Diane D’s Look-Alike Demons Are Turned Into Frightening Wax Figures, Of Herself! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 37

Kurt’s Nightmare!


Kurt’s soul or spirit is trapped back inside the same creepy woods with the large eerie moon in the dark sky. His soul or spirit is halfway in the spiritual underworld and halfway in the physical world! His eyes are closed as his body is being held face up two feet over the grass, being pulled by the arms and hands of the evil Diane D entities or Diane D demons as twelve of the Diane D entities or Diane D demons sit on the grass with one knee up surrounding Kurt, pulling and twisting each of Kurt’s limbs with their other foot pressed against Kurt’s torso as their long black hairs blow in the wind practically covering their half-closed puffy eyes and faces! One Diane D entity or Diane D demon sits on the grass where Kurt’s head is with one knee up, pulling and twisting Kurt’s head and neck with her other foot pressed against Kurt’s shoulder as her long black hair blows in the wind practically covering her half-closed puffy eyes and face, causing Kurt to scream, “Aaaaahhh!” Suddenly, the Diane D entity or Diane D demon who kung fu kicked Kurt in the chest in Kurt’s other dream and nightmare, chased after him, beat him with the large tree branch and gave Kurt a karate chop to the throat, appears out of nowhere! She stands right behind the other Diane D entities or Diane D

demons on Kurt’s left, standing there like a drill sergeant with her legs apart, holding the large tree branch that reaches down to the ground as she angrily looks down at Kurt with half-closed puffy eyes as her hair blows in the wind. She then squeezes one of her legs right between the other Diane D entities or Diane D demons on Kurt’s left! Then she brings the large tree branch right over Kurt and holds the large tree branch high above Kurt’s belly in a vertical position, then she violently slams the end of the large tree branch down hard on Kurt’s belly! “Aaaaahh!” Kurt screams!

Suddenly, a giant angel or God-like Being, an old man with tan skin, a long silver beard with long silver hair blowing in the wind, dressed in a biblical robe, appears out of nowhere and busts right between the Diane D entities or Diane D demons on Kurt’s right! The Diane D entities or Diane D demons on Kurt’s right and the one who is twisting his head and neck quickly let go of Kurt, dropping Kurt’s head and right side of his body as they get up off the grass, then turn and flee from the angel or God-like Being as the angel or God-like Being starts to pull Kurt from the right side of his body, trying to pull Kurt away from the other Diane D entities or Diane D demons, trying to keep the Diane D entities or Diane D demons from pulling Kurt’s soul or spirit out of his body, back into their world! The angel or God-like Being and the evil Diane D entities or Diane D demons are doing a tug-of-war against each other, pulling Kurt’s body 204

towards their own direction, fighting over Kurt’s soul or spirit! “Please get away from me!” Kurt frighteningly shouts to the Diane D entities or Diane D demons!


Kurt’s physical body jerks and trembles in his sleep as his family and Dr. Ramsey hold tightly onto his physical body! “We got you Kurt!” Kyle shouts. “We still got you!”

“Don’t let them take me away!” Kurt shouts as his eyes remain shut..

“We won’t Kurt!” Dr. Ramsey shouts, “we won’t!”