Diane D’s Look-Alike Demons Are Turned Into Frightening Wax Figures, Of Herself! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 38

Kurt Is Caught In A Spiritual Warfare Surrounded By Fire And Brimstone!


The angel or God-like Being and the Diane D entities or Diane D demons continue to do a tug-of-war against each other, pulling Kurt’s body towards their own direction, fighting over Kurt’s soul or spirit! “Aaaahhh!” Kurt screams! Suddenly, the Diane D

entity or Diane D demon with the large tree branch reaches over the other Diane D

entities or Diane D demons and Kurt and angrily swings the large tree branch like a baseball bat right at the angel or God-like Being, trying to push the angel or God-like Being away! Suddenly, the angel or God-like Being creates a large ball of fire in his right hand, then throws the large ball of fire right at the Diane D entities or Diane D

demons! The Diane D entities or Diane D demons quickly let go of Kurt, dropping Kurt’s left side of his body as they quickly back away from the large ball of fire! The large ball of fire lands on the grass right between Kurt and the Diane D entities or Diane D demons, missing the Diane D entities or Diane D demons by an inch! It then disappears, leaving a puff of smoke!

The Diane D entities or Diane D demons clench and gnash their teeth with their fists bawled as they angrily look at the angel or God-like Being as their hairs continue to blow in the wind!

The angel or God-like Being quickly pulls and drags Kurt’s body towards his direction! He is pulling Kurt towards an open portal that leads back into the physical world!

Suddenly, the Diane D entities or Diane D demons hurry back to Kurt!

As the angel or God-like Being continues to pull Kurt towards the open portal, the Diane D entities or Diane D demons quickly approach Kurt, kneel on one knee and grab 205

Kurt by the left side of his body, lifting the left side of his body off the grass, then continue to do a tug-of-war against the angel or God-like Being, pulling Kurt’s body towards their own direction again! “Aaaahhh!” Kurt screams! The Diane D entities or Diane D demons try to pull and break Kurt’s limbs right off the left side of his body!

“Aaaahhh!” Kurt screams again! Two of the Diane D entities or Diane D demons from the back of the pack hurry around the other Diane D entities or Diane D demons and head right back to Kurt’s neck! They kneel on one knee and quickly grab Kurt by the neck, putting him in a tight choke hold and a tight headlock again, trying to break his neck, desperate and determined to pull Kurt’s body towards their own direction, keeping the angel or God-like Being from pulling Kurt’s body towards the open portal!

“Aaaahh!” Kurt screams.

Suddenly, five to six middle aged to older men with beards dressed in Biblical robes, the same group of men who had stoned the chained-up Diane D entity in Kurt’s other dream and nightmare, appear a mile away in the distance, standing with large stones around them. They bend down and quickly grab a large stone off the ground! They bend back up and hold the large stone high in the air! “Ready?!” a voice from one of the men dressed in Biblical robes shouts. “Aim!” The men dressed in Biblical robes start to throw the large stone all the way in the air right towards the Diane D entities or Diane D demons, trying to help the angel or God-like Being rescue Kurt away from the clutches and grip of the Diane D entities or Diane D demons!

The large stone flies high in the air straight towards the Diane D entities or Diane D

demons like a missile!

The Diane D entities or Diane D demons look up in the air and see the large stone flying high in the air straight towards them as they are kneeled on one knee, pulling Kurt’s head and the left side of his body! They quickly let go of Kurt, dropping Kurt’s head and the left side of his body as they get up off the grass, then turn and flee from the hurling stone! The hurling stone drops and crashes hard to the ground right next to Kurt’s left, making a loud BOOM sound causing the ground to violently shake! The impact of the large stone creates a large crater, splashing dirt all up in the air, missing the Diane D entities or Diane D demons!

The Diane D entities or Diane D demons run several yards away in the woods, then stop fleeing! They turn around towards the men dressed in Biblical robes! They clench and gnash their teeth with their fists bawled again with their hairs blowing in their faces as they angrily look a mile away in the distance at the men dressed in Biblical robes!

The angel or God-like Being quickly pulls and drags Kurt from the right side of his body towards his direction again, pulling Kurt towards the open portal!

The Diane D entities or Diane D demons race back towards Kurt!

