Kakri: A Birthright Secrets Story by Tiffany Cherney - HTML preview

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Liz lifted her hand from where it was over her face and looked at Terra who was doing the same. The debris was still settling slightly but the center of the chamber appeared calm from where they had taken refuge behind the pillar.

“I think we can go out now,” she told Terra.

Terra nodded, “I think so te.” She took in Liz’s state of dress for the first time, the piece of gown wrapped around her hand from where she had cut herself to open the door. “What have ye two been doin’ while we’ve been separated?”

“You do not want to know.” Liz sighed. “But I will tell you later, preferably over a large pitcher ale or something stronger.”

“That sounds lovely,” Terra replied as they staggered around the pillar and toward the center of the room. “Wonder if Kakri might be wantin’ te join us?”

“Ask her when we get there.” They rounded the final set of pillars and looked across the empty space. Right underneath the diamond she pointed out as being her blessing Kakri lay sprawled across the floor, Ahiel and the Esaira not too far away. All three were motionless. “Ye don’ think…”

Liz formed her blade back into her free hand. “Come on, as fast as we can.”

They half jogged the remaining distance, Liz let Terra go and changing dagger into sword once more she extended it and went toward the motionless Esaira. Prodding it slightly she noticed the shell was shredded and completely missing in some areas. Whatever Kakri had unleashed, it had done its task. Moving up she saw a giant hole in the torso and lowered her weapon before turning back to Terra and Kakri.

“It will not be bothering us any time soon.” She rejoined them. “How is she?”

Terra looked up concerned. “I don’ know. How do ye tell if a God is dead or alive?”

The door burst open sending the column flying and crashing into walls causing both women to turn in concern and use their bodies to protect the Goddess on the ground. Two bright lights turned into women who strode toward them in long trailing gowns. They were Eiren in appearance but Liz had little doubt to their true nature. She gave them a low curtsy while Terra attempted to do the same. “Can you help her?” Liz asked.

One broke away and went toward Ahiel, murmuring something and then causing him and herself to disappear while the other knelt beside Kakri. “You foolish woman,” the woman muttered. “You should have simply broken the seal instead of playing his game.” She looked up at them, tears filling her silver-grey eyes. “She gave you no warning?”

“Only enough te get back.” Terra replied.

“What did she do?” Liz asked.

“She used her remaining strength to break the creature, remove Ahiel and weaken him as well so we would discover what was going on.” The woman shook her head.

“Then she’s…” Terra couldn’t say the words.

“No, no she is not.” The Goddess quickly said. “It will be a long time though before she has her strength back and is able to visit like she does.”

“Eir..aen…” Kakri stirred, the words were barely able to be heard.

“Yes?” The Goddess, Eiraen asked.

“How bad…outside?”

“Very. The palace is almost gone. Thankfully most got out during the first shaker though. There are some decent injuries but they are being tended to.” Kakri’s eyes opened a sliver and she stared at Eiraen. “I knew you would ask,” Eiraen offered as an explanation.


“He is as weak as you if not weaker. He will be dealt with.”

“How will you deal with him?” Liz asked.

Eirean looked into her eyes. “He will be sealed up for a century in your years. Unable to leave his home and forced to observe the mortal realms. He will be a good alarm system while Kakri rests.”

“Like he’d warn of anythin’” Terra muttered causing her to get an elbow from Liz.

Eiraen smiled rather grimly. “He will, one way or another. His sentenced is also extended if he shrinks from this duty.” Her eyes fell back on Kakri who moved her hand slightly trying to regain Eiraen’s attention.

“You…know…what … I want…”

Eiraen looked down slightly as though embarrassed. “You cannot do that right now.”

“You… do … it…”

“All of it?”

“Entrances… debris…traps…”

Kakri’s eyes fluttered shut once more and Eiraen sighed. “You do not ask for small things, sister.” She stood. “Lona, Lepah, Apoxas, Emasir and Jeleo, come to me my siblings we need to grant our sister’s request.”

More balls of light shot into the room and circled around Liz, Terra, Kakri, Eiraen and the dead Esaira. The mortals could feel the power fill the room as the earth shook once more though it seemed to be less. The balls of light grew brighter and brighter as the shaking steadily increased. Dust kicked up in the room causing both Liz and Terra to hide their faces once more- then all was still. Liz felt a hand on her shoulder. She lifted her face as the balls of light darted back out of the room and gazed around in wonder. The room was clear of the Esaira’s web and the body was gone as though it had never been there. She looked back at Kakri and Eiraen, the latter was gathering up Kakri in her arms and standing, apparently getting ready to depart. “You will find all the native traps reset and clearly marked for you right now so you can document their place. This is your palace now, the wreckage has been cleared and what was able to be saved from your former home moved here as well. We have also, as Kakri wanted, opened both passages clearly; expect your people to find you soon.”

“Thank you, so very much,” Liz replied.

