Diane D’s Look-Alike Demons Are Turned Into Frightening Wax Figures, Of Herself! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 20

Producers Want To Create Game Show Involving The Diane D


Later on that day, Mrs. Reid, Kyle and Dr. Ramsey are inside Kurt’s Hospital room sadly surrounding Kurt as he lays in his hospital bed unconscious. Dr. Ramsey then says, “Can I bring you both outside the room for a minute?”

“Sure Dr. Ramsey,” Mrs. Reid says. Dr. Ramsey heads towards the door as Mrs.

Reid and Kyle turn and follow him.

Dr. Ramsey, Mrs. Reid and Kyle are down the end of the hospital hallway. Dr.

Ramsey then says to Mrs. Reid and Kyle, “Some game show producers had contacted my office earlier.”

“What?” Mrs. Reid says. “Game show producers contacted your office? Really?”


“Why would game show producers contact your office?”

“Because they were interested in creating a game show involving the Diane D entity wax figures!”

“What!” Mrs. Reid and Kyle shouts.

“Game show producers were interested in creating a game show involving the Diane D entity wax figures?!” Mrs. Reid shouts.

“That’s what my assistant told me,” Dr. Ramsey says. “The game show producers told my assistant that a contestant would have to guess which Diane D entity wax figure is the real Diane D!”

“What!” Mrs. Reid and Kyle shout.

“A contestant would have to guess which Diane D entity wax figure is the real Diane D?!” Kyle asks.

“Yes,” Dr. Ramsey says. “If the contestant guesses right, they could win ten thousand dollars!”

“Ten thousand dollars?!” Mrs. Reid and Kyle shout.

“A contestant will win ten thousand dollars, if they guess which Diane D entity wax figure is the real Diane D?!” Mrs. Reid shouts. “Really?!”

“Yes,” Dr. Ramsey says, “and the game show producers are looking for permission from Diane D and her family to produce the game show since it is Diane D’s image on the wax figures, and the game show producers are also looking for permission from 131

Kurt and your family since the Diane D entities were created from Kurt’s dreams and nightmares and were on the sketches he drew of them. They said if Diane D and her family and Kurt and your family give the permission for them to produce the game show, you all, Diane D and her family will make a huge profit from it.”

“What!” Mrs. Reid and Kyle shout.

“Make a huge profit from it?!” Mrs. Reid shouts.

“Yes,” Dr. Ramsey says.

“But if a contestant have to guess which Diane D entity wax figure is the real Diane D, that means the real Diane D will have to participate in it!” Kyle shouts. “That means the real Diane D will have to be there and blend in with all those realistic looking wax figures of herself!”

“Wow that’s true!”

“My God, she’s got to be real bold to do something like that!”

“She sure do! But how will these game show producers even be able to create that game show anyway? I thought those Diane D entity wax figures got destroyed!”

“They did get destroyed!” Mrs. Reid shouts. “Mr. Yim destroyed those Diane D

entity wax figures at Diane D’s family’s request, and at OUR request!”

“Oh yeah? So how will these game show producers even be able to create that game show then? Will the wax museum owner have to create more Diane D entity wax figures?”

“No!” Mrs. Reid and Kyle shout.

“He can't!” Mrs. Reid shouts. “Diane D’s family won't give him or anybody else permission to create anymore wax figures of Diane D!”

“They won’t?” Dr. Ramsey asks.

“No, and we will not give anyone permission to use Kurt’s dreams or nightmares in their projects! Those game show producers will just have to find some other idea for their game show!”

“I understand Mrs. Reid.” Dr. Ramsey sadly looks at Mrs. Reid.

Later on that evening, Mrs. Reid sadly sits inside Kurt’s apartment gathering some items. Suddenly her cell phone rings. She picks up her cell phone and looks at it. She then puts the phone to her ear, speaks into it and says, “Dr. Ramsey.”

“Hi Mrs. Reid,” Dr. Ramsey says from the other end. “How’s everything?”

“Okay Dr. Ramsey. Is Kurt okay?”

“Yes he’s still the same. I just want to let you know that some video game creators contacted my office.”

“What? Video game creators contacted your office?”


“Why would video game creators contact your office?”


“They said they’re interested in creating a video game out of Kurt’s dreams and nightmares of the Diane D entities and their wax figures.”

