Killed Once, Lived Twice by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 16


Thursday morning arrived.

Kenneth got up before Jennifer and headed out to go to his apartment to change suits.

Jennifer got up after he left and got ready for work; she headed over to Michael's house.

During the drive to the college, there was a small talk between Michael, Abby, and Jennifer.

After Michael parked his car, the three walked to the Science Department building.

After Michael gave Jennifer, a good-bye kissed, she headed off to the Engineering Department building.

Michael and Abby went inside their building.

Once they were in the main hallway, Abby looked at Michael. "You're okay with Kenneth staying at Jennifer's house?"

"Sure. We've been best friends since the first grade. I trust him."

Michael smiled at Abby while he turned down another hallway and headed to his office.

Abby looked a little unsure while she headed to Dr. Bowman's office.

Later that afternoon, Abby was typing at her desk, and she started to master the typewriter.

The office area door opened and Kenneth stepped inside.

Abby was busy typing and did not notice Kenneth while he walked up to her desk. "Hello, Abby."

Abby glanced up from her typewriter and did not look thrilled with the sight of Kenneth.

"I was thinking of taking you to lunch."

Abby looked disinterested. "I'm sorry, but I have too much work for lunch."

While Kenneth stared at Abby, her desk phone rang.

"Doctor Bowman's office. May I help you?" she answered the call.

Abby listened to the caller and ignored Kenneth.

He fumed inside while she ignored him. He turned around and headed to the door.

"I would love to," she said into the phone with a smile.

Kenneth left the office area.

Out in the hallway, Kenneth looked angry while he stormed down the hall.

A male jock with a crew cut wearing a letterman's sweater walked in front of Kenneth then stopped suddenly causing Kenneth and him to bump into each other.

"Watch it asshole," Kenneth snarled at the jock then pushed him aside.

The jock got pissed and inched at Kenneth with clenched fists ready to duke it out in the hallway.  

Kenneth flashed his police badge. 

The jock motioned he was sorry and rushed off afraid of being arrested.

Kenneth stormed down the hallway pushing other students out of his way.

A little while later, Abby and Jennifer sat at a table in the packed college cafeteria.

"Kenneth came by my office fifteen minutes ago. He wanted to take me to lunch."

"Why didn't you go?"

"I don't know. He's been coming on to me, but he's not my type."

"Kenneth has a hard time with women. They don't find him attractive. He tried to date me, but I've always had my eyes on Michael."

"You know something strange. Since I was a young girl, I've always wanted to name my son Michael Christopher," said Abby.

"Really? How did you know Michael's name was Christopher?"

Abby felt a little caught, and she scrambled in her brain for a believable answer. "I saw the wedding invitation to Michael's house."

"Do I have to worry about you trying to steal Michael from me?"

"Oh, no. Both of you belong together. I'll never be a threat."

"I'm just teasing. I trust you for some strange reason."

Abby looked relieved.

"Listen, I was thinking. I'm short one bridesmaid, so I thought you could fill-in? You're the same size as Betsy, so I already have a dress. She had to rush off to Ohio because her grandmother became deathly ill."

"I would love that."

"Good, we have rehearsal tonight at the church then dinner afterward."

Abby and Jennifer did not notice Kenneth spying from outside at one of the windows from across the cafeteria. Kenneth looked furious while he rushed away from the window.

Later that afternoon in the detective's room at the police station, Kenneth sat behind his desk dialing a number on his desk phone.

"Orlando police department, how may I help you?" an officer answered the call.

"This is Detective Kenneth Mueller from the police department in Barbourville, Pennsylvania. We have a lady up here named Abby Austin who claims she came from your city. I'm doing a background check on her for her employment with the Barbourville College. I'm trying to verify she lived in Orlando and if she has a criminal record."

"Abby Austin. I'll get back with you. What's your number, Detective Mueller?"

"Five, five, five, one eight zero eight."

"Got it. I should have a response later today."

"Thank you, officer."

Kenneth hung up his phone and looked suspicious.

The workday was over, and Michael, Jennifer, and Abby left the campus parking lot in his Bel-Air.

Michael turned his car left onto Shady Hill Avenue from the college parking lot.

"Oh, Betsy couldn't be one of my bridesmaids, so I asked Abby to fill in."

"That would be great," he said then thought about Betsy. "I hope her grandmother gets better," Michael added.

