Diane D’s Look-Alike Demons Are Turned Into Frightening Wax Figures, Of Herself! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 1

Mr. Yim Convinces Diane D’s Family To Privately See Wax Figures Of Her

Around a week later, Mr. Yim is at the Diaz-Davidson Organization inside Margarita’s office. He is in the middle of talking with Margarita, Tomas, Mary and Barry as they angrily stand around him with Margarita shouting to him, “I can’t believe you did that Mr. Yim! You mean to tell us, that you made wax figures out of Diane and Dana’s online sword fighting commercial behind our backs, after we told you not to?!”

“And you made wax figures out of those sketches that guy Kurt drew of his nightmares about Diane?!” Mary shouts. “You created multiple Diane wax figures from his sketches?!”

“Yep,” Mr. Yim says, “I sure did!”

“How were you able to do that Mr. Yim?!”

“Simple! I’ve seen Diane D in person inside the hotel conference room a few years ago when I and other people were lined up at the microphone on the side of the conference room asking her questions when she was standing at the front of the room at a podium! I’ve also seen Diane D’s live performances before, so I already know how she looks like, but don’t worry, those wax figures are not on public display right now, nobody can see them!”

“Nobody can see them?!” Tomas shouts.


“So where are they then?!”

“They’re all stored down in the chambers in the basement of the wax museum where the public cannot see them! I was planning to reveal the wax figures to you all first once the wax figures were completed! I wasn’t going to put the wax figures out on public display until I show you all the wax figures first and get your approval and permission to publicly display them! Now that the wax figures are completed, I want to invite you all to the wax museum tomorrow a few hours before the museum opens, 6

bring you all down to the chambers in the basement and privately show you all the wax figures of Diane D and Dana’s online commercial and the Diane D entities or Diane D

demons from that guy Kurt’s sketches and nightmares and get your, Diane D’s and Dana’s approval and permission to display them to the public!”

“Diane and Dana are both locked in the mental hospital after what happened to them!” Barry shouts. “They’re both lying in hospital beds in and out of consciousness, so they’re not able to give you their approval, permission or their consent about wax figures of themselves being on public display!”

“I understand that, but if you all just come with me tomorrow, come downstairs to the basement of the wax museum and see the wax figures for yourselves, you all might just change your minds and allow the wax figures of Diane D, Dana and the Diane D

entities or Diane D demons to be on public display! I would also have to bring Kurt and his family to the wax museum at a different time to see the wax figures.”

“What!” Margarita, Tomas, Mary and Barry shout.

“Bring that guy Kurt and his family to the wax museum too?” Tomas asks.

“Yes,” Mr. Yim says.

“Why would you have to bring THEM to the wax museum?”

“To show Kurt and his family the wax figures too!”

“To show Kurt and his family the wax figures too?” Barry asks. “Why would you have to show THEM the wax figures?”

“Because the wax figures were modeled from the Diane D entities or Diane D

demons Kurt saw in his dreams and nightmares! They were modeled from the sketch he drew of the Diane D entities or Diane D demons. Since he’s the copyright holder of the sketches, and since the sketches were created out of HIS dreams and nightmares of the Diane D entities or Diane D demons, I would need to get his permission and consent as well because when I spoke to him and his family, he claims he doesn’t want his dreams and nightmares about Diane D to be on public display!”

“He doesn’t want his dreams and nightmares about Diane to be on public display?”

“No, he doesn’t want his dreams and nightmares about the Diane D entities or Diane D demons to be on public display either, he and his family rejected the idea about his dreams and nightmares about Diane D, the Diane D entities or Diane D demons being on public display! Kurt said his dreams and nightmares about Diane D, those Diane D entities or Diane D demons were too frightening and chilling for him and said he would never want to come across any image of those Diane D entities or Diane D

demons ever again whether it’s during his sleep hours or during his wake hours. I’m hoping once he and his family come down to the basement of the wax museum and see the wax figures themselves, he’ll change his mind also and allow wax figures of the Diane D entities or Diane D demons to be on public display!”

“But what if WE still don’t give you the permission to publicly display the wax figures Mr. Yim?” Margarita asks.

