Irony (Book 1) The Animal by Robert Shroud - HTML preview

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THE TOWN CAR’S odometer climbed to 70mph. As he weaved through Interstate traffic, Reg barked into the dashboard mounted cell phone.

“I’ve been staking out the city for this guy, and he was right under my nose.”

"You sure Fare is our man?"

"As sure as I was in the Darber case that the husband did it. One problem, though."


"Get to him before KIWI does.”

"Don’t they already know where he is?”

“Let’s just say I had to creatively maneuver some obstacles to get the information.”

Reuben understood. Once upon a time, he creatively maneuvered a few obstacles himself. "How far out are you?"

"Twenty minutes.”

"Great work, Reg, and don't worry, until we are ironclad, I’ll keep the lid on. I know you want your redemption."

Reg smirked, thinking about Reuben being a good man again. He gave him the address.

"That is close to home."




"De nada, partner, just remember, Saturday night—”

“Yeah, yeah, meet you at the quarterback, Senor Ballbuster."

Reg smiled again, and turned his right blinker on for a pass. His fleeting grin stretched taut when his mind returned to the Animal. Johnathan Fare was as much a victim as those he victimized. Dr. Whitfield’s case file read like a B-movie horror script. According to what he remembers, Fare wasn't kidnapped at all, his mother sold him to the Artemisians. Sold him!

Reg zoomed the Town Car around a Hyundai hatchback, and visited his favorite state again.

If it was true, and Johnathan’s mother did sell him to the cult, then Lilith Fare’s death in a home invasion was well deserved. According to Hilliard's notes, it happened six months after Johnathan arrived on his doorstep. That would have made it before he called Whitfield for her files.

Reg glanced at the dashboard clock—5:30PM—and wondered if Fare had anything to do with his own mother's death. Probably not, or the killings would have started then, instead of four months ago. Fate just stepped in and righted a wrong with a vengeance.

He cursed under his breath when he saw a glut of rush hour traffic ahead. He would have to call Reuben back and tell him forty five minutes.