Diane D’s Look-Alike Demons Are Turned Into Frightening Wax Figures, Of Herself! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 24

Kurt’s Family Discovers Man On Internet Singing About Kurt’s Nightmares!

Later on that day, Mrs. Reid, Kyle and Dr. Ramsey are inside Dr. Ramsey’s office watching social media on Kyle’s phone. They see an independent music artist, a white male around his late 30’s with dark shoulder length hair and a mustache on social media singing a song and playing a guitar about Kurt’s nightmares of the Diane D

entities as he sings the lyrics:


The man is singing and playing guitar as he sings the lyrics: “Chained-up one, chained-up one, chained-up one, oh the chained-up one. Chained-up one, chained-up one, chained-up one, oh the chained-up one!”



“My God!” Mrs. Reid shouts. “This guy created a song called ‘The Chained-Up One’

and is singing the song right on social media!” Mrs. Reid, Kyle and Dr. Ramsey continue to watch the man singing the song. Suddenly, an animated version of the song appears on the screen as the Diane D entities or Diane D demons are turned into animation!


The fifteen identical animated Diane D entities or Diane D demons are all dressed in all-black, high-collard, V-neck, one-piece bodysuits with sleeves to their elbows, all wearing thick black shoes with long black waist length hair and bangs with all their hair and bangs blowing in the wind. Fourteen of the animated Diane D entities or Diane D demons are all standing in a part-circle partially surrounding the animated handcuffed, shackled and chained-up Diane D entity who’s in the front and center who’s standing upright on her knees trapped in a contortionist position with one of the other animated Diane D entities standing directly behind her as a third animated Diane D

entity stands directly behind the second one. One of the animated Diane D entities on the right holds a large tree branch as they all angrily look and stare forward with half-closed puffy eyes. They are surrounded by an animated forest or woods with an animated large hazy moon and clouds behind and above them.


“What!” Mrs. Reid, Kyle and Dr. Ramsey shout as they look at the video.

“Those Diane D entities and their wax figures are turned into animation now?” Dr.

Ramsey asks.

“It certainly looks that way!” Mrs. Reid angrily shouts.


An animated white male who resembles Kurt suddenly appears on the screen tied to a tree frighteningly staring at the animated Diane D entities who are several yards away from him!


“What!” Mrs. Reid, Kyle and Dr. Ramsey shout as they look at the video.

“There’s an animated character that looks like Kurt!” Dr. Ramsey shouts.

“That’s because it IS Kurt!” Mrs. Reid angrily shouts.


The animated Diane D entities angrily stare at the animated Kurt character from several yards away. Suddenly the animated chained-up Diane D entity leaves from the other animated Diane D entities while still trapped upright in a contortionist position and quickly floats right towards the animated Kurt character with an angry expression 146

on her face as her hair blows in the wind!

The animated Kurt character sees the animated chained-up Diane D entity quickly floating towards himself and watches her in fear!


“Please don’t come after me, chained-up one!” the man continues to sing.


The animated chained-up Diane D entity reaches the animated Kurt character and stops! She suddenly jerks her body and limbs and breaks the handcuffs, shackles and chains freeing herself from her trapped contortionist position! She then stands upright on her legs and feet angrily looking at the animated Kurt character as the chains dangle from her limbs! She reaches for the animated Kurt Character’s neck as if she is about to grab him by the throat! The animated Kurt character breaks free from the tree, turns and runs away from the animated chained-up Diane D entity! The animated chained-up Diane D entity turns her head back towards the other animated Diane D

entities several yards behind herself and swings her arm angrily pointing her arm and finger towards the animated Kurt character signaling for the other animated Diane D

entities to go after the animated Kurt character as the broken chains remain attached to her limbs!

Thirteen of the fourteen animated Diane D entities start to give chase and charge after the animated Kurt character with mean angry expressions on their faces as the animated Diane D entity who’s holding the large tree branch stays behind!