“Then the wax figures won’t be publicly displayed. The permission to publicly display the Diane D, Dana and the Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures would have to be unanimous between you all, Kurt, Diane D herself and Dana. If you all say yes, then the wax figures will be publicly displayed, but if just one of you, Diane D, Dana or Kurt says ‘no’, then the wax figures will not be publicly displayed at all, they will all be destroyed, but in the meantime, just come to the wax museum, come down to the basement and take a look at the wax figures yourself. You never know if you’ll 7

change your minds and let the wax figures of Diane D and Dana and the Diane D

entities or Diane D demons be publicly displayed unless you actually see the wax figures.”

Margarita, Tomas, Mary and Barry worriedly look at Mr. Yim. They then turn to each other and worriedly look at each other. “So what do you all say?” Margarita asks.

“Do you all want to check the wax figures out?”

“I guess it wouldn’t hurt to take a look Ma,” Barry says.

“Yeah,” Mary says, “we can take a look.”

“Agreed,” Tomas says.

“So you all decide to come to the wax museum to take a look at the wax figures?!”

Mr. Yim excitingly shouts.

“Yes, we all decide to come see the wax figures.”

“Wow that’s great! When you come, bring the rest of your family and relatives also!”

“Bring the rest of our family and relatives?” Margarita asks. “Why do you suggest bringing them also?”

“To get their reactions too!”

“What!” Margarita, Tomas, Mary and Barry shout.

“To get their reactions?!” Margarita shouts.

“Yes!” Mr. Yim shouts. “The thing is, if I see you all and the rest of your family and relatives’ reactions to the wax figures, that will give me an idea of how the public’s reactions are going to be to the wax figures also if the wax figures are allowed to be publicly displayed!”

“Is that right?”


“Okay Mr. Yim, we’ll bring some of our family and relatives.”

“You will?! Okay!”

“But as soon as we see those wax figures and if we decide to tell you ‘No, not to publicly display them’, you cannot publicly display the wax figures regardless of if Diane, Dana or that guy Kurt says you can! Right after that, we want those wax figures destroyed as soon as possible, you got that?!”

“Agreed, the wax figures won’t be publicly displayed if you all decide you do not want them publicly displayed, they will be destroyed as soon as possible, got it!

Anyway, thanks for deciding to come see the wax figures. Well, I guess I’ll see you all at the museum tomorrow before opening time. Bye.” Mr. Yim turns and walks away towards the door as Margarita, Tomas, Mary and Barry worriedly look at him.

The following day, it is still closing time at the wax museum, the wax museum has not opened to the public yet. Mr. Yim leads Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives which includes Mary, Barry, Margarita, Margarita’s Dominican relatives, Tomas, Tomas’ Alaskan Native and Inuit relatives, Gracy, Grandpa Mike, Tonio, Marilyn, Aunt Laura, Aunt Jean, Aunt Celeste, Nicolas, Michael, Uncle Willie, Diane D’s cousins Eduardo, Raquel, Elisa and Charlotte, Dana’s parents Christine and David and Dana’s siblings Sammy, Thomas, Missy, Linda and Dana’s Jamaican relatives including her cousin Judy down the stairs to the basement of the wax museum to give them a private viewing of the wax figures. “Watch your step everyone!” Mr. Yim shouts to them.


Mr. Yim and Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives reach the bottom of the stairs.

Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives see a long wide dim lit hallway on both sides of the steps and nervously look around it. Mr. Yim turns towards Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives and says, “Diane D’s and Dana’s sword fighting online commercial wax figures are this way inside the first chamber,” as he points down the end of the hallway on their left.

“They are?” David asks.

“Yes.” Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives look towards their left down the end of the hallway. They see double doors down the end of the hallway on the right side of it. Mr. Yim then says, “Come.” Mr. Yim turns back around. He then turns to his left and leads Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives down the end of the hallway.

Mr. Yim and Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives reach the end of the hallway where there are the double doors on the right and stop. Mr. Yim turns to Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives and says, “This room is one of the chambers.”

“One of the chambers?” Margarita asks.

“Yes, it’s the first chamber.”

“Oh yeah? Are the wax figures inside there?”

“Yes, the wax figures are inside here.”

“All of them?” Tomas asks.

“No not all of them. The wax figures from the online sword fighting commercial of Diane D and Dana are in this chamber.”

“They are?”


“So that means you have both Diane’s and Dana’s wax figures in there?” Barry asks.

