Diane D’s Look-Alike Demons Are Turned Into Frightening Wax Figures, Of Herself! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 23


Fans Take Photo Shoot Dressed And Posed As The Diane D


The following day, there is an Entity Photo Shoot at a photo studio. The photo studio is set up with fake trees, grass and weeds inside it. Around several young women of different races, ethnic groups and backgrounds are dressed in identical all-black, high collar, V-neck, one-piece bodysuits with sleeves to their elbows, all wearing thick black shoes or sneakers and all wearing long black waist length wigs with bangs.

They are dressed as the Diane D entities and their wax figures! They all stand on one side of the studio. On the other side of the studio, there are several young men of different races, ethnic groups and backgrounds dressed in identical all-black, high collar, V-neck, one-piece bodysuits with sleeves to their elbows, all wearing thick black shoes or sneakers and all wearing short black hair with bangs. They are also dressed as male versions of the Diane D entities and their wax figures!

“Okay everybody!” a Hispanic man around his late 40’s shouts to everyone. “We’re going to try to have each of you in your own entity or clone photo! Each of you are going to be in a photo just like this!” The Hispanic man points to the wall and shows everyone a small copy of the mural of the Diane D entity wax figures from their side view that was hung in the lobby inside the wax museum.

“What?” a Hispanic woman who has handcuffs wrapped around her wrists, shackles around her ankles and two plastic chains crisscrossed behind her back says. “Each of us is going to get a photo that shows multiple images or clones of ourselves making our photos look just like the Diane D entity wax figures’ photo?”

“Yes. Each of you will be photographed one person at a time! Each person will have to be photographed in fifteen different spots, fifteen different poses, fifteen different angles and fifteen different positions to get the fifteen different spots, poses and positions of each Diane D entity and their wax figure! That means each of you will have to be photographed fifteen times!”

“Oh wow,” the young men and women say.

“After the fifteen different shots of you are done, the studio is going to edit all the fifteen different photos of you together. Once that’s done, you’ll each have a photo that looks like multiples or clones of yourself just like the Diane D entities and their wax figures.”

“Oh wow!”

“I can’t wait to have an entity or clone photo of myself!” the Hispanic woman says.

“Me neither!” a white woman shouts.

“Okay!” the Hispanic man shouts. “Who’s ready to go first?!”

“I’ll go, I’ll go!” the Hispanic woman shouts.


“Okay. Step on the fake grass and go all the way to the middle of the studio. Once you get there, turn this way.”

“Okay.” The Hispanic woman goes and steps on the fake grass. She goes all the way to the middle of the studio.

The Hispanic woman reach the middle of the studio then turns around and faces the Hispanic man.

“Okay great!” the Hispanic man shouts. “Now get into the chained-up Diane D

entity’s position and get down on your knees! Once you get on your knees, put your arms and hands up behind your head as if your wrists are chained to the shackles on your ankles.”

“Okay!” The Hispanic woman gets into the chained-up Diane D entity’s position and gets down on her knees. She then puts her arms and hands up behind her head as music starts to play.

“Okay! We’re going to get ready to snap a photo from two different camera angles to get two different shots, one camera straight in front of you to get the front view shot of you and the other camera to your right to get the right view shot of you!”


“Ready to have your photo snapped?”

“Yes I’m ready!”

“Okay.” The Hispanic man turns to the side and shouts, “Diva fan please!”

The diva fan starts to blow on the Hispanic woman creating an artificial wind effect as her long dark hair and bangs blow in the wind.

“Okay, ready?!”


“Okay! Look at the camera straight ahead of you then put a mean angry expression on your face!”

“Okay!” The Hispanic woman looks at the camera straight ahead as she puts a mean angry expression on her face.

The Hispanic man quickly snaps a photo of the Hispanic woman as another man snaps the sideview photo of her from a different camera. Everyone claps and smiles as the Hispanic woman looks at the camera with a mean angry expression on her face.

“That was great!” the Hispanic man shouts. “Now remove the handcuffs, shackles and chains off you and throw them to the side, then move back a little and get into the second Diane D entity’s position!”

“Okay!” The Hispanic woman removes the handcuffs, shackles and chains off herself, throws them to the side, then moves back a little and gets into the second Diane D entity’s position as she rests one foot on a stool!

“Okay! Put an angry expression on your face and look at the camera straight ahead!”

“Okay!” The Hispanic woman puts an angry expression on her face as she looks at the camera straight ahead.


Everyone claps and smiles as the Hispanic woman looks at the camera with a mean angry expression on her face. The white woman then turns to the Hispanic man and says, “Hey! Are you able to take our multiple photos and make a video out of it like the Diane D entity wax figures?”

“Make a music video out of it?” the Hispanic man asks.


“No, that’s impossible! In order to do that, you would actually have to have tons of people who look exactly like you and put them all in the same room at the same time or have multiple wax figures of yourself created just like that museum owner did with Diane D!”

“Wow, you think that museum owner could do that for us?!”