“What! Video game creators are interested in creating a video game out of Kurt’s dreams and nightmares of the Diane D entities and their wax figures?!”

“Yes! Since the Diane D entities were created from out of Kurt’s dreams and nightmares and were on the sketches he drew of them, the video game creators are looking for permission from Kurt and your family to create the video game of the Diane D entities and their wax figures!”

“Oh really?!”

“Yes! The video game creators also said since the Diane D entities in Kurt’s sketches had Diane D’s image on them and their wax figures had Diane D’s image on them too, they were also looking for permission from Diane D and her family to create the video game.”

“They were?”

“Yes, but they said Diane D’s family already turned them down.”

“Diane D’s family turned them down?”

“Yes. They said Diane D’s family already told them that they can do whatever they want in creating the video game, as long as the video game doesn’t have Diane D’s name, face or any of Diane D’s image on them!”

“That’s what Diane D’s family told the video game creators?”

“That’s what the video game creators told my office, but they said if Kurt and your family give them the permission to create the video game of Kurt’s dreams and nightmares, they would have to create a whole new image that’s not Diane D’s, then Kurt and your family can make a huge profit from it.”

“Make a huge profit from that too?!”

“Yes, so what do you say Mrs. Reid? What do you want my assistant to tell these video game creators when they call again?”

“Tell them ‘no’.”

“Tell them ‘no’?”

“Yes. Tell them that we’re not interested in Kurt’s dreams or nightmares being inside some video game!”

“You’re not?”

“No, Kurt doesn’t need his dreams or nightmares being on display inside some video game!”

“Even though the video game won’t have Diane D’s image in it?”

“No. Even though the video game won’t have Diane D’s image in it, Kurt doesn’t need his nightmares being in a video game! The thought of the video game being created from out of his dreams and nightmares will be devastating for him! He’s already going through enough right now! So have your assistant tell those video game creators ‘no’, we’re not interested in Kurt’s dreams or nightmares being inside some video game!”


“Okay Mrs. Reid, you got it.” Dr. Ramsey hangs up the phone.

The following day, Mrs. Reid and Kyle are inside Dr. Ramsey’s office as Dr. Ramsey says to them, “Circus promoters contacted me and Diane D’s family earlier today.”

“What?” Mrs. Reid and Kyle say.

“Circus promoters contacted you and Diane D’s family?” Mrs. Reid asks.

“Yes,” Dr. Ramsey says.

“What did they want?”

“Well, they said they’re planning to have contortionists perform in their circus like they usually do, but said this time, they want the contortionists in their circus dressed as the chained-up Diane D entity in Kurt’s sketch and its wax figure while performing contortionist routines.”

“What!” Mrs. Reid and Kyle shout.

“Circus promoters want the contortionists in their circus dressed as the chained-up Diane D entity and its wax figure while performing contortionist routines?!” Mrs. Reid asks.

“Yes,” Dr. Ramsey says. “Since the chained-up Diane D entity and its wax figure were actually dressed like the real Diane D during her martial arts performances, the circus promoters want to know from Diane D and her family if it’s alright if the contortionists dress as her while performing contortionist routines.”

“What?” Mrs. Reid and Kyle shout.

“The circus promoters want to know from Diane D and her family if it’s alright if the contortionists dress as Diane D while performing contortionist routines?” Mrs. Reid asks.

“Yes,” Dr. Ramsey says. “They also said since the chained-up Diane D entity in Kurt’s sketches and its wax figure was handcuffed, shackled and chained while it was trapped in a contortionist position, they want to know from you two and Kurt if it’s alright that the contortionists perform contortionist routines while they’re locked and trapped in chains!”

“What!” Mrs. Reid and Kyle shout. “Locked and trapped in chains?!”

“The circus promoters want the contortionists in their circus to perform contortionist routines while they’re locked and trapped in chains?!” Mrs. Reid shouts.

“Yes,” Dr. Ramsey says, “they’re looking for permission from you guys and Kurt and want to know if it’s alright if they have the contortionists perform contortionist routines while they’re locked and trapped in chains!”

“What! Are they serious?!”

“Yes, they’re definitely serious Mrs. Reid!”

“Now this is getting out of hand!”