The thirteen animated Diane D entities continue to chase after the animated Kurt character with mean angry expressions on their faces! Some of them charge right past the animated chained-up Diane D entity who continues to angrily swing her arm and points her arm and finger towards the animated Kurt character signaling for the rest of the animated Diane D entities to go after the animated Kurt character as the broken chains still remain attached to her limbs!


“Please don’t send your look-alike demons after me, chained-up one!” the man continues to sing.


The remaining animated Diane D entity who’s holding the large tree branch suddenly spins her body around as she continues to hold the large tree branch! She then stops spinning and tosses the large tree branch right across the woods towards the animated Kurt character!

The large tree branch flies across the woods right over the other animated Diane D

entities’ heads as they continue to charge after the animated Kurt character!

The animated Kurt character continues to run in fear! Suddenly the large tree branch reaches the animated Kurt character and slams right into his head knocking him 147

down! As the animated Kurt character lays helpless on the grass, the other animated Diane D entities reach him! They then approach him!


“Please don’t let your look-alike gang beat me with that large tree branch, chained-up one!” the man continues to sing.


The animated Diane D entities bend down and grab the animated Kurt character!

They jerk him then bend back up and angrily lift him right up off the ground! They then tie him to a tree. The animated Kurt character screams! The animated Diane D

entity holding the large tree branch comes in front of the animated Kurt character, spins around and slams a karate chop right at his throat!


“Please don’t let your look-alike gang tie me to a tree, chained-up one!” the man continues to sing. “Please don’t have them slam a karate chop at my throat, Chained-up one! Please don’t have them set me on fire, chained-up one! If they set me on fire, I have no way to escape, I have nowhere to run and nowhere to flee, chained-up one!

You and your look-alike entities will be angrily looking and staring at me while you’re about to watch and enjoy me burn alive, chained-up one! When I woke up an escaped from your clutches, you and your look-alike gang pulled me right back into your spiritual underworld so you can finish me off, chained-up one! Now that I’m trapped in your spiritual underworld, I got to run and get away, chained-up one! Once I run off into the woods, I can’t find my way out of these woods, chained-up one! There are no police in your spiritual world to help me, chained-up one! I hear the sounds of your chains slowly following me, chained-up one! I would hear the sounds of your chains getting closer! I would hear the sounds of your chains approaching me! You would find me no matter where I hid, so there was no place for me to hide, chained-up one!

Please stop stalking me through the woods, chained-up one! Once I woke back up and thought I finally escaped from the clutches of you and your look-alike demons, you all followed me here into the physical world and came here as wax figures, chained-up one! You and your look-alike demons practically scared the hell out of the people here in the physical world, chained-up one! Why do you and your look-alike demons treat me so bad, chained-up one?! What have I ever done to you or your look-alike demons to deserve this kind of treatment, chained-up one?! Chained-up one, chained-up one, chained-up one, oh the chained-up one! Chained-up one, chained-up one, chained-up one, oh the chained-up one!”


“My God!” Kyle shouts. “This guy stole the thoughts and ideas of those lyrics right from out of Kurt’s dreams and nightmares about the Diane D entities and their wax 148

figures! Those lyrics and everything about the Diane D entities and their wax figures are copyrighted material from out of Kurt’s dreams and nightmares!”

“I know!” Mrs. Reid angrily shouts. “This guy never even bothered to try and get permission from us or Kurt! He just boldly sings the song on social media! This is becoming a real nightmare for all of us now!”

“So what are you planning to do about this guy singing a song of Kurt’s dreams and nightmares on social media and created animation versions of those Diane D entities and their wax figures?” Dr. Ramsey asks.

“We’re going to put a stop to him, that’s what we’re going to do! Where is his social media contact information?!”

“It’s right there on the screen!” Kyle shouts as he points to a spot on the phone screen.

“Okay, great! He and I are going to have a long discussion about what he just sang about!” Mrs. Reid, Kyle and Dr. Ramsey continue to watch the guy singing on social media about Kurt’s dreams and nightmares of the Diane D entities and their wax figures.

