Diane D’s Look-Alike Demons Are Turned Into Frightening Wax Figures, Of Herself! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 31

Diane D And Dana Are Finally Awake As Margarita Later Scolds Diane D!

The next day, sleepy-eyed Diane D and sleepy-eyed Dana are awake. They are sitting up in the same bed next to each other with Dana practically laying on Diane D’s right arm and shoulder. They shockingly look at a tablet and their family’s phones that are showing pictures and videos of their wax figures holding flags and the multiple wax figures of the Diane D entities as Margarita, Mary, Tomas, Barry, Gracy, Grandpa Mike, Christine, David and Dr. Stone surround them. “Well, what do you two think?”

Christine asks.

“I don’t remember being inside a wax chamber holding flags,” Dana says.

“Me neither,” Diane D says. “In the online commercial, we were holding swords, not flags.”

“What do you think of those multiple images of yourself Diane?” Margarita asks.

“I performed in multiple stunts and different poses wearing this exact outfit, but this looks like a lot of different shots of me put together through special effects, which made these multiple images of me look and pose exactly like that guy Kurt’s sketch!”

“You think that’s special effects?”


“Why do you think that’s special effects?”

“It has to be Grandma! I don’t remember doing these multiple poses, especially inside some woods!”

“That’s because those are not multiple images of yourself Diane,” Mary says.

“They’re not? What are you talking about Mom? I’m looking at the multiple images of myself right here!”

“Those are wax figures of you Diane!”

“What!” Diane D and Dana shout. “Wax figures?!”

“Yes, those are wax figures of you two!”

“Wax figures, of us?!”

“Yes and multiple wax figures of you Diane!”

“Multiple wax figures?!” Diane D shouts, “of me?!”



“You’re kidding me, right?!”

“No we’re not kidding you Diane!” Barry shouts, “those really are wax figures of you and Dana!”



“How the hell did this happen?! How the hell was wax figures made of me and Dana without us knowing it?!”

“Mr. Yim who owns the wax museum created wax figures of you and Dana so he can re-create that photo of your online commercial!”

“What!” Diane D and Dana shout.

“He created wax figures of me and Dana so he can re-create that photo of our online commercial?!” Diane D shouts.

“Yes!” Barry shouts, “then had your wax figures holding flags instead of swords!”

“Had our wax figures holding flags instead of swords?!” Dana asks.


“My goodness!” Diane D shouts. “How the hell was multiple wax figures made, of me?!”

“When Mr. Yim created multiple wax figures of those entities or demons from that guy Kurt’s dreams and nightmares, he wanted to re-create a life-size version of that guy Kurt’s sketch! So since those entities or demons from Kurt’s dreams and nightmares look exactly like you Diane, Mr. Yim decided to just make multiple wax figures of YOU

instead to represent those entities or demons and he created the wax figure of you, the wax figure of Dana and all those multiple wax figures of yourself without our knowledge or permission!”

“What!” Diane D and Dana shout.

“He created all these wax figures of me and Dana without your knowledge or permission?!” Diane D asks.

“Yes Diane!” Tomas shouts. “Mr. Yim said he wasn’t going to publicly display the wax figures unless he got yours, Dana’s and our permission and approval!”

“He wasn’t going to publicly display the wax figures unless he got mines, Dana’s and your permission and approval?!”

“Yes. Since you and Dana were in and out of consciousness, Mr. Yim invited the rest of us to come to the wax museum to go down to the basement to see the wax figures in person! When we got to the basement and saw the wax figures of you and Dana, we thought the wax figures of you and Dana were real!”

“What!” Diane D and Dana shout.

“You thought the wax figures of me and Diane were real?” Dana puzzledly asks.

“Yes Dana,” Gracy says. “Those wax figures of you and Diane looked so real that we were yelling at those wax figures!”

“You what!” Diane D and Dana shout.

“You were yelling at our wax figures Grandma?” Dana puzzledly asks.

“Yes!” Gracy shouts, “because we thought you and Diane snuck out of the hospital to pose as your own wax figures!”

“You thought what?!” Diane D and Dana shout.