“Yes, both of their wax figures are in here. I would like to put their wax figures in the Adventure section of the museum if they’re allowed to be publicly displayed.”

“In the Adventure section?” Mary asks.

“Yes. When you first walk into the chamber, you won’t see the wax figures right away because the wax figures are behind a large curtain. Once my staff members Don and Dave open the curtain, the wax figures of both Diane D and Dana will be revealed.”

“They will be revealed?” Nicolas asks.


“Oh wow, this, I gotto see.”

“Yeah, me too,” Sammy, Dana’s brother says.

“Where are the wax figures from the sketches of that guy Kurt’s dreams and nightmares?” Gracy asks.

“You mean the wax figures of the Diane D entities or Diane D demons?” Mr. Yim asks.


“They’re in the next two chambers.”

“The next two chambers?”

“Yes. They’re in the chamber right next to this one.”

“They are?” Grandpa Mike asks.



“Oh wow,” the family and relatives nervously say.

“Don’t worry, you’ll get to see them too. Ready to go inside the first chamber?

Come on in.” Mr. Yim turns towards the door and turns the knob. He then stops, turns back to Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives and says, “Remember, it’s going to be cool inside the chamber to keep the wax figures cool, okay? Come.” Mr. Yim turns back towards the door, turns the knob and opens the door. He goes inside the door as Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives slowly and nervously follow him in.

Mr. Yim steps inside a small dark narrow hallway. He goes through the short narrow dim lit hallway heading towards the first chamber as Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives follow him inside.

Mr. Yim steps inside the first chamber which is on the left and a solid wall on the right. Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives then step inside the first chamber behind Mr. Yim and follow him inside.

Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives stand at the front of the chamber facing the chamber as Mr. Yim stands on their right. They turn their heads and nervously look around the chamber. The chamber is a very large room with a 20-feet high dome-shaped ceiling and dome-shaped walls. It has an outdoor daylight setting with still images from a projector shined on the dome-shaped ceiling and dome-shaped walls showing the bright daylight sky that’s partly cloudy with thick clouds.

It is very cool inside the first chamber. There are trees and bushes inside the chamber. There is a slight wind inside the chamber that is causing the leaves on the trees to slightly blow. “Wow,” Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives say.

“Where is the wind coming from Mr. Yim?” Barry asks.

“It’s coming from a hidden diva fan to create a wind effect,” Mr. Yim says.

“A hidden diva fan?”


Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives continue to nervously look around the chamber. They then see a seven-feet tall large dark gray curtain eight yards away, five yards wide in the middle of the chamber that is slightly blowing. “What’s behind the curtain Mr. Yim?” Nicolas asks as he points towards the large dark gray curtain. “Are the wax figures behind that curtain?”

“Yes, the wax figures are behind the curtain.”

“Wax figures of Diane and Dana?”

“Yes, of Diane D and Dana.”

“Wow,” the family and relatives say.

“Why is the curtain blowing like that Mr. Yim?" Michael asks.

“That's from the hidden diva fan,” Mr. Yim says. “Ready to see the wax figures of Diane D and Dana?”

“Not really,” Nicolas says.

“What? You’re not ready to see them?”

“No, but I’m going to look anyway.”

“You are?”


“Okay.” Mr. Yim looks towards the curtain and shouts, “Don! Dave!”


Two Asian male staff members wearing T-shirts, dungarees and aprons appear from the side of the chamber holding towels. They head towards Mr. Yim as they wipe their hands with the towels.

The two Asian male staff members approach Mr. Yim and see Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives. Mr. Yim turns to Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives and says, “Everyone, this is Don,” as he points to Don, the Asian male around his mid 40’s who’s shorter and slightly bald on top, “and this is Dave,” as he points to Dave, the other Asian male around his mid-40’s who is slightly taller with a full head of hair and bangs.

“Hello,” Don and Dave say.

“Hi,” Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives say.

“Don and Dave helped create the scenes and the wax figures,” Mr. Yim says.

“They did?”

“Yes they did.”

“Oh wow!”

Mr. Yim turns to Don and Dave and says to them, “And these are Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives. They’re ready to see the wax figures now.”

“Okay,” Don says, “no problem.” He and Dave turn away as Don walks away to the left-hand side of the chamber and Dave walks away to the right-hand side. They both then disappear to the sides of the chamber out of sight.