Diane D’s Look-Alike Demons Are Turned Into Frightening Wax Figures, Of Herself! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 28

A Producer Wants To Create A Documentary About Kurt’s Nightmares!

Later on that evening, Mrs. Reid is sadly sitting inside Kurt’s apartment again going through items. Suddenly, her cell phone rings. She picks up her cell phone then looks at the number. She then speaks into her cell phone and says, “Hello?”

“Hello Mrs. Reid?” a white male around his mid 40’s asks.


“Hi. I’m Vincent Barnes. I produce documentaries.”

“You produce documentaries?”

“Yes I do.”

“Okay. So why are you calling me?”

“Well, I heard about your son Kurt’s dreams and nightmares about the entities or demons that look exactly like Diane D.”

“Yes, everyone has heard about it by now!”

“I also heard about the sketches your son drew of the Diane D entities or Diane D

demons he saw in his dreams and nightmares!”

“Yes, everyone’s heard about the sketches by now too.”

“I also saw the video of those realistic looking wax figures of the Diane D entities or Diane D demons that were modeled after the entities or demons in your son’s sketches on social media!”

“Yes, everyone saw the video of those wax figures by now too!”

“You know that the Diane D entities and their wax figures were turned into Halloween costumes, right?”

“What! The Diane D entities and their wax figures were turned into Halloween costumes?!”

“Yes, there were tons of little girls going around trick-or-treating dressed up as the Diane D entities and their wax figures on the evening of Halloween!”

“What! Little girls trick-or-treating dressed up as the Diane D entities and their wax figures?!”

“Yes! Then I heard that the little girls went into a field lined up in a part-circle just 161

like the Diane D entities and their wax figures, posed like them and posed for pictures!”

“What! Lined up in a part-circle like the Diane D entities and their wax figures, posed like them and posed for pictures?! You’re kidding me, right?!”

“No I’m not kidding you Mrs. Reid! Not only that, the Diane D entities and their wax figures were also turned into Halloween lawn ornaments!”

“Halloween lawn ornaments?! What do you mean the Diane D entities and their wax figures were turned into Halloween lawn ornaments?!”

“An empty lot down an isolated street corner that had creepy woods in the back had fifteen female mannequins inside it dressed and posed as the Diane D entities and their wax figures on Halloween.”

“What! An empty lot had fifteen female mannequins inside it dressed and posed as the Diane D entities and their wax figures on Halloween?!”

“Yes! They were lined in a part-circle just like the Diane D entities and their wax figures and posed like them!”


“Yes, then later on Halloween night, there was a Halloween party going on at the wax museum.”

“There was a Halloween party at the wax museum?”

“Yes, people came there in costumes! Guess what twelve or thirteen young women at the Halloween party were dressed as.”

“Don’t tell me! The Diane D entities and their wax figures?!”

“Yep, you guessed it, then they lined in a part-circle just like the Diane D entities and their wax figures and posed like them with mean angry expressions on their faces!”

“What! They lined in a part-circle like the Diane D entities and their wax figures and posed like them with mean angry expressions on their faces?!”

“Yes, and had photos and videos taken of them!”

“What! They did?!”


“Oh no!”

“The wax museum even had Diane D entity balloon dolls there!”

“Diane D entity balloon dolls?! The wax museum had Diane D entity balloon dolls?

What do you mean the wax museum had Diane D entity balloon dolls?!”

“There were balloon dolls dressed as the Diane D entities and their wax figures at the wax museum!”

“What! The wax museum had balloon dolls dressed as the Diane D entities and their wax figures?!”

“Yes! The balloon dolls were lined in a part-circle just like the Diane D entities and their wax figures!”

“They were lined in a part-circle too?!”

“Yes, and were posed like the Diane D entities and their wax figures!”

“Posed like them too?! You got to be kidding me, right?!”

“No I’m not kidding you Mrs. Reid! The Diane D entity balloon dolls were even surrounded by fake woods with a large white balloon behind them that was supposed to represent the moon!”

“What! The Diane D entity balloon dolls were surrounded by fake woods with a large white balloon that represented the moon?!”

“Yes! The balloon dolls even had mean angry expressions painted right on their 162


“They had mean angry expressions painted on their faces?! You mean the balloon dolls had the same evil look my son claimed the real entities or demons in his dreams and nightmares had on their faces when they set him on fire and were about to watch him burn alive?!”

“Yes! One of the entity balloon dolls was even holding a large balloon tree branch just like the Diane D entities and their wax figures!”


“Yes! Then everyone at the wax museum was taking turns twirl dancing with the chained-up Diane D entity balloon doll!”

“What! People were taking turns twirl dancing with the chained-up Diane D entity balloon doll?!”