“You thought Dana and I snuck out of the hospital to pose as our own wax figures?!”

Diane D shouts.


“Yes!” Christine shouts. “Then when we went into the next chamber and saw those multiple wax figures of yourself Diane, we got so scared and startled because the wax figures of yourself looked so real that we thought we were looking at a bunch of clones of you!”

“What!” Diane D and Dana shout.

“Clones of me?!” Diane D shouts. “You thought you were looking at a bunch of clones, of me?!”

“That’s what it looked like to us!” Christine shouts, “because those wax figures of yourself looked so real! It looked like they were alive!”

“It looked like they were alive?!”

“Yeah Diane!” David shouts, “we almost thought they could have been robots of you too!”

“Robots of me?! Hey wait a minute now! You all thought those multiple wax figures of me could have been robots?!”

“Yes! As soon as we all saw those multiple wax figures or multiple robots of yourself, we got so scared and ran out of that chamber!”

“You what! You all got scared and ran out of the chamber?!”

“Yeah Diane!” Grandpa Mike shouts. “Seeing a whole bunch of people who look exactly like you or anybody, especially all in one room at the same time is very creepy, because we know you were never born an identical twin, an identical triplet and etcetera, but Mr. Yim convinced to us that those were wax figures of yourself, not robots or clones of you. Even though he convinced to us that those were wax figures, it was still creepy seeing something like that!”

“That’s right Diane!” Margarita shouts. “Seeing a whole group of people who look exactly alike, especially all in one room at the same time is not normal!”

“It sure isn’t!” Mary shouts.

“Wow!” Diane D says. “How many wax figures of me are in this picture?”

“The same amount of entity figures in that guy Kurt’s sketch, fifteen.”



“And how many wax figures of me and Dana did Mr. Yim create altogether?!”

“He had one wax figure of you and one wax figure of Dana in the first chamber, and he had fifteen wax figures of those entities or demons that look like you in the second chamber, and he had one more version of the chained-up entity’s wax figure in the third chamber. So therefore, it was one wax figure of Dana and seventeen wax figures of you altogether.”

“Why so many wax figures of me?!”

“So he can recreate that guy Kurt’s sketch of the entities or demons that look like you and bring his sketch to life!”

“What! My God! How many of you ran out of the chamber?!”

“Half of us ran out of the chamber at first when we saw the multiple wax figures of those entities or demons that look like you,” Barry says.

“Half of you ran out of the chamber at first?!”

“Yes, then the rest of us ran out.”

“The rest of you ran out?! What! So all of you ran out of the chamber?! You mean to tell me, that over thirty of you ran out of the wax chambers when you saw those multiple wax figures of those entities or demons that look like me?!”



“My God I don’t believe this! First the public was already afraid of me, now this guy Mr. Yim got my whole entire family afraid of me by creating those wax figures!”

“It’s not you that we were afraid of Diane!” Mary shouts, “it was those wax figures of those entities or demons that looked like clones of you, that’s what we were afraid of!”

“Yeah Diane!” Margarita shouts. “If you saw the way those wax figures of yourself or should I say the wax figures of those entities or demons that look like you were looking and staring at us, you would understand why we ran out of those chambers!”

“You mean this is what was happening while Dana and I were both knocked out?!”

Diane D shouts. “Damn I should sue Mr. Yim’s ass for creating wax figures of me and Dana without our knowledge or permission causing our own family to flee seeing wax figures of me!”

“We’re already suing him Diane,” Tomas says.

“You are?”

“Yes. Sorry, this all happened.”

“Yeah, so am I! Where are those wax figures now anyway?!”

“We had Mr. Yim destroy them,” Margarita says.

“You did?”


“All of them?”

“Yes, all of them.”

“Are you sure he destroyed them?”

“As far as we know, he did.”

“I sure hope so, because I would hate to know that some pervert might take advantage of those wax figures thinking that those wax figures are me!”

“Yeah, that’s true!”

“Well what do you two think of your own wax figures Diane and Dana?” Dr. Stone asks.

