Diane D’s Look-Alike Demons Are Turned Into Frightening Wax Figures, Of Herself! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 12

Kurt Plots Revenge Against The Diane D Entity Or Demon Wax Figures!

It is a few hours later. There are still thousands of people inside the lobby of the wax museum. Kurt is also at the wax museum. He is in the lobby of the museum. He is disguising himself wearing dark shades trying to secretly blend in with the crowd of museum visitors. He looks around the lobby. He sees the large life-size mural of the Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures taken from their front and right-side angle. He also sees the larger-than-life movie screen hanging high up on the wall! Kurt becomes frightened as he looks at the large life-size mural of the Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures. He starts to get horrible flashbacks of his nightmares.


Kurt sees the Diane D entities or Diane D demons chasing after him! One of the entities or demons bumps into him, another one kung fu kicks him in the chest and knocks him down then beats him with the large tree branch! The Diane D entities or Diane D demons then grab Kurt and tie him up to a tree! They are terrorizing him! He screams! The Diane D entity holding the large tree branch comes in front of Kurt, spins around then slam a karate chop right into Kurt’s throat! They then set him on fire and hurry away from him! They hurry behind the chained-up Diane D entity or Diane D

demon partially surrounding the chained-up Diane D entity or Diane D demon as they and the chained-up entity or demon are about to angrily watch Kurt burn alive!


Kurt’s flashbacks are suddenly gone. He is sweating as he frighteningly stares at the large mural of the life-size Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures. He sees the large movie screen hanging high up on the wall inside the lobby. Suddenly, haunting male Catholic hymns from the large movie screen starts to play. Everyone turns their heads to look at the large movie screen. Suddenly a larger-than-life video of the Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures appears on the large movie screen with the haunting male Catholic hymns playing on it. The crowd looks at the larger-than-life video clip showing the Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures as the 84

camera slowly pans side to side on the wax figures as the haunting male Catholic hymns play. Everyone sees the video of the fourteen identical Diane D entity or Diane D

demon wax figures standing in a part-circle partially surrounding the identical handcuffed, shackled and chained-up Diane D entity wax figure in the front and center that’s down on its knees as the camera angle in the video slowly goes up then down then pans side to side on the wax figures. “Wow!” the crowd says. The camera angle slowly goes up then down again then pans from back to front on the wax figures as the haunting male Catholic hymns continue to play. “Wow!” the crowd says again. Kurt is frightened as he looks at the larger-than-life movie screen showing the video of the Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures.

“Wow,” a man in the crowd says, “that is so scary!”

“It sure is!” a woman in the crowd says.

“I would not step foot in there!”

“Me neither! I change my mind about trying to see those entity wax figures!”

“Oh yeah? I change my mind about trying to see them too!”

“Yeah?” another man asks. “How come?!”

“Because look! Those wax figures of those Diane D entities or Diane D demons look so real!”

“They sure do! My God, they look like clones of her!”

“They do! I don’t want to run into that!”

“Me neither!”

The camera angle in the video slowly goes up then down then pans across the wax figures again as the haunting male Catholic hymns continue to play. “Wow,” the crowd says as they continue to watch the video. The video then goes off the screen. “Wooow,”

the crowd says again.

“You know that whole video was just creepy!” another woman in the crowd says.

“It is!”

“I change my mind of trying to see those entity wax figures also.”

“Yeah me too,” a third woman in the crowd says.

“I don’t blame any of you,” another man says. “I change my mind too.”

Kurt and the museum visitors are halfway close to the back of the lobby that leads downstairs to the basement, but they are blocked by a couple of male security guards, a tight rope and the iron gate with a large note on the iron gate that reads:

‘DOWNSTAIRS SECTION CLOSED’. “Auuuhhh,” the crowd says.

“Excuse me,” the white woman in the crowd says to the security guards, “they’re still not letting anybody go inside the wax chambers downstairs?”

“I’m afraid not Miss,” the stocky Hispanic male security guard says.

“Why not?”

“Because it’s closed to the public. No one is allowed down there. It’s the museum’s orders.”

“Auuuhhh,” the crowd says.

“But some of us want to see or get a glimpse of the Diane D entity wax figures!” the Hispanic guy shouts, “that’s what most of us specifically came here for!”

“Why?” the Hispanic male security guard asks, “so you can turn and flee out of the wax chambers just like Diane D’s own family and relatives did?! We don’t need another stampede happening in here!”


“Stampede? There was a stampede here?”

“Yeah! Diane D’s family and relatives practically had a stampede when they first ran up here to the lobby from downstairs!”

“What!” the crowd shouts.

“They had a stampede after they saw the entity wax figures?!” a white male in the crowd asks.

“Yeah!” the Hispanic male security guard shouts. “Now if they practically had a stampede when they ran up here, the same thing could happen again!”

“Oh no!” the crowd worriedly says.

