Diane D’s Look-Alike Demons Are Turned Into Frightening Wax Figures, Of Herself! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 27

Parks Department Wants To Create Fifty-Feet Statues Of Diane D


Several hours later, Mrs. Reid is sitting inside her home going through some items.

Her cell phone suddenly rings. Mrs. Reid picks up her cell phone and looks at it. She then puts the phone to her ear, speaks into it and says, “Hey Dr. Ramsey.”

“Hey Mrs. Reid,” Dr. Ramsey says. “There’s someone in my office who would like to speak to you.”

“Someone in your office wants to speak to me?”


“Who is it now?”


“They’re right here.” Dr. Ramsey hands the phone to a middle age white male in the office.

The man gets on the phone and says, “Hey Mrs. Reid? Hi, how are you? I’m Clark Wallace.”

“Clark Wallace?” Mrs. Reid asks.


“Well what can I do for you Mr. Wallace?”

“Well, I work with the parks department. We saw the sketches your son Kurt drew hanging outside the wax museum. We saw the pictures and videos of the wax figures that were made from your son Kurt’s sketches! Being that the Diane D entities who came out of your sons dreams and nightmares and their wax figures became popular among the public and seem to have become a cult following, some of us in the parks department are interested in maybe turning the chained-up Diane D entity or its wax figure into a fifty-feet bronze statue in the park!”

“What! Some of you in the parks department are interested in turning the chained-up Diane D entity or its wax figure into a fifty-feet bronze statue, in the park?”


“Really?! A statue fifty feet?!”


“But fifty feet is the size of a five-story building! What the hell is going on here?!

Why on earth would you want to turn that evil vicious entity into a statue, especially a statue that’s five stories high?! Are people trying to worship that damn chained-up entity?!”

“No not worship it, just admire it!”

“Admire it?!”

“Yes! We already got started with the fifty-feet statue!”

“What! You already got started with the fifty-feet statue?! What do you mean ‘you already got started with the statue’?!”

“The cranes are already set up inside the park to build the statue!”

“What! Cranes are already set up inside the park?!”


“You’re kidding me, right?!”

“No, I’m not kidding you Mrs. Reid! We were about to start building the statue!”

“What! You were about to start building the statue?!”


“Oh my God, why?! Why would you want to turn that evil vicious entity who terrorized my son in his dreams and nightmares into a statue?! That evil vicious entity doesn’t deserve a statue made of it! It had its look-alike demons set my son on fire and they all were about to watch my son burn alive and enjoy it!”

“But that was just a dream or nightmare Mrs. Reid!”

“A dream or nightmare?! Was it?! I don’t think that was just a dream or nightmare Mr. Wallace! I think my son's soul or spirit really traveled to the other side! I think his soul or spirit actually traveled to the other side or to another dimension, that dark spiritual underworld where his soul or spirit actually met those entities or demons that made themselves look exactly like Diane D! If people really want to meet those evil entities or demons that made themselves look exactly like Diane D, instead of building that statue, people should try to get dreams and nightmares to see if that chained-up 158

entity and its look-alike demons will have their souls or spirits pulled right out of their physical bodies and have their souls or spirits pulled into their dark spiritual underworld like they did to my son!”

“People claim they already tried that!”

“What! People claim they already tried it?! What do you mean they already tried it?!”

“They claim they went to sleep hoping to get dreams and nightmares about those Diane D entities or Diane D demons to meet them in person!”

“What! Wait a minute! Hold on! People claim they went to sleep hoping to get dreams and nightmares about the Diane D entities or Diane D demons to meet them in person?!”


“Oh my God! So what happened?! Did it work?!”

“No, the people claim it didn't work for them!”

“It didn’t work for them?!”

“That’s what they claim.”

“Well if the people truly want to go to the other side to meet those Diane D entities or Diane D demons in person, tell them all they have to do, is go after the real Diane D

and try to harm her, and believe me, that chained-up entity and its look-alike soldiers will show up in those people’s dreams and nightmares and will not be friendly towards them!”

“The people claim they wouldn’t want to go that far or stoop that low like go after the real Diane D and try to harm her!”

“They claim they wouldn’t want to go that far or stoop that low by going after the real Diane D?”

“That’s what they said.”