“Yes, then the people started holding all the Diane D entity balloon dolls admiring them!”

“Admiring them?! You’re kidding me, right?!”

“No I’m not kidding you Mrs. Reid! There were even fifteen identical all-black drinking glasses lined in a part-circle at the bar of the wax museum!”

“What! Fifteen identical all-black drinking glasses lined in a part-circle at the bar of the wax museum?!”

“Yes, fourteen all-black drinking glasses were partially surrounding one all-black drinking glass that was in the front and center that had little handcuffs, little shackles and little chains around it!”

“What! Fourteen all-black drinking glasses were partially surrounding one all-black drinking glass that was in the front and center that had little handcuffs, little shackles and little chains around it?!”

“Yes, the all-black drinking glasses were representing the Diane D entities and their wax figures!”

“What! They were representing the Diane D entities and their wax figures?!”

“Yes, the all-black drinking glasses were surrounded by little plants that’s supposed to represent the woods!”

“Little plants that’s supposed to represent the woods?!”

“Yes! The bartender was even serving Entity drinks there!”

“Entity drinks?! The bartender was serving Entity drinks at the bar?!”


“What kind of drinks are they supposed to be?!”

“I don’t know, I haven’t tried it. Two nights later, there was a tour of the basement of the wax museum!”

“A tour of the basement of the wax museum?”

“That’s right! A tour guide had led museum visitors downstairs to the basement of the wax museum and gave the visitors a tour of the wax chambers down there.”

“What! A tour guide took museum visitors down to the basement of the wax museum and gave the visitors a tour of the wax chambers?!”


“Why?! Why would there be a tour of the wax chambers down in the basement if those Diane D entity wax figures are gone?!”

“So the museum visitors can see where the Diane D entity wax figures actually were!”


“What! So they can see where the Diane D entity wax figures actually were?! You mean the museum visitors took a tour of the basement of the wax museum just so that they can see where the Diane D entity wax figures were, even though those Diane D

entity wax figures are not there anymore?!”

“Yes, even though those wax figures are not there anymore! Some of the museum visitors were even wearing T-shirts with images of the Diane D entity wax figures’ faces on them!”

“What! The museum visitors were wearing T-shirts with images of the Diane D

entity wax figures’ faces on them?! There were T-shirts with images of the Diane D

entity wax figures’ faces on them?!”

“Yes! The museum visitors claim they created the T-shirts themselves from the video clip they had on their cameras of the Diane D entity wax figures that was shown in the lobby of the wax museum!”

“They had the video clip on their cameras?!”


“But those entity wax figures had Diane D’s face! That means those museum visitors were actually wearing Diane D’s face on their T-shirts!”

“That’s true, they were!”

“How do you think the real Diane D or her family would feel that these museum visitors were wearing her face on their T-shirts?!”

“The museum visitors were only wearing the shirts temporary, just for that day.”

“Just for that day?”

“That’s what they claim. The museum visitors then went to the back of the wax chamber right where the Diane D entity wax figures were and started to line up across there, then posed in a part-circle just like the Diane D entities and their wax figures as if they actually were the Diane D entities and their wax figures and had mean angry expressions on their faces!”


“Yes! Then there was a chained-up Diane D entity challenge all over social media!”

“A chained-up Diane D entity challenge?”

“Yes where young people dressed in all-black bodysuits were on the floor laying on their bellies trapped in contortionist positions with their wrists handcuffed and chained to shackles on their ankles!”

“What! You’re kidding!”

“No, I’m not kidding Mrs. Reid! That was a dangerous challenge that was going around social media, because the contestants have to see who can withstand being handcuffed, shackled and chained trapped in that contortionist position the longest, and the one who could withstand it the longest is the winner, and the winner would go home with money!”

“What! Really?!”

“Yes! Most of the contestants became very uncomfortable trapped in that contortionist position that a lot of them started to scream and wanted to get out!”

“A lot of them screamed and wanted to get out?!”


“You mean to tell me, that people would risk a challenge like that for the sake of money?!”

“It seems that way! Didn’t you and your family see any of this stuff on social 164


“No! How can we?! We were too busy trying to take care of my son, we didn’t have much time for social media or anything else!”

“You didn’t?”


“Well, there was a cheerleading squad of young women at a basketball tournament all dressed exactly like the Diane D entities and their wax figures too!”

“Yeah, I heard about that cheerleading squad!”

“They even did a dance routine dressed as the Diane D entities and their wax figures while they were holding fake large tree branches!”

“They did a dance routine dressed as the Diane D entities and their wax figures while they were holding fake large tree branches?!”