“Did Diane D’s family and relatives really flee out of the wax chambers,” the white woman asks, “or was it all a publicity stunt?”

“A publicity stunt?” the Hispanic male security guard asks. “No, it wasn’t any publicity stunt at all! Her family and relatives really did flee out of the wax chambers!”

“They did? Did you see Diane D’s family and relatives flee out of the wax chambers?”

“No! I only saw them run up here after they ran from downstairs!”

“You saw them run up here?”

“Yeah, and we do not need history repeating itself!”

“Wow,” the rest of the crowd says.

“Did you see the Diane D entity wax figures?” an Indian woman in the crowd asks the security guard.

“I kind of caught a glimpse of the entity wax figures when I was downstairs walking through the second chamber!” the Hispanic male security guard says.

“What!” the crowd shouts.

“You caught a glimpse of the entity wax figures?!” another woman shouts.

“Yeah!” the security guard says.

“How did that happen?!”

“Well, when I was walking through the front of the second chamber, I took a quick glance towards the inside of the chamber and saw around three or four women standing in there facing the front of the chamber where the museum owner and two of his staff members were standing.”

“Three or four women?” another man asks. “You saw only three or four women inside the chamber where the museum owner and two of his staff members were standing?”

“Yeah, it was just three or four women when I saw them! I didn’t know they were wax figures at first.”

“You didn’t know they were wax figures?”

“Not at first! I noticed that they were all dressed alike! They were wearing all-black bodysuits!”

“All-black bodysuits?”

“Yeah. I noticed that they all had long black hair, they all sort of looked exactly alike!”

“You noticed that they all looked exactly alike?”

“Yeah. I thought maybe they were three or four sisters who were identical twins, triplets or something like that dressed alike, then I looked away from them and kept 86

going about my business because I thought those women were real people at that point!”

“You thought those women were real people?” the Hispanic guy asks.


“You didn’t notice that the women you saw down in the chamber resembled Diane D?”

“I thought they looked similar to Diane D, but I couldn’t really tell because the lighting inside the chamber was dim, I couldn’t see their faces too well, but I’ve seen Diane D wearing that exact same outfit before that those women were wearing and those women who looked similar to her had long black hair just like her!”

“Oh wow,” the crowd says.

“When Diane D’s family and relatives showed up days later and went downstairs to the chamber where those women were, I thought maybe her family was having some type of Diane D look-alike contest or something!”


“You thought Diane D’s family was having a Diane D look-alike contest?!” another white male asks.

“Yeah!” the security guard shouts. “Since the real Diane D is put away, I thought maybe her family was having some type of audition to find a Diane D look-alike to take the real Diane D’s place temporarily while she’s away!”

“You thought Diane D’s family was having an audition to find a look-alike to take her place while she’s in the hospital?” the Hispanic guy asks.


“So when did you realize that the women you saw down in the basement who resembled Diane D were not real people, but wax figures of her instead?”

“When Diane D’s family and relatives ran up here to the lobby screaming!”

“Diane D’s family and relatives ran up to the lobby screaming? That’s when you found out that the women you saw downstairs in the chamber were really wax figures and not real people?!”

“Yeah! When I found out that they were really wax figures, I freaked out because they looked so real! They didn’t look like wax figures to me!”

“They didn’t?”

“Not from what I saw! They didn’t appear as wax figures at all! When I realized that they were wax figures, I said ‘Whoa!’”

“You didn’t notice that those women were standing completely still, not moving when you saw them inside the chamber?”

“No, I didn’t look at them long enough to notice them standing completely still, not moving, it was a quick glance like a few seconds when I walked through the front of the second chamber and the light in there was dim! If I stood in the chamber long enough and stared at those women, then I would have noticed that they were standing completely still for a long time not moving, then I would have gotten suspicious and thought that something was strange about them, then I eventually would have picked up on that something was not right about them! Later on, when I found out that they were actually wax figures, I vowed never to return back downstairs until those wax figures are gone! Hopefully they’ll all be gone soon!”

“Wow,” the crowd nervously says.

“Did you see or notice the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure when you looked 87

inside the chamber?” the Hispanic guy asks.

“I think I saw one of the women down on her knees in front of the others with her arms and hands up behind her head,” the security guard says.

“What!” the crowd shouts.

“You saw one of the women down on her knees in front of the others with her arms and hands up behind her head?!” the Hispanic guy asks.

“Yeah,” the security guard says.

“That was the chained-up entity’s wax figure that you saw down there!”

“Oh no!” the crowd shouts.

“But at that time, I didn’t know it was a wax figure!” the security guard shouts, “I just thought it was one of the women down on her knees with her arms and hands up behind her head.”

“Wow,” the crowd says.

“I’m sorry everybody, but the downstairs chambers are closed to the public! No one is allowed down there!”

“Auuuuh,”the crowd says. Everyone and Kurt stairs towards the rope and iron gate that lead downstairs to the basement.