“Thank Kakri,” Eiraen corrected. “She might have a point though, even with us among you things still go on as we are not here. Perhaps we will see more of one another but it will be gradual.”

“We look forward to it.”

“An’ Kakri,” Terra said. “She’ll be okay?”

“She will be fine, no doubt right now her attendants are returned to her home and readying for her return. Under their and our care her powers and strength will come back.”

“Good to hear,” Liz said. “Have her visit or send word when she is up to it. And tell her thanks for everything. It was somewhat… fun.”

Eiraen nodded and both Goddess forms faded into a bright light that whizzed out of the room. Left alone Liz took the room in again. The entire floor was littered with coins and treasures of all kinds stacked almost halfway up the wall in some places. She looked up at the ceiling where the Blessing of the Goddess shone in the new light. “So…” Terra began looking around herself. “This is all yers now, huh?”

“It appears so.”

“Whatcha gonna do with it?”

Liz raised an eyebrow. “Probably use some to get these more essential but difficult to fund projects going…” She pulled Terra out of the room, and motioned for her to take a side. Right before they pulled it closed she saw a key sticking out of the keyhole with a gold chain attached. She peered back in the room remembering what had just happened. Smiling she nodded to Terra and they pulled the doors shut, as they clicked she took the key and locked it back up, putting it for now around her neck for safe keeping. Outside the blades were still and a level to turn them on and off glowed slightly, laughing Liz ran across, Terra close on her heels and pressed the switch making a mental note where it was so she could write it down. They wound through the rest of the corridors, eventually arriving back at the same staircase that Liz and Kakri had slid down. Now though other paths to different areas on this level were painfully clear. Climbing back up Liz saw from the windows in the staircase a procession of people starting to trickle out of the opening they had come through high above the water.

“Can ye tell who made it?” Terra asked during one of these stops.

“No, but we will find out soon enough.” Reaching the top floor they found it much more inviting then it was during their last visit. The shadows even in the inner corridors were gone, much more just a dimness due to lack of light. Despite the weakness in her new friend that was a result of their adventure Liz looked around with keen interest and a lighter heart. The building was still dusty from disuse but it would be easy to remedy. They could make out the footprints where their trip had taken them last time including where the floor fell out from under Terra. She shuttered as she hurried past the spot. “So, what did happen after your leaving us with that?”

“I’d rather not talk about it.”

Liz looked concerned. “You sure?”

“Aye, let’s just say I’ll be havin’ nightmares about spiders for a long time.”

“I think we both might.” They reached the outer doors and stopped for a moment; Liz turned her back to them and peered up and down the halls.

“What is it, lass?”

“Taking it all in one last time before the throngs invade and I rarely get a moment peace to enjoy the beauty of it.”


Liz chuckled, “Yes, beauty. Despite what happened below it still is a nice palace.”

“If ye say so lass.  Luckily I’ll just be a visitor on occasion.”

“Really? So you do not want to beat Cat in picking out a suite to use when you stay overnight?”

“Of course I do!” Terra protested. “One that overlooks te water would be nice. Actually let me go look.” She wandered back down the hall.

Liz grinned as she watched her walk off. That is one way to help ease what just happened. Still grinning she opened the door to see Kellin, Cat and William attempting to calm the masses. They saw her approach and she heard several gasps at her appearance.

“What happened to you?” Cat demanded as she reached them.

“What are the casualties?”

“Mostly banged up, we got out before the whole thing went,” Kellin replied, pulling her close.

“But now it’s all gone!” Cat shouted.

Liz pulled away and smiled. “I know, but we have the replacement and it did not even cost a copper.”

“Which is?” William asked.

Liz waved her arm behind her. “Turns out this has been here the whole time. It’s already defensible, but will need cleaning.”

Cat shifted and looked around, “Wait, where’s Terra?”

“Inside looking for a suite to claim.”

Cat bristled and looked like she was going to ask. “Go ahead; just don’t touch anything on the walls or looks off.”


“Let us just say this place is very defensible even on the inside.”

Cat bounded off and William shouted the news starting the flood of people inside repeating the warning several times and sending guards to help baby sit the eager nobles to see the new palace. “Why do you not follow Cat, William?” Liz suggested. “I have a feeling she will be in trouble soon.”

He gave them a bow and left them alone as a slow trickle of people still came past. “So what’s this place really?” Kellin asked.

“Our new home,” Liz pulled him close and kissed him repeatedly before pulling back and leading them up the stairs. “Let us just say this has been in the family for generations and provides means we did not have before.”

“You’re gonna tell me what happened, right?”

“Eventually,” Liz grinned. “Now come on, before all the good suites are taken!”

The door swung shut and a bright light hovered as more people walked past and marveled at the sight of it at the end of a prism of color that spanned the waterfall on the opposite side of the cavern. The colors never faded though the light did, ages on it became known as Eirean’s light, another blessing of the Gods.