“Yes! Then they lined up across the field in a part-circle and posed just like the Diane D entities and their wax figures with mean angry expressions on their faces while everyone in the audience was clapping and cheering for them!”

“Everyone was clapping and cheering for them?!”

“Yes! There was even a male version of the Diane D entities and their wax figures at the basketball tournament!”

“A male version?!”


“You got to be kidding!”

“No, I’m not kidding Mrs. Reid. The men were dressed in all-black body suits too, then they posed in a part-circle just like the Diane D entities and their wax figures with mean angry expressions on their faces!”

“What! Oh no! What is it with these Diane D entities and their wax figures?! Even game show producers were interested in creating a game show involving the Diane D

entities and their wax figures!”

“What! Game show producers? Game show producers were interested in creating a game show involving the Diane D entities and their wax figures?”

“Yes, where a contestant would have to guess which Diane D entity wax figure is the real Diane D! Then video game creators were interested in creating a video game out of the Diane D entities and their wax figures!”

“Video game creators too?”

“Yes! Then circus promoters were interested in having the contortionists in their circus dressed as the chained-up Diane D entity and its wax figure!”

“What! Circus promoters were interested in having the contortionists in their circus dressed as the chained-up Diane D entity and its wax figure?!”

“Yes, and have the contortionists performing contortionist routines while trapped in handcuffs, shackles and chains!”

“What! The circus promoters want to have the contortionists in their circus to perform contortionist routines while trapped in handcuffs, shackles and chains?!”


“Woo! Now that sounds dangerous!”

“It does! Even an amusement park or carnival were interested in having the Diane D entities as part of their haunted house ride attraction where the amusement park visitors will ride inside a haunted house attraction and see the Diane D entities where real people who are Diane D look-alikes, real people who have their faces painted to 165

look like Diane D’s face, real people who are wearing masks of Diane D’s face or Diane D robots angrily looking and staring at them!”

“What! Really?!”


“Wow that sounds creepy!”

“It sure does!”

“Where in the world would they even find real people who look exactly like Diane D

and put them all in the same room at the same time?!”

“I have no idea!”

“Where would they find people who would have their faces painted to look exactly like Diane D’s face?! Where would they even find masks of Diane D’s face?! Where would they even get Diane D looking robots from?!”

“I have no idea!”


“Even fashion show producers were interested in creating an Entity Fashion Show of models dressed as the Diane D entities and their wax figures!”

“What! Fashion show producers were interested in creating an Entity Fashion Show of models dressed as the Diane D entities and their wax figures?”

“Yes, then have the models walk the runway while dressed as the Diane D entities and their wax figures!”

“Oh really?”

“Yes! There was even a photo shoot where people can get fifteen different multiple images of themselves, then have the different multiple images of their self blended together so their image can look just like the Diane D entities and their wax figures!”

“What? People can get fifteen different multiple images of themselves so their image can look like the Diane D entities and their wax figures?!”

“Yes! Then there is this music artist on social media singing a song and playing a guitar about my son’s dreams and nightmares about the Diane D entities and their wax figures!”

“A music artist was on social media singing a song and playing a guitar about your son’s dreams and nightmares about the Diane D entities and their wax figures?!”

“Yes and stole the thoughts and ideas of those lyrics right out of my son’s dreams and nightmares about the Diane D entities and their wax figures!”

“Oh really?!”

“Yes and put an animated video of those Diane D entities right along with the song!”

“There was an animated video of the Diane D entities with the song?!”


“Wow! Is the song and animation video still on social media?”

“No, Diane D’s family made the guy remove the song and animation from social media!”

“They did?!”

“Yes! Even a producer was interested in creating a stage play about the Diane D

entities and their wax figures!”

“What! A producer was interested in creating a stage play about the Diane D

entities and their wax figures?!”

“Yes! Then this toy maker was inside Dr. Ramsey’s office and told me and my son Kyle that his toy company wanted to create Barbie-sized dolls of the Diane D entities!”


“A toy maker was inside Dr. Ramsey’s office and told you and your son Kyle that his toy company wanted to create Barbie-sized dolls of the Diane D entities?!”

“Yes! He even had samples of the Barbie-sized dolls right inside Dr. Ramsey’s office!”

“He had samples of the Barbie-sized dolls of the Diane D entities inside Dr.

Ramsey’s office?!”

“Yes! There were fifteen identical Barbie-size dolls of the Diane D entities altogether!”

“Fifteen identical Barbie-size dolls of the Diane D entities?!”

“Yes, all of them were dressed in all-black, high-collard, V-neck, one-piece bodysuits with sleeves to their elbows, all wearing thick black shoes with long black waist length hair and bangs just like in Kurt’s sketches and like the wax figures!”

“Oh really?!”