“Creepy!” Diane D shouts. “Dana and I never knew there were wax figures made of ourselves! When Dana and I saw the pictures and videos of wax figures of ourselves, we thought somebody did special effects!”

“You thought somebody did special effects?”

“Yeah! We never gave permission to that museum owner to have wax figures made of ourselves! If we knew that museum owner was gonna create wax figures of us behind our backs, we would have called him up and told him ‘No, don’t do it!’”

“You would? So you don’t want wax figures of yourselves made?”

“No, not without our knowledge or permission!”

“Not without your knowledge or permission? So if Mr. Yim would have gave you and Dana knowledge up front that he was planning to create the online wax figures of yourselves, you two would have gave him permission to create the online wax figures of yourselves?”


“What!” the family shouts. “Maybe?!”

“You would have gave Mr. Yim permission to create the online wax figures of yourself and Dana Diane?!” Mary shouts.

“Probably!” Diane D shouts, “if he would have just asked me!”


“What!” the family shouts.

“If he would have just asked you?” Grandpa Mike asks.

“Yeah,” Diane D says.

“What about the creepy multiple wax figures of yourself Diane?!” Gracy shouts. “If Mr. Yim had gave you knowledge up front that he was planning to create those multiple wax figures of yourself to represent those entities or demons from that guy Kurt’s sketches, you would have gave him permission to create the multiple wax figures of yourself?!”

“Maybe, if he would have just asked!”

“What!” the family shouts.

“But we all got scared Diane!” Tomas shouts. “We know you would have been scared too if you had been down there in that chamber and seen all those multiple wax figures of yourself the way those multiple wax figures of you were looking and staring at all of us!”

“That’s right Diane!” Barry shouts. “Wouldn’t you had been scared to see something like that?!”

“I don’t know, unless it actually happens Dad,” Diane D says.

“Unless it actually happens?!” the family shouts.


“You mean to tell us that if Mr. Yim had come to you and asked if he can create multiple life-size wax figures of yourself to re-create that guy Kurt’s sketch, you would have given him the okay?!” Margarita asks.

“Yeah, especially if he had offered money!”

“What!” the family shouts. “If he had offered money?!”


“But he did offer money Diane!” Tomas shouts. “He said that if those wax figures would have been on public display, we all would have made a profit from it from the ticket sales when visitors came to the museum!”

“He did?”

“Yes, he did!”

“Oh then I definitely would have given him the permission to create the multiple wax figures of myself!”

“What!” the family shouts.

“You would have gave him permission?!” Margarita shouts.

“For money?!” Diane D shouts, “hell yeah!”

“We don’t want to have those entities’ or demons’ wax figures publicly displayed Diane!”

“But Grandma, the money would be for you all!”

“We don’t want to make money that way!”

“But what if the money adds up and you all make millions of dollars out of it?!”

“We don’t care if it’s a billion dollars Diane, all money is not good money!”

“That’s right Diane!” Tomas shouts, “what are you trying to do, sell out to those entities or demons that made themselves look like you for money?!”

“No!” Diane D shouts, “absolutely not! I figure I can at least try to help my family make extra money!”

“We don’t want that kind of money Diane!” Mary shouts.

“Listen Diane, and listen good! We are a God-fearing family! We do not want to 179

give those evil entities or demons a platform like everyone else is trying to do! We do not want to give those evil entities or demons a platform even though they made themselves look exactly like you!”

“Oh no!” the rest of the family shout.

“You will not give Mr. Yim permission to create any more of those entity or demon wax figures of yourself if he happens to come across you in the future and ask you, you got that?!”

“But Grandma!” Diane D shouts, “the money will be for you guys!”

“You will not give Mr. Yim permission to create any more of those demon wax figures of yourself, do I make myself clear?!”

“But Grandma….!”


Diane D nervously looks at Margarita as Margarita and the rest of the family angrily look at her. She then says, “Got it Grandma. You made yourself clear.”