“But that might be the only way for them to meet that chained-up Diane D entity and its look-alike demons in person!”

“The people claim they still wouldn’t want to go that far or stoop that low trying to go after and harm the real Diane D! They claim they wouldn’t stoop to something so sinister, not only that, but they also said if they ever do something like go after the real Diane D and try to harm her, they might not live to see the next day like those other two guys who tried to go after the real Diane D and harm her! The people claim that the last thing they would ever want to do, is upset that chained-up Diane D entity and its look-alike demons in the spiritual underworld by going after the real Diane D!”

“That’s what they said?”

“Yes, that’s what they said!”

“Well, if they go after the real Diane D and not live to see the next day, at least their souls or spirits will probably be sent to that spiritual underworld and they get to stay in that spiritual underworld forever right along with their idols, the Diane D entities!”

“I understand Mrs. Reid. I know how you feel about what happened to your son and what he’s going through, but don't worry, the whole project of that fifty-feet chained-up Diane D entity statue got squashed by the county and by Diane D’s family.”

“What? It got squashed by the county and by Diane D’s family? Diane D’s family already knows about this?”

“Yeah, they already know about it. Diane D’s family say they didn’t care what statue goes up in the park, as long as that statue does not have Diane D’s name, face, 159

image or body type on it!”

“That’s what they said? They said the same thing to that too?”

“Yeah! It’s a good thing they said ‘no’ just in time because we were about to make fifty-feet statues of all the Diane D entities or their wax figures!”

“What! You were about to make fifty-feet statues of all fifteen Diane D entities or their wax figures?! Really?!”


“Oh no! First those Diane D entities came into my son’s dreams and nightmares, then they came into this physical world as life-size wax figures, then the wax figures supposedly get destroyed by the museum owner, then the Diane D entities come back into this physical world as Barbie-sized dolls, then that supposedly got squashed, then they were about to come right back into this physical world as fifty-feet statues?! My God, those Diane D entities are coming into this physical world in all sizes, Barbie Doll size, life-size and the size of a five-story building!”

“That’s true Mrs. Reid, but don’t worry, fifty-feet statues of all the Diane D entities would have taken up too much space in the park!”

“Of course fifty-feet statues of all the Diane D entities would have taken up too much space in the park! Having a fifty-feet statue of just one of those doggone Diane D

entities would have taken up too much space!”

“Yeah, that’s one of the reasons why the whole project got canceled and squashed!”

“Thank God! Those Diane D entities or demons do not need to be made into fifty-feet statues taking up space! They do not need to be made into statues of any size!

Imagine going past the park at night and see giant statues of those Diane D entities!

Diane D’s family and relatives won’t be the only ones running and fleeing from those entities, everyone else would too! Those Diane D entities or Diane D demons do not need to be worshipped or admired any longer! It’s time to pull the plug on those doggone Diane D entities and their wax figures and not give them anymore platforms!

They and their images have overstayed their welcome in this physical world!”

“So, you definitely don’t want those entity statues to start being built?”

“No, of course not! Is the Parks Department crazy?! I want those cranes inside the park knocked down!”

“You want the cranes taken down?”

“Yes, I want them taken down pronto! The Parks Department should have never got started putting those cranes up! They should have never wasted their time putting up those cranes in the first place! They do not have my permission to make statues out of my son’s dreams and nightmares about the Diane D entities or their wax figures!”

“But Mrs. Reid!”

“No ‘buts’ about it Mister! You heard what I said!”

“Okay Mrs. Reid, have it your way. You know you're lucky the Parks Department is not going to go ahead with this project. You’re lucky they had to squash it, because if we had it our way and didn’t have to squash the project, we would have built one hundred-feet statues of those Diane D entities or their wax figures!”

“What! One hundred feet-statues?!”


“But that’s twice the size! That’s the size of a ten-story building! My God! I think everyone has gone mad! I’m coming to that park to make sure those cranes come down!”


“Oh really?!”


“But you don’t have to do that Mrs. Reid. We already have orders not to go ahead with the project!”

“But hearing that word ‘one hundred-feet’ got me all stirred up, because now I’m living in this real-life nightmare! I’m determined to come to that park to make sure those cranes come down! Have a good day sir!” Mrs. Reid angrily hangs up the phone and walks away!