Diane D’s Look-Alike Demons Are Turned Into Frightening Wax Figures, Of Herself! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 2

Diane D’s Family Mistakes Her And Dana’s Wax Figures For Being Real!

Mr. Yim turns to Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives. He holds a photo of Diane D and Dana’s online commercial high up in the air and says, “Now this is the photo we used to model Diane D’s and Dana’s wax figures.” Mr. Yim shows Diane D

and Dana’s family and relatives the still shot photo he has of Diane D and Dana posing back-to-back with their hairs blowing in the wind with them holding swords high in the air from their online commercial.

“You modeled Diane’s and Dana’s wax figures from this actual still photo from their online commercial?” Margarita asks.

“Yes. Are you ready for Diane D’s and Dana’s wax figures to be revealed?”

“Yes we’re ready Mr. Yim,” Barry says.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes we’re ready. Open the curtain.”

“Okay.” Mr. Yim holds up the still shot photo of Diane D and Dana’s online commercial high in the air and shouts, “Ladies and gentlemen, in the blink of an eye, the image you are about to see and witness will go from this still shot photo of an online commercial, to actual wax figures that are behind that curtain!” Mr. Yim turns 11

towards the curtain and shouts, “Don and Dave! Open the curtain please!”

The large dark gray curtain opens from the middle. It is then pulled to the sides of the chamber out of sight. The wax figures of Diane D and Dana are revealed.

Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives see the wax figures of Diane D and Dana and freak out! They become startled to see how realistic the wax figures of Diane D and Dana are! They see the wax figures of Diane D and Dana standing on top of a twelve-inch rock platform posing back-to-back with Dana on the left and Diane D on the right just like in their online photo with their hairs slightly blowing in the wind with the wax figure of Dana holding a Jamaican flag while the wax figure of Diane D is holding a Dominican flag. “Woooow,” the family and relatives say! Mr. Yim turns on a switch to brighten the chamber more causing the dome-shaped ceiling and dome-shaped walls to light up more! As more light comes into the chamber, the wax figures of Diane D and Dana look so real that their family and relatives become fooled and believe it’s really them!

“Diane?!” Gracy shouts to the wax figures, “Dana?!, is that really you?! Is that you two up there? What the hell are you two doing up there?! Are you two pretending to be wax figures?!”

“That’s right!” Christine shouts to the wax figures. “Are you two posing as your own wax figures?! You two are supposed to be in the hospital sick!”

“That’s right!” Barry shouts, “and yet you two are standing there posing with flags when you’re supposed to be sick and unconscious in the hospital?!”

“Mr. Yim!” Mary shouts, “I don’t think it’s funny that you kidnapped Diane and Dana from the hospital then have them pose for you for your personal gain!”

“Kidnapped?” Mr. Yim asks.

“Yes Mr. Yim!” Margarita shouts. “How long were you, Diane and Dana up to this?!”

“How long were we up to this?”


“Diane, Dana!” Grandpa Mike shouts to the wax figures. “Get over here now because you two are in big trouble!”

“Trouble?” Mr. Yim asks.

“Yes, trouble!”

“Diane and Dana!” Tomas shouts to the wax figures, “you two should be punished for sneaking out of the hospital then posing inside a wax museum!”

“That’s right!” David shouts. “You two got some real explaining to do and we want an explanation, now! We want you two to come down off that platform and step over here!”

The wax figures of Diane D and Dana do not move or respond.

“Diane!” Marilyn shouts, “Dana! Did you hear your family?! Could you two step down from that platform and step over this way! Step over here, now!”

The wax figures of Diane D and Dana still do not move or respond. Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives puzzledly stare at the wax figures.

“Okay Diane, Dana!” Margarita shouts, “that’s enough now, time’s up! The game is over! Step over here, now!”

The wax figures of Diane D and Dana still do not move or respond.

Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives continue to puzzledly stare at the wax figures.


“Oh oh,” Nicolas nervously whispers. “Why aren’t they moving?” Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives still puzzledly stare at the wax figures. They start to become nervous. They then turn and nervously look at each other.

“How come they’re not moving?” Michael whispers.

“We don’t know,” Grandpa Mike worriedly whispers, “maybe Mr. Yim drugged them!”

“What!” Mr. Yim shouts. “Drugged them?!”

“Yes! Did you drug my granddaughters so they’re not able to move or respond Mr.


“Oh come on now Mr. Brown, of course not! I wouldn’t do that! What kind of person do you think I am?! Those ARE wax figures over there!”

“We don’t believe you Mr. Yim!” Margarita shouts.

“You don’t believe me?”

“No we don’t!” Margarita turns to Nicolas and shouts, “Nicolas, get on the cell phone and call the family back at the hospital! I want to do a live video chat to see if Diane and Dana are actually still there at the hospital in their beds!”

“Of course they’re still at the hospital in their beds Miss Margarita!”

“You better hope they’re still at the hospital for your sake Mr. Yim, because if they’re not at the hospital, we’re going to have to have you charged with kidnapping!”

“Kidnapping?! Have me charged with kidnapping, wax figures?!”

“No!” Barry shouts, “have you charged with kidnapping my daughter and my niece!”

