Irony (Book 1) The Animal


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Published: 8 years ago

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Book Description HTML

Detective Reginald Thomas Williams was on the fast track to promotional success. Now, subsequent to the shooting, he is a man barely holding on. His wife left him. He’s two steps away from being a full blown alcoholic, and there is a serial killer nicknamed The Animal loose on Bay City’s streets. Can he hold it together long enough to get his man and reclaim his life?

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Robert Shroud

I could regale you with a biography which would include snippets of my life. I could highlight for you over forty years of both accomplishments and failures. Well, maybe not failures. I’ve never read an ‘about the author’ that included falling out of a tree in their youth. I have no grandiose yarns to spin here. I am just a guy who has always wanted to be a writer. I have been writing off and on since the age of twelve. What I want to do more than anything is concentrate on delivering you, the reader, quality works. If I can do that, then I believe over time you will come to know more about me than you ever wanted to. Sincerely, Robert Shroud.

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