As the angel or God-like Being continues to pull Kurt, the Diane D entities or Diane D demons quickly approach Kurt, kneel on one knee again and grab Kurt’s head and the left side of his body again, lifting the left side of his body off the grass, then continue to do a tug-of-war against the angel or God-like Being, pulling Kurt’s body towards their direction again, keeping the angel or God-like Being from pulling Kurt towards the open 206

portal! “Aaaahh!” Kurt screams.


Kurt’s physical body continues to jerk and tremble in his sleep as his family and Dr.

Ramsey continue to hold tightly onto his physical body! “Heeeelp!” Kurt shouts as his eyes still remain shut.

“We still got you Kurt!” Dr. Ramsey shouts.

“That’s right Kurt!” Mrs. Reid’s father shouts. “We still got you! Hang on!”


The angel or God-like Being and the evil Diane D entities or Diane D demons continue to do a tug-of-war, pulling Kurt’s head and body towards their own direction, fighting over Kurt’s soul or spirit! “Aaaahh!” Kurt screams. Suddenly, one of the Diane D entities or Diane D demons on Kurt’s left reach over Kurt and angrily points her arm and hand right at the angel or God-like Being! Suddenly, three of the other Diane D

entities or Diane D demons reach over Kurt and angrily throw their arms and fists right at the angel or God-like Being, trying to punch the angel or God-like Being away as the Diane D entity or Diane D demon with the large tree branch reaches over Kurt again and angrily swings the large tree branch right at the angel or God-like Being’s head, trying to push the angel or God-like Being away! Suddenly, the angel or God-like Being creates another large ball of fire in his right hand, then throws the large ball of fire right at the Diane D entities or Diane D demons again! The Diane D entities or Diane D

demons quickly let go of Kurt, dropping Kurt’s head and left side of his body again as they quickly back away from the large ball of fire! The large ball of fire lands on the grass right between Kurt and the Diane D entities or Diane D demons again, missing the Diane D entities or Diane D demons by an inch! It then disappears, leaving another puff of smoke!

The angel or God-like Being quickly pulls and drags Kurt from the right side of his body towards his direction again, pulling Kurt towards the open portal!

The Diane D entities or Diane D demons hurry back to Kurt!

As the angel or God-like Being continues to pull Kurt, the Diane D entities or Diane D demons quickly approach Kurt, kneel on one knee again and grab Kurt by his head and left side of his body again, lifting the left side of his body off the grass, then continue to do the tug-of-war against the angel or God-like Being, pulling Kurt’s body towards their direction again, keeping the angel or God-like Being from bringing Kurt close to the open portal!

“Aim!” the men dressed in Biblical robes shout again as they throw another large stone all the way right towards the Diane D entities or Diane D demons!

The other large stone flies high in the air straight towards the Diane D entities or Diane D demons like a missile!

The Diane D entities or Diane D demons look up in the air again and see the other 207

large stone flying high in the air straight towards them as they are kneeled on one knee, pulling Kurt’s head and the left side of his body again! They quickly let go of Kurt, dropping Kurt’s head and left side of his body again as they get up off the grass, then turn and flee from the hurling stone! The falling stone drops and crashes hard to the ground right next to Kurt, making a loud BOOM sound causing the ground to violently shake again! The impact of the large stone creates another large crater, splashing dirt high up in the air, missing the Diane D entities or Diane D demons again!

“Aim!” the men dressed in Biblical robes shout again as they throw several large stones all the way right towards the Diane D entities or Diane D demons!

The large stones fly high in the air straight towards the Diane D entities or Diane D

demons like missiles!

As the Diane D entities or Diane D demons continue to flee, they look up in the air again and see several large stones hurling straight towards them! The falling stones are about to land and crash right on top of the Diane D entities or Diane D demons’

heads, but the Diane D entities or Diane D demons quickly duck and dodge from the falling stones as the falling stones crash hard to the ground between them, making loud BOOM sounds causing the ground to violently shake again! The impact of the large stones creates another large crater, splashing dirt high up in the air, missing the Diane D entities or Diane D demons again!

The Diane D entities or Diane D demons flee way in the woods and run to a deep crater! They stop at the top of the crater and look down in the ten-feet deep crater!

They see that several of the large stones are inside the crater! Suddenly, the Diane D

entity or Diane D demon with the large stick leaps then jumps right into the crater!

