Kakri: A Birthright Secrets Story by Tiffany Cherney - HTML preview

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The room grew brighter as Queen and Goddess past the first set of pillars and opened wide. The ground shifted slightly as they walked but not like before, more bouncy than anything. Glancing down Kakri saw the entire thing was coated by the glowing web. She turned her head left and right looking around apprehensively. The chamber was suspiciously silent; Ahiel wasn’t even waiting in the center for a final gloating session. She had to stifle a laugh; that would be such a mortal villain thing to do. At the same time he would do it, if only to comment on how disappointed he was in how the game turned out. Liz turned around to check behind them as they continued forward toward the center of the chamber. Looking up, Kakri stopped as the light glinted off a giant thing hanging from the ceiling draped in the webbing like the rest of the room.

“I remember,” she breathed.

“Do you think we are in the correct room?” Liz asked over her shoulder

“Definitely,” Kakri replied vaguely, keeping her eyes on the thing above them.

“How do you know?”

“Look up. That if I remember right that diamond is what became known as the Blessing of the Goddess, my gift of esteem to your family.”

“Does it have any properties?”

“It meant good for them; it meant that things would be better. If they chose they could have used this to buy most anything in the realm.”

“Instead they kept it safe and in a place of honor by the looks of things.”


A loud skittering noise was heard from overhead and a pale form lowered itself from near the diamond. It fell elegantly from a long strand of silk, its arms, both claws and humanoid extended in almost a welcome. It was female, with long dark hair that looked rather unkempt all around its head with dark eyes that blended with the shadows. Its body was nude but covered with almost armor along the torso leaving only the head and arms bare. Kakri reached out with her powers as it descended to find Ahiel’s presence absent. Next to her she saw the glint of metal as Liz formed two daggers in her hands and slashed a slit in her skirts for more mobility, ready to attack when needed.

“I’ve been expecting you,” the Esaira said, almost pouting. Its voice was graceful, unlike its rough appearance, streaked in dirt and grime. “Because of you I couldn’t play with my new toy or eat.”

She waved her hand behind her vaguely and another piece of silk lowered. In the center of which Terra rested unconscious, her head rolling next to her chest as the silk swung and the Esaira reached behind her.

“Terra!” shouted Liz.

She glanced at them laughing at the concern on their faces. As the web sung like a pendulum one last time she flung out an arm and webbing shot out effectively sticking Terra to a column near the floor. She hit with a loud thud which caused her head to bounce off the stone. “She lives,” the Esaira said softly. Its face twisted in a menacing smile. Her tongue flicked across pointed teeth. “For now- but I’m awfully hungry. You two seem to be good to start though.” She extended her other hand and shot webbing out at the women; they leapt opposite ways and rolled to avoid it.

“Oh, don’t struggle. Your friend learned the hard way about that, part of her arm got burned.” She laughed as Kakri looked alarmed at that news remembering the cloth. “Oh please, my Lord was quite specific on what I’m allowed to do. It didn’t eat much flesh.”

The Esaira charged at Liz, Liz swept underneath and slashed at a leg, the weapon bounced off. The Esaira roared in laughter rising to almost a shriek as her mirth grew. “Lord Ahiel was quite generous to ensure my survival. That means my outer shell can’t be touched my mortal weapons.”

Go to Terra, Kakri ordered silently. I doubt he would have thought of two people being here. Once she is free, go to the doors and get clear of this room.

Liz gave her a small look as though wondering what she was going to do, Kakri grinned at her. “Ahiel, I know you’re here!”

“Why would Lord Ahiel answer to you?”

“Because I am his equal and his superior at the same time,” Kakri replied. “Unless he’s lost all sense, he’ll answer.”

“You won’t deny me my food,” the Esaira cried. It lunged toward her but not before flinging webbing at Liz. Kakri quickly pushed her power around the queen and caused it to fly throughout the room, landing in splatters as it fell. “You won’t deny me!”

Kakri pushed off the ground causing more webbing to split to avoid the claws coming at her. In the damaged area she could see the glint of gold. “Of course. It is why that entry said that the room was unreachable. You’ve lived here the whole time,” she said to the Esaira.

“I’ve adapted to my preferences, for instance such a waste that pile upon pile of gold. It became part of the floor.” The Esaira swung again, the claws snapping. Kakri launched back again toward the door. She could see Liz now reaching Terra and starting to work on webbing that was trapping her friend.

Just need to keep it busy a bit longer. Kakri rushed to the opposite side and landed atop a pillar that had separated from the ceiling. The Esaira followed the bait, launching more webbing up to the side and raising itself up. It threw out more directly at her, Kakri didn’t try to avoid it, and instead she activated a similar shield that she used to protect Liz. Once more the webbing was thrown all over even some hitting the Esaira itself. Kakri then took her hands and launched a cone of wind at the Esaira causing it to rip from its perch and fall back toward the ground. In a panic the Esaira quickly tossed more silk at the bottom of Kakri’s shield to keep itself from being damaged from the fall.

On the ground it assessed the damage; part of its torso had the exoskeleton cracked. “How?” it demanded.

Kakri grinned from her perch. “You said mortal weapons couldn’t hurt you thanks to Ahiel. Well, I’m not mortal.”

