Diane D’s Look-Alike Demons Are Turned Into Frightening Wax Figures, Of Herself! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 30

Mr. Yim Gets Interviewed And Questioned By Two Reporters

The following day, a white male reporter with short light brown hair and a white female reporter with a short brunette haircut are at Mr. Yim’s office as the male reporter shouts, “My God Mr. Yim! How did you create wax figures of Diane D, her 171

cousin Dana and those Diane D entity wax figures that look so realistic that it scared and frightened Diane D’s own family, having Diane D’s own family think that they were looking at a bunch of Diane D robots or a bunch of Diane D clones that made them turn and flee right out of the wax chambers? I mean, what is your secret?”

“There is no secret,” Mr. Yim says as he sits behind his desk.

“There isn’t?”

“No, Diane D’s head, face and body type was copied by computer digital.”

“Copied by computer digital?”

“Yes, like I do all my other wax figures.”

“Oh yeah?”


“I see.”

“Would you ever create wax figures of Diane D, her cousin Dana or those Diane D

entity wax figures again Mr. Yim?” the female reporter asks.

“No!” Mr. Yim shouts, “Diane D’s family banned me from ever creating anymore wax figures of her, her cousin Dana and the Diane D entity wax figures!”

“They banned you from creating anymore wax figures of Diane D, her cousin Dana and those Diane D entity wax figures?”

“Yes! They’re already suing me for creating wax figures of Diane D, her cousin Dana and the Diane D entity wax figures without their knowledge or permission!”

“They’re suing you?”

“Yes! The Diane D entity wax figures scared too many people, look at what happened with Kurt! I think he got scared when he snuck in here after closing hours and actually saw his dreams and nightmares come to reality in the physical world! I think he got scared when he actually saw life-size versions of his sketches in person that he winds up having a heart attack then laying up in the hospital and he’s still laying in the hospital!”

“Oh no! Would you ever create any more realistic looking wax figures again Mr.


“I have always tried to create realistic looking wax figures, but this is the first time I was ever told that any of my wax figures look too real or mistaken for being alive.”

“What!” the reporters say.

“This is the first time you were ever told that any of your wax figures look too real or mistaken for being alive?!” the male reporter shouts.

“Yes!” Mr. Yim shouts.

“You were never told that any of your wax figures look too real or mistaken for being alive before?”

“No, not until I created wax figures of Diane D, her cousin Dana and the Diane D




“My God Mr. Yim!” the female reporter shouts. “You don’t think the spirits of those Diane D entities or Diane D demons from that guy Kurt’s dreams and nightmares were here in the physical world possessing those wax figures of Diane D, her cousin Dana and the wax figures of themselves which made those wax figures appear alive, do you?!”

“What? Do I think the spirits of the Diane D entities or Diane D demons from Kurt’s 172

dreams and nightmares were here in the physical world possessing the wax figures of Diane D, her cousin Dana and the wax figures of themselves which made the wax figures appear alive? You think the spirits of the Diane D entities or Diane D demons from Kurt’s dreams and nightmares were here in the physical world possessing the wax figures?”

“Could be, since you said you were never told before that any of your wax figures appeared like they are alive until you created the wax figures of Diane D, her cousin Dana and those Diane D entity wax figures!”

“True, but there’s no such thing as entities or demons possessing objects. I don’t think entities or demons can possess objects.”

“You don’t think so?”

“Absolutely not! Maybe entities or demons can possess a person, but I don’t think they can possess objects like wax figures.”

“You don’t think spirits can possess wax figures?”

“No, that’s silly! I doubt that very much.”

“Okay Mr. Yim. Do you think that maybe you yourself might have been possessed by the spirits of those Diane D entities or Diane D demons which made the wax figures of Diane D, her cousin Dana and the wax figures of themselves appear like they are alive?”

“Me myself possessed by the spirits of the Diane D entities or Diane D demons?

