Killed Once, Lived Twice by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 15


Some time passed, and Kenneth still watched Jennifer's house from the shadows by the side of Michael's garage.

He took another drink from his flask. He looked at Jennifer's house and saw her bedroom light turn on.

He looked over at Michael's house, and Michael's bedroom window was turned off.

Kenneth smiled while he shoved the flask back in his back pant pocket.

He removed a ski mask from his other back pocket. He slipped the mask over his head.

Kenneth rushed off through Michael's yard and headed to Jennifer's house.

Kenneth snuck over to Jennifer's bedroom.

He peeked through the crack in her bedroom window curtains.

Through the crack, he saw Jennifer in her bedroom while she sat at her chair in front of her makeup desk naked. She just got out of the shower, and she brushed her hair with her glasses off.

Kenneth unzipped his pants while he watched Jennifer brusher hair. He could see her bare breasts in the reflection of the mirror of the makeup desk.

 He pulled his dick out and started stroking it while he drooled at the sight of her bare breasts in the mirror.

Jennifer stood up, and he saw her bare ass cheeks. He stroked faster. He watched while she turned around and he saw her patch of black pubic hair. He stroked faster and started to moan. He stroked faster.

"Ahhh!" he cried out when he had his orgasm.

He had his dick in his hand when he saw Jennifer looking through her curtains to investigate that sound she heard outside.

Jennifer's eyes widened when she saw the masked man. But it was too dark for her to see his dick in his hand.

She screamed from inside her bedroom then ran away from the window.

Kenneth panicked and ran away with his dick protruding from his opened zipper.

He ran to the other side of her house.

Kenneth ran through the side of her yard and to the street. 

He ran down the street to where his Bel-Air was parked three houses down from Jennifer's house.

He got inside his car, started it up, and drove away from Michael and Jennifer's house.

While he drove down the other end of Dorothy Avenue, he realized the tip of his dick protruded out of his opened zipper. He zipped it up.

Back at Michael's house, he lay on the couch and stared at the ceiling in deep thought.

In Michael's bedroom, Abby lay in her pajamas under the covers in Michael's bed. She stared at the ceiling in deep thought. 

Abby suddenly had a panicked feeling. She sat up in bed and had this strange feeling something creepy just happened.

She heard the phone ringing from the kitchen.

That was a sign to her that something happened, so she got out of bed.

She headed to the bedroom door and left the room.

While Abby walked down the hallway, the phone stopped ringing.

"Osborne residence," she heard Michael say while he answered the phone in the kitchen.

"What?" she heard Michael from the kitchen, and it sounded like something was wrong.

Abby walked into the kitchen and saw Michael in his pajamas on the phone. He looked upset.

"I'll be right over," he said into the phone then hung it up.

He turned and looked at Abby. "Jennifer saw a peeping tom outside her bedroom window. She called the police."

Martha and Harry walked into the kitchen.

"Who called?" Martha asked.

"Jennifer. She caught a peeping tom outside her bedroom window."

"Oh, my," Maratha said, then looked worried.

Harry looked pissed. "I'll get my shotgun," he said turned around and went into the hallway.

"No, dad. The peeping tom ran off. Jennifer called the police. They're on their way over," he said then walked out of the kitchen.

Harry returned to the kitchen.

"I'm going over to Jennifer's house," he said while he walked through the living room.

"I'm coming along," Abby said then she rushed out of the kitchen and headed to the living room.

Martha and Harry looked worried.

Michael and Abby rushed over to Jennifer's front door.

Michael opened the door and rushed inside with Abby right behind him.

Once he got inside her living room, she saw Jennifer sitting on the couch, shaken up.

Michael ran over to the couch and sat down next to her.  He placed an arm around her shoulder for comfort.

Abby closed the front door behind her then walked over to the couch. 

She sat down next to her and touched her back for comfort.

"Did he try to break in?" Michael asked.

"No, he was peeking at me. I was naked since I just got out of the shower."

Abby looked at Jennifer, and she had another strange déjà-vu feeling.

A flashing red light suddenly became visible through living room curtains.

"The police are here," Abby said while she looked at the curtains.

There was a knock on the door.

Michael got up off the couch and walked to the door. He opened it, and Officer Williams stood outside.

"We got a call about a peeping tom," Officer Williams.

"Yes, my fiancé Jennifer lives here," Michael said then moved to the side. "Please come in," he added.

Officer Williams stepped inside the living room. 

"My partner is looking around the backyard for any signs of the guy," Officer Williams said while he removed a small pad of paper and pen from his shirt pocket. "I'll need a statement," he told Jennifer.