“It sure is!” Kyle shouts. “Don’t they think that’s a dangerous stunt?! What is that circus trying to do, turn their contortionists into the Great Houdini or something?!”

“No! It sounds like they’re trying to turn their contortionists into the next chained-up Diane D entity who was trapped in that contortionist position and couldn’t get out!

Is that what those circus promoters want for their contortionists, to be trapped like that?!”


“I sure hope not!” Dr. Ramsey shouts. “The circus promoters said if you guys and Kurt give the permission for the contortionists in their circus to perform contortionist routines while they’re locked and trapped in chains, you all can make a huge profit from it.”

“Make a huge profit, from that?!”


“I don’t want to make a profit from that dangerous stunt Dr. Ramsey!”

“Me neither!” Kyle shouts. “What did Diane D’s family say about it?”

“They want nothing to do with it,” Dr. Ramsey says.

“They don’t?”

“No! They said they don’t care what that circus does, as long as Diane D’s name, face or image is not involved in it!”

“That’s what they said?”

“Yes and I don’t blame them! So what do you want my assistant to tell the circus promoters?”

“Tell them ‘we turn it down’!” Mrs. Reid shouts. “Tell them we do not want Kurt’s dreams or nightmares being involved in that dangerous contortionist routine and the contortionists might can’t get out!”

“Okay Mrs. Reid. I’ll call my assistant right away.” Dr. Ramsey starts to dial a number on his desk phone.

The following day, an amusement park or carnival is being set up in the county.

There is a haunted house ride attraction about to be set up. There is a crowd of people in the distance standing behind a fence watching the haunted house ride attraction about to be set up. They suddenly see a strange large mural on the haunted house ride attraction that appears to be a sketch drawing of the fifteen Diane D entities or their wax figures inside the haunted house ride attraction! “Hey!” a young Hispanic male in the crowd shouts. “That mural over there looks like an image of the Diane D entities or their wax figures that were posted and shown at the wax museum!”

The other people in the crowd look. They see a strange mural on the haunted house ride attraction that appears to be a sketch drawing of the Diane D entities or their wax figures inside the haunted house ride attraction angrily looking at and staring at the riders as the riders ride past them screaming in fear! “Oh wow!” a white woman in the crowd shouts. “That does look like an image of the Diane D entities or their wax figures! Are they going to have the Diane D entity wax figures as part of the haunted house ride attraction?!”

“I wonder!” a second man shouts. “If they do have the Diane D entity wax figures as part of that haunted house ride attraction, I’m not going inside that attraction! I’m not getting on that ride!”


“Me neither!” a third man shouts. “If we go inside that haunted house ride attraction, suppose the ride suddenly gets stuck while we’re riding on it, then we will be trapped inside that haunted house ride attraction right along with those Diane D

entity wax figures, especially with the way those Diane D entity wax figures might be looking and staring at us! It’s gonna feel like we’re in that ‘Village of the Damned’


“It sure would!” another woman shouts. “I’m not going in there either! I would have a heart attack!”

“So would I! When Diane D’s family was inside that wax chamber and saw those Diane D entity wax figures angrily looking and staring at them, at least they were able to turn and flee right out of that wax chamber on foot, they weren’t stuck in there, but how the hell would riders be able to turn and flee from off that ride if the ride happens to get stuck inside that haunted house?! Every time you go on any ride attraction, the signs on them always say ‘stay in your seat’ or ‘keep your arms, hands, legs and feet inside your seat’ which mean it’ll be too dangerous to stand or get out of your seat!

That means if the ride happens to get stuck inside that haunted house ride attraction, riders will be stuck inside that haunted house with those Diane D entity wax figures angrily looking and staring at them! They would be trapped right in that ‘Village Of The Damned’ atmosphere!”

“Oh nooo!” the rest of the crowd shouts.

“I would have a heart attack too!” another woman shouts.

“So would I!” a fourth man shouts. “Suppose those Diane D entities decide to set the riders on fire while the riders are trapped inside there with them?!”

“Oh nooo!” the crowd shouts as they frighteningly look at the man.

“Like they tried to do to that poor guy who had a nightmare about them!”

“Oh nooo!”

“Then the riders would have no choice but to get out of their seats and run for dear life!”

“Oh nooo!” the crowd shouts as they continue to frighteningly look at the man.