What do you mean me myself might have been possessed by the spirits of the Diane D

entities or Diane D demons which made the wax figures of Diane D, her cousin Dana and the wax figures of themselves appear like they are alive?”

“Well, you did say that you were never told before that any of your wax figures appeared like they were alive until you created the wax figures of Diane D, her cousin Dana and those Diane D entity wax figures, right?”


“I’m just wondering, why only those wax figures appeared like they were alive and not the other wax figures that you had created before.”

“Yeah Mr. Yim,” the male reporter says. “Why all of a sudden, you’re told that the wax figures of Diane D, her cousin Dana and those Diane D entity wax figures look real out of all your other wax figures inside the museum and out of all the other wax figures that you created in the past? Why only the wax figures of Diane D, her cousin Dana and those Diane D entity wax figures were mistaken for being alive or mistaken for being real and not the other wax figures in your museum?”

“That’s true Mr. Yim! I was wondering if the spirits of those Diane D entities or Diane D demons from that guy Kurt’s dreams and nightmares maybe could have been working through you while you were creating the wax figures of Diane D, her cousin Dana and the wax figures of themselves.”

“Could have been working through me?” Mr. Yim asks.


“I was wondering that too if the spirits of those Diane D entities or Diane D demons took over you while you were creating the wax figures of Diane D, her cousin Dana and the wax figures of themselves,” the male reporter shouts, “but you just didn’t know it!”

“Took over me while I was creating the wax figures of Diane D, her cousin Dana and the wax figures of themselves, but I just didn’t know it?” Mr. Yim asks.

“That’s right.”


“Believe me, if there were any spirits or demons taking over me while I’m creating wax figures, I would have definitely known about it.”

“You would have?”


“Are you sure?”

“Of course I’m sure!”

“I see.”

“By the way Mr. Yim,” the female reporter says, “where is that large mural of the Diane D entity wax figures that was hung on the wall inside the lobby? We didn’t see it this time. What happened to it?”

“Oh I had that mural shipped to Diane D’s family’s organization,” Mr. Yim says.

“You had that mural shipped to Diane D’s family’s organization?”


“Why did you ship it to them?”

“I wanted to give it to them as a gift.”

“Give it to them as a gift?”

“Yes. I felt it was the least I can do for them.”

“But we thought Diane D’s family was afraid of those Diane D entity wax figures,”

the male reporter says, “that’s what made them turn and flee out of the wax chambers in the first place! Why would they accept a large image of something that they’re afraid of? They’re not afraid of it anymore?”

“Yes, they’re still afraid of the images of the Diane D entity wax figures.”

“They are?”

“Yes! They still feel that they’re looking at a bunch of Diane D clones.”

“They do?!”


“So why did they accept that large mural then?”

“They claim since the mural is an image of the wax figures and not the wax figures in person, they’ll just store the mural down in the basement of their organization or down in the basement of the mental institution.”

“What?” the reporters say.

“They’re going to store the mural down in the basement of their organization or down in the basement of the mental institution?” the female reporter asks.

“That’s what they said,” Mr. Yim says, “then they said they’ll just have the mural of the wax figures facing the other way.”

“Have the mural of the wax figures facing the other way? What do they mean by

‘facing the other way’?”

“Facing the wall away from themselves!”

“Facing the wall, away from themselves?”


“But if the mural faces the wall away from themselves, that means no one will get to see it and look at it!”

“That’s the whole point! Diane D’s family say they want the mural facing the wall to keep themselves and everyone else from seeing the wax figures or looking at them!”

“To keep themselves and everyone else from seeing the wax figures or looking at them?”

“Yes, they’re all still spooked by the image of the wax figures.”


“They’re still spooked by them?” the male reporter asks.

“Yes they are.”

“So why did they still accept that large mural?”

“They claim if they don’t accept the mural, they’re afraid that the mural will be out there in the world somewhere and people might do whatever they want with Diane D’s image and they don’t want that.”

“I guess I don’t blame them. Wow.” The reporters say as they nervously look at Mr.