While Jennifer provided what little information she could provide, the other police officer searched all around Jennifer's and the neighbor's yards.

Five minutes passed, and there was a knock on the door.

Officer Williams opened the door, and Kenneth rushed inside with a fake look of concern. Kenneth wore brown suit pants, a white shirt, and his brown suit jacket.

"Hi detective," Officer Williams said the second he saw Kenneth.

"Is Jennifer okay? I heard on the radio while I left the diner that a peeping tom was in her backyard."

"She's fine. The peeping tom just watched her. He didn't try to break in," Michael replied.

"Did you catch him?" Kenneth asked Officer Williams.

"My partner is searching the grounds now."

There was another knock on the door.

Officer Williams opened the door, and his partner Officer Adams stepped inside.

"I searched her yard and the neighbor's yard. Nothing," Officer Adams told his partner. He saw Kenneth. "Hi, detective."

"This creep is probably long gone by now. I'll talk with some of the neighbors tomorrow to see if they saw the guy," Kenneth said.

Officers Williams and Adams nodded in agreement.

"Did you get a good look at the creep?" Kenneth asked Jennifer.

"No. He wore a ski mask," Jennifer replied.

Kenneth looked at the two officers. "I would recommend units do a little more patrolling around the other neighborhoods in case this creep wants to do this somewhere else."

The two officers nodded in agreement then left the living room through the front door.

"Michael, why don't I stay here at Jennifer's until the wedding. In case this creep shows up again," Kenneth offered.

Michael looked at Kenneth and nodded that he agreed. "Thanks."

Jennifer looked at Kenneth. "Thanks. I'll feel safer."

Abby looked at Kenneth and got an eerie déjà-vu feeling. But she couldn't explain it.

"It's getting late, and we have work in the morning," Michael said then stood up off the couch.

Jennifer stood up from the couch, and Michael gave her a kiss.

Michael shook Kenneth's hand, thanking him for watching over Jennifer.

Abby stood up from the couch, gave Jennifer a hug.

Michael walked to the front door.

Abby walked to the front door where Kenneth opened out his arms for a hug. 

Abby looked at Michael and Jennifer, who looked like they expected her to hug him.

She let Kenneth hug her, and she did not enjoy it.

Kenneth let Abby go, and she left the house with Michael.

Kenneth closed the front door then looked at Jennifer.

"I'll get you a blanket and pillow for the couch," she said, then headed out of the living room.

Outside Jennifer's house, Michael and Abby walked through her front yard.

"Thanks for coming over. I know Jennifer appreciated it," he said.

To Abby's surprise, Michael placed an arm around her in a friendly way.

They walked back to his house.

Hours had passed, and Jennifer's house was dark and quiet.

In the living room, Kenneth lay under a blanket on the couch in his tee-shirt and boxers.

He sipped on his flask while he stared at the other side of the living room in the direction of the hallway. He put the cap back in the flask. 

He got up with the flask and walked over to the nearby chair that had his clothes. He tucked his flask in the inside pocket of his suit jacket.

He listened for any sounds of Jennifer. 

The house was quiet.

He gingerly walked out of the living room and headed down the hallway.

He gingerly walked down the hallway to the bathroom at the end of the hall.

He stopped by Jennifer's closed bedroom door. He pressed his ear against the door for any sounds of activity inside her room. It was quiet inside her room, so he slowly turned the doorknob and cracked the door open.  He paused for any signs of Jennifer. It sounded quiet inside her room. 

He slowly opened her bedroom door and peeked inside. Through the crack of the opening, he saw Jennifer sound asleep on her back in bed.

He opened the door opened a little more and quietly stepped inside her bedroom. He knew she was a heavy sleeper, so the chances of her waking up were slim.

He stood by the door and waited to see if Jennifer would wake up. She did not stir in bed.

He carefully walked toward her bed.

She did not move.

He gingerly walked over to her bed and stood by it. He stared down at her with lust in his heart. He leaned down and flicked her bangs out of her eyes.

He waited to see if she would wake up. She did not, so he leaned down and gave her a light kiss on her cheek. She stirred but remained asleep.

He walked over to her dirty clothes hamper.

He opened it up, reached inside and removed a pair of her panties. He shoved his nose into the inside of the panties crotch. He dropped the panties back into the hamper.

He turned around and gingerly walked back to the door.

He left her bedroom and quietly closed the door behind him.

Kenneth walked down the hallway proud of himself for his perverted successes tonight.

He walked back into the living room and headed back to the couch.

He got back on the couch and got under the covers. He closed his eyes the second his head hit the pillow.