“Good! Thank God Mr. Yim never got a chance to ask you in person if he can create multiple wax figures of yourself to re-create that guy Kurt’s sketch, knowing that you might have given him the green light to create wax figures of yourself if you knew he had offered money! Now that we know you don’t seem to fear those entity wax figures of yourself and are willing to sell out to those entities or demons for money, we are going to make sure that you and Mr. Yim stay far away from each other, that way you’ll never be able to tell him ‘Yes, go ahead and create those entity wax figures of myself if you pay me and my family’! You know that guy Kurt was found lying unconscious inside the wax museum, the same chamber yours and Dana’s wax figures were in during closing hours?”

“Oh yeah? What on earth was he doing inside the wax museum during closing hours?!”

“He somehow snuck in there while it was closed!” Gracy says.

“He snuck inside the wax museum while the museum was closed?”

“Yeah if he was found in there.”

“Why on earth would he sneak inside the wax museum while the museum was closed? Oh oh.”

“Oh oh?” Margarita says. “Oh oh what Diane?”

“I hope he didn’t sneak inside the wax museum to get revenge against me, did he?

Did those multiple wax figures of myself have something to do with him sneaking inside the wax museum during closing hours?”

“Most likely Diane.”

“Most likely?”

“Yeah,” Dr. Stone says, “Kurt is still not able to talk right now, he’s still unconscious, but we’re going to get to the bottom of this and see if we can get you and Dana’s memory back for what happened inside the bolted room. In the meantime, starting Monday, we’re going to get you two some physical therapy. We need to get your muscles back to moving again, and we’re going to get you two some mental therapy. Your former meditation instructors from Asia are going to be here next week Diane.”

“What! My meditation instructors from Asia are going to be here?!”


“You’re kidding me, right?”


“No Diane, I’m not kidding you! We got in touch with them.”

“You got in touch with them?”

“Yes, and they agreed to come here and help you.”

“Oh yeah? Why do you need them to help me?”

“We figure they might be the only ones left who can reverse the meditations you do to keep your meditations from backfiring, causing those dangerous other personalities to come into you or come out of you!”

“Yeah Diane,” Barry says. “We don’t want any more dangerous personalities to come out of you then those dangerous personalities get passed to Dana.”

“Dangerous personalities come out of me then gets passed to Dana?” Diane D asks.


“Really? You all still think there are other personalities coming out of me?”

“We don’t think so Diane,” Mary says, “we know so.”

“Oh yeah? There are no other personalities coming out of me then gets passed to Dana!”

“Yeah, that’s what you think.”

“Diane, you nor Dana remember being inside that bolted room at all?” Dr. Stone asks.

“No,” Diane D puzzledly says, “we only heard about what happened inside that bolted room when you all told us about it. I wish I could remember being inside that bolted room, but I don’t.”

“Okay. What about you Dana? Do you remember being inside that bolted room?”

“No,” Dana says.

“You don’t remember being inside that bolted room either?”

“No. Why would I be inside a bolted room in the first place? Who put me in there?”

“You did. You walked into the bolted room with a baseball bat.”

“I walked into the bolted room, with a baseball bat?”

“Yes, you did.”

“Why would I walk into a bolted room with a baseball bat? What reason would I have to go in there, especially with a baseball bat?”

“That’s what I need to find out from you.”

“Oh yeah? You’re not going to find out anything from me Doc, because I don’t remember being inside any bolted room.”

“You don’t?”

“No I don’t.”

“Okay then.”

Diane D turns to Dana and says, “Boy Dana, we sure seem to have missed a lot while we were knocked out.”

“Yeah, tell me about it,” Dana says as she and Diane D look back at the video of the multiple images of Diane D’s wax figures.

“Okay you two,” Margarita says, “lay back down. I think you two need to get some rest right now.”

“Yeah,” Dr. Stone says, “we got lots of therapy for you two next week.”

Diane D and Dana lay flat on the bed as Gracy, Margarita, Mary and Christine put the covers over them.


Monday morning, Diane D and Dana are walking through the hallway of the organization fully dressed in short dark blazers with matching pants with their hair in long thick braids hanging down their backs. They have cups of orange juice in their hands talking with each other as their family walk through the hallway with them.

They then turn around the corner as they continue to talk and drink the orange juice.