures and those Diane D entity wax figures looked like they were alive, especially the fact that Diane D’s family know that Diane D was never born an identical twin, an identical 79

triplet, an identical quadruplet or a whatever identical amount, then to see multiples of her that appear alive?! That can scare any family because that family will think that they’re looking at a bunch of clones of the person! I know it would scare the hell out of me if I saw carbon copies of myself, any of my sons or anyone else in our family knowing that none of us were ever born an identical twin, an identical triplet and so on! Do those Diane D entity wax figures look THAT real Mr. Yim?”

“I guess so.”

“They do?”

“To Diane D’s family, they do.”

“Then I definitely would not want to see them!”

“Me neither!” Kyle shouts.

“Why did you have to make the Diane D entity wax figures appear so alive Mr.


“I thought that was the whole purpose of creating wax figures in the first place,”

Mr. Yim says, “to make them appear like the real living person that they represent!”

“It sounds like you made those Diane D entity wax figures look too alive if they were able to fool and scare Diane D’s own family!”

“I think I did.”

“Do ALL the wax figures in your museum look like they’re alive Mr. Yim?” Kyle asks.

“Well, I try to make them all appear alive, I try.” Mr. Yim then turns to Kurt and says, “Don’t worry Kurt, those Diane D entity wax figures will be destroyed, so you don’t have to worry about the possibility of your dreams and nightmares being displayed in person anymore.”

“Well come to think of it,” Kurt says, “maybe it is a good thing that you created wax figures out of those Diane D entities or Diane D demons after all!”

“What!” Mr. Yim, Mrs. Reid and Kyle shout.

“It’s a good thing I created wax figures out of the Diane D entities or Diane D

demons?” Mr. Yim asks.

“Yes!” Kurt shouts.

“Why? Why do you think it’s a good thing I created them? I thought you didn’t want those Diane D entities or Diane D demon wax figures created! I thought you said they are not welcomed in this physical world!”

“They’re not! I didn’t change my mind about that, I still feel that way! But since those Diane D entities or Diane D demon wax figures are already created and they are already here in the physical world, I can feel like I’m plotting revenge against the real Diane D entities or the real Diane D demons in that spiritual underworld!”

“What? Feel like you’re plotting revenge against the real Diane D entities or the real Diane D demons in the spiritual underworld?!”

“Well yeah, since you’re going to destroy the wax figures anyway, I would like to take the chance or honor to destroy those wax figures for you!”

“What!” Mr. Yim, Mrs. Reid and Kyle shout.

“Take the chance or honor to destroy the wax figures for me?” Mr. Yim asks.

“Yeah!” Kurt shouts. “I would like to take the honor to burn those Diane D entity wax figures myself!”

“Burn the Diane D entity wax figures yourself?”




“That’s right!”

“No don’t go after Diane D Kurt!” Mrs. Reid shouts. “Remember what happened the last time you tried to go after her! You got shot in the stairwell at her family’s organization, then you kept spotting her stalking you even though she denied ever stalking you! You claim you even spotted Diane D right on your own floor in your apartment building which she denied ever being there too, then you wind up having nightmares about the entities or demons that look like her night after night, losing a lot of sleep over it! You finally were able to stop getting dreams and nightmares about those entities or demons that look like her once you sent Officer Kilpatrick to apologize to her for you! You finally got rid of those nightmares about Diane D, let’s just keep it that way!”

“I’m not trying to go after the REAL Diane D this time Mom! I’m trying to go after the wax figures of the entities or demons that look like her!”

“Oh, is that supposed to make it better?!”

“It should make it better! Remember, Mr. Yim just said it himself, that those Diane D entity wax figures are not alive, they have no feelings!”

“So if they’re not alive and have no feelings, then why the hell do you want to go after them then?!”

“So that I can FEEL that I’m getting revenge against the real Diane D entities or the real Diane D demons in that spiritual underworld, the ones who tried to burn me alive!”

“Just so you can feel that you’re getting revenge against them?!”

“Yes! Look Mom, those entities or demons that look like Diane D never once left me alone! They kept pulling my soul or spirit out of my physical body pulling my soul or spirit right into their spiritual underworld every time I fell asleep! Yeah I’m no longer having nightmares about them anymore, but I still cannot forget what they did to me, how they treated me! They treated me like I was the scum of the earth, all because what I did to the real Diane D, causing the real Diane D and her cousin Dana not to profit from that online sword fighting commercial?! After what those Diane D look-alike entities or demons did to me, I’m willing to help Mr. Yim set the wax figures in their likeness on fire, just like they tried to set ME on fire! The real Diane D will never know about this, neither will her look-alike entities or look-alike demons in that spiritual underworld! I better get my revenge and try to help Mr. Yim burn those wax figures while I have the chance!”

“But that means you will actually have to see and look at those Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures in person with your own eyes Kurt, the same exact wax figures Diane D’s family and relatives saw, then turned and ran away from! Now if those Diane D entity or demon wax figures can scare the hell out of Diane D’s own family and relatives and have them turn and flee right out of the wax chambers and refuse to go back inside one of them, then what makes you think that it won’t happen to you?! Those Diane D entity wax figures will scare you and have you turn and flee right out of the wax chambers just like they did to Diane D’s own family and relatives! You’ll be reliving your nightmares about the Diane D entities or Diane D demons all over again! The only difference is, instead of you living the nightmare in THEIR spiritual underworld, you’ll be living the nightmare HERE in this physical world, our world!”