The following day, Mrs. Reid is speaking on her cell phone as she shouts into her phone, “How dare you?! You didn’t get permission from my son or anyone in our family or anyone in Diane D’s family to create a song about my son’s dreams and nightmares about the entities or demons that look like Diane D and their wax figures, then sing a song about the entities or demons and their wax figures and put the song out on social media! You didn’t get permission from anybody to create an animation version of those entities or demons that look like Diane D then put the animation out on social media!”

“I know!” the man, who was on social media singing the song and playing a guitar about Kurt’s dreams and nightmares of the Diane D entities, says from the other end of the phone. “When I saw the images of the Diane D entities at the wax museum and saw the video of their realistic looking wax figures, I just fell in love with the images! So I decided to create a song out of those images then took the chance to post the song and animation on social media, hoping that you, your son, Diane D and her family would like the song and the animation and would approve of me to keep the song and animation played on social media!”

“Well now that I heard the song and saw the video played on social media, I want you to remove the song and video from social media right now Mister!”

“You do?!”

“Yes I do! Who created that animation anyway?!”

“I hired a person who creates animation videos to create the video for me.”

“You hired a person who creates animation videos?”

“Yes I did!”


“Well remove that song and animation from social media right now!”

“You’re too late Miss! Diane D’s family already beat you to it!”

“Diane D’s family already beat me to it?! What do you mean?!”

“They already contacted me earlier and demanded for me to remove Diane D’s image from off the animation part!”

“What? They demanded for you to remove Diane D’s image from off the animation part?! So they saw the video?”

“Yes, someone had brought the video to their attention! When they learned about the video and saw it, they didn’t waste any time to find my contact information, then they contacted me right away!”

“Oh really?!”

“Yes! They told me if I did not remove Diane D’s images from off the animation part, they were gonna file a big lawsuit against me!”

“File a big lawsuit against you?! They told you they were gonna file a big lawsuit against you if you didn’t remove Diane D’s images from off the animation part?!”

“Yes they did!”

“So they knew it was Diane D’s image in the animation part of the video?!”

“Yes they knew it was her image! They can tell that it was her image in the animation part, even though I never once mentioned Diane D’s name in the song, her family was still able to tell that was her image in the animation part of the video since the Diane D entities and their wax figures do look exactly like Diane D! Diane D’s family told me I can do whatever I want with my song or animation, as long as my song or animation does not have Diane D’s name, face, image or likeness on them! Since Diane D’s family already told me I can do whatever I want with my song or animation, as long as my song or animation doesn’t have Diane D’s name, face, image or likeness on them, I would like to know from you and your son if I can have your permission to still sing the song about your son’s dreams and nightmares of the entities or demons that look like Diane D on social media if I remove Diane D’s image from off the animation part!”

“No you may not!”

“Still no?! Why not?!”

“Because my son is already going through enough trauma from those entities or demons that look like Diane D and their wax figures, that’s why he’s in the hospital again, because of them! How much of those Diane D entities’ images is he supposed to stand or take once he wakes up from his condition, if he ever wakes back up?! So ‘no’, you are not allowed to have the song and animation about my son’s dreams and nightmares on social media!”

“Even if the song and animation doesn’t have Diane D’s name, face, image or likeness on it?!”

“That’s right, even if the song and animation doesn’t have Diane D’s name, face, image or likeness on it, it’s still my son’s dreams and nightmares that you’re singing 150

about, so therefore, you’re not allowed to sing the song about my son’s dreams and nightmares on social media, or play the animation of my son’s dreams and nightmares on social media, because if you continue to sing the song about my son’s dreams and nightmares on social media, or play the animation of my son’s dreams and nightmares on social media, Diane D’s family is not going to be the only ones you’re going to be concerned about suing you! You’re gonna have to worry about me and my family suing you as well! So don’t put the song and animation about my son’s dreams and nightmares on social media anymore, you got that?!”

“But Miss, you and your son can make a lot of money out of this!”

“We don’t need to make money that way! Have a good day sir!” Mrs. Reid angrily hangs up her phone.