“But I never kidnapped your daughter or your niece Mr. Barry!”

“Yes you did Mr. Yim!” Grandpa Mike shouts. “My two granddaughters are standing and posing for you right there! They’re probably able to keep completely still because you probably drugged them! We can’t let you get away with this!”

“Can’t let me get away with what?! I didn’t drug anybody or kidnapped anybody!

That’s not Diane D and Dana over there, those ARE wax figures of them! Of course I want wax figures for my museum, but I’m not that desperate for wax figures that I would kidnap anybody and have them pretend to be their own wax figure! Come on, let’s be reasonable! I wouldn’t stoop that low! I would let you go examine the wax figures yourselves, but I’m afraid you might mess them up! It took a lot of work for me and my staff to make those wax figures, those wax figures are a work of art! The work of art was not easy you know!”

“Okay Mr. Yim!” Margarita shouts. “We’re still going to do a live video chat to see if we actually see Diane and Dana still at the hospital in their beds. We want to see them both move or respond to make sure they are real and alive inside the hospital!”

“Great! Do the live video chat!”

Nicolas shows Margarita the live video chat on the cell phone. Margarita takes the cell phone and anxiously looks at the live video chat as her family and relatives anxiously look on behind her. Nancy and Mickey appear on the live video. “Hi Grandma,” Nancy says.

“Hey Grandma,” Mickey says.

“Hi babies,” Margarita says. “Is Diane still in the bed?!”

“Is Diane still in the bed? Of course she’s still in the bed Grandma. Where else would she be?”

“What is she doing now?”


“Uh, sleeping.”

“Sleeping? Can you do us a favor?”

“Sure Grandma. What is it?”

“Point the camera on Diane? We just want to make sure we see her!”

“Make sure you see her?”


“How come?”

“Because the wax figures of her and Dana look too real, it has us all fooled!”

“The wax figures of her and Dana look real?”

“Yes! Point the camera on Diane for us!”

“Okay.” Mickey looks at Nancy and says, “Nancy, point the camera on Diane.”

“Okay,” Nancy says. The video turns and points on Diane D. Diane D appears on camera sleeping in the hospital bed face up towards the ceiling. “You see her Grandma?” Nancy’s voice asks.

“Yes we do!” Margarita shouts. “Could you or Mickey try to wake Diane?”

“Try to wake her? You want us to try and wake Diane Grandma?”


“What for?”

“To make sure she’s alive!”

“To make sure she’s alive? Of course she’s alive Grandma! Do the wax figures of her and Dana look that real?”

“Yes they look too real Nancy!”

“Are you serious?”


“Wow, this I got to see!”

“Just try to wake Diane, I want to make sure she moves on her own!”

“Okay. Mickey, try to wake Diane.”

“Okay,” Mickey says. He approaches Diane D. He gently shakes Diane D’s shoulder trying to wake her. Diane D does not respond.

“Try to wake her another way Mickey!” Margarita shouts. “We need her to respond to anything!”

“How about if I put cold water on her face?”

“Anything! Just get her to move on her own!”

“Okay.” Mickey takes a glass of iced water and some napkins from off the tray table on the side. He pours some iced water on the napkins. He then puts the napkins right on Diane D’s eyes. Diane D suddenly moves and shivers! She awakens a little.

“She just moved!” the family and relatives shout as they get excited.

Diane D angrily looks at Mickey. She then turns to the side and goes back into a deep sleep.

“So that IS a wax figure right there!” Nicolas shouts.

“It sure is!” Gracy shouts, “because Diane can’t be at two different places at the same time!”

“Wow,” the family and relatives say as they shockingly look back up at Diane D’s wax figure.

“Wow,” Tonio says. “It’s so unbelievable! It’s like there are two Dianes!”


Margarita looks back at the cell phone and says, “Okay Nancy and Mickey, we got 14

Diane solved! Now bring the camera in the other room to Dana!”

“Okay Grandma,” Nancy says. The view in the video camera scene leaves from Diane D then heads towards the doorway. It goes out into the hallway.

The view in the video camera scene comes into the hallway then turns left and goes into another room where Dana’s sisters Landa and Londa and their brother Robert are sitting. Mickey appears back on the video next to Landa, Londa and Robert talking with them.

“Now point the camera on Dana!” Margarita says.

“Okay,” Nancy says as she points the camera towards Dana. Dana appears on camera sleeping in the hospital bed chest up with her face towards the side. “You see Dana Grandma?” Nancy asks.

“Yes we do! Now I need Mickey to try and wake Dana the same way he did Diane to make sure she’s alive! I want to make sure she moves on her own!”

“Okay. Mickey, try to wake Dana the same way you did Diane.”

“Okay,” Mickey says. Mickey takes a glass of iced water and some napkins from the tray table on the side. He pours some iced water on the napkins. He then puts the napkins right on Dana’s eyes. Dana suddenly moves and also shivers! She awakens a little.

“Dana just moved too!” the family and relatives shout and become excited again.

Dana angrily looks at Mickey. She then turns her head the other way and goes right back into a deep sleep also.