“Yes! There were fourteen Barbie-size Diane D entity dolls standing in a part-circle partially surrounding a handcuffed, shackled and chained-up Barbie-size Diane D entity doll who was in the front and center, standing upright on its knees trapped in a contortionist position just like in Kurt’s sketch and like the wax figures!”

“Oh no!”

“One of the Barbie-size Diane D entity dolls on the right even had a large tree branch as they all angrily look and stared forward. They were surrounded by a cardboard with pictures of an eerie forest or woods with a large hazy moon and clouds behind and above them! I mean this toy company had Kurt’s sketch right down to a tee, just like Mr. Yim did with those wax figures!”


“Then this guy from the parks department spoke to me on the phone and said that the parks department was interested in creating a fifty-feet statue of the chained-up Diane D entity placing the statue inside the park!”

“What! The parks department was interested in creating a fifty-feet statue of the chained-up Diane D entity and placing it inside the park?!”

“Yes! Not only that, but the parks department also said that they were about to make fifty-feet statues of all the Diane D entities!”

“What! They were about to make fifty-feet statues of all the Diane D entities?!”

“That’s what the guy claim! He claimed that the whole project got squashed by the county and by Diane D’s family.”

“It got squashed by the county and by Diane D’s family? How come?”

“Because I heard Diane D’s family say they didn’t care what statue goes up, as long as that statue does not have Diane D’s name, face, image or body type on it!”

“As long as it doesn’t have Diane D’s name, face, image or body type on it?”

“That’s what I heard her family claim because if there would have been a fifty-feet statue of that chained-up Diane D entity, that would have been like having a statue of Diane D herself!”

“It sure would have!”

“And Diane D’s family didn’t want that! They don’t want any statue of Diane D in a park or anywhere else no matter what size it is!”

“I don’t blame them!”

“Plus I hear the statues of all the Diane D entities would have taken up too much space in the park!”


“I’m sure they would have!”

“Just one of those entities would have taken up too much space as far as I’m concerned!”

“My God! I guess the Diane D entities were about to come in all sizes from life-sized wax figures to Barbie-sized dolls to fifty-feet statues!”

“Not if I can stop it! I even heard people tried to deliberately get dreams and nightmares about those Diane D entities so they can actually meet those Diane D

entities in person!”

“What! People tried to deliberately get dreams and nightmares about those Diane D

entities to meet them in person?!””

“That’s what I heard! Crazy isn’t it?!”

“It sure is! Wow! I wish I had admirers that want to meet ME that bad that they would deliberately try to get dreams and nightmares about me! My God Mrs. Reid!

You know I am so inspired by all this craziness of those Diane D entities and their wax figures that I was wondering, if I can interview your son Kurt and have his permission and Diane D and her family’s permission to create a documentary about his dreams and nightmares of the Diane D entities and their wax figures.”


“I want to know from your son and Diane D’s family if it’s alright if I create a documentary about his dreams and nightmares of the Diane D entities and their wax figures.”

“A documentary?”


“Oh I’m sorry Mister, but my family and I have had it up to here with those Diane D

entities and their wax figures! My son is laying up in the hospital right now because of them! He does not need to see those Diane D entities and their wax figures anymore whether it’s through a dream or nightmare about them, wax figures of them, Halloween costumes of them, Halloween lawn ornaments of them, Diane D entity balloon dolls, women at the Halloween party dressed as the Diane D entities and their wax figures, all-black drinking glasses at the bar of the wax museum representing them, having entity drinks poured into the glasses, museum visitors taking a tour of the basement of the wax museum while wearing T-shirts with images of Diane D’s face on them, the chained-up Diane D entity challenge, a cheerleading squad dressed as the Diane D

entities and their wax figures while they were performing, male versions of the Diane D

entities and their wax figures, game show producers creating a game show about them, video games that has their images in them, circuses that has their images in them, amusement parks or carnivals that has their images inside their haunted house ride attractions, fashion shows that has their images, photo shoots that has their poses, a music artist on social media singing about them, an animation version of them, a stage play about them, Barbie-sized dolls of them, large statues of them or admirers of them deliberately trying to have dreams and nightmares to actually meet them in person!”

“But you all, your son, Diane D and her family can make a huge profit out of the documentary!”

“So you want to make a profit out of my son’s tragedy just like everyone else?! I’m going to tell you the same thing I told everyone else! No, you may not make a documentary about my son’s dreams and nightmares about the Diane D entities and their wax figures! You are denied permission to create a documentary about my son’s 168

dreams and nightmares of those Diane D entities and their wax figures, you got that?!”

“But Mrs. Reid!”

“Good day sir!” Mrs. Reid angrily hangs up her cell phone. She then looks at social media on her phone.