The shadows grew over the width of the room; they could feel the fury emanating from them. Some smaller creatures seemed to move about in around them and Kakri could see Liz move to brace for an attack. It’s not real; he’s trying to worry us. Keep going with Terra I’ll deal with him. Below her she could see the Esaira trying to patch up the damage. She sent another blast of power out, striking it where humanoid and spider met. It reared on its legs, screaming in fury and pain. As it lowered, she could see more of the shell damaged. The scream was joined by a deeper yell and the shadows seemed to swoop in and gather around the Esaira. Kakri watched from above, as the shadow caused its form to disappear from sight as they swirled around. Ahiel was so busy tending to it he didn’t notice that Liz had freed Terra and now was going behind him. As the shadow disappeared it streamed into the wounds covering them in a morphing skin that wavered constantly.

Kakri smirked, “I must have damaged her more than it appears. But then, she’s meant for unchallenged meals, isn’t she?”

“You would destroy life, sister?” The Esaira’s voice was its own but also had a male quality to it, giving it harshness. “Drive this species to extinction like your precious humans did?”

“To save lives, yes.” Kakri was pushed down by the force of Ahiel’s push of power, she quickly recovered and used hers to go further into the chamber and draw him away from the door. Ahiel raised the Esaira’s claws and humanoid hands flinging power at her in constant bursts. Shards of stone sprayed as they impacted the walls and floor beneath the webbing. Kakri was on the defensive entirely unable to attack to stop his host from being a vessel for him anymore. That was fine though, as long as the mortals were out of danger she could keep going for as long as was needed.

“So this is what you are trying?” Ahiel sneered. He swung the body back toward the door and waved his hands causing the door to swing shut with a loud bang. He took a pillar that had fallen during Kakri’s evading and slammed it against the door held in place by phantom holders. He took a step towards them; Kakri could see the ball of energy gathering in both claws. Liz shifted Terra’s limp form somewhat behind her and grabbed a large, ornate shield. Ahiel laughed causing that odd voice to shriek and cackle at the same time. “Like that will stop me.” He jutted both clawed arms toward the ceiling. “Time to take care of this plague once and for all. Without you, chaos will reign again and the natural selection will continue.”

“Why do you say that all the time?” Liz demanded, laying Terra on the floor and taking a step forward. “Even throughout the years of chaos and changing leaders there was still good and order.” She brought her one hand back hidden just enough by the shield she held. “Your plans never came true fully. Sure, the races took on old habits but there was no extinction and that was over half a century left alone. What makes you so certain that if I am gone it will happen now?”

“You represent hope and brought it back together, it would easily fall apart.” The ball of power grew until it blotted out the claw.

Liz laughed. “Like Kakri said earlier, you really underestimate humans.” She heaved her arm forward with all her might as it reached the perfect moment she released a blade which struck the Esaira in the chest where the neck joined torso. “Apparently only the shell is mortal proof.”

“Ahiel!” Kakri cried. He turned slightly as the Esaira roared in pain in its voice alone. “Have a token of my regard.” She heaved a ball of raging wind at him striking him in the back causing the Esaira to stagger and fall to its knees. The ball of energy wavered and then disappeared as shadows grew around the body again. Kakri knew she had to make the next blast be the final one so she steeled herself and closed her eyes to gather what strength would be needed to break Ahiel’s control of his host as well as destroy the creature so he couldn’t simply repair it. The damage that Liz had dealt under most circumstances would be near fatal; its pervious wounds meant that Ahiel had already used a lot of energy to keep the Esaira upright.

The screaming of the Esaira as it was repaired faded to the distance to her ears as the wind raged around her and her power gathered. Her limbs tingled as it grew she could feel the air bend and contort around her as it filled with her rage, her passion and her fury at Ahiel. Emotions to him were a weakness but her powers thrived on it.  For a split second, as she had almost gathered what she could, she swayed and stumbled breaking her concentration.

“Kakri!” Liz yelled.

Kakri looked over where the Queen of Segennya had tucked herself and Terra since the way out was cut off. Terra had regained consciousness though she looked quite dazed as she hung onto Liz for balance. I am fine, little one. Kakri replied closing her eyes once more and gathering her focus the best she could. Nice to see you awake Terra.

Several more minutes passed and she could feel Ahiel’s unleashed power lessen and become more constricted. He’s staunched most of the wounds with his illusionary skin technique which is a constant taxing on him. She informed the two mortals. Get as far back as you can, when I unleash this it will be quite violent.

She waited for a few moments to ensure they were able to do as she asked. As her senses came back to the room more she could hear the shifting as the Esaira’s body got back on its feet. Her eyes snapped open as Ahiel stared her down, her hair as it whipped around, partly obscuring her vision. She drew her power inward to be released at once, rising a bit off the ground, her dirt covered gown whipping about her feet.

“What is this?” Ahiel asked.

Kakri said nothing, simply continuing to gather her strength and smiled.  A moment of panic appeared on the Esaira’s face as she extended a hand.

“This ends here Ahiel. It is time for you to rest and consider things. Hopefully you will see the error in this.” Pushing with all her might she unleashed all she had in one motion. Over the roar of her wind she could hear them scream. Taking her other hand she manipulated the vortex and intertwined both of them in it. She could feel the faint push of Ahiel trying desperately to hold on to his precious Esaira. She kept pouring her power; wavering slightly in the effort to do so. Her vision narrowed suddenly and she felt her strength wane, try as she might she couldn’t hold it anymore. As the ground rushed to meet her she saw the bare form of the Esaira fall to the ground limp with Ahiel’s dark form around it in a vapor. I did what I meant to do. As her eyes fluttered shut she barely registered Ahiel’s safeguards overhead breaking apart.