“So those are both wax figures right there!” Nicolas shouts. The family and relatives shockingly look back up at Dana’s wax figure.

“Wow,” Tonio says. “It’s like there are two Danas also!”

“Wooow,” the rest of the family says as they shockingly look at Dana’s wax figure.

Margarita looks back at the cell phone and says, “Okay Nancy and Mickey, we got Dana solved too! Thanks, you two did a wonderful job! We’ll be back at the hospital later, okay?”

“No problem Grandma,” Nancy says.

“We’ll see you when you all get back,” Mickey says.

“Okay baby,” Margarita says, “bye.” Margarita hands the phone back to Nicolas.

Nicolas closes the phone as he, Margarita and the rest of the family and relatives look back at Diane D’s and Dana’s wax figures.

“Wooow,” the family and relatives say as they shockingly stare at the wax figures.

Margarita then turns to Mr. Yim and says, “Sorry Mr. Yim. The wax figures look too real, we thought we were actually looking at Diane and Dana!”

“Yeah Mr. Yim,” Barry says. “We’re sorry about that kidnapping accusation.”

“Yeah,” Grandpa Mike says. “And I’m sorry about that drug accusation.”

“I tried to tell you all that those ARE wax figures!” Mr. Yim shouts, “but you all didn’t want to believe me!”

“Well we believe you now Mr. Yim!” Barry says.

“Only because you saw Diane D and Dana laying in the hospital during that live video chat! Thank God for live video chats because you all would have had me hanged by now!”

“Sorry again Mr. Yim,” Tomas says. “By the way Mr. Yim, can we get a little closer 15

to inspect the wax figures more?”

“Yeah, but not too close, just a little bit closer.”

“Okay.” Tomas and the rest of the family and relatives nervously get a little closer to Diane D’s and Dana’s wax figures.

The family and relatives shockingly look at Diane D’s and Dana’s wax figures.

“Wow Mr. Yim!” Tonio shouts, “You’re good!”

“You sure are Mr. Yim!” David shouts.

“Where did you get the hairs from Mr. Yim?” Gracy asks.

“They’re actually wigs that we just threw on the wax figures,” Mr. Yim says.


“Yes, that’s why these hairs might look slightly different from Diane D’s and Dana’s real hair. I didn't turn the diva fan on too high because I don't want the wigs to fly off the wax figures.”

“I see.”

“Why are they holding a Jamaican flag and a Dominican flag instead of swords like they did in the commercial and in the photo?” David asks.

“Well,” Mr. Yim says, “I figure it would be nice if Diane D and Dana represent their countries of origin.”

“Represent their countries of origin?”

“Well yeah. Isn’t Diane D from the Dominican Republic?”

“Yes, she was born in the Dominican Republic.”

“Okay, and isn’t Dana from Jamaica?”

“Yes, she was born in Jamaica.”

“Well, there you go. I replaced the swords with flags.”

“Wow, good thinking Mr. Yim.” David and the rest of the family and relatives continue to look at Diane D’s and Dana’s wax figures nervously and shockingly. They then pull out their camera phones to take pictures and videos.

“Wow,” Tonio laughs. “Diane is looking like she’s getting ready to beat somebody up!”

“She sure does,” Nicolas says. “And Dana looks like she’s ready for war.” The family and relatives laugh a little. They continue to admire Diane D’s and Dana’s wax figures taking pictures and videos.

“Wow Mr. Yim,” Margarita says, “this is amazing, the wax figures look so real!

They look too real!”

“Thanks,” Mr. Yim says.

The family and relatives continue to admire Diane D’s and Dana’s wax figures taking pictures and videos.

Twenty minutes later, the family and relatives step back and step away from Diane D’s and Dana’s wax figures. Margarita turns to Mr. Yim and says, “These wax figures of Diane and Dana are so unbelievable Mr. Yim!”

“They sure are,” Barry says. “Can we see the next exhibit in the next chamber?”

“You’re ready to see the next exhibit?” Mr. Yim asks.

“I think we are.”

“Oh yeah? I’m not too sure about that Mr. Barry.”

“You’re not too sure about it? Why not?”


“With the way you were all carrying on a little while ago, thinking that I kidnapped Diane D and Dana to have them pose as their own wax figures and thinking that I drugged them, I’m afraid to bring you all into the next chamber!”

“Oh yeah?” Margarita asks. “Why? Do the wax figures in the next chamber look that real also? If you didn’t make the wax figures of Diane and Dana look so real Mr.

Yim, we wouldn’t have gotten carried away like that!”

“That’s true Mr. Yim,” Grandpa Mike says. “Can you blame us?”

“I guess not,” Mr. Yim says. “I understand. Okay, let’s go inside the next chamber.”

Mr. Yim turns and walks to the front of the chamber where the wall is. He approaches the light switch then turns the switch turning down the lights of the first chamber. He then turns and walks towards another small hallway on the opposite side of the chamber as Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives turn and follow him, leaving Diane D’s and Dana’s wax figures in the shadows in silhouettes.

Mr. Yim steps inside the other small dark hallway which is between the first and second chambers. He goes through the short narrow dim lit hallway heading towards the second chamber as Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives follow him inside.