“That’s right Kurt,” Mr. Yim says. “I know how you feel about those Diane D

entities or Diane D demons you kept having dreams and nightmares about, but I think it 81

would be best if you do not go near their wax figures. It is not your job to destroy them, it’s my job to destroy them.”

“Oh come on Mr. Yim!” Kurt shouts. “I’m willing to help you destroy those Diane D

entity wax figures, for free!”

“For free?”

“That’s right, for free!”

“Thanks Kurt, but I still can’t have you help me destroy them!”

“Well why not?!”

“Because it is not your job! I don’t need a big lawsuit held against me if you happen to get hurt during the destroying process! Thank you, but I’ll destroy the wax figures!”

“Come on Mr. Yim! What if I give you permission to publicly display the wax figures of my dreams and nightmares of the Diane D entities or Diane D demons or have them displayed in person?!”

“Give me permission to publicly display the wax figures or have them displayed in person?”


“It’s too late Kurt.”

“It’s too late?! How the hell is it too late if I’m giving you the permission?!”

“Because Diane D’s family already told me, that they do not want any images of her in wax on public display or displayed in person regardless of if you give me permission or not!”

“They don’t want any images of Diane D in wax to be on public display or displayed in person even if I give you the permission to do so?!”

“That’s ri-iight, even if you give me the permission!”

“But what if they don’t know about the wax figures of Diane D being on public display or displayed in person?”

“What? What if they don’t know about it?”


“That still doesn’t make it right to publicly display the wax figures of Diane D’s image behind her family’s back or have them displayed in person!”

“But you CREATED the wax figures of Diane D’s image behind her family’s back, and behind MY back as well!”

“But I didn’t publicly display the wax figures of Diane D’s image behind her family’s back, nor behind YOUR back!”

“So how the hell did my sketches, the photos and video of those entity wax figures get publicly displayed around the museum, then all over social media?!”

“I don’t know who let the sketches, the photos and video of the wax figures get publicly displayed around the museum then all over social media, but still, the public never saw the wax figures in person! All I know, is that I let Diane D’s family and relatives come down to the basement of the wax museum to let them have a private viewing of the wax figures first to make sure I get their permission or approval to publicly display the wax figures! Since I did NOT get their permission or approval to publicly display the wax figures, the wax figures will not be displayed in person even if you give me the permission to do so!”

“Please Mr. Yim! I’m so desperate to get my revenge against those Diane D entities or Diane D demons in that spiritual underworld after they chased me through the woods, bumped into me, kung fu kicked me in the chest, knocked me down then beat 82

me with that large tree branch, tied me up, slammed a karate chop right at my throat that I felt the wind knocked out of me, set me on fire then was ready to watch me burn alive! I woke up from that nightmare just in the nick of time! By me waking up in the nick of time, those Diane D entities or demons didn’t succeed in setting me on fire and watch me burn, so the next night, my soul or spirit was pulled right back into their spiritual underworld again!”

“Oh no!”

“That chained-up entity kept stalking me all throughout the woods! She found me and approached me no matter where I ran or no matter where I hid, I just couldn’t get away from her! When I shut my eyes tight to avoid looking at her or seeing the sight of her in that trapped contortionist position, she snuck right up to my face and tried to choke me telepathically, because she was determined for me to die so that my soul or spirit can stay trapped in that spiritual underworld forever, then she and her look-alike gang can finish setting me on fire, then watch me burn alive! In my other nightmare, that chained-up entity threatened if I ever come after Diane D again, not only will there be more chaos in this world, but there will also be more deaths! In other words, she was telling me that I better leave Diane D alone!”

“Telling you that you better leave Diane D alone?”


“Oh no! Well in that case, then maybe you better leave the wax figures alone too Kurt!”

“Leave the wax figures alone?!”

“That’s right.”

“No Mr. Yim, not a chance! I just got to get back at those Diane D entities or demons in that spiritual underworld and help you destroy their wax figures, I just got to! Please, let me help you destroy their wax figures Mr. Yim, please!”

“No Kurt! Stay away from those Diane D entity wax figures! Do not go near them!”

“Why not?! They were created from MY sketch, the sketch of MY dreams and nightmares!”

“That’s why I wanted to give you and your family the honor to bring you all down to the basement, bring you all inside the chambers and let you all see the wax figures in person, but with the state of mind you’re in right now Kurt, I change my mind!”

“You change your mind?!”


“It’s those Diane D entities’ or demons’ fault that my state of mind is like this!”

“I’m sorry about that and I feel for you, but I think it would be best that you do not see the wax figures in person or go near them.”

“So you don’t want my help to destroy them.”

“I don’t need your help to destroy the wax figures Kurt! I will already have help from two of my staff members to destroy them.”

“Help from two of your staff members?”


“Well fire one of them, and I’ll take one of their places for free!”

“No that’s okay Kurt, we got this.”

“You got it?”

“Yes, we do.”

“Okay then Mr. Yim, have it your way!” Kurt angrily shoves the papers on Mr.


Yim’s desk. He then turns and angrily heads towards the door of Mr. Yim’s office as Mr. Yim, Mrs. Reid and Kyle worriedly look at him. “Kurt wait!” Mrs. Reid and Kyle shout as they turn and hurry after Kurt!