"Plus Kenneth's been coming around trying to take out Abby," Jennifer said.

Michael turned his car right down Bumby Avenue.

"This isn't the way home," Jennifer said.

"I figured we have some time, so I thought we could show Abby a little part of our town."

Michael turned his car right on Juniper Avenue. 

Down Juniper and to the right was the Peterson Elementary School.

"Here's where Jennifer and I sent to elementary school."

Abby looked at the school while the car got closer. She got another strong déjà-vu feeling while Michael stopped his car by the curb. She heard the voices of two young kids in her mind.

"Hi, my name is Jennifer. What's yours?" the voice of a young Jennifer was heard in Abby's mind.

"I'm Michael," the voice of young Michael was heard in Abby's mind.

Abby looked a little baffled by the voices in her head.

"This is where I first met the love of my life."

"It was the first day of first grade. My dad moved to the house next to Michael's a day before first grade started. Before that we lived on the other side of town," Jennifer said.

Abby turned and gave Michael and Jennifer a warm smile but then felt sad for Michael.

Michael drove his car off down the street then stopped at the stop sign. He made a left turn onto York Avenue.

Abby looked over at Jennifer and Michael and saw she had her head rested on his shoulder while he drove down York Avenue. 

She looked away.

Michael turned his car to the left onto Thorndale Avenue.

He drove down Thorndale a little way then turned left down Oak Avenue.

Up ahead to the left was a little league baseball field.

Michael stopped his car and looked at the baseball field. "Here's where Kenneth and I had our first fight," he said then recalled the memory with a chuckle. "I was pitching, and Kenneth was the batter. I struck him out, and he got pissed, flung his bat at me then charged after the mound."

"Kenneth has a bit of temper, but he's still been a good friend," Jennifer added.

"He got his temper under control years ago," Michael said.

Abby glanced at the field. No voices. No strange déjà-vu.

Michael drove his car off down the street.

"We love Kenneth. But what he really needs is a woman," Jennifer said while Michael turned left down Rancher Avenue.

Up ahead to the right was a small city park.

Michael stopped his car by the entrance to the park. They all glanced at it.

"This is where Michael finally got the nerve to kiss me."

Michael smiled recalling that day. "I was scared to death. Shoot, I was only fourteen and never kissed a girl."

Abby saw a large oak tree to the right of the park. She got a strange feeling of being kissed. "He kissed you by that large oak tree."

Michael and Jennifer looked surprised.

"How did you know that?" Michael asked.

"Educated guess. My first kiss from my ex-boyfriend was also by a large tree," she lied.

Abby looked at Jennifer and Michael just in time to see her give him a quick kiss on his lips. She felt the kiss on her lips. It felt wonderful.

Michael drove away down the street then turned left on Broadmoor Avenue.

"Michael proposed to me at his parent's cabin after we graduated from college."

"That's where we'll spend our honeymoon," Michael added. 

Jennifer snuggled closer to Michael.

Abby felt loved all of a sudden, and it was a great feeling.

Michael stopped at the red traffic light at the end of Broadmoor Avenue.

After the light turned green, Michael made a left turn and headed down Montvale Circle.

After a few minutes of the drive down Montvale, the Shumaker's Lounge was visible on the right side. The parking lot was packed.

Abby looked over at Michael and saw the bus station across the street from the lounge.

"And you know the bus station," Michael said while he saw Abby looking at it.

Michael drove down a little farther, and a considerable plant was visible to the right. 

"And there's the General Motors plant," he told Abby while he slowed down.

Abby looked out her window and saw a huge lot full of shiny new 1961 Bel-Airs and Corvairs ready to be transported to their dealers.

Michael continued his drive down Montvale Circle then made a left turn onto Woodland Avenue at the green traffic light.

Michael drove a little way down Woodland. "There's Piedmont where the Barbourville Motor Court is located. See, you were close to it on Sunday night," he said while he pointed to the right at Piedmont Avenue.

"Yeah, I see what you mean," Abby said, playing along.

While Michael drove down Woodland, Abby saw another newer neighborhood called Oak Forest Estates.

After a little farther drive down Woodland, Michael made a left turn on Dorothy Avenue coming in at the other south entrance to his neighborhood.

Michael drove down Dorothy Avenue and made a left turn into his driveway.