Diane D’s Look-Alike Demons Are Turned Into Frightening Wax Figures, Of Herself! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 21

Carnival Wants The Diane D Entities As Part Of Haunted House Attraction!

Later on that day, Mrs. Reid and Kyle are inside Dr. Ramsey’s office as Dr. Ramsey says to them, “There’s an amusement park or carnival that is about to go up in the county.”


“Oh yeah?” Mrs. Reid says. “An amusement park or carnival is about to go up?”

“Yes. The amusement park contacted my office and Diane D’s family earlier.”

“What?” Mrs. Reid and Kyle say.

“They contacted your office and Diane D’s family earlier?” Mrs. Reid asks.


“Oh no! Now what do they want?! Don’t tell me that they want to know from us, Kurt and Diane D’s family if it’s alright that they have images of the Diane D entities or their wax figures as part of the haunted house attraction, do they?!”

“You’re right Mrs. Reid.”

“What!” Mrs. Reid and Kyle shout.

“I am?!” Mrs. Reid shouts. “They want to have images of the Diane D entities or their wax figures as part of the haunted house attraction?!”

“Yes!” Dr. Ramsey says, “but how did you know that?”

“Simple! What else would they be calling us AND Diane D’s family about?! What did they say?”

“Well, the amusement park or carnival said that they’re interested in having the Diane D entity wax figures as part of the haunted house ride attraction where the riders will ride inside the haunted house attraction and see the Diane D entity wax figures angrily looking and staring at them!”

“What!” Mrs. Reid and Kyle shout.

“Riders will ride inside the haunted house ride attraction and see the Diane D entity wax figures angrily looking and staring at them?!” Kyle shouts.

“That’s what the amusement park or carnival told my office,” Dr. Ramsey says.

“But the Diane D entity wax figures got destroyed as far as we know! Don’t people already know that?!”

“Yes, but the amusement park or carnival was thinking about maybe putting real people inside the haunted house ride attraction dressed and posed as the Diane D

entities and their wax figures.”

“What!” Mrs. Reid and Kyle shout.

“Putting real people inside the haunted house ride attraction dressed and posed as the Diane D entities and their wax figures?!” Mrs. Reid shouts.

“Yes,” Dr. Ramsey says, “real people who are Diane D look-alikes, real people who have their faces painted to look like Diane D’s face, real people who are wearing masks of Diane D’s face, mannequins or Diane D robots inside the haunted house ride attraction dressed and posed as the Diane D entities and their wax figures.”

“What!” Mrs. Reid and Kyle shout.

“Real people who are Diane D look-alikes, real people who have their faces painted to look like Diane D’s face, real people who are wearing masks of Diane D’s face, mannequins or Diane D robots inside the haunted house ride attraction dressed and posed as the Diane D entities and their wax figures?!” Mrs. Reid shouts.

“Yes,” Dr. Ramsey says.


“Oh no!” Mrs. Reid and Kyle shout.

“Now where the hell would they find people who look exactly like Diane D?! Where would they find people that will have their faces painted to look like Diane D’s face?!

Where would they find masks of Diane D’s face?! Where would they find mannequins that look like Diane D and where the hell would they even get a bunch of robots that look like Diane D from?!” Kyle shouts.

“They said they didn’t know,” Dr. Ramsey says, “it was just a thought.”

“Just a thought?!”


“A very creepy thought if you ask me!”

“I agree! So what do you two say? Do you want the amusement park or carnival to put real people or mannequins dressed and posed as the Diane D entities and their wax figures inside the haunted house ride attraction having the real people or mannequins angrily looking and staring at the riders as the riders ride past them?”

“Why?!” Mrs. Reid shouts, “so the riders can feel like they’re riding through some type of ‘Village Of The Damned’ atmosphere?! No way! Kurt does not need his dreams or nightmares being inside some haunted house ride attraction at an amusement park or carnival just like he didn’t need his dreams or nightmares being inside the horror section of the wax museum!”

“So you don’t agree with the amusement park or carnival putting any images of the Diane D entities or their wax figures inside the haunted house ride attraction at all?”

“No I do not! What did Diane D’s family say about it?”

“I heard they claim they don’t care what that amusement park or carnival does, as long as that amusement park or carnival does not have Diane D’s name, Diane D’s face, Diane D’s image or Diane D’s body type in it.”

“That’s what they said about that too?”


“My God, when is this going to end?!”

Dr. Ramsey sadly looks at Mrs. Reid.