The Diane D entity or Diane D demon with the large stick lands inside the crater on her feet, then stands as the other Diane D entities or Diane D demons at the top of the crater leap into the crater and land on their feet also! They all rush to the large stones!

They bend down and quickly grab the large stones from the crater! They bend back up as they hold the large stones! They then jump and leap back up to the top of the crater, landing on their feet!

The Diane D entities or Diane D demons then hold the large stones high in the air, then quickly spin their entire bodies around! They stop spinning, then throw the large stones all the way in the air back towards the men dressed in Biblical robes! They then turn and race back towards Kurt!

The large stones fly high in the air straight back towards the men dressed in Biblical robes like missiles!

The men dressed in Biblical robes look up in the air and see the large stones flying high in the air right back towards them! They then turn and flee from the hurling stones as the falling stones drop and crash hard to the ground near them, making loud BOOM sounds causing the ground to violently shake around them! The impact of the stones creates another large crater, splashing dirt high up in the air, missing the men dressed in Biblical robes!

The men dressed in Biblical robes run several yards away, then stop fleeing! They then turn back towards the large stones! They rush to the large stones!


The men dressed in Biblical robes bend down and quickly grab the large stones off the ground! They bend back up as they hold the large stones high in the air and shout,

“Aim!” They then throw the large stones all the way in the air back towards the Diane D entities or Diane D demons!

The large stones fly high in the air straight towards the Diane D entities or Diane D

demons like missiles!

The Diane D entities or Diane D demons look up in the air again and see more large stones flying high in the air straight towards them as they are kneeled on one knee, pulling Kurt’s head and the left side of his body again! They quickly let go of Kurt, dropping Kurt’s head and left side of his body again as they get up off the grass, then turn and flee from the hurling stones! The falling stones drop and crash hard to the ground right next to Kurt, making loud BOOM sounds causing the ground to violently shake again! The impact of the stones creates another crater, splashing dirt high up in the air, missing the Diane D entities or Diane D demons again!

As the Diane D entities or Diane D demons continue to flee, more large stones are about to land and crash right on top of their heads, but the Diane D entities or Diane D

demons quickly duck and dodge from the falling stones again with half of them falling to their left and the other half falling to their right, then roll their bodies away on the ground in opposite directions as the falling stones crash hard to the ground between them, making loud BOOM sounds causing the ground to violently shake again! The impact of the stones creates another large crater, splashing dirt high up in the air, missing the Diane D entities or Diane D demons again!

The Diane D entities or Diane D demons hurry up off the ground! They rush to the large stones again!

The Diane D entities or Diane D demons bend down and quickly grab the large stones off the ground! They bend back up, then hold the large stones high in the air again, then quickly spin their entire bodies around! They stop spinning, then throw the large stones all the way in the air back towards the men dressed in Biblical robes!

The large stones fly high in the air straight back towards the men dressed in Biblical robes like missiles!

The men dressed in Biblical robes look up in the air again and see several more stones flying high in the air right back towards them! They turn and try to flee from the falling stones again, but this time, the falling stones drop and crash right on top of them, making loud BOOM sounds causing the ground to violently shake again! The impact of the stones creates another crater, splashing dirt high up in the air, knocking the men dressed in Biblical robes down as they all fall into the crater!

The men dressed in Biblical robes lay helpless down in the crater with the large stones laying on top of them!

Suddenly, around fifteen other men dressed in Biblical robes appear at the top of the crater, looking down at the injured men dressed in Biblical robes! Five of the fifteen men leap and jump down into the crater!

The five men dressed in Biblical robes land inside the crater on their feet, then stand! They rush to the injured men dressed in Biblical robes! They bend down and worriedly check on the injured men. They become angry. They then stand and rush to 209

the large stones!

The five men dressed in Biblical robes bend down and quickly grab the large stones from the crater! They bend back up as they hold the large stones!

The ten remaining men dressed in Biblical robes at the top of the crater rush to other large stones around them! They bend down and quickly grab some large stones off the ground! They bend back up as they hold the large stones!

The five men dressed in Biblical robes at the bottom of the crater jump and leap back up to the top of the crater landing on their feet! They then stand at the top of the crater and hold the large stones! They and the other ten men dressed in Biblical robes turn towards the Diane D entities or Diane D demons way out in the woods a mile away! They hold the large stones high in the air and shout, “Aim!” They start to throw the large stones all the way in the air right towards the Diane D entities or Diane D