“Anything is possible, but I’m sure that’s gonna cost a hell of a lot of money!

Besides where would you put all those wax figures of yourself once the video is finished?”

“They can get rid of the wax figures or transfer them into something else, just a thought.”

“That would still cost a lot of money, but it’s a nice thought!” The Hispanic man continues to snap photo shots of the Hispanic woman.

Three days later, Mrs. Reid, Kyle and the Hispanic man from the Entity Photo Shoot are inside Dr. Ramsey’s office as the Hispanic man is showing Mrs. Reid, Kyle and Dr.

Ramsey a large photo of multiple images of the Hispanic woman posing exactly like the Diane D entities and their wax figures from their right-side angle and says, “Well?

What do you all think?”

“Wow,” Mrs. Reid, Kyle and Dr. Ramsey say as they stare at the photo.

“That looks amazing!” Mrs. Reid says. “She looks just like those Diane D entities from my son’s sketch and their wax figures!”

“She sure does,” Kyle says. “Wow.”

“Here are some more photos!” the Hispanic man puts the multiple image photo of the Hispanic woman on the side. He then pulls out another large photo from a stack of photos. He then shows the photo of multiple images of the white woman posing exactly like the Diane D entities and their wax figures from their right-side angle and says,

“Well? What do you all think about THIS photo?”

“Wow,” Mrs. Reid, Kyle and Dr. Ramsey say as they stare at the photo.

“That photo is nice too!” Mrs. Reid shouts.

“It certainly is!” Dr. Ramsey shouts.

“Here are a few more photos!” the Hispanic man puts the multiple image photo of the white woman on the side. He then pulls out another large photo from a stack of photos. He shows the photo of multiple images of a Hispanic man posing exactly like 143

the Diane D entities and their wax figures from their right-side angle and says, “Well?

What do you all think about THIS photo?”

“Wow,” Mrs. Reid, Kyle and Dr. Ramsey say as they stare at the photo.

“Amazing!” Mrs. Reid shouts.

“It is!” Kyle shouts.

“So do you all like it?” the Hispanic man asks.

“Yes I like the photos!” Mrs. Reid says.

“You do?”

“Yes I do!”

“So do I!” Kyle says.

“You do?” the Hispanic man asks.


“Well, can I use these samples to take Entity photo shots of people?”

“What!” Mrs. Reid and Kyle shout.

“Use those samples to take Entity photo shots of people?” Mrs. Reid asks. “What do you mean use those samples to take Entity photo shots of people?”

“Well people were so inspired by that large mural and video of those Diane D entity wax figures that was hung inside the lobby of the wax museum!” the Hispanic man says. “Since people were so inspired by that large mural of those Diane D entity wax figures, I put an ad out on social media offering to take photo shoots of people and make their photos look just like the Diane D entities and their wax figures for a price!”

“You did what?! You put an ad on social media offering to take photo shoots of people and make their photos look just like the Diane D entities and their wax figures and charge them for it?!”

“Yes! I want to know from you two if it’s alright that I take photo shoots of people and make their photos look just like the Diane D entities and their wax figures for a price!”

“No you may not Sir!”

“No?! Well why not?!”

“Because my son does not need an image of his dreams or nightmares in any photo shoot that’s posed like the Diane D entities and their wax figures!”

“He doesn’t?!”

“No! Kurt does not need to see images of his dreams or nightmares everywhere he goes! Did you contact Diane D’s family about this?”

“Yes I already contacted her family about this!”

“You did?! What did they say?!”

“They said they don’t care what my photo shoot does, as long as my photo shoots do not have Diane D’s name, face or image anywhere in them!”

“As long as your photo shoots don’t have Diane D’s name, face or image anywhere in them?”

“That’s what her family told me! As you can see, Diane D’s name, face or image is not anywhere in the photos! So what do you say? Is it alright if I take photo shoots of 144

people and make their photos look just like the Diane D entities and their wax figures and charge them for it?”

“The answer is still no!”

“Still no? But why?! Your son can make a lot of money out of it since he’s the copyright holder of the sketch! Don’t you want your son to earn some money, at least while he’s lying in the hospital unconscious? In other words, he can be making money while he’s unconscious!”

“No, I do not want my son to make money that way! I do not want him to wake up and see images of his dreams and nightmares all over the place, because he’ll never get well as long as he keeps seeing these damn images of his dreams and nightmares everywhere! You will just have to find another pose for your multiple photo shoot!

Just don’t use poses from my sons dreams and nightmares, okay?! Have a good day sir!”

“But Mrs. Reid, can you at least think about it before you give a final answer?!”

“Oh I have thought about it, and my answer is still ‘no’!”

“Man, I sure wish your son was alert right now, so he can decide for himself to make this extra money!”

“And so you can make money as well profiting off his tragedy! Please leave sir, and have a good day, you hear?!”

“Okay, I’m leaving! But whenever your son wakes back up, give me a call please.

Take care.” The Hispanic man turns away from Mrs. Reid and heads towards Dr.